tasoeurlamilitante · 2 months
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Inès Armand : Née en 1874, elle est une Militante communiste révolutionnaire, féministe française, ayant rejointe les bolchéviks lors de la Révolution russe. Dès 1910, elle est la plus proche collaboratrice de Lénine. Elle participe aux conférences du mouvement de Zimmerwald et à la conférence internationale des femmes à Berne en 1915. En 1917, après la Révolution Russe, elle s'engage en faveur des revendications féminines, entre autres comme membre du comité du parti, du comité exécutif et de la section féminine du comité central qu'elle préside de 1919 à sa mort.
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histoire · 4 months
Zimmerwald (BE) : de l’internationale pour la paix à Big Brother
Le journal Le Temps de ce mercredi 10 janvier 2024, sous la plume d’Adrienne Fichter (Républik), m’apprend que la commune bernoise de Zimmerwald héberge le Centre des opérations électroniques (COE) du Département fédéral de La Défense et donc du Service de renseignement de la Confédération (SRC). Cette entité conduit une surveillance de masse des télécommunications (réseaux câblés) de et en…
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Events 9.5 (before 1920)
917 – Liu Yan declares himself emperor, establishing the Southern Han state in southern China, at his capital of Panyu. 1367 – Swa Saw Ke becomes king of Ava 1590 – Alexander Farnese's army forces Henry IV of France to lift the siege of Paris. 1622 – A hurricane overruns a Spanish fleet bound from Havana to Cadiz and sinks the galleon Atocha. Only five men are rescued, but 260 passengers and 200 million pesos are buried with the Atocha under 50 feet of water. 1661 – Fall of Nicolas Fouquet: Louis XIV's Superintendent of Finances is arrested in Nantes by D'Artagnan, captain of the king's musketeers. 1666 – Great Fire of London ends: Ten thousand buildings, including Old St Paul's Cathedral, are destroyed, but only six people are known to have died. 1697 – War of the Grand Alliance : A French warship commanded by Captain Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville defeated an English squadron at the Battle of Hudson's Bay. 1698 – In an effort to Westernize his nobility, Tsar Peter I of Russia imposes a tax on beards for all men except the clergy and peasantry. 1725 – Wedding of Louis XV and Maria Leszczyńska. 1774 – First Continental Congress assembles in Philadelphia. 1781 – Battle of the Chesapeake in the American Revolutionary War: The British Navy is repelled by the French Navy, contributing to the British surrender at Yorktown. 1791 – Olympe de Gouges writes the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen. 1793 – French Revolution: The French National Convention initiates the Reign of Terror. 1798 – Conscription is made mandatory in France by the Jourdan law. 1812 – War of 1812: The Siege of Fort Wayne begins when Chief Winamac's forces attack two soldiers returning from the fort's outhouses. 1816 – Louis XVIII has to dissolve the Chambre introuvable ("Unobtainable Chamber"). 1836 – Sam Houston is elected as the first president of the Republic of Texas. 1839 – The United Kingdom declares war on the Qing dynasty of China. 1862 – American Civil War: The Army of Northern Virginia crosses the Potomac River at White's Ford in the Maryland Campaign. 1877 – American Indian Wars: Oglala Sioux chief Crazy Horse is bayoneted by a United States soldier after resisting confinement in a guardhouse at Fort Robinson in Nebraska. 1882 – The first United States Labor Day parade is held in New York City. 1887 – A fire at the Theatre Royal, Exeter kills 186, making it the UK's deadliest ever building fire. 1905 – Russo-Japanese War: In New Hampshire, United States, the Treaty of Portsmouth, mediated by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, ends the war. 1914 – World War I: First Battle of the Marne begins. Northeast of Paris, the French attack and defeat German forces who are advancing on the capital. 1915 – The pacifist Zimmerwald Conference begins.
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kamchatkapoint · 1 year
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J'ai pu déjeuner avec Andrey Roudoï (@rudoy1 ) ce midi. Il est un des nombreux réfugiés politiques poursuivi en Russie pour sa contestation ferme de la guerre impérialiste que mène aujourd'hui son pays. Mais contrairement à beaucoup d'autres, au lieu de sombrer dans une apathie pessimiste, il préfère continuer la lutte anti-impérialiste là où il peut en renouant avec les mouvements communistes français et émigrés du monde post-soviétique pour élaborer, sinon une nouvelle conférence de Zimmerwald, au moins un pôle de réflexion Rousso-ukrainien pour réfléchir à un futur internationaliste et socialiste pour le futur post-poutinien qui attend sa patrie. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClJX9UdqlCo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Année 1915 (Septembre)
Evénements   Les ports du Cameroun (Douala, Victoria, Buéa) tombent aux mains des Alliés. Les troupes allemandes de l’intérieur résistent. Wilson autorise les prêts aux gouvernements belligérants. En avril 1917, l’Allemagne a pu emprunter 27 millions de dollars et l’Entente plus de 2 milliards   5-6 septembre: Conférence socialiste de Zimmerwald (Suisse), de leaders socialistes de onze pays…
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codigoocultocom · 4 years
Por primera vez: científicos observan desechos espaciales durante el día en la órbita
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Por primera vez: científicos observan desechos espaciales durante el día en la órbita
Lamentablemente la órbita de la Tierra se está llenando de desechos espaciales. Ahora, científicos han presenciado de día, por primera vez, basura espacial.
