#a bunch of tags incoming but also i dont even know if theyll show up with the links in the post šŸ˜­
coldandhotsoba Ā· 6 years
You said you weren't going to list all the evidence that EraserMic might be canon but please do???? I'm a sad little gay who needs this.
D(anon is referring to this post here)
okay im going to list what i know, and i was not lying when i say that there are some way more qualified people who can compile a list. a way better list than i could, and probably a lot more detailed and intricate.. And im doing this on my phone so no guarantee on quality. (also the fact im a very lazy person, but still felt compelled to try and answer this to the best of my lazy selfs abilities)Ā  So bear with me here.
Now, this is a small list of why i think erasermic is pretty Canon, or at the very least very very very close best friends. (this is how my headcanons came to be, and how i came up with them through what ive seen.I dont want to step on any toes here. a lot of this is from my perspective and my experience)
1. Yamada helping picking out Aizawas hero name:
Ā lets break this down. Idk about you guys, but i wouldnt trust just anyone to pick my professional work name, that would stick with me for the rest of my life. Now, i know heā€™s lazy and all, but he also extremely rational.Ā 
He knows this will stick with him, and he knows picking a name is important (hence he let Midnight teach the class about the names because he knows heā€™s not the best person for the job.) Its illogical to accept just anything.Ā Ā 
However, even with him being uncreative in that department, he wouldnā€™t accept any old name, iā€™m sure heā€™s been suggest different hero names in the past, and have probably at some point, thought up ones for himself.Ā  Itā€™s illogical to accept a name someone suggested, unless it had some significance to him.Ā  I would immediately accept a name given by a close friend (and have in the past like nicknames) just on the pure significance that they gave it to me, even if it does sound lame at the time, but they picked it out just for me, and it makes it that much more special.Ā Ā 
Anytime the name Eraserhead, is heard or used, heā€™d always be reminded of who gave him the name, a constant reminder of said person. You wouldnā€™t want to be reminded of someone thatĀ  holds no significance in your life, every time your hero name is used.
2. The reporter scene
Ā now, this is based off of what @kipisz said here, and totally forgot it happened and its such a strong contender.Ā 
Now, the scene does goes with both of them holding off the reporters. Mic leans over and says ā€œTheyā€™re illegal trespassers you know. You can call them villains. You think we can beatĀ ā€˜em up?ā€ which AIzawa promptly repliesĀ ā€œDonā€™t do it Mic,Theyll write up a bunch of half-truths about you. Letā€™s wait for the police.ā€
Now we allĀ  know how much Aizawa loathes the media, but Yamada pretty much thrives on media and his public out look, not just as a hero but also as a radio star.Ā  Aizawa knows how much the voice hero relies on it, and made a point to make sure they handle the reporters as well as they can.Ā 
Now, not only are they tag teaming handling the reporters, where someone else with a better presence may have handled it. Like literally any other teacher could have handled it alone better than they could have separately. Iā€™m sure cementoss would have done a great job at it. Now, this also leavesĀ ā€˜where were the other teachers?ā€ probably too busy to handle it, and/or both heros volunteered to make sure all the students made it into the school okay. OR theĀ  were already inside before the reporters showed up
Alone it would have probably been an disaster, Aizawa being his underground hero self, and Mic was ready to thrown down with the reporters, but was only stopped by Aizawa. But they handled it together well, each of them balancing each other out. (this is probably more of a point towards their dynamic than anything else)Ā 
This one is brief, but present mic standing in front of an injured eraserhead (while shoji is holding him) using his quirk on the incoming villains.Ā  Coincidence that he was the one to defend them and not any of the other teachers? i think not.
4. Sports Festival
We already established that Eraser likes to be on the down low, but, he ā€˜decidesā€™ (we all know he was probably forced or he just caved in after a bunch of badgering) to do announcements to an extremely public event,shown on every screen in Japan, with an extremely well known Hero. Even with him being unrecognizable,(not just including being bandaged up) its still a giant risk involved in hosting it. Heā€™s not well known as an underground hero, but through out the announcement his hero name is used, and with a name like Eraserhead, its not too hard to figure out he can Erase quirks, (or at least something, but quiks would be the only thing i can think of that would work for hero work)Ā 
and then mic probably did it,(my head canons on this) because
1, wanted to do it with his bf (u can translate this as boy friend or best friend, take itĀ  as you will)
2. we all know that if eraser wasnt up there, heā€™d be in on the action while still wrapped up like a mummy. And he would be in the middle of all the different quirks being used, especially by year 1 students who dont have the best control/have complete control over their quirks. So mic drags him up there to get him out of the way
4. Spending his day off with Mic
now look at this post made by Deafmic, when i saw the manga of it, i never truly processed it, just more ofĀ ā€œawh they hanging out togetherā€ and didnt think any deeper than that.
But they are completely right. Fishing with a loud person? not a good idea. FIshing with a person whoā€™s quirk makes them louder than everyone else? Super bad idea.
Most people go fishing to relax, find some peace and quiet.But why would you bring the loudest person in existence to go fishing with you? To spend some quality time with them, andĀ  you dont mind the tranquility of fishing being completely destroyed. Just so you can hang out with said person, outside of work.Ā 
And in Mics perspective, he has 3 jobs, being a hero, teacher, and a radio host, he probably rarely has any free time to spare, but he spent it fishing hanging out with AIzawa
So im going to stop there, and this turned out a lot longer than i thought it would be, so apologize.Ā 
Also apologies for any typos ive made, i kinda rushed this bc i felt bad having this in my ask box for so long.Ā 
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