#Zander Driskell
silverduckie · 2 years
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I don’t want to talk right now, I just want your arms wrapped around me in this moment before it runs out.
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likeswallowstosea · 1 year
OPEN TO: Anyone CONNECTION IDEAS: Friend, acquaintance, enemy, a stranger who made the mistake of speaking to this man, etc etc MUSE: Zander Driskell MADE WITH: Beta Editor
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“Look, with all due respect, I have no idea what you just said and I really couldn’t give a fuck. Are you done yet?” It wasn’t exactly a lie, Zander had said with all due respect - but with how agitated he felt at the moment, he felt there was no respect due. Clearly they didn’t respect him considering they kept talking when he was visibly stressed out about something. “You can see I’m in the middle of something, right?”
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of-all-irrelevance · 4 years
Fane was having a good day. He slid some of the cereal out of his pocket, popping one of the pieces of cereal into his mouth. Disneyland certain was no Coney Island, but then again, he knew that there was a level of nostalgia with it for him. Disneyland was much larger, that was for sure. And it was fun.
Fane wasn’t sure how he’d managed to lose his buddy. Axel was probably the tallest guy in the park, and yet, here he was. He was looking for any kind of familiar face, maybe someone had seen where he’d gone. “Oh!” he said, jogging up to Balo’s brother. “Zander, right? Balo’s brother?”
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songsofacagedbird · 3 years
Self Para 003: But Don't You Waste the Suffering You've Faced, It Will Serve You in Due Time Word Count: 4,530 words Notes: I’ll probably reblog this onto Zander later too considering this is a duel POV one and he has his own section, although it is mostly Balo. Also this is pure angst, I’m sorry. I do feel like it is important to note that this self para did end up giving me second hand anxiety, so if you’re prone to anxiety right now or if you’re highly empathetic, please tread with caution. Thank you! TWs: Disownment, (Child) Abuse (mentioned, not actually occurring), Anxiety & Anxiety Attacks, Dysfunctional Family Dynamics, Suffocation (mentioned, not actually occurring), Blood Transfusions (mentioned, not actually occurring), murder / death (mentioned in threats)
Graduation was supposed to be exciting, a moment where she was bouncing off the walls as she eagerly said goodbye to this chapter of her life. So, why wasn’t Balo happy about it? It was almost as if she started to dread it more and more as the time passed, sure, she was relieved that it was almost summer vacation. She was still playing a certain phone call in the back of her head, how easy it could have been to- no, it didn’t matter. It didn’t do her any good to think about it, and so she shifts her attention back to packing up her room.
“They’re hosting a father's day's brunch, and I don’t want to go.” She tells the teddy bears on her shelf, knowing full well they can’t respond. But, that was what made telling them easy, they couldn’t react poorly to any secrets she whispered to them, they couldn’t worry about her, or say something that made her feel guilty for coming to them at all.
And despite how safe it was to talk to inanimate objects about everything, she’d much rather talk to Leo. He understood, probably more than anyone expected him too. Maybe they’d be able to find their own corner of the brunch on Sunday, say Zander was their father so they wouldn’t be excluded or something. Although, she was probably expected to sit with George and Jack, which, considering she’d heard through the grapevine he’d dumped Juliet, well, Balo wasn’t exactly excited to sit at a table with Jack and their adoptive parents in general after everything that had occurred the past several months, but especially now.
Maybe that made her a bad daughter, but, it was far from the first time she’d been one, and she’d doubted it’d be the last. After all there was a reason her own parents hadn’t wanted her, and she supposed that only made it worse. She wasn’t going to see her mom, she doubted Will could afford to fly in again, and Grace probably was going to try to protect herself. What was there to be excited about? She survived her last year at Luxor, but she’d survived plenty of bad situations before, it wasn’t worthy of celebration.
The shirt in her hands falls to the floor. Wait, what was that? Her head whips in the direction of the noise. Who was knocking on her door? She hadn’t been expecting anyone. Still, she picks up the article of clothing, quickly trying to fold it to pack before she forgot it.
“Balo, open up, we have a surprise for you!” Ches, but, what did she mean by a surprise? What had she roped Zander or Collen into this time? Balo sets the shirt onto the pile before she walks over to her bedroom door to open it.
Wait. Was that Grace and Will?
“Ohmygosh!” Balo throws herself at Will before reaching out to try Grace into a group hug, clinging to them closely. “When you guys hadn’t said anything, I thought that you weren’t-  because mom and dad-” She can’t help the tears rolling down her cheeks, the way she holds onto them even tighter.
“There, there.” Grace pats her back awkwardly, “we’re here. That’s what matters.” She’d never been the best with these kinds of emotions, Balo knew that, but she appreciated the effort, the attempt to comfort her. “But you might not-”
“What Gracie is trying to say is, we’re not the only surprise.” Will interrupts, “and they’re not all good. Lance is not happy I came.” Wait, why would Lance care? Unless…
Balo let’s go of her siblings immediately, turning to look at Zander and Ches. “What did you two do?” She hisses at them, but neither of them seemed keen either. Okay, so Ches hadn’t decided to do something like trying to repair family relationships, and while she feels guilty for even considering, for a moment, that Ches was capable of being so dumb. She knew that Ches didn’t always think through her plans to help, but she wouldn’t, not if she thought it’d hurt Balo.
“There’s a Father’s Day brunch, Balo. I didn’t do shit. Luxor sent out the invitation for me.” Zander groans, “but it’s going to be fine, because that means mom is coming too, which means he can’t really hurt her for talking to you right? There’s too many eyes. You can ask her all the questions you’ve been meaning to-”
“Yeah, Sherlock, until they go home.” Grace huffs, glancing over to Zander with a perplexed expression. “Did you even think before you opened your mouth?”
“She’s talking about leaving him, in case you didn’t get the memo, Grace. I know California is so great you can’t be bothered to pick up a phone call-”
“Enough.” Will interrupts the two, giving both Grace and Zander a look. “Mom has always done what she’s wanted to. If she’s decided to take a risk, it’s because she felt it was safe enough for all of us to take. She wouldn’t have helped Ches with my plane ticket if she didn’t want me here, I’m pretty certain Lance coming is the only thing she wasn’t counting on.” Wait, their mother had helped with getting Will here?
“The father day brunch invitations were already sent out, and Lance had told Zander he was coming, in my defense. This was all Mrs. Driskelll, I only provided the capital.” Ches defends herself before Balo can even glance at her. The redhead’s expression was too guilty, but Balo doesn’t have it in her to reassure her friend right now. It wasn’t like she could blame her for Lance showing up, not even if she had reached out to her mother before that point. He was like a ghost, he’d always come back to haunt her. She was the fool for thinking that she’d be free after he'd disowned her.
