#and after 2 hours of debating other snippets I just want to go to bed
silverduckie · 2 years
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I don’t want to talk right now, I just want your arms wrapped around me in this moment before it runs out.
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pink-flame · 3 years
Not Working - For Lilly 💜
For @chickwiththepurpleguitar
So, this is set in the world of WFW about a year after Julie left but it's not canon (yes I have my own canon 😂) within the WFW universe. In the world of my actual fic Luke and Bobby are just chaotic best friends/brothers who show their platonic love through fighting constantly. However, Lilly wanted Bobby pining after Luke in this universe and I love her so I have created this un-official splinter universe for her hc to live in. It does incorporate some of my actual ideas for the end of Sunset Curve in that original timeline though, just minus the pining. 😂 I hope you like it, my friend! 🥰(Also, I only went 100 words over our agreed upon word limit. Aren't you proud???)
It wasn’t working.
That was Bobby’s main thought as they packed up all their gear at the end of one of the final shows of their first tour. It was at least 2am, possibly later and they were all dragging as they forced their bodies through the second nature routine of getting everything safely into Beatrice. They had been all up and down the West Coast for the past few months, playing to decent sized crowds and getting a good response. The problem was this tour was supposed to be the thing that pushed them to the next level of success and that...that clearly wasn’t working.
Radio stations were completely uninterested in booking them to promote their performances.
Multiple venues had pulled out of hosting them at the last minute despite tickets already being sold, leaving them scrambling to find alternatives or canceling stops outright.
Even the company that printed their cheap t-shirts had politely declined their request to re-up their order.
It was like Sunset Curve had gone from being a band on the verge to a band on the verge of being unable to book a gig. None of this was that surprising given the fact that they had gone against Dec from Red Rose Records, an executive famous for holding grudges and exerting every bit of his influence to make things difficult for his targets. Part of Bobby had wanted to believe that Queenie would be able to intervene on their behalf, that she would finally stand up to her dad and find a way to make things easier for all of them. Part of him had wanted to believe she still cared enough about him to try.
Maybe she had and maybe she hadn’t and at the end of the day he couldn’t blame her either way. It had been a terrible situation all around...Luke’s attitude and Queenie’s dad insisting on that unfair contract and Bobby himself being completely incapable of putting everything out in the open when he was so scared of losing either Queenie or Luke. And that was to say nothing of Julie...all the absolute insanity that had been going on with Julie even though none of them knew it. It was because of her that he knew things could have gone much worse, could have ended with his friends dead and him as a hollow rockstar who betrayed the people he loved the most.
So even though he had loved Queenie (was probably still in love with her) and things with the band were quickly going downhill, he couldn’t bring himself to be entirely as depressed about those facts as he would have expected. He had his friends, they had each other, and they still had music. That wasn’t something anyone could take from them. It wasn’t perfect but it was enough. For him it was enough.
But he was also a realist and the reality was that things with the band weren’t working.
By the time they made it back to the questionable motel where they were staying for the night they were all dragging even more. Alex and Reggie disappeared into one of the rooms right away, barely pausing to wave goodnight to Bobby and Luke before they were shutting the door in their faces and presumably collapsing directly into bed. At the start of the tour they had all four shared a room in an effort to make their almost nonexistent tour budget stretch a little further but Alex had promptly declared Luke’s talking (and sometimes singing) in his sleep to be a crime against humanity and that to avoid him ending up with a murder charge they were going to need seperate rooms. Reggie had immediately started listing off various games he and Bobby could play to decide who got stuck sharing with Luke but Bobby had shut them all up by volunteering. That had earned him an odd look from Alex but Luke had clapped him on the back and made a speech about how it was nice to have someone on his side and the warm feeling that bloomed in Bobby’s chest was enough to help him forget opening his mouth meant he wouldn’t be sleeping much for the rest of the tour.
If he was being honest though he hadn’t exactly slept well for the better part of 2 years now. Even before Julie had arrived and all the madness that followed, Bobby had spent most nights laying awake for hours unable to fully ignore the fact that Luke was out in Wonderland curled up uncomfortably on that damn couch he still hadn’t figured out folded out. Bobby had spent a lot of time thinking about that and why exactly he could neither bring himself to go out and unfold the dumb bed himself and make sure Luke was ok or just fall asleep and ignore his friend’s relative comfort. So instead he had drifted off most nights tossing and turning, worrying about the boy who was so close and yet a world away.
So it really wasn’t that big of an adjustment for Bobby to be lying awake in various seedy motel rooms, trying no to think about how thoroughly the sheets had been cleaned and listening for the even breaths that would indicate his friend was getting some rest. He was often awakened again before long when Luke started talking in his sleep, snippets of nonsense bleeding into half-finished song lyrics fading into Julie’s name.
Bobby pretended to be asleep. He pretended not to hear.
He was a coward in some ways, always had been.
He didn’t have Alex’s wise advice or Reggie’s unexpected insights or Luke’s inspiring speeches. He didn’t have Queenie’s blunt truth telling. He didn’t even have Julie’s ability to make everything better simply by making sure you knew she was with you.
He just had good intentions and a tendency to avoid his problems, a useless combination.
But even he couldn’t ignore the way on this particular night Luke’s breathing never did even out. Instead, after barely twenty minutes of both of them lying still in their uncomfortable beds, Bobby listened as Luke slipped out of bed, pulled on his sneakers and slipped outside. He instantly sat up in the darkness and debated his next move. The typical Bobby move would be to lay back down and pretend he hadn’t noticed. That’s probably what Luke expected him to do. It might have even been what he wanted Bobby to do.
But Bobby was so sick of turning away and pretending he didn’t see what was happening around him. Pretending he didn’t see the blow up between Queenie and Luke coming, pretending he didn’t see that Julie was hiding something, pretending the writing wasn’t on the wall when it came to the future of Sunset Curve. Pretending he didn’t see how Luke still missed Julie like a phantom limb, an empty space that nonetheless managed to be an aching wound. Pretending Queenie didn’t represent the same to him. Pretending that despite the fact that he had loved Queenie (probably still did) he also thought...maybe...the other ache he felt came from loving something else...someone else...so much closer yet just as out of reach.
That wasn’t something he could ever say out loud. It just wasn’t. He was a realist and the reality was that Luke had loved Julie, still did and always would in a way that Bobby couldn’t fully understand even though he had witnessed it up close. He was never going to be the brave one, the one who told the truth just for the sake of doing it, just for an impossible chance.
So he couldn’t say out loud his inconvenient truth that maybe he had fallen in love with his best friend, just a little bit. He couldn’t.
But he could force his sock clad feet down onto the disgusting motel carpet. He could put his shoes on and slip outside and make sure his best friend was ok.
He could do that.
So he did.
At first as he blinked into the semi-darkness of the parking lot, a few flickering bulbs the only available source of light, he didn’t spot Luke at all. He felt a brief sense of rising panic flicker through him until the sound of shifting metal had his eyes darting over to the spot where Beatrice was parked. He squinted and could just make out Luke’s silhouette, hauling himself up onto the roof of Bobby’s van.
Bobby’s concern quickly melted into annoyance as he stomped over, coming to a stop next to his van and hissing up at the boy on top.
“What the hell are you doing up there?” Bobby demanded. “You’re going to put so many dents in the roof!”
Luke just scoffed, leaning over to peer down at Bobby with an annoyingly not at all repentant smile.
“Come on, Bobby,” He fired back. “Beatrice is 90% dents at this point. It’s part of her charm.”
Well, he wasn’t wrong there.
“That doesn’t explain why you’re up there,” Bobby grumbled.
Some of the cockiness drained out of Luke’s voice when he spoke again.
“Couldn’t sleep. Sometimes...sometimes looking at the stars helps.”
Bobby didn’t have to ask what exactly looking at the stars helped. He knew. And it wasn’t falling asleep.
It was missing Julie.
So Bobby didn’t fire back any of the relevant and bitingly hilarious retorts on the tip of his tongue. He simply sighed deeply before gripping the hood and hauling himself up to join his friend. If Luke was surprised by his decision he didn’t say anything, only reached his hand down to help pull Bobby up the rest of the way until they were both settled on the roof. Luke laid back and rested one of his arms behind his head as a pillow and Bobby mirrored him on the other side, their shoulders just brushing.
He had to admit, the view of the sky was a lot better than it had any right to be given where they were. Apparently they were just far enough outside of the city that the stars had a chance against the glow of civilization. The tiny pinpricks of light stretched out as far as he could see, their patterns and forms probably lost on Luke but he doubted his friend had come up here for a lesson on constellations and myths so Bobby kept his mouth shut.
Or at least he did for about 30 seconds before he glanced over at Luke and immediately regretted that decision. It was too hard to ignore all of the things he had been working so hard lately to ignore when they were this close.
He cleared his throat and brought his focus back to the reason he had followed Luke out in the first place.
“Any better?” He asked simply, rolling his head back to its original position so he could stare at the much safer vision of the stars again.
Bobby felt Luke shrug, his shoulder jostling against Bobby’s briefly.
“A little,” He said, sucking in a deep breath and then releasing it. “I just figure these are probably the same stars Julie’s looking at, you know?”
“Except for the ones obscured by 25 years of additional light pollution,” Bobby agreed.
“Wow, thanks, buddy,” Luke said dejectedly.
Bobby sighed and tried again.
“You know none of the stars we’re seeing are actually as they appear now, right? They’re so far away that even though that light is traveling to us extremely quickly it can still take years to get here.”
“I didn’t come up here for Bobby’s science time,” Luke mumbled.
“I’m saying that looking at the stars is like looking into the past,” Bobby insisted. “Julie’s probably not only looking up at the same stars, some of the one’s she’s seeing are how they appeared right here, right now. Isn’t that kind of cool?”
There was a brief pause giving Bobby just enough time to wonder if he had blown it again before Luke answered.
“Yeah,” Luke grumbled begrudgingly. “That is cool.”
Bobby couldn’t help but smile in satisfaction at that. Science could be comforting at times even if literature was his first love. The point was it had worked and he and Luke were back on solid ground again, or at least back on the creaking and protesting roof of his poor van.
“Have you heard from Queenie?” Luke asked, startling Bobby from his thoughts.
Bobby stiffened and shook his head before realizing it was too dark for Luke to see that gesture.
“Nah,” He answered, keeping his voice forcibly casual.
“Sorry,” Luke said simply.
“I’m sorry it’s still so hard,” Bobby returned. “Without Julie.”
“It’s fine,” Luke replied quickly. “Well, not fine, it’s hard everyday. You know that, but...I’m ok. I really am. You don’t have to worry.”
“But I obviously do,” Bobby snapped before realizing his mistake. “I mean all of us do.”
If Luke noticed his slip he didn’t comment on it.
“I’m always going to miss her,” He said softly. “But I believe she’s happy with her family and I have you guys and music and I’m happy too. Mostly. Usually.”
Bobby tried and failed not to let that traitorous warmth grow in his chest again at the thought of being one of the things that made Luke happy.
It wasn’t working.
So he turned his attention to the other thing that wasn’t working, the other conversation they needed to have, in an effort to distract himself.
“The tour’s almost over,” He started carefully. “Time to make some decisions.”
Luke let out another one of those deep breaths, Bobby instinctively scooting just half an inch closer until he could reassure himself with the feeling of Luke’s next inhale.
“I know,” Luke acknowledged, his voice sounding tired but not pained.
“Dec’s never going to let this band make it big,” Bobby continued gently. “And we’re almost out of money. Again.”
“I know that too,” Luke said softly. “I just wanted to finish out the tour before I made myself accept it. Even with all the struggling it has been pretty rad, hasn’t it?”
Bobby thought back to the hours and hours of driving in a smelly van and the gross motels and the cancellations and the crappy pay and the absolutely crushing exhaustion. He also thought back to the time spent with his best friends, and the small crowds singing their words back to them, and their dream, or at least some small portion of it that they had scraped and bled to come true.
He thought of Luke’s elated grin when they were playing their first song every night.
“Yeah,” He agreed with a soft smile that he knew Luke wouldn’t be able to see. “It’s been pretty rad.”
“We could keep trying…” Luke offered half-heartedly. “If we keep pushing long enough maybe something in this industry will give.”
“Or we’ll end up washed up and hating each other,” Bobby countered.
“That’s another possibility,” Luke sighed yet again. “But this is all we’ve got, Bobby.”
“Reggie’s been applying to film schools,” Bobby said, cringing at the groaning metal noise that came with Luke’s surprised reaction as he rolled toward his friend.
“He has? Why didn’t he tell me?” Luke asked.
“Nobody wants to let you down,” Bobby explained gently, turning his head to meet Luke’s confused gaze. “We love music, we do. We wanted this, so badly, you know that. But...it’s not like it is for you. It’s not...everything.”
“He could have told me,” Luke grumbled. “I would have been happy for him. I am happy for him.”
“Hey, you can tell him that tomorrow,” Bobby reassured him. “I figure we’re due for one last band meeting.”
“This sucks,” Luke huffed out, turning his head back up to the stars. “Like I don’t have any regrets cause we gave it our best shot, and I want all of you to be happy even if that’s not in the band. But on top of...well, everything else...it still sucks.”
“Yeah,” Bobby agreed simply. “It really sucks.”
“What are you going to do?” Luke asked.
“I don’t know,” Bobby offered honestly. “Maybe go to college? Study literature or psychology.”
“Don’t tell me you’re going to be a shrink like your parents,” Luke teased.
“Hey, I think we’ve all proven that there are a lot of kids out there who could use someone to talk to about their messed up family dynamics,” Bobby said.
“Too bad they might get stuck talking to you,” Luke joked, bumping his shoulder with Bobby’s and sending an incredibly annoying shock of happiness through him.
“Shut up,” Bobby mumbled, not meaning it. Not at all.
There were a few seconds of silence before Luke spoke up again.
“I really am happy for all of you to do whatever you want,” He said firmly. “Seriously. But I can’t give up on music.”
“I know,” Bobby said softly. “It won’t be easy.”
“Hey,” Luke replied. “I figure impossible is relative in my life at this point.”
Bobby couldn’t resist a short bark of laughter at that.
“Yeah, that’s fair.”
They were silent again for a few long moments before Bobby found just enough courage to give voice to one last fear.
“Hey, Luke? We’re still going to be friends right?”
Luke’s answer came quickly.
“Of course, man. You’re my best friend. Band or no band.”
Bobby nodded, not caring this time that Luke couldn’t see him. When he answered he could hear the held back tears in his voice and he was pretty sure Luke could too.
“Band or no band.”
Luke reached out blindly and latched his hand around Bobby’s, just for a second, but the contact was enough to leave Bobby’s fingers tingling long after his friend had retracted his.
He tried to pretend that it was just the result of some kind of electric shock but…it wasn’t working.
He couldn’t bring himself to be sad about managing to fall in love with yet another person who couldn’t give him everything he wanted.
Julie had taught them a lot of things but one of the big ones was that something didn’t have to end the way you hoped it would for it to be beautiful, and meaningful and worth it. Love didn’t have to be forever or even returned in the same way to be beautiful, and meaningful and worth it.
Bobby had loved both Queenie and Luke (he probably still did) and he didn’t regret either.
Queenie would always be someone he wished the best for from afar and Luke?
Luke would always be his best friend.
Band or no band.
And that would keep working
He would make sure of it.
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siriusbunbryist · 4 years
In defence of Abed x Annie.
Thanks to the magic of Netflix, I’ve rewatched Community at age 24, and still found Abed and Annie to have hit the heartstrings as much as I did when I was in high school watching the show for the first time.
But watching the series in its entirety just reinforces my thought that Abed and Annie had so much potential that was wasted, and it’s a shame that the writers planted all these seeds to only decide that perhaps this direction was not worth it / too risky / unfavoured by the audience. But I mean, Alison Brie herself (and I’m assuming Danny Pudi as well) endorsed them! Find here and here.
