#Zionazis are animals
sarroora · 4 months
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Did you know that Rafah…is only about 55km?
Now imagine 1.4 MILLION homeless, starving civilians sitting in dirty, freezing tents next to each other on that measly 55km of land. Incomprehensible, isn’t it?
That picture above? That’s from last December. The real density today is much more horrifying.
They’ve been forcefully exiled into this tiny square, and now they’re being bombed savagely from the sky. While the world watches.
I have no words. I only feel rage in my veins.
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hussyknee · 6 months
IOF posted a video of them standing a football field of distance away and blowing up an entire residential neighborhood to dust in broad daylight. You could hear their final screams and wails echoing through the billowing clouds of smoke and dust. They were in agony. You could hear them die.
How many children, how many babies, how many parents, how many grandparents, how many siblings, how many beloved cats and dogs and birds, how many bloodlines? Gazan families live in successive floors of the same building or homes in the same neighborhood; when Israel destroys a block or apartment building they can take out four generations of the same family. That's how they wiped out the entire Doghmosh family three days ago— 109 people dead in one strike. They join the thousands of other corpses under the rubble where they've been for weeks. Refaat and his family are still under the rubble.
This is what they threatened during the "truce" to do to Saleh Aljafarawi's family if he continued reporting on Gaza. And now some putrid maggot of an Israeli journalist is conducting a twitter poll on whether they should kill Wael Al-Dahdouh. As though he cares anymore after they murdered his wife, children, baby grandson and then his fucking cameraman.
Meanwhile a 23-year-old Palestinian girl in İstanbul had a heart attack and died after days of not being able to reach her family in Gaza.
They're proud of this. The IOF posts this shit on social media and Israelis go hog wild over it. They write their children's and sweethearts' names on the missiles and dedicate bombings for birthdays.
Every Israeli needs to pay for this. Every single Zionist in the world. This vile infected tumour needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. I will support any motherfucker who does it no matter what their own crimes.
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ghostscribble · 4 months
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Just imagine if we talked about the Jews the same way zionazis talk about Palestinians. "Well the Jews deserve it" "Oh well they believe in wrong god" "They are human animals so they all must die" "Fuck around and find out" BECAUSE THAT IS HOW THE ZIONISTS SOUND LIKE!
Why is islamaphobia ok but CRITIQUE AGAINST A GOVERMENT is not?
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I'm so sick of people using the "oh you're supporting homophobes who want to kill every queer person there is" to justify their Zionism and support for genocide. I've actually met so many Arabs and Muslims, and no they don't want anybody dead, they just want their lands back and to have their freedom and peace. they do not want to harass or unalive queer people, or those with different religious beliefs BECAUSE ITS FUCKIN AGAINST THEIR RELIGION TO HARM ANY IINNOCENT LIVING CREATURE INCLUDING ANIMALS AND PLANTS. If we're okay with bombing people just because their government is homophobic, so the next step is to wipe out Florida? Texas? half the planet?
I've said it before and I say it again - as an openly trans woman, I have never been hated, not even merely misgendered by a muslim. I have befriended local Palestinian man "despite" being openly trans woman wearing skirts and makeup and shit. He likes me, talks to me every so often, all that jazz "in spite of" me being trans.
But I've been threatened and attacked by zionazis. I remember a motherfucker yelling at me that they hope I get r8d... for wearing my kuffiya.
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sarroora · 6 months
One of my relatives just showed me 2 artworks he bought at an event where artists were selling their works dedicated to Palestine where ALL the money will be going to Gaza.
The two artworks are simple but moving, with countless Palestinians being depicted as doves flying away over their land which is drenched in blood.
It got me thinking..how the Palestinians’ bravery and dedication to protect their homeland is being celebrated through art on social media and the real world every day. Civilians and children depicted as doves on one hand, and the resistance as lions on the other. Symbolism of a very peaceful nation, but also incredibly brave and of noble conduct. They are being immortalized in art.
In the same vein, the IOF are being showcased in art as pigs and hyenas (symbols of greed and cowardice in art across cultures) - land thieves hiding in their high towers behind their fortified apartheid walls, sending out pilot-less war planes with a click of a button, too cowardly to go face actual men fighting for their homeland. Zionists only feel confident bombing defenseless women and children from the sky.
This is how both sides will be remembered down the line. It will be a very interesting period in history that our descendants will study in the future, but will inevitably wonder.. “Why was the whole world silent? Why didn’t anyone stop this barbaric genocide?”
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