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yngwrthr · 2 years
The imperialist war is ushering in the era of the socialist revolution. All the objective conditions of recent times have put the workers’ revolutionary mass struggle on the order of the day. It is the duty of socialists, while making use of every means of the working class’s legal struggle, to… develop revolutionary consciousness… promote and encourage any revolutionary action, and do everything possible to turn the imperialist war between peoples into a civil war… for the conquest of political power by the working class, and the realization of socialism.
Lenin, “Resolution of the Zimmerwald Left”, 1915.
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claudiosuenaga · 3 years
Willi Münzenberg: O inventor da propaganda e do controle mental comunista ou como o espectro do comunismo ainda está vivo e atuante em toda a indústria cultural e na grande mídia ocidental
Todos sabem quem foi Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), o Ministro da Propaganda na Alemanha Nazista, mas praticamente ninguém sabe quem foi Willi Münzenberg (1889-1940), nada menos do que o principal propagandista comunista na Europa entre guerras e inventor de muitas técnicas de cooptação, persuasão e controle mental que são usadas até hoje nos meios políticos e publicitários.
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Comunista alemão e membro do Reichstag, Willi Münzenberg (1889-1940) foi o principal propagandista comunista na Europa entre guerras.
Depois de conhecer Lenin (1870-1924) em Zimmerwald em 1915, iniciou sua jornada no comunismo. Naquele ano, já líder do movimento juvenil socialista suíço, foi eleito secretário da União Internacional de Organizações Socialistas da Juventude, e foi eleito para a direção do Partido Social Democrata da Suíça no ano seguinte.
Em 1919, liderou a criação da Juventude Comunista Internacional.
Mais tarde, em 1921, Lenin nomeou Münzenberg para estabelecer o embrião da Internationale Arbeiter-Hilfe (IAH), ou Workers InternationalRelief (WIR), com sede em Berlim, uma organização proletária internacional de massas que durou até 1935, quando foi silenciosamente dissolvida por instruções diretas do quartel-general do Comintern em Moscou.
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Foi durante a República de Weimar (1919-1933) que Münzenberg ganhou a reputação de propagandista brilhante. Seu primeiro grande sucesso foi um esforço para arrecadar dinheiro e alimentos para as vítimas da fome russa de 1921, uma tarefa que havia sido confiada a ele por Lenin. Münzenberg angariou milhões de dólares para ajudar a União Soviética durante a fome por meio da IAH. Os esforços da IAH foram valiosos não apenas pela ajuda prática em termos de combate à fome, mas também devido ao seu valor de propaganda para o movimento comunista na Alemanha e em todo o mundo.
A IAH também era proprietária do estúdio cinematográfico Mezhrabpomfilm, com sede em Moscou, que empregava 400 funcionários e produzia filmes de diretores soviéticos, incluindo Vsevolod Pudovkin (1893-1953) e Nikolai Ekk (1902-1976).
Seus filmes, assim como outras produções soviéticas, foram distribuídos na Alemanha por sua subsidiária Prometheus-Filmgesellschaft, incluindo O Encouraçado Potemkin (1925), dirigido por Serguei Eisenstein (1898-1948), que se tornou um grande sucesso na Alemanha após uma má recepção na União Soviética.
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Prometheus também produziu filmes na Alemanha, como Kuhle Wampe (1932), sobre o desemprego e a esquerda política na República de Weimar. Kuhle Wampe foi dirigido por Slatan Dudow (1903-1963) e o roteiro co-escrito por Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956).
Em 1924, Münzenberg lançou o Arbeiter-Illustrierte-Zeitung (AIZ), um semanário ilustrado que se tornou o jornal pictórico socialista mais lido na Alemanha, alcançando uma circulação de quase meio milhão.
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Além disso, Münzenberg trabalhou em estreita colaboração com o Comintern e a polícia secreta soviética (conhecida como Cheka em 1917-22 e como OGPU em 1922-34) para promover a causa comunista internacionalmente.
Para ampliar a influência do Comintern (a Internacional Comunista ou Terceira Internacional, fundada por Lenin em março de 1919), Münzenberg criou várias organizações de fachada, que chamou de "Clubes dos Inocentes".
