#a letter from a secret friend! ✉️
patchw0rk-quilt · 11 months
you need to get off the internet it's fucking your brain doggystyle
i know this is supposed to be anon hate but this is so funny to me. like what do you think you’re achieving by telling me that the internet is having gay sex with my brain
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mngo-jii · 1 year
UM!!! hiii im kinda new to this but if requests are open and its cool w you (im sorry if you had a list of what you were and weren't willing to write i couldnt find it 😭) i'd like to request daniel page x male!reader where they've been dating for a while but have been rlly lowkey abt it and their friends find out and are surprised but also not surprised at all
totally fine if you cant though! have a good day!
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“ A LITTLE DISCREET. ” d. page x m! reader
wc: 963
letter ✉️: i’m alive... god i’m alive... hello male readers, time for dinner. sorry food today is a little mushy and moldy, mother is trying her best 🙁
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“[MC] and Daniel? Ah! Such good friends, they are!” — Lottie, answering about you and your boyfriend.
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Without a doubt, you and Daniel were good friends, absolutely. I mean, you two were always side-by-side. Arms linked, shoulders glued to one another, teasing remarks thrown at each other.
You two even shared a dorm. You and Daniel were good roommates, for sure. You two would often study together on the dorm room table. Textbooks stacked up, several notebooks open, concentrated faces, and scribbling quills.
On top of that, you and Daniel’re also good classmates. Always pairing up with each other, sulking when you aren’t.
Always saved a seat for the other, sneaked answers scribbled on a small torn paper, passed notes to one another... The like.
Lottie is definitely right. And everyone could see it; even the teachers, the paintings, a few house elves.
...However, for a pair of good friends, you two seem to be closer than Robyn and Kevin... Well, with your faces slightly flushed and your fingers wandering in hopes to find the other’s. With lingering glances at one another and content expressions relaxing on your facial features.
Each and everyone’s Hogwarts uniform isn’t all the same—of course, that goes without saying when it comes to everyone’s body proportions.
Though sometimes you could even identify your own necktie from another’s, even in the same house. It might be a small odd spot on the material that’s color is a little off from the rest, or maybe a rather short thread hanging out from the hem...
However, you stare at you and your roommate’s necktie placed on the dresser in the morning as you prepare, one is shorter than the other. You don’t even think about which one is yours, grabbing which your ‘gut’ tells you is so—which just so happens to be Daniel’s.
And the next morning you pick up his again, and the morning after, and the morning after... Not that any of you would notice.
But sometimes it might not be an accident, sometimes it might not even be your tie.
Like times where he’d lend you his robe when you forget your own, or when you lend him yours.
Sometimes none of you had even forgotten your robes—you simply swap. And for what?
Well, none of you really had the chance to establish the answer. Not when no one asked, anyway.
It’s rather ironic, though? One moment, you and your roommate are deeply delving into the pages of your textbooks, and then you’re leaning towards him, pressing your lips against his, the next. Daniel’s hand grabs a fistful of your shirt, yours grip on the arm of his chair.
Not to mention the fact you and your classmate hold hands under the table during class. Oh, well.
Ah, the flushed look on your faces when Professor McGonagall offers you—“A reminder that the Forbidden Forest is strictly off-limits. I know its mystery and secrets may tempt you. But trust me. Only danger and peril will await those foolish enough to enter.”
And you and Daniel nod as if you didn't just share a kiss in that same exact ‘off-limits’ location last night.
At one point you and Daniel have grown on edge of whether or not your friends had found out.
So you were a little befuddled to see the astonished look on their faces when they caught Daniel—leaning over to place a quick peck on your lips before hurrying to class.
Of course, there was no reason to further keep your relationship a secret, so you tried to unravel the truth as casually as possible.
“Oh. Daniel and I are dating.”
There’s a mix of distinct reactions on their end—surprise, betrayal, aloofness? They’re either too dramatic or too indifferent. But it’s only for a mere second.
Lottie thinks back on the numerous times you and Daniel had acted a little odd and the realisation hits her like... A gust of wind.