This was a pairing that with all the crumbs scattered throughout the show (I think we are all aware of these crumbs I speak of), could’ve easily played the “oh we’ve been secretly dating this whole time” trope during the last episode and it would’ve still made sense.
Naturally I did some scoping, and of course unsurprisingly the J.eff x Annie pairing takes the cake, while not a lot of love for Abed x Annie. So here are common points of contentions I see surrounding Abed and Annie, and my rationale on them.
Before I start, a note - I fully respect the J.eff x Annie ship and I don’t intend on starting a ship w.ar/debate. I understand where their support comes from! I just needed to vent because no one else in my social circle watches this show. No hate please.
1. Abed doesn’t see Annie romantically
I think on the contrary it’s been set up rather long ago that Abed at the very least is attracted to Annie.
Exhibit A: “What are you making” in Beginner Pottery
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Exhibit B: “Flat B.utt and the one Abed wants to nail” in The Art of Discourse
This video basically explains it! The summary: Annie is Pierce’s favourite, Pierce constantly insults Britta, therefore Britta is flat b.utt.
Exhibit C: Not even trying to hide it in Accounting for Lawyers
But, a romantic interest has to be further built upon finding someone attractive right? There has to be intrigue to their character, such as
Exhibit D: “I can only connect to people through... movies” in English as a Second Language
It is pretty obvious here that Annie is a rare someone who has successfully broken the impartial screen that Abed filters everything through. Jeff saw it too which is why he said Annie was the ark of the covenant before Abed fell for her disney face. I can only imagine Abed to be quite struck with Annie’s infiltration.
A romantic interest should also share common interests, such as
Exhibit E: “Which makes Annie is my third favourite show” in Paranormal Parentage
I’ve said before that for Abed, a guy who lives life and communicates through comparing it with television and movies, it’s not unthinkable for him to be attracted to someone who genuinely watches his favourite shows and commits to roles during cosplay. And who, besides Troy, would fit this profile? Annie. 
And finally, the biggest indicator of it all, we also see how Abed views the Jeff and Annie pairing in everyone’s favourite episode Remedial Chaos Theory. Keeping in mind that the timelines are rendered by Abed, out of all the timelines, J.eff and Annie only kis.sed when Abed left the room for pizza. As well, as conjured in Abed’s head, Evil Jeff and Evil Annie only existed as a couple in the Darkest Timeline. To me at least, it’s arguable that this alludes to Abed’s omniscient “director” standpoint that he may be the obstacle in the Jeff and Annie relationship - pointing towards him perhaps harbouring feelings for Annie.
2. Annie doesn’t see Abed romantically The general consensus on this point is that Annie is only attracted to Abed when he’s playing a character. I rather think that being attracted to someone, and being attracted to someone during role play, aren’t mutually exclusive. Let’s take a look at the different characters that Abed played.
Don Draper: serious, sophisticated, and smooth.
Han Solo: immature, flirty and a smarta.ss.
Batman: mysterious, complex, and brave.
Three different personas, yet Annie responded to all of them. Since the common denominator to all three is that they are played by Abed, I would like to offer a counterpoint that perhaps the attraction to Abed has always been there, it’s just emphasized when Abed plays a character. Who knows, role playing might even be Annie’s ki.nk. After all, during For a Few Paintballs More, it is shown that Annie is disappointed when Abed dropped the Han Solo persona after the battle ended.
Annie also loves big romantic gestures. Who’s better than doing that than Abed? Since the beginning, Abed has already been doing big romantic gestures of varying degrees for Annie. With this, it’s not ridiculous for Annie to see Abed as a romantic potential.
Exhibit F: Staying in a room for 26 hours in Social Psychology
Annie: You sat in a room for twenty-six straight hours. Didn’t that bother you?  Abed: Yeah I was livid.  Annie: Then why didn’t you leave?  Abed: Because you asked me to stay and you said we were friends.
Exhibit G: Rescuing her from “captivity” and inviting her to move in in Remedial Chaos Theory and Studies in Modern Movement (even Troy was surprised at Abed’s invitation)
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Exhibit H: Tearing down the Dreamatorium in Studies in Modern Movement
Annie: What about the Dreamatorium? Abed: Oh it's staying. The Dreamatorium is more important than any of us. But you're more important than our bedroom so we put the bunk bed in the blanket fort.
Bonus: Confirmed by Alison Brie
3. The show was about Jeff and Annie
Dan Harmon said that Community’s approach is that anything and any pairing is possible. We see this is as the series started with the classic “player vs smart snarky girl” trope with setting up Jeff and Britta as the main pairing. We also see Troy and Annie as the potential B couple in the show. The writers also threw Pierce and Shirley, Annie and Britta, Dean and Jeff, and even Chang and Britta in for a laugh.
And then the show subverted this all by introducing Jeff and Annie, and made Troy and Britta a couple, showing us that Community is a show that intends on breaking these classic sitcom stereotypes by experimenting with different pairings. Abed and Annie was no exception to this, as the writers often pair them up in different shenanigans and hint at possible grounds to explore*.
A few examples: Han and Leia in For a Few Paintballs More, Hector the Well Endowed and the Elf Maiden in Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, spy partners in Modern Espionage.
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No doubt that the show dabbled in and out of Jeff and Annie throughout the series. However, to say that Jeff and Annie was the primary pairing in the series would mean overlooking Jeff and Britta. Especially when Jeff and Britta have the whole love-hate dynamic, three(?) marriage close-calls, and emotional snippets such as helping Jeff reunite with his father in Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations.
Anyway, not to discredit Jeff and Annie, but knowing that the show explores the possibility of different pairings**, why write off Abed and Annie?
* Not to mention that the cop pairing in The Science of Illusion was originally written with Abed and Annie in mind! ** We also see a stray Abed and Britta during Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps.
4. Annie is in love with Jeff To keep this short and shipper-goggle free, Annie has said on numerous occasions that she’s in love with the idea of Jeff, not Jeff himself. Specifically this scene in Virtual Systems Analysis:
Abed as Annie: "…We love Jeff…" Annie: "No we don’t, we’re just in love with the idea of being loved. And if we can teach a guy like Jeff to do it, we’ll never be unloved, so we keep running the same scenario over and over hoping for a different result."
And this scene in Conventions of Space and Time:
Annie: All right, I may have been play-acting that we were married, and then the staff thought you were cheating, and I had to save face. Jeff: Do I have to worry about this? Annie: No, I was just daydreaming. I mean, I've married you at least a half a dozen times. And Troy. And Zac Efron.
Not to mention that their conversation in the finale says it all.
Jeff: I don't wanna be fine. I wanna be 25 and heading out into the world. I wanna fall asleep on a beach and be able to walk the next day, or stay up all night on accident. I wanna wear a white t-shirt without looking like I forgot to get dressed.* I want to be terrified of AIDS, I want to have an opinion about those, boring a.ss Marvel movies. And I want those opinions to be of any concern to the people making them. Annie: Well I want to live in the same home for more than a year, order wine without feeling nervous, have a resume full of crazy mistakes instead of crazy lies. I want stories and wisdom, perspective. I wanna have so much behind me I'm not a sl.ave to what's in front of me, especially those flavourless unremarkable Marvel movies.
*Shipper-goggle on: Part of me thinks this is a reference to Abed, whose iconic style almost exclusively comprises T-shirts. What Jeff is saying is that he wishes he is 25 again with his future open before him, someone who compatible with Annie, but here he acknowledges that he isn’t, and lets her go in the end.
5. Abed and Annie wouldn’t work as a couple Another point I see is that Abed and Annie are strictly platonic and are more like brother and sister. On the basis that they have made out a couple times and are attracted to each other, I would disagree with the sibling statement.  
Troy, in contrast to Abed, I think actually resembles a more sibling-like relationship with Annie. Although Troy and Annie have the strong friendship of Abed and Annie, when disregarding the high school crush stage of season 1, their storylines never dwelled further down an attraction path, nor was there any specific episode that was dedicated to a deep dive of vulnerabilities and confrontation between them. As a comparison, Troy and Britta had opportunities to explore these setups (Troy admitted to lying about his b.utt stuff story and Troy helped Britta face Blade) - an indication that Troy and Britta were heading into non-platonic territory. Jeff and Britta too, had several opportunities to confront their feelings (up till the very last season), a clear indication of a non-platonic relationship.
For Abed and Annie, what I think pulls their friendship towards actual love interest potential is best pinpointed to Virtual Systems Analysis. Annie’s participation in the Dreamatorium prompted her to not only fully submerge into the way Abed thinks and comprehends his surroundings, but she also got to understand and address Abed’s stubbornness and flaws in a vulnerable way, confronting some of her own flaws as well.
Abed as Shirley: Your hospital school, young lady, is a simulation being run through a filter of other people's needs. Abed's been filtered out because nobody needs him. Annie: I need him!
And to point out this little tidbit in VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing,
Annie: That's why Abed is like a brother to me. You guys are so alike. Abed: I can't accept that based on one time machine story.
This whole episode, instead of establishing Abed is like Annie’s brother, I would argue is rather doing the opposite. Abed and Annie’s hyper antics in the episode were basically matched by Anthony and Rachel’s blatant indifference and confusion. For lots of Abed and Annie supporters, this episode was a major setback. But I think it instead highlights how in-sync they are with each other, which is a good thing.
Another point, despite Annie trying to prove otherwise, Abed and Anthony had different vibes, and each shared different dynamics with Annie. And as Anthony pointed out in the end, who were Abed and Annie trying to replace in the apartment? Troy. The person who they are trying to fill is Troy - their roommate, their brother, their best friend. Troy was the brother role that neither Abed and Annie can fill for each other.
In Basic Sandwich, we get this exchange:
Abed: The point is, this show, Annie, it isn't just their show. This is our show, and it's not over. And the sooner we find that treasure, the faster the Jeff-Britta pilot falls apart. Annie: Got it. Thank you, Abed. Abed: You're welcome. I have a girlfriend. Annie: What? Abed: You were about to start a kiss lean. Annie: I was not.
Not only did Abed saw right through Annie’s anxiety and comforted her in his own uniquely Abed way, but he also felt the need to remind her of his girlfriend. The fact that he broke the fourth wall here is likely the writers’ way to be meta, but simply acknowledging the tension and bond there says a lot in between the lines. If tension does not exist, there would be no need for this line.
Besides, instead of thinking that they’re strictly platonic (which of course is also okay), they would rather work great as a couple. In terms of opposites attract, Annie grounds Abed with just the right amount, while Abed clearly encourages Annie to be her true self and be immature. Such as this scene in Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism,
Annie: I’m following him.  Troy: You moving in here was supposed to tone us down!
Annie also doesn’t just tolerate Abed’s idiosyncrasies, she actually likes them and fully participates as multiple paintball games and cosplays would tell us. Special shoutout to the missing lovers footage in Wedding Videography, which through Britta, actually shows us that Annie is the only one who would go along with Abed’s projects - while Britta found the project extremely weird and unhealthy, Annie thought it was fun and commits well to her role.
And while others may tiptoe around Abed, Annie isn’t afraid to call Abed out when he’s out of line and makes a point to teach him about empathy in Virtual Systems Analysis. Remember that Britta tried teaching him this but it didn’t work as well.
I am Abed Nadir... And I don't know a lot of things everyone else knows. I wander the universe with my friend, Troy, doing whatever I want. Sometimes accidentally hurting innocent unremarkables. This week, however, Troy went to lunch and I adapted. I now have the ability to enter the minds of others using an elusive new technique known as "empathy".
As well as in the entire episode of Cooperative Polygraphy.
They also know each other best. Abed knew her cushion preferences, was the one who spelled out her true pas.sion for forensics, and after living together, Annie knew how to navigate Abed’s peculiarities and to soothe him whenever he had a nervous breakdown. 
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Annie also knows him so well that she can predict his reaction.
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They are also each other’s exception. Annie was always the one who manages to pull Abed out of a trance and back to reality, usually with touch.
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Abed is also very forgiving with her. An example is when Annie seemingly lost all common sense because she broke Abed’s special edition dvd in Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism.
Annie: Well, Batman, on behalf of all of us that aren't perfect, can I just say I'm sorry I broke your DVD? Abed: Apology accepted. But I wouldn't mention it to Abed. That guy's pretty ruthless. And that's coming from Batman.
And in Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas, Annie was the only claymation doll that didn’t have a weird form (except Troy as toy soldier of course). Annie was a ballerina because Abed sees her as a creature of grace. Abed was also the first one who got her “brighter tomorrow” diorama and responded with enthusiasm.
They are also in the same stage in life. As Dan Harmon explains the choice of Abed and Annie being the ones who leave the group, with Troy gone, Abed and Annie symbolize the many possibilities of the future - a possibility that makes them viable. I like to think Annie transfers to the LA FBI office after her internship and they reunite.
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And as the Spice Girls said, “if you wanna be my love.r, you gotta get with my friends”. In Paleyfest, Dan Harmon says this about whoever Troy and Abed ends up dating, “I mean a woman that comes into either of their lives is either going to drive them apart or she's going to have to be really accepting of a very special relationship”.
Britta tolerated their friendship but to a point of asking Annie to distract Abed for alone time with Troy, Troy dumped the librarian as she called Abed weird, Robin disappeared, Rachel we never got to see much of, but was pretty quiet and separated from the group. From this, logically speaking, Annie would actually be the perfect match for Abed, as we all know they’re the ultimate trio within the study group and a transition from friends to more will be natural. 
Oh, and, Abed is wrong. They’re not Chandler and Phoebe with little storylines together, they’re Chandler and Monica. 
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Anyway, that’s it for my super long rant/analysis. Community the series is done and over, so there isn’t a need for any ship war. All I want to say is, if #andamovie happens, hopefully, the writers will actually take a leap.
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martinkate · 4 years
dawn jolly snippet!!
(Holly’s pov)
putting a cut because it’s mildly long and i don’t want to clutter up anyone’s dash!!!
With my back pressed against the brick wall in the dark alleyway and dark-wolf (Alisha’s wolves) bites on my shoulder, side, and legs, my only thought is, I kinda want a frozen lemonade right now.
I grimace. I stuff my hands into my jacket pockets-looking for some kind of healing juice or something--and find a small white card. It’s stained with blood (mine), but I can still read the address, and the message scrawled to the side: 2 hour date truce! -j.p.
I run through a map of the city in my mind. The closest entrance to my kingdom is 10 blocks away. The address is only one.
Well, I think. what do I have to lose? 
I make my way to J.P Ross’s house, or evil headquarters, or whatever. Anything is better than a dark alleyway splattered with wolf-and-dawn-queen blood. 
When I find the small house tucked into an unassuming suburban neighbourhood, I'm a little surprised. For a second I wonder: What if he wrote down the wrong address, and I show up, covered in blood, and a hand aglow so I can see (the streetlights are broken), on the doorstep of a random middle class family?
I shake my head. This is J.P Ross, criminal mastermind. He knows his own address. 
I knock twice with a glowing fist. 
The door opens, and he stands in the doorway, brown hair mussed, shirt unbuttoned at the collar, holding a glass of wine. His eyes widen when he sees me, bloody and shivering, on his doorstep. 
He seems at a loss for words, but puts his wine glass down, and touches the bite on my shoulder. “...Holly Dawn?”
I can barely stand. I need to make him understand, to make him not kill me on the spot. I hold out the blood-stained white truce card. “I didn’t know where else to go.” 
And then I collapse into the arms of my worst enemy. 
When I wake, it’s by a fire, with a quilt around me, and a dull pain in my head. “...J.P?”
He is sitting beside me on a couch, dabbing at the wound on my shoulder. “Hello, Your Highness.” His smirk reminds me of Ryan’s when he teases Miranda. 
I shake my head. It’s a mistake. Fuzzy spots cloud my vision. I turn to J.P.
“What did you give me? Some sort of sedative drug?”
“Nope. It’s just the Livis’s bites. They weaken Xonarians, especially Tallion’s. It’s a wonder you made it all the way here without passing out. How far away were you? Why didn’t you call your friends or something?”
