#a few years ago i drew really compulsively on my tablet and it gave me a minor rsi which was BAD and i do not want that to happen again!!!
sigfig · 3 years
hey @ people who do digital art....have u found that upgrading to a bigger tablet helps with cramps/ergonomics? I’ve been drawing on this small wacom pen n touch for yeaars and i find it really hard to draw for more than an hr or two because my hand gets so cramped up. the drawing area on this tablet is 10x15cm!
im considering getting a xp pen deco 3 which has like twice the drawing space! that or a smaller (like 13 inch?) graphics tablet bc itd be nice to have a display that does accurate colours
pls lmk ur experience with tablet upgrades/different sizes !! im really keen to hear abt other peoples experiences.
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