mommasaystoread · 10 months
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I've been reading Janie Crouch's books for quite some time, and I always count on her for a great combination of swoon and edge-of-my-seat suspense. She delivers once again with Code Name: Gemini, plus she's partnered with Danielle M. Haas, which gives me a taste of a new to me author - one that I'll be reading more of. I love the Zodiac Tactical series and its characters, and the crossover with Danielle M. Haas's Injured Heroes works so well.
In addition to Andrew and Tasha and Andrew's adorable girls, of course, we get to catch up with some favorites from the Zodiac Tactical world. Then for me, I got to meet some pretty great characters from the Injured Heroes world, characters that I want to know more about.
Andrew's story is absolutely heart-wrenching., and the connection between him and Tasha is nothing short of magnetic. Of course, there are secrets to be uncovered, but I won't be revealing any of those here. You'll have to read the book to find them, and I definitely recommend it! So, grab a warm drink, a cozy blanket, get comfortable in your favorite reading spot, and spend some time in the fascinating world these ladies have created. 
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mommasaystoread · 2 years
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I have loved every couple in the Linear/Zodiac Tactical world. Maybe some more than others, but they all rank at the top of my favorite couples list. So, it was no surprise when Mark and Jenna brought the feels and had me white-knuckling my Kindle as things got increasingly dangerous, and all the while, I was swooning over how great they are together. The story has all the danger, excitement, and feels I've come to expect from Janie Crouch, which means one more book that I couldn't put down. I've learned to just grab my drink of choice (depending on the time of day) and settle in for the duration anytime I pick up this author's work, so that's what I did here as well. Things started getting intense pretty quickly, and before I knew it, I was sitting on the edge of my seat. And yes, I did talk to the characters or yell at them when they didn't listen. Janie always brings out that side of me. And without giving the book's secrets away, that's how I found myself with another favorite couple.
I knew from this book was bringing the series to an end, so it was kind of bittersweet. This found family has become like friends to me, friends I can turn to for a bit of escapism, so I really didn't want to see it end. Thankfully, this isn't really goodbye because I can pick up my Kindle and visit any time with any of the terrific couples in the series. So, Code Name: Outlaw is another in a long list of terrific characters, swoony romance, and intense suspense. 
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mommasaystoread · 2 years
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mommasaystoread · 2 years
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mommasaystoread · 3 years
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