#a LOT of relatable stuff plus pretty AF
ryuichirou · 8 days
More replies about recent stuff, plus some random twst stuff pluuuus a reply related to a Malleus sketch from our 🔑🔞twt <3 Thank you for your questions.
thestarlightfae asked:
...Do I want to know what Lilia has on his phone?
Somehow I doubt it… But he wouldn’t mind showing!
Anonymous asked:
Ryuichirou just to let you know your literally the reason why I download Tumblr and I'm so so glad I did so🙇🙇
Oh god Anon, I am very sorry for doing this to you LOL Thank you so much!!! <3 I am glad you’re enjoying it!
m1lk-n-cook1es asked:
Dragon Malleus has six limbs and is therefore an insect. Discuss
(idk if he has 4 limbs in the dragon body but oh well)
Does…that mean that a centaur would also be an insect? This is kind of troubling… 😟
I think this is something we could discuss for hours until Malleus appears and ends this discussion forever, looking offended af :(
Anonymous asked:
Ace and malleus won't be together because ace has no Rizz  and no skills. he would fumble malleus so hard he would end up with someone else twice over, who im not sure but definitely someone he has to see a lot
(related to a reply about Ace the donkey to Malleus’ dragon)
OUCH, Anon!! You’re roasting Ace more than Malleus would’ve roasted him while literally breathing fire 😭🔥
Give this boy a chance. That being said, we all know the chance is slim….
Anonymous asked:
about the mosquitoes bites ! If you put a burning hot metal spoon on it for a few seconds the heat will kill the itchiness ! Tested and approved every summers you should definitely do it 👍
My favourite part about posting that mosquito comic is people recommending remedies for the bites…!
Thank you, Anon. I’ll keep that in mind.
Anonymous asked:
Would the twst ppl ever go down of ppl of the opposite sex? Or is everyone just gay? Like Floyd on a female riddle or something
-english is not good with me
“Everyone is gay” is our default because we prefer gay ships, but we don’t really headcanon sexualities for characters. If we ever come up with a good story with Floyd and fem!Riddle, nothing would stop us from indulging in it 💪 There are some that are more difficult for me to see with the opposite sex than the others though.
Anonymous asked:
Do the doms give oral? Like will the dom suck the sub's dick at all or nah?
With you would oral sec be strictly a bottom's job?
It is a tendency in my art to only leave it for the bottoms because it is a personal preference. But I don’t think that all of our tops would be strictly against it on the same level.
I wrote some hcs quite a while ago, if you want a detailed answer about someone in particular! Although I think my bias is pretty obvious lol Sorry.
Anonymous asked:
Okay the post of Malleus laying an egg from a while ago on your locked twt has been driving me so up the walls I haven't even been able to find the words??? I was so gagged when I saw it????
Shota Malleus always feels like he's totally convinced he's mature enough to handle Lilia and anything else you throw at him (he isn't) and him dealing with something like that when he's definitely way too young and unprepared and being completely overwhelmed and scared by it is SO GOOD
I can imagine him calling out Lilia's name in such a broken way, half upset because he just went through something really painful and scary and he wants to be comforted by his caretaker, and half because he's so confused and he has no idea what he should do and he needs Lilia's guidance, when Lilia was the one who put him into that mess in the first place... I worry that Lilia is going to take one look at him and their egg and be like "guess it's scrambled eggs for breakfast!" to cover his own mistake before anyone finds out 😭
(And also...... I just think it's a little hot... Malleus pushing out an egg that's too big for his body all alone in his room with nobody to help him regulate his breathing and pushing?? He just has to figure it all out on his own because he can't/won't call for help??? Squeezing that egg out a little at a time and slowly stretching himself open, before it falls back inside him and he has to start all over again, basically fucking himself on it until he finally gets it out... 🥵)
I am SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT, ANON!! <3 I want to say that it was a very self-indulgent sketch, but then again, everything that we post is lol
Poor Malleus absolutely wasn’t ready for anything like that to happen and he definitely wasn’t told that this was something that could happen to a dragon fae… And Lilia was probably surprised too, looking at him like shoot that wasn’t supposed to happen yet, wtf, “dragon eggs are rare” my ass lol Lilia really fucked up his cycles…
I guess they really are going to have scrambled eggs for breakfast…! God we had so many conversations about Lilia and dragon eggs, I really should finish that one comic from ages ago.
(I’m also glad you find this hot as well~ If definitely would’ve been much easier for him if Lilia was around when that was happening, poor thing probably thought he was dying or something. He often feels alone, but when that happened, he felt especially alone and helpless. It’s honestly a miracle he wasn’t mad at Lilia afterwards, but I guess it’s because he was way too shocked for that)
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silviakundera · 5 months
Joy of Life episode 7 liveblogging
This is my first watch, so don't tell me secrets ;)
The "I'll kill someone" favor conversation is fantastic.
I'll probably offend more than one person by saying this, but the snappy dialogue in ep 2-7 so far feels quite reminiscent of Aaron Sorkin at his height, when West Wing and Sports Night were really humming, plus his script for The Social Network.
The family playing dominos together lmaooooooo
Aw even Second Madam has come around! She's realized that her loser son just needed a big brother who can look out for him
I realize I'm saying aww a lot but the fam stuff is quite good. (I realized this about me with Blossoms in Adversity - I can be very won over by crap family members forming a sort of found/chosen family. When they didn't ever intend to care about each other & stick together, even if they were related, but events in the story make them realize they LIKE each other and WANT to be family.)
Sister Ruoruo out there in all white when they're trying to be sneaky 😭
The emperor's spy network has that city on LOCKDOWN. He knows when you BREATHE WRONG. (This is what the intelligence agency in the Luoyang drama was supposed to be, no wonder aunt empress was so pissed off. She was robbed.)
Holy shit. They go back to the store and it's empty. ML gets to be clever, which is very satisfying.
ML is doubtful about Crown Prince being the one who tried to kill him. idk what the emperor really thinks, he's too cagey. Is Second Prince the real ominious power pulling the strings? Or is the emperor fucking with everyone from start to finish? 🤔
I am loving how taken aback the noblemen are how ML isn't impressed by them
He doesn't give af and just searches all the ladies 😭😂
ML is bored as hell cause he'll just start reciting the greatest hits. This is gonna be a bloodbath
mystery bangs is the Second Prince right????
lmao every time he flumuxes one of the nobles
aha i KNEW IT. SECOND PRINCE!!!! will they be enemies or besties?
"I guess the sword is still faster" 😂😭
come on guys, make friends!
It's funny that I was just talking about the crap intelligence network in Luoyang, when I'm pretty sure actor who plays 2nd Prince was that guy (I am somewhat face blind but he has a memorable look)
the emperor is getting play by play on all the moves his pawns are playing, this is his NHL playoffs
Classic Sorkin, for reference:
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i-write-boop-spoops · 2 years
Guzma with a transitioning S/O headcanons
Thank you so much for the request (u know who u are :) ) Hope you like it!
I hopefully kept it vague enough to work for all kinds of transitiom.
warning: non-descript mentions of transphobia
disclaimer: i am not trans so if i have gotten anything wrong or misrepresented something, please don't be afraid to reach out and let me know :)
Guzma, well…
He’s not the most knowledgeable about being trans
Bit unaware of a lot of the terminology and discourse
"Pronouns? Like on and in and beside and shit?"
"A binder, you mean like, for school??"
However that doesn’t mean he ain’t an ally!
Plus there are defo trans grunts in team skull
Only natural, since it's full of misfits seeking a new, more accepting home
So he's already supported others with their transition
He is very much supportive of you! 
After all, you’re his boo - no matter what!
You were nervous when you came out to him
It can take a lot of courage and emotion to come out, having him react so receptively - it was such a relief
Do NOT listen to Guzma when it comes to choosing a name (if you're changing yours)
They will all somehow be super edgy or bug-related
In other words, very cringey
Actually something like Spyder would be pretty dope ngl
If you're transitioning to something more masculine/androgynous, Guzma can really help you out there
After all, he's a pretty masculine guy, basically came out of the womb that way, so he's happy to take you under his wing and lend you his stuff to make your transition easier
do you really want his 7-in-1 body wash and Haxorus body spray though??
If you're leaning more towards a feminine identity, he'll do his best to help, but Plumes is the one who'll guide you!
Acting like a big sister and all!
You need a new wardrobe?
Boy’s got you covered!
He doesn’t have a lot of money, but he’s trying his best
So it’s mostly second-hand places
And maybe some of the grunts use their five-finger-discount to sneak you some stuff
You try discourage that... but they don't listen lol
It's for a good cause, okay?
Guzma'll try direct you to the sluttiest outfits 
He’s shameless, what can I say?
That being said, it's your body, it's your choice in how you present yourself, so he won't push too much
But still, it's nice to know that he still thinks you're hot AF
Also, the grunts are a crafty bunch, so your clothes can be altered too!
Leave it to Plumes to deal with your hair
Even get you some wigs if you're looking for longer hair
You know team skull is at pride every year
Guzma's obviously there too, and if you're ready for it, he'll proudly show you off!