“How bad is it going to be if dad sees us together?” Balo questions, shifting awkwardly. Suddenly the bad gut feeling was only even more intensified. What were people going to say with Lance Driskell here after her secret reveal? Everyone knew her father was abusive now, no, she couldn’t-
She turns quickly, darting into her bathroom and closing the door behind her. Her knees sting as they hit the tile, desperately trying to find a quiet corner to tuck in onto herself and hide. She can hear them discussing who’s going to come in and check on her, whispering among themselves. A door opens, but much to her surprise it’s not the one to the bathroom. Although it opens a few minutes later, and the person who sits down beside her is the one person she’d never expect to see now.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be here sooner, bambi.”
The tears start to fall even harder as she hears that voice, as delicate fingers tuck her blonde hair behind her ears. She can’t even bring herself to look, she wants this to be a bad dream, because that’d be easier to face than the reality of the situation. “Why didn’t you want me?” She sobs, even though she certainly didn’t want to know the answer.
“I have wanted you since the moment I knew I was pregnant with you, and that has never changed.” Cassandra Driskell reassures her daughter, continuing to stroke her hair. “Everything I have ever done was to protect you, but, I’m starting to realize I didn’t go about this the right way.”
“You think?” Zander shouts from the doorway, okay, he definitely hadn’t been the one to go grab her mother. Wait if Cass was here?
“Is he already here too?” Where was Grace? Did Will wander off? Ches- immediately, Balo has the motivation to move despite the fact she’s only getting more panicked by the second.
“I can see everyone, they’re safe, little one.” Her mother reassures her, reaching out to pull her into her arms. Immediately, Balo relaxes into the embrace, continuing to sob as her mother tries to comfort her. “I can handle Lance, you don’t have to worry about anything. I’m sorry I had to cut contact, I was trying to do what was safest for you, with how angry he was... it was better directed towards me, and only me.”
Wait, Lance had gone after her because of Balo? This was her fault, it was all her fault, again she’d failed at being a good daughter. But before she can apologize, Zander’s right there. “It was safer for you. That’s what it’s always been, an attempt to protect yourself.” He hisses, “you never loved her, or me, or Will, or Grace. We were just convenient for you.”
“That’s not true-” “Then why the fuck didn’t you leave him?”
Was Zander crying? Balo glances over to her brother, reaching out for his hand as he tries to wipe the tears from his eyes. She knew better than to draw attention to it, that pointing it out would only make things worse.
“I was scared he’d come after you, that he'd kill us for leaving him.” Cassandra’s voice shakes, for the first time her mother doesn’t seem nearly as composed as she always did. “I did try to leave once, when you and Gracie were babies. But, I couldn’t- not after I found out about Balo. There was no way I could take care of the three of you on my own. I could barely afford to take care of the two of you, and Lance- he’d promised... and I was stupid enough to believe him.”
“Is it awkward if I leave and let you guys discuss this as a family?” Ches calls to them awkwardly, “because I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to be here for this.” For a moment, Balo laughs, but before she can say anything. Zander is answering.
“Stay, I need you to stay. Don’t fucking leave me, Chessie, please.” He sounds so broken, and immediately Ches is coming to join them on the bathroom floor. How long would it be until Will and Grace tried to crowd in here with them? Was there even enough room?
As if Grace can read her mind, she’s calling to them from the doorway. “Well, we can’t all crowd into Balo’s bathroom, so if we could move this to the living room, that’d be great. Especially if she has to stay.” Despite the snide comment geared towards Ches, Grace had a point. Balo forces herself to get up off her bathroom floor -  trying to shove the fact she would rather hide in a bathroom than face the first genuine family discussion they’d ever had in her life aside.
This was for the best though, right? Finally getting everything off of their chests, working through at least part of the past 20-or-so-years of trauma. Sure, there was no chance to fix things, but perhaps trying to talk would bring some sense of closure, answer the questions that’d been eating at her for months.
Her mother owed her, all of them, that much.
It seemed like the more Zander talked to his mother, the more conflicted about her he’d become. Even hours after their chat, getting dressed for the convocation dinner, he wasn’t sure what he thought. On one hand, he was glad that he was wrong about so many things with her - that she'd been willing to admit to her many, many faults as a mother. That she acknowledged how much she’d hurt them, and she was sorry, and she was going to try to be a better mother going forward. That she’d only signed those papers to ensure Balo was provided with a life she could never give her, that she knew about Grace’s girlfriend and that she supported them full heartedly - despite the fact their father certainly wouldn’t. That it wasn’t her choice to send away Will, and she’d been sneaking him money because he was her son - a fact Zander had never known until William had brought it to the table himself.
His mother wasn’t evil, she had good intentions, he could see that now, but that didn’t erase the damage she’d done unintentionally to her children. She could have gotten them out there, she should have gotten them out of there.
So why was he willing to forgive her?
He throws the tie down in frustration, before he forces himself to lean down and pick it back up. Where the fuck was Ches when he needed her? Elliot’s, probably, actually, knowing her she’d gone right back to his room as soon as she dropped Clover off at the lake house for a couple hours. Drew and Clarissa were watching the dogs this weekend during the dinners and ceremonies, something about using the time to socialize Clover with other dogs while she had them around, and he supposed that made sense. Treadwell was certainly not a bad dog to socialize with, and while he didn’t know much about Ester, it was Effie’s - so it likely wasn’t demonic.
He doesn’t even question if he should interrupt Ches and Elliot before knocking on the door. “Elswood, help! I can’t get my fucking tie.” He calls out, “I keep suffocating myself.”
“One of these days you need to learn how to tie your own tie.” Ches calls back. Well, at least he knew her well enough to guess where she was. She comes out into the hall to take the fabric from him, shaking her head a little. Wait, was she wearing yellow? That was new. “You’re going to talk to your brother this time, right?” He had been supposed to during Thanksgiving, he’d told Ches he was going to. Hell, she’d even dragged him to William in an attempt to get them to talk, and he’d gotten cold feet.
“Will he even want to talk to me?”
“You’ll never know unless you try. He’s your brother, and from the way he talks about you... yeah, in my professional opinion, yes. He does.” She informs him as she ties his tie for him.
“Your professional opinion?” “I really should start charging you for all these therapy sessions.” “That’s cute, Elswood, real funny.” “Thanks, I’ll be here all day!”
In all seriousness though, Ches had a point - even though it was obvious she was joking from her demeanor. “I’ll talk to him. So, about Elliot’s dad... should I be wishing you luck or...?”
“No luck needed, now go talk to your brother.”
