#a cool idea of a reflection on Jin's conflict of not wanting to leave his friends and his guilt and rage and the way he is also at peace-
bcdluckstumblcd · 2 years
we will break away together. I'll be the shadow, you'll be the light
Nothing ever lasts forever, we will go softly into the night
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lemongogo · 5 years
Hi, so I was wondering what u think this chapter is supposed to mean for hawks character? Is this him reluctantly following orders or is he seriously questioning what side he is on? Twice is obviously not gonna change, and I don’t think hawks understands how much his betrayal hurt twice. Twice devotes all of himself to his comrades happiness. He wouldn’t leave them. What was your opinion on hawks offering to help twice and not wanting to fight him? And twice’s reaction to it
(tl;dr at the bottom)
hey ! so i think a lot of hawks’ character is still shrouded in mystery given that we still don’t know much about him as an individual, as much as we are familiar with Hawks, his hero persona. but with that being said, I think this chapter was pretty clear in showing that there’s a part of hawks that realizes the current system is flawed, even if he isn’t currently planning to abandon the hpsc as some of us (such as myself) would like to see in the future
i think before the chapter released, there were two main paths that his story couldve taken.
in one situation, he could’ve incapacitated twice and taken him out of battle immediately. aka, no talking, no trying to explain himself, just wrap up the job he was given to do. this scenario would suggest that there is no capacity for hawks to change or evolve away from the hpsc. this outcome would mean that , for the rest of the story, he would most likely remain heavily tied to this idea that heroics hold a moral superiority over the villains. that sympathy shouldnt be spared for people like twice because they are “bad”. (aka, feed into this binary of good vs bad)
in the other situation, hawks would hesitate or try to reason with twice, and show that there’s some sort of internal conflict that he’s dealing with. this outcome, unlike with the first scenario, would insinuate that hawks’ story will, at some point, deviate from the path the hpsc intends for him to take. that he will, to some degree, question the institution he works in / contributes to. aka: is what he doing the right thing to do (emphasis on morally grey characters / situations unlike the black/white perspective of situation 1)
chapter 264 shows us that second situation: hawks, despite having the upper hand (cornering twice with all of his feathers drawn), does not immediately “finish the job”. he tries to reason with twice by saying that he can “rebuild” his life and start over. “atone for his crimes” and so on so forth. in my opinion, this is a really good step in hawks leaving the cage the hero commission forced him in at such a young age. i mean, as other people have already stated earlier, this isn’t something he will be able to overcome quickly or easily at all. but, it shows that he’s starting to make some decisions for himself. the hero commission does not seem like they would care for the rehabilitation of the criminals. it doesnt seem like they really care for how these people “feel” and would rather smush the rebellion if it meant upholding the current standard of society
the cool thing here is that we see the conflict between hawks and the commission in a very visual manner. scenes where hawks looks menacing are the scenes where he’s speaking with a sense of authority imposed by the hpsc and his status as the #2. this is where we see him talk about the logistics of his mission, and these lines are accompanied by an obscured, shadowed face. emotion is removed from the equation. he is cold and calculating. unforgiving.
compare it to when he starts to give twice a “chance”. we see his face and his emotions clear as day. from this point forward, we’re seeing what keigo wants to say, and what keigo wants to see from twice. his face is revealed when he says “because you are a good person”; he places faith in twice even when the commission couldnt (wont). 
