#Zig Zags Killer of Killers
vinhteer · 1 month
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Intended to release these reinterpretations with a batch of 4 but Yumi and Evan are scrambling with my head, so it's taking longer than anticipated (you'll probably see me coming back in a couple of days... keyword: probably).
Design notes!!!! (I had SO MUCH FUN with these two):
Celeste: Her squeaky voice and meek personality in contrast to her... intimidating, bold, behaviour (steering a car straight towards Yumi's house despite being unwelcomed, calling her by her REAL name, boasting about how PERFECT she is and declaring her unconditional submission to Yumi,) is giving instability at its peak. How did I try to show that visually? Squiggly lines but it's iconic; wavy/curly hair (but it looks stylish), leather skirt AND leather jacket (the way leather is shaded has a lot of zig-zag highlights), a bunch of necklaces and belts to make it messy (but it's also cool), a striking but odd pose (it's giving Jojo's bizarre adventure) (someone should draw her doing Jojo poses frrrrr).
Main Inspos:
-Vixen (rock band from the 80s) (love their songs btw) (I suggest listening to 'Streets in Paradise', 'Love is a Killer' 'I Want You To Rock Me'). I also used blue/purple and orange highlights in reference to their album cover of "Rev it up!"
-Fern Mayo/Violet from the movie "Jawbreaker" (1999)
Valerie: she's a ball of sunshine. Very passionate, fierce. Thought of her perhaps being chubbier and I thought it worked extremely well. I decided that she would be Japanese of American descent. I thought it would create an interesting upbringing as Japan is known to be a little distant towards people who don't look Japanese and those who don't conform to Japanese culture. When she goes to America, there could also be this sense of not belonging. I thought adding this struggle of identity could make Valerie an even more interesting character. While she had these issues in the past, this problem made her an even stronger person and it could be easier to relate to her and sympathise with her. Also, as someone who was born with 2 different cultures, I was assigned 2 names (one viet, one french) so I thought her having the same thing could explain why her name is Valerie (for those who don't know Japanese, that name is practically unpronounceable LMAO).
I don't really enjoy how the Krew wrote her (the way they handled the Japanese aspect of her is WILDDDDD), but I admire her self-confidence and I find her character to be very enjoyable all around.
I made her pose very energetic, open but also elegant in a way? I added a bunch of flower imagery because that's how they vaguely represented her in the show (flashback to Kai dropping off that flower as a way to show that he has so move on in ep 1 s2) (or how the same flower was planted around her tomb).
I also like how she still vaguely looks Asian with the outfit, hair and makeup :)
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
I need the " I'm a little boy and I've hurt my knee 😭"skit for 'hey doc' soo bad
Bubblegum & Quincy
Hey Doc Masterlist here
Word Count: 730+
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Synopsis: You are never given a moments peace. Where a welcome change of pace is offered as Bubblegum's injury, Quincy keeps you on your toes.
Warnings: surgical talk, mention of injury, exhausted Doctor, grumpy doctor. gn!reader x platonic!crewmates, undressing crewmates, medical administration, swearing.
Notes: I also needed these additions from Aunty Donna's skit. I love writing you as this silly doctor in the Kid Pirate crew. Can't leave it alone. I hope this does your request justice, anon!
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @sinning-23
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“Hey Doc?” a whimpery baritone stuttered over your title, a panicked tap at your door trembled and shook the doorframe beyond the door, “L-Let me in right now? I n-need your support.” 
A soft pout formed on your face when you spotted the lengthy violet zig-zags sprouting from the sides of your tall crewman’s head. Bubblegum, although he was tall in stature and lanky in height, was one of the more sensitive members of the crew. His lip quivered as his nose sniffed, entering your office and taking a seat in a chair beside your surgery bed. 
“I’m a little boy and I’ve hurt my knee,” he sniveled with the soft rumble in his deep voice. You sucked your lips in, noticing the soft, insignificant graze on his leg, and triangulated your brows up your forehead in sympathy. Crouching down, you noticed the injury on the tip of his kneecap and clicked your tongue.
“Oh, sweetheart,” you reached for your rubber gloves and a soft vial of antiseptic oil, “You’re being such a brave boy.” Dipping your fingertips in the ointment, you dabbed at the wound and cleaned up the shallow scratch without much issue. 
“You want me to call Killer on my personal den-den for you?” you offered him once you cleaned the barely visible scratch. You reached for the drawer and offered him his choice of brightly colored, punk-band aids. 
“I would love for you to call Killer for me,” he sobbed, his bottom lip sucked into his lip and heart full of genuinity. “Please don’t tell the other crew, though. I know I’m too sensitive sometimes.. They'll mock me.” Upon selecting his favored pattern, you applied the plaster over his knee and reached for the Den-Den to call the blonde, mask wearing first-mate. 
“It’s alright, Bubblegum,” you reassure him with a gentle hand on his shoulder and giving him a gentle squeeze, “I find your sensitivity a welcome change of pace.”
In comparison to Bubblegum’s soft sniffles and gratitude for your aid, you were not entirely certain what to expect when Quincy entered your office. 
Swaying her hips and hovering her hands out in front of her face with a soft wave, you turn from your desk and witness her little dance. Without further words, she continues making heavy eye contact and tapping her toes in an elaborate jig on the floor. 
Quincy was a wildcard. Her pain tolerance was high, and her attitude was always positive and uplifting. Her ginger hair bobbed with her motions, her pastel pink dress swirling at her knees the longer she danced for you. Withdrawing your seat from within your desk, you arched your brow up at her and looked at her inquisitively. 
Without warning, she reaches down and opens her maroon patterned blazer and flashes you the side of her torso. Blood seeped through the soft material of her dress and pooled down her legs as she dead-pans her explanation.
“A stab wound,” she smiles at you and keeps on dancing her little jig. 
“A fucking what?!” you immediately stood and rushed over to her side and reopened her blazer with wide, panicked eyes. She giggles at you, halting her dance and allowing you to begin your treatment. “Where did this come from? Were we attacked? Who attacked you? Are they still breathing?” 
“I’ve had a stab wound to my abdomen” she giggles at your questions, her own tone not reflecting the severity of her injury, “Everyone else is fine. No attack, just sparring.” Sighing out in frustration, you usher her to the surgical table and lay her on her uninjured side to begin treatment. 