And I mean anyone
Who misgenders you
Or is just flat gross to you
Is either
a. Bout to be sent home to their mama’s by his troop of fearsome insects
b. Attending an impromptu meeting with his fist
He will not stand for transphobia  at all
But towards you? - the bigot is straight up FUCKED
Knowing you have big bad Guzma on your side, makes everything easier
He loves you - he’ll protect you no matter what
In the unfortunate event that your family isn't supportive
You know you've got a loving, supportive (if a bit choatic) home over in Po Town
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plantdonutwrites · 1 year
additionally i would also like to request for breenie: 6, 18, 19, 27, 30 and 40
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06. when did they realize they loved each other?
some background context here, for those who don’t know: bree met the boys through her mom and april, in a tiny AU adjustment where april’s sister (bree’s mom) pulls a "casey’s mom" and figures out the boys exist in “the trouble with augie” episode. one thing led to another and bree became friends with the four of them.  she left an impression on don in particular because upon first meeting them, bree was not scared of them, but instead behaved in an upbeat, warm, and friendly manner, if a bit curious–all of which they would all come to know as a default setting of hers. she is also a creative person, much like don is, and is passionate about her own creative projects. a combination of all of that plus her becoming familiar and affectionate with them in little time contributed to don’s own growing affections and observations about how cute and pretty he thinks she is… and it only got “worse” from there. actual photo of don realizing he has a crush (rest in pieces, nerd):
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as for bree… she first related to him on a deeper and more personal level because she empathizes with the concept of hyper-fixations and needing outlets for her creativity and “alone time” to cater to those needs. her and don initially really bonded over that, but she also grew to appreciate how he would always listen to her and validate her thoughts and feelings outside of that stuff, too. not a lot of people outside of family have really been like that for her… and who wouldn’t develop a huge crush on the soft-spoken nerdy boy with a heart of gold who is a great listener?
18. what song fits them perfectly?
like leomin, i don’t really have one specific song that i think suits bree and don perfectly. but some songs that i associate with them are: “a sky full of stars” by coldplay, “simply the best” by the hound + the fox, and “science & faith” by the script.
19. how do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
pretty well most of the time! they’re both introverted af and get pretty deep into their respective work. they’re definitely a “has plenty to do when they’re not together” sort of couple. donnie with his science-ing and his engineering and inventions, and bree with her art and her hobbies and socializing with her (human) school friends. and then they get to talk all about it once they meet up again, and it’s a great time for both of them. they could go maybe a week or two without seeing each other, but that would be bree’s personal limit before she invades the lair without warning a sprints a straight line towards don’s lab to hug him for ten minutes straight (everyone gET OUT OF HER WAY–)
27. what random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
some things that makes don think of bree: paint (the sight and smell of it) and paint brushes; art supplies in general. apple cider. the stars. aquariums. the color yellow. quirky little knick-knacks. snails and platypuses (some of her favorite animals). sweet, citrus smells. almost anything that glows in the dark or changes colors (i.e. glow in the dark stars you put on walls and ceilings, mood rings, etc). some things that makes bree think of don: computer parts. the sight and smell of coffee. tools. the smell of gasoline. the color purple. circuit boards. submarines. text books and how-to books. math and science homework. car parts. computers. goggles. going to garage sales or yard sales (she almost always buys something for him at one of those!)
30. what is their favorite place to kiss the other? (cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
bree looooves giving cheek and nose kisses, especially dozens of butterfly kisses at once. don also really likes to kiss her on her cheek, as well as along her jawline, the corners of her mouth, and her earlobes, because they're easy to reach when they're standing up (bree is slightly taller than him), and the latter makes her giggle.
40. who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all?
bree is very, very good at this, and not just with don. but since this is about the two of them: bree understands that sometimes, distractions can be better for your mental health on the short-term. so on bad days, she will talk his ear off about her day, or her current paintings, or she will read something to him for a while, like a book or a graphic novel. and it almost never fails to make don smile.
⊱ ───────────────── {.⋅ 🍂 ⋅.} ───────────────── ⊰
yes yes yes, we love to see more prompts in the inbox that i don't get around to answering for SEVEN MONTHS thank you so much!! and once more thank you for the arts, too (❀˙˘˙)♡(˙˘˙❀) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
original post here.
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kalux-sims · 1 year
Sims Tag
Thanks for tagging me @powluna!
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Old age. That's pretty much the only death in my game unless there's a rare accident. Plus, I love a tiki drink.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis match.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No. In fact, I use mods that get rid of some of the weight related wants and fears. (And in TS3 a lot of my sims are fat.)
4. Do you use move objects?
So much.
5. Favorite mod?
Probably the one that lets kittens and puppies have coat patterns.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
What was the first TS expansion? Looks like it was Livin' Large? So that, I guess? Or maybe House Party? My sister got The Sims for xmas 2000, and Livin' Large was already out. Hmm. No idea. Too long ago!
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Live mode. (Not live mode.)
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
She's long gone, but probably my first TS2 sim. Her name was Annette something, I think. I also really liked Arthur Broadback, the partner I made for Cassandra. He's gone too now.
9. Have you made a simself?
Yep. She's one of my models, modeling AF fat morph clothes, but only ones I'd wear. I used to have a sim whose name was Ramona who was kinda me. Her name was an anagram of my deadname (first and last).
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Sims 2, so no traits. I think Ramona was a Romance sim. Sloppy, outgoing, lazy, kinda playful, kinda nice.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
In TS2 they're all kinda bleh. Black, I guess?
12. Favorite EA hair?
I mostly use CC hair.
13. Favorite life stage?
Hmmm.....Young Adult maybe? It's when I figure out their personalities.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Gameplay. No contest. I have to make myself decorate.
15. Are you a CC creator?
Off and on, though steadily on for 2-ish years lately.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
Kinda? I'm bad at keeping in touch and perpetually too stressed to be a good friend. 😕 But there are definitely people in the community who I like and who like me, and that's something I wish I had more energy for.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
2, it's not even close.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
Nah. I own too much stuff and I don't think there's sims merch that would fit my style.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I have no tolerance for photoskinned CC anymore. I used to have tons of it.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
Haha. Origin. No. I think I technically have an ID for it, but I have no idea what it might be. I don't use it.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
@deedee-sims, and I think she knows it. 😉
23. How long have you had a simblr?
Just over two years, but I missed the anniversary in March.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
Minimally? I use GIMP and pretty much just crop them.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
As far as TS4 stuff that will get converted? I'm kinda anticipating the goth kit they sorta teased. More stuff for children and younger would be nice too.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
All TS2 EP's add something that feels vital, but....hmm....Nightlife? The attraction system really made the relationships feel more complex. Which one added secondary aspirations? That one is a strong contender too.
I tag @deedee-sims (because I already tagged her), @letomills, @eulaliasims, and @gaypleasantview ...and anyone else who feels like it!
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facelessxchurch · 2 years
SP Merch Review
I'm an artist, if there is anything art-related going on with SP of course I will have something to say about it.
It's long, it includes pics and it's under the cut. Enjoy.
Ok, started off with the video bc apparently I love to torture myself.
"But it occurred to me, with the amount of control I exert over all things Skulduggery I would not be entirely comfortable handing someone else that level of control, so I realized-oh- I'm going to have to do it."
^^^^That quote not only sums up why the merch looks the way it does, but this is also why there is no SP movie yet.
"Pins that I have designed, keychains that Jaime [pin maker] has designed"
That explains why the keychains are so much better than the pins
"Booksmarks that Laura has designed"
oh no D:
"I never liked wearing anything intented for the mass-market I always preferred the cult, which is what Skulduggery Pleasant has become."
He does sound like an entitled rich kid AND a gatekeeper at the same time here. Amazing. Also, massive cope here for SP not having become as successful as he wanted it too. And if he means cult like cult-classic than no. If he means cult like cult, then yes. Later on, he goes on about those pins and stuff being little identifiers to find each other and he makes it sound very exclusive and omg people with low self-esteem and the desire to feel like one of the special few are gonna love this.
But he is right, the SP stuff it kinda cultish. It has no more mass appeal but it has a few very dedicated fans that are gonna eat up all things SP no matter what.
I'm reading the intro text and this actually does read like he wants to start a cult.
"There are people who exist in this world only because of Skulduggery Pleasant."
Yeah, people do find each other bc of shared interests, SP ain't special in that regard. Also, suspecting that this text was probably written by Landy himself makes reading it even more of an acid trip.
Now to the art related reviews.
Skulduggery and Valkyrie Enamle Pins
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Fuck these are ugly. What's going on with Skulls mouth? He be like OMO he looks lost. Meanwhile Val has no eyebrows and forehead for days plus her outfit could do with a little more detail.
The shape of the actual pin is not only ugly AF (at least make it symmetrical or something for fucks sake) it also gotta be unpleasant to the touch with how spiky it is.
For a fix, honestly just let Jaime (pin maker) do them in the same style as the "Shadow and Bone" ones bc these are freaking gorgeous.
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[here is a link to the pins]
If you want something more in the noir-ish style of SP you could also shade the faces like in the mini artworks the old SP books used to have at the beginning of each chapter instead of leaving them completely blank. I can't find pics of that online but it was like a darkest dungeon kinda style.
Tote Bag
This one has no pic yet but it's supposed to be just covered in SP quotes. No extra points to creativity here, but I don't know what it looks like, so I have nothing much to say yet.
Midnight Hotel Keychain/Bag Charm
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Once again, no points for creativity. Hotel/Motel keychains are pretty popular and Vograce even has their own category for it. But it looks pretty amazing. The pic of the hotel looks good, love the gradient on it, the font is gorgeous. I'm also really digging the silver and blue colours. The only thing that needs to go is the mini skull charm bc it's ugly as fuck.
Hibernian Cinema Keychain/Bag Charm
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Oh, I really like this one! I haven't seen a lot of keychains in ticket form and I think this old school ticked design looks quite quaint. Again the pic of the cinema looks good and the font fits perfectly, the colours harmonise and are pleasant to look at.
Mini Skull Charm
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I hate this. Landy drew this in 5 seconds in MS Paint, didn't he? I showed this to my mom and she insists it looks like a sad little ghost no matter how much I try to explain to her it's the top half of a skull.
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That one point is just a pity point for the effort.