As soon as the tie is finished, she’s heading back inside, not giving him much of a choice in the matter. Whatever she was up to inside was clearly more important- no, him going to talk to his brother was more important. Why did she always have to have a point? He huffs a little as he goes off to try to figure out where William was. “Will, can we talk?” He asks the moment he spots the man in the grand hall, chattering with Cassandra and Balo. “Alone. It’s important.”
“Of course.” Concern crosses the older boy's features as he lets Zander lead him off. “What’s up?”
“I’ve been a horrible brother-” He doesn’t get to finish the statement, the apology before the shock on William’s face takes him aback. Had he grown another head? He might as well have if the look his brother was currently giving him was any indicator.
“I’ve been giving you shit for years, and it hasn’t been fair. I don’t call nearly often enough, and when I do it’s to tattle on Balo or because I’m having a crisis of some sort.” Zander points out, “and I can barely call you my brother some days after...”
“That doesn’t make you a horrible brother, it’s okay, Zander.” Will goes to pull him in for a hug, squeezing him tightly. “I know these things are hard for you.”
“I was jealous of you.” “I know.” “You aren’t mad?” “Not in the slightest. I understand why. Taking care of Balo was always your thing, and then suddenly there’s someone else stepping in and doing that too. If the roles were reversed, I’m not sure I would have taken kindly to my adoption either.”
It’s almost as if a weight is lifted from his shoulders at the genuine assurance that William didn’t hate him for what he’d put the man through, and not only that, but he understood. “I’ve done a lot of fucked up shit, Will. There were posters...”
“I know. That wasn’t your best moment, and in that moment you were acting like a horrible brother, but that doesn’t make you one.”
“It hurt, when you got sent away, didn’t it?” Of course it did, why was Zander asking this as if he didn’t already lay in bed at night and imagine how much he’d hurt William by growing even more distant after he was shipped off, and it’d only gotten worse when he’d seen how badly Balo had taken everything. No matter what Will was telling him, he was a horrible brother. A good brother wouldn’t have left him alone through that, a good brother would have...
“It did, but you needed to protect yourself too. We didn’t exactly have a normal upbringing.” Will points out, “again - I understand. Lance stabbed you, Zan. That’s more than enough reason to not upset him more.” Was he going to be okay with Lance here? Zander rubs the back of his neck as he starts to question how safe having Will here actually was. While he was actually glad to see him, he couldn’t imagine how hard of a decision this was for him. To stay safe, or walk back into the lion's den.
“Are you worried about... you know?” “Scared shitless. But it’s worth it. If I’d thought you’d be okay with it, I would have come last year. But I didn’t want to overstep...”
“I’ve regretted not inviting you.” Another regret that kept him awake, not just because he thought that Will was better at protecting Balo - they’d already talked about that. The only thing he’d been able to get out during Thanksgiving, come think of it. “I’m sorry, for how I’ve treated you Will. I love you, you’re my brother, and I’m sorry I wasn't better at expressing that sooner.” Again, Wiliam hugs him, and this time Zander hugs him back - a bit awkwardly.
“I forgave you years ago, just stop being a stranger. I want us to be mates.” Friends? He could do that.
“Mates, or mateys?” He jokes without thinking. For a moment, he worries that he’ll offend Will, but the boy chuckles, pulling away and patting him on the back.
“Why not both? I am the captain of the Flying Dutchman.” “Don’t let Ches hear you say that.” “Trust me, I know. Now come on, let’s go find Gracie. She’s terrorizing the other one you and Balo hang out with, the boy... Collen?”
Well, he couldn’t leave her to do that now, could he? And Zander has no issue following after William, feeling like for the first time - things with him and his brother were actually good. That there was no ill-blood lingering, that moving forward they actually would be friends.
If only he’d talked to him during Thanksgiving, it would have saved him a lot of sleepless nights.
“There’s one more thing I want to talk to you about, Balo. Now that your siblings aren’t here...”
Balo blinks, turning her attention from walking Will and Zander walk off to her mother at the words. What was there to discuss that they couldn’t say in front of her siblings? Surely she didn’t mean- for a moment she starts to panic, glancing over her shoulder for Lance but there’s no sight of the man. “It’d be better if we discussed this someplace a bit more privately.” Her mother adds, as if she wasn’t already panicked enough.
Still, she follows her mother when she leads her to someplace quieter, only breathing when she realizes Lance is nowhere in sight. Safe, they were safe. “Is everything okay, mom?”
“No, not really.” Cassandra confesses, “there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you, about your father.” Wait, was her mother going to tell her who it was? For a moment, she feels a bit of excitement at the chance of finally finding out who it was, while it’d been eating at her since she’d put two and two together in Japan. “I haven’t been completely honest about who your biological father was. I was seeing someone when I was separated, that part isn't a secret, your father is completely aware I was. But I was trying to protect you...”
“Why would you have to protect me, if Lance knew he wasn’t my father?” Wait, Lance knew, right? Wasn’t that why he treated her even worse than the other Driskell children?
“I... might have not mentioned that fact.” Well, that made things interesting. Was he aware now? He had to have figured it out at some point down the line, right? “You don’t seem surprised. How did you figure it out?” She seemed concerned, almost confirming her suspicions that Lance knew.
“I needed a blood transfusion when we were in Japan, Zander couldn’t donate. My blood type isn’t a match to either of you....” She explains, tucking some blonde hair behind her ear. “I wasn’t sure if I could ask, when we were all together, and I just got you back, I didn’t want to- I don’t want you to leave again, so I thought if I just didn’t- you know?” She can’t help the tears rolling down her cheeks again, or the guilt she feels when her mother moves to try to wipe them away again, pulling her in for a hug and stroking her hair, whispering reassuring words she couldn’t quite make out completely over her own sobbing.
“I’m not going anywhere ever again, I promise.” Cassandra whispers, continuing to stroke her hair. “I’m so sorry you had to find out like that, bambi.” And she seemed genuinely apologetic, a bit too focused on reassuring Balo to continue on about what she wanted to say. And Balo clings to her mother even tighter at the promise she wasn’t leaving, how was she supposed to know that? She wasn’t supposed to leave her in the first place.
How was she supposed to trust something wouldn’t tear them apart again?
“Did he ever-” Could Balo even ask that, if her biological father ever wanted anything to do with her? Cassandra sighs, pulling away to look her in the eyes.
“It was safer for everyone involved if there was no contact. But, bambi, I’m not sure you’re ready for the answers to your questions.” She wants to protest, tell her mother if she was old enough to tell, surely she was old enough to know why he wasn’t involved, or who her biological father even was, but she relents, deflating as she realizes she wasn’t going to find out who it was from her mother anytime soon. “I’m sorry, I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but baby steps. He was a good man...” She trails off, and when Balo glances over her shoulder, she immediately understands why.