he sees twice’s tears. he sees twice break down and it all ties back to the notion that , in my opinion, hawks WAS connected to jin, even though he might frame it as part of his mission. yes, he got “close” to twice because he had to. and yes he used / manipulated twice. we can’t deny that. but he also tells twice that he recognizes the good in him and, through his internal monologue in the end, we know !! that keigo did care for him to an extent. what twice said to him back at the end, the thing about friends caring about each other and wanting to help hawks out of the “cage” he was “stuck in” resonated with him!! and thats why he offered his help in getting twice “back on his feet”
to me, i feel like he does understand how much this betrayal hurt twice. i think he tries to put on a facade and act like it doesnt affect him bc its his job (as in . he’s not supposed to get attached) but then you see THIS panel at the end 
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and its obvious he’s upset and reflecting on the idea that what he’s doing and how he’s using people isnt okay and that, yeah, jin has a point . somewhere along the way, heroics lost sight of what it meant to help people
idk. its a lot to process. maybe im reading this all wrong, but to Me i feel as though this is a sign that hawks isnt as tied to the commission as he originally was. because although he’s still doing his job as he’s supposed to, he’s also grieving? in his own way? recognizing the harm he’s caused twice and understanding that this is just a really shitty situation. like others have mentioned, i don’t think we could’ve expected this big “switch” in hawks right away but this is the perfect step in the right direction imo
to answer your question, i don’t think he’s questioning his position just yet but . he does seem to be emotionally distressed and perhaps critical of himself for what he has to do. @miriio​ describes this better than i can:
“if anything i think i’d be bad writing for hawks to join the league this quickly. we clearly see hawks struggling with his options and he genuinely seems to feel bad about what he’s doing….but what he’s doing is what he’s been trained to believe is right. if hawks really wanted to i’m sure he could’ve killed twice instantly. but he didn’t because he doesn’t want to. he even said he would help twice after because he knows he’s a good person. it’s clear hawks doesn’t wanna do any of this but as far as he’s concerned it’s his only option”
im really bad at explaining how i feel abt this but @miriio and @spinneraki both make ! really good points on what this means for him as a character too if u want to check out those discussions :-)
tl;dr this chapter shows hawks has the capacity to change, given his choice to “talk it out” with twice and his later reflection on how the “bad ones are always us hero scum”. 
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rkivepacks · 4 years
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TITLE: one time with you and me Originally posted on: AO3/dtgloss Pairing: taekook/kookv/vkook (Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jeongguk) Rating: PG13 Genre: fluff, drabble, established!taekook Word Count: 1,623 Trigger Warning/s: swearing Disclaimer:  This work is solely from the idea of the author. Should there be similarities with the works of other respected artists are purely unintentional. This also do not reflect on the real lives of the artists portrayed in this work. Comments, suggestions and any other concerns are accepted in my inbox. Thank you! NOTES:   ∟ banner by @rkivepacks​   ∟ request banner here   ∟ request prompt/fic here 
Summary:  Home started having almost double of everything.
“Are they a couple?”
Is the first question of the interviewer. She said it stems off the viral post of a fan who previously posted a clip of the two who supposedly act like a couple in front of the flashing cameras at the red carpet.
Are they a couple? Yes.
“Yes.” Jungkook answers Taehyung just on the side of the car door, before they go their separate ways.
The two just finished having a late celebratory dinner at one of the restaurants that is not too crowded for their liking at the mall. Their anniversary was last week but due to the hectic schedules of the two, they were only able to take time and drive to the mall together and do a simple glass tinkling and steam off the stress.
“Yes.” Taehyung answers when Jungkook makes him swear off his life, promising that it is past them and taken care off.
“Yes” is what Jungkook says when asked if he is okay with their situation.
“Yes” is Taehyung ensuring Jungkook that it has, indeed, been taken care of.
Are they a couple? Yes, finally.
“Are they together?”
Together. Is together enough to bind people together?
In what contexts should the word ‘together’ be used?
Can you use together in a sentence that pertains to two people?
Is together enough for Jungkook and Taehyung?
Are they together?
Perhaps the answer at this time, is yes. They are together.
Jungkook and Taehyung are together because they love each other deeply. Admirations that go beyond just mere awing a person is what they have for each other.
Together, they sleep in one bed.
Together, they have at least two meals a day with each other.
Together, they strive to have more than together .
So are they together, maybe at that time, yes.
But together is not them having days away from each other, laying in a bed without one another.
“How did Taehyung and Jungkook meet?”
The two of them were introduced by mutual friends.