That skull looks like it was traced from a photo by someone who doesn't even know what the word 'line dynamic' means. The random texture on it makes it look dirty and its grin is derpy AF. The colours clash with each other, especially the yellow of the 'kind of' looks way too saturated and out of place. Visually it's just a mess. Also the colours are kinda too dark, especially the blue. The red colours need more contrast between font and book colour. Rule of thumb, if you print it tends to turn out darker than expected.
Plus the fonts(s) are weird. They don't seem to fit SP, instead they make me think of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"??
Not a critique point but bc Tanith likes to read it would have been cool if her sword would have been leaning against it. What also would have been cool, different book stack bookmarks for different characters. With their own quotes and colour schemes.
Here is an example of a bock-stack-quote from the LitPinsAndCo website.
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The colours harmonize and the fonts are different but they all fit to each other. Simple but nice book design. It's just pleasant to look at.
I tried to do a REALLY QUICK quick fix to show you what I mean. Added detail to the skull, lightened the colours and tried to harmonize them with a gradient map set to colour with lowered opacity.
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Still doesn't look great, but I refuse to spend more than 5 min on it. But you get my point, right?
Stickers and Magnet
There are no pictures for these either. I would have really hoped at least the page would actually be complete prior to launch :/ on the other hand, I don't like waiting so I actually do prefer quick over complete.
I'm not going to pledge to the Kickstarter personally since I don't actually want any of the items. You know me, I just want nasty boi stuff.
The only ones that turned out good were the ones designed by a professional. Since neither Landy nor Laura are artists I don't understand why they insisted on making official merchandise designs. This is just an ego trip for them again, isn't it?
You know this is the kinda shit I mean when I say Landy is the biggest weak spot of SP. His own ego keeps getting in the way. Laura is just as bad and probably enabling him. I also feel that with this he kinda wants to self-validate himself and 'prove wrong' those that kicked him out of animation school/people that said he is a bad artist.
He needs to let go of his ego and let the professionals take over when he is out of his depth.
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symptoms-syndrome · 1 year
what was your first Sonic Thing? like a movie or a comic or a game or... - and which one(s), and when? just all the details about the development of sonic-love basically haha
I'm not sure exactly what my first experience with Sonic was, but my first game was Sonic Rush for the Nintendo DS! I was pretty young, def in elementary school but exact ages escape me. It came out in 2005 though so probably...first grade ish at least? My parents were really really strict about what video games I could play and Sonic passed the test.
I also used to watch what I thought was a "Sonic movie" on YouTube, which was actually an extremely long compilation of all the cutscenes from Sonic 06. I was so obsessed with it I'd watch it over and over and memorized the entire thing, which was like. Multiple hours of dialogue.
I also know at some point I got Sonic Heroes for PC, which was the kind of game where it came on multiple discs and took forever to install. I think that was my first not-DS game (I also got Sonic Rush Adventure and Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood on DS! And later on Sonic Colors for DS as well) and one time I went over to a friend's house and got to play Sonic Adventure on their brother's Dreamcast, which was AMAZING because 3D GRAPHICS!!! I remember being really wowed by that because I'd never seen it before. I also played a LOT of those fan-made flash games!!!
I also when I was little wrote what would now be called fanfic, I wrote a script for a movie where Sonic and Mario are in The Real World and really wanted to send it to Sega to make it into a real movie.
I also watched a lot of Sonic X!!! Which is my favorite Sonic characterization I think. I don't remember how exactly I watched it, because we didn't have DVDs or cable but I'm pretty sure this was before streaming, so maybe I watched rips on YouTube.
The Sonic obsession came on really quick and really strong though! I tried to get every Sonic game I could, and Youtube-to-MP3-ed a lottt of the music to transfer to my little MP3 player or burn on CDs to play on my boombox (wow that's dated AF.) I had a few Sonic shirts also! Everyone knew me as the Sonic Kid. I also tried to learn to draw in middle school, and would draw Sonic characters and tape them up on my walls. I was really proud of my ability to draw Espio and a character exclusively in Sonic X named Cosmo. I don't know why I just stuck like a magnet to the franchise, but I've just been mega obsessed with it for as long as I can remember.
Now I'm an adult with expendable income to buy Sonic stuff, plus all my friends know I like Sonic, so I have a bunch of plushies gifted by friends and I have most of the Sonic games I somehow missed, like Sonic Generations, Lost World, and the Sonic Boom games. I also still have some Sonic shirts, a Sonic hat, and a lot of random Sonic stuff, like keychains and posters and little figurines! And my wallpapers on my phone and computer are Sonic related, and my ringtone is the Vs Metal Sonic remix of Stardust Speedway Bad Future. I'm lucky that one of my roommates is also a big Sonic fan, so some of the figurines live in the living room and some live in my room. Also since people at work know I really love Sonic, whenever they see Sonic stuff it usually ends up on my desk, so my workspace also has a lot of Sonic. There's a little Tails that sits on my monitor!!!
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salmonidos · 2 years
Personal spiritual rambles and introspection ahead
Hm. Weaving nets
Imma put in bold what I think is most relevant from my word vomit.
Last reading I got said something about this and in first instance I didn't understand. Not sure I do still but curious I got specifically that card, I am so new to all this small things like those never fail to surprise me and I go all like "oh shit ok this is happening" fjslssjdlckdl. I thought it meant like making contacts with people which I'm not discarding but it felt a bit off at that time. Work with Loki went from chill to scary real fast but the scary is not about Loki, it's about me being scared of change I'm sure. Yet it's so rewarding. A lot is going on yet I think it's the perfect moment for me to get serious with this. I think he was patient at first because he knew how difficult it was going to be for me to kickstart it. Or perhaps he was waiting for me to take the step of properly asking... not leaving it as an uncommitted maybe. And now I have committed.
So, we did harsh truths once, and it was hard and it stang deep but overall was for the better, now we're onto second harsh truth I am struggling to see I think? Doesn't help my memory is shitty af and tunes out what I learn... Or perhaps I don't want to see it, perhaps I am avoiding it, perhaps I should just write it down when I think about it yes? I might start carrying a small journal with me... or just post it here. I do tend to get this weird head pressure when there's something I can't see yet, as if my brain was hiding info from me. I think I'm slowly getting closer to figure out something useful. I mean, I have been doing stuff useful for my personal growth, I think I am too impatient too. Change doesn't always come quick and sudden, but I always seem to want it that way.
I think my general failure to see the bigger picture keeps me bound to small details which in the end makes me lose sight of the rest of interconnected things... making a single knot bigger than it should be, bearing more weight than it should, in a net that should be balanced - or at least I want it to be, a bit more. There's a lot of strain... That is one thing. So I am working on my perfectionism but I think that's not exactly the issue, rather like, hyperfocus, overworry; is one of the things. I'm too caught up with what's familiar to me and struggle accepting the new. Ohh. Struggling to accept and implement changes, to see myself differently... There we go. Back to that square? I guess it makes sense if I have been taking refuge in familiarity all my life. Ok but, back to that square in some areas. I have made progress with change in others.
I gotta think about rewiring my brain, way of thinking, concept of self and how I see and interact with the world around me. I do struggle with connecting to the external world and get too caught up with myself (autism related isolation and social difficulty plus trauma are fun!/s) but my brain net as I'm picturing (?) is old and weary and barely handles the weight of the current circumstances. It is unbalanced and what worked back then doesn't work nowadays. Self-isolation, freezing and avoiding isn't it and there's a lot of things I react to this way that should be worked on and changed. Rather that I should work on and change, nobody else will do that for me lmao.
Change doesn't come through sudden epiphany most of the time. Sometimes it does! but it's extremely situational dependent. And even so you can go back to familiarity pretty easily. Something becomes familiar and automatic through repetition... so picking one thing to do differently and repeat may help. And nets, interconnected. Okay. So changing one small thing through repetition consistently may cause changes in other areas. Like that's how people do it right?
I think I might get another reading soon. Perhaps today or sometime this upcoming week since I have more free time. It might be useful.
Okay writing about this helped I think, new viewpoint. Now I gotta decide on how I'll apply this... and not leave it just at thought.
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kindchenschema · 4 months
greysanon again and tysm for answering i love talking about this stupid show lmao
okay agree about s12 it’s actually my ideal end point for the show after s8 and the magmeldith (i love maggie—she’s over hated and all the hate is over shit other characters would easily get away with but they come down extra hard on the black woman for some reason🤨—and im a sister lady chief stan idc that it’s corny i loved how snarky and close and fun they were in this season) everyone finally moved on from the derek stuff and they’re all learning now to be okay again it’s so good and endearing🥺
yeah! simone is so adorable and kind! she even made lucas tolerable but he’s annoying af and drags her down. he needs to leave her alone and they need to write in a new guy for her that adores her. honestly wish lucas was leaving the show and not yasuda but greys loves to disappoint.
speaking of yasuda, why has the chemistry between her and jules been so good these last couple of eps lol like when they woke up together the energy was giving GAY lol. they should bang before she leaves for good honestly
same for amelia and beltran who finally acknowledged the thing between them. i still don’t see sparks but i was charmed by beltran this week (spoilers for ep8) and i loved that amelia asked her out. idk why she’s always attracted to these emotionally unavailable women (addison is my top 5 greys women but sorry to say ive never sparks between her and any of the other women except maybe callie? i just don’t get a femslash vibe from her at all she gives me super straight wasp vibes srry lmao but she’s super hot and brilliant) but it’s good drama when they put in the effort to write it. seems like she could be sappy but like in erica hahn way (another fave idc that she was mean and arrogant she was right and they wrote her off so stupidly) where she’s still kinda cold to everyone else but sweet with amelia and honestly that would work for me because i love that dynamic for women. imma need a kiss by the finale to really solidify my interest tho.