I try to reach into my pocket, realizing I don't have my jacket on anymore. J.P seems to notice what I’m looking for, and holds up my jacket. 
“Check the pockets,” I say.
He reaches into the left pocket, and pulls out my phone. The screen is shattered, and there’s a bullet hole clean through the middle (the MTT had killed a few of the wolves; I'd gotten caught in the crossfire.) He mouths, Oh.
I roll my eyes, and mouth back Yeah.
He smirks again. I have an uncontrollable urge to smack him, and I feel like I understand Miranda a little better now. He looks too annoying, smirking like that. And too cute. 
What am I talking about? 
J.P puts my broken phone on the coffee table. “You can have some screen time if you want,” 
I really am about to smack him now, but a loud whistling noise stops me.
 “J.P!” a voice yells from upstairs. J.P and I both tense. It’s Silentina, J.P’s niece. “That’s the kettle! Can you make me some lemon tea?”
“Uh, yeah! Just a second!” He turns to me, and his face is panicked. 
“Can you stand?” he whispers. “No!” I whisper back. 
“J.P?” Silentina calls. “Everything okay?”
Without warning, he picks me up bridal-style, and when I squeak - out of pain and surprise - he presses a finger to my lips.
“She can’t know you’re here,” he murmured. I nodded, eyes wide. “Good.” 
He carries me to a bland bedroom and places me gently on the bed. “Not a sound,” He reminds me. 
I nod as he closes the door and heads back to make Silentina her tea.
I sit up on the bed and wince. My back is sore from sitting for so long. I want to turn some lights on, but that would alert Silentina of my presence. So I settled for curling my hands into a cup, and letting a small glimmer of gold bounce around in my hand. 
J.P didn’t kill me when I was unconscious in his home. I, the hero, his enemy, had come to him, and basically begged him to help me. And he did.
What a strange villain. 
Maybe he’s not your villain, a little voice whispers in my mind. I tell it to shut up. The voice sounds a lot like Miranda. 
“You’re going out?” That’s J.P’s voice from the kitchen. I squeeze my hand, and listen. 
“Yup.” That’s Silentina. “Going to be a teenager for a bit. Maybe see a movie. You don’t mind if I take a break from building, do you?” Building what? 
“No, not at all. Have fun.”
“Mm, now I'm going to try as hard as I can not to.”
I can practically hear J.P rolling his eyes. “Okay, great to know. Bye!”
I hear footsteps, and then the doorknob clicks, and J.P enters the room he put me in.
“Light,” he commands, and for a second i think he’s talking to me, and it’s a nickname or something, but no, he’s talking to the room.  
Beautiful, golden light floods the gloomy room, and hundreds of systems come to life; projections, holograms, you name it. 
I push my hand through a hologram of the Hex logo. It dawns (ha ha) on me. 
“This is your room.”
“Yeah. So?”
“That’s...kinda weird.”
“Um...I’m your greatest enemy-”
He cuts me off. “Actually, i think my greatest enemy is the cashier at Tim Hortons who gave me a raspberry frozen lemonade instead of the original.”
“What’s Tim Hortons?”
He stares at me incredulously. “You know all those frozen lemonades I bring you every time we fight?”
He mentioned our...rivalry so casually. I find it hard to speak. “Yeah.” 
“Those are from Tim Hortons.”
The answer doesn’t satisfy me, but I don't push. 
He sits on his bed next to me. He smells like lemons. 
“Wanna watch a movie?”
I’m not sure I heard him correctly. “You...and me...watching a movie? In your house?”
He shrugs. “With your wounds, you won’t be able to move on your own until tomorrow.”
I sit up suddenly, and regret it when a sharp stab of pain brings tears to my eyes. “Tomorrow?”
“You’re kidding.”
“I wish I was.”
I slump backwards. J.P presses a button, and a TV rises out of a table. “What do you wanna watch?”
J.P and I are about 15 minutes into (insert disney movie here), when I decide to lean my head against his shoulder and wrap my outside arm around his torso. He stiffens as I touch him, but relaxes soon after. 
“Holly,” J.P asked hesitantly. “Do you think that we...that our people...could ever live like this?” he motions to me and him, curled beside each other, watching a movie, bathed in a soft golden glow. 
I tilt my head to look into his eyes. “Like...in peace?” I ask. 
He nods.
I sigh. “I don’t know.”
He nods again, as if he expected that answer. We lie in silence for the rest of the movie, occasionally debating certain plot points, and screaming “Movie logic!” at the screen whenever something cliche happened (i.e: characters running (making an escape, usually), only to realize that the ground ends in a cliff, and the characters almost slip and fall, but don’t, and a few rocks tumble down the cliff).
When the movie ends, I don’t want to leave. I want to stay here with J.P and talk about whether it was realistic when (movie plot point insert).
But I can’t.
And he knows it. 
He leaves me to sleep in his room, and turns out the lights before I can even say goodnight. 
I blink in the darkness. J.P’s words are stuck in my head. My stubborn brain repeats them over, and over, even (and especially) when I scream at myself to stop.
Could we ever live in peace?
I had answered him truthfully, I think. I don’t know.
But my mind seemed to know what I wanted. I had always been an active daydreamer, after all. My dad said it was one of my best qualities.
It is your greatest strength, Holly. To see things that other people don’t. I can see his face, as he tucks my grown-out bangs out of my face. The memory was from years ago. I could smell the sea in his hair and on his skin, and heard his laugh when he picked me up and spun me around. Possibilities. Not everyone can find the dove in a sea of ravens. Hope and peace, in a world of death and destruction. You can. I know you can, my little sunrise.
I let myself imagine a perfect world. Where the Hex and Dawn work together, in peace. J.P and I would lead them, and we could go back home. To Xonar.
I fall asleep to dreams of doves and ravens. 
tagging the tflc gang hope i’m not bothering you oop
@enbies-and-felonies @that-aro-asshat @clearlykeefitz @duchessmb @book-limerence @silver-snow @pencil-is-my-sword @alienlamp @cozy-the-overlord @ademonwithinternet @linhamon-roll
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some happy Myers family au headcanons
because I have a weak spot for this and I can’t draw atm my first time writing out my headcanons and working up the guts to post them, hooray me
Laurie is referred to as Cynthia in this since that is her given name in the sibling timeline
Judith' birth is more or less an accident and not at all planned, Peter and Edith Myers were married, sure but hadn't settled in a nice house of their own yet, and weren’t even close to thinking about children (they are in their early twenties after all and living in a small, cheap flat, too many problems of their own to take care of a baby)
they live there for a while after Judith’s birth, because money is hard to come by but they start to eye nice neighbourhoods for the future (Edith really wants to move into a place where everyone knows one another, houses in a row, calm and secure streets)
Judith is a loud baby, she wails when she wants to be picked up and she giggles and giggles when her father hides and reveals his face to her
Edith always feels she's happier with having a child than Peter is, which is not to say that he doesn’t love Judith, but he's gone a lot to work and when he comes home he's often too exhausted to spend time with his daughter
Judith grows up just a little lonely and for a while she wishes, desperately for a sibling
It takes 10 years until Peter and Edith have another child and now they are in their 30s, settled in their jobs and in all honesty, this is probably the time they should've had Judith
They move to Haddonfield before Michael is born and it's all bits the small community that Edith imagined when Judith was born
On the day of Michaels birth, Peter is late. Judith (10 years old with springing blond curls and terribly excited to meet her sibling) calls for him all over the house before she finds him in what is to be Michaels room, setting up a crib he build in the hours he has after his job (He never knew he was a crafty person, but they still have to buy a proper bed in the end, mainly because Michael grows incredibly fast)
Peter and Edith feared Michael to be just as loud as Judith had been so Edith worries terribly when Michael does not make a sound when he’s born He's a very quiet baby, the doctors reassure them that their child is perfectly healthy but Edith catches herself waiting for Michael to cry (he doesn't, not when he falls and scrapes his knees, not when he's refused a piece of candy after dinner, he remains oddly quiet)
Michael doesn't talk a lot, he can but he doesn't, something that does not change all through his life
When Michael is 4, Edith is pregnant again. He doesn't really understand what's going on but he observes carefully and when his Mother holds Laurie (Cynthia, tiny and cooing softly, not a worry in the world), he gets on his tiptoes to see her better
Michael loves his sister right from when she's born and Cynthia will always be the most important to him out of the family (much to Judith’s dismay later in life. she jokes about it and talks it away with the large age difference between her and the others, but she envies their odd but close bond)
Edith and Peter work quite a lot so until Judith is 16 they hire a nanny to take care of their children when they are gone. It happens a little less in Cynthia’s first year after being born but they start working normally again when she turns 2
Judith has a lot better things to do than watch over her 6 year old brother and her baby sister, she’s thinking about her boyfriend, her two best friends, the new film in the cinema and that one set of paint she saw in the store the other day that would be so nice to work with if only her allowance would be a little bigger It’s a lot lot so find more under the read more (because I do not want people to have to scroll past such a long post when they look through the tags)
she's the first to be annoyed by it and try to get something out of it but her parents won't have any of it, it's her duty as the eldest after all
Michael feels like she neglects them when she is on the phone with her boyfriend the entire evening rather than reading a story to Cynthia or watching over him
If she'd at least leave the living room he could watch TV, he’s seen snippets of a horror movie when his father was changing channels one Saturday and has been wanting to get more of that ever since
It doesn't change until one evening, it’s a Halloween night, Michael stands in front of her, in a costume, refusing to take the mask that came with it off, holding out the bag he's dug up from one of the kitchen cabinets, silent demand she go trick or treating with him Judith is ready to tell him off but her boyfriend is quicker and he makes fun of Michael, Judith's weird, crazy little brother. She doesn't let that stand, she's the only one allowed to be annoyed by her siblings, and no one's going to get away saying something like this Her boyfriend doesn't return after that night, only once attempting to pass her a note in class that she ripped apart right away A bit out of spite and in part to make Michael happy, she takes him out that night. With Cynthia in one arm (she debated leaving her at home, after all Halloween isn't the holiday for a baby, but she also can't leave a 2-year-old alone, what if a murderer gets into their house) and Michael trailing along at her side, they walk the neighbourhood. Much to Judith' surprise, Cynthia coos happily and points at all the funky costumes that people dressed up in, seemingly enjoying herself quite a bit. In one yard, Michael finds one of those fake skeletons and rips of its boney hand (Judith is torn between laughing at the sight of a small clown stealing a plastic hand and telling him not to, it's theft after all) She doesn't really understand why he did such a thing until he gives the hand to Cynthia, who plays with the fingers, childish glee and interest written over her face Their parents find them late that night on the couch, all asleep. Judith in the middle with Michael leaned at her side, candy wrapping on his lap and a full bag of sweets to his feet, and Cynthia on her chest, drooling on Judith' shirt, holding a skeleton hand by the middle finger.
as they grow up and Michael is in school longer, it becomes evident that he doesn't care to make friends, he rather spends his breaks alone than engage with the other children
he isn't stupid, quite the contrary, his teachers attest to the fact that if only he would raise his hand more and participate in class, his grades were to show how talented he truly was
his best subjects are biology and art and these are the classes for which he actually works
Cynthia on the other hand loves learning, she’s way ahead of her classmates and sometimes she peaks into Michaels school books and falls asleep over text that Michael most likely never had even looked at
he just can't be bothered with a lot of things
he likes art however and its one of the things he and Judith have in common, even if their subjects are different (she likes landscapes, impressionism and Michael well...he makes these inexplainable drawings, often dark looking. And he likes making Masks)
Masks are one of Michaels odd little fascinations, earlier in his life he would demand Halloween costumes that came with them but soon enough those masks weren't good enough anymore. They just looked too cheap, or too boring or just not scary enough. So he went to make his own. The first ones were crude, paper mâché and painted with colours stolen from Judith (she grew terribly mad when she saw he’d used her expensive paint for this). But over time they became more and more complex and well crafted Sometimes he would put some on (he has his favourites, particularly one painted white, almost humanly shaped face with dark hair) and simply lay in bed, looking at the ceiling through the eyeholes
Another one of Michaels favourite pastimes became walking the neighbourhood out at night. He never did anything in particular or went any special location. He'd just go outside after nightfall, when most everyone was inside already and wander the streets of Haddonfield. Sometimes he'd stop by a well-lit window and stand just a few seconds watching the people inside, having dinner or sitting on the couch together.
Judith has moved out at age 22, to the city, she's never been too much of a small-town kind of girl, but she comes over almost every weekend It's not like their parents are up to anything special, they don't spend too much time with their children really but Judith likes to sit with Cynthia as she paints her nails and tells her about whatever it is she's learned last in school She can handle Michael better now that she's older, she feels like she understands him better now, even though she feels no one really understand Michael, not even Michael himself They don't do a lot of talking, most of the time she brings a painting she' working on and they sit in Michaels room in silence, both doing art
Michael is just as blond as his sisters when he is young, just as his mother once was, but he's the first one to go brown (Judith follows very slowly, her hair darkens more and more the older she gets)
He's also the tallest in the family, easily (his father claims it because Michaels grandfather was very tall as well). Early on in puberty he simply started growing more and more until at age 15 he had outgrown even his father
Michael doesn't explain himself, it’s a big part of who is: He never feels like other people have to understand why he acts a certain way. He does what he feels is right, what he wants to do and others are presented with his choices, to take them or leave them but never to understand, not by his explanation at least. After years of that, his family has gotten used to it, and accepted it for the most part.
his parents used to take him to therapists, they always felt his behaviour was a little off, but they had given up on it after a while, because Michael had refused to speak to the doctors, often not even allowing to be taken to see them For the most part they meet him once and suggest more sessions to Edith (she takes him every time, Peter has given up after the 3rd therapist), but nothing comes of it Even if Michael is dragged to another session, they cannot get anything out of him. It's hardly any use if your child does not want to be treated, Edith would hear a lot She thinks these people are all idiots but she is overwhelmed by exhaustion and worry until her husbands’ words get to her and she stops making new appointments
that is until Dr. Samuel Loomis comes into the picture Until this day everyone is convinced it's been Cynthia who finally convinced Michael to go by his own will. It's a rocky relationship for sure, Michael is 16 when they first meet and his parents had no knowledge of Michaels visit to the man, Cynthia dragging his hand Loomis is confused alright, at the sight of it but he can't well refuse to see Michael when his sister continuously shakes her head at him telling her he has to talk to their parents first (later, later, she says and when he calls the Myers house after the session, Edith is surprised to hear about what happened. It's a back and forth between Peter and her on whether they should pay for another therapist. Peter is sure Michael will blow it up again but Edith convinces him in the end. They do want the best for their child after all)
It's a hard task, for both Michael and Loomis, and there are hours of Loomis talking with Michael sitting in silence but it seems Loomis has Michaels interest enough for the teen to come in again (true to himself he never explains why, but Cynthia grows more and more certain it’s because in some way Loomis understands Michael in a way nobody does. And while it infuriates Michael it also is oddly calming to him. The world is hard to control and it’s even harder to interact with people that refuse to understand the way he works.)
When Michael is almost 17, his father attempts to teach him how to drive, but like with most things in his life it feels like Michael doesn't really care so Peter feels it's lost on his son It is only a few months later that he asks Cynthia if he should pick her up from a school trip, when she tells him Michael has already offered to drive her home, that he learns his son has a driver's license
Michael is very particular when it comes to contact with others. He doesn't like being close with people, there's something about it that's both uncomfortable and unnecessary to him. He knows he has desires, he knows he feels attractions sometimes, but he doesn't act on it for the most part. It's just too much most of the time.
