#Zamasu is pessimistic
windsofredemption · 1 year
"Zamasu, you do know why they're holding a meeting, right?"
"Unfortunately... So, I'm betting they're going to all cheer once I'm dead again. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if they demanded my head on a pike."
Chronoa pinched her forehead, sighing through her mouth. "Yeah... but I'm gonna try and appeal for you... to get them to spare you." She responded, before noticing the puzzled look on the taller shinjin's face. "What?"
"Why? Why are you going through so much effort to help me-After everything I've done?!"
A look of frustration crossed Zamasu's face, replacing the confusion. Why in all the hells does she think there's something to save of him?! He... he didn't get it..
"Because I know there's good in you, deep down. You went around it the extreme way, but you wanted to protect the universe. I want to help you reach the point where you don't hate mortals anymore. Besides... No one here really wants you dead-"
" I DO!!"
"Supreme Kai of Time, I still don't fathom the reason you want to help him!!"
Chronoa's eye twitched at Toki-Toki, Trunks and Elder Kai's unneeded input. "LESS TALK FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY!!" She yelled back, earning a huff from Elder Kai, a grunt of irritation from Trunks... annnnd Toki just tilting his head. Did the bird even know what they were talking about? " Annnnyway. If this works, I'll be putting you on more missions with Pumkin so you can adjust to it, and assign you a therapist so you can get out any emotions you still have...."
The fact she was willing to do all of this.. It irritated him, really. Why was she so stubborn?! He wasn't even evil- He was going to purge it!! But... he really couldn't say anything. She probably won't change her mind on defending him. Well, it should be funny to see her face fall when no one agrees. A small smirk formed on his face.
"Very Well. See if they do agree! I'll highly doubt it."
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 1 year
Random thing I was thinking but man the more I think about the ending to the Future Trunks saga in DBS the more angry I get about it. This dude's whole original story is about becoming this embodiment of hope, saving our timeline and being able to go back and save his own as well. It's cool and lots of time is spent on it so it feels well earned and seeing such a powerful Trunks easily demolish his Androids and Cell because of how powerful he's become is super cathartic, it's awesome. Then Super returns to the character facing him off against a being that just wants all mortals dead, and Trunks becomes the embodiment of hope once again and uses all the energy mortals gave him to defeat Zamasu. Sure, so far so good. And then Zamasu just turns into space clouds and we have to summon the god of existence to just destroy the entire timeline we worked so hard to save and then just send everyone into another one where none of this ever happened. What's the point? What did Trunks even go through then? Why would you realise the embodiment of mortal hope and make it literally worthless? It didn't make a difference. They could've just ditched the timeline to start with, what even was the point of any of it. It's such a pessimistic and nihilistic ending that I can't understand why they did it for an arc starring Trunks. Just pisses me off man.
Also mad about the filler ep where Bulma is working on the time machine and the fact that that didn't translate into Trunks being in the tournament of power but that bothers me significantly less lol
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