Was she supposed to say hello? What was the best way to handle Lance Driskell at the moment? “Balian.” He greets her, “how about I walk you and your mother back to dinner? It’s about to start, isn’t it?” Wait, was he being nice? Confusion fills her features immediately, but she doesn’t protest when he offers her an arm. This was too private, if she upset him... “You wouldn’t happen to know why your classmates are giving me strange looks, would you, lass?” He whispers in her ear as soon as she’s close enough to, his voice sending a shiver down her spine.
“Someone dug up old court records, tried to use them against Zander and I. We’ve been trying to do damage control ever since, but not everyone believes us it was a one off.” Balo whispers back, hoping the lie isn’t too obvious. Where was Zander and Will? Even Jack right now would be better than being alone with Lance and Cass. “I swear I didn’t tell anyone anything, dad.” He seems calm, but, when it came to her father, sometimes she wouldn’t know she was in trouble until he striked, and the inability to tell if she was safe, or in extreme danger, only made her even more frightened. Where was Leo? She wanted Leo, right now.
“Don’t let it happen again.” He believed her, and it suddenly feels easier to breathe. “Oh, and Balian?” As soon as the relief came across her, it was gone as it became apparent he wasn’t finished with her quite yet. “If you ever step out of line again, I’ll personally ensure you will never speak to your mother again. Do I make myself clear?” There’s a threat there, she knows it, and she’s immediately nodding along.
“Yes sir! I won’t, I promise.” She couldn’t, and once they reach the grand hall, she drops his arm.
“Good, it was nice to see you again. Come along, Cassie.” Lance doesn’t give her much room to say much else, not that Balo wanted to, and as soon as they’re gone, she can feel the tears welling up in her eyes again. Leo, where was Leo? She scans the grand hall, trying to see if she can find him but before she can get very far, there’s another person coming up to her.
“Hey there, buttercup!” Emmett greets her, although his expression quickly shifts when he notices her crying, the mirth that seemed to sparkle in his eyes getting replaced with someone much more serious. “You can come hang out with Cam and me, if you’d like.” And while she’d much rather hide behind Leo, the offer to have someone with her until more people arrived, and it wasn’t just a handful of them in the grand hall, wasn’t something she could bring herself to deny.
“Always. If you want to stay with us in the city this summer or anything, really. I know my father offered you an internship.” He had missed the memo; she didn’t want to discuss that, didn’t he? Still, she nods. She had been offered a design internship with The Elswoods, and she still couldn’t bring herself to say yes. After all, how much of it was them actually being impressed by her talents, and how much of it was nepotism? She wasn’t sure how much Ches had whispered in his ear.
“Can we discuss this later?” “Of course, come on. Camellia has more animal pics for you.” Now, that was a subject she was more than happy to discuss. She follows Emmett quietly, hoping that he wouldn’t be too offended; she wasn’t her usual excitable self at the moment. She had way too much on her mind to wear that mask at the moment.
Now all she needed to do was hope that somehow, she’d be able to find the energy to put it on before everyone arrived.
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silverduckiesims · 2 years
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Engagement Dinner Part 2.
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thelittlestcheshire · 3 years
Self Para 006: But It'll Be a Long Road Together Word Count: 1734 words Note: I’m as emotional in the club over this as Ches is, in all honesty. This is considered mostly fluff, I think? It’s fluff in my definition of it, at least. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to dm me, but I’m pleased to welcome Clover to the Luxor family. TWs: None! I know, it’s a mcfreaking first for me.
After all of this time, Ches couldn’t believe today was the day. When had they started this process? How many times had they sat down with the administration to discuss things, how many months had she talked to a trainer and breeders and looked for a suitable candidate to ensure that they were setting her up for success? Even now that Ches was finally going to bring home her service dog in training, it was hard to wrap her head around. She was finally taking that next step. All those months of research and working towards this had finally led her here, and she was excited.
She knew it was going to be hard work; she knew that, but she kept running through the list of things she needed to do today. She’d gotten her dorm room completely puppy-proofed, and the lake house and she’d already had plans in place for places like Elliot’s room, and when she dropped by The Driskells’ rooms. Toys, travel bags, the crate set up. Now all she needed was the dog.
“Are you nervous or excited?” Emmett asks her as they drive. She’d considered asking Zander, or Balo, or even Elliot if they’d go with her, but she was glad that he’d said he could go. She didn’t have to drive, which she appreciated, because that meant she could focus on Clover on the way home.
“Both.” She answers, honestly. “Excited this is finally happening, nervous I’m going to fuck it up. A lot of owner-trainer’s first dogs wash...”
“You’re not technically owner-training,  you have a professional who specializes in service dogs helping you every step of the way. With how much this means to you, I’m not worried about it.” Emmett brushes off, and while she knew he had a point, she was fortunate to have so many tools at her fingertips, guidance she knew people would kill for, hell the fact she was even fortunate to be in the position that Luxor was allowing to have a service dog in training on campus - that she had an extremely strong support system there with her in the process. Yet, there was still that voice reminding her that if she fucked up - her dog would wash. There was a chance her dog could wash even if she did everything perfectly, and she was going to have to live with that if it did.
But that was only more motivation to do her best. “Everything could be stacked in my favor, and we could find out in two years she’s just not suitable for this line of work. There’s a lot to keep in mind.” She reminds him as she reaches forward to turn up the music. “Thanks for coming with me.”
“I wanted to talk to you about prom anyway...” Emmett shrugs, and he starts to ask her questions about the event as he drives, and she answers them. It wasn’t hard, she’d actually enjoyed prom. Other people having dramatic falling outs wasn’t her business and while she had friends involved in the chaos, it wasn’t really her business unless one of them brought it up to her. She could comfort them without getting in the middle, right? And she doubted Sav, Maddie, or Marcello wanted her in the middle, and if they did, they’d tell her about it themselves. So, she’d turned it all off, focused on Elliot, tried not to panic despite the fact chaos made her uneasy. Chris and Alek being missing was already concerning enough to make her sensitive to that sort of thing, so it was better not to acknowledge it. Plus Elliot was amazing at grounding her, he always made events easier to survive through.
When she got her service dog fully trained, it’d be even easier. Elliot couldn’t always be there, no matter how much she appreciated him. This was a good thing, she knew that. Her doctors wouldn’t have suggested it if it wasn’t.
Now she just had to hope she wouldn’t mess this up.
“You know when you said you were getting a puppy, I expected her to be younger.” Balo points out when she comes to visit for the first time.