“Quince,” you huffed out your vexation before hanging your head low in defeat. “You want a lollipop or something?” She perks up, bobbing her head along in agreement to your offerance. 
“Oh, fuck yes I want a lollipop,” she confirmed, looking over her shoulder and extending out her hand in anticipation for her sweet treat. You exhaled your defeat, handing her a lime green, cherry red and white candy swirl on a stick as you continued stitching her up and treating her wound. 
It was never a dull day for you aboard the Victoria Punk as the resident doctor. You were hoping that this upcoming Nakama encounter with the Straw-Hat captain and the Surgeon of Death may provide you some reprieve from your regular duties serving under Captain Kid.
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For this week's Bestiary Posting the main things that struck me were 'it can make sharp high-speed turns' and 'it likes to roll around in dirt'.
The mention of the Khrathnu's swiftness and tendency to zig-zag while running made me think of a hare. And everyone loves killer rabbits, so a carnivorous rabbit seemed the way to go. It's just fun to imagine what a herbivorous animal might look like if it evolved to eat meat and vice versa. The mention of it rolling in dirt brought to mind animals like pigs, who roll in dirt to protect their skin. So I went for something that looked like a pig-hare. Specifically, the pig I had in mind was the babirusa, hence the sparse hair and grey, wrinkly skin. I gave it long legs and hooves so it could run more like an antelope if it had too (but I like the idea that they still walk/hop like rabbits) and tusks (though not as extreme as the barbirusa's), and of course wild hare-like eyes that point forward. I also made it's jaws long, all the better to snatch it's prey in.
Kind of ended up looking like a weird marsupial if it lost all it's fur and went on a murder spree, but I like 'em.
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ant1quarian · 13 days
More Dust System Things
Murder actually has a cap he likes to wear pretty often.
All of them wear the same clothes and if they ever do switch, it's usually pretty difficult to figure out since they'll just hide their face further (unless it's classic)
Mussan can and will front if Killer ever decides he wants to properly fuck around and find out.
They all have different fighting styles, too, actually
Dust is more of an ambush predator. He's like a leopard slinking silently through the trees, gaze fixed on his prey, waiting for the right time to fuck shit up. He'll chase after a little while but he usually won't attack if you make it clear you know he's around
Classic has a very... well. He dodges- like a rabbit zig-zagging and sprinting back and forth. He's good at getting out of the way from attacks and launching his own in the process- but seeing him fight is very, very rare.
Mussan has prey animal fear when he fights. Someone who has been backed into a corner one too many times and knows that, if he doesn't go all in, he's dead. So he fights like he's planning to die and take you with him.
Murder is, in fact, an endurance predator. In the off chance where you've messed up enough to get this guy pissed at you, he's going to hunt you down. He doesn't care how long it takes. He's hunted Killer, once.
Killer ran. Murder just... slowly followed along behind, up until the point where Killer collapsed to the ground, incapable of continuing due to the heaviness of his limbs. The exhaustion forcing his body to stop- magic sluggish...
... and the only thing that saved him was Nightmare.
They also have different kinds of anger, too. And affection.
Feel free to ask about these guys pfft
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seiyasabi · 2 years
A Night To Die For
(Happy Halloween lol, this is a Scream AU with Getou and Gojo :PPP
TW: !noncon!, !murder!, violence!!!, use of kn*ves in a harmful manner!, takes photos of u w/o ur consent!!, creampie!, double penetration!, use of zip ties!!!, degradation!, your friends are no longer w us, cat v mouse!, choking!, slaps you across the face!, etc.. 
Please proceed with caution!!!)
The world goes by in a blur, as you sprint through the quiet house. The house party from an hour before is clearly gone; the music that practically vibrated the walls and the voices of your college classmates silent. 
You can hardly hear the footsteps behind you, but the man’s heavy breathing is what truly alerts you of his presence. 
Him. The killer. The one that slaughtered all of your classmates in cold blood. 
Shit, you’re really in for it now. 
Rounding a corner at top speed, you almost trip over the body of a classmate. There are a few bodies scattered throughout the kitchen, almost completely blocking the way to the back door. So, with bated breath and partially closed eyes, you hop over their bodies, trying not to slip on the copious amount of blood on the ceramic tile below. But, with a brief glance behind you, you see that the killer doesn’t give as much grace. He practically stomps down on each of the deceased, causing a disturbing chorus of noises throughout the silent home. 
Deciding not to dwell on it, you push forward, hopping right in front of the locked door, and unlocking it with quick fingers. Shoving it open, you leap over the back stoop, and continue to run. Maybe if you get to the main road, you can live. 
The green foliage around you blends into a blur, as your boot clad feet slap against the dirt road. You try to run in a zig zag fashion, as if you’re running from a pissed off gator, hoping that the man behind you would make a dive at your feet and miss, possibly giving you a bigger head start. 
But, he keeps up with your pace, and you can’t help but think that he’s doing it on purpose. It seems like he’s dragging out the inevitable, which makes the entire situation even worse. 
Luckily, it seems that luck is on your side! A familiar car suddenly comes speeding down the road, screeching to a halt just beside you. Without thinking, you tuck and roll inside the backseat, slamming the door behind you, and forcing down the lock. Your breathing is ragged, as if you just ran a 5K and won. But, you need to tell the driver what just happened. 
“Holy shit! We gotta get out of here, there’s a psycho chasing me!” Glancing up, you realise that the person in the driver's seat is a classmate who wasn’t in attendance; Satoru Gojo, “Oh my god, Gojo, you’re so lucky you weren’t there! The masked killer showed up to the party, and-“ The other door of the backseat opens, as the masked figure climbs inside. Your hands slap at the door you just locked, quickly flicking up the lock, only to try the handle, and for it not to open. You practically throw your entire weight onto the door, yet it doesn’t budge. The child lock must be on, “What the fuck, what the fuck-“ 
The masked man sits on the seat without issue, letting out a laugh through the voice modifier in his mask, “You just don’t know when to stop, do you?” 
Gojo lets out a condescending giggle, fingers tapping against the steering wheel, “Nope, she doesn’t! Isn’t she just so adorable?” 
Your eyes practically pop out of your head as you size up the situation. Was there possibly two killers? That would make a lot of sense. But, who the fuck is the second killer?? 