Michael spends a lot of energy on controlling his emotions (he gets better at it the longer he is in therapy with Loomis, but it'll always remain hard, a challenge in itself that most people cannot understand). It is why he can't bother to indulge in anything like this, it’s not a priority Most people are just, too annoying, too much, they ask so many questions, he can't stand it (relating to other doesn’t come to him very easily)
He knows he's gay, not that he cares much for a word to describe himself (he doesn’t like to be pinned like that, in any way). He never feels the need to come out, tell anyone about it (like all things he doesn't explain any part of him), unlike Cynthia, who tells him she's bisexual one day (behind strong stance and steady voice he notices her fingers shaking, nervous)
Michael shows no intentions of moving out, even past age 18 and one evening when they lay in bed, Edith tells Peter that Michael should get the house. He tells her she's crazy, where are they supposed to go Somewhere warm and nice, Edith says, they are older now after all and Peter has gotten quite a few transferal offers. It's not supposed to happen immediately after all, but think about it, she asks of her husband. He turns around, not fathoming how his wife could suggest something like this (In the end they will move. When Laurie has moved out and they've found a nice new place, they leave Haddonfield and Michael stays in the old house in Lumpkin Lane. He never moves away. It's a constant he needs in his life. One of those things that he can't have change)
Cynthia is the only one allowed to poke fun at Michael. Really, she's the only one that can get away with about anything when it comes to Michael. Neither of them recall how they started but at one point they begin fighting one another. Michael is physically stronger than Cynthia but she is quicker and they both are excellent at reading what the other plans to do so most if not all their fights end up with them equal Cynthia likes the exercise of it, growing stronger as she gets older, and she believes there is some part of Michael that needs this, in a way that she can't understand Once Michael came to a fight wearing one of his masks and only that one time there is something frightening about him, and only this once she walks away with her shirt torn apart and one cut made by a knife he carried (its against the rules and he never brings one again but Cynthia doesn’t forget this moment ever again)
Michael eats whatever he can find first, he hardly has any preferences and often he doesn't care enough to cook himself anything (why put the effort into all of that when some toast and sausage works just as well, or that plate of spaghetti Cynthia has prepared herself). He likes sweet things though, a fact that both Judith and Cynthia know how to use to their advantages (it’s so hard to get Michael to do anything he doesn’t already want to do himself)
As always: Art and Writing/Headcanon requests are open!
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briefololtragedy · 4 years
Hashirama’s Plan
Chapter 4 of Fire Station 9
Pairing: Tobirama x Sakura
Rating G 
Summary: Sakura tells Tobirama of her plan to raise enough money to beat KPD.
Also posted on AO3 (for chapters 1-3)
The men were bustling about the station getting ready for the day. Tobirama sat in his office drinking his cup of coffee. He could tell it was going to be a long day. The florist was coming over to discuss the ball and ideas for events. Some of the men were giddy with excitement to have a woman in the station. 
Tobirama remembers when he talked to some of the guys about her idea. All of them jumped at the opportunity to help with the decorations and set up. His younger brother Itami was also on board to help with creating the pillars. Apparently Sakura and Itami knew each other from high school. Tobirma’s eye started to twitch.
With one last swig of his coffee he left his office. He needed more coffee, which meant venturing to the kitchen to get it. As he walked through the hallways he could hear the voices get louder in the dining area. Brief snippets of the conversation flooded through his ears. Konohamaru was giddy with excitement. The new recruit was Asuma’s nephew, but didn’t seem to take after the older man’s laid back nature. 
“Hey boss when is Sakura going to get here? I haven’t seen her ages.” Tobirama was debating spiking the boys coffee with cough syrup. Hmm while he was at it he should also spike his brother’s coffee as well. 
“Will you calm down. How will you ever be able to keep calm in a fire or emergency situation if you are as excitable as a puppy?” Konohamaru's face fell flat. 
“Sorry it's just Sakura is friends with Naruto and I grew up with them. I haven’t seen her since she started her own business.  Ami always looked up to her. Sakura was her inspiration for going to nursing school.” Tobirama lifted an eyebrow at that. 
“How did a florist inspire someone to go into nursing school?” Before Konohamaru could respond they heard a soft voice break through all the noise. 
“Oh there you are. I wasn’t sure where you wanted to meet so I hope you don’t mind that I just let myself in.” Konohamaru ran to Sakura to pick her up. 
“Sakura-chan! I haven’t seen you in ages.” Sakura laughed at Konohamaru and gave him a hug back. Tobirama was surrounded by children. Where the hell was the coffee.
“Konohamaru how are you? Is Ami doing ok? Have you asked her out yet.” Konohamaru started to stammer. 
“Sakura, she is just a friend.” He could hear the pout on Konohamaru’s face even with his back turned. 
“Of course. It’s really Hanabi you like.” Before he had to tell them to break up their bonding moment, Sakura stopped it. 
“We should catch up some time. Come by the flower or coffee shop when you are free. I have things to discuss with your Chief.” As Tobirama took a sip from the elixir of life he noticed how all the guys were staring at her. He then took in her appearance, he understood why. She was wearing a pair of exercise pants that were fifty percent  mesh and a sleeveless racerback exercise top. He could see the definitions of her arm and back muscles. Her hair was braided down her back. She didn’t look like she was trying to attract attention, but the auror around her pulled people in. Yeah they would have no problem finding help. 
“Tobirama-san is there somewhere you would like to go over the plans some more. I have come up with some ideas I would like to run by you.” With a heavy sigh he started to lead her to his office. However, he was interrupted by one of the crew members offering her a cup of coffee. It was Deidera. He had been with them for a little over a year, he was the arsonist expert. He didn’t know why irritation overcame him. He narrowed it down to having to wait longer to go over the plans. Tobirama also thought of how Deidara should be investigating one of the recent factory fires. 
Tobirama was intrigued when he saw her take her coffee black. He would have expected a ton of sugar and cream. Instead she took a small sip and then nodded her head.  When he saw her smile the irritation faded some. 
“Do you want to join me to discuss this or not.” Yep he was still irritated. The crew started to scatter. Sakura just rolled her eyes at him. 
“Jeez someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” The men all froze when she spoke waiting for him to go off on her. Instead she walked ahead of him and he followed. 
Sakura looked around his office, it was psycho killer level organized. There were no papers on his desk. He had desk organizers with neatly stacked papers, on the counter behind him. A couple of awards and certificates decorated his walls. His office was like him, no nonsense. 
“Alright Sakura-san lets get this over with.” Sakura watched him sit elegantly in his chair, while she just plopped in the guest chair. He just looked at her and didn’t bother to continue the conversation. Sakura knew he wanted her to start talking. 
“First I wanted to see if you have asked the men if they would help with decorations and set up?” Sakura was hoping he was at least able to carry enough conversational skills to ask a simple question with people he worked with everyday. 
“They all were in agreement to lending a hand.” 
“That’s great! It will help us save a lot of money. On the topic of money I have been thinking of different events that can take place during the ball. One of them is to have an auction.” Sakura paused waiting for him to say something. He tilted his head and was silent for a few seconds. 
“An auction. Doesn’t that mean we have to get products for the attendees to bid on?” Yep here comes the pessimistic attitude. 
“Well I was thinking about that. Did your school ever have student auctions senior year?” Sakura was praying that he would say yes. 
“No.” Tobirama wanted her to get to the point. 
“Oh. Ok. So in high school the student council would set up an event every year. Students from the senior class would be put up for auction. The other grades would then bid on them. The seniors would create a list of what they would do for the day for the person who placed the highest bid on them. It didn’t cost any money for the auction itself and always brought in a good amount of money for Grad Week activities. So I was thinking that we could do something similar with the firefighters.” Sakura looked at him hopefully. The man had a great poker face. 
“You want to auction off the firefighters to raise money?” His voice was tight when he spoke. Tobirama didn’t like how this sounded. But he liked the idea of no money going into the event. 
“Yes. Each firefighter would create a bio to have posted before the event. The attendants can access it on your website. I was also thinking of having two of my friends help with creating photos for the website as well.” Sakura wanted to scream at him to just accept the idea. 
This idea left a bitter taste in his mouth, but he wouldn’t have to participate in it. 
“And what would my crew be doing for those who win?” Sakura was anticipating this question. She knew Tobirama’s distaste for the firefighter calendars that some of the other stations would create, so knew this would not be his cup of tea. 
“They would have a day with the firefighter. It will be in the rules that everything is to remain respectful for all parties involved.” Tobirama folded his arms and leaned back. 
“Will your friends charge for the photos?” Sakura found hope bubbling up on the inside. 
“No they will be doing it as a favor.” Sakura just had to treat Sai and Ino to a dinner of their choice. 
“Fine.” Sakura found herself jumping up in excitement. She looked over to Tobirama who looked like he was going to explode. 
“Sorry. I got a little excited.” Sakura sat back down in her chair. She pulled out some files from her bag and tried to appear like the professional business woman she was. 
“We could also auction off some days for people to spend time in the firestation.” Tobirama didn’t know where the idea came from or what possessed him to say it out loud. 
“That sounds wonderful!” Sakura clasped her hands in front of her in excitement. Maybe this would be so bad. They settled into a more detailed conversation about the logistics of the ball. It seemed like only moments had passed, but when he glanced at his watch they had been in his office for over 2 hours. 
As she went to open her mouth Tobirama’s office door was flung open, causing her to jump. She didn’t realize Tobirama jumped slightly as well. 
“Chief, Deidara is back from the scene of the factory fire.” Jin then walked away. 
Tobirama cleared his throat and got up to move. 
“I have to speak to one of my guys. Do you mind waiting out in the main hall?” 
“Of course not.” With that Sakura gathered her things and took off. Deidara was standing outside the door and Tobirama saw him glance at his Sakura’s backside as she left. 
“Deidara, come in.” Tobirama knew he was in for a long meeting. He could not bang his head against his desk. 
Sakura found herself back in the dining hall. There were some old upholstered arm chairs in the corner by the windows. The beat up old chairs looked far more comfortable than the wooden dining chairs. Sakura quickly settled into the worn out chairs and grabbed her phone. She sent a quick text to Ino about the upcoming job. She then silenced her phone and picked up her tablet. Sakura wasn't in the mood for Ino at the moment. 
A few minutes went by as Sakura worked. She was so engrossed that she didn’t realize someone sat in the chair next to her until they spoke. 
“Hi I’m Kotetsu. You must be Sakura, the person helping with the ball this year.” Sakura looked up to see a man around her age sitting down next to her. He had brown eyes and dark black-blue hair. His hair was slightly wild sticking out at odd angles. He overall was handsome, if not on the plain side. 
“Yes, I’m Sakura. Nice to meet you.” Sakura extended her hand to shake his. It was then she noticed the boyish smile that crossed his face. 
“So are you going to help us beat the KPD this year? “ 
“That’s the plan. I heard that you guys are willing to help as well, which will help.” 
“Yeah lots of the guys are looking forward to helping.” Kotetsu was now leaning over, arms on his legs and he talked to her. 
“Hey Kotetsu, we have to clean the engine. Get your ass over here.” A man with brown hair that covered one of his eyes called out, interrupting the conversation. 
“Guess duty calls.  I look forward to seeing you around more.” With a wink he ran off. Sakura found herself sighing. She wasn’t sure if she could handle flirting and starting over. She was supposed to be done with this. Stupid men. 
Sakura busied herself with her tablet. Hashirama had sent her a list of the crew members of station 9. She hoped all of them would be in agreement with the plan. 
Deidara finally finished giving Tobirama the report. Sadly it seemed they would have to work with the KPD on the case, which meant he would have to work with either Izuna or Shisui. Tobirama felt a bitter taste come up his mouth. Shisui was decent to work with, but Izuna grated on his nerves.
Tobirama needed to stretch his legs and found himself walking with Deidara out of the office. 
“So is the florist single? I can see why the crews jumped to helping with manual labor, Un. “ Tobirama rolled his eyes. 
As they rounded the corner he had to stop for a second. Sakura was sitting in one of the beat up chairs, he made a mental note to get new ones the moment they had the extra money. She was hunched over her tablet, engrossed in her work.  As he went to speak to her, he heard him. 
“Sakura! How is my little brother treating you?” Hashirama bounced into the station, like a monkey with cymbals. Sakura looked up from her work and smiled at him. 
“Hashirama it's good to see you again. Tobirama has been great to work with. I am just working on our main event for the ball.” Tobirama let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
“Brother what are you doing here?” Tobirama made his presence known to the duo. He quickly evaded his brother’s hug. 
“I wanted to see how the planning was going. Tell me what is the main event?” Before Tobirama could speak, Sakura cut in. 
“Well we still need to discuss it with the crew, but we were thinking of an auction. A day with a firefighter. Thank you for the list, by the way. There are 3 crews in this station, so I hope that if all 12 participate we would raise enough money.” Sakura started to gather her things. Hashirama was deep in thought. 
“Don’t worry I’m sure all the guys will jump at the chance. Also count Tobirama and myself in as well.” If Tobirama had no self control his mouth would be hanging open like a fish. What did his brother just say? There was no way in hell he was going to participate in this. 
“What was that brother?” Hashirama had a glint in his eye. He went over to Tobirama and slapped his back. 
“Oh come on. Don’t be a stick in the mud. This is for charity. Don’t you want to beat KPD?” Hashirama knew exactly what to say to get his brother to agree to this. 
“Fine.” Tobirama had no desire to participate in the event. He wasn’t fully on board with it.  He wanted to raise more money this year. If the goal was to raise money for charity there was nothing wrong with some competition, right? Plus he couldn't make a scene in front of Sakura and the guys. The moment Hashirama and he were alone they would discuss this. 
9 notes · View notes
ammeh7 · 5 years
7KPP Week 2019 - Day 5
A Day of Friendships || A Romance for the Ages
By “a romance for the ages” I of course refer to the game’s One True Pairing of Narrator/Jasper.
This fic probably needed to be at least twice as long as I actually had time to make it, and it’s glaringly obvious that I wrote most of Week 5 Day 4 before a lot of the rest of it, but I figured I’d post the thing anyway and maybe go back and fix it up at some point in the future.
Summary: The narrator wants to vicariously kiss Jasper, but MC has a thing for morally dubious princesses.
Warning: Contains huge spoilers for weeks 4 and 5 of the extended demo
The narrator is some sort of Historian-affiliated spirit thing here, but the specifics are left deliberately ambiguous.
Lady Rosaline was made up for the story, since my Gisette-mancer is immoral and I wanted an ethical one for this fic. She could be any 75-manip-compatible background.
This contains several snippets copied directly from the game; I don’t take credit for those!
You can hear me.
Granted, only when you’re half-asleep, but that’s better than I can do with anyone else.
I can hear you, too—or rather, hear you thinking to yourself—which makes discerning your motivations so much easier.
And you’re special. It’s practically a giant sign over your head, screaming “Stuff! Happen over here!”
Most importantly, Jasper’s your butler.
I’ve decided. You’re the one I’m recording this Summit.
Week 1, Day 0
As you drift off to sleep, you contemplate how unbelievably attractive everyone you met at the Welcome Feast was.
It’s a good problem to have, right? And you certainly charmed everyone you met. But as long as we’re discussing unbelievably attractive people: have you seen your butler?
Yes? Okay, good.
Week 1, Day 4
“I hope all our encounters can continue being so mutually pleasing, Lady Rosaline.”
A spike of want runs through you. You can’t wait for the next time the two of you meet.
Really? Character assassination does it for you?
Week 1, Day 6
More than hijinks, sparring, nature walks, or intellectual debates?
Week 1, Day 7
“I think there’s someone who might become special.”
Oh? Really? I hope for your sake they are thinking the same.
It’s Princess Gisette, isn’t it. You have terrible taste. Didn’t you see your gorgeous butler? Or the warrior princess who’s completely besotted with you? The dashing pirate? The thoughtful Revairan lord? Your adorable blushing maid? Did I mention your gorgeous butler? Or pretty much any person besides the one who faked you out with a supposedly private invitation and then tried to manipulate you into slandering an innocent woman?
It could be worse, I suppose. You could have an eye for her brother.
Week 2, Day 5
“I think I would regret it if you were to become a ghost in truth.”
She gives you a soulful look, her blue-violet eyes pulling you in, despite not being the true, gorgeous purple you’ve seen on some of the Isle natives. Such as Jasper.