“She’s only 12 weeks you know, she went to my trainer’s home first, evaluations, wanting to make sure she’d actually be a fit for me.” Ches shrugs, “apparently it’s easier to test her if they’re living with her for four weeks or something.” And she didn’t mind the help honestly, Clover seemed to be doing well with the crate so far. Although she was still working with her on that just in case - after all, it was better to make sure she was actually okay for when Ches went to classes, as Clover wasn’t ready for that kind of environment.
Honestly, she probably wouldn’t be by the time Ches came back to school in the fall, either. But it was a work in progress, and at least she had Luxor working with her in the meantime. For now, the focus was on making sure Clover was an obedient puppy. Tasks, public access, those were hurdles for later in the summer, maybe even fall. Right now the priority was getting the housebreaking down, and the at-home behaviors, before she worked up to seeing if she could get Clover to pay attention to lessons in outdoor dog-friendly places, and then eventually moving up to indoor dog-friendly places, so on and so forth.
“You’re clicker training.” The blonde notes, gesturing to the clicker beside Ches. “That seems like a good plan honestly, positive reinforcement and all.”
“She’s food-motivated, makes my life easier. Good girl.” Ches gives Clover another piece of kibble from her pocket as the golden retriever chews on one of her own toys, ignoring the look that Balo is giving her. “My trainer says we should reward desired behaviors. I desire her to calmly chew on her own toys, and yes, this is what she meant - she specifically told me to reward her for this. She’s technically earning her lunch by just doing dog things I like so... She shrugs. It seemed like an effective way to handle it so far honestly. “Training sessions for breakfast, puzzle-box for dinner, it’s been working really well so far.”
“When do you guys start on tasks?”
Ches shrugs, “the first step is the foundation work, the second step is starting to teach her tasks, third step is protecting her mental development until she’s old enough for full-time work. Fall, I think? But I won’t be able to rely on her that much for a long time. Her brain won’t fully be developed until she’s two.”
“That’s so long, I guess it makes sense though. Why’d you start with a puppy though? Wouldn’t it be easier to go through a program or start with an adult dog for it?” Easier was a word for it, definitely, but as much as she wished she could speed up the timeline there really wasn’t much of a chance to do that. Not with what Ches needed from a service dog, Clover needed to work with her, and they both needed to work with a trainer, and the best chance of success really was with a puppy so here she was.
“I need a psychiatric service dog, and every trainer I’ve seen online, or in person, all agreed that they need to be owner trained. Plus, programs really don’t do much for civilian adults anyway. They only like working with minors and veterans.” She explains, “so here we are, owner-training with the help of a private trainer who specializes in this specific type of service dog. And since I’m so lucky I’m even able to do this at all, my lucky Clover.” She gestures to the dog, turning her attention back to Clover.
Oh no, she shouldn’t have glanced away and Ches immediately reaches for a toy and whistles to get the dog’s attention before she could actually get into trouble. The puppy comes running over, and Ches starts to play with her again as she listens to Balo respond; “oh! That makes a lot of sense then. So you are going to be working with her on the foundation stuff like sitting and staying and stuff over the summer and then you’ll move onto task stuff?”
“Yup! Basic puppy stuff, staying focused while working with me, behaving on a leash, working in dog-friendly locations, socialization, that sort of thing, and the start of tasks but nothing she’s expected to actually do at this point. Like I could start deep pressure with her but not in actual situations she’d actually need to do it because she’s nowhere near old enough but we’ll get to that when she’s a bit older.” She continues to play with Clover, “I’m hoping I’ll be able to commute next year, that way it’s a bit easier. She’ll have more room to play and stuff, less people going in and out, that sort of thing. But, we’ll see.”
“You’ll still hang out with us if you commute, right?” Balo asks as if that was ever a question. For a moment, as she continues to play with the dog, she glances at the blonde.
“Of course I will, you’re one of my best friends. I’ll leave the Mercedes with Zander if I have to.” She technically was already doing that, anyway. She turns her attention back to Clover quickly before she continues. “No matter what changes next year, you’ll still have me. I love you.”
“I love you too.” She can hear Balo heading towards the door to her dorm’s door. “I’m going to leave you two to it, but thank you for answering my questions.”
“Thank you for coming over.” Ches knew Balo wasn’t a fan of dogs, on average she tried to avoid them, and Zander had warned her a golden retriever especially could set Balo off, but, she appreciated that Balo had come over and tried at the very least, even for a short while, to be around Clover and ask some questions.
“I’ll see you later!”
After Balo’s gone, Ches grabs a second toy so she can alternate between them now that Clover had her undivided attention. She knew this was going to be a long road, but she was on the right path. She was just going to hope she remembered that when things got rough again.
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jckelly · 3 years
​“I’m not saying you should switch to aerospace,” Jack mused as he made a note of the calculation they had been asked to work on, “but it’s a fucking shame you’re on straight engineering, don’t you think?” Maybe that could have been taken in a nice way, but being Jack, he had to ruin the situation, a wide grin emerging on his face as he continued to speak: “since getting to sit next to you is a way better incentive to go to class than having to face Zander Shitface Driskell,” he wiggled his eyebrows at Ceci, unashamedly checking her out as he did so. as conspicuously as he could. “Did you do the prelab report? ‘Cause I’d totally do it for a reward....” 
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helenaspencer · 4 years
intro to helena
Is that HELENA SPENCER-MAY? Wow, they do look a lot like PHOEBE DYNEVOR. I hear SHE is an EIGHTEEN year old FRESHMAN who are studying HISTORY  at Luxor University. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be CHILDISH and SNOBBISH, but on the bright side they can also be GENEROUS and CHARMING. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself. [YUNI, 21, GMT, SHE/HER]
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lord knows why i did this. im sorry.
01: basic information
Full Name: Lara Helena Spencer-May
Nicknames: Helena - she insists on being referred to only by her middle name.
Date Of Birth: August 12, 2002 (currently aged 18)
Zodiac: Leo sun, Leo ascendant, and Libra moon.
Place Of Birth: New York
Nationality: American and Swiss.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Course: History (Freshman)
02: physical
Faceclaim: Phoebe Dynevor
Ethnicity: White (Swiss, English)
Height: 173cm (5′8)
Weight: 56kg (124lbs)
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Distinctive Features: a tangible air of disdain for anyone who earns less than 100k a year
Clothing Preference: Helena won’t wear anything which isn’t designer, but even then, she has her preferences. Perhaps stereotypically, she adores Chanel, closely followed by Versace. Her sense of style is fairly feminine, with a lot of dresses and skirts, and she wouldn’t be caught dead in a pair of jeans.