Esses grupos de frente, como os Amigos da Rússia Soviética, a Liga Contra o Imperialismo e o Workers International Relief, eram superficialmente devotados a uma causa inegavelmente benigna, como o alívio da fome, o anti-imperialismo ou a paz, mas Münzenberg os criou para cooptar o apoio dos liberais e socialistas moderados na defesa da revolução bolchevique. Como ele disse a um colega do Comintern: "Essas pessoas acreditam que estão realmente fazendo isso por si mesmas. Essa crença deve ser preservada a qualquer preço."
As organizações de fachada, por sua vez, ajudaram a financiar a aquisição do Münzenberg Trust, uma coleção de pequenos jornais, editoras, cinemas e teatros em locais ao redor do mundo. Münzenberg, referido por alguns como o "Milionário Vermelho", usou os negócios para pagar uma limusine e um apartamento elegantemente decorado para si mesmo.
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Münzenberg se concentrou na comunicação com simpatizantes em potencial, empregando uma gama de técnicas de propaganda que posteriormente seriam adotadas em todo o mundo durante o século 20, incluindo caminhões de som, transmissões de rádio, discos fonográficos, além do uso de músicas e filmes.
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Embora seguisse a linha do Partido Comunista, sua abordagem tática de propaganda era mais flexível do que a do partido a fim de atrair o maior número possível de pessoas, ou seja, ele prenunciou a tática de frente popular endossada pelos stalinistas na década de 1930.
Sua estratégia era de "cooptar aqueles milhões de trabalhadores apáticos e indiferentes, que não participam da vida política."
No final de agosto de 1932, Münzenberg formou o Comitê Mundial Contra a Guerra e o Fascismo, com sede em Berlim. No início do ano seguinte, Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) foi nomeado chanceler da Alemanha. Münzenberg convenceu uma série de influentes pacifistas a participarem do comitê, entre eles Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Heinrich Mann (1871-1950), Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), Havelock Ellis (1859-1939), Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945), John Dos Passos (1896-1970), Upton Sinclair (1878-1968) e Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941).
Em 27 de fevereiro de 1933, o Reichstag, em Berlim, foi incendiado, acontecimento crucial para o estabelecimento da Alemanha nazista. Münzenberg argumentou que os três búlgaros presos e acusados pelo incêndio eram inocentes e que a responsabilidade era de Hermann Göring (1893-1946) e Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), que haviam planejado usar o evento para ajudar a consolidar o poder nazista. Os búlgaros foram inocentados.
Em junho de 1934, Münzenberg viajou pelo nordeste e centro-oeste dos Estados Unidos. Discursando inflamadamente em comícios em locais como o Madison Square Garden e o Bronx Coliseum, ele apareceu ao lado de figuras como o escritor Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951) e o escritor e historiador Malcolm Cowley (1898-1989).
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Münzenberg instruiu seu assistente, o colega agente do Comintern Otto Katz (1895-1952), também conhecido como André Simone, entre outros codinomes, a viajar aos Estados Unidos para angariar apoio para várias causas pró-soviéticas e antinazistas, como parte da proclamação do Sétimo Congresso Mundial do Comintern de 1935 de uma "Frente Popular contra o Fascismo", também conhecida como Frente Popular.
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Katz foi para Hollywood e, em julho de 1936, formou a Liga Antinazista de Hollywood com a escritora Dorothy Parker (1893-1967). Muitos artistas e escritores nos EUA juntaram-se à Frente Popular, à Liga Antinazista e a grupos relacionados, como a Liga dos Escritores Americanos. Estrelas de cinema como Paul Muni (1895-1967), Melvyn Douglas (1901-1981) e James Cagney (1899-1986), concordaram em patrocinar a Liga Antinazista de Hollywood.
Münzenberg viveu intermitentemente em Paris de 1933 a 1940, onde continuou suas atividades editoriais, adquirindo em março de 1933 a Editions du Carrefour (fundada em 1928 e que existiu até 1940) em Paris como sucessora de sua editora alemã Neuer Deutscher Verlag. Münzenberg a tornou o mais importante porta-voz jornalístico do Partido Comunista da Alemanha [Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD)] no exílio durante o nazismo. Carrefour publicou cerca de cem livros e muitos panfletos, brochuras e folhetos antinazistas entre 1933 e 1936.
Até 1936, Münzenberg permaneceu leal a Josef Stalin (1878-1953) e aos objetivos da política externa soviética. No outono de 1936, ele viajou para a União Soviética, logo após o primeiro dos Julgamentos de Moscou, o que abalou sua fé no stalinismo.
No final de 1936, Münzenberg foi instado a aceitar uma oferta para voltar a Moscou e assumir outras missões em nome do Comintern, mas como a recusou, foi declarado persona non grata no movimento comunista.