“Not nearly so much as I would!” You smile at her, not even contemplating how much more purple her eyes could be.
Week 3, Day 2
Jasper has indisputably won the gift-giving competition, but you’re really fixated on that perfume.
She didn’t even pick it out for you! She picked it out for herself! It was probably just a spare bottle she brought in her luggage!
Yes, it’s expensive, but…
Week 3, Day 3
Exhausted from herding quarrelsome children at dinner, you drift off to sleep.
There are no assassins around. Nothing noteworthy is going to happen with you for the next seven hours, at least.
Across the castle, Jasper is finishing a journal entry, recording dutifully. He’s taken off his jacket and is sitting in his vest, looking enticingly exposed despite not showing an inch more skin than normal. There’s a hint of tiredness around his eyes, but his face is still almost inhumanly perfect.
With a neat flourish, he ends his entry. He pulls off his writing gloves to reveal his long, slender fingers before sprinkling the page with sand to dry it and shaking it off.
He closes the journal, then stands, sticking a finger in his cravat loosen it.
Oh my.
I probably shouldn’t be here. (I might have had to extrapolate the rules of my existence myself, but I’m pretty confident I’m supposed to be watching the actors. And probably not spying on people undressing.)
He removes his cravat and unbuttons his waistcoat, hanging them up neatly. He starts to unbutton his shirt, revealing his pale collarbone, and…I’m being creepy. Sigh.
(See, if you were here, this would be history and not voyeurism!)
I return. You sleep for the next eight hours, rolling over a few times. At one point you scratch your nose.
Absolutely scintillating.
Week 3, Day 5
Jasper has been investigating the plot against you, like the darling he is.
You remember an incident you observed last week, with that same type of easily missed servant and Princess Gisette.
…Yes, if that was the story it makes sense. Especially knowing Gisette and her family’s reputation.
“Lady Rosaline, what is it?”
“Nothing, Jasper. It’s nothing. Thank you for your help, and your investigation. I appreciate it.”
You don’t really, though. You can’t truly appreciate what this means for him, how he struggled with this. What devotion.
Somehow, the discovery that Gisette was behind your accident last week doesn’t seem to be putting you off. In fact, I think it’s piqued your interest.
You make no sense.
Week 3, Day 7
“I hope you will keep something similar in mind, Princess.”
You continue onto the Matchmaker with a dreamy internal smile, not at all bothered by the fact that she just sent your poor butler on a run-around errand because she decided to procrastinate until the last minute with her love confessions.
Granted, he…apparently procrastinates even more, but despite having just received a regular barrage of clandestine proposals, you fail to recognize his advice for the heartfelt confession that it is.
If you’d just reject it, I could live with that, but how oblivious can you be?
You proceed to lie shamelessly about plans for a political marriage to the Matchmaker. She’s totally onto you, I hope you realize.
Week 3, Day 7
Gisette gives you a studying look from across the room. It’s a lot like the look she gave you right after she tried to murder you. Last week.
Are you really sure about this?
You manage to meet her gaze and then give her a significant smile and nod of your own.
Week 4, Day 3
You bask in Princess Gisette’s lap, drinking in her condolences about the terrible burden on you this week.
If you would pause a moment to consider the irony, you might remember that you’ve deduced this burden is all her fault in the first place, and also how tragic you found the death of that fellow she murdered, but you apparently haven’t reached that level of self-awareness.
You at least remember that she also tried to murder you, but you’ve apparently decided to let that slide.
Not for the first time, I question your self-preservation instinct.
Week 5, Day 2
Jasper wipes your fingers carefully, attempting to gently remove the ink.
When he is satisfied it is clean he stares at your hand for a moment, as if lost in thought. It is only a lapse of a moment though, before he returns to himself and releases your hand from his grip with a start.
“Forgive me, Lady Rosaline.”
“I should go. I have other duties to attend to.”
Despite your surprised protests, he hurries off, leaving you alone with your newly finished letter.
“—you really need to get more sleep,” you finish, to the empty air. You read once more over your letter to home, plans already forming in the back of your mind for your return.
Sleep? How could you not see the pining there? The repressed longing? How could you not melt into goo over the yearning devotion in his eyes?
How could you not want to stay?
Your maids help you undress for bed, and you doze off happily, oblivious to the fact that you’re totally doing Katyia’s Legacy wrong.
Week 5, Day 4
Jasper sets down your breakfast tray, both he and the breakfast as mouth-watering as always. “Let’s go over your schedule for the day, Lady Rosaline.”
You groan inwardly at the businesslike tone in his voice. Today’s going to be a busy one.
“There’s a rehearsal scheduled this afternoon, for the three hours before dinner. You’ll obviously be expected to attend that. Given that you have a leading role, you may also want to reserve some additional time to go over your lines.”
You perk up at that, looking forward to the opportunity to see Gisette. Perhaps you could even arrange some time alone together under the pretense of practicing your Serah-Vienna scenes.
“You’ve received a last-minute invitation to a tea arranged by one of the delegates from Wellin, Lady Petunia.”
You shake your head. You’ve met Lady Petunia, she’s a dreadful bore. More importantly, she’s not nearly fashionable enough for Gisette to attend her teas.
“You’ve also received an invitation to a group luncheon from Lady Aria of Revaire, as a thank you for the tea you hosted last week. Given your role in the theatrical this week, I believe you can decline without causing offense, should you wish to. Lastly, with the upcoming ball, I believe it would be wise for you to work on your dancing. I would be happy to assist you in that area.”
Lady Aria rarely says anything of substance, but on the other hand, she spends a great deal of time with Princess Gisette.
Do you really want to choose an hour of empty-headed prattle where you may or may not be able to watch Gisette from across the table over dancing with Jasper?
“I’d rather not risk offending Lady Aria. She was a great help to my investigations last week.”
(Yes. Yes, apparently you do.)
“Very well. You should still have some free time after dinner and before the luncheon, which you could spend on dancing, private rehearsal, or something else.”
“I should take some time after the rehearsal to go over the scenes I had trouble with. Perhaps Lord Clarmont or Princess Gisette might even be available this evening to go over some of our scenes.”
Jasper’s eyes widen in alarm, though it does little to disrupt the sheer perfection of his features. “My lady, meeting privately with a man you have not been matched with to rehearse romance scenes would…invite comment.”
You knew that. Etiquette might not be one of your strong suits, but you’re not that oblivious.
“I thought we might be able to find someone to chaperone, but…you’re right, it will be best if I only ask Princess Gisette. I have just as many scenes with her anyway.”
You shrug, as if it doesn’t matter to you one way or the other, pleased to have an excuse for some time alone with Gisette.
“That still leaves this morning. I’m afraid I won’t be available to help you practice your dancing in the hours between now and your luncheon.”
“Perhaps another time. I can practice by myself in the ballroom for today.”
You spend some time dancing around in the ballroom. There’s something about this room, because by spending time in it you can feel your natural charisma increasing.
(Perhaps if you practiced with your butler, instead of trying to look alluring for yourself in the mirror, you’d actually manage to improve your grace and not just your personal magnetism.)
Gisette is not at the luncheon, which turns out to be a dreadful waste of a couple hours. (Just think, you could have been dancing with Jasper.) By the time the designated hour for the rehearsal rolls around, you are practically tripping over your skirts in your haste to escape.
“But Vienna,” you sigh, “how could I possibly trust in his intentions after my most faithful maid saw Lady Matterly leaving his chambers?”
“Sweet girl,” Gisette rests her hand on your back, a waft of sweet perfume teasing your senses. “I know you trust your maid dearly, but you must admit she is…prone to misjudgments. Confront Sir Horus, find his version of the story. He is not a man who would be able to lie under pressure. Not like Prince Armand.”
You turn to face Gisette, clasping her elegant hand between your own. “Oh, but Prince Armand cares for you dearly! I’ve seen the look in his eyes when he watches you across the room. He may be a man who talks all around what he means—not unlike yourself, dear cousin—but I am convinced his affection for you is true.”
“Lady Rosaline!” Lady Avalie is suddenly standing next to the pair of you. “You’re turning your back to the audience.”
Right. You release Gisette’s hand, masking your reluctance to do so. “I don’t think it works for Serah to deliver that line with her back to Vienna. Princess, perhaps if you came around?”
You try a few things, but don’t quite get it right by the time Prince Zarad and Lord Clarmont have finished and it’s time to switch scenes.
“Princess, would you have some time to spare this evening to see if we can get that scene figured out?” You smile apologetically, as if you’re sorry for the bother.
She gives you a coolly assessing look, but you can detect a glimmer of amusement in her eyes. “I had some time planned to review my lines. I suppose we could use it to work on our joint scenes, Lady Rosaline.”
After dinner, Gisette knocks on your door, script in hand. “I hope now is a good time to work on our scenes, Lady Rosaline,” she says sweetly, just loud enough to be overheard.
You happily invite her in.
“I admit, Rosaline, I initially found the idea of this theatrical quite a bother, but I’m coming to appreciate its hidden charms,” she says, smiling languidly at you.
You look around for a suitable chair, and land on the one you were sat in yesterday when Jasper so lovingly wiped the ink off your fingers. Without sparing that tender moment a passing thought, you sit and run through your positioning a few times until you have it figured out.
“I confess,” Gisette smiles, “I’m not entirely confident in the scene before the ball, either.”
“Oh, Vienna!” you cry, taking Gisette’s hands in both of your own. “I fear I shall never find love!” You clasp your joined hands dramatically to your bosom.
“A lady should hope never to…” Gisette cuts off in the middle of her character’s quip, shaking her head with a smile teasing at her lips. “Really, my dear? I suspect the audience might notice if you have me grope you onstage.”
You grin unabashedly, releasing her hands. “My apologies. I was caught up in the drama of the moment.”
Okay, you’re kind of cute together. When she’s not planning your death.
“You did not see the so-called ‘love poem’ he sent me, Serah. It contained the most lurid descriptions of my—”
At this point, Serah’s maid is supposed to burst into the room and interrupt, but it’s just the two of you.
She’s standing where Jasper normally does when he’s going over your schedule in the morning. Your eyes meet, tension simmering between you.
You raise an eyebrow, smirking. “Have you ever gotten a particularly terrible poem from a suitor, Gisette? I received one at seventeen that compared my teeth to his mother’s china.”
She tilts her head in thought, her pale hair catching the candlelight without the ethereal pearly shimmer that Jasper’s hair gets in the same light.
“Nothing so terrible as what was recited at that charming little evening you hosted, but there have been a few gems.” She smirks, takes one of your hands in hers and looks deeply into your eyes. “O lovely moon, I beseech you to shine on me eternally, eclipse me in your violet pits…"
You giggle.
“He was so proud of his work that he recited it in person. On one knee. And his father was too important an ally to offend, so I had to smile through all twenty verses.” She wrinkles her nose. “It was all I could do not to gag. But enough of such odious recollections, my dear. I have a rare moment alone with you.” She strokes her fingers over your wrist, not releasing your hand.
“And what would you like to do with it?” you purr.
“Oh,” she smiles slowly, like a cat basking in the sun, “I have a few ideas.”
She steps closer. Her long, cool fingers stroke along your jaw, and she cups the side of your face, her soft lips closing over yours. She kisses you passionately, releasing your hand to bring her other hand to your waist.
You wrap your arms around her, drawing her as tight as you can without mussing her exquisite coiffure. Your mouths melt into each other, her body feeling almost fragile under your hands.
(I wanted to vicariously kiss Jasper, but… this is nice.)
You finally, reluctantly, release each other, and you blush as you realize that you weren’t entirely successful in your quest to avoid disheveling her hair. You were not emotionally prepared for her to pull your lower lip between her teeth like that.
“Let me…” you grab a hairbrush from your dresser.
She raises an eyebrow, looking herself over in the mirror and giving you a fondly exasperated look before taking a seat on your dressing stool. “I shouldn’t give you a hard time. You’re more of a sight than I am.”
You peer over her shoulder into the mirror to find your hair falling out of its twist, bodice off-kilter, cheeks flushed, and lips red and slightly swollen.
“Whoops.” You adjust your bodice and hastily tuck the wayward strands of hair into place. The rest you’ll just have to wait out. “How do I look, cousin?” you tease, sliding a hand into her pale blonde tresses and catching a lock to smooth with the brush.
“Like perfection itself, my dear.” She doesn’t finish the line, tilting her head back languidly and luxuriating under your touch. Hints of the fragrant oils she uses waft up to you as you stroke the brush through her hair.
Once you’ve brushed every lock into place and then some, and can’t really justify drawing it out any further, you twist the strands she had pinned behind her head back into place and replace her hair clip.
She stands, smiling regretfully. “Our time together is always far too short. Until next time, Rosaline.”
With a parting kiss, she picks up her script and departs, leaving you with the trace of her perfume and lips that still feel warm.
Week 7, Day 8
As your ship becomes a speck on the horizon, it feels strange to be idle again. It’s been a long time.
Jasper stands at a window in one of the towers, watching you go, a hint of resigned melancholy in his eyes.
I couldn’t do anything for him. Again.
I know he can’t feel me, not like you could, but I concentrate on all my good feelings, all my esteem, all the love I was hoping you’d be the one to give him for me.
It’s so quick, I might’ve imagined it, but for a moment, a hint of a smile flickers across his face.
I don’t know if anyone like you is going to come around again, but…I can always hope, right?
Jasper turns away from the window, heads back down to help with getting the castle out of the state of disarray that sixty entitled visitors always manage to get it into.
And I?
I wait.
My apologies for how glaringly this fic needed to be twice as long and several times more edited. 
I might go back and flesh it out more once I can write about weeks 6/7!
