#a funny little moment with steve and dustin and the rangers
Omggg pls tell me more about the soulmate xover!!
ALSO some Power Rangers 2017, but crossed over with Stranger Things ;) ;) ;)
So a friend and I have been kind of like. IDK, getting each other all hyped over the idea of crossing these universes over. Specifically to get Steve and Jason to meet (for me because I love Jason Scott and was super bummed when Dacre’s character in ST ended up being...Billy). I already dipped my toes in with one fic.
BUT. THEN. I was hit with this idea on the drive to work:
Jason Scott ends up in the ST universe and Steve says his words--figures it would take being in another universe to find someone who doesn't know his name--BUT there aren't soulmate marks in the ST universe so Steve is all...okay buddy whatever you say--guys, does Hargrove have amnesia or a concussion or something, he's being...weird
funny thing is, I started the fic with Steve and Dustin ending up in the PR17 universe instead so. Now I’m conflicted over which to choose 😂😂😂
And a snippet because I enjoy sharing 🤷‍♀️
The ground rocked under their feet. Jason threw out his arms and saw the others do the same out of the corner of his eye. He gave Zack a grateful nod when he kept Billy from falling over. Jason was too far away to catch him. Billy wasn't the steadiest on his feet on the best of days—it was endlessly endearing. Especially considering how good he became at keeping his balance when he donned his blue armor. But as himself? He was as clumsy as he'd ever been. As enthusiastic, too. 
Of course he was the first to suggest they investigate just what had made their cave shake.
"Fix it!"
"I don't—"
"I swear to god, Henderson, if the next words out of your mouth are ‘know how’, your ass is grass."
"Sure, just like it was when I told Max about your hair care—"
"You told her? You little shit, I thought she snuck into my bathroom when the rest of your nerd friends were keeping me busy."
"Uh, I mean. That's definitely how it happened."
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