Because if she were to be honest, she saw it coming from a mile away. I mean, what else would explain the way she’d doodle you and Daniel together?
That one painting with you and Daniel on one of the benches, fingers intertwined, faces inches away from one another yet you two were only merely having a chat? Well, there’s your explanation.
Ivy titters out loud, a wide smile spread across her face. “I knew it!”
Kevin takes a moment to pause and decides that it wasn’t really much of a surprise, yet he questions why you didn’t tell them sooner—s’well as Robyn, who runs her fingers through her hair with a rather agitated face. “Why didn’t you tell us?!”
“—Well,” she cuts herself off before you could reply, “I kind of already knew, so. I just needed confirmation.”
You blink. “You did?”
“Oh come one, what pair of ‘good friends’ sneak out into Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom to kiss anyway?” Robyn eyes you as she places her hand on her hip.
...Perhaps you and Daniel weren’t so discreet after all.
It's rather ironic though, isn’t it? Because despite you and Daniel being boyfriends, you still act like you haven’t escaped the puppy love stage. Maybe you never will. Not with the dopey grins you exchange from across the room.
Not with the way your hearts still feel like they’re beating out of your chests as you latch onto each other, nearly out of breath from how bad you’re laughing.
The blush forming on your cheeks as you stop momentarily and get a glimpse of his euphoric face, with the same smile you just can’t get enough of.
Or when he crawls into your bed instead of his as you stare at your ceiling, softly rambling about how nice it would be if you and him went outside right now and flew around the castle. Daniel isn’t listening unfortunately. He’s staring at you.
Not when he still gets surprised at the way you suddenly grab ahold of his hand with a grin on your face. A grin that tells him everything he needs to know—that he’s safe. That he’s home. He furrows his eyebrows at the ground with a poorly fought-back smile.
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a/n: im falling off so bad aghh jesus take the wheel. anyway you when you and your homie go from delving into textbooks to study to delving into each others lips
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peachsukii · 7 months
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💕 My Hero Academia Love Letter Series 💕
『 📬 Check your inbox! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ 』 ˚ʚ ꒰ I.Midoriya | K.Bakugo | S.Todoroki | E.Kirishima | D.Kaminari ꒱ ɞ˚
✉️ Message received from: Denki Kaminari 💌 Secret Admirer
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yo y/n! i got your number from kirishima, hope that's cool. i was thinkin' we could hang out sometime, no pressure of course! you're hella cute and i wanna get to know ya a bit more. we're gonna be stuck together until graduation, might as well be friends! sure, we're seniors, but better late than never. come play games with me and the guys tonight! we'll be in my dorm after 7.
dividers by @/jilval
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tuxedokit · 5 months
If you could relive any of your memories, which would it be?
weve been mulling this over like all day but we have so many good ones from this lifetime its hard to decide. im gonna ask around and we'll compile the best ones here - [AR] Autopilot 💾
last summer on our familys annual beach vacation we did shrooms and saw through the fabric of the universe and befriended The Horrors. that was pretty cool. id like to relive being high off my gourd stargazing in a place with such little light pollution - Starlight 🌌
im gonna say when we were in tennessee like almost 2 years ago. we had flown out to visit our friend (now qpp & partner system) seepy and heart's so small they're shorter than us and i dunno it was the first time doing something like that and she was so small in my arms and i could honestly have just held him forever. i love you seeps ◇ - Carpet ✨️
yesterday for our friend bears birthday we went to an enchanted forest escape room and it was so well put together and ethereal and it was the best 40 minutes of my life in this physical realm ive never felt so at home. there were puzzles and mushrooms and music and gnomes and my bestest friends were right there too!!! oh it was so wonderful - Sayakura 🧚‍♀️