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sir-adamus · 6 years
The Case for Wings
alrighty so Wings has been a hot debate in this fandom for a loooong time over who the singer of the song is supposed to be (it’s most certainly about Blake, but the identity of the singer is somewhat ambiguous)
so i’m gonna just go into how i see things on that score; i’m gonna avoid going into creative speculation on this, and just try and stick to to the facts, how i’ve interpreted them, and how those facts correlate with each other
now, right out of the gate, i have to say that from what i can tell, Wings is not a terribly romantic song. the subject of the song, Blake, is referred to as ‘baby’, but other than that there’s nothing really indicating romance; it’s primarily a song of support and care from the singer to the subject - the singer sympathises with the subject and understands how they feel about being ‘stray’ and encourages the subject that they’ll soon ‘take flight’
now a common interpretation for who the singer of the song is that it’s Weiss, as it played at the end of a two parter which involved the two clashing and then reconciling, plus there’s reference to “twelve hours”, which is part of Weiss’s dialogue over how long was spent searching for Blake and working things out
however, i don’t think the song makes sense from Weiss’s perspective - as mentioned, the song is primarily supportive and encouraging, which doesn’t reflect Weiss’s behaviour in the scene it plays in - she wants to just move past the argument because she’s realised Blake being a Faunus doesn’t bother her, they’re still friends and teammates, so she doesn’t need to hear Blake’s explanation - there’s no real sense of understanding or being sympathetic to Blake’s experiences which lines like “I know you can't stand the thought of/Being stray” kind of allude to
the perspective i feel does make the most sense for Wings is Yang’s, for several reasons, both based on details we had as early as volume 1 that kinda passed us all by as well as details that have come along as the show has progressed which kinda build to lean on that interpretation more
so to start with, there are a couple of other songs on volume 1′s soundtrack which lead to this interpretation
the first point is Gold - Gold is another supportive and encouraging song that describes Yang’s love for her little sister Ruby. so there’s already precedent for that kind of song
second point is that both I Burn and Gold, both Yang songs, reference flight - “ High as you can go, but I'm the one who's gonna soar.” and “Love's around you/ In time, you'll fly.” respectively. this is important because flight imagery also comes up in Wings - obviously from the name, but also the line “You’ll take flight soon baby”
this flight imagery carries over to a few of Yang’s other songs, which reinforces the connection; “My misery/My agony/Has taught me to fly” from Armed and Ready, and “Maybe help you find your wings and fly” from All That Matters (notable because this is a pretty overt reference to Wings and the song is outright a song from Yang’s perspective to Blake)
so i feel already there’s a lot connecting Yang to Wings
additionally, Wings doesn’t really sound like Weiss - like it’s hard to imagine her calling anyone ‘baby’, while it’s not that hard to imagine Yang doing so
in addition to this, while it’s of dubious canonicity (the interview often citing ‘the songs aren’t canon’ is heavily misinterpreted because the intention behind that statement seemed to be more ‘this isn’t 100% them saying this’ - like RLR Pt 2 clearly isn’t a conversation that actually happened between Ruby and Summer because it’s talking about the event in which Summer died - it’s more conveying emotions and intent, not 100% “this is what they’re saying in this moment”. it likely also meant more that the songs are made with applicability, like you don’t need the context of the songs to understand what they mean) because there was no creative consultation done with RT during production of it as it wasn’t made to be used in an episode of volume 4 (and only got into volume 4′s soundtrack because of an injury, though Jeff was working on it before the injury, meaning it was likely intended to get creative consultation and be put in volume 5 somewhere maybe), of course i’m talking about BMBLB - which Jeff still made with characters in mind, so would have their ‘voice’ in mind for it - that has the subject of the chorus referred to as ‘baby’
so two soundtrack instances involving Blake involving someone being called ‘baby’. weirdbut let’s talk about Wings as a leitmotif
Wings is used as a leitmotif 4 times across the series - once in 1x15, before the full song debuted, when Ruby wakes up and sees Blake’s empty bed, which enforces it’s connection to Blake, if nothing else. the next time it played was in 2x01, after the scene has jumped to Blake looking through her notebook, and looking at her doodles of Adam, it stops as Yang leans in to ask what she’s doing - again, mainly connecting the song to Blake, though the juxtaposition of it with Yang’s appearance is interesting
third time it played was in 3x04, as Qrow leaves with some encouraging words to his nieces - this definitely plays into the supportive and encouraging tone of the song, as well as connecting to flight imagery (because Qrow can turn into a bird and fly - which also connects back to Yang because she’s part of the Branwen bloodline)
and the most recent time it played was in 5x13 - though often disputed, i’ve made a couple of posts and finally audio and video posts on this which put it pretty conclusively. also, while i can’t confirm the veracity of the statement, a reddit thread talking about the good parts of volume 5′s soundtrack mentions that Alex Abraham confirmed Wings is used as a leitmotif in 5x13 (i won’t be linking the thread, though as of the writing of this post it’s still up, as the OP wants to avoid shipping drama - which this subject tends to bring up - and linking it could lead to the thread, and thus only source we have, getting taken down and/or lost) - playing as Blake enters the hall and everyone reacts in shock (specifically starting just as Yang sees her) and she looks around and only says Yang’s name. it also echoes the first time the full song played, which was RWBY reuniting after being broken up temporarily (Blake even ran away both times)
which i feel definitely reinforces that connection (especially as All That Matters, which we got a snippet of in the next episode, also references Wings)
but finally, let’s talk about how it makes sense for the song to be from Yang’s perspective based on her actual character and her interactions with Blake
Yang is a very caring character, and very supportive to those she cares about - this side of her also comes about a lot, especially following volume 2 where her character came into focus a lot more (as she was mainly in the background in volume 1) - Yang demonstrates how much she understands and sympathises with Blake in 2x06, which is how she’s able to get through to Blake because she’s been in Blake’s position. later, in 2x10, when Blake expresses her self-doubts over her ability to realise her ideals of equality, which Yang is vocally encouraging and supportive of “I’m sure you’ll figure it out, you’re not one to back down from a challenge, Blake”
in fact that 2x06 conversation and the fact that no one else was able to get through to Blake shows that Yang, out of any one of her friends at Beacon, knows and understands her the most - so surely it makes sense for her to be the perspective of a song from a perspective of knowing how the subject feels when Yang gets Blake in a way no one else really seems to do
finally, there are a few counter-arguments i’d like to address on this score
“but Weiss was the one who said the ‘twelve hours’ line” - that is true, no denying that. however, the song only references those twelve hours passing, and Yang was with Weiss for all of it - in addition, Yang is the one shown most upset by Blake leaving, which makes how that line is followed “Twelve hours/Is a long night./When you're searching/With no hope in sight.” - Yang is more visibly worried about not finding Blake in 1x16, even calling Weiss out for seemingly not caring, so lines like this make more sense from her (especially given her history with people leaving - that’d surely do a number on the amount of ‘hope’ she’d have in that situation)
additionally, later song, All That Matters is a reference to something Ruby said, but that song is still Yang’s perspective
“but it played at the end of a Blake and Weiss centered episode” - that doesn’t really mean much though, i mean Red Like Roses Pt II played during RWBY and JNPR’s initiation fights against the Nevermore and Death Stalker, despite it being a duet between Ruby and Summer. plus it’s primarily the credits theme of the volume, which doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the content of the episode it plays in
like Sacrifice comes off (with the benefit of hindsight) as a Raven song, despite her not having much involvement at all with volume 2 beyond Yang bringing her up for the first time, her saving Yang a few episodes prior, and the unexplained stinger afterwards
then there’s Divide, which primarily covers Salem’s grudge with Ozpin, which we only got a little of at the end of that episode, and it’s mainly referencing the extended conversation between the two of them that we got the start of in 1x01 and the end of in 3x12
Armed and Ready is about Yang’s arc across volume 4, recovering from the trauma of losing her arm, but that wasn’t an overarching factor in 4x12
This Time is about working to undo the damage of the White Fang and making a new brotherhood, which does come up in 5x14 but it’s mainly referencing speeches from earlier in the volume, and not much to do with the main content of that episode
you get my point, just because a song is used in the credits of a volume doesn’t mean it’s tied to the events of that episode, and may be in reference to earlier events or foreshadowing later events
ultimately i feel like, keeping in mind Yang’s characterisation and strong dynamic with Blake the use of flight imagery in Wings (and the ties that has to Yang) and how it was used in the moment they saw each other again after being apart for months, with all the focus that had been building up to the two of them in particular reuniting and reconciling - then being followed in the next episode by another song that has a pretty overt reference to Wings and is pretty clearly about Blake from Yang’s perspective - it makes so much more sense for the singer of Wings to be Yang
obviously songs are up to interpretation and we don’t have official confirmation one way or another, and there’s nothing stopping you interpreting the song however you like; but these points which have built up over the years are a lot of the reasons why the interpretation of Yang as the singers’ perspective of Wings has been around for the last few years (i personally made the connection based on soundtrack stuff in the post-volume 3 hiatus, before a lot of these points came about)
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Paris (Ficlet)
Part 1 (of 2): Surprises
So I’m working on the final Barbmura ficlet request, which is for Nomura to introduce Barbara to an old friend of hers (the identity of whom is important so I’m keeping it secret for now).  While I was brainstorming ideas though I kinda liked the concept of Barbara accidentally meeting the friend before their official introduction (without knowing who she is).  This ficlet was me messing around with that a little (also a writing warm up that I got carried away with).  Part 2 will be the actual ficlet request, which I’ll post with the ask.
Link to AO3 Snippet Collection
Barbara awoke to morning sunlight falling across her face and the distant sounds of Paris rousing for the day.  She wiped away the sleep from her eyes and yawned.  For a moment, she was content to remain settled in bed.  Then, she looked over to where Nomura still slept and smiled.
It was a rare occasion when, between the two of them, Barbara got up first.  Usually, by the time she opened her eyes, Nomura had already gotten dressed and started on her makeup routine (unlike Barbara, who didn’t see the point in bothering most of the time since looks weren’t really a priority in the ER, Nomura was committed to making herself beautiful (more so than she already was) each morning).  Many a morning, Barbara had spent lazily watching her before getting out of bed herself.
Today, however, she was gifted the treat of witnessing Nomura peacefully slumber on.  Barbara leaned over and kissed her new wife’s cheek.  Nomura stirred, but didn’t awake.
“Shhh.”  Barbara gently pulled their blanket up over Nomura.  “I’ll be back soon,” she added after an idea popped into her head.  “I’m going to go get you a surprise.”  Barbara wrapped one of the spare blankets around herself so she wouldn’t get cold and slipped out of bed.
Now, to find some clothes.
After some rummaging in her suitcase, Barbara managed to pull out a light yellow sundress.  She padded into the bathroom and made herself presentable, or at least presentable enough to go walk to the little bakery (boulangerie? since this was Paris) they’d passed on their way in to the hotel.
Barbara found herself staring at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.  She looked nice.  Not necessarily younger, but she hadn’t been trying for that.  But nice.  It wasn’t weird, necessarily.  Just different.  She was so used to throwing on whatever scrubs happened to be clean that seeing herself in something (pretty?) felt off.  Barbara wrapped a stray lock of hair around her finger and debated pulling it up into a bun or something.  But that’s what she did for work and this was her honeymoon (albeit her second one) and it was in Paris.  She left her hair down around her shoulders.
Down on the street, the world was chaotic and daunting.  People rushed past Barbara, going about their daily business.  Suddenly, she realized she was a long way from home and she didn’t know much French.
Barbara gulped.  Which way had it been again?  She didn’t remember.  They’d been traveling for so long and they’d just wanted to be able to relax when they arrived, so they hadn’t figured anything out really and-
“Bonjour!”  A woman tapped Barbara’s shoulder and she jumped.  The woman laughed, a light and fluttery sound, and then said something in French.  When Barbara didn’t answer, she asked, “Americaine?  Anglais?”  When Barbara nodded, she switched to English.  “I’m sorry for startling you.  You look a little lost.  Is there something I can help with?”  The woman had a lovely accent.  Not French nor one that Barbara recognized, but it gave her voice a melodious note.  
“I…um…” Barbara started, but found her mind drawing a blank.  The woman was…Barbara didn’t really know how to describe her.  She had a braid of thick, black hair over one shoulder.  Her dark eyes were friendly and her lips smiled.  But there was something about her-she was beautiful-but it wasn’t that.  Being near her, Barbara felt she was in the presence of someone.  Someone very old, but she looked around Barbara’s age.  Or did she?  That had been Barbara’s first thought, but now she seemed younger.  No.  Older.  Barbara blinked.  Now she was confused.
“Are you alright, miss?”  The woman put a hand on her arm and peered into her face.  “I truly did not mean to startle you.”
“Oh.  Oh, no.  Oh, I’m sorry.”  Barbara blushed.  “I-yes, I’m fine.  We just got in yesterday.”  And haven’t actually gone anyway because we were busy with other, unmentionable things, but Barbara didn’t say that part.  “I’m trying to find this bakery I think I saw when we arrived, but, I-sorry I guess I’m a little intimidated by it all.”  She tried to laugh like the woman had, but it came out too forced in her opinion.
“That’s perfectly alright.  I know of a wonderful one down that way.”  The woman pointed down the street to their left.  “Here, I’ll take you there.”  She offered out her hand.  
Barbara found herself taking it without hesitation, which made a part of her worry.  She felt she could trust this woman with anything and that was strange. 
“So, tell me, what brings you to Paris?”  The woman asked when they started walking.
“I-we just got married.”  Barbara took a breath to clear her head.  “We’re on our honeymoon and…” Her gaze wandered to a street stall selling flowers of all sorts.  
Back in Arcadia, when they’d go on picnics together, Nomura always loved it when Barbara made her flower crowns out of wild buttercups (not that she’d ever admit that to anyone else though).
“Sorry, do you mind if we stop for a minute?”  Barbara’s original plan had to be to surprise Nomura with breakfast, but the idea of bringing her back flowers was too appealing to resist.  “My wife, Nomura, likes flowers.  Although don’t tell her I told you that.  I was planning to surprise her.”
“How wonderful!  Of course!”  The woman grinned.  She pulled Barbara over to the stall (she was significantly stronger than Barbara had first assumed).  “We will pick out Nomura out a truly marvelous bouquet!”
In the end, what Barbara had planned to be a quick trip took almost an hour.  Picking out just the right flowers took time (and Barbara admittedly wanted some that she could use for flower crowns too) and then the woman insisted on buying her a sweet pastry when they arrived at the bakery.
Nomura hadn’t woken up yet when Barbara finally returned.  Barbara put all her surprises down on their table and then walked over to the bed.  She sat down on its edge and put her hand on Nomura’s shoulder, which was enough to wake her.
“Hey, I got us breakfast.”  Barbara whispered to Nomura when she opened her eyes.  “And a little something extra for you.”
“What’s that?”
Barbara grinned.  “You’ll just have to come see.”  She stroked Nomura’s cheek.  “Also, I met someone who said she was a friend of yours,” Barbara whispered in her ear.  “This wouldn’t by chance be the same mystery friend we’re meeting later today, would it?”
“That depends.”  Nomura sat up.  “What did she look like?”
“Long, black hair and a lovely accent.”  Barbara paused.  “I’m fairly certain she was some kind of immortal too.”
Nomura let out a breath.  “That would be her.”  She glanced at the clock.  “We have a little time.  Come back to bed?  I’m cold.”  She ran a hand up Barbara’s arm.  “And you are so very warm.”
“Well, I am a bit tired after that adventure.”  Barbara grinned and joined her under the covers.
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prplzorua · 7 years
Four little snippets, just little things that happened after the last video. This was requested by @anxietyandlogic
hope you enjoy :)
—- 1. Jokes.
“Seriously what did you do to him?”
Anxiety smirked, desperately attempting to hide his laughter.
“Calm down Princey, don’t get your royal knickers in a knot-”
“Hey!” Shouted the noble indignantly.
“We had a debate and some things were cleared up-”
“Wai-wait, you had a debate? With Logic?”
“He said it went well-”
“Huh, that’s interesting…”, Princey paused, placing his hand on his chin pensively. Then he turned without a word and walked away.
Anxiety frowned, he wasn’t sure what exactly was Prince’s deal but now he didn’t feel too good about the debate. Sure he didn’t try but did Logic mean what he said?
He turned, from this angle in the kitchen he could see Logic on the living room couch. He had to ask.
But of course, being Anxiety, he couldn’t. So he settled for a different question.
“So what was that? With the jokes?”
The Teacher looked up from the book he was reading.
“Well, I am a proud philomath, when I learn new things I’m happy to take any opportunity to use what I’ve learnt, even if that does mean taking on a childish sense of humor”
Anxiety scoffed in amusement.
“Sure that’s what you learnt from me-”
“Among other things yes, it really was a good debate”
There it is, he said it, no deciet, no hidden meaning.
The darker trait gave the other a small smile- it was more of a not smirk but you get the picture.
—– 2. Bonding.
After the little conversation, Logic had gone back to reading and Anxiety took the opportunity to scroll on tumblr.
The younger persona was stretched out on the couch, happily tapping on his phone, though he was on the same couch, Anxiety’s legs still had far to go before he could reach to Logic.
Either he was pretty short or Logic just didn’t take up much space. The latter seemed more plausible to Anxiety.
They were quite content in their silence.
For a while atleast.
He wouldn’t admit it but hearing Logic’s alarm go off, caused him to jump and he barely bit back a yelp.
“Sorry about that, there’s a documentary coming on that I don’t want to miss”
“What, some phsycology thing?”
“No actually, it’s about the deep ocean, did you know that we’ve explored more of space and only approximately 0.5%-”
“Of the ocean and 95% still remains a mystery?” Anxiety joined in.
Logic grinned at their simultaneousness. Truly intrigued that he’d have another person to discuss the topic on, Thomas wasn’t really fond of it much.
“Would you like to watch it with me?”
“Sure”, the darker trait shrugged, “got nothing better to do”
“It’s so tiny, holy sh-”
“Anxiety, mind your language-”
“Wha? Bu-but you gotta come see this!-”
Morality who had just happened to go into the kitchen at that precise moment, rolled his eyes at the younger’s language before walking over to see what Anxiety was so excited about.
“See wha-? Aaaaah! That. Is. Adorable! What is that little creature?!”