Em abril de 1939, Münzenberg foi expulso do Partido Comunista Alemão e passou a opor-se abertamente a Stalin. Münzenberg foi um crítico declarado do pacto de não agressão com a Alemanha nazista, assinado em Moscou na madrugada de 24 de agosto de 1939, o famigerado Pacto Molotov-Ribbentrop, acusando Stalin de ser um "traidor" da classe trabalhadora e da causa da paz.
Em junho de 1940, Münzenberg fugiu de Paris, onde vinha fazendo transmissões antinazistas, para escapar do avanço das forças alemãs. Em 17 de outubro, no Bois de Caugnet entre Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye e Montagne, perto de São Marcelino, caçadores franceses descobriram o cadáver parcialmente decomposto de Münzenberg ao pé de um carvalho. O corpo foi encontrado apoiado na vertical sobre os joelhos, com uma corda com nós pendurada sobre o crânio. Suicídio ou assassinato?
Teorias dizem que Münzenberg foi morto por agentes alemães que trabalhavam para a Gestapo, que aparentemente se infiltraram em sua organização em 1939. Como de praxe em tais casos, a sua morte nunca foi devidamente esclarecida.
Frases de Willi Münzenberg:
“A fotografia trabalha sobre o olho humano: o que é visto é refletido no cérebro sem a necessidade de pensamento complicado. Desta forma, a burguesia aproveita a indolência mental das massas e faz um bom negócio também.”
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“A fotografia tornou-se um meio notável e indispensável de propaganda na luta revolucionária.”
“Devemos organizar os intelectuais e usá-los para fazer a civilização ocidental feder.”
“Todas as notícias são mentiras e toda a propaganda é disfarçada de notícias.”
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Confira o documentário de minha autoria sobre Willi Münzenberg no meu canal no YouTube:
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First laser detection of space debris in daylight Lasers on Earth are used to measure the position of space debris high above, providing crucial information on how to avoid in-space collisions. Until now, this technique has suffered from a fatal flaw. For some time, lasers could only be used to measure the distance to space debris during the few twilight hours in which the ‘laser ranging’ station on Earth is in darkness, but debris objects high above are still bathing in the last of the Sun’s rays. In the same way that the Moon is brightest when it is glistening in sunlight while it is night on Earth, space debris is easier to spot when reflecting the Sun’s light as seen from a dark vantage point. Because debris objects are so much closer to Earth, however, there is only a small window in which they are lit up but observers on Earth are not. Now, a recent study has proved it is indeed possible, in full daylight, to use lasers to determine the distance to debris. This new laser ranging method will help improve orbit predictions for debris objects, drastically increasing the time available to make observations and keeping valuable spacecraft safe. By using a special combination of telescopes, detectors and light filters at specific wavelengths, researchers have found that it is in fact possible to increase the contrast of objects with respect to the daylight sky, revealing objects previously hiding in plain sight. “We are used to the idea that you can only see stars at night, and this has similarly been true for observing debris with telescopes, except with a much smaller time window to observe low-orbit objects,” explains Tim Flohrer, Head of ESA’s Space Debris Office. “Using this new technique, it will become possible to track previously ‘invisible’ objects that had been lurking in the blue skies, which means we can work all day with laser ranging to support collision avoidance.” Debris dancing in darkness Our planet is shrouded in a veil of debris - millions of small, but dangerous, fragments left over from previous space launches and in-orbit explosions and collisions. They are joined by hundreds of whole, but defunct, spacecraft and rocket bodies that have failed or been abandoned, orbiting uncontrolled through space. Even millimetre-sized fragments, travelling about seven kilometres per second, can damage a satellite upon impact, but collision with a dead spacecraft or large fragments can destroy functioning missions altogether. As such, it’s important to understand where debris fragments are so that we can avoid them - but getting this information isn’t easy. Laser ranging is a very well established technology that uses a laser on Earth to send pulses of light to a satellite carrying a reflector. By measuring how long it takes for the signal to return to a telescope on Earth, known as the ‘two-way travel time’, the distance to the satellite can be precisely determined. Unfortunately, few satellites carry a ‘retro-reflector’ that would allow light to be easily reflected and returned to Earth. Determining the distance to such objects was demonstrated only a few years ago, and the development of the related technologies is progressing rapidly. Detecting debris in daylight During the recent tests, 40 different debris objects (and stars approximately 10 times fainter than what can be seen by the naked eye) were observed using the new technique, standing out against a blue sky, for the first time observed in the middle of the day – something that would not have been possible before. “We expect that these results will significantly increase debris observation times in the near future,” explains Michael Steindorfer from the Austrian Academy of Sciences. “Ultimately it means we will get to know the debris population better, allowing us to better protect Europe’s space infrastructure”. Further development of such technologies is a core objective of ESA’s Space Safety programme, including establishing a network of space debris laser ranging stations. A new laser station next to ESA’s well-known Optical Ground Station in the Canary Islands is awaiting deployment, which will serve as a ‘test-bed’ for laser ranging technologies, as well as developing networking concepts. ** Since this article was published, a team from the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern, working at the Zimmerwald observatory, has demonstrated it is possible to determine the distance to debris in daytime using a more conventional laser of just 0.8 watts – as is in use for 'geodetic' applications