You don’t get to ask, before you’re snatched up by your hair, and in one swift motion, the masked man forcefully zip ties your hands together. You try to kick at him, shouting curses at him and the white haired man, but it’s to no avail. Your hands and feet are bound, and the plastic digs into your skin uncomfortably. 
Without much effort, you’re dragged into the unknown man’s lap, held like an unruly cat who constantly escapes their owner, “Stop trying to run off- we caught you. That’s the end of it.” 
You all but hiss at him, “Fuck you! I’m not going to die without a fair fight! Take these off and I’ll-“ 
“You’ll what, sweetheart? Beat him silly?” Gojo teases in a sing-song fashion, “I don’t think you’d win, he’s like a man-sized bear.” 
That draws a chuckle from the man your currently thrashing on, which pisses you off even more, “Fuck you too! Who the hell decides to be the getaway driver of a spree killer? He just killed thirty of our classmates and you don’t even care!” 
The white haired man pretends to think upon your words for a moment, before speaking again, “Well, that’s because I don’t. They had it comin’, only usin us for our kickass parties and free booze.” 
You let out an incredulous scoff, before trying, and failing, to headbutt the masked man you’re currently on. This results in an earth shattering smack being delivered on your cheek, causing a loud yelp to echo throughout the car. Gojo tuts at you like a disappointed parent. 
“No need to be mean, sweetheart. We’re not going to hurt ya, I swear.” 
You rub your now injured cheek with your bound hands, tears gathering in your eyes, “As if I’ll believe that. You’re both responsible for killing-“ 
“Nevermind that,” The masked man grunts out, a large hand practically bruising your hip within his grip, “We’re taking you back, and it’s within your best interest to behave yourself. Satoru may let your behaviour slide, but I won’t.” 
You try to bite at him, but this time, a large hand grips your neck, completely restricting your airflow. Your bound hands try to scratch him, but the leather gloves on his hands stop your ministrations from working. 
“You just don’t learn, do you?” His grip seemingly impossibly tightens, causing your eyes to practically roll into the back of your head, “Now, maybe a nap will do you some good.” 
Gojo quickly intervenes, putting the car into park and almost coming out of the driver’s seat in one big motion, “Now, I know our princess is actin kinda bratty, but there’s no reason to give her brain damage, Suguru.” 
Of course his accomplice is Getou. That asshole was always a mean spirited person, as he took it upon himself to bully you all throughout High School. 
He releases your throat, causing you to take in a large gulp of air with a gasp. You fall forward a bit, hitting your head on the passenger side front seat, and slumping onto the backseat. Your chest rises in quick succession, causing both men to look at you in mild interest. 
“If you’re going to kill me, you might as well just do it now.” 
Your voice is hoarse and breathy, as you’ve come to accept the reality of the situation. These two fuckers are going to kill you, and there’s nothing you can do about it. 
Gojo climbs into the backseat, lifting up your top half, and settling himself behind you, sandwiching you between himself and the bully. 
He settles his hands against your waist, shoving his head between your neck and shoulder, “We’d never, sweetheart. We only want to keep you.” 
You let out a humourless laugh, “What, like a pet?” 
Getou’s glove-covered hand returns to your neck, giving it a small squeeze, “Precisely. Now, be a good girl, and stop fighting us.” 
Before you could give a smart quip, Gojo shoves the front of your dress down, exposing your breasts to the ghost-face masked man in front of you. You give an indignant shout, trying to turn onto your side to block the man’s view, but the masked man grabs your shoulders to hold you steady. 
“Don’t hide from us,” Suguru practically growls, shoving your dress up and over your hips, exposing your black lace panties. Reaching towards his hip, he pulls out a Polaroid camera. Gojo grabs your shoulders, holding you still and not allowing you to block yourself with your bound hands. The bright flash of the camera blinds you momentarily, and the sound of a printing photo practically echoes throughout the car. 
“You don’t mind if we take photos do you?” Gojo asks in a joking tone, two fingers coming down to pinch one of your nipples. You jump, writhing and glaring at the men. 
“Fuck you! Just let me go!” 
“Oh, we will,” Getou says.
 “Fuck you, he means,” Satoru grins. With that, the dark haired man yanks off your panties, lifts up your legs, and drapes them over his shoulders. Your ankles are still bound, making this very uncomfortable, due to how broad he is. 
“Let me Go! Let me go! Just kill me already!” Tears bead your waterline, dripping down your face in thick streaks. 
Gojo brushes his hand (over your scalp/ through your hair), shushing you, “Don’t panic, (Your Name), we’ll take good care of ya.” 
With that, Getou doesn’t hesitate to grab you by the fat of your thighs, using a few fingers to spread your pussy open. Gojo tweaks one of your nipples, whilst the other goes down towards your cunny, gently swiping against your clit. 
You let out a small gasp, as his rough fingers play with your perfect cunny. Closing your eyes, you try to pretend like this isn’t happening, but the rapid wetness growing between your legs begs to differ. Both men watch in fascination as you choke back moans. 
Getou releases a thigh to grab the Polaroid camera, taking another picture of your defilement. A few tears continue to fall down your face, as you let out a small whimper. 
“Fuck, you’re getting so wet,” Gojo dips two fingers into your pussy, massaging your clit and gspot all in one go. A sweet moan finally escapes your lips, as both men all but moan themselves at your cute reaction. 
The white haired man slips in two more fingers, stretching you in a way that had you bucking against his fingers. 
“This is better than that time we watched her hump her pillow,” Getou murmurs, pinching at the fat of your thigh. You’re unsure how he’s able to see so well out of that creepy mask, and just the thought of them not only stalking you and killing your friends has you snapping out of the pleasure filled haze you were just in. 
“No more, please, no more. You’re scaring me-“ 
“Good,” Gojo rips his fingers from your dripping slit, pushing you farther up than before, as he slides underneath you. He makes quick work of his pants, pulling out his cock and slapping his mushroom shaped tip against your slick cunny. Without warning, he bucks his way in, causing a shrill scream to escape your lips. 
His hips stutter at the feeling of your walls massaging him so perfectly, he rewards two fingers massaging your clit. 
“How does she feel?” Getou is practically drooling at the sight of your cunny being fucked, he wants to share you so badly. Mold your pussy into the shape of both of their cocks. 
“Like heaven. Ya need to feel how she’s milking my cock,” Satoru slurs, using his free hand to grab the dark haired man by his costume, and drag him farther towards you. 
