#a delicate balancing act ~ [ fused steven rps ]
two-sides-halved · 1 year
First Impressions | @lcpislczulii
Steven Squared was debating on rather he should venture through the unfamiliar forest to get to the barn they knew was some distance ahead of them, or just stay right here to enjoy the brief calm before any emotional storm that would arise from seeing her again. On one hand, Steven was waiting for them and the fusion would hate to make him needlessly worry, on the other hand the fusion hallucinations were not the best and just how they had mixed feelings on Lapis could cause that to happen at any moment. "Just keep it together, Steven... he just wants everyone to be happy... we have to do this for him." He took a deep calming breath. "We're here together... I can do this."
Classic Steven listened to Lapis explain the noise and looked over in the direction of the noise, his first thought that it might have been Gem Steven since he typically liked to travel in leaps and slowly floating down, while Human Steven simply took leisurely strolls unless he had to run. He was ripped from his thoughts on the source of the noise to the sound of Lapis' distress. She sounded hesitant. He took a moment to think. One part of him wanted to check and see if it was his brothers since he was almost sure it had to be them, but on the other hand, he didn't want Lapis to be upset if he agreed to her offer since she didn't sound so enthusiastic about it. He thought to text his brothers again, but he also didn't want to make it seem like he was getting impatient because he already know that Gem Steven wasn't all that willing do this thing in the first place and he didn't wanna be pushy about it.
Steven Squared got up, "Alright... let's do this." He paused to fix his hair and paused, "Oh, almost forgot the most important thing before we go to meet up with her." He summoned a pair of obnoxiously green shutter shades from his gem and put them over his eyes. "Alright, now I think we're ready to go." He smiled as they started heading in the direction of the barn.
Classic Steven nodded, "Yea, we should. That's the same direction as the warp pad, and I'm sure that it had to have been them that fell over, I need to make sure they didn't get hurt to bad." He replied.
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two-sides-halved · 1 year
Redoing First Impressions | @lcpislczulii
Classic Steven had stayed up the previous night, working on the perfect plan on how Steven Squared and Lapis can have a nice first impression of each other. Despite the fact that they already kinda had a first impression of each other... and it was bad... really bad... like Gem Steven wouldn't stop reminding him bad.. but this is why he's doing this to get Gem Steven to see that Lapis really was just scared and she's not really like that all the time. After he was pleased with his plans he got ready to sleep.
Later the next morning, after breakfast, Classic Steven is excitedly dragging both his brothers hands to the warp pad. "Steven, calm down there buddy, we just ate breakfast you're gonna make Steven sick if you jostle him around too much." "Sorry... I'm just really excited today... I've got something planned and I need you both to come to the barn with me."
A silence falls between the three of them. Human and Gem Steven's are looking between each other, before both of them look back at Classic who has this adorable hopeful look in his eyes.
"No.. absolutely not." Gem Steven replied, gently pulling his hand away. "Oh come on you don't even know what I've got planned." Classic Steven replied crossing his arms. "Steven, the only things at the barn are the drill, Peridot and the bitch who nearly drowned two kids and broke dad's leg... I don't want to be anywhere near her." Gem Steven replied counting on his fingers. "Steven, language!" Human Steven chimed in with his own arms crossed. "Steven don't call her that, that's mean." Classic Steven replied. "Oh but nearly drowning you and Connie is perfectly fine. Good to know." Gem Steven replied, turning away. "Steven, she was scared." Classic Steven replied. "... Scared of what? The gems? They wanted to put the Earth's ocean back where it was..." Gem Steven replied. "She also threw the first punch and you were the one that she hit." He added. "Steven, she just wanted to go home." "Yea, back to the same side where they were going to either shatter her torture her for information more and oh look at that she lead them right to us where we lived..." He grumbled. "Oh and not to forget the fact she's the one who forced Jasper into Malachite not the other way around." "..." Classic Steven knew Gem Steven would get like this, so now it was plan B. "Steven, please... just let me prove to you she's not the same person you knew before... she's changed." "..." Gem Steven looked over to his brother with a side glance. Human Steven was frowning and looked back with a nod. "Fucking... fine. But I'm not easily convinced she can just change since you said she can... but I'll do this for you." Gem Steven turned and paused. "Head over to the barn I need to talk with Steven, first." "Alright... please promise you'll be nice." Classic Steven added. Gem Steven freezes up. "I'll make sure he'll be nice... just go make sure Lapis is in a good mood to meet new people, ok buddy?" Human Steven chimed in so he can calm down his brother. "Oh good idea." Classic Steven replied warping to the closet warp to the barn and heading that way, happy he got his brothers to agree, wondering why Gem Steven had clammed up at the last second. He shrugged it off since Gem Steven always has moments where he gets like that.
