#Zoro vs Sanji is surely the best (worst) example of how annoyingly stagnant character discourse is within the shounen community
This is going to be controversial, but it has to be said: Sanji doesn’t care about fighting.
Which is not to say he’s weak; after all he’s strong enough to be part of the monster trio, and being able to take on monsters of any types, however, unlike Luffy (literally ready to take on a God for the sake of his own amusement) and Zoro (which’s entire character arc revolves around the love of challenging enemies and becoming stronger with each battle), Sanji sees fighting as a tool, a mean to an end, something he does because he needs to (becoming strong enough to not die in the hand of stronger opponents, protect his friends ect.). 
Admittedly, he has the bad habit to use violence to solve some of his problems, but that’s caused more by his upbringing that anything else, otherwise, he is never seen being excited about taking on a challenge for the sake of challenging himself. Fighting is so secondary to his character, and his entire fighting style revolves around how fighting is secondary to him.
Is kinda tiring how so many seem to trash him for not fighting during Whole Cake Island, when his entire character arc during it was about; his lifelong passion for cooking, and how it has always been more important that learning how to fight (despite that being against his father wishes), how he get to solve the problem by doing what he genuinely passionate about, and how, by avoiding fighting any serious battle, it show that it doesn’t have to prove anything to his father. Thanks to that, we are spared a really annoying scene were we have Vinsmoke “abusive trash” Judge stating how Sanji managed to become stronger against all odds and all that bullshit, because Sanji doesn’t care about proving to his father that he got stronger since Judge approval is worthless to him and, again, Sanji doesn’t care about fighting.
Even more tiring is the entire “Zoro vs Sanji” annoying discourse, were everyone seem to take their petty rivalry way too seriously, revolving Sanji entire character around a comedy gag between the two, mostly there to showcase the ironic dislike for each other differences despite being so similar. Which brings me to my second controversial opinion; Zoro is stronger than Sanji.
Sorry, but I refuse to believe that someone that only uses kicks to fight, because he doesn’t want to damage his hands to not affect his cooking, is stronger, or even on pair (yes, I’m gonna say it) as someone who spends about 30% of his on screen time, training with inhuman amount of weights. Zoro entire deal is that he wants to become strong enough to take on the strongest swordsman in the world, and he trains everyday and takes on anytype of unlikely challenges justs to become stronger and stronger. There’s absolutely No Reason to think that Zoro is not stronger than Sanji.
But you know that fun thing about this fact; It. doesn’t. matter. It matters absolutely 0, because once again, SANJI DOESN’T CARE ABOUT FIGHTING. 
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