03: personality
Positive Traits: Generous, charming, loyal, creative
Negative Traits: Childish, snobbish, insincere, judgemental
Religious Beliefs: Atheist
Helena has pretty much the emotional maturity of Veruca Salt. Which is to say, she cares about one person in the world, and that is herself. She doesn’t make long term plans, instead pursuing short term happiness - which means that whatever she wants in that moment, she will go for. And if you stand between her and whatever she wants, no matter how dumb - whether it’s a bag or a college - she reacts dramatically. She’s not above throwing tantrums, literally stomping her feet and screaming, scratching, you name it, until she gets what she asked for. She once keyed an ex boyfriend’s car because he understandably refused to invite her to his sister’s wedding and Helena had already picked out her (white) outfit. In addition to this, Helena’s sheltered upbringing has made her extremely ignorant to the world as a whole. She fails to comprehend how anyone can not be rich, since it’s all she knows, and so she tends to assume that poor people are always lazy and unambitious. As a result, she refuses to associate herself with anyone who is a scholarship student or comes from a poor family, as she insists that mindset might be contagious and drag her down. Her mood can switch very rapidly - one minute she is being sweet and charming to you, and the next minute she is screaming and crying. She’s also extremely adept at crocodile tears, which she uses on everyone she wants something from, seeing no problem with manipulating others if it gets her what she wants. She generally has a very superior outlook on herself as opposed to others, hence why she just assumes she’s going to inherit the May family’s company, over her cousins.
04: past
Lara Helena Spencer-May was born in New York to a Swiss father, Matteo May, and English mother, Margaret Spencer. Her father works for the family’s pharmaceutical company, her mother is from British landed gentry and works as a classicist for the British Museum. Helena spent the first few years of her life in New York, before moving back to Switzerland, although she continued to spend a lot of time in New York over the summer, where she would later meet Zander Driskell.
Although her first name is legally Lara, Helena forced everyone to call her by her middle name from the age of eleven. Firstly, she thought that Lara sounded common, and slightly too similar to her cousin Loren’s name, and secondly, as her classicist mother told her the story of Helen of Troy, who she had been named after - and there was nothing which sounded better in Helena’s shallow mind than being beautiful enough that men started wars over you.
Helena is her parents only child, and she was absolutely spoiled rotten from the moment she was born. Her father gives her anything she asks for, and pretty much dotes on her; her mother also treats her as if she’s the centre of the universe. As a result, Helena has become accustomed to never being told no, and has no idea of a good way to act if she is - hence her tendency to throw tantrums if she doesn’t immediately get what she wants. She’s far too used to being able to manipulate daddy with a few tears into giving her an extra 5k in her bank account.
From the age of six, Helena was sent away to attend Ecole des Roches, a prestigious boarding school in Paris. She would either come back to Switzerland over the summer, or spend summers in New York. One such summer was spent in Saratoga Springs when she was sixteen, where she met Zander Driskell - and who she began dating, with Helena deciding to stay in New York after summer ended to be closer. Despite this, their relationship quickly turned toxic, with Helena’s spoiled and selfish nature making it difficult for her to put up with Zander not giving her everything she wanted - they broke up and got back together multiple times over the course of the next year, before a particularly bad break up caused Helena to up and leave for Paris again, finally finishing her high school education in Paris.
Then came the time for college. To be honest, Helena has no actual interest in gaining a degree. As far as she is concerned, she is just going to get a degree for the sake of having one, as she is convinced she is going to inherit the family business. Still, she had ambitions to attend the  University of St Andrews  in Scotland, primarily because she knew Kate Middleton met Prince William there, and Helena would love to be a Queen one day. However, her grandparents instead gently pushed her to attend Luxor University, suggesting that Helena would benefit from some bonding time with her cousins. She instantly refused - and was thus incredibly shocked when for once, her father put his foot down, insisting that either Helena attend Luxor, or he would cut her allowance. No number of tantrums, screaming, threats to jump out of the window, or run away would work - Helena ended up at Luxor, much to her upset, surrounded by her dreaded scholarship students.
August 12 2002 - Helena is born in New York
2006 - Helena moves back to Switzerland
September 2008 - Helena is sent to Paris to attend boarding school. She returns to either Zurich or New York over the summers following.
Summer 2018 - Helena meets and begins a relationship with Zander Driskell. They have many fights and an on and off relationship.
December 2019 - After a particularly bad argument, Helena throws a tantrum and leaves New York, returning to Paris to finish her high school education.
September 2020- Helena begins attending Luxor University.... fashionably late.
05: other trivia
- Helena speaks fluent Swiss German, Swiss French, and English. In addition to this she is fluent in High French, since she attended school in Paris. Her accent when speaking English is sort of an amalgamation of American, English, and French due to her upbringing and her English mother, and it tends to change depending who she’s speaking to - if she’s speaking to someone English, for instance, it will be more on the English side as she subconsciously matches them, whereas if she’s speaking in English to a French person, it becomes more French.
- Adores the British monarchy. Especially Princess Diana. And yes, Spencer means she’s a distant relation. She won’t let you forget it.
- If you call her Lara, she will spit on you.
-She loves classical paintings, and collects art. Her dorm room walls are covered with paintings and reproductions of Greek tapestries. She dresses as Helen of Troy every. single. Halloween.
- She can play the piano, and the flute. She is constantly in a stage of quitting and rejoining the concert band though, as she joins, can’t take any criticism at all, quits, and then misses it and wants to rejoin.
- Massive fan of Lana Del Rey.
06: notable connections
Within Luxor:
- Friendships: ...
- Former Relationships: Zander Driskell
- Cousins: Loren Velazquez, Zelda Reese
- Matteo May and Margaret Spencer May: Her parents, who she has wrapped around her little finger.
07: connection ideas/wcs
Although Helena is often too childish to hold friendships for long, she can be fun for a party, so I see her having a lot of friends who she just drinks with or parties with every once for a while, without any genuine connection going on or spending too much time together
Maybe someone who is annoyed by her antics and has been on the receiving end of one of her tantrums and thus sees the immature side of her personality as an annoyance.
As long as she doesn’t perceive you as poor (god forbid), she loves a good hookup or friends with benefits.
08: tl;dr
Helena is highly immature, childish, and spoiled. She is rich to the point of not being able to understand or appreciate anything cheap or anyone poor in life, and looks down on pretty much anyone who isn’t at her level of rich as a result, seeing them as lazy. She truly believes she is superior to her cousins and that she’s going to inherit their family’s company, purely because she wants it that way.