“Is it safe to assume you’d like another drink?” Jungkook asks Taehyung, watching him sway a glass of red wine that’s ordered in from the restaurant they are in. Jungkook, dressed in black slacks that are not too tight or not too loose, contrasts with Taehyung’s slacks that are loose, and Jungkook is adorning a polo that fits him just right, in between a yellow that isn’ bright but not mustard yellow either. It goes well with Taehyung’s polo adorned in a wool vest and glasses perched on his high nose.
“Thank you, Jungkook.” Taehyung tips his head down lightly, hands holding up his glass up to his chest-level towards Jungkook, signaling that he is ready to have another glass.
“I believe we haven’t been able to speak at the last party, but I’m pretty sure I have seen you there.” Jungkook pushes to have a conversation with him. He is not the type of person who is so friendly that he’d be willing to speak to anyone on sight. He also is not a bitch to ignore people.
He’s telling himself he did not talk to Taehyung because he feels himself gravitate towards him. He’s just alcohol-infused.
“Yeah it’s because I left early before Jin had the chance to get us into one circle.” Taehyung chuckles, bringing the glass to his lips, the wine-filled glass slowly decreasing its contents.
“Did you have work the next day or are you just not that into Jin’s circle-making abilities?” Jungkook chimes, face turned left towards Taehyung, nursing his own glass.
“Wife. I am immune to Jin’s circle-making abilities.”
Jungkook is not drunk, but he was not sure if he heard that correctly. “Oh, okay.” Is what he says. This attractive man his drunk self is trying to flirt with (his drunk self said, not him. He doesn’t flirt. Ever), has a wife. Possibly has a family. “Forgive me for the invasive questions. The drunk person I am tonight is not the same as me tomorrow when I wake up.” He leans towards slightly to the table, before situating himself back to his previous place.
“Ah, don’t worry. It’s not like I keep my marriage a secret. Actually, I don’t think I will even be keeping a marriage.” He chuckles.
Taehyung looks over at Jungkook who seems either too drunk to catch his joke, or he is waiting for a signal that tells him it’s okay to laugh at the joke and possibly add to it.
“I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it from Jimin but I am about to be divorced.” Taehyung adds, noticing that Jungkook is in fact, not too drunk to have his comprehension skills stomped down but he is reading the room.
“Yeah Jimin has a big mouth.” Jungkook replies, chuckling, choosing to ignore the latter statement.
“I think the alcohol is starting to hit as well. But as for me, I am the same person I am when I’m drunk and sober.” Taehyung raises his right hand as if to swear, body turned towards to Jungkook, making the latter chuckle.
“Alright. I take your word for it.” Jungkook replies.
“I’d like to know you more after this, Jungkook.” Taehyung says after their laughter has died now.
“Me too.”
“I’m married but-”
They both speak at the same time, Jungkook almost cut off by Taehyung’s sentence. He gestures for the other to speak.
“-but I’d like to possibly maybe see you more, you know.” He says.
“What is see-able in me?” Jungkook teases the other.
“See-able is not a word.”
“It is now.”
“I’d like to ask, what does that have to do with you being married? Wife doesn’t like a friendly husband?” Jungkook jokes.
“You know what I mean!” Taehyung cries out, making the other laugh. “But ok, sure.” Fishing his phone out of his pocket, exchanging phone numbers with Taehyung.
“How do you manage conflicts?”
The two of them fight. Jungkook argues Taehyung is more experienced on it as he has been married and the other exploded more and the current argument lasts for another 6 minutes.
They fight over simple things.
They fight over who washes the dishes. They fight over being late to outings.
They fight over small things that may seem like big things.
They fought over their situation. Taehyung’s previous marriage. People’s opinions on their set-up.
They fight together.
Jungkook has stopped speaking to some people who assumed they know better by watching dramas that tackled issues about marriage and the loss of it. They most probably assumed,although they haven’t said it to Jungkook’s face, that he is a homewrecker. When he’s not.
It is not his job to give people a timeline of when and how things happened.
So how do they manage conflicts?
They leave each other for a while.
They tend to hurl borderline below the belt insults at one another and they would rather not repeat it the next argument. The solution? Cool down away from each other then talk.