confessing to luci. nuff said. but i wanna say more so im gonna: it was me realizing i was in love at the same time as confessing cause i kinda just asked for advice in a group server w them fdsgjsksl. we were already qpps and apparently my family thought we were already dating (i mean we called beem our soulmate like - ✨️) but like i wound up spending the whole afternoon just thinking about them and being giddy. it was nice - Luna 🌙
mine's gotta be the first time we climbed that abandoned water tower past the ravine. we had spraycans and i wrote trans rights on the side of it. the wind gave us such a thrill, it was incredible. and the view was definitely worth it - Waks 📹
im claiming that time in grade 11 when our gr9 science teacher + gr11-12 bio teacher mr coulter approached me and asked if i wanted to go on a field trip to the science centre that was intended for the grade 12 kids. i didnt know anyone but i didnt care bc mr coulter was there and i wore my new animaniacs shirt and i got to run around the science centre itself during the lunch break and play with genetics stuff (i was such a nerd about punett squares and all that its no wonder he asked me specifically). i think the best part was the feeling i had when i was sitting next to mr coulter on the bus ride there and back. he let me take a selfie with him.... mr coulter was like a father to me, so it meant a lot. - Quinn ✉️
i wanna relive when we were playing with shanny and teagsi and we climbed the big tree near the ice rink by our school. i used to read up there too :) - Little One 👾
the body's nanna flew us out to grenada in march... i would like to relive swimming at that beach, on that little island in carriacou. the water was clear and a such beautiful blue, the air was just a little too warm and humid, and sitting on that beach reminded me of my old home - Riku/Shore ⚔️
mine's gotta be the second year we went to camp mini yo we! specifically, reading the letters mom wrote me for each day of the week. she wrote a little story about me; i was the doctor's daughter but i didnt know it, and i had powers that warped me through space and time seemingly at random. she wrote that i found a place and led a revolution against tyrannical oppressive overlords. not single-handedly taking down the villains, but helping empower the people so they could fight for themselves. by the end of the week we had found a crowd of invested listeners in the other girls at camp. it was nice... i think about those letters a lot - Secret 🧩
we were bodily sitting alone in the grass at a local park, it was right as we were discovering our plurality. i could see all of us all over the park, as if we were all there. the kids were playing tag, some were poking around in the forest right there, quinn was in that big tree we like to sit under... scrooge and quinslap were off smoking a joint, sitting on a tree trunk that had grown a little horizontal before it remembered to grow up. it wasnt in our view but we know the path and it was in the area enough that they could be there while our body simply sat in the grass. it was a fascinating and beautiful feeling. like a family picnic, but with only one person present. - [AR] Autopilot 💾
might add more later
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aishaarashi · 2 years
Variable Barricade ~Common Route - Walkthrough~
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This is a guide/walkthrough on how to clear every Bachelor Level 1 Barricade Board
❈Remember to view every RABI, they sometimes have CGs in them. Also, they are RANDOM so you might get different ones than me. But all you have to do is Ctrl+F and search for the “correct” one.
❈SAVE 1 & 2 was made so that you don’t have to play the common route again and again if you want to get the different “common bad endings”.
One recommended route order is: (Common Route) ➔ Nayuta ➔ Shion ➔ Taiga ➔ Ichiya ➔ True End.
A Sudden Proposal
SAVE 1     (Save for getting a “different” bad ending for each LI)
Ignore them.
First Impressions
(No Choices)
Interview with the Suitors
Taiga Isurugi
Nayuta Yagami
Shion Mayuzumi
Ichiya Mitsumori
✉️ WHIS: Feeling Calmer?
I’ll be careful.
Operation Learn to Like Me?
I’m too tired.
Barbeque Panic!
Taiga Isurugi
Yes, I know.
Nayuta Yagami
If you don’t want to do all this, say so!
Shion Mayuzumi
Then I’ll do it.
Ichiya Mitsumori
Don’t you get tired of jousting wits with me?
When I Met Kasuga
(No Choices)
Tsumugi’s Appraisal
(No Choices)
Taiga Isurugi
A Sloppy Lifestyle
Because I’m worried about your health.
When I Met Tsumugi
(No Choices)
✉️ WHIS: So much inspiration.
(No Choices)
Taiga from Ichiya’s Perspective
(No Choices)
Taiga from Shion’s Perspective
(No Choices)
Taiga from Nayuta’s Perspective
(No Choices)
Clash of Opinions
What’s even the point of arguing?
