#a grief so loud you taste it even as you clop away from the scene of the crime
wordsarefakeokay · 1 year
How do you say what can't be spoken
How do you describe the indescribable
What words are there when quiet prevails
How do we return what has been broken
Some moments are louder in silence
Moments where speechlessness abounds
It's like a car crash you can't look away from
The screeching of metal you cannot hear behind your own mirror glass
But it's a living memory you know will never leave
You're carrying something profound, this will forever roam
A looming memory that could never be defined by words in any dictionary
It's a heavyweight no combination of any language could describe
So I'll wait with you in the silence
Watch the wreck with you until everyone goes home
And then when you're ready to leave too
We can hold hands on our way home
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