Classic Steven finally made his way to the barn and called out "Hey Peridot... have you seen Lapis?" He asked, Peridot was busy working on the drill and gestures to the silo that was stuck into the barn. "Thanks Peridot." He waved, "Keep up the good work." He walked toward the barn and called up. "Hey Lapis... can you come down and talk with me please?"
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two-sides-halved · 2 years
@fvllnbcryl | Continued
As the Steven's conversation continued in the mindscape. Steven Squared let out a soft cough to get the Steven's attention as they keep mentioning Cyan, Aqua, Marine, and Citrine and rather or not it'd be a good time to ask the question of how Aqua had managed to snuck away without notice, which almost gotten Cyan killed in the process. Human Steven directing his thoughts at Gem Steven, "Yes, I understand that Marine wasn't that savory of a person to be around... but after fusing with Aqua, I could feel that overwhelming amount of anger toward you for doing that to her." "Yea, I don't doubt that she's upset but hey at least my actions didn't end up with anyone being rejuvenated or shattered on sight... or would you have rather watched me crush that navel gem in my hand like it was a ball of clumped up brown sugar?" "No! You're missing the point I'm trying to make! I'm saying that right now is the worst time to ask those questions."
Steven Squared hear Cyan asking "Is that allowed?" and called to their attention in the mindscape, "Hey you two, I know you're debating a heavy topic about will you or won't you ask a question. But I'm taking over cause I'm not about to get stared at like some side show attraction... so uhh, I hope at least one of you is going to be paying attention to my actions... if not have fun explaining your memory lapses to them." He called out, the two of them blinked for a moment, a bit and turned toward the other and gave their consent so they can continue their debate.
Steven Squared's eyes go from their bright pink with their different pupils to represent his different brothers that make up this fusion to a pair of dull gradient eyes, before standing up and stretching out as it's been a while since Steven Squared's been active. He looked over toward Aqua and Cyan, with his dull gradient eyes, however his expression was pretty bright in comparison.
"Well, hello to both of you... I don't think we've formally met... I'm Steven Squared, the physical embodiment of a loving and caring sibling relationship of Human Steven and Gem Steven." He gave a small scratch under his fluffy pink and reddish brown hair on his neck, "The boys are in a personal debate at the moment so both of you will be accompanied by me, their shared subconscious, you can call me Squared." He grinned before pausing.
"I heard some questions and I'll happily answer them... that is if I wasn't just hearing things of course... sometimes that can happen with fusions.... or maybe that's just a me thing."
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two-sides-halved · 2 years
@fvllnbcryl | Continued
Steven Squared listened to the other's question. "Well, she claimed to have crash landed so I don't think she was entirely aware that Aqua was there until Steven had told her not knowing that it was a really bad idea to have her know about it..." He continued.
"Gem Steven met Aqua while having an hallucination based off of a past event with another Aquamarine who was... less than pleasant." He continued, "While Citrine had been by her crash site when Human Steven had noticed and offered to help her." Steven Squared replied.
