#Ziv is that one person who would be very uncomfortable with a lover having a tooka
irrfahrer · 1 year
for that 'fact exchange' meme.... I jokingly have taken to calling Yvair a 'Disney princess' because he has a way of connecting with / communicating with animals (in one of the da games, there's actually a class that essentially can do this and i consider this a subclass of his). It's just something he's always been good at and whenever someone is surprised by it he usually is confused for a moment because he forgets for some people it's just not a normal talent to have.
Tell me a fact about your oc and I will respond with a semi-related fact about mine! Due to Ziv having a natural strong mindshield, she can not build up telepathic bounds with animals as it is usual for Jedi interacting with non-sentient animallife. However, considering the Tynnans inner life, it is better this way as when her inner life and feelings are shared with an animal this could very easily lead to disaster and maybe lead to the animal wildly attacking bystanders. However, Ziv had always been more a scientist than anything else, so she is able to anylse and expect a animals behaviour and use their natural instincts for herself. Due to her species way of communicating (Pheromone signals mainly), she can easily read most alien-faunas moods and expect and predict their reactions that she then can use for herself. Her vocalchords also allowe her more easily copying those animals sounds, so she can even call easier for them. Thats why some animals actually seek her out when she is working outside on fields. In general Ziv is a little irked out by animallife that most people precieve as cute because most of their features are similar to hers and seeing those features on a non-sentinet lifeform gives her a uncanny valley effect that makes her very uncomfortable (She is horrible uncomfortable with friends and lovers having pets like tookas or Boglings becaus those alienanimals have features similar to hers and she thinks the only reason her friends/lovers interact wih her is because her features remainds them of their pets). Thats why she prefers interacting with animals with lizardlike, snakelike or apmphibianlike looks as they are far away from her own features. Zivs favorite animals are snakes.
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irrfahrer · 4 years
Send "I dare you to kiss..." with a url/name and my muse will have to kiss that person on the lips.
“I dare you to kiss the General, Fluffy!”, the Pilots voice was loud, yet it drowned in the loud buzzing of voices hanging int he canteen thick like a heavy blanket. They were sitting by one of the tables set by one of the walls, surrounded by othe people like by a ocean of voices and limbs in the by the time of the late evening well visited canteen. Zivs fluffy ears flicked and turned up towards the Pilot like the ears of a leery animal keeping track of a carnivore lurking around them, but if one was not used to the mimic of the Tynnans species and the fact that their ears were more a indicator of their feelings, she was for those unknowing eyes not reacting in the slightest. Instead of reacting properly or giving a single glance to General Skywalker sitting beside her, she only looked unimpressed over the edge of her teacup with uncomfortable red and uncomfortable inhuman eyes. Still there was a annoyed smile curling behind the cup around Zivs muzzle that looked more like a baring of teeth considering how she hated to be called ‘Fluffy’ or any other name of endearment: “Aha, so thats what rattles you Kriffers whiskers? Kriffing interesting!” “Well-”, caught offguard at something that was meant as a prank the pilots dark face turned as red as a old sun only moments away from dying and suddenly he stiffned as if he had been caught redhanded doing something forbidden. There was a second in which Ziv put down her teacup and the smile on her face became visible and also uncomfortable clearly carnivourus. Then the second ended and the young woman swiftly turned to the side, grabbed Anakins face between her small paws and pulled him down to kiss him. While the grasp on the mans face was harsh, one of her claws even slightly cutting in Anakins cheek, the kiss was gentle, soft, nothing but a soft silkveil pressed against his lips. Using the fact that the other had been pulled towards her, the Tynnan slided over to sit on his knee. Ziv was careful, as after all she had carnivorous teeth and was very aware that she much too easily could slice the others face to pieces if she would be careless. It was the reason the young woman loathed kissing. It was not that the Tynnan did not knew the cultural meaning of a kiss be it patonically or not- after all she had grown up safely and nurturing in the Jedi-Temple and was more than often kissed on the forehead and cheeks by the Créche-Masters that had raised her, and years later she had had been kissed in a romantic way by humanoids often enough. She did knew the cultural meaning and she liked the gesture as a sign of affection, thinking it was sweet like lovers entangling fingers was sweet to watch. It did not changed the fact that instead of relaxing and enjoying the gesture the Tynnan would always promptly stiffen or turn her face away as if she was expecting a danger and in fact it was a danger, although it was not a danger for her. Accordingly the young woman pulled back hasty, huffing, ears pinned back  tensely after she had messed enough with the poor Pilot on the other side of the tableplate.
With a sly grin that showed the razorlike sharpness of her carnivorous teeth in all their not so soothing glory and still sitting on the mans knees Ziv looked over her shoulder to the Pilot whos face was by now so red it seems just one second away from actually melting: “Okay, done! The General was kissed! Anything else I can do to indulge to your kriffing voyeurism, cub?” [ @sithdestined ]
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