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luciellebp · 4 years
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Is that LUCIELLE BEAUMONT-PETERS? Wow, they do look a lot like ROMANE  IANNACCONE. I hear SHE is a NINETEEN year old FRESHMEN who are studying FASHION MODELING AND MERCHANDISING at Luxor University. Word is they are a(n) ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be JUDGMENTAL and SECRETIVE, but on the bright side they can also be CALM and ADAPTABLE. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
I’ve wanted to update Lucy’s bio in a While so you guys are getting this trash. It’s not super different or anything but there’s some new info!! 
TW: DEATH AND MURDER in one of the first paragraphsof her background section
Lucielle was an accidental baby; a result of a brief on-and-off fling between her parents - Amelia Adams and Mikhail Kuzmin. Her mother kept her pregnany a secret - which wasn’t very hard considering Mikhail showed up randomly in town, didn’t always seek her out and the two of them rarely talked outside of the bedoom - and moved to a new place.
That, by no means, didn’t mean she wasn’t loved. Amelia absolutely adored her baby girl and spent as much time with her as possible in between her various shifts.
TW HERE!!!! 
It was a gloomy day, the one when Amelia died. Baby Lucy was tucked away, sound asleep, when an angry Mikhail stormed the apartment. He was quick, quiet and brutal and he left quickly after the woman’s last breath left her lips. Amelia was found later that night, Mikhail’s name flashing on TV screens as well as the accusation of a few murders with a similar pattern. He was never caught.
Enter Kathryn (who was working on the case) and Renee. Recently married and excited to grow their family, Lucy was a perfect opportunity and the two of them ended up adopting her. 
The two loved her very, very much and showered her with attention and affection. Whatever Lucielle wanted, she got. She was a quiet and smile-y child, obedient and following most orders she got - be it from a nanny, mommy or a tutor. She was raised to be a behaved little lady and holds her manners close to her chest.
Of course, thanks to Renee’s high status she was pushed into the spotlight from a pretty young age and so manners were very much necessary. She was going to make her mothers proud not stain their names or reputation. Banquets, fancy dinner parties, all the rich people shit, Lucy’s been attending them for a while and knows a lot of people in high places.
And then came Avery. Which Lucy - aged 13 at that time - was very unhappy about. She was used to being the center of attention, the only star on the sky that her mothers could see and suddenly?? She wasn’t?? Bratty mode was very much activated for a while and she wasn’t really nice with Avery for a bit which neither of her moms let pass. She earned herself a lot of scoldings and eventually realised Avery was staying for good and grew to like and love her. Even if she is incredibly exhausting at times.
Thanks to all the connections Renee had to the fashion industry being a famous designer and all, Lucielle was scouted to be a model at a young age. Kathryn was not for it, saying the girl was too young so she didn’t start until she was 14. She’s been signed with IMG for a while and she’s been doing some jobs on the side because Kathryn still insists that education should come first.
She’s incredibly guarded and it takes her a while to open up and care about someone. Or trust them. She’s always polite and nice on the outside but incredibly judgt and calculating on the inside. She’s just waiting for someone to slip up, to get close to her which she can then use as an advantage. Of course, there are some exceptions, and she has found that recently she’s became a lot more genuinely sympathetic and thirsty for true connections. Lowkey hates it, lowkey scared but she’s Fine if you ask her.
Really likes chess and enjoys debate a whole lot. 
Also, she got her persian cat Cashmere for her eleventh birthday. She’s Lucy’s favorite always. And I’m sorry because she never, ever shuts up about her. Also, Cashmere is pure evil and I’m sorry for anyone who’s had to encounter her. 
The topic of her birth parents always unnerved both Renee and Kathryn and they’ve kept it a secret. Lucy has been curious and she found out on her own a bit before the start of her senior year. Was terrified and sick to her stomach and didn’t tell anyone about it until, of course, it got revealed during prom. She doesn’t want to talk about it. Also she hates former Circle members with a burning passion.
Lucielle gets bored really easily. Of anything. People, objects, activities. It’s why she’s cheated in a bunch of her previous relationships and why Renee had to shove her in a career. 
She can hold a grudge for a while. If Lucy’s pride has taken a hit, it’s going to take a long time for her to get over it. If she ever gets over it.
She really loves the sea/ocean, just water in general. Also really adores swimming. It’s relaxing af.
Doesn’t curse unless she’s really pissed off or drunk. 
Also can’t usually stand a lot of affection unless it’s someone really close to her. But even then if it’s in public she’s very :/ about it.
Favorite dessert is anything with red velvet.
Bisexual & Biromantic. Has been out and proud for a long time. 
Cannot stand social media but her mom and her PR agent make her go on there because she needs the exposure. Lucy is very grumpy about it. She’s kind of like a grandpa when it comes to almost anything but especiall technology lmao
Knows some nerdy shit because of the people she’s close to. A huge game of thrones fan and her favorite is Cerse 
Gemini, Slytherin and an INTJ - an annoying, two-faced bitch!!!!!
Coping mechanisms include ignoring everything, bottling up, not dealing with it and sleeping so she can avoid stuff even more!! It is fun!! Except not at all!!
Fluent in English and French and lying her ass off
Also, she’s taking just the classes she needs for her major and not taking anything more than that so she can focus on modeling in the spare time
Can I just point out,,, she’s not a good person. She’s pretending and she tries to be sometime but like :///
Family: Avery Beaumont-Peters (sister)
Currently Dating: no one
Ex: Ian Kim
Closest friends: Ches Elswood (wife), Sora Kim, Maia Croft, Alek Addington, Zander Driskell, 
Friends/ acquaintances:  Kenzie Horton, Balo Driskell, Savannah Grey, Madeleine Benoit, Leo Everett, Dawn Penning, Joshua Nahmias & others that I probably forgot
Disliked: Calliope Cruz, Lennon Winter, a whole lot of people honestly. Adrian Knox
more people for her to dislike pretty please, she needs it
also forever people who dislike her!! please!! she can treat people as objects and that’s horrible so !!!
exes and past hookups are also always negotiable
friends are important but also remember she’s a pain in the butt
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silverduckie · 3 years
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likeswallowstosea · 1 year
OPEN TO: Anyone CONNECTION IDEAS: Friend, acquaintance, etc etc MUSE: Zander Driskell MADE WITH: Beta Editor
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“No. Stop giving me that look, I’m not doing that. That’s the stupidest idea I have ever heard.” Zander said. In all honesty, he just wanted to read his book right now - the fact they were inviting him out to do something just had him on edge. “Can’t we just stay home? We’ve got books, and I’m the only asshole we have to deal with. Doesn't that sound way better?” It was worth an attempt, if they really insisted he supposed he’d put down his book. Zander just never really was a people person.