but yeah no this season is so bland the show itself has become so low stakes and formulaic it’s like they’re afraid to actually take it in a compelling and dynamic direction because they don’t wanna alienate their old ass fans in middle america but what about us young fun dykes lmao. what if we’re tired of weekly hetero complications like we wanna have fun too!
greys anon bestie!! hi <3
girl you are so right, Maggie get behind me 🤺 I really love Maggie and I do agree that a lot of the hate she gets is due to misogyny and racism, and she was kind of put in a shit position being "the other Lexie" by the writers. (I personally never minded the recycled half-sister storyline but Lexie was a precious babe so of course people are going to be territorial.) the thing, to me, about Maggie, is like. yeah. she's a little bit annoying. but we have to remember she's an ex gifted kid turned gifted adult, she went through puberty and like pretty much all major "age-related" (mental) changes surrounded by people much older than her and she was also bullied, plus she grew up an only child who was very much the center of her parents' lives. like, yeah, when a person like that grows up, she's gonna be a bit childish and self-centered (for the RECORD I can name at least ten characters who are way worse in that regard starting with the ugly little gnome George o'malley) (also Maggie is extremely emotionally intelligent when it comes to judging situations/dealing with conflict but due to everything in her life just not happening at the "average" time and being so focused on her studies she's just starting to develop an adult sense of "self-awareness" when we meet her - and that is OKAY). tldr Maggie is an angel and the minuscule amount of flaws she has just make her a real, three-dimensional, complex human being, and I wish people would get over the Lexie thing so they could appreciate this wonderfully written and played character.
same I loved sister lady chiefs so much!! I had genuine Amelia/meredith brain rot a few years back 🤭 when Amelia was curled up at the foot of Meredith's bed and then when they were at the table and Meredith reached out to pet Amelia's head - I have a lot of Thoughts about how much of a puppy Amelia is but I don't know if this is a safe space so I'll shut up now 😭
simone is good at many things but nothing and no one can make Lucas tolerable to me, every time he is on my screen it makes me want to kill myself. I wish he would leave and from a show writing standpoint I don't understand why yasuda is leaving. it just feels like everyone is coming and going as they please, couldn't they hire main characters who actually want to stay on the show for more than three seasons? because I'm sorry but what is this?
anyways yes in the very beginning I thought they would make yasuda and Jules a thing... I do think they would be good together in the time yasuda has left (in the show haha) but I found the storyline with her fight with Taryn very dissatisfying and just... meh, I guess. (but that could be said about any storyline at all of the past five seasons so)
okay enough of me being a hater!! I am a lover now. Love ❤️
okay I lied I still don't like Beltran and I want her to go away. I do agree with you that the badboy who's sweet to one (1) person in a lesbian dynamic is top tier, but regardless I do want kai to come back to Seattle and also their senses and for them to confess their love to Amelia. as an alternative I would settle for seeing addimelia scissor on national television. but that's beside the point.
anon have you watched private practice? if you like Addison, you should!! she's definitely a wasp but she is a lesbian i know it!! (source: delusion)
honestly I really wonder how their more conservative/republican fanbase feels about the general tone of the show now (I mean the hardcore alt-right people probably stopped watching a long time ago haha) because even though I'm anything but conservative I find it very disrespectful. I mean, you can't have every main character parroting one political standpoint (in ear-cancer inducing twitter lingo might I add) and the faceless "bad guys" saying the other. like with the roe v wade storyline - obviously I'm pro choice, but there could've been something way more interesting. instead of "bad guys throw brick at good guys" (Kwan). something to reach people on both sides and have an actual nuanced conversation - what if a woman who was a protester had gone to Addison for an abortion? for example
dude imagine if we were writers on the show... every character would be a dyke. Addison dyke, meredith dyke, Amelia bisexual(no one's perfect), NICOLE HERMAN!!! DYKE. Owen? dyke! you get it
thank you soo much for these anons they really make my day :'') as you can see I am a bit obsessed with grey's (I also write fanfic) so I'm super delighted to yap about it with you <33333 (but I promise I'm normal otherwise 😭 I go to school, I have friends, etc no basement dwelling going on here no ma'am 🫡)
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rayofsunas · 4 years
s/o has bad cramps. 
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A/n: hi everyone! I hope your day is going smoothly today <33 zhongli’s is short, because idk how to write for dude, sorry lmao :0 to the anon who requested this thank you and enjoy!!
Summary: s/o has bad period cramps.
Parings: Diluc/Fem! Reader, Xiao/Fem! Reader, Zhongli/Fem! Reader
Warnings: fluff, periods 
Word count: 1.1k
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you returned home in tears one day and he really thought you were dying
he thought you’d gotten so badly hurt, you were on the brink of death
especially when he sees you holding your stomach, hunched over
“love what’s wrong? are you alright?
he doesn’t know what to do tbh
honestly, he’s clueless
even more so if you’ve run out of herbs to soothe the pain 
Diluc will have to ask around Mondstadt about what the best remedies for cramps are and where he could find some
let's just say it’s embarrassing for him, but all the women he’s asked (Lisa, Amber, even Jean) think it’s absolutely adorable
he cares so much and he truly wants to help you, it’s so sweet!
Lisa was the most helpful; giving Diluc names of a few different bath salts and a herb that helped ease the pain 
Amber had given the same information as Lisa, though saying that the bath salts were your best bet
Jean was NO help, she explained she typically powered through the cramps if she had any
what a LEGEND ughh 
let's be honest, Kaeya knows everything, so it wasn’t a surprise when he showed up at your place, with the herbs you needed
but Diluc was still confused as hell
one, how did he know you needed the herbs?!
and two, somehow Kaeya knows more about it than he does and he’s like !?!?!? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!
“Women on their periods are like demons. She’ll wanna rip your head off and jump you at the same time.”
that’s all Diluc wants to know, HOWWW
when Diluc returns home with all the stuff, he’s more than happy to help run a nice bath for you and add the bath salts, give you the herbs with a nice cup of hot tea, and help you get settled in bed
tbh, he doesn’t mind if you complain or whine about the pain, it’s just another thing he can’t judge you for
it’s natural and uncontrollable
the best thing he can do, is be there for you and help you no matter what
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if your cramps are period related, sorry but Xiao is lost af :0 
he’s used to the usual muscle aches and cramps from strain in battle, etc. he’s not human, but he can still feel some variants of pain 
considering you’re his first lover, he has no experience with periods and the unfortunate pain that can come with it
the two female Yaksha he once worked beside never had this issue so he’s even more out of the loop
when he sees you crying about the cramps, at first he’s blunt and a little rude
“why are you crying? are humans seriously this weak...”
trust me he means well, it just came out all wrong
but then he thinks about it again and how harsh he sounded
he knows you wouldn’t cry about nothing, so this is pretty bad
the very first time he experienced your period was when you had asked for a change of pants and underwear
he blushed the tiniest bit when he realized he’d have to go into your underwear drawer and grab you a pair 
he’s much more comfortable now, but back then? you had only been together for a little over four months and you were both taking things slow
he’d never seen your underwear or had been intimate yet, so he was shook af
though, Xiao didn’t think much of it and kindly did as you asked 
but when he stepped into the bathroom and spotted the bloody pants and underwear on the floor?
sheesh, he can only think of one thing
“are you dying?”
he really thinks you’re dying also, like WTAF Y/N WHY IS THERE BLOOD ON YOUR CLOTHES?!?!?!
but nah, you just had a little accident ;-;
“no, not literally. but figuratively, yes.”
poor boy, he’s seen so much blood in his lifetime... his own, his friends, strangers, but it hits different when it’s from you
“what’s going on then?”
“i’m on my period.”
“yes. do you know what that is?”
“something I figure only mortals go through.”
“yes, unfortunately, only women...”
“how come I never knew this...”
“it never came up?”
despite being clueless, he learns very quickly over time, that you’re “delicate and fragile” most during your period
he figures basic herbs and pain medicines can do the job, but if they fail?
he’s there to rub any sore spot
naturally he doesn’t have much to say, so he’ll comfort you physically
he’ll ask, “where does it hurt?” and get straight to work as soon as you respond
backrubs? you got it
tummy rubs? he’ll help you, just find a comfortable spot in bed
personally I believe physical affection may be Xiao’s preferred love language; so he definitely gives the BEST tummy/back rubs :)
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“are you alright, dear?” 
Zhongli noticed it immediately
that you were holding your lower back as if you’d strained yourself in battle or something strenuous
“yeah, just cramps.”
he’s been around for a LONGGGG time and he knows humans well, so he’s no stranger to periods
he KNOWS exactly what to do
and he’s on it as soon as he hears the words “period cramps”
he knows all the best remedies, maybe even some you’ve never even heard of from “ancient times” as you liked to call it
“are you sure this still works?” you ask seriously, though there’s a hint of teasing behind your words
“humans have evolved a lot.”
“not that much, darling.”
don’t worry, you’re in the best care with Zhongli
he may be broke af, but he somehow always manages to get you the best of the best :)
he’ll do anything you ask, get you anything you want, no matter what
Zhongli will get all the best stews and sweet treats he can possibly find in Liyue, trust me
he may coddle you a bit too much, tbh
if you need to go somewhere, he figures he may as well carry you
excellent piggyback rides btw
like, you’re already in enough pain, don’t put pressure anywhere else
that’s how he sees it
plus, he just naturally wants to take care of you
he does mean well, even if he smothers a bit too much
period cramps hurt a lot, he’s never experienced them obviously, but he can only imagine how bad they are
at the end of the day, he’s the one who’s going to dote over you most
he knows exactly what to do and has basic knowledge on where to get the things to help you feel better
you’ll be in the best hands ever, trust me
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2.19.21, rayofsunas
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supa-suckers · 2 years
hiiii since you’re taking asks can you give me some orion fc hc’s :))?? istg that team never gets anything even though their concept is cool af in my opinion (also meda’s hot as hell but like sshshhshshssh)
Orion F.C
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General Headcanons:
Orion is just a way for Coach Black to fund his space research, the boys of stars breaking their backs just so he can buy himself another space station.
