#Zuko: uh
muffinlance · 2 years
Fellow Prisoner Li, Part 10: Things Sokka Didn’t Want to Overhear
Latest chapter || Read from the beginning
“And what,” said the Fire Princess, “will this Hahn bring to the position that you cannot? Besides a penis.”
“Azula.” Princess Yue giggled in a most scandalized manner. 
“You bring a lifetime of political training, the blood of the royal line, and a documented blessing by your people’s patron spirit; half the population can bring what he has. You can afford to be selective.”
The giggling intensified. 
“This a serious talk,” the Fire Princess said. “I am being serious. Just because his family has influence doesn’t mean you should sell out your family’s claim to the dynasty, particularly if such things travel solely on the male line. If you really must get a son out of him, just take him as a concubine.”
The Northern Princess laughed so hard she wheezed.
Story summary: 
Early-Season-One Sokka finds an undersocialized firebender in the brig of Zhao's ship and brings him back to the Gaang, as one does. Good thing they've nailed down Aang's firebending teacher so early, this quest is going to be a snap, and definitely not involve any betrayals by any elemental teachers. Nope. Not a one.
(Other ATLA fics || Original works)
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chiptrillino-art · 4 months
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(ID in ALT text)
Howl!AU zukka = me going all out with zukos outfit, and shiny silver sokka hair! you perhaps already saw the first part of it in this post here LINK and like past me predicted... the day to post what i have has finally come...
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chiptrillino · 1 year
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ID: Zuko on the left and sokka on the right. From avatar, the last air bender from the waist up and aged up. They have their back turned to the viewer and are facing each other so only their profile is visible. They are looking lovingly into each other's eyes. sokka is resting his left arm on zukos shoulder, holding zukos jaw. His index fingers brushing underneath a cut up hair strand. zuko holds with his right hand on sokkas back. His left hand is placed over sokkas wrist, holding a bracelet made out of zukos cut off hair between his two fingers. End ID
i regrett not making zukos robe seethrough again. but... uhm.... i didn't mean to make this complicated again?
----- if you want to deal with all my reblogs may I direct your attention to my side only my artworks blog?
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petricorah · 1 year
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....right??? [id in alt]
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tedkaczynskiofficial · 11 months
I love Zutara as much as the next girlie, but I think people romanticizing Zuko catching Azula's lightning in the Final Agni Kai are doing Zuko's character a massive disservice. He would have done that for anyone. Not just anyone in the Gaang, anyone.
He did it for the division he ended up getting burned over. He did it for his subordinate that was going to fall to his death after the ship was struck by lightning. He did it for Lee, when he was kidnapped by Gao. He did it for Iroh, when he confronted his dad and tried to break him out of prison. He did it for the whole Gaang at the Western Air Temple. He did it for Sokka, Suki, and Hakoda at the Boiling Rock.
His whole character revolves around saving everyone else first. Hell, he tried to save Zhao of all people! There's no way that would have gone well for Zuko if Zhao had actually taken his hand. He always does what he thinks is right first before considering his own safety.
Zuko always saves other people. Even if, especially if, he can't save himself.
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demaparbat-hp · 3 months
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janadoesstuffwrong · 7 months
Something that I think ppl who ship both sukka and zutara don't acknowledge enough is the fact that poor Hakoda met both his kids' future spouses on the same day, in the same place and that place just happened to be prison.
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zuko-sokka · 1 month
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In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength.
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gascreates · 4 months
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*high pitched frog screaming*
inspired by @somethingfoamy 's au idea, dont mind me,,,, , ,
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hanabisco · 6 months
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Lee, from the tea shop!
