#Zoey and Nando are the two top tier Sinnoh characters from what I’ve watched so far so I’d rather use them over some of the others
pkmnomegaverse · 4 years
Paul/Ursula would make a good ship so that Priscilla would have a mean cousin. Reggie/Maylene would work, too.
While I'll admit I haven't finished DP yet so my feelings could change on this, I just don't see them being able to make a relationship work?  They just seem like they wouldn't get along and any relationship would be short lived at best. And the idea doesn't interest me enough to try and make them work. Plus Conway/Ursula is the ship I've had in the back of my mind for a while and am only waiting until i finish DP before deciding on it. Easier to stall than to retcon. Even if Priscilla gets a cousin through Ursula, it's unlikely they would interact much, if at all, so my concern would be how this hypothetical kid would relate to the other Sinnoh characters. 
While I've finally watched the Reggie/Maylene episodes and understand why people ship them now (and I did genuinely find them cute together), the gameverse in me says to keep Maylene/Candice. Regardless of whether or not I revive North, I do still like the idea that those two are a couple. 
This is neither here nor there, but related to Paul and Reggie in general, I can already tell I'm going to struggle to do anything with them. There's no particular ship that I find interesting involving either of them at this point, so they're very likely to remain in limbo unless some idea comes to me that I want to use. As this is still a gameverse AU at it's heart, I don't feel as compelled to use all the major anime characters. The ones I did something with were either because I really liked their character, liked a ship involving them, or I had an intriguing idea I wanted to use them for. 
Within the past week, I was tinkering with the idea of having Paul be an omega, over going the obvious alpha route, and if that would open up any interesting possibilities. But even that's more a vague idea over anything concrete. If I do do anything with the anime exclusive Sinnoh characters, it will only be after I finish DP. 
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