So i agree that Meda is like super hot but did you know his full field name is Andre Meda? As in the Galaxy??? Plus his name means (Andre=warrior and Meda=cunning/prophetess) cunning warrior or holly warrior so that's pretty cool.
And given that Meda is a feminim name either way he might be a lil genderqueer.
For the other members it's highly possible that their names are astronomy related stuff as well but i didn't recognize anything else.
They train at night for better understanding of the field and eachother's positions the fact that they can see Coach Black's space station like a winking star in the sky is just an added bonus.
The boys all have their star sign maps on the inside of their lockers they very rarely ever change players so whenever one of them leaves the locker goes to Black's private museum.
Unfortunetly i don't really know that much about zodiac or star signs or what have you but i highly encourage all of you to rb this w ur hcs :)
Most of the guys have some sort of bone related medical compilation from training without gravity.
They all carry around that special space pen NASA spent thousands of dollars developing 'cause regular pens are highly flammable and you really don't want that in a non-gravity place.
Their first ever captain was called Sputnik because it just makes an awfull lot of sense.
İ'd like to say they have a team pup named Leika but i want to believe they have a better understanding of how that whole thing actually works.
They have a special rivalary with Hydra because i said so.
Meda once got real bold and went "The moon controls the tides you know, she could drown you." and Skipper just deadass started choking him.
Their favourite team building activity is laying on the field after practice and star gazing.
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paperpennies · 3 years
Please tell me about your AU idea where Sasha and Milla meet in Brazil as teenagers and basically end up long-distance dating before either of them become Psychonauts ^_^
Oh hey look at that, totally out of nowhere, not prompted by me at all! (@2somethingelseyoumightknow2 and @strawberry-et also asked me about it but it seems redundant to answer three separate asks. I didn’t think three people would actually do it lol. Also sorry for taking 8 years to answer.) This idea came out of just smushing two thoughts together. Then I got weirdly attached. Buckle in; it’s gonna be pretty long.  Under a cut to avoid annoying feed scrolling.
So, AU is: Sasha mom lives, meaning he turns out a lot better emotionally adjusted since he grows up with at least one attentive parent. His dad is better too- still pretty emotionally constipated but not, like, broken the way he is in canon. The family also has 4-5 more kids after Sasha. This does mean they’re pretty poor but they do okay. 
His mother is a schoolteacher, who is somewhat unusual in the time period for working and being a mom of a big family at the same time. She and Sasha are quite close; he gets a lot of his intellectual and curious side from her. In his eyes, he’s much more like her than like his dad (although people who know them both would say he’s a lot more like his father than he thinks). His mother also knows about his psychic powers, having noticed them as soon as they started showing up, but his dad and siblings (probably) don’t. 
The story starts when Sasha is 14-15 years old. He’s getting increasingly bored living in a small rural town with few opportunities related to his interests, and his developing psychic powers (and probable undiagnosed autism) make things even more complicated and difficult for him. His mother gets an opportunity, probably with some kind of charity organization, to go teach German/English and maybe other stuff in Brazil for a while. She decides to take it, and take Sasha with her so he can have some different life experiences. She also takes his youngest sister along, since she’s still very little and dad’s already going to be left alone with three other kids. 
(Also, my assumed age for Sasha and Milla in the games is like mid-30s, which, if the games take place in mid/late 80s, would mean they were born in the mid-50s. That means they would be 14-15 in the late 60s. So that’s the timeline I’m going with here.) 
So they go to Brazil. The school Sasha’s mom is working at is either at or associated with an orphanage- maybe a church that has a school and an orphanage. Of course, Milla is there. I don’t have a lot of the details locked in here. It’s hard because we know nothing about Milla’s family or life before she was working at the orphanage, so I’m really just pulling this out of nowhere to fit in with this AU. For the purposes of this, she has no family and is living at the orphanage and going to the school there (even though that’s sad and I kinda don’t like it. May change it. Hm.)
Anyway, Sasha’s mom is teaching at the school; Sasha is doing basically independent study. I also haven’t decided if Milla is in his mom’s classes, because I haven’t decided what age group(s) she’s teaching. Either Milla’s in her classes or gets employed (or volunteers) to babysit Sasha’s little sister and that’s how she comes to be around. Oh, and also for the purposes of this, Sasha’s mom already spoke Portuguese before this, and Sasha’s been learning it prior to arriving there, so he’s like conversational at least. 
Either way, Sasha and Milla meet. Despite having some initial personality conflict, they find they have a weird connection to each other. Milla is curious about this feeling and interprets it as maybe being a crush, although it feels a little bit different. She decides to try and befriend him to understand it better, and also because that’s just what Milla does. She’s the sort of person who makes people her friends half-against-their-will just by being friendly and caring consistently until they can’t deny that they’re friends.
Sasha, meanwhile, is wary of her and her enthusiasm because he’s not great with the social stuff, especially with the culture and language gaps at play. He’s also wary of the feeling because it seems psychic-related, but he doesn’t know what that means. Plus Milla is like super pretty and nice and he gets tongue-tied and red-faced whenever she talks to him, but he definitely doesn’t like her shut up Mom.
Over time, Milla’s determination prevails, and they become genuine friends. He hides the fact that he’s psychic at first, but eventually does tell her. He asks her if she’s sure she’s not psychic, because she really seems psychic somehow. She doesn’t think she is, but he theorizes she’s probably not quite normal, at least, and that’s where the connection they’ve felt from the beginning comes from.
Since they’re actually perfect for each other, their friendship grows deeper over the months they spend hanging out. By the time Sasha has to leave, they’ve developed real romantic (in a 14-15 year old way) feelings for each other. They don’t ever really talk about it, but promise to write.
And they do. Sasha’s siblings start referring to the girl he writes to as his girlfriend to tease/annoy him, but eventually it sticks. He stops protesting, although he never confirms whether or not it’s true, and it starts being matter-of-fact to them instead of a joke. On Milla’s side, she still talks about him to her friends like he’s still there, and she gets the penpal-boyfriend teasing, too. It doesn’t really bug her, though. They save up money over a few years to go and visit each other, and talk about their relationship enough to be sort of “official”. It’s rough since they rarely get to see each other in person or even talk on the phone, but they keep going. 
Years pass, and some things change and others don’t. Sasha mother dies when he’s in his late teens, and he and his dad start having bigger and bigger issues between them in the wake of greiving. He leaves home as soon as he’s sure his younger siblings will be fine without him around. Out and about in the world, he gets recruited into the Psychonauts within the next few years (the specifics of this don’t matter too much for this AU). Milla goes on to work in her orphanage, the thing she’s most passionate about. They still keep close in touch, and get to see each other a more often now that they’re grown up and Sasha has better access to international travel. They finally decide “okay yes, we really are actually dating” even though it’s still long distance. Sasha’s colleagues 100% do not believe his story about having a beautiful long-distance girlfriend in Brazil, because that would sound fake af even if wasn’t coming from the very serious, not-romantic-at-all Sasha. Even his picture of them together does not convince them.
Then, the thing happens. Milla’s orphanage burns down, and her psychic powers finally fully awaken. Because of her knowledge of psychics, she realizes what’s happening, but it’s still a horrifically traumatic event. Sasha takes a leave period to come and help her, finds that it’s even more serious than he’d expected, and puts her in touch with the Psychonauts directly for some better assistance. He’s too close to her to do more than an initial check-up himself. 
They find Milla has a lot of potential and extend an offer to join the intern program (which at that time spans a larger age range than later on). She rejects the offer at first, tries to go back to her life, but later decides she needs to make a complete change and accepts. Sasha’s colleagues are shocked to find out she is indeed real. She graduates first out of her class, as one of the best levitators the organization has ever seen. Technically, she and Sasha aren’t supposed to be romantically involved as agents, but the Psychonauts have always been pretty loosey-goosey about that rule (given the history of its founders). 
So that was a novel in length. It’s not necessarily that interesting in this form, but there’s the AU. I think the interest would be the specifics of how their relationship would play out as a story, if they met young enough and under the right circumstances to not to get stuck in the hang-ups their relationship has in canon. If you read this far, tell me what you think! Thoughts, feelings, emotional outbursts?
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chemicalpink · 4 years
Astrology Series  ♡ NSFW Mars Sign: How they are in bed, turn-ons, turn-offs + kinks
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A/N: Today may I deliver some NSFW Astrology analysis. I’m working on something so I thought of leaving this here for you. Please bear in mind that these are just assumptions and are in no way to be taken as the mere truth since these are based off of their birth charts and astrology in no way defines a person or their value. 
Warnings: NSFW content. It has sexual content. Kinks. Sub/Dom themes. Impregnation. 
Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon  [Cancer Mars]
You must be clean af if you want to get it on with them, I’m talking a full-on ‘here are my tests from two weeks ago’ type of clean.
Sex and Love are not mutually exclusive, they are more like two sides of the same coin for them so if you’d like to have sex with them you’ll need to be fully committed to them first.
They have huge mental stimulation so they might plan ahead any fantasy that they would like to try out in bed.
They appreciate a few teasing sexts here and there to keep them developing fantasies inside their heads.
Cancer Mars are the most protective and sentimental in relationships but during sex too, they are the ones to hold you close while inside of you like they never want to let go.