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zukosdualdao · 6 months
i'm literally insane about the last agni kai and the lightning scene(s). i swear i've rewatched it 10+ times since my last rewatch of the show (which was my first watch in years) and like. azula sees katara come into view from behind. zuko doesn't. he follows azula's gaze and sees katara and is immediately horrified. he doesn't even think or hesitate because he doesn't have time and for once he doesn't have to look back at azula to figure out what she's doing because he knows what she's doing and he won't let it happen. time dwindling into slow motion as a haunting score plays? and zuko literally yelling out "no!" because that lightning absolutely cannot hit katara. as soon as he sees it there's no chance of that ever happening. and then katara watching in horror as the lightning flashes against features in what is probably one of the most hauntingly beautiful animated moments of the show? zuko hitting the ground still convulsing with lightning and katara crying out "zuko!" and immediately trying to run to him before azula attacks again? and the next scene we cut back to with them, zuko is groaning weakly and trying to lift himself up, and we see katara literally gasp in surprise as she realizes he's still alive (i'm sobbing because i do quite literally think she thought he was dead) and immediately tries to run to him again, nevermind that she knows azula is still there, and the hand katara uses for healing is already doused in water as she reaches for him. but then azula starts attacking again. and zuko, despite literally being in so much pain that he can't stand and can barely even move at all without whimpering, still tries to reach for the spot where he can see azula attacking katara. katara is forced to hide from azula's attacks. and as azula is mocking "zuzu, you don't look so good" down to zuko, the perspective shot is such that you can SEE that katara is also looking at where he lies prone in the distance, surrounded by flame (probably wondering how much time they have before it really is too late) before looking back up at azula and realizing she needs to defeat her as quickly and handily as possible so katara can get to zuko. obviously katara would have done this anyway (the whole reason they were THERE was to halt the continued cycle of the imperialist regime of the fire nation), but the scene is specifically framed as katara trying to figure out how to stop azula so the obstacle to her getting to zuko is no longer in the way. katara's defeat of azula was epic and deserves its own post. but then after making sure azula is securely chained, she runs to zuko, looks at him with such immense sadness and horror and fear as she hears him in so much pain, tenderly turns him over so she can get a good look at the wound. and she cups his head? briefly but so gently? so that he won't hit it as she turns him over? and when she tries to heal him you can tell she is so genuinely unsure if it will even work, and so relieved that she starts crying tears of joy when she sees it has (at least enough to keep him alive and somewhat lessen his pain.) they thank each other (and you can tell it's still really hard for zuko to talk and his eyes are barely open but he thanks her anyways i'm.) and she thanks him back and!!! when he starts to try to sit up she makes a little surprised face and then immediately helps him to do so (and puts a tender hand to his chest while she does!!!) and obviously that last shot of them standing together is also one of emotional support, but katara's hand on his back is also partly because i still think (and certainly katara still thinks) trying to walk/stand on his own would be a bad idea, so it's definitely not happening.
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erisenyo · 1 month
For @fandomtrumpshate and just in time for @zukkaweek "Free Day", a horny fun one-shot featuring some established Zukka, some external POVs, Sokka being an artist, Zuko being a showoff, a bit of self-denial about who is indulging who in what, and mirrors.
[“Trying to clear out the street?” he manages, immediately giving into the urge to pant for the way it makes Zuko’s lips part, his eyes trained on Sokka’s chest in the mirror. “You don’t think they’d stay to enjoy the view?” Zuko rasps, eyes flicking up to Sokka’s and the evidence of just how much he’s enjoying it nudging against Sokka’s hip. Sokka lets out a half-breathless laugh even as desire coils through him. “The view of you, more like,” he says wryly. Zuko might never outright say it, but after so many years Sokka knows that it’s not him anyone is focused on in these particular fantasies.] Or, Sokka isn't an exhibitionist. But seeing what it does to Zuko...maybe he can find a way to indulge just a little.
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stardust948 · 9 months
Urzai adopts the gaang AU incorrect quotes
Azula: *Sees Ursa and Katara bonding*
Azula, butting in: Hey Mom! Remember that time I saved you from that cargo ship captain?!
Ursa: Yes, I remember.
Azula: I saved your life!
Ursa: Yes you did. Thank you dear.
Katara: Wow that's amazing!
Azula, examining her nails: Yes it is.
Katara: Would you like to join us?
Azula: No! *leaves*
Azula to Zuko: The peasants stealing our parents!
Zuko: What? No they're n-
Azula: *Turns Zuko's head towards Ozai and Sokka excitedly reviewing the color coordinated schedule*
Zuko: They're stealing our parents!!!
Sokka: Our parents are dead!
Azula: Get Toph's!
Toph: My parents suck.
Azula: Get Aang's.
Aang: Yeah mine are dead too...
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folkloristico · 11 months
zutara getting together and only later realizing that jet is their shared ex (and also responsible for zuko’s bi awakening) is honestly hilarious and one of my favorite headcanons ever but also. who do you think was their shared female crush and katara’s bi awakening
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ash-and-starlight · 7 months
you’ve probably gotten a lot of asks like this, but I just haven’t seen any posted. what are your feelings on the remake, if you are watching it? more specifically, what do you think was the biggest problem with it?
i rlly havent actually! i think it's bc im really trying to Pretend I Do Not See It. rn i'm fighting TOOTH AND NAIL against the temptation to hatewatch because i do not need that in my life lmao.
the thing i cannot get over with is how Cheap it looks, it rlly smells of poor rushed workers to me, despite the astronomical budget that went into it. 15 MIL!!??? same as the late seasons of game of thrones!! now i'm not saying GoT is a pinnacle of virtue but it featured: a really good burn scar make up that took up half a character's face, a really good Notorious white hair wig with intricate hairstyles, really good costumes and heavy winter furs, really good location and fantasy beasts cgi and ummmmmmm from what i've seen of natla well. it had nothing of the sort. it's just bad gary it's uglyy
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beachytablecloth · 7 months
instead of focusing on the many large issues with natla i’ve decided to just be petty. for example, they didn’t humiliate zuko nearly enough
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