"Citrine has been taken care of, and Aqua is safe... and I suggest we get into the ship now so we can all head back home because it's getting a bit exhausting maintaining the fake robonoid bubble."
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two-sides-halved · 2 years
@erisdiamas | Continued
Steven Squared's face contorted, into a semi confused expression, as the two once again had a conversation this time internal, before shaking off the confusion with a smile again, before stretching out, "Well as much as I'd like to stay, we're sure that the gems and dad would be just as happy as we are to see me." Steven Squared replied mentioned to Connie, who didn't seem phased by his odd manor of speaking.
Connie smiled, "Alright, I'll keep watch of the cookies, I think you're Dad and Pearl are practicing for Beach-A-Palooza."
"Ah, that's right!" Steven Squared headed out of the door to go see the rest of the family, starting to hum as he walked down the stairs seeing a real life butterfly flutter by as he started belting out a tone talking about who here they are in the future and it's bright.
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two-sides-halved · 2 years
@erisdiamas | Continued
The butterflies continued their swarming around them, unseen by the memories in the moment, who continued their conversation. "Connie, you can't be serious." His pupils white reflecting the worry in his human half. "This is stupidly dangerous, how the fuck are you expecting to pull that move off with a gem that's made of fucking taffy?" The pupils switching to black to represent the doubt in the gem half, the movement in their stance caused a severe pain to wave through their body, the gemstone nearly half away out of his form. He groaned in pain, doubled over, but fighting through the pain through his breathing techniques. "Squared..." She held his face squishing his cheeks, having them both focus on her, reflected in their balanced black diamond and white star pupils. "I'm dead serious about this. The world is actively dying, you know we can't waste time with an argument over my sake... just let me do this for you, Steven. I promise you we can make it out of this mess together " She gave the other that same warm smile that just beamed with energy to calm them down and helped them not worry as much. Squared looked deep into her eyes, not a hint of doubt on her end. Every word of it was true, so they had to take the chance. He gave in, Connie had a plan, and he put all his trust into her. He nodded, summoning a shield. "Ready when you are." Spinel was cackling off to the side as she peeled herself off the ground, took a deep breath and blew into her thumb and inflated herself back to normal with an audible pop. She was on her feet ready for another round of fun, seeing the other two put their plan into action. The fusion flung the shield directly at Spinel, who yawned as a taunt, the same old moves as before, they must be running out of material, however she turned confused, watching it fly past her. The fusion taking the chance, and throwing a second shield as Connie charged at Spinel as well, then took a leap off the second shield as Spinel turned around, shouting at the fusion, "Ya missed!" Spinel noticed sparkles from a freshly dissipated shield, then saw a shadow getting bigger as Connie had her sword above her head ready to slice the gem straight down the middle. "But I won't." Spinel replied with a twisted smile, pulling a ball of light out of her gemstone, as Connie grew closer. The light formed into a pair of garden sheers, a pink diamond shaped gem embedded at the hinges, and before the human or the fusion had known what would happen. Spinel opened the sheers, thrusting forward into Connie's midriff. Connie gasped in pain. Steven Squared tried to speed up as he had done before, but the pain from his dislocated gemstone brought them to their knees. Then with one large clang of the handles as they rammed into each other so the blades would cut. There was a light cling of the sword, the thump of Connie's lower half followed by a second thump of Connie's upper half as she had lost momentum and fell to the ground. She was in shock, her body pouring out more and more blood onto the grey dead grass of their small chunk of Earth they called their battle field. "Eegh, you humans don't exactly poof, do you?" Spinel replied with disgust as she rung herself out like a sponge to get the excess blood off herself. The sound of the butterflies flying over head, surrounding them in the moment. The beating of their collective wings sounding like the thunderstorm echoing throughout the memory. The fusion's legs gave out from under them, they fell to their knees, with a sobbing shout. "CONNIE!" His voice full of deep regret, and sorrow. His eyes burning up as big globs of tears beaded up under his sad eyes. (1/?)