One-night stands are a huge no no for them. Can’t do. 
If you want to bed them, you really must be different from the rest. They need to know there is a spark within you that gets them to feel secure around you.
VERY ROMANTIC like hella into holding your hand at all times during sex, caressing your face, sloppy kisses, all that romantic and erotic stuff.
Pleasers. Let’s be honest, we been knew, these guys would pretty much appreciate giving the best orgasms before their own.
Aftercare KINGS
Let’s talk the biggest kink for these guys: impregnation. Yeah, as much as they appreciate cleanliness, the do be thinking about having you not only full of their cum but round with their babies. 
Jung Hoseok [Aquarius Mars]
Open-minded af, honestly, we know Hobi isn’t one to judge anything that you could come up with sex-related or otherwise. 
Bratty or rather borderline playful, likes to tease A LOT if he knows it will get you worked up.
Goes thru kink phases. He might be really into this thing he just read and all of a sudden he would much rather do this other thing instead.
Will try anything once. ANYTHING & EVERYTHING. He might go back and have seconds on something that he really liked.
The most perfect for role play. Wanna act out any of your fantasies? He’s 100% down for it.
Doesn’t require a huge emotional commitment and out of this bunch, he might be the only one down to sleep with someone without actually having a relationship with them. Not one night stands tho, more like friends with benefits.
Phone sex HELLO. Do you honestly think it matters that he’s on a whole other continent? Nah, this man knows no borders, just pick up the damn phone and get ready to get sexy.
Toys Toys Toys. I cannot stress this enough, if it catches his eye, he’s got it in his bag. Weekly packages arrive, he’s got a new little friend to help out.
THIS MAN IS A WHOLE ASS DOM. Can we please refer back to Dior Hobi. Please.
Kim Taehyung [Capricorn Mars]
A shit ton of expensive details before sex, I can totally picture him purchasing this set from agent provocateur beforehand and asking you to wear it for him. 
I mean a bottle of champagne? also check
A fancy-ass date beforehand, sure, no problem
Praise kink, more like… Worshipping kink. He would love it if you were to worship his dick during dirty talk.
Sensual slow and conventional. OKAY HEAR ME OUT I’M NOT SAYING VANILLA TAETAE BUT yeah, kinda. It is nothing bad tho. Vanilla can be pretty passionate. 
I’m talking lovemaking until the wee hours of the morning
Most attracted to someone experienced. He is just fascinated with the idea of dominating someone who is far more experienced in sex than he is. 
Like to be taken care of. Dom baby Tae. After sex cuddles and stuff.
...until he gets you all to himself.
Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook [Scorpio Mars]
Possessive clingy babies of this bunch. 
Power Dynamics are a thing for these two. Like, I know they look sub/switch or soft doms but THEY WILL NOT HESITATE.
Trying out various kinks. Not as many as Hobi, but they got their fair share of ideas in mind to try out.
Will easily dominate a bratty sub. You know how Jimin is supposedly the scariest when angry? And JK is a muscle bunny that the rest of the members run from? Yeah, you don’t wanna get them to switch on full dome mode. Or maybe you do. I can’t tell you what to do. 
Can get you wet with just looking into your eyes. Fierce eyes. KINGS OF DUALITY. 100% guarantee to get you on your knees by just staring and a signature smirk of theirs.
Sex must be deep, passionate and extraordinary. Like no other before and will most probably ruin you for anyone else.
They give it their all, as if its gonna be the last. You don’t think it can get any better, until it does. And oh man. 
Full intensity and commitment. I’ve said it. Possessive clingy babies. If you are gonna get their everything in bed you have to give your everything out of bed in exchange.
Learn about mind and soul through sex. They have this deep connection with themselves and their partner that sex is an out of body experience. Yep. That’s a thing.
Most powerful personal magnetism and WE BEEN KNEW. There is just so much more behind their talent and look and everything that we are able to see, when in their presence you just HAVE TO look at them, fill up your soul with their mere existence. 
Masters of revenge if you tease them. Like, on a whole another level.
They might even wait 6 years for a bathroom break while filming cake decorating on FESTA. Yoongi knows about this.
Enough drive and stamina to meet and exceed any expectations. These two might be able to go on and on for hours on end. Have you ever tried to pull an all nighter but for sex? These two might be your best shot. Plus, when you get up after a nap, they could totally go for a morning round.
Continuos foreplay: I’m talking, stares, hand never leaving your skin, clinging onto you, sexual innuendos over text. all that jazz. We’ve been here before. Kings of stamina. 
Scorpio Mars does come with a warning tho (It’s a price to pay for all the good things from the most passionate sign). They might get so infatuated with you that they will never NEVER leave your side. They want to become one with their partner. So kiss goodbye any alone time. 
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calpalsworld · 3 years
Got A LOT of asks about Wu and Garmadon and their shapeshifting in Ninjago Respun so heres a BIG answer instead
[spoilers for canon Ninjago lore, and minor spoilers for Respun lore since I’ll gradually explain this all in canon anyway. Only read this if you are DYING to know I guess?] [Whenever I say “we’ll talk about that later” that basically means I won’t talk about that further even if you ask, sorry D: Gotta wait for the comic to address that.] CONTEXT: The First Spinjitzu Master was SOOO strong. He was NOT supposed to exist, not just because of the eternal war between Oni and Dragon, but because sex between the two does NOT usually yield any Baby?! (Plus some other reasons ill talk about later). So like. Woaaah wtf? So.... that one baby? The First Spinjitzu Master? Yeah, he is a god! All the powers that dragons and oni have? He has them, and more.
Dragons usually only have titles for names, so “First Spinjitzu Master” is literally his name.
He is immortal.
Oni are shapeshifters with no defined form. Dragons are shapeshifters too, but to a lesser extent (we’ll talk about that later). So the First Spinjitzu Master is a shapeshifter too. And so, humans are literally the fursona of the FSM.
He can create shit like its no big deal. He made the land, the plants, the animals, the people, the elements -- he made *almost* EVERYTHING in the realm of Ninjago (we’ll talk about that later).
Some aspects of Ninjago’s many cultures came from the First Spinjitzu Master -- from Oni and Dragon -- but other parts developed independently. In the Oni-Dragon language, “he” is a pronoun referring to Oni, and “she” is a pronoun referring to Dragons. There are other things too but that would take A LONG TIME to talk about... moving on...
HISTORY OF WU AND GARMADON’S SHAPESHIFTING AND ONI-DRAGON HERITAGE BIRTH | YEAR 0: So, the immortal Oni-Dragon named the First Spinjitzu Master, aka: God, decided to create people for his cool awesome realm. He wanted humans to be different from himself, but he also wanted a couple people who were just like him that could continue his legacy. He wanted people who could forever defend what he created. So he just mpregged himself and made two kids! Lying: He summoned them into existence, no pregnancy involved, sorry. Cries. The first he created was named Garmadon (named by himself), and the second he created was named Wu (named by his dad like a loser HAHA). Garmadon was born (created) in late winter, and Wu was born (created) in early summer. Wu and Garmadon are biologically identical to their father, half Oni, half Dragon, and immortal. But they are not as powerful as him. Beings equally strong as himself would be impossible for the FSM to create. His sons don’t have the same creation powers as him, but they have the same Oni and Dragon abilities. When Wu was born (created), Garmadon instantly chose to look almost identical to Wu. He previously had a different form that the First Spinjitzu Master designed for him, but fuck that (we call this becoming the realm of Ninjago’s first transgender person). At birth they looked and acted like they were around 3 years old. CHILDHOOD | YEARS 0-30: Wu and Garmadon’s physical forms are a conscious decision, but are also affected by their subconscious mental states. This caused them to age like MOSTLY like a normal child would... just a BIT slower. They also interacted mostly with people the same age as them, and chose to age like they did (we’ll talk more about this later). Garmadon got bit by the Great Devourer when he was 7. His eyes would look like he is really high sometimes (glow red) because of the curse, unrelated to shapeshifting. He also has a scar on his arm from the bite and the venom. It is usually very hard to scar an Oni/Dragon, but it was a powerful, long-term, magical wound. The bite caused him to become soooooooo angry and evil that he made up a Oni-persona because Onis look evil and cool. The two of them were always distracted by exploring the world, rather than questioning who they were. They just knew their father was from “outside the realm” and “half oni, half dragon.” They knew he and they could live forever, while others couldn’t, and knew they could shapeshift, while others couldn’t. But they never questioned him further, like.... they didn’t really care lol. Around 30 they looked/acted like they were around 15 years old (around 30 is when they met Aspheera btw). TEENAGE YEARS/YOUNG ADULTHOOD | YEARS 30-70: More adventuring and not caring about who they are. On one adventure, Wu got “crucified” by a village of people, Breaking-Wheel-Style on a Dharmachakra, while Garmadon watched and laughed. Eventually Wu and Garmadon met this woman on their adventures. [[Ninjago spoilers, cough cough --mystaké, --cough cough]]. She cryptically explained a few things: Dragon and Oni were at war in the past, Dragons create, Oni destroy, and currently the two species are dispersed across the realms. Wu and Garmadon’s father got mad at this lady for spilling all these beans, so she shut up about the dragon and oni shit, but still guided them in other ways for many many many many many many many many years to come. Around age 60, Wu and Garmadon looked about 30 years old. Their father passed on when they were 60, and the brothers began to diverge in the way they physically looked. Prior to this, they were near identical and relatively normal looking. My dearest apologies to those of you who love sexy 30 year old sensei Wu, buuuttttttttt, over the next decade, Wu became eldercore and wisdompilled as fuck. Meanwhile, Garmadon became a ripped 7′0 hottie (smh), who SLOWLY got older over centuries, paralleling Misako’s age. We’ll talk about Misako later. CENTURIES GO BY | YEARS 70-450: Btw, despite being really hard to scar, Wu got scars on his arms from another “crucifixion” at some point. (we’ll talk more about this later). .......More stuff happens.... not related to onis or dragons shapeshifting...... At age 450: -- oh crap GARMADON YOURE EVIL AF *banishes him*. We’ll obviously talk a LOT more about the banishment event later, ofc. Garmadon gets #pissed and so #fuck #anger #kill that he turns into his four-armed oni-persona. Wu and Garmadon know dragons. Wu hid the four golden weapons so Garmadon could never get them, and had dragons guard them. He is actually pretty tight with these dragons. They’re his friends. They were friends with Garmadon too. In the “Pilot”, “Weapons of Destiny”, Wu could’ve stopped these dragons from fighting the Ninja, but he wanted to test his students lmao. As for Oni, Wu and Garmadon (believe they) have never met a full-Oni. UP TO THE CURRENT DAY | YEAR 610. Most of Ninjago’s people know nothing about Oni and Dragons. Oni and Dragons are just mythological, often dismissed as fake. They don’t know Wu, Garmadon, and the First Spinjitzu Master are related to Oni and Dragon at all. Their origin doesn��t need explanation to most citizens. People just think, “Oh, The FSM, Master Wu, and Lord Garmadon? You mean God, Jesus, and Evil Jesus?” (Of course, the “Jesus” part is COMPLETELY non-diegetic, and they don’t actually call them that. They don’t know wtf Jesus is). I could go off about religion in Ninjago, but don’t get me started lol XD So, in conclusion, we got two immortal half-dragon-half-oni idiots that are worshipped by the average citizen. Wu is purposefully eldercore, and Garmadon is purposefully a ripped 7′0 oni-persona hottie. Post that explains rules of oni-dragon shapeshifting. That’s the lore at the moment. Any thoughts? Criticisms? Any other questions?