When the two of them get mad, they have a tendency to lay out all the possible insults they can throw at one another.
They don’t want a repeat of Taehyung and Jungkook slamming a door at each other it did not open the third time.
Nine months into their relationship, when Taehyung comes home with the news.
“The divorce has gone through. I’m not married anymore.” Is what he says when they were on the floor of the living room, staring ahead at the series playing in front of them.
Jungkook has his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders, legs open to accommodate the latter.
The divorce has gone through.
Taehyung’s not married anymore.
Home will finally only refer to one place and its underlying implication that home could either be at Jungkook’s or at his ex-wife will be gone. There is no need for pity eyes looking at one another, afraid to speak out the words that loom over them.
Home is with Jungkook only.
Taehyung is not bound by the chains of his past anymore.
Later that night. They talk about it more. The ingress and egress of the divorce. What they should do between the two of them, the works.
The apartment that first belongs to Jungkook only-- they now hold a contract that states ownership for the two of them.
Home started having almost double of everything.
They spent the first weekend buying boxes and storages for some things that would go in the trash or donated and the last day of it packing and rearranging rooms.
They also rearrange their weeks. What was before a six days meeting now consumes the whole week.
There is no other place Taehyung is supposed to be in.
“How much do you love each other?”
The last question.
How much does Jungkook love Taehyung?
“I love you enough to just show you how much I do. I am not the clingiest person to you. I do not blurt out ‘i love you’ at the most inconvenient time. I will show you how much I love you by staying by your side. I hope you feel how much I love you every time you wake up in the morning and sleep in the evening, I will be the one in front of you.” Jungkook says.
How much does Taehyung love Jungkook?
“I love you too much that I can’t put them in words anymore. Same as you, I’d rather show you and I hope it resonates with you.” Taehyung pauses. “I loved you even at the time you said no and after you finally said yes. I will love you and be the last person I will love and would go lengths for.”
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dizzygldbangtan · 6 years
The Tragic Story Behind HYYH and WINGS (Story Told)
theory from @star_&_sugar on Amino
I used to watch bts's mvs with a lot suspicions and searching for hints, not thinking of what everything points out in an easy way.
As I was watching the BST Japanese mv for a hundred time last night while searching for hints, my sister suddenly points out something to me that made me thought of this theory.
What if it isn't really that deep?
Sometimes, people loves to look real close on one thing to investigate. But if the picture is bigger than one's sight, isn't it better to step back and look at the whole thing in a different point of view? And when I did, miraculously everything suddenly makes sense.
This theory of mine is all based on my own understanding and opinion. It can be wrong, it can be right. It's all up to you if you want to believe it.
Btw, this is going to be one hell of a long blog so sit back and relax.
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Before we start, these are some things that are centered on this theory:
HYYH and WINGS are a story of TWO BOYS.
You've read it right. In my theory, this whole series that bts and bighit are dropping are just a stoy of two boys. Not seven or one, but two which are Seokjin and Taehyung's characters.
Jungkook was Taehyung's memory before and after he killed his father. While jimin was Taehyung's memory after an incident that made him forgot his sins (more topic about this later on the blog).
Namjoon was Seokjin's memory when he failed to help/save taehyung, Yoongi was his memory when he tried to reach out to taehyung and tried to hide the sins that he made (more topic about this later on the blog), and last was Hoseok, Seokjin's memory when taehyung died (more topic about this later on the blog).
Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok was actually just a memory of what Taehyung and Seokjin have been through. Like a stages of what pushed them to do the sins that they did.
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Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi's Dual Characters.
-These 5 members are actually playing two characters at a time throughout the whole series. Maybe, that's the reason why we are all confused.
At one time, they we're Taehyung and Jin's memories. And another time, they we're Taehyung's group of friends.
(I would explain it further as the plot goes on).
There won't be any Demian or Abraxas in this theory.
-Yup. I'll make this simple like a story. I completely ignored the book of demian and just focused on the narration that namjoon excerpt from it. I made this theory as close to reality as I can.
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Seokjin, Taehyung and their sister are siblings.