in several stations around the globe. Geodetic stations track satellites equipped with reflectors to acquire crucial data supporting research into geodesy, geophysics, lunar science, and fundamental constants. Because of this recent development, more stations could in the future help increase our capacity to track and better understand the debris population around Earth. Stay tuned for further updates! TOP IMAGE....A visible green laser shone from ESA's Optical Ground Station (OGS). Part of Teide Observatory, the OGS located 2400 m above sea level on the volcanic island of Tenerife, used for the development of optical communication systems for space as well as space debris and near-Earth orbject surveys and quantum communication experiments. IAC– Daniel López CENTRE IMAGE....Space debris Spacejunk3D, LLC ESA LOWER IMAGE....Concept for future space debris surveillance system employing ground-based optical, radar and laser technology as well as in-orbit survey instruments. ESA/Alan Baker, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO BOTTOM IMAGE....ESA's Optical Ground Station (OGS) is 2400 m above sea level on the volcanic island of Tenerife. Visible green laser beams are used for stabilising the sending and receiving telescopes on the two islands. The invisible infrared single photons used for quantum teleportation are sent from the neighbouring island La Palma and received by the 1 m Telescope located under the dome of the OGS. Initial experiments with entangled photons were performed in 2007, but teleportation of quantum states could only be achieved in 2012 by improving the performance of the set-up. Aside from inter-island experiments for quantum communication and teleportation, the OGS is also used for standard laser communication with satellites, for observations of space debris or for finding new asteroids. The picture is a multiple exposure also including Tenerife's Teide volcano and the Milky Way in the background. IQOQI Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences
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spaceexp · 5 years
Rocket break-up provides rare chance to test debris formation
ESA - Clean Space logo. 12 April 2019 The discarded ‘upper stage’ from a rocket launched almost ten years ago has recently crumbled to pieces. “Leaving a trail of debris in its wake, this fragmentation event provides space debris experts with a rare opportunity to test their understanding of such hugely important processes”, explains Tim Flohrer, ESA's Senior Space Debris Monitoring Expert.
Rocket body fragments
Fragmentation events like this one – either break ups or collisions – are the primary source of debris objects in space in the range of a few millimetres to tens of centimetres in size. Travelling at vast speeds, these bits of technological trash pose a threat to crucial space infrastructure, such as satellites providing weather and navigation services, and even astronauts on the ISS. A remarkable video captured by the Deimos Sky Survey in Spain shows the stream of newly-made debris objects as they rush across the sky. In the clip, a number of small point-like fragments can be seen spread horizontally across frame. As the observatory moves with the debris objects, the background stars are seen as white streaks. The remnant piece is clearly visible as the largest and brightest point at the centre of about 40-60 smaller pieces, many larger than 30 cm in size, and has been traced back to the upper stage of a rocket launched in September 2009.
Example of the Atlas V Centaur upper stage
Originally an Atlas V Centaur upper stage, this rather large nearly cylindrical object would have measured about 12.5 metres in length and three metres in diameter, with a mass of more than two tonnes. Given the international code 2009-047B, this rocket remnant had been flying in an eccentric orbit around our planet for just under a decade – flung as far as 34 700 km from Earth at the most distant point in its orbit and just 6675 km at the closest. For an as-yet-unknown reason, the rocket body fragmented some time between 23 to 25 March. An international effort During a meeting of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) on 26 March, ESA’s space debris team met their counterparts from Russia, who informed the international community of fragments detected orbiting in the sky. Just hours later, the Zimmerwald Observatory in Switzerland scheduled immediate observations of the cloud of fragments, and by 26 March had acquired the first views.
Zimmerwald Observatory gets the first look
The animation to the left shows the first series of exposures taken by the 0.8 metre telescope, ZimMAIN, which followed the debris cloud. It reveals several small dots, each a fragment larger than a few tens of centimetres, with background stars again appearing as long streaks. Not long after, the Deimos Sky Survey followed up with observations of the event from 26-28 March (lead animation in this article), using the ‘Antsy’ optical sensor in Spain, which is adapted for tracking objects in low-Earth orbit. While Zimmerwald continues to observe the cloud in close collaboration with Russian and ESA experts, ESA’s own 1-metre telescope at the Optical Ground Station at Tenerife, Spain, has joined the observation campaign, detecting a large number of fragments down to 10-20 cm in size. Modeling the mess ESA keeps an eye on events like this and continually updates the international community through its public database, enabling researchers to find patterns and come up with mitigation strategies for spacecraft in all variety of shapes, sizes and orbits. The database also allows operators of satellites and spacecraft to determine the changing risk to their missions from specific fragmentation events. Once detected and observed, events like these are put into ‘space debris environment models’, allowing teams to compare the fragmentation of real-life debris with predictions – a rare but crucial opportunity to validate or improve models as necessary. Developing models of the space debris environment allows ESA to design spacecraft that can withstand impacts from small objects, and design systems to avoid collisions. These models are the baseline for predicting not just the present, but our future space debris environment, which is essential to developing efficient space debris mitigation guidelines.