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mixelation · 3 years
As an obnoxious artsy computer science academic, I can't stand a lot of sci-fi lmao. Most ppl tho don't care even if they're told it's completely wrong. I was wondering if you have any arguments for well scienced fiction other than mine, which is that it offends me, specifically
unfortunately i'm PRETTY MUCH LIKE THIS TOO. i really like biology so sometimes when scifi gets it drastically wrong i'm like. nooo not my baby......!
but the things that annoy me on like, the level where i think there's potential societal harm:
the way scientists are depicted in fiction is often just, like. actively anti-science, or otherwise make scientists unsympathetic in a way that makes people see them as like.... well, underrepresented demographics are more likely to go into STEM fields when they've experienced stories about scientists like them (ie, "humanizing" stories where people learn scientists are just people with a job, esp stories about scientists who are marginalized themselves in some way-- scientists of color, women, disabled scientists, first gen, etc), PLUS people are more likely to engage in good faith with science communication if they think they're just other people with jobs
popular media that misrepresents aspects of science often fuels popular misunderstandings that can lead to huge negative effects, i.e., Jaws depicted wildly unrealistic shark attacks and led to real human affects on sharks (no i don't really remember the specifics bc it's late and i've had two glasses of wine). or you get stuff like people WILDLY misunderstanding wolf social structures and then getting weird AF about it.... or misunderstandings of how gene editing or mutation works from the overwhelming scifi tropes that are just Wild In A Wrong Way
introducing biological determinism as an excuse for unacceptable behavior. this is like people who defend men harassing women as, like, their biological imperative to spread their seed, or people listing scientific "facts" as a reason for discrimination ("facts" in quotes because they're basically all bullshit or a misunderstanding)
sometimes popular depictions of how things work causes people to make dangerous IRL decisions. i'm specifically thinking of medical emergencies, but also sometimes tropes related to various types of natural disasters or characters doing funky physical things that would kill you IRL.
this isn't related to any ethical questions but like. i just think it brings an extra layer of cool when fictional is well-scienced???
oh!!! actually i REALLY HATE tropes that revolve around the way science is being conducting on screen as like. 100% deterministic, like, "we did the science and we are 120% sure how this DNA sequence translates into phenotype, and any dissent is proven to just be another person being a worse scientist." science is an ongoing moving target and people disagree constantly and basically no discoveries are the work of a single genius, and i'm just bored with fiction depicting it this way and making ppl outside of STEM fields think science works like this. see point one
obviously i don't think individual works need to be 100% scientifically accurate, especially if it's just one writer or a small team, and it's fun to have wild and impossible things in fiction, but certain trends across media particularly bug me. the major ones are 1) tropes re: medical treatments being misrepresented in ways that could get someone killed if copied IRL, and 2) people being completely uncritical of scifi tropes/motifs that are like two steps away from eugenics.
i don't think it's the responsibility of an individual creator to educate or explain all the Bad And Inaccurate things in their writing, ESPECIALLY if it's aimed at adults who should have their own education & critical thinking. but it's just like..... some patterns/trends and the way they interact with the overall zeitgeist are really frustrating
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mego42 · 4 years
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Shamelessly stealing @foxmagpie​’s monthly rec thing without the ability to get my life together to do these on a monthly basis so, seasonal recs! So excited to see if I manage to do this again with anything remotely resembling consistency but i’ve been keeping the notes for approximately 43 years (or since ~september, whatever that means) so by god i’m gonna use them. 
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found my thrill - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
Turner POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys turner is SO OBSESSED with Beth and Rio
both canonically and in this fic
it’s gr9
also features a weirdly soothing and relatable cord untangling moment as a metaphor
truly disturbingly relatable turner pov tbh
relentless boomer disdain, always a plus
led to the creation of this monstrosity, not sure what kind of a monster would do that
War In My Mind - mintletters16
post-213, gorgeous character study 
guaranteed to make you feEl stUfF
I really love the like, cyclical, fractured pattern of Beth’s internal monologue, it gives the whole thing a really affecting at times dreamy, at times haunted vibe
the end twist is *chef’s kiss*
mourning bells - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Later s2 era, Rio’s at a funeral, gets drunk and calls Beth
V short, kind of…..mmm, not sweet, but almost? Idk
It’s got a wistful sort of almost/i can be quiet with you vibe that i go extremely bonkers for
delinquents - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Lol are any of you actually not reading this yet?
g o d ch 8 where do i start
First off how ABSOLUTELY VERY DARE for the tragic angst that is delinquents!beth boland. This poor baby, this precious bean. MUST PROTEC
zero percent deserves dean’s clammy hands, no i have not forgotten, tattooed on my brain, will never forgive
I also love love love love LOVE the ruby/stan subplot happening
(and ruby’s mom!!!!!) (seriously though you write the best moms)
oh god and baby beth starting to have confusing feelings about rio?????? *chef’s kiss*
p sure i was just like, straight screaming the entire end of the chapter
the dugout is like, pure serotonin
I can’t even talk about the closet
tHe teNsiOn
thank you i will take eleventy billion
don't give it a hand, offer it a soul - medievalraven / @medievalraven
am a desperate heaux for any fic that features rio and mick friendship
you are all incredibly shocked i know
still would not be mad if this swerved into rio x mick fake dating but beth x rio is cool too i guess
Speaking of things i am a desperate heaux for: DIANE!!!!!!!!
and DATING ANNIE???????????? Blessed
honestly this fic is worth it purely for the assertion that mick watches queer eye
Why don't we go to Venus? - watermelonriddles / @bensonstablers​
another grief study! 
apparently i was working through some stuff in september, idk, that was like 4 years ago
considering it’s the premise of the fic, i don’t think it’s a spoiler to say this fic is canon divergent and working with the premise that rio killed beth in 302
he is uh, not coping well
extremely haunted you might say
lots of marcus and rhea which is a delight!
rhea is to good for him tbh
i said what i said
truly top notch dream (nightmare?) sequences
the conversation at the end is extremely uncalled for
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drop the game - Ejunkiet / @ejunkiet​
Am going to die mad Beth and Rio didn’t hook up in 211 but luckily this fic scratched the itch 
(temporarily, it’s a fairly permanent itch)
Bonus rec: missing scene series i wanna do bad things to you featuring 2x02 and 2x04
Viva Voce - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
Whoops we woke up married Vegas shenanigans!! 
So cute!!!!! So sexy!!!!! 
What more do you want?
am desperately obsessed with how beth can’t help stalking rio
feels right, feels organic
this makes me feel a lot of stuff about how they could be without their canon garbage between them
🎶 we could’ve had it aaaaaaaaaaall 🎶
you showed me colors (i can't see them with anyone else) - gild_fire / @gild-and-fire​
really into the use of color to illustrate beth’s emotional state, i feel like there’s a word for that but idk what it is
really nice job capturing beth’s inner vulnerability balanced by her outer stubbornness
am DESPERATELY into Mick playing matchmaker
more please???????