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As I've said from the start, jungkook is part of taehyung's memory while yoongi is part of jin's. It was shown throughout the series of mvs that jungkook and yoongi are brothers so I concluded that jin is part of taehyung's family.
In stigma and I need U mv, taehyung's family was only consist of his sister and abusive father. Meaning that their mother is nowhere to be found, so is Seokjin. It implies that their parents have divorced and their mother took jin, while their father got the custody for taehyung and his sister.
The piano and whistling in first love (yoongi's short film) is an indication that taehyung and jin used to have a dream to pursue music. They we're close but because of the seperation, all those dreams was shattered; hence the burning piano on jungkook's nightmare (begin short film).
Maybe also because of the separation, taehyung's father became a drunkard and abusive.
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We can also see in stigma that taehyung started as a weak common teen who gets abused by his father. Then throughout the short film, whenever his sister gets beat up the look on his eyes would change. The pent up anger and frustration of not being able to protect his sister drastically changed him.
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Right from the start of 'I Need U', we can already notice the frustration on taehyung's face. He was like a walking volcano, ready to erupt. So to prevent himself from doing something that he wasn't supposed to do, he aimlessly walked around the neighborhood to cool off his head, but when he got back home what greets him is his father beating up his sister.
That is when he snapped. He felt like it was the only way to escape.
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Taehyung killed his father. He commited a crime, but why wasn't he in jail?
I was confuse at this too until I've listen to stigma once again.
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Taehyung's sister covered for his crime and took the blame instead.
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The story goes on and now we're at the 'On Stage: Prologue'.
It started with taehyung sitting somewhere secluded with his hands covered in blood. He called someone and desperately said "Hyung, I want to see you."
The question is, was the phone call answered or was it left straight into voicemail?
That question was cleared with namjoon's short film 'Reflection'.
The call was unanswered.
In reflection, namjoon was seen to be struggling to unlock the phone booth to answer the phone call, but it was already too late.
Namjoon was jin's memories of regret. That if only he responded to taehyung's call for help, eveything would have been different.
Just like a butterfly's effect, one little mistake can lead into someone's ultimate despare.
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Now, taehyung used to be pure. He used to be a child with lots of hopeful dreams, but because of life's unfortunate challenges; he changed.
He was an angel but his white wings was tainted black by the huge crime that he commited.
Like a rat pushed into a corner, taehyung fought back.
This stage of his life was portrayed by jungkook.
This is the part in bst japanese mv where my sister pointed out that made everything clear to me.
"This is like run but darker" That's what she said and that was actually crucial.
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The intro of wing's album is "Boy meets evil"
In which taehyung did met evil but in sheep's cloths.
I persume that somewhere along the way, taehyung met namjoon (second character) and with namjoon comes his group of other friends; jungkook, yoongi, jimin and hoseok (second character).
When you're alone and lonely, every little interaction can be seen as a helping hand.
And that helping hand that was givin to taehyung was namjoon's. But namjoon isn't actually nice.
In bst japanese mv there was a scene where namjoon forcibly made jungkook drink an alcohol, then after that jungkook was seem to be awaken to something.
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Namjoon was the one who opened him up into temptation and jungkook (taehyung) fell for it.
Which would explain why his hands in I need U japanese mv was covered in black, and in bst japanese mv his hands was bruised. It was because namjoon's second character was the one who ripped taehyung's wings.
Namjoon's second character was the one who pushed him further into despair.
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There was also a scene where jungkook puked in the toilet and yoongi came, shaking him up as if asking why he did it, but jungkook just pushed him and ignored his presence. In this part, yoongi (jin) wasn't really there. Jungkook (taehyung) was only hallucinating that if his brother saw what was happening in his life, that would be his reaction. Jungkook pushing yoongi's illusion was a sign that he's erasing his brother's presence from his life.
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Actually, almost everything in I need U and Run mv was just taehyung's hallucination.
In some scenes in I need u and run mv, them having fun just running around and causing a little bit of rucus everywhere was all a lie.