The masked man shucks his costume over his hips, unbuttoning his own pants and pulling his prick out. He presses forward, trying to squeeze his way in underneath the white haired man’s cock. 
“No! Stop, it won’t fit!” Gojo releases Getou, only to throw your bound hands over the black haired man’s shoulders, joining your bound wrists. 
“It will, I’ll force it in if I have to,” Getou grits out, somehow menovering Gojo’s cock out of the way a bit to slip inside. You choke on air, eyes practically popping out of their sockets. 
You feel so full, like you’re being choked from the inside out. Both men let out their own moans, relishing the feeling of you squeezing down on them. 
Without warning, both start to move at their own pace. Gojo continues to rub your clit, causing your hips to jolt against your own wishes. More moans pour from your lips, as you bounce from each thrust. Getou’s gloved hands squeeze your tits, paying special attention to your sensitive nips. Satoru bites and suckles your neck, leaving dark love bites over the bruising strangulation marks. 
“Your pussy is perfect, sweetheart, practically choking my cock.” 
“I knew you were the right one for us. You’re the surviving girl, the heroine in this story.” 
You don’t like the dialogue, but the feeling of your impending orgasm has you moaning like a bitch in heat. Your eyes are rolling, mouth hanging open. Gojo’s free hand reaches up and cups your jaw, turning your head in his direction to give him a sloppy kiss. 
You try to pull away, pleading, “Stop, oh my god, im gonna-“ 
Gojo cuts you off with a smirk, “You gonna cum? Go ahead, cutie, we’ve been waiting for this all night.” 
With that, your hips practically slam down on them, pussy creaming and squirting all over the two of them. 
Both men moan, as Getou pinches one of your nipples, causing you to clamp down even more, thus throwing him over the edge. He cums deep inside of you, coating his and Gojo’s cock. 
“Fuck, this pussy is magical,” Satoru whines, as Getou pulls out. The masked man removed your wrists and ankles from behind his head, rolling his neck until it cracks. Sitting up from his hunched position, as he and Gojo reposition your body. Your legs are now behind Satoru’s back, leaving you in missionary. Your head is in Getou’s lap, his cock resting against your face. 
“What’re you doing? Aren’t you done?” More tears fall down your face, but Gojo continues to smile.
“I haven’t cum yet, sweetheart! Ya wouldn’t blue ball me, would’ja?” 
“I-what? Just kill me already, stop this torture!” 
Getou grabs your wrists, lacing all ten of your fingers with his, “We already told you; we aren’t going to kill you.” 
You shake your head, not believing their words. 
“Don’t worry, (Your Name), you’re our final girl! And we’re gonna keep you forever,” Satoru practically sings, as he starts to buck his hips again, “Fuck, even after fucking you stupid, you’re still so tight. I’ll never give you up, sweetheart, and neither will Suguru. Even if you try to get rid of us, we’ll always come back!” 
Suguru lightly smacks your bruising cheek, “Open up, kitten. I just know your throat will feel like a second pussy.” 
You’ve never felt more helpless than this very moment. 
Maybe it would’ve just been better if you’d died with the rest of your classmates. 
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strictlyfavorites · 6 months
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WRITTEN BY A COP Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this. It may save your life or a loved one’s life. In daylight hours, refresh yourself of these things to do in an emergency situation. This is for you, and for you to share with your wife, your children, & everyone you know. After reading these 9 crucial tips, forward them to someone you care about. It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in. 1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do! 2. Learned this from a tourist guide. If a robber asks for your wallet and or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you. Chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and or purse than you, and he will go for the wallet purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION! 3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy.. The driver won’t see you, but everybody else will. This has saved lives. 4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping, eating, working, etc; and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc. DON’T DO THIS!) The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side, put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO YOUR CAR , LOCK THE DOORS AND LEAVE.. If someone is in the car with a gun to your head DO NOT DRIVE OFF, Repeat: DO NOT DRIVE OFF! Instead gun the engine and speed into anything, wrecking the car. Your Air Bag will save you. If the person is in the back seat they will get the worst of it. As soon as the car crashes bail out and run. It is better than having them find your body in a remote location. 5. A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage: A.) Be aware; look around you, look into your car, at the passenger side floor , and in the back seat. B.) If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars. C.) Look at the car parked on the driver’s side of your vehicle, and the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out.
IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.) 6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot. This is especially true at NIGHT!) 7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; and even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN, Preferably in a zig -zag pattern! 8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP It may get you raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked ‘for help’ into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim. 9. Another Safety Point Someone just told me that her friend heard a crying baby on her porch the night before last, and she called the police because it was late and she thought it was weird. The police told her ‘Whatever you do, DO NOT open the door..’ The lady then said that it sounded like the baby had crawled near a window, and she was worried that it would crawl to the street and get run over. The policeman said, ‘We already have a unit on the way, whatever you do, DO NOT open the door.’ He told her that they think a serial killer has a baby’s cry recorded and uses it to coax women out of their homes thinking that someone dropped off a baby. He said they have not verified it, but have had several calls by women saying that they hear baby’s cries outside their doors when they’re home alone at night. 10. Water scam! If you wake up in the middle of the night to hear all your taps outside running or what you think is a burst pipe, DO NOT GO OUT TO INVESTIGATE! These people turn on all your outside taps full blast so that you will go out to investigate and then attack. Stay alert, keep safe, and look out for your neighbors! Please pass this on This post should probably be taken seriously because the Crying Baby Theory was mentioned on America ‘s Most Wanted when they profiled the serial killer in Louisiana I’d like you to forward this to all the women you know. It may save a life. A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle.
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🪸 Meet the Giant Clam (Tridacna gigas)! 🪸
 This impressive mollusc is an inhabitant of the ocean floors. It lives in shallow-sunlit waters near coral reefs.
It’s the largest marine bivalve (same group as mussels and oysters), with a shell that can measure up to 1.4 meters at full maturity, weighing up to 250 kilos! #NatureIsTheGreatestShow
Believe it or not, Giant Clams can “walk”.As juveniles, they move very slowly across the ocean floor to find a spot with the best possible sun exposure.Once in place on the reef, a healthy Giant Clam will live on the spot for up to one hundred years!
They live in symbiosis with billions of Zooxanthellae on their tissue - the same algae that live on corals. The Clam provides the algae with a secure place to live. In turn, the algae absorb solar energy and transform it into sugar and other nutrients the mollusc can consume. They allow the Giant Clam to grow to its full size, even when plankton is scarce.
