#Zonovo reminds me of one of my dumb cats
pushing500 · 9 months
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Baz and Zonovo are hanging out and cloud-watching in the comfiest place they could find: atop one of Eureka's many solar panels. Don't break it, lads!
On a completely unrelated note, I did have to do a double-take when I noticed one of the guests staying with us was named "Afton", and all the tiny bits of FNAF lore I've absorbed since I was in high school came flooding back at once.
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I reckon Barghest knows that Wookshys has a secret girlfriend.
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Speaking of secret girlfriends, Wookshys spirited Albina away to the edge of the map to hang out where nobody could see them except Big Dipper the thrumbo, who seemed less-than-impressed (but thrumbos always do, so who knows what he was thinking).
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Turns out Zonovo is so, so stupid, and I think it's adorable. He's doing his best, I'm sure, and he'll figure it out in the end. Hopefully.
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