Run and I need U mv are at taehyung's POV. In his mind, he thinks what they are doing aren't harmful. But, it shows in the bst japanese mv that taehyung has lost his mind and is probably high on drugs.
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This is my additional theory that wasn't seen on any bts mv. The moment when Jin returned and got to know about the things that happened to taehyung and his little sister. It hit him that at the same day when taehyung killed their father, he also called him. And knowing that he haven't been able to respond the call, he started blaming himself. Seokjin searched for his brother, and when he found him, taehyung was already misserable.
I have no idea on how their confrontation happened but, again, I listened to stigma and I got a little hint on it.
"Stop crying and tell me something,
Tell the me who have no courage,
'Why did you do that to me then? Sorry'
Forget it, what right do I have?
To tell you this, or that."
Stop crying and tell me something, tell the me who have no courage.
(He was probably hoping that Jin would tell him that what he did with their father is wrong. That jin would help him face his wrong doings. That he would help him get punished by the law)
'Why did you do that to me then? Sorry'
(He was blaming jin for ignoring the call that he made and for leaving him and his sister alone.)
Forget it, what right do I have? To tell you this, or that.
(Taehyung thought that even if he rant about his feelings and burden to jin, it won't make any difference. So he kept quiet and resulted for the conflict to be left unsolved)
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Moving on, in Bst korean ver. mv; J-hope portays an archer and he seems to be pointing out the arrow to Taehyung. I've done a bit of research and found out that Archangels are the highest angel in heaven and they fight off evil with good.
As I said from the start, J-hope is a part of Jin, a stage in his life. J-hope portraying an Archangel means that jin tried to help taehyung to be live on his life on the good path.
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He probably had a hard time in doing so. In bst japanese mv, we saw Jin beating up taehyung and saying 'I'm sorry' in between.
He did this to wake taehyung up from his craziness but taehyung's mind is already fucked up.
In run mv, we saw yoongi going wild and jungkook throwing a fist at him to stop him. This is just my conclusion but since jungkook is a part of taehyung, taehyung probably thought in his mind that jin was the one who was crazy and he needs to fight back to help him.
What taehyung was seeing in his mind is the run mv, but the thruth is the bst japanese mv.
He thought he was right but he isn't.
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In this part, taehyung almost ended up hurting jin really bad. (as seen on bst japanese mv, he tried to attack jin)
But, it wasn't seen that he did injured his brother.
So, taehyung probably got a hold of a bit of his sanity before doing another crime.
While still high, he ran away and walk around the streets with his mind in a mess. (I'm connecting jungkook in 'I need U' mv here because it seems to fit)
Taehyung probably got into a car accident. Which would explain yoongi's 'first love short film'.
And because of that incident, taehyung forgot some of his memory, most of it the bad one.
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Yoongi (Jin) took this chance to help taehyung reset his life. Yes, yoongi was jin's stage in life where he lied and concealed the sins that taehyung did, thinking that it would be the best for him, and jimin was the stage in taehyung's life whereas he started living with broken pieces of his real memories mixed with the fake one that jin gave him.
In jimin's short film 'LIE', a robot was showing him some cards with pictures on it and jimin seems to not have any memories of it, but in between; a video of jimin invertedly dancing that looks like he's suffering can be seen.
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The robot can be interpret as the doctors who are examining him on how much memories he has and the video in between is his inner thoughts on how much he's suffering from losing his memories.
Jimin is distressed from all the broken memories that he has, which aren't the same with what yoongi (jin) has been telling him.
Yoongi (jin) knows about this, but he still kept on trying to hide the thruth from jimin (taehyung). Why? Because he loves his brother.
And his love for him is his greatest sin.
I know, you all are going to say that love isn't a sin. Yes it isn't, but it can become one. Love can distort everything and make a person obsessive.
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Which happened to yoongi(jin). Out of fear that his brother might leave and became like he used to be once regain his memories, he confined him in a room which we all already saw.
Remember the room from jin's short film 'awake'? Yes, that was where jin confined taehyung. That empty big house was where the two of them live, jin hoping that everything would be better for them if they stay and go on the rest of their lives with just the two of them.