Both Sides of the Law - JoeyLee / @joeyjoeylee​
LAW SCHOOL AU! I suuuuuuper love Beth and Rio here (alt pov!! a gift!!!!) I love how initially prickly they are, I love how it’s evolving into a grudging respect, I love how INCREDIBLY AND HILARIOUSLY OBSESSED WITH EACH OTHER THEY ARE and neither one of them seems to see it
listen I know we’re all already foaming at the mouth over this one but as it’s gonna go down as one of my all time favorites it bears repeating/rereccing
cannot stress enough how masterful the use of POV is here, both voices feel completely true and distinct and I love how the alternating chapters revisit, reveal and emphasize pieces of each other
i can’t talk about this fic without hyperventilating
the slow burn is going to ACTUALLY KILL ME
rip, no regrats
Earned It - wakeupflawless / @wakeupflawless​
that’s it that’s the pitch
living for beth’s exit in the first chapter, rio and i are both incredibly into it
second chapter also features violently possessive Rio who cannot deal with anyone messing with his girl so if that’s your thing boy howdy get on it
shake, baby, shake - openhearts
according to my bookmarks this was a reread but ???????
must’ve read it in the fugue state that followed reading for a moment we were strangers which is gr9 and I believe I have recced it before. If not, horrible oversight, reccing it now
beth and Rio POV lead up to the bathroom break, beautifully done, low-key feel bad reccing it bc the end point of both chapters makes me want to throw things but it’s super worth it for the tEnsiOn. ENJOY
What the Sea Wants, the Sea Will Have - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I’m assuming all of y’all are already reading this
P I R A T E  A U
I’m sorry maybe you didn’t hear me piRaTE aU
meticulously researched, brain-meltingly vibrant, already painfully sexy slow-burning PIRATE AU
god where to start okay so first off, the world-building here straight up breaks my brain, sophie’s put in the work and it SHOWS
second, the atmosphere. i’m generally a pretty like, vague mental picture sort of reader but the sensory detail here grabs you by the throat and like, forcibly hauls you in whether your brain’s wired that way or no
and hey speaking of throats if you, like me, go a little funny about the knees at the idea of beth holding a knife to rio’s throat (he’s fine, calm down), there’s a v excellent beth-in-a-barrel moment for you
oh christ and the sexy tension
it’s gonna be a race to see which slow burn takes me out first, this or law school
Stunner - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Another high school AU, this time with baby Rio absolutely head over heels for his older sister’s bff
stunner!Rio has an emotional earnestness about him that I feel like delinquents!Rio has already outgrown and it’s so SWEET I can’t get enough
Desperately cute!!!!!!
alL he waNts iS foR beTh tO bE hiS girL
also unreasonably angsty???????
A Heart's A Heavy Burden - tooshyforthis / @bathroombreaks​
Howl’s Moving Castle AU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Howl’s!!!!!!!!!!!
perfect opp to roast Rio for being a Dramatique Heaux 
and it’s gonna be 9 chapters?????? H Y P E
author’s note boldly presumes I did not know I needed this AU when the reality is I did in fact know I needed this AU, I just wasn’t expecting anyone to deliver
so blessed
author also claims to not be team nose stud and yet it features prominently in all its magnificent glory
what is the truth dot gif
A Bit of a Stretch - septiembre / @septiembur​
SO????? CUTE?????????
would be on this list for Rio calling Beth E alone tbh
really really really really really love this Rio POV of being settled into a relationship with Beth
It manages to be sweetly domestic af while still holding the edge that makes brio brio which is a neat trick
@septiembur may be a witch
beth’s approach to getting rio to do yoga with her is hilarious and exactly right, canon-typical amounts of subtlety 
Post Break-Up Sex - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
stg this was called Hit Shuffle
no matter
h O T
with a side of damn i’ve made some questionable choices in my life haven’t i introspection
(no regrats tho)
(esp not with this fic)
not the point of the fic by a long shot but i’m also extremely obsessed with Weed Eddie, so real
She drains my soul... she drains it not - niham87 / @niham87​
am a complete sucker for paranormal world building that satirizes bureaucracy 
Is that a trope? If so that’s my favorite
I did it. I’m picking a single favorite. You know what that is growth dot gif
ANYWAY i love the concept, i love the humor, i love beth instantly clicking with annie
I love her and mick’s sort of grudging professional courtesy
Love beth as a champion of environmental responsibility and all of the underworld being like …...okay??
cannot wait to see where this goes
Nine-Tenths - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
sometimes i think about rio putting beth’s hair in a ponytail and have to go lie down
science please explain why this rUinS mE
wait hold on i skipped ahead
opens with rio sleepily holding beth’s hand to his heart so that’s the kind of thing you’ll be dealing with
uGH theY’RE sO CUTe
idk why precisely but rio adding hair ties to his bracelet collection is my undoing every time
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Missed Call - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Rio doesn’t come home from a job when he’s supposed to. Beth (and I!!!!!!!) slowly loses her mind
Truly a masterpiece of rising tension
Will literally never forgive her for calling this light angst
The first person to point out there was an author’s note at the beginning I obvs didn’t read is getting blocked
crush - foxmagpie / @foxmagpie​
Listen even though this is centered around two OCs, they are OCs FROM a (n iconic) brio fic AND Beth, Ruby and Rio all make cameos (I mean, Rio’s pretty present since he lives in Mar’s mind rent free bc they are THE SWEETEST MOST ADORABLE BEST OF FRIENDS so idk if i’d call it a cameo but whatever)
and even if it didn’t feature any official GG characters I’d still rec is bc that’s mY SON AND this fic is TOO CUTE
I have so many feelings over mar and rio growing up and not knowing how to cope with girls becoming a Thing in their life and how it affects their friendship and mar feeling left behind but (SPOILERS) at the end of the story rio starts feeling that too and it’s so poignant knowing how that’s going to continue in delinquents
while mar may be my son, i also claim elena’s #1 stan status
before you’re like meg you’re only reccing it bc it’s a bday present ask yourselves do i really strike you as the kind of person that wouldn’t be equally obnoxious about this either way?
truly cannot fathom how hard i have fallen for these OCs i don’t normally do that
@foxmagpie is definitely a witch
The Ottoman - Niham87 / @niham87​
look i will be the first to admit that i don’t go near as bonkers over the ottoman line in 308 as y’all do
(don’t get me wrong, i love it!!! I love that he laughs and i love that she’s pleased it just doesn’t hit my lose my whole mind button like idk, the dubby or the 306 convo, idk why)
BUT i v v v much love the context this delightful Rio POV pwp gives it
am also absolutely feral for 209 missing scene fic
and anything that captures the complexity of Rio’s s3 feelings for Beth and how twisted they’ve become
so this scratches a bunch of itches, is what i’m trying to say
Bet On It - zetuslapetus / @querenaxx​
That’s what my brain does when I think about Beth and Rio meeting in ch 1
am DESPERATELY OBSESSED WITH the tension between the two of them in this fic
I love how it plays with the ways they have to rely on but don’t trust each other
plus FAKE DATING and BED SHARING (fair warning hasn’t happened yet but the set up is there)
originally supposed to be 2 chapters, already up to 4, prayer circle it goes on forever
do you like drugs (tonight) - s_t_c_s / @sothischickshe​
v important focus on hydration, other fic should take note
extremely about the use of cut to and then flashback to enhance the ‘we were on drugs’ vibe
speaking of, beth and rio absolutely would take ecstasy to prove they are fun bc they are the exact kind of idiots that would peer pressure themselves
so glad beth kept her purse, got a bit stressed there for a second, clutches in that kind of circumstance are A Risk
not that i would know
really love the ongoing denial that they are remotely into each other while proceeding to demonstrate how they are in fact, extremely into each other, great vibe
rio dances
I know my brain broke too
mmmm bacon
Navigate A Broken Path - flashindie / @pynkhues​
I have a long standing tradition of getting unreasonably obsessed with side characters so i’m not like, entirely surprised by how obsessed i am with both Mick and Mary Pat but i never in a million years considered them as a ship
they fit????? so perfectly?????? It’s amazing how she developes them individually enough that i look at them together and think ah yes this makes perfect sense for both characters
and they’re such an amazing foil to Beth and Rio? 
can ships have foils? do i know what a foil is? 
hell i don’t understand
how absolutely very dare you make me care about YET ANOTHER set of gg ‘verse children
do not read this fic if you have no interest in feelings you zero percent asked for
wHA t hAPPeNED iN aLASkA?????????
A Moment’s Silence - femalegothic / @bethsuglywigs​
*makes sign of the cross*
y’all are gonna make me rediscover religion
extremely appreciate the author’s note approach to backstory top notch prioritization
listen it’s basically 3k of beth deep throating rio idk what more you need me to say about it
it is…..good stuff
bless the kinkmeme or fest whatever we’re calling it
praise - civillove / @blainesebastian​
I mean you had me at “three times rio calls beth a good girl and one time he really means it”
ephemeral rio
I left that note for myself in here in the middle of the night and haven’t the foggiest what i was thinking but i stand by it none the less
okay okay i think i know what i meant, this fic (as do all of my fav civillove brio fics) has this sort of like, liminal, in the quiet moments feel to them that makes the moments and feelings somehow feel like i’m catching a glimpse of something secret and precious???
idk i just really like it okay
Heart and Soul - riosnecktattoo / @riosnecktattoo​
oh look more unbearably sweet domestic tenderness, this time to music
thank you ma’am for my life
rio remembers beth used to play piano and gets her one and revoltingly cute shenanigans result
also hilarity
and sexiness
this fic has it all, truly
shout out to mick who sees no reason to keep rio’s feelings to himself
good girls tumblr fic - prettylittlementirosa / @hypermania​​
cheating and reccing a whole series
It’s my list and i can do what i wanna
stop crying about it, it’s four fics and they’re all AMAZING absolutely impossible to pick a fav
truly flawless characterization, next level ability to capture evocative mood, cannot get enough
three’s a crowd: who knew ballroom dancing while dean watches and grinds his teeth could be so sexy 
(trick question everything about that premise sounds A++++ and boy howdy does it live up)
feel it on the way home: rio tries to break up with beth, it goes about as well as you’d expect
(thE angSty tenSioN)
i want to play the game: [from the floor] i’m still not ready to talk about it
(rio/turner, missing scene, 10000000% a taste of what went down in that hotel room)
june after dark: pitch perfect annie pov, really really love the take that Annie is the baby whisperer, can’t fully explain why but it feels incredibly right
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