Our human-made space environment (debris not to scale)
International collaboration is essential to exchanging data and models, which takes place via a technical body called the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee, which comprises all major European and international space agencies. “As this example shows, international collaboration is essential if we want to respond quickly to debris creating events”, concludes Holger Krag, Head of ESA's Space Safety Office. “Incidents like this are rare, so to have such rich observations and data from across the globe is a unique opportunity to better understand the human-made environment around Earth, in which our satellites live out their lives”.
Space Safety & Security at ESA
To find out more about ESA's space safety and security activities, including the work being done by the Planetary Defence and Space Weather Offices, click here: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Operations/Space_Safety_Security/Space_Safety_Security Related links: Deimos Sky Survey: http://www.elecnor-deimos.com/portfolio/deimos-sky-survey/ ‘Space debris environment models’: https://sdup.esoc.esa.int/ ESA public database: https://fragmentation.esoc.esa.int/ Zimmerwald Observatory: http://www.aiub.unibe.ch/research/zimmerwald_observatory/index_eng.html ESA’s space debris team: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Operations/Space_Safety_Security/Space_Debris International Academy of Astronautics (IAA): https://www.iaaweb.org/ ESA reentry predictions: https://reentry.esoc.esa.int/ ESA Space Environment Report 2018 (PDF): https://www.sdo.esoc.esa.int/environment_report/Space_Environment_Report_latest.pdf Collision warning: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Operations/Space_Safety_Security/Rocket_break-up_provides_rare_chance_to_test_debris_formation Space debris: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Operations/Space_Safety_Security/Rocket_break-up_provides_rare_chance_to_test_debris_formation Clean space: http://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2019/03/Clean_Space Space Safety & Security: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Operations/Space_Safety_Security Image, Animations, Text, Credits: ESA/Deimos Sky Survey/NASA/Roy Allison/Zimmerwald Observatory, AIUB/CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO. Greetings, Orbiter.ch Full article
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tasoeurlamilitante · 2 months
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Helene Brion (1882 – 1962), institutrice, en 1905 à une époque où les fonctionnaires étaient privées de droits syndical elle s’engage dans la Fédération des instituteurs et des institutrices (FNSI) et au parti socialiste (SFIO).
En 1912 elle rentre au comité confédéral de la CGT, elle en devient la secrétaire adjointe en janvier 1914. Elle fait partie du courant pacifiste de la CGT courant dont elle devient le porte-parole. Elle adhère alors à la section française du Comité international des femmes pour une paix permanente. Elle adhère à la section française du Comité international des femmes pour une paix permanente. Elle tentera de se rendre à la conférence pacifiste de 1915 à Zimmerwald mais en sera empêchée par la police française. Elle subi une répression féroce et en novembre 17 sera arrêtée et envoyée à la prison des femmes de Saint-Lazar pour propagande défaitiste.
Elle sera accusée devant le premier conseil de guerre du 25 au 31 mars 1918 d’être « anormale », anarchiste, de trahison, de faire du pacifisme sous couvert de féminisme, et même de porter des pantalons ! Elle fera de sa défense un vrai plaidoyer féministe : « Parce que femme, je suis hors la loi, la loi devrait être logique et ignorer mon existence lorsqu’il s’agit de sanctions autant qu’elle l’ignore lorsqu’il s’agit de droits. »
Elle sera révoquée de l’enseignement jusqu’en 1925. Elle se retire de son rôle de secrétaire générale et se met à faire de la propagande féministe. Elle édite l’hebdomadaire ‘’La lutte féministe’’ et entreprend alors la rédaction d’une ‘’Encyclopédie féministe’’. Restée à l’état de manuscrit l’encyclopédie féministe recense plus de 11000 personnalités féminines du monde entier.
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antikorg · 6 years
Zimmerwald après Zimmerwald. Un lieu de mémoire socialiste révolutionnaire ?
Zimmerwald après Zimmerwald. Un lieu de mémoire socialiste révolutionnaire ?