Giant Clams are recognized by the zig-zag shape of their shell, yet each individual presents a unique colourful pattern on its mantle. The Zooxhanthellae algae mixing with the Giant Clam's natural pigments are to thank for these vibrant colour patterns, while the iridescence is caused by a type of cells that protects them from UV radiation.
The massive size and strange appearance of the clams cost them their reputation. According to legends, these “Killer Clams” waited at the bottom of the sea, shell open, to trap unwary swimmers and swallow them in an instant!
In reality, these clams are harmless to humans: they retract when facing threat and move too slowly anyway, not able to fully close their shells in time.
Humans on the other hand, are the Giant Clam’s biggest threat. Overfishing and illegal poaching almost drove these molluscs to extinction. They are caught for their sought-after mantle tissue (‘meat’) and for their pretty ivory-looking shells used as ornaments or jewels. Today, they are considered a vulnerable species.  
And this is a problem. Giant Clams play a crucial role in their habitat. Their presence, or absence, is a vital indicator of a coral reef's health. [pictures of living Giant Clams through Canva]
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quiltsonscreen · 1 month
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Quilts in Killers of the Flower Moon
Crazy/patchwork wool quilt
an interesting quilt featuring repeated pieced B blocks. The B fabric is likely indigo and that shade of pink was popular from the mid 19th to early 20th century
Courthouse steps/log cabin (hard to see in the shot) quilt in very poor condition, paired with a wool suit sample quilt
Another suit sample quilt
Yet another suit sample quilt, this zig-zag layout is sometimes called a 'streak of lightning quilt'
Another tied suit sample quilt, the backside of this quilt is possibly seen in this later scene, the blue border looks similar
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bonkers-4-hatter · 2 years
Huntress X Reader - Precious Doll
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TW: Blood, axe throwing, cutting flesh, flesh wound, choking, cutting with a weapon. --
The distant scream of your teammate made you flinch as you hid behind a rock, sliding down to the ground, the roughness of the rock cutting your skin, but that was nothing compared to what the Huntress would do to you with her ax. 
You’ve been going through this hell God knows how long and you should be used to it, but no, you don’t think you’ll ever get used to this. Being transported to this hell hole where you and random people have to literally run for your lives while repairing generators with psychotic killers after you. Many thoughts would run through your mind. Why were you taken? Why were any of you taken? For what purpose? Would this ever end?
Your breathing started to calm down, giving it the okay, you slowly made your way to the generator on the other side of the rock. You knew you and your team had done four generators and this was the last one needed to pop the escape doors.
Jake was dead and Jane was hooked. You knew Ace was saving Jane, so you had to start this. Popping open the panel, you started to pull and cross the wires as it revved up to life. 
Anna was the most brutal killer you’ve been against and that was saying something with the line-up of psychos you’ve been against. It always seemed like she had it out for you specifically. Whenever she knew you were part of the team, she’d only have her deadly eyes for you, passing by everyone else just to hack away at you and she wouldn’t just hook you…oh no.
The thought made you accidentally pop the generator, the loud noise echoing through the area. You cursed at your carelessness, it was almost done too. Before you could get to work on it again, your heartbeat started to accelerate as the haunting sound of her lullaby made its way to your ears. 
Being literally stuck between a rock and a hard place, you slowly inched your way around the rock only to have an ax go past you and get stuck in the fencing behind you. Jumping up, you quickly ran to the right away from the ax and towards the maze of wood paneling. Her grunting and growls were right behind you as you as you jumped through the windows and zig and zagged around the literal wooden maze so she couldn’t use her axes and it was irritating her as they kept getting stuck in the wood, but your luck just ended as you emerged in the clearing, nothing for you to use to your advantage in sight. 
You kept running trying to use the trees to help you, but she was getting closer. 
“AHHH!” An ax sliced your calf making you fall to the ground the pain was so intense as you felt the wound bleed. Before you could try and get up, Anna finally caught up to you and pinned you down to the ground by stepping on your stomach, effectively pinning you in place. 
She only laughed at you and pressed her foot into you making you cry out. “Куколка (Little Doll)” You never knew what she was saying, but she always called you that. 
In the distance the last generator popped, but Anna didn’t budge. She kept staring at you with a small smile on her face. If she wasn’t wielding an ax and didn’t cause all your previous injuries, you might have thought she looked cute smiling. 
You could see your team at the exit gate. Tears started to slide down your face. Anna straddled you, sitting on your stomach as she wiped your tears away. The gesture was sweet itself, but you knew what was going to happen.
She gripped another ax in her hand as she started to drag the weapon across your exposed skin, not really caring how shallow or deep the cuts were. A noise of delight emitted from Anna’s throat as a scream erupted from yours. You were trying to wiggle your way free from her which only made her mad. 
Slamming the axes handle against your throat you started to choke against the wooden handle as she applied more pressure. Your cut and bloodied arms reached up to grip her arms, weakly trying to move the handle, but to no avail. “P-please.” Your soft voice wheezed this out, you started to see black dots in your vision, as your arms started to go slack.
Anna, not wanting to be done playing with you yet, lifted the handle off your throat, bruising already appearing on the delicate skin. She made some happy noises at the colors that were appearing as she thought of all the ways she could play with her little doll before the entity brought them back.
All you could do was accept your hellish fate and hope that she would kill you soon, but from her delighted sound, that was only a dream now.
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luridce · 2 years
my dummy headcanons for the yee yee ass haircut man, that I want to get off my chest:
✩ his real name is Ido - created this from his hero name pronunciation "Nīdorusutā".
✩ before joining and getting kicked out of the Blizzard Group, and becoming a professional hero on his own, he definitely was involved in some gang (the delinquent vibes?). Inevitably did a 180 and became a hero... because our man is good deep down inside🖤
✩ maybe worked in security? or like a chauffeur for a gang boss at some point? Anyways, any job he did was cut short because of "disciplinary issues" a.k.a. him not being able to take orders and listen to his superiors if he thinks it's not the right thing.
✩ chews bubblegum when he feels like smoking (wants to quit smoking). Get's lowkey annoyed when working with other heroes who smoke right in front of him (lmao Zombieman pls it's not healthy for you, sweetheart!).