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alfiecabrera · 4 years
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Is that ALFONZO ‘ALFIE’ CABRERA? Wow, they do look a lot like FROY GUTIERREZ. I hear HE is a 17 year old SENIOR who originally attended LUXOR Academy. Word is they are a REGULAR student. You should watch out because they can be VIOLENT and BLUNT, but on the bright side they can also be ADVENTUROUS and ALLURING. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
tw: violence, and drug and alcohol use (all of which are brief mentions)
*spongebob narrator voice* 1 wholeass year later
hi for those of you who don’t know i’m yo, i play lucielle and apparently i love making assholes with commitment issues?? *
Alfonzo Alfie Cabrera was born on November 16 at 11:11 pm to the family of Santiago and Cressida Cabrera. He's a cousin of Grace, Zander and Balo Driskell. 
He actually had an older brother - Alejandro - who passed away when Alfie was one. That led to his parents becoming very protective over him to the point that he was essentially isolated. He didn't really go anywhere aside from daycare/school and home without his parents and he didn't have any friends that weren't family. He thought it was normal for a good bunch of his life.
Then eventually, their grip on him started loosening and Alfie turned into a little Social Butterfly™️. He was kind and funny and a lot of kids wanted to be his friend.
Unfortunately, he managed to tangle himself with the wrong crowd.
Literally everyone but 13 year-old Alfie could see what a horrible influence they were. Maybe because he hadn't really known a lot of people in his life, maybe he was just drunk on the freedom these people had but Alfie trusted them and loved every second of it.
Santiago and Cressida started speaking up against it. Harboring a lot of anger for the way they brought him up and generally wanting to defend his friends, Alfie barked back and a lot of fights happened. His parents were desperately trying to keep their golden boy to themselves so they started grounding him and trying to prevent him from seeing his friends.
That backfired. Naturally. Alfonzo started running away from home, spending every waking moment with the gang. They got into a lot of trouble together - trespassing, drugs, alcohol, violence all the good kush.
Two years and a lot of bruises later, Alfie finally snapped out of it, realising how horrible this life truly was. Soon enough, he was begging his parents to get away from there and that's when Cressida had the actually good idea to send him to Luxor, where her sister's kids were!
So he's been chilling at Luxor ever since his sophomore year.
He loves his family to bits even if they can be really annoying at times. If you cross them, you cross him.
He’s scared of hurting people and it’s very likely that he would push someone away if he feels that he’s growing attached.
Classic fuckboy vibes. Pretty boy and he knows it. Would fuck you and your girlfriend.
He’s got a problem with violence. He gets angry really easily and he reacts with punches and kicks. Alfie really, really hates that part of himself and he’s trying his hardest to get better but it’s a struggle.
He signed up for boxing and soccer in hopes that that would help with his violent tendencies. (Spoiler alert: it doesn't do much but he's definitely mellowed down since.)
To atone for his sins, he decided to become a doctor!!
Although, Alfie's trying to stay commited to his studies (he gets really good grades most of the time), the wild side of him wins more often than not. He craves adventure and if he feels like he's been stuck in one place for too long he panics.
His relationship with his parents isn’t exactly the best right now given that he’s still pretty angry at them. They call him a few times a day (he picks up like once) seeine as they worry about their boy.
He’s not really good at commitment. He identifies as pansexual and panromantic.
Most of the time believes tarot readings and ouija boards and other shit like that.
Scorpio sun, aries moon and leo rising.
Really, really likes lemon-flavored things.
He’s not that big on reading but he likes comic books and video games. He’s pretty smart and picks up on his lessons really quickly.
Have you ever heard any Chase Atlantic song? That's it. That's Alfie. 
He’s not really impressed by how wealthy people are and scowls at reckless spending. Kind of has an "eat the rich" mentality going on for him.
His pinterest
Advanced Biology
Advanced Chemistry
Extras include: boxing and soccer (winger backer)
good influences - because he clearly needs one and sunshine ray Balo isn’t enough (tho he’s trying hard for her especially, i promise)
people who dislike/hate him because honestly as charming as he can be, he gets ticked off really easily and then he’s either rude or like violent so uh yeah
WHO NEEDS TO GO TO SLEEP WHEN I GOT YOU NEXT TO ME ? - friends with benefits!! or not even friends!! he’s just a mess and entering a relationship that has something more than sex to it is pretty foreign to him.
TELL THEM YOU HATE ME AND DATED ME JUST FOR LAUGHS - i’d really, really love a plot based on maniac by conan gray... basically, your character is with Alfie (either sexually or maybe romantically) behind closed doors but they’re also ashamed of him so when they’re in public they mock him and tell everyone they don’t associate with him.
THERE’S A BOY* AND I DON’T QUITE KNOW WHAT TO DO - someone who he’s really whipped for but he’s alfie so he has no idea what to do and is constantly stuck in between “push them away” and “keep them close” * - doesn’t have to be a guy lol those are just the lyrics; 
crushes are kind of more of a natural progression plot to me since i rely on chemistry so please keep that in mind
+ the wanted taaag
I never know how to end this but I rambled enough. Like this and I’ll bug you for plots!! 
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songsofacagedbird · 4 years
Helena ( @helenaspencer​ )
After practice, Balo was ready for a nap. Sure, she knew she still had homework to do but maybe if she’d just set an alarm for a half an hour from now.... As she pauses to get water for the vending machine, she smiles at Helena. “Hey Helena! It’s so nice to see- wait.” It takes her a few minutes for her brain to catch up with her mouth and once she realizes who’s she’s actually talking to she grins. “Are you here to stay? It’s been forever since I’ve seen you! How are things going?”
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What is their favorite piece of technology?
His phone, name a more useful device for tattling on your little sister when your brother’s across the pond, I dare you. Okay, I’m 99% joking about the reason he’s not really hitting Ivan up to tattle unless he deems it a matter of Balo’s safety.  (Because I mean, what’s the guy gonna do across the ocean REALLY, yikes). Plus, even if he doesn’t like ebooks, having the ability to have book at the palm of his hand when he can’t pack them is great.
Has your muse ever been hospitalized or institutionalized?
Not really, maybe post-surgery but if I remember right his was an outpatient. I’ll double-check my notes and if I’m wrong I’ll edit this with a correction. Mental health wise, however, never!
How many hours a day do they spend on the internet/watching TV?
He doesn’t spend a lot of it actually, he’s not really a television person and while he sometimes has movie nights with a few of his friends he’s the first person to be like “OH I HAVE PLANS OOPS” at the first chance of being able to successfully dip out. As for the internet, I mean he follows literally 10 people on Instagram, whatcha think?
Who was your muse’s first kiss?
His ex, he doesn’t really talk about it though.
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