My First Train Ride
It was trying.
✉️WHIS: I’ll pay you back tomorrow.
Who’s Calling?
(No Choices)
Taiga’s Emergency Situation
(No Choices)
Finally Frank With Each Other
Offer to help.
✉️ WHIS: Passing it along.
(No Choices)
No Peeking!
(No Choices)
A Second Friend
(No Choices)
Nayuta Yagami
🐇RABI: Incompatible
Puppy Dog Waltz
Why is he like this?
🐇RABI: Lead Actress
Hopeless Debt Generator
(No Choices)
🐇RABI: Write A Love Letter
Through Ichiya’s Eyes
(No Choices)
Through Shion’s Eyes
(No Choices)
🐇RABI: Sleeping Faces
My Number One Priority
I’m worried about you.
Room Raiding
(No Choices)
✉️ WHIS: Did you really?!
I’m sorry.
Paid Off! Congrats!
You did great.
🐇RABI: Makeup Time
A Gift for Nayuta
(No Choices)
🐇RABI: A Man’s Battle
A Dependable Guy
His directness
✉️ WHIS: I wanna give you something.
(No Choices)
Of Obliviousness and Heroism
(No Choices)
Arimura’s Dream
(No Choices)
🐇RABI: The Masochists
✉️ WHIS: You’re the only you.
(No Choices)
My One True Ally
(No Choices)
🐇 RABI: Late Night Drinks
A Secret Meeting
(No Choices)
Shion Mayuzumi
🐇 RABI: Oil and Water
✉️ WHIS: Thanks for earlier.
(No Choices)
Fit to Choose
I’m intrigued.
🐇 RABI: A Clever Request
Through Ichiya’s Eyes
(No Choices)
🐇 RABI: A Lady’s Elegant Snack
Through Taiga’s Eyes
(No Choices)
🐇 RABI: Familiar Flavors
Through Nayuta’s Eyes
(No Choices)
🐇 RABI: A Man’s Dinner!
Better-Off with Me
Do you have allergies?
🐇 RABI: Top Secret
Free In My Own World
It’s fun.
🐇 RABI: Stop for 10 Seconds
✉️ WHIS: Take good care of it, okay?
It’s surprisingly complex.
A Splendid Evening
(No Choices)
(No Choices)
The Purr-fect Payback 
Pick the cats up.
✉️ WHIS: Who needs pets?
(No Choices)
Her Heart Unknown
(No Choices)
Tsumugi’s Plan for the Future
(No Choices)
🐇 RABI: Mischievous Ideas
✉️ WHIS: Differences are lovely.
(No Choices)
What is Love?
(No Choices)
Ichiya Mitsumori
🐇 RABI: My Love
Different Values
(No Choices)
🐇 RABI: Her Cute Points
✉️ WHIS: Be more casual
(No Choices)
A Kasuga I Don’t Know
(No Choices)
🐇 RABI: Dissonant Opinions
A Recipe Book for Love
What makes you think that?
🐇 RABI: Seductive Photos
Ichiya from Taiga’s Perspective
(No Choices)
🐇 RABI: Snooping for Secrets
Ichiya from Shion’s Perspective
(No Choices)
🐇 RABI: My Performance
A Massive Misconception
I don’t want to be spoiled.
🐇 RABI: A Butler’s Feelings 1
Ichiya from Nayuta’s Perspective
(No Choices)
🐇 RABI: A Butler’s Feelings 2
A Lunchtime Delivery of Love
It doesn’t matter what others think.
🐇 RABI: A Butler’s Feelings 3
✉️ WHIS: Mind if I come again?
I Can’t Take Any More!
(No Choices)
Repentance, Regrets, and…?
(No Choices)
Thank you…
✉️ WHIS: Sorry.
(No Choices)
Bistro Behind the Scenes
(No Choices)
Time to Choose
Make a decision.
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Dear JJ
I hope this letter finds you well, though it saddens me that you have to read it.
