#a healthy ecosystem of fandoms lmao
midmorningsong · 1 year
howdy ! I saw ur tags on my lifetime achivement award post and I just wanna say ✌ dw I already have an entire trigun/winter soldier-esque au planned out that im tryin SO hard to write lol (I did answer an ask about it on @.leo-bandito (my art sideblog) that explains it a little more hehe) SORRY if this is too forward & you dont have to respond but I just thought id let u know that an au IS already in the works teehee 💖 have a nice day/night!
HELLO HELLO sorry I got your ask a few days ago (at 6:30 in the morning when I got up for work lol) and was thinking about it alllll day! Just had a busy-ass week and wanted to be really present to write a reply because this??? is??? lovely??!?!!!!!
Seriously not too forward at all and I honestly wish tumblr culture encouraged more communication like this because it's so nice and thoughtful- seriously thank you for seeing my tag, and taking the time to message me directly letting me know about this absolute bomb of a fic you're writing, I am 100% frothing on just the idea of it and can't wait to see what you do with the story and characters!
Please ask/message/tag/whatever me when it's up, I would love to read it and will put my high school english essay skills to work in the comments haha
If you try message or ask me in future and I don't respond after a few days assume I've missed the notification or it got lost somehow and just copy/paste it to me another way! Open consent for anyone to (respectfully) harass me about any fandom stuff, though I'm mostly here just looking at fandom memes and art and still don't know what half the dash buttons do lmao
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crushingway · 10 months
sees an advertisement for “18+ server for normal people” lmao no thank you that sounds boring as fuck. imagine not being a huge freak and not wanting to hang out with other freaks
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