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✩ kept the suit he got from the Blizzard Group. Had to return it after being kicked out, but didn't because he's a little shit lol.
✩ wears safety pins as earrings to show solidarity with those who are marginalized, believes in "all lives are equally valuable". So I think most of his attitude/arguments with others stem from seeing people treated badly (e.g. probably wasn't a fan of newbie-crushing that the Blizzard Group did).
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✩ thinks he's a smartass, but probably barely finished school lol. Maybe has street smarts? A little bit of physics knowledge, because he has to estimate the trajectory of his mace?
✩ idk but I think he has like... a million tattoos under that suit. Overall, he's very into the punk look, looking alternative and having a "no rules" style. Wears a lot of dark clothing, ripped clothing, boots, maybe has a few t-shirts in 'weirder' colors (e.g. hot pink? lol). Likes studded and spiked jewelry, has a few killer leather jackets. But only wears everything casually, tones it down for hero work.
✩ I think that his good guy side stems from either: 1) growing up on the streets and witnessing poor, weaker people being treated badly (maybe similar mindset to Garou, reacting to the injustice of the world, but choosing to be better); 2) not growing up on the streets, having a good support system and family that helped him form his values (maybe a good, but strict mom? a younger sibling he kinda wants to be a role models for?); 3) no big reasoning behind that, just him being a decent human being.
✩ pierced his own ears with safety pins when he was a teen to impress his delinquent friends. Pierced his ears unevenly though lmao.
✩ is a total tsundere about it, but secretly enjoys working in/belonging to a team. I wanna believe that him and the others (Mizuki, One Shotter, Gearsper) form some sort of a friendship after the MA raid, maybe go out for drinks or something. I love them all so much... I just want them to interact again in the manga 🖤
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✩ maybe has some resentment towards the Blizzard Group, but is mainly focused on his own path as a hero. Not the one to badmouth the group or Fubuki behind their backs.
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✩ is a regular in one barber shop and goes like once a week lmao like a lot. Keeping his zig zag haircut looking fresh is his top priority. Probably dyed his hair at some point too. Wishing we got a colored version of him in the manga.
✩ keeps his mace and chain next to his bed when sleeping. Curses a lot (says "damn" and "holy crap" in the manga), will call you a dumbass.
✩ and a super dumb last one: sings while driving. Like he's a decent driver, but a horrible singer (thinks he's good though lmao). Telling him to stop will just make him sing louder. Maybe that's the reason he lost his chauffeuring job lmao.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 10 months
last fic excerpt i'll do, in thanks for y'alls patience. ;)
part of gunter's POV in the last battle with anankos, post-possession.
He expected no thanks in return, and got none. This was simply the practicality of the battlefield taking over, professional killers standing shoulder to shoulder focused on one last shared orgy of violence and blades before they split ways out of the same necessity that called them together.
Always, he kept one eyes trained on Corrin who fought near the front-lines, a silver blur of singing ferociousness as she lept and darted flawlessly between the royals, nimbly spinning over Takumi’s endless barrage of aqua arrows always flawlessly spearing their targets in twain. In another flash, she was back to back with Xander, both of their blades carving past legions of those flaming foes in a dance too fast for untrained eyes to see, a trail of blood and mutilated bodies the only evidence in their wake.
In turn, Anankos shifted in a dizzying variety of forms that no mere mortal eyes were meant to pierce or see, and yet they all pressed through with confidence—
Until the demon-dragon summed up one last cadre of possessed ghosts from their pasts; the very last, the strongest, and the ones most likely to send them reeling back in horror.
Somehow, he knew this was coming, one ghostly form marching towards them in particular.
In those lonely nights in Anankos’ thrall and away from his lover, Gunter had wondered where one particular old bastard had gone, and if the demon-dragon had not taken him much earlier. It felt almost like a morbid, poetic irony of fate itself that the old knight would still be the one standing by Corrin’s side in true flesh and blood and free from that dark influence, compared to…
Garon. The old rotted corpse-like Nohrian king.
Well, not a corpse yet, but soon—if he had his way.
By the way Corrin zig-zagged closer to his side from seemingly out of nowhere and her hunter’s-bright red eyes fixated on the king with lethal, unerring precision—his wishes would soon be answered, and something approaching a darkly satisfied leer crawled over his scarred face. Fearlessly, her level gaze assessed the new figure, and the old knight’s heart burned with vicious pride as he strode to her side. 
“Let me take him with you.” Corrin murmured, once more that sleek predator and shivering in answer. 
“Do it, love.”
Like his arrow, she shot forward.
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mywifeleftme · 11 months
195: Run the Jewels // Run the Jewels
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Run the Jewels Run the Jewels 2013, Fool's Gold
Even as someone who was very hyped for this monster mash album to drop back in 2013, I could’ve used El-P and Killer Mike’s chances at becoming mainstream music stars as a creative simile for extreme remoteness. Run the Jewels started life as a Watch the Throne joke—e.g. while you pay obeisance to the supposed kings, we’re behind them jacking their shit. The name seemed right: any time you put Mike on a pop-adjacent track, he sounded too brash, too angry to fit the scheme, whereas El-P probably scanned to most listeners as like, Comic-Con Bubba Sparxxx or something. It remains bizarre to contemplate that El-P’s original crew, Company Flow, released their groundbreaking Funcrusher EP a year before Jay-Z’s Reasonable Doubt, and Mike had been OutKast’s war dog since the turn of the century. In other words, these were two rapper’s rappers who made a living on rhymes but didn’t seem likely to have say great prospects of retiring comfortably.