Please keep these words a secret and I know this might be hard for you but I have a few things to ask and not a lot of time to explain...
This next mission is different... I'm going on my own, against Clint's and Phil's wishes. Eira doesn't know either and neither do Sam or Bucky.
For the past few months it felt like I had a family again. Coming back to the tower was the best decision I have made in my life. The warmth, the familiarity, the shared meals and silly movie nights. I have missed having this family so tremendously and it makes leaving so much harder...
But you know of my demons and how I won't ever be able to rest until I've at least tried to make amends. I will follow the red room, hunt them down and maybe, finally find peace. I know the look on your face... One eyebrow arched, your hand fidgeting, full of concern and I appreciate you so much for it.
Take care of Clint for me. He will need someone to be there. I know you two are closer then just friends and Clint is the best part of my life ever since he saved my life. He will need people, someone to kick his ass back into reality. I know you are that person.
Leave food for Eira when she gets to busy to work... And not just Tinos pizza. Don't let Bucky and Sam fight too much. Or hide cake. Those two get so agitated when they don't get cake.
I'm rambling... And I guess I'm nervous. Because I know I won't come back from this... Not the way I want to at least.
Thank you for being my friend...
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✉️ – a caring note or ✉️ – a sad note (rosine and evan)
✉️ – a sad note (rosine and evan)
       evan ,  
i  truly  hope  you  are  well .  there  was  once  a  time  in  my  life  where  i  would  not  have  been  able  to  imagine  a  life  without  you  by  my  side .  things  have  changed  ,  i  know  that  now  but  i  have  to  admit  that  i  selfishly  want  you  back  .  before  you  were  anything  else  ,  you  were  my  best  friend .  
to  this  letter ,  i  have  attached  a  wedding  invitation  .  aydin  and  i  would  be  honored  to  have  you  there  .  it  would  be  nice  to  see  your  face  once  more  and  see  how  you  are  doing .  i  heard  from  someone  else  that  you  and  emma  had  another  child .  when  did  news  like  that  become  a  secret  ?   
wherever  you  are  ,  you  still  have  my  heart .  please  return  it  one  day .  i  miss  you . 
with  love  ,  
              rosine  lestrange  
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patchw0rk-quilt · 11 months
Hi it's Mr. Mister anon hate from tumblr I don't think your stitching looks good on you and you will never be a soft fluffy stuffed kitten for all the lovely little girls and boys to play with and love like a real kitty cat
l + ratio + my stitching is lovingly made + i am a soft fluffy stuffed kitten + all the lovely little children love playing with me and not you
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patchw0rk-quilt · 9 months
why are you such a misogynist
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me when women (eww they have cooties)
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patchw0rk-quilt · 11 months
Funtime freddy fazbear and nedd bear abt to beat the shit out of misogynistic freddy fazbear:
uh yeah maybe they’d do that. i don’t play fnaf
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patchw0rk-quilt · 1 year
Sneefs this ask box and scampers away like a little rat when you turn on the light
nooo come back i got cheese 🧀
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patchw0rk-quilt · 1 year
what gay bars are you going to again, queer elder ? please one day meet a big black dyke stud and tell her being a lesbian means shes also attracted to men and see how quick your ass is beat Theodore the transmasc abrosexual aromantic genderfluid.
hmm wow that’s a sentence. btw i’m not gonna tell a random lesbian that’s she’s attracted to men maybe you should go to hell anon
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patchw0rk-quilt · 1 year
Hehe hoho haha
I have the power to ask you stuff, for instance: what was your first pets name?
i used to have this boxer called zeus who was there since i was like a baby until i was maybe 8?? 9??? idk but he lived to be 13 which is a pretty long time for a dog
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patchw0rk-quilt · 1 year
Please for the love of god read a book
what is this in response to
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patchw0rk-quilt · 1 year
Hey girlie I don't know if you knew this before but fiction isn't real. The things that happen in fiction did not happen in real life. Well if you didn't know, now you know!
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patchw0rk-quilt · 1 year
Tummy. Do you agree?
yes indubitably
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