“I heard adorable, what is the adorable creature and can I pet it?”, bellowed Princey from somewhere in the hallway.
“Not unless you go to the bottom of the ocean Roman-”, called Logic with a slight chuckle.
“Wha?”, the Royal was utterly confused, what adorable thing could possibly live at the bottom of the ocean?
Prince came in, joining the others in the living room.
“Oh my fairy godmother, that IS adorable! What is it Logan?”
“It’s adorable”
The other three paused and looked at him.
“What? That’s what it is, it’s the adorabilis octopus or the opisthoteuthis adorabilis, it literally is adorable”
“Ohh”, mumbled the other three together.
“There’s no way that thing isn’t blind”
Prince and Morality had lost interest after the documentary stopped focusing on the tiny octopus.
So it was once again just Logic and Anxiety.
“It’s quite possible, it lives in a depth with no light, it probably doesn’t need it’s eyes-”
“Nah, with it being that blank, it’s gotta be able to sense something electrosatically, or what’s the point of it even having eyes”
Logic was going to give his input when the documentary beat him to it-
‘The Ghost shark or Chimaera is indeed blind however it does sense it’s prey with electroreceptors, it is able to sense them electrosatically’
“Hey, I was right!”
“Huh, it seems that you were”
 Logic smiled, this was one of the very few times he’s ever seen the younger so interested in something.
3. Quiet.
When the documentary ended, Logic went back to reading his book and Anxiety went right back to lounging on the couch, content with scrolling on his phone.
The Teacher could hear the music blasting out of Anxiety’s headphones, he couldn’t hear the lyrics, but the beat was…strangely neutral?
It was no doubt a metal or alternative rock song, not really his taste but the beat was constant so he didn’t mind.
He had lost track of time in the constant buzz of music and the otherwise silence. He was so absorbed in his book that he actually jumped when he heard a light 'Thud’ coming from his right.
Anxiety’s phone had slipped from his fingers and landed lightly on his chest.
Logic had turned right on time to see the younger’s eyes slip close, his breathing even out and his head to loll to the side.
The Teacher chuckled silently, before he continued to read, leaving Anxiety to sleep.
He had to admit, the other looked quite ADORABLE when he slept…ugh he really needed to stop with the Dad jokes, Morality was rubbing off on him too much.
4. Comfortable.
Anxiety jolted awake.
Blinking rapidly as he was quite confused as to when exactly he fell asleep.
“Oh, you’re up, you dosed off for about an hour”
'Well, that answered his question’
The Teacher could see a slight blush of embarrassment on the younger’s face, but he also saw fatigue.
“Are you going to bed?”
The darker persona thought about it for a second.
“Nah, I’ll stay for a bit, I’m comfortable”
With that Anxiety turned on his side and promptly continued his nap.
Logic rolled his eyes, but internally he was quite happy that the younger was comfortable around him.
He continued reading, this time with a small smile on his face.
@prinxietyhell @thebrightsun @the-sanders-sides @the-prince-and-the-emo
AN:// Once again Mobile won’t let me use bold and italics :(
But anyway I hoped you enjoyed it.
So sorry it took so long, my net got cut yesterday for some reason. Life XD
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(for the fic writer meme) 1, 4, 8, 13, 20, 29, any or all that you feel like!
Thank you so much! I’m putting it under a cut bc its Long but please read as it includes fic recs, possible upcoming fics from myself and a whole lot of other author appreciation!
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Hm…Fantasy AUs, Mundane AUs with a REALLY GOOD twist (either mentioned or as a surprise), Canon-Divergent fics that either delve deeper into a character development and ‘what-ifs’, and stories with more to them than ‘character A + B (+ C, etc) get together - I like stories with relatable or interesting plots.
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Hm…I have MANY ideas tbh, but if I were to write them I’d need to fill out the plots a LOT more! 
I think that my fav idea that I would have the most to work with rn is my Nart Pitch Perfect AU (Which sounds a little strange but me and @artlessictoan have worked out the entire plot and its Good Shit) but I don’t know whether I just wanna make redraw scenes and write up a few snippets or draw a few comics of the plot and stuff? Idk, I’m still debating on that one, lemme know what you think!
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
‘ November 5th was certainly going to be remembered by every one of their classmates, but for all the wrong reasons. It was no one’s fault, the firework had simply been a faulty one. Accidents caused by them happen by the thousands every year.
But the memory of Sakura, still only in her second year of Uni studying to be a doctor, saving Naruto’s life with a blanket and plenty of pressure, the ambulance rushing him off to A&E for emergancy surgery, huddled as a group of eleven in a crowded waiting room with nothing but hope and fear until the early hours of the morning… It was a memory that would haunt them their entire lives.
And as for their failure of a relationship, that was the last straw. It wasn’t as though Hinata wasn’t supportive of Naruto, of course she was - all of their friends were, but the stress tore the two apart. But what was even scarier, was the fact that, apparently, if you break up with someone, it’s impossible to stay friends with them. But how could they not stay friends? They were simply too important to each other to loose.
As Hinata staired at Naruto, the golden light bouncing off the frost dusted windows catching in his hair and highlighting his olive skin in an orange glow, real arm reaching down to change his car’s gear, face alight with new hope and happiness… The content warming her heart like a fire in a harth told her that she wouldn’t have life any other way.” ‘ - Exeunt, Chapter 2.
I think this is my favourite piece of writing that I’ve done recently because it starts of very jarring, really the first angsty/darker part of this fic - and there will be more of that to come, just some warning - but it ends in a really peaceful, warm way that I think really ties that section of the story up nicely. I’m also really happy of the way it flows and builds back up from the trauma into something lighter.
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Make characters flawed, conflict one of your best plot-bunny devices, find yourself a Writing Alpha bc Artless is The Best tbh and my writing is improving tenfold after just a few sessions with them talking abt my stories.
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
I’d say when I’m REALLY in the Mood to write something/the scene I’ve been stuck on, or if something has just Clicked in trying to work out how to progress with a fic. In my bed with comfy clothes and fairylights on in the evening after dinner. Listening to a playlist that immerses me into the story and scene I’m writing and no distractions.
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
If I could then I would re-write, or continue (because the sequel hasn’t updated in 3 years) the Coming To Terms series. It was actually one of the first fics I completely fell in love with and its super mundane and there are lots of different plots for various characters while still keeping the pace and keeping track of various storylines. It had a REALLY GOOD ending to the 1st part but there was SO MUCH more potential for the sequel and there was a lot of unresolved things and it was all leading up to one big bang which it didn’t get around to. Honestly I highly recommend it though, its super nostalgic for me and still one of my fav works of all time!!!
(my choice!)
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Exeunt, without doubt. It’s the Magnum Opus of all my Naruto AUs and something that I want my writing to develop with as it is created. I think it has the most potential too seeing as it is completely different to the original Naruto series so it has the potential to be a stand-alone thing.
27. How do you feel about collaborations?
Oh boy, oh man I LOVE collabs. Have you even read A Time For Change, holy shit that AU is just like my Happy Place and its SO NICE to talk about the plot with someone else without spoiling anything bc you’re both in on it?? Its just a really special experience!
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Hooo boy here we go.
@artlessictoan, holy shit, their works are just. Goals. Absolutely, this isn’t even coming from a ‘i work with them a lot so i have to be nice 2 them’ this is a legit thing like their fics are some of my favourites of all time and their characterization is SO SPOT ON. They’re REALLY GOOD at writing dialogue and they really delve into the root of the story when it comes to writing them, their research shows through so well and they cover things that you wouldn’t even think of. They’re one of those writers where you have to just step back after reading one of their works and think ‘Oh my god. Oh my god what a wild ride why didn’t I think of that oh my gOD.’ Check out their work, seriously guys!
@linddzz Oh my god, their writing, where do I even begin. They NAIL the characters completely and utterly when they write them, they really bring to light Credence’s personality and the problems and issues he had to face and faces still, especially in my favorite of their fics A Study on the Habits of the Adult Obscurial. I really like the way they represent Newt also, he doesn’t know how to People very well and he’s just so very in-character that once you read their fic you just accept it as canon honestly.
@jinglebellfic Listen up folks if you haven’t read Riptide Lover then you ABSOLUTELY SHOULD, its one of my favorite works and it’s been updating for YEARS and its still being updated bc they talk abt it all the time and this AU just gives me LIFE. Just a warning for those who aren’t keen that it is Very NSFW but the story just has SUCH A GOOD PLOT and it starts BANG in the middle of the action, no messing around, it’s so well-written that I was sucked into the story (and the fandom, this fic is what got me into it in the first place!) so quickly and I enjoyed it so much that I spent abt a week reading it whenever I had the spare time to. It’s very nostalgic to me now and it makes my entire month when it updates.
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sailor2xmoon · 8 years
Mafia/Hitman AU Pt. 3
In which Victor Nikiforov is a Man for Hire. Urban legends say that, for the right price (and sometimes just for kicks), he can single handedly pull off any job in the world. Beautiful, invincible and filthy rich.
Enter Katsuki Yuuri and it all goes to shit.
Part 1 (x)
Part 2 (x)
AO3 here (x)
A hometown hero. Minako says to Yuuri as he packs a suitcase for the upcoming business trip. Hasetu needed to establish some lifelines and it was up to Yuuri Katsuki to make it happen. 
Hasetsu was a tourist town, small and cozy with valuable land but the past couple of years have a been battle for small time businesses to stay away from bankruptcy. Yu-topia, one of the final hot springs in Hasetsu left was sinking and his parents have been under scrutiny to keep the books in the black. Even in the face of increasingly aggressive contractors offering to take it off their hands, the land Yu-topia stood on was their version of the family heirloom, it was not up for sale.
We're counting on you, Yuuri! He knows they're supposed to be words of encouragement and yet all he feels are the burden of roles he needed to fill. Carrying on the hopes of his entire family and the residents of Hasetsu by proxy did not make Yuuri feel like the valiant hometown hero everyone else expected him to be.
Yuuri spent the last 5 years abroad in America, studying as an undergrad at Berkeley for a degree in Marketing and Entrepreneurship with the intent of returning to revive the family business. He graduated with honours, so Yuuri knows how to crunch out numbers and graphs on projected growth, on efficiency, on trend line predictions with the best of them, that was never the real hurdle. Networking presented a challenge, surrounded by charisma and innate charm, Yuuris' anxiety weighed down on him. Still, Yuuri could manage to get by with his hard knowledge and a few close friends.
Problems arose when it came to presentations, where his charts and figures failed, regardless of how accurate they may be. Yuuri realizes that a large part of being successful with clients was about selling yourself rather than the product. Selling yourself as someone competent, self assured and thrives under the pressure of great responsibility. Someone clients can trust with their assets, someone who won't buckle. Unfortunately, professors never covered much of that in lecture. 
This upcoming banquet would serve as a major opportunity to make connections with powerful investors that Hasetsu would otherwise never even hear of. No more quietly standing in the shadows, Yuuri needed to be on top of his game and stand out.  
Yuuri loses track after drink number 6. The world got soft around the edges and he feels as if the entire room is filled with old friends he just happened to forget. Except, Yuuri can feel someone watching him in his periphery, could it be an actual old friend? Yuuri turns to look and... Definitely not someone you could forget easily, if at all. If Yuuri wasn't drunk he'd swear that man was glowing. 
No to old friend, Yes to whatever that man wants to be.
Who is he? Yuuri doesn't know if he said that out loud but someone answers anyways.
"Victor! I didn't expect to see you here." A cheery woman in an evening gown approaches the glowing man and embraces him in a hug. When Victor turns to greet her, Yuuri zeros in trying catch Victor's eyes, do you see me?  He succeeds for a split second and is sure the moment deserves a slow motion replay, not enough time has never been such a big problem.
That's it. Yuuri has just had four more glasses of something that turns everything around him into a fairytale and the prince just spotted his beau of the ball. He's certain the fantasy ends when the clock strikes midnight and every glass he knocks back just delays that hour a little longer. Yuuri never knew beer goggles, he just has champagne tinted glasses and it comes with a certain brand of confidence.
The DJ puts on a new track and a seductive rhythm kicks his fairytale off to a intoxicating start. Yuuri is pulling at his tie and swaying across the lounge to introduce himself to Victor. The beautiful glowing man raises his eyebrows in surprise when he catches sight of Yuuri just short of charging at him. Its debatable if Yuuris hips are rolling with the music or he is just...enthusiastic. Yuuri stops a few steps short, extends a hand out to Victor with half hooded eyes and his shirt more than half unbuttoned.
Dance with me. Not a question.
It's a bit obscene.
When Victor tentatively slips his fingers into Yuuris' open palm, Yuuri sees the devils mischief in a smile. His hand closes around Victors and Yuuri pulls him forward hard enough Victor almost stumbles. Yuuris body is there to catch him, they're pressed flush from knee to chest when Victor swings his right leg back for support and caresses his left thigh up against Yuuris' leg. The mischief in Victor smile transforms into...
"It is a tango, after all." He says to Yuuri, voice reverberating through them both. Yuuri didn't expect the accent but certainly appreciates it. 
Yuuris' free hand is pressed against the small of his back (pull him closer, no, closer) and with the other sliding slowly down Victors' arm, he cross steps the both of them onto the dance floor. Victors traces a figure 8 and snaps into a back boleo with his leg bent upwards into a v while the other stays extended behind him, toes sliding against the marble floor as Yuuri pulls him forward. He doesn't break eye contact so why should Yuuri, they're both deadlocked in a gaze, barely catching their breath in a sweetheart embrace. Yuuri pivots Victor in a carousel and with forehead to forehead, dips Victors backwards with an arm wrapped around his waist. The song, as if on cue, plays a woman's breathless moan. 
All those years of lessons in Minako's studio might as well have been built for this moment. Yuuri makes a mental note of getting Minako a nice present for her next birthday.
At one point, Yuuri mistakes Victors' step back for a move to walk away so he pulls the loosened tie over his head and tosses the loop over Victor, giving a very firm tug once around the Russian man's neck. The gasp he hears is not from the song. 
Everyone, dance floor and beyond, is staring. Staring and scandalized and possibly taking photos. Had there been children present, their eyes would be covered by a parents' hand.
Where do you think you're going?
They are close enough for Yuuri to steal a breath from Victor. An arm wraps gently around Victors back and Victors arm is draped across his shoulders. In the figures of Argentine Tango, this particular expression of emotion has a name; you are mine.  
Victor whispers in Yuuris' ear about his impressive stamina and Yuuri is determined to prove him right. Either the DJ had an extensive block of fiery tango music planned or Cupid himself, was enjoying the show.  By the time the dance floor clears, the pair has danced to fourteen songs back to back. They end in a dramatic final figure, with Victors' leg hooked on top of Yuuris' thigh and their bodies pressed together from the chest down. If Victor was feeling tired before, he's certainly feeling something else now. 
When the night comes to a close, Yuuri is responsible for 15 empty flutes though he only drank 14.5. Victor is wearing the last half in his jacket and only then decides it might be a good time for the alcohol to stop flowing. Yuuri is clinging to Victor, his hips rolling on their own accord, slurring out his subconscious. "Victooooor" Yuuris' arms squeeze around his new dance partner. "Come viii-situh me in Haasetsuuu, my family owns a HOT springs, it's reeeeally w-" GASP. "Let's be bussinessssss partners Victooor..... I'll give you mmhmyy carrrr-duh, you'll be my partner riiight??"
 By the next morning, Yuuri doesn't remember much from his alcohol induced fairytale. There are some fuzzy snippets in his memory about dancing with a beautiful, possibly glowing man and asking him to become part of his professional network... or something. All Yuuri knows for sure is that he ended up in the right bed in the morning with his phone and wallet intact, dignity not withstanding. Well, it was his bed, whether or not the right one is up for discussion.
On the night stand there is a glass of water and a business card. It just says Victor with a phone number listed below. If Yuuri was more observant, he would also see the faint outline of a kiss preserved in Chanel lip balm on the back. But he isn't, and the kiss goes undelivered.