LR: Zimmerwald, c’est aussi un chant: http://www.anti-k.org/2015/09/24/chant-tu-guideras-nos-pas-zimmerwald/ Dimitris Fasfalis 28 juin 2017 Zimmerwald après Zimmerwald. Un lieu de mémoire socialiste révolutionnaire ? 2017-07-03 En pleine guerre, la conférence de Zimmerwald (5-8 septembre 1915) avait été pour les opinions publiques bourgeoises de l’Europe un scandale sans nom.  Les trente-huit…
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brookstonalmanac · 4 years
Events 9.5
917 – Liu Yan declares himself emperor, establishing the Southern Han state in southern China, at his capital of Panyu. 1590 – Alexander Farnese's army forces Henry IV of France to lift the siege of Paris. 1661 – Fall of Nicolas Fouquet: Louis XIV's Superintendent of Finances is arrested in Nantes by D'Artagnan, captain of the king's musketeers. 1666 – Great Fire of London ends: Ten thousand buildings, including Old St Paul's Cathedral, are destroyed, but only six people are known to have died. 1697 – War of the Grand Alliance : A French warship commanded by Captain Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville defeated an English squadron at the Battle of Hudson's Bay. 1698 – In an effort to Westernize his nobility, Tsar Peter I of Russia imposes a tax on beards for all men except the clergy and peasantry. 1725 – Wedding of Louis XV and Maria Leszczyńska. 1774 – First Continental Congress assembles in Philadelphia. 1781 – Battle of the Chesapeake in the American Revolutionary War: The British Navy is repelled by the French Navy, contributing to the British surrender at Yorktown. 1791 – Olympe de Gouges writes the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen. 1793 – French Revolution: The French National Convention initiates the Reign of Terror. 1798 – Conscription is made mandatory in France by the Jourdan law. 1812 – War of 1812: The Siege of Fort Wayne begins when Chief Winamac's forces attack two soldiers returning from the fort's outhouses. 1816 – Louis XVIII has to dissolve the Chambre introuvable ("Unobtainable Chamber"). 1836 – Sam Houston is elected as the first president of the Republic of Texas. 1839 – The United Kingdom declares war on the Qing dynasty of China. 1862 – American Civil War: The Army of Northern Virginia crosses the Potomac River at White's Ford in the Maryland Campaign. 1877 – American Indian Wars: Oglala Sioux chief Crazy Horse is bayoneted by a United States soldier after resisting confinement in a guardhouse at Fort Robinson in Nebraska. 1882 – The first United States Labor Day parade is held in New York City. 1887 – A fire at the Theatre Royal, Exeter, kills 186. 1905 – Russo-Japanese War: In New Hampshire, United States, the Treaty of Portsmouth, mediated by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, ends the war. 1914 – World War I: First Battle of the Marne begins. Northeast of Paris, the French attack and defeat German forces who are advancing on the capital. 1915 – The pacifist Zimmerwald Conference begins. 1932 – The French Upper Volta is broken apart between Ivory Coast, French Sudan, and Niger. 1937 – Spanish Civil War: Llanes falls to the Nationalists following a one-day siege. 1938 – Chile: A group of youths affiliated with the fascist National Socialist Movement of Chile are executed after surrendering during a failed coup. 1941 – Whole territory of Estonia is occupied by Nazi Germany. 1942 – World War II: Japanese high command orders withdrawal at Milne Bay, the first major Japanese defeat in land warfare during the Pacific War. 1943 – World War II: The 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment lands and occupies Lae Nadzab Airport, near Lae in the Salamaua–Lae campaign. 1944 – Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg constitute Benelux. 1945 – Cold War: Igor Gouzenko, a Soviet Union embassy clerk, defects to Canada, exposing Soviet espionage in North America, signalling the beginning of the Cold War. 1945 – Iva Toguri D'Aquino, a Japanese American suspected of being wartime radio propagandist Tokyo Rose, is arrested in Yokohama. 1948 – In France, Robert Schuman becomes President of the Council while being Foreign minister; as such, he is the negotiator of the major treaties of the end of World War II. 1954 – KLM Flight 633 crashes into the River Shannon immediately after takeoff in Ireland, killing 28 people onboard. 1957 – Cuban Revolution: Fulgencio Batista bombs the revolt in Cienfuegos. 1960 – Poet Léopold Sédar Senghor is the first elected President of Senegal. 1960 – Muhammad Ali (then known as Cassius Clay) wins the gold medal in the light heavyweight boxing competition at the Olympic Games in Rome. 1969 – My Lai Massacre: U.S. Army Lieutenant William Calley is charged with six specifications of premeditated murder for the death of 109 Vietnamese civilians in My Lai. 1970 – Vietnam War: Operation Jefferson Glenn begins: The United States 101st Airborne Division and the South Vietnamese 1st Infantry Division initiate a new operation in Thừa Thiên–Huế Province. 1970 – Jochen Rindt becomes the only driver to posthumously win the Formula One World Drivers' Championship (in 1970), after being killed in practice for the Italian Grand Prix. 1972 – Munich massacre: A Palestinian terrorist group called "Black September" attacks and takes hostage 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic Games. Two die in the attack and nine are murdered the following day. 1975 – Sacramento, California: Lynette Fromme attempts to assassinate U.S. President Gerald Ford. 1977 – Voyager Program: NASA launches the Voyager 1 spacecraft. 