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two-sides-halved · 3 years
Closed RP | @son-oftheuniverse​
It was a lazy Saturday morning. Steven Squared was laying on the couch, staring at his hands. Garnet had always said fusion was an experience, but why did his experience feel so frayed... One moment he feels like a single person, the next he feels like two kids in a small trench coat. His father said there was no one like them, two children born from a Gem and a Human. Maybe fusion just didn’t feel the same for them cause he was special.
Steven Squared got up and let out a soft sigh, “What is up with us? I wish we could just... understand why I feel like this...”  Cookie’s ears perked up at the other’s sad tone, going over to the boy to comfort him with purrs. Steven Squared gave Cookie soft petting over her chocolate colored fur, while Lion’s eye opened hearing what sounded like a command or an ask in search of guidance, he stretched out and went over to the door patting it like he wanted to go out. Steven Squared chuckled and went to leave causing Cookie to whine.
“Alright, you can right on our head, while we take Lion for a walk.“ Steven Squared scooped up his ice cream born kitten and placed her on his head as they quickly got Human Steven’s cheeseburger backpack since sometimes with Lion’s walks they can get pretty long.
They soon followed Lion outside with a cheeseburger backpack’s worth of supplies until he stopped and plopped on the ground. This action confused Steven Squared, before Lion tilted his head as a signal to hop on. Steven Squared nodded and gently hopped up on Lion moving Cookie down onto Lion’s mane, as he started running with the two passengers on his back before roaring to open a portal and jump through it.
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The other end of the diamond shaped portal, opened and they fell quite literally out of the sky, with Lion landing safely but plopping down immediately tired and winded. Steven Squared yelped as the momentum tossed him off landing on on something that wasn’t soft sand, instead it felt hard, but the dizziness hadn’t died down enough for them to even see their surroundings yet..  “Ugh, Lion, you are a terrible driver.” He muttered.
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two-sides-halved · 3 years
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"Ah would you look at that... it's August 15th." Steven Squared paused, "That's Steven's birthday."
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"Or does that count as my birthday? Do fusions get birthdays?" He clasped the sides of his head.
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two-sides-halved · 5 years
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✨ l Semi-Selective OC/Canon-Divergent Ask / RP
✨ l Steven Universe AU / Multi-ship / Multiverse
✨ l Crossover Friendly
✨ l Main Blog: @so-many-muses​
✨ l Rules | Muses | Verses | My Art
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two-sides-halved · 4 years
Steven Squared finished setting up camp in the woods of Beach Cities forest, in another timeline. The only people by his side from their original was their newly Pink Connie, Lion, who had brough them there to save them, the shattered remains of his family in a pink bubble, the shattered shatterer herself in a dark black bubble that was opaque so you couldn't tell what was inside, and his kitten, Cookie.
It seems like their world ending only happened yesterday but its been an entire month, which wasn't entirely bad, save for a few corrupted gems coming out of nowhere and attacking their campsite, and the almost frequent hallucinations and nightmares due to the trauma of watching everyone they cared about get hurt or worse.
Steven Squared, althought loved nature even when divided into their components, grew tired of their woodland scenery and figured it was high time that they explored Beach City.
Steven Squared headed out of the woods, slowly getting into the city, scanning the area, as he went along. So far, so good, no one was calling attention to the Rose Quartz sized human, maybe it was due to his gem being hidden under a tied up jacket sleeve.
A growl emitted from his gut, they were hungry. They looked around the area and spotted a couple options, Fish Stew Pizza or Beach City Fries. As he was going to make his way over, he now noticed a younger child... was he seeing things or did he have cats in his fingers. He continued closer quietly hiding behind a garbage can. As he drew closer, he noticed it wasn't just any kid with mutated hands with cat for fingers... it was a Steven... he kinda looked like Human Steven when he was younger but he was in a red shirt instead of a blue one. Steven Squared muttered something out loud.
" if Steven's here... where is his brother?"
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