After an abnormal amount of social media stalking and a relentless stream of what do I say? Because oh my god this guy is going to think I'm a drunken idiot that hits on strangers and propositions them to be an investor in his family business while partially undressed and Victor probably dumped him off in the hotel room after drunk Yuuri passed out post banquet. Which means he probably took a taxi with drunk Yuuri, had to dig through drunk Yuuris pockets for a room key, took off shoes, socks and glasses for drunk Yuuri, most likely got propositioned to be another kind of partner by drunk Yuuri and declined from the lack of a Victor shaped imprint in the space next to him. Oh god. 
Sober Yuuri mentally berates the drunk one for messing up a legitimate chance to network with apparently a powerful and wealthy business mogul.  
There is no way on the face of this planet Yuuri is calling Victor. He is flying back to Hasetsu and never drinking again.
Four days and a snow storm later, Victor shows up at Yu-topia. Yuuri finds him soaking in the hot springs. Naked. So very naked. 
Victor moves in with Yuuri that very same night. There aren't many hotels in Hasetsu and their banquet hall has been doing little outside of collecting dust so Victor asks to rent it out. Yuuri's mom, Hiroko, would have accepted a smile as payment if Victor offered. Hiroko tells Yuuris' sister how glad she is now that Yuuris' FINALLY brought someone home. So handsome too! 
Yuuri insists it's not like that. Mari gives him a pointed look. Victor is lying on the floor, sleeping, but not really.
That night, Yuuri realizes his heart is pounding because he is so happy. 
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bfilmblues-blog · 8 years
Movie Review - The Last Slumber Party
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No, this movie isn’t about a large surgeon fighting thunder storms. That would be an awesome movie though.
Pros: One of the most nonsensical twists I have ever seen in a movie which is kind of entertaining.
Cons: Birth of a Nation was less controversial and hateful. The theme song is now burned into my brain and unfortunately the only cure is death. Terrible ending. Terrible acting. Terrible killer. The longest quest for Orange Juice I have ever seen in any form of media.
Let me start by saying that normally as a fan of questionable music taste I can listen to the most horrible of audio treats in the world and still wear a grin on my face. Vaporwave? Bring it on. That bootleg Gaslamp Killer cut? Whatever, sounds good. That rare ICP/DMX beta track that was found in an abandoned grave in small Mexican village? Let's turn it up. Still, out of everything that has poisoned my ears "LETS GO OUT TONIGHT" is by far the worst song I have ever heard in my life. 
I don't say this lightly, who ever made that song is a terrible person but also some kind of autistic savant of audio, some kind of reverse Johann Sebastian Bach who hated both music and people. Not only does this song play every three seconds in the movie, but it also seems to have the ability to drown a ton of the dialog as well which makes it even more aggravating. Nothing shows this more then the very first scene where 99% of the dialog is drowned out in a classroom, which should be the easiest fucking place in the world to capture decent audio. I could go on for pages about how atrociously bad the sound is, but it really is something that one can only experience for themselves. I have watched a ton of low quality movies that has worse recording when it came to the audio, but it was a blessing because those movies often were terrible and not hearing the actors (Or your drunk friends you paid $2 to attempt drama) was normally a good thing. The sad part was, I was actually kind of interested in The Last Slumber Party because I am pretty sure it might be one of the most 80's of all 80's slashers I have ever seen and I was trying to find out what the hell was the deal with all the plot holes and illogical scenes put into this movie.
Well, joke is on me, I watched this like five times now and while I fully understand every line due to a crack team of Chinese secrete police who transcript the movie for me, nothing still makes sense.
The movie starts with three extremely unattractive women and the three counterpart boyfriends they have talking about summer vacation, how much summer is going to rule, and how some nerd in the background named Science rules because he helped them with their biology homework.
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The three most beautiful women of Louisiana!
Meet Chris, Tracy, and Linda. Here is a easy chart to describe each character.
Red Hair
Hates people with a different sexuality then hers so much she has to comment about it about 50230 times every single day.
Loves to drink all day, wake up at 4:00 AM, then continue drinking.
Might be a meth addict in real life.
Extremely boring and stupid.
For some reason needs to bring every phone into the bathroom.
Only has like 5 lines.
Has a dad who is a lackluster neurosurgery doctor.
Is holding a sleepover in the ugliest house on earth.
Really wants Man-nerd bad, which is odd because they are going out already. Don't know what that is about.
For the men counterpoints, I can't remember their names but assume each are named Jock, Goof, and Man-Nerd and they all fit the same tables as above.
Class is about to end and summer vacation is right about to start (But they are all like 30?) and the girls talk about the kickin' rad slumber party they are going to have that and if they should invite boys or not. Chris says a party without sex and men is a waste, Linda kind of twiddles her thumbs and agrees while talking about her lust over Man-nerd, and Tracy tries to remember she is in a movie but fails to do so and nibbles on her hair tips while drooling. Everyone cheers when the Bell rings, the conversation continues, and everyone goes home.
Later that night at a hospital entrance, a nurse walks out complaining that no one wants to have sex with her, which is odd considering she looks like the most attractive person in this film. She goes to a bus stop and waits on a bench while some sleepy guy next to her snores. She complains and complains and complains until finally the audience is granted mercy as our killer comes out to change things up. The killer is by far, in the movie, the most lazy of all slasher killers I have ever seen and consists of some random dude wearing scrubs. That's it, he just looks like some random guy at the ER. Anyways, the killer moves a scalpel in front of her face and she dies from this somehow. Sleepy guy, despite hearing her complain nonstop, scream bloody murder, and the struggle does not wake up. He wakes up afterwards and starts complaining that the bus is taking forever. The killer, obviously annoyed at this doofus, kills sleepy guy for a double whammy.
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The face of evil. Hygienic evil. Also, that's the director.
We eventually learn the killer is some kind of random guy who had a lobotomy and became evil for no reason. With part of his brain gone, he now runs around town lightly stabbing people and being a jerk at various parties. Other then that, we never get a name, motivation, or any further background on him. Hell, even in the credits they just label him "Maniac" which is the height of laziness. The only snippets we get are when Linda's dad gets various phone calls we can't hear and he can blandly reply with things like "Oh, that maniac escaped? That's too bad." and "I need to find that maniac. I think."
Now, I have seen a bunch of bad actors in my day, but I might have to say the actor playing Linda's father may be near the worst. Every line he has is read with zero emotion. He can't have any facial expression besides minor puzzlement. Also, he sounds like a robot. I'm not joking when I say that all the actors in Birdemic did a better job then this asshole.
We finally get the titular slumber party and uh... well, not much is happening.
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...You guys wanna play monopoly or something?
The girls sit around in various moo-moo's and sleep jerseys while looking bored as hell doing nothing. They do have a slight dance at the start, but it's interrupted by Linda's dad who says he has to get Orange Juice, for the girls to behave, the music they are playing sucks and he then leaves the house. After being burned on the music, they sit down and watch TV where a black static image of a news logo tells them that two people were murdered at the bus stop! DUN DUN DUUAAAAA~ - But they don't care because it's not connected to them in anyway and it’s Louisiana, so people get murdered all the time.
Of course, after hearing about the horrific murders, they immediately think of romance and debate on calling "Men-folk". It's at this point in the movie where suddenly every single person has a southern accent. There was no southern accents before, but now they are in full force. Every sentence ends with "Bless ya'll hearts" and "NASCAR RULES!".
Before they can call dem' ol' boys - well, they show up. They knock on the window with dumb Halloween masks and Chris calls them gay homo's for like, a half hour before they leave to go get some beer. This is a reoccurring theme in the movie where Chris will have a discussion with one of the male counterparts and often goes into a diatribe about how they must be gay and love the idea of having men tongue every orifice they own in a hedonistic sodomy session. It's really nonsensical and so out of place, but almost 90% of her script reads like bizarre homoerotic sex fantasy the director must keep hidden.
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Welcome to beautiful Louisiana!
At the gas station, the guys drink in the parking lot when Linda's dad shows up still on his holy quest for Orange Juice. They talk back and forth when Linda's dad is like "Welpp... shit, prob - no Orange juice at this gas station, I better check my work. By work, I mean, the hospital." and just leaves the set. Science, the nerd from the first scene shows up. The guys throw a beer at Science and tell him to party hard, because it's summer! Science looks slightly miffed at this friendly jest and leaves. The guys then describe in great detail who is going to have sex with who, how much summer vacation rules and about how much fun it is to drink beer. All in all, seems like normal high school talk, except you know, that they all look 30-ish.
Back at the slumber party, the girls debate still for another five fucking hours if they should call the boys. Uh - They already said they were coming back. Calm down, ladies. After talking about boys, calling boys, and if smoking pot is cool (They come to conclusion it's not while continuing to pound shots) they finally decide it's time for bed. While they are heading upstairs, one of the boys somehow ends up at the house before the rest of them, had a ladder placed against the bedroom window, and climbs up and enters the room just as the ladies enter it. They pull him inside and after an absurdly awkward conversation between Chris and him involving homosexuality, Chris pushes the girls out the room and explains she wants to get busy. Before that, though, she has to shower. Uh - Ok. She tells him to lay on the bed and in the connecting bathroom, she showers for what seems like four hours - during that time, Science comes into the bedroom and kills Jock-kid who was laying there waiting for some muskrat love. After killing him, he puts his body in the closet.
Now you are thinking - Why would Science kill this guy? Is Science the main killer now? The answer to both of those questions are I don't know, and no. For some reason, that light joke about being more upbeat about summer vacation really set off Science, so now he has a blood lust. Whatever. They never explain or show why Science would kill the people who liked him or why he would kill them, but also do their homework for them too, but uh - arughh - my brain.
Chris comes out and in frustration that another man would accept death rather then have relations with her screams to the heavens calling Jock-man a fag and queerbait nonstop over and over before finally getting exhausted from her rant and heading back downstairs with the other girls. Science hides in the corner of the room during all this and is able to not be found. Once again, I’m not sure why Science is there or why he is filled with murderous rage, but hey, that’s horror for you.
Like poetry, Tracy finds goof kid, they go upstairs to have sex and goof kid asks if she has any drugs. Unsure if she does have drugs, Tracy goes into the bathroom to search for some while Science murders the hell out of this loser and chucks his body out the window. During this time, the real killer comes in from the ladder and watches Science doing his stuff while nodding in approval.
Just so you know, there is now two killers in this room, both have not communicated with each other and both are easily hiding in different places in the room. Only the real killer knows Science is in there. While Science does his normal hide in the closet, real killer decides he is a under the bed guy.
Tracy leaves the bedroom, calls goof kid a homo a couple of times because of his disappearance, then screams because she finds a knife the floor. All the girls meet up in the room and discuss where the knife could have came from. After a slight bickering session, they decide it's all a prank from the guys and all cuddle in bed together to go to sleep. In the same room. With the two killers. Oddly enough, the killers leave them be and continue hiding. Seriously. They sleep for like five hours and no one disturbs them. Pretty polite killers, really.
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You know a film is bad when even the dude who likes FIRSTRYKE says it's bad.
Chris has a dream where she wanders around a house for like twenty minutes doing nothing while terrible synth music plays. Finally, after the most boring dream of all time, she gets stabbed by various people and wakes up. All the girls are fine, everyone is still asleep. Also, the killers might be asleep too, who knows? Anyways, Chris gets up and decides it's time to start drinking. Hitting the liquor cabinet that isn't hers, she picks up the phone right when it rings (Rude) and gets some heavy breathing. Freaked out, she runs upstairs and tells the other girls about the dreadful phone call. They both could care less. Speaking of phone calls, the conversation then cuts to them debating if they should call the boys again for the 100th time. It’s like, 5:00 AM. Jeez, calm down ladies.
Chris is like "Whatever, I'm drinking" and Linda goes with her. Tracy continues to sleep in bed where she is almost murdered by Science in her sleep, but Science is dispatched by our main killer and is thrown out the window. Haha, that's what you get for not enjoying summer vacation, NERD! Main killer then kills Tracy, stabs Linda off screen, and sits around the bedroom doing nothing. Chris continues to drink when Linda's mom gets a call waking her up from dad saying he is still getting orange juice and will be back home soon. Dude? It's been like 10 hours. This causes Linda's mom to get up and tell Chris to shut the gate outside for some reason. Chris goes outside and see's the guys car, confused why there would be a car but no boys to call gay, she goes into detective mode.
And here is where the movie hits a climax. By climax, I mean the most absurd and slow ending ever put into a horror film. Chris walks around the house looking at nothing forever. There was less walking and looking in Homeward Bound. Honestly, it’s just like ten minutes of her walking around a house inspecting various things while the killer always hides somewhat in random frames and looking as goofy as possible. After the longest walking scene in any film ever created, Chris discovers the phone lines have been cut and Tracy is dead upstairs. Chris, by far, has the best reaction to this I have ever seen as she goes “Eh” and just walks out of the the room.
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Jeepers Creepers,  Fuck. Oh well, time to drink.
Now, I know it’s Louisiana and I assume it must be pretty normal there to see your best friend murdered by some kind of random violence, but it may just be a bit of bad acting when you have no emotional reaction whatsoever to seeing a corpse in a bed. Like, I get it, acting is hard or whatever, but come on, lady. Chris wanders around till she gets back downstairs and Linda's mom bumps into her. She is like “Oh, uh - I’m dead.” and just falls over holding her throat. We are supposed to assume she was stabbed and wandering around in a panic, but instead she looks kind of bored and lazily falls onto a sofa. Neat.
Linda then also taps Chris on the shoulder and says “Get help.” before also falling on the floor dead from an invisible stab wound. Why, this slumber party is terrible... in fact, I hope it’s The Last Slumber Party! Once again, despite seeing two people she knows die, Chris has no reaction whatsoever and proceeds to walk around the house some more, because twenty minutes of that wasn’t enough. Armed with a large knife, she walks and walks and walks and walks an - Whoops, in a moment of awkwardness, Chris believes she notices the killer and lunges her knife at a figure around a corner and it’s the last doppelganger boyfriend. He dies instantly and yet again Chris has no reaction to this, but instead is just like “Meh.” while leaving the knife inside of him and walking off. 
 Finally, Chris meets the killer. Who will win? They both almost have similar body counts and only one may survive. Truly, this will be an epic battle of survival as - Oh, Chris just stabs him once and he dies. Well, shoot, that was easy. After a full night of binge drinking and murder, Chris passes out next to the killer in the kitchen. Huh... so fifty minutes of walking and a 10 second battle between the killer and the final survivor? Now that is some good film making.
Finally, dad comes home and HEY - He still forgot the Orange Juice! What the hell has this idiot been doing for eleven hours? He goes inside his home and looks at everything all broke/smashed up and his phone lines cut. He rolls his eyes, goes to the fridge and drinks a tall glass of orange ju - Ugh. I just - Come on, director. After his beverage, he continues to look around, still continues to look around, and finally is like “Meh, I should go to work” and drives to work, where upon reaching work he rides the elevator up to his office where he is killed by the killer. How did the killer get up there? Who knows. Anyways, Chris wakes up in the house, steps outside towards the pool, and that Killer must have the fastest running legs on earth because he is now back at the house and attempts to kill her in the pool. Alas, with a big fuck you to the audience, Chris suddenly wakes up and it was all a dream.
Now, “It was a dream” endings are always terrible, but this one somehow continues the stride of doing things on a legendary bad scale decides not only was that not enough, but to keep pushing and somehow get the most dumb ending of all time. Chris wakes up, calls her friends and asks if they are still doing the slumber party. Blah blah blah - Chris goes to her Linda's house and the killer sneaks in, it’s like some eternal loop of bad plot holes and confusion. Scream, credits.
You can watch the whole movie on Youtube, I believe. Check it out and let me know what you think. I would normally write a conclusion, but I just can’t for movie. It’s abysmally bad but at the same time unlike most b-films it is not entertaining either. It’s some weird void of garbage that never brought joy or happiness to anyone or anything.
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