#a dialogue between Kage and Mephisto
"Does blood drinking count as vore?"
"You know, like, getting off on eating people alive. Or getting eaten alive. Would drinking someone's blood count for that? I mean, you are eating them - a very visceral and intimate part of them."
"True. Blood is the currency of the soul as they say."
"Indeed." "There's hardly a more intimate part of a person. Maybe that's why vampires and are so feared. They take that intimacy by force. They eat you alive, but only the most vital, nurturing source."
"But then, vampires are hardly the only thing that's done that. You would certainly know."
"That I would."
"Is there anything more intimate than eating someone alive?"
"Only maybe fucking them senseless while you do so."
"Hmf. That's true, I suppose. Perhaps that's why Incubi and Succubi are so feared. They do eat you alive, flesh and all, while viciously screwing you just for funsies." "...maybe even you would consider that a good time, ne?"
"Mm-hmm. It's possible".
"So...would you let me eat you? If it meant you could devour me? Blood, body and soul?"
"...Perhaps. But only if I got to fuck you while I did it."
"Permission to fuck granted."
"Hmf. Like I would need permission."
Have a little dialogue-clipped scene I wrote while freaking out about Jury Duty today. I removed the context because honestly the dialogue is pretty versatile for various Blorbos and I just wanted to post that. Plus, uh. In case it's not obvious, they be kinda horny here.
If the context is requested I will post the full scene horny and all, I just saw it and went "hm. Some of my mutuals might like this even if they're not in this fandom" so there ya go.
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For the ask! How about 7, 8, and then one that you want to do off the list :D
Hooo boy you sure know how to ask the hard ones don't ya?
Also these are gonna reference the newly re named Savages (formerly die Uhr dort droben) a fic which is basically my OC and Samael hating on and relating to each other Hannibal - esque style with Rin as an unfortunate collateral and try-to-be savior. (Or, Samael needed a good foil so I used what I had to make one)
WARNING: This gets dark pretty fast.
7. Favorite description in your WIP?
Is waaaaay too long to post here, but I really am proud of my description of some of Kage's body language. She communicates primarily through that, so I needed to get god level good at writing descriptive text and sometimes I actually feel like I made it. The entire camping/initial mission scene is really one of my faves, and one of the the dialogue below is taken from that scene.
8. Favourite dialogue in your WIP?
This is where it gets dark:
I couldn't choose between the camp scene and another, later scene so I will post both, sans the major spoiler parts:
Yukio scoffed, growing sense of irritation further confusing the teen. Rin was right. What was it about this...this animal, that aggravated him so much?
"You don't even say at our place, you always go back and forth to Mephisto's house. So why don't you just stay there? Or better still - why go back there at all?" Yukio leered with a wry, bitter smirk. He managed to catch himself from yelling at her, but only just.
...Kage stood still for a while, breathing unsettlingly steady. Yukio knew he'd struck something, but he hadn't quite decided if it was gold or pig iron. He braced himself for the latter when she turned her head slightly to make herself more easily understood.
"I am merely a stray dog that has found a new home. One which, coincidentally, has a much more benevolent master."
"Benevolent?" Yukio scoffed incredulously. A bud of confusion bloomed into a stark flower of regret as her body tensed almost imperceptibly. Her body turned toward him just enough for her to engage him with one hardened eye, its depths distressingly hollow but no less harsh when her reply came in softened tones, which had seemingly soaked up as much venom as she could muster without outright betraying that fact to the uninitiated.
"One should assume that would answer most of your questions about what sort of life I've led up to now." Kage paused, her monocular gaze trading some of it's hard, heavy edges for lighter ones, the hollowness filling up with a sad and resigned look that Yukio didn't know how to place.
"As well as why I can't afford to trust you."
And then there's this monster of a scene (oh god the angst. For some context, this is a scene that involves torture of the psychological kind. You've been warned.)
Shima felt a sick feeling settling into his gut, almost like going into shock. And he was shocked. What the hell? Shima felt his body beginning to tremble involuntarily as he resisted the sharp urge to choke on his tongue. What the hell?!
"It wasn't as if I had a choice." Kage explained, her voice entirely too calm, as it had been the entire time she stood over the demonness writhing silently beneath her. "If I hadn't complied, I'd of been killed." She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, seeming to think for a moment how best to respond. " I merely had to discover my sense for humanity, that's all. I discovered the human parts of myself for the first time, was made to really reconcile with them for the first time. It was either figure out how to be human, or die." She breathed a sigh, expression becoming owlishly keen as she tapped the side of the demons face with her sword, head cocking to the side in a way that made Shima's stomach churn.
"I simply started with the bad side of them. That's all." She paused, turning to look at Shima, a hot and hollow soul taking the place of where her eyes were supposed to be. A soul that didn't feel real. A soul that didn't belong to her. Not her, not Kage - no way. No fucking way. Not like this. Not like this.
"Not like I started out with the best examples of them, anyway."
And I choose 16 for Kage since this is about her anyway
16. a. What motives do you give your OC? What drives them?
Kage is motivated primarily by her own personal values. She values fairness and honesty above almost anything else, as indicated by her lack of ability to lie and insistence on reciprocity. She is also highly motivated by access to resources and ability to maintain social order. Be it hers or someone else's.
b. How much tragedy did you subject them to?
Ha. Ha ha. Ha. It was much worse when me and my concept of Kage were younger, but Kage is the ultimate survivor, let's put it that way. You don't live for nearly 300 years and not see some shit. Especially if you're a half breed.
And just for fun I'll do 27 too.
27. Do you have playlists for your WIP? What are some songs on it?
I do have a playlist for Savages but I don't want to give away more than I already have, so I'll list some character songs that suit her and her relationship with Samael
1. Unsurprisingly, Become the Beast by Karlienne was a big inspiration (as was the show Hannibal upon which it is based)
2. Liz Robinette's version of Unravel (Tokyo Ghoul OST)
3. The Wild One by Shawn James and the Shapeshifters
4. You Are The Moon by The Hush Sound
5. Fernes Uhrenticken by Clockwork-p on YouTube (from which the original title was taken) (I strongly recommend turning down the speed to .75 if you don't speak really good German)
6. Shrike by Hozier
7. Bad Apple (Liz Robinette's version) from Tohou
8. Burn the Witch by Shawn James
9. It's a Dangerous Game from the play Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
10. And Don't Save Me by Noctura ( which describes her relationship with her father, but oh well)
Hope you enjoyed!
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