It just goes to show what a creative release strategy (Run the Jewels dropped for free at a time when that concept still had some novelty) and an absolute banger record can do for ya. After years of ambitious, CD-stuffing projects by both men, Run the Jewels is a trim 33-minute object lesson in the power of elite shit-talking. Ten years on their particular chemistry is fixed enough to be fondly roasted, but at the time I’d never heard either man rap as freely, or hilariously, as they did here. Some particularly treasured bars:
Woo, they done let that fuckin' Mike out It's like Tyson in the '80s Nigga snap and punch your lights out, yeah It's like Tyson in the '90s, if I'm losing, take a bite out I'm so motherfuckin' grimy, so motherfuckin' greedy, gritty Mama said she couldn't breastfeed 'cause I was bitin' at the titty — Mike
Yo, Killer Mike and El-P, fuck boys, think about it Fuck you gonna sell me? You don't know a thing about us Women dosed with ayahuasca drum circle and sing about us Dolphins prone to rape'll hear the tape and stop to think about it Monks will immolate themselves until the record hits the shelves Yetis walk right out the woods to cop it without thinkin' bout it Workers at the sweatshop kill they boss to how the vets drop Worker ants surround their queen and chew the bitch's head off Drug dogs bark at the tour bus when it park Priests take the cock out of their mouths To hum along when the chorus drop — El-P
It's time for Skywalker talkers t’meet the true Darth Vader I hit your mom in '03, but a G ain't ate her So baby boy, you should tighten up and show some respect Before I Melvin on you, Jody, put my arm on your neck Or worse yet, be the reason your girl want a divorce Be at her crib with your kids saying ‘Fuck your fort, lil' nigga!’ — Mike
Born to the next-gen system Slow water drip to the temple to live in a prison When the walls don't appear to your vision One floor down from that mall's that prison Where shower stalls'll get all y'all missin' Pardon me, I got half-wit vision But fuck I know? I just crawled here, cap'n — El-P
I'm fat but I dress nice, and bitches finesse Mike They suck the dick and squeeze on my belly like bagpipes — Mike
I'ma smoke 'til the planet erases Build a white flag out of Zig Zags, wave it — El-P
And so on. Alongside El-P’s signature production, limber and consistently knocking, it is the sheer “What will they say next?” pleasure of two elite battle rappers trading the mic back and forth (something that doesn’t happen on Watch the Throne as often as you might remember) that scratched the deep itch of boom-bap-bro nation. Over three more excellent LPs to date, they’ve expanded their sound and skewed ever more topical, but RTJ have never abandoned the template that made them unlikely stars. And for my money at least, it’s this first one that best stands the test of time.
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oldguy56-world · 1 year
Let It Be
We have all heard the expressions 'let sleeping dogs lie' and 'don't poke the bear'. They are there as reminders that as humans we sometimes have to just leave things as they are and walk away, no matter how tempting the situation can be. There is only one instance I can think of where you cannot turn your back and walk away and that is when you have been fighting a psycho killer (who hasn't) and you take them down. Do not turn your back to make a call, hug your loved one, or anything until the job is finished because I have seen enough movies to know they don't die that easily. Suggestion: before you walk away, cut off their head, hands and feet, dowse them with some kind of fuel and set them on fire. Even then do not leave until you see there is nothing left but ashes, then vacuum up the ashes, stick a grenade in the vacuum and perhaps then you are finished.
Anyway I let that get away from me a bit. That last part has been on my mind a lot. So what are some examples of when you should just 'Let it Be'? So glad you asked.
Never think it is a good idea to pet a wolverine. I got this one from an old intern Two Finger Tony.
No matter how bad your spouse's cooking is do not mention it in public. Should you ever die from food poisoning they have plausible deniability.
Do not let your kids cuddle baby bears, lions, wolves or anything where a pissed off mother might be around. Could also apply to other kids in day care if the parents are uptight.
You are driving your car and a maniac cuts you off several times while they zig-zag through traffic. Check their plates. If the car is registered in a U.S. state odds are there is a firearm of some sort in the car. Just let it be. Odds are they have no health care and you will outlive them anyway.
You are at the grocery store and hamburger meat is 25 cents a pound but there is a greyish-green tint to it. Leave it in the bin unless your spouse has been mocking your cooking. If they have buy some, make their favorite hamburger helper recipe before going out with friends then leave. Remember: plausible deniability.
If a cop pulls you over, no matter how goofy looking they are do not comment on it. They could have one eye in the middle of their forehead, horns and a tail, but bite your tongue. You might be surprised how many extra charges they can come up with on the spot. (they will not appreciate lines like: how long have you had your 'eye' on me.)
You are driving your kid home at night and a Timmy's is just ahead. Do not get yourself something and think you are being a good parent by getting your kid something as well especially if you plan on watching anything on TV that night. Might as well just give them a full crack pipe.
If you are going out somewhere and have to bake something don't let your husband 'try one'. It is much better to have them sit home frustrated than you go out with only half of what you wanted to take. No man wants to stop at one.
There is a reason McCartney repeats the line 'Let it Be' 73 times in the song. It is a warning along with a life lesson. He should have taken his own advice and not told John that Yoko sounded like a Banshee strangling a cat when she sang. The Beatles might have had another decade together.
THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: I am not sure why it is called common sense when it appears to be so rare these days.
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday!
Sweet potato ranks No. 1 in nutrition of all vegetables.
Paris has a ‘hospital’ for neglected houseplants.
Daydreaming is good for your brain.
A litre of beer or a litre of coffee is as hydrating as a litre of water.
Cremation causes silicone breast implants to explode.
40% of working Britons have less than £100 in savings.
The IATA airport code for Sioux City, Iowa is SUX.
Your motivation to "get up and go" starts to fail at around 54 years old.
One-third of entrepreneurs think their chance of failing is zero.
In Russia, it is illegal to tell kids that gay people exist.
Microscopic mites are currently living and having sex on your face.
The baby name ‘Karen’ is on the edge of extinction.
Only 2% of the world's population has green eyes.
80% of the world's population have never been on an airplane.
Your nipples are as unique as your fingerprints.
In 1976, more than 100 marijuana plants sprouted in the Anaheim Stadium playing field in Los Angeles after The Who performed there.
In 2014, German police issued a fine to a one-armed cyclist for cycling with one arm.
Humans spend 13% of their lives not focusing on anything in particular.
Men appear in the newspapers three times as often as women and have done since 1800.
In 2017, the US secret service advertised for a 'social media sarcasm spotter'.
Sometimes, creating a little distance will help people recognize how much you actually mean to them.
A study by Wijnand A.P. Van Tilburg and Eric R. Igou has shown that adding a middle initial to your name makes you seem smarter. This status is brought to you by Lindsay J. Wesker.
A moose can dive underwater down to nearly twenty feet in search of food. This makes killer whales their biggest predator.
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, has towns called Intercourse and Paradise. It takes six minutes to get from one to the other.
Male ladybirds can spend up to four hours mating with a dead female before realising something is wrong.
Greenland lost so much ice in the 20th century that it changed the angle of the Earth’s rotation.
A sex manual in Qing dynasty China outlined 48 different ways to fondle a mutilated foot.