1978 – Camp David Accords: Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat begin peace discussions at Camp David, Maryland. 1980 – The Gotthard Road Tunnel opens in Switzerland as the world's longest highway tunnel at 10.14 miles (16.32 km) stretching from Göschenen to Airolo. 1984 – STS-41-D: The Space Shuttle Discovery lands after its maiden voyage. 1984 – Western Australia becomes the last Australian state to abolish capital punishment. 1986 – Pan Am Flight 73 from Mumbai, India with 358 people on board is hijacked at Karachi International Airport. 1990 – Sri Lankan Civil War: Sri Lankan Army soldiers slaughter 158 civilians. 1991 – The current international treaty defending indigenous peoples, Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989, comes into force. 1996 – Hurricane Fran makes landfall near Cape Fear, North Carolina as a Category 3 storm with 115 mph sustained winds. Fran caused over $3 billion in damage and killed 27 people. 2012 – An accidental explosion at a Turkish Army ammunition store in Afyon, western Turkey kills 25 soldiers and wounds four others.
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babunirakly-blog · 7 years
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Прогноз погоды для Zimmerwald, Швейцария Прогноз погоды: Zimmerwald, Швейцария
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randypantsblog · 5 years
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Zimmerwald Bern der Schweiz
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myweddingsandevents · 2 years
The global left needs to organize a peace conference!
There is a call coming from our comrades in Russia and Ukraine right now: a call to bring the global left together at an international conference that will try to find ways forward to a sustainable and democratic peace in Europe and the World.
Please read, share, send to your friends, comrades, organizations.
We can contribute to making this a reality together with other left-wing people around the world to heal the world for ourselves, Ukrainians dying under bullets, and the Russian Left opposing the war at the risk of their own life and safety.
Right now, thousands of innocent people are dying in Ukraine. This criminal war has a particular culprit: Vladimir Putin and his regime. It’s especially tough for us to say this from within Russia. Our country is used to being proud of defeating the fascist aggressors. It’s hard not only because it’s hard to fit into the usual moral coordinates. Our country is a dictatorship. Today, we’re not even allowed to call this war a war. People are thrown behind bars merely for calling for peace. But, despite this, we demand peace in the name of the majority, a terrified, demoralized, poverty-stricken majority. But even as we stand in long lines to get some depreciating rubles, we remember that our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, who hear the gunfire and die under bombs, are much worse off.
Vladimir Putin started this war. But we have been approaching it since long ago. The ruling class had stolen the voices of the people of our countries almost immediately following the collapse of the Soviet Union. They kept imposing previously unseen inequality on us; they shot at and dispersed our elected parliaments, used ultra-right pogromists, waged fratricidal wars for years. The current catastrophe became the inevitable result of the choice, which was thrust upon our countries 30 years ago.
The states that arose on the ruins of the USSR from the very beginning were built as either beastly ethnocracies or comprador semi-colonies. People and resources were merely the objects of carving up among the local and foreign elites. The imperialist struggle was sewn into the genetic code of our societies. History has returned to what it began with: empires are carving up living peoples just like a century ago. For the past 30 years, there has been no alternative to this cannibalistic logic. Even leftists would always pick the lesser evil while choosing the imperialism whose lapdog they’d prefer to be. Are you for the US or Russia? For America or against America? For “western values” or against “Western imperialism?” This made the conflict virtually infinite.
Now we need to stop the war. But if the world will once again amount to nothing but institutionalized violence, the tragedy will repeat endlessly. We must have a program for peace, under which there will be no one oppressed, no one aggrieved, no one robbed of their voice. Such peace is incompatible with Vladimir Putin as well as the whole socio-political construction from which he had grown. We need a democratic, social peace project in Ukraine, Russia, Europe, and the entire world. And only the left forces can offer it. The world needs a new “Zimmerwald!”[*]
We can’t do it ourselves from within our countries, Russia and Ukraine. We’re too weak and discouraged. Now is the time for international solidarity. Today, the left has the historical responsibility to introduce a project for democratic peace. We need an immediate international conference, which will offer concrete steps to get out of the dead-end into which the ruling classes had corralled us.
[*] The Zimmerwald Conference held in Zimmerwald, Switzerland on September 5-8, 1915, was where radical Socialists and Social Democrats met to discuss how the end of World War I could be achieved.
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