The apple on awake is obviously jimin's (taehyung) favorite food. And the door on the room where jin goes to has a lot of scratches on it. Which if you can see on bst japanese ver. and taehyung's 'stigma' short film is what taehyung always does.
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Jin thought that maybe, hiding means forgetting; but that wasn't definitely the case on taehyung's side. The guilt of the crime that he did would always remain and haunts him wherever he goes.
So when taehyung's memories slowly returns, it haunts him.
It was shown on jungkook's short film 'begin'. How jungkook (taehyung) would wake up from the nightmares of his car accident. Then, the blurry pictures that was hanging all around him was his memories that he can't remember; and the painting of taehyung represents how fucked up he have become.
We saw how the painting became more messy as some paint was sprayed on it, on the process jungkook started crying too; he only calmed down when the painting was burned to ashes.
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The painting is taehyung, the paint that was srayed on it is his crimes; Jungkook cries because he don't want to believe the thruth.
Just like how he called his brother after killing his father, in the short film, he also calls for him while crying.
Because he wants to run away from his problem, jungkook burned the painting.
But lies can't become the thruth. No matter how much we try to run away from it, the thruth would always be the only thruth.
So the time came where jimin's (taehyung) memories returned.
When he regained all the painful memories and all the crime and sins that he did, taehyung couldn't take it. He, unfortunately, killed himself.
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Jin's biggest sin is his love for his brother.
He kissed the statue (which is taehyung) and even tried to protect him even though he knows that taehyung is bad and needs to be punnished.
Jin is like the angel who fell in love with evil, and because of that love he started breaking when taehyung ended his life.
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J-hope is the one who portrayed this stage of life of jin and how he cooped up with taehyung's death.
It was always shown that j-hope keeps on taking this sort of pills. In my understanding, that is either a painkiller or sleeping pills that gives you some illusion as a side effect, and the illusion that j-hope would always see is his brother, still alive and well.
Because of his depression, j-hope overdosed in this medication that resulted to him being taken in a mental hospital/regular hospital.
Still, everywhere, his brother is still there. In run mv where j-hope is still in the hospital bed, he hallucinates that jimin was with him, but when he tried to hit him with the pillow, jimin dissapeared.
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J-hope's mental sickness got worse that he started having seizures and tries to self harm. He isn't really supposed to be sick, but because he keeps on running away from the reality that his brother is gone, he almost started becoming like what taehyung was.
But Jin/J-hope in a way portrayed the another side of depression. That it can be fought and it don't always needs to end up in tragedy.
He fought his inner demons and won. In the end of j-hope's short film 'mama', he left the cubicle with a smile. And the quoute on it was 'because the sky is blue, because the sun is shining' and that alone is an enough reason to continue your life.
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Jin in awake is the another presentation on how he cooped up in taehyung's death. Letting everyone knows that it would be hard at first and it would mess up your mind; but when he opens the curtain and watched the bird fly, he knew that the world would continue turning and he should too.
Jin left the polariod pictures on the ground that has each symbols on his and his brother's memories. Then, he walked out the room and continued outside.
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In bst japanese mv. He was seen in a car with a smile in his face.
Seokjin has moved on and survived.
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This is the end of my hyyh and wings theory. I could be wrong, but if this is really true; I have a new found respect on bts and bighit.
They definitely aren't just idols who does this for fame, but artists who wants the world to change.
If you have more questions about my theory, just comment bellow; But keep in mind that this is just my own understanding about the hyyh and wings.
I would try to post a more throughout detailed theory next time, but for now; this is the summary.
Edit: Thank you for the feature and all your lovely comments
BTW, I didn't add spring day into this because I've saw a lot of articles saying spring day is for the Sewol victims. I don't wanna be rude by making assumptions on a song that was meant for the tragedy.
Thank you so much again for liking this blog.
message from pentan-sonyeondan
please share this because it helped me understand the mvs so much better and i think it will help others as well. thanks! <3 
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