In December 2020, a man from Kazakhstan legally married his sex doll after 2 years of dating.
Crocodiles are fast on their feet but cannot turn very well. If one is chasing you, run in zig zag lines.
In 2013, Bill Gates said that the Ctrl+Alt+Delete command was a mistake and could have been just a single button.
4.8 billion people own mobile phones whereas only 4.2 billion own a toothbrush.
“The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick” is said to be the toughest tongue twister in English.
A python from Australia became addicted to meth after living in a drug lab and was sent to rehab for seven months.
You have a better chance in getting into Harvard than becoming a Delta Airlines flight attendant.
It's ok and "I'm fine" are the two most common lies spoken in the world.
Men spend almost a year of their lives staring at women, a survey found.
According to Psychology people are constantly wishing for something, whilst overlooking that they already have.
Admit it when you're wrong and shut up when you're right. This is a simple way to drastically improve the quality of your relationships.
According to one survey, 95% of people claim they get nervous when they hear the words, “We need to talk.”
When you become really close to someone, you can hear their voice in your head when you read their texts.
No one really knows who invented the fire hydrant, its patent was burned in a fire.
Parents of newborn babies lose about six months of sleep during the first two years of their child's life
After drummer Pete Best was fired from the Beatles, he released an album called ‘Best Of The Beatles’. Buyers were disappointed to find out it was not a Beatles compilation album.
Humans are deuterostomes which means that, when they develop in the womb, the anus forms before any other opening. This means that, at one point, you were nothing but a bum hole!
When Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba, he ordered all Monopoly sets to be destroyed. Some believe the decision was because it symbolises capitalism but close friends believed it was because he always lost.
On September 11th, 2001, Roselle, a guide dog, saved the life of her blind owner by leading him all the way down from the 78th floor of the burning Twin Towers. The descent took approximately an hour in total and both safely made it out.
According to a study, male owners of luxury cars behave aggressively on the road not because of a corrupting effect of wealth, but because men who are self-centred and unempathetic are much more likely both to be drawn to high-status cars and to break traffic laws.
In the 1640s, the Dutch inhabitants of New Amsterdam built a 12-foot wall to protect the city. In 1664, the British bypassed the wall and took the city by the sea. The area is now called New York. They took down the wall and built a street now known as Wall Street
And, finally, it’s never too late to follow your dreams. Romanian ruler, Vlad The Impaler, didn’t start impaling people until his thirties!
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 2 years
The Wraiths had caught up to him, chomping at every zig zag he does, forcing him in line. Herding him, with howls and snarls and cackles of their own
One launches at him-!
“BIM RUN!!” A male voice shouts, the wraith who had nearly chomped his head -or worse- frozen in a red light
Several more were frozen, red slowly edging to orange as ice blasts rained down on the remaining chasing, a woman’s voice screaming as she blasted with all her energy
The Being slightly slows in surprise
“Sentient Wraiths? Or simply deals with the departed? Ah no matter” it shrugs, blasting past them as it kept its chase after Bim, laughing all the way
It was Playing with Him
"I can say from personal experience, it's very rewarding to not be a serial killer!" He knows it won't work, but maybe it'll stir up the spirits of his victims. Maybe if they swarm him, it'll stall the Wraiths!
His victims continue their wailing. None acknowledge him.
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shadowron · 2 years
Intrusion Countermeasures (“Ice”) from Virtual Realities for Shadowrun (1st Edition). Gray IC. Part 7
So you messed up.
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“That’s my line.”
Zigged when you should have zagged, tangoed when you should have cashed, deceived when you should have sleazed. Past the SAN and three SPUs deep, suddenly the dice turned against you, and instead of quietly entering that final datastore, some Renraku Probe IC is all up in your chips and you brace for what’s coming next.
Gray IC
The good news is: Gray IC by default are only activated if something goes awry interacting with White IC.
The other good news is: Now you get to fight something!
The core rulebook contains 5 different types of Gray IC; Virtual Realities alters slightly what each does, so I’ll mention both.
Despite the scary name, this is the most vanilla type of Gray IC, as it only attacks and damages your persona program – it can’t actually kill the decker or affect their cyberdeck in any way – worst case scenario your persona crashes and you have to logon again. It is the IC version of the Attack program.
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And kind of adorable.
VR version: Allows for some of the same options that were allowed for the Attack program: Area Effect, Penetration (reduces effectiveness of Shield program), Staging (the biggest upgrade, making deck damage more like physical damage, in that you do base L, M. S, or D on a successful attack, instead of just one wound per success).
An upgraded form of Killer IC, if it crashes your persona program, there’s a chance it will destroy your deck. As in your entire deck.
VR version: This dials back the harshness, where instead of trashing the entire deck, it instead degrades only the MPCP Rating (and not the other chips/components). Same attack options as Killer IC, natch.
Tar Baby
If you’re reading that and thinking, “Wow, that is really racist there, Shadowrun,” you’d be correct.
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This image from Virtual Realities isn’t helping.
I’ve written extensively about the racism that pervades Shadowrun, and this one here is an easy one to fix. And it eventually was… in 4th Edition. The original rules describe “[racial slur] is a nasty form of trap IC…” There, that – just call it Trap IC. For no other form of Gray IC is the descriptor “trap” used, so just call it that.
Oh, right, what it does: deletes the utility program (that triggered the IC) from the deck’s Active Memory.
Tar Pit
You could have gotten away with this one, had you not had the previous one.
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Why is tar pit represented by creepy cyclops doctor?
Deletes all copies of utility program from both Active and Storage Memory.
Trace & X
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His mother is, in fact, a tracer.
Where X = {Report, Dump, Burn}. This is the classic computer trope of “Tracing the Phone Call”, updated for the cybernetic age. Trace IC can be attacked directly, or the Relocate program (specifically meant to counter it) can be used. If the decker’s location is discovered, it is then Reported so that corp security can pick up their SCK Model 100 SMGs and say hi to their new friend.
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See? Weapon of choice.
The Dump version knocks the decker out of the Matrix – which is good, because they’ll need to put their Armor Jacket on, and the Burn version does what Blaster IC (above) does to their chips.
New Gray IC in Virtual Realities
Not that exciting – there are four new forms of IC that specifically target and reduce the rating of the deck’s persona programs: Acid (Bod), Binder (Evasion), Jammer (Sensor), and Marker (Masking).
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