#what has the mailman sent me today? 📬
patchw0rk-quilt · 1 month
bro i forgor whats ur youtube channel?
this thang
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patchw0rk-quilt · 6 months
I hope you learn to fix your behavior. Hate towards trans women is hate towards freedom and love.
i genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about
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patchw0rk-quilt · 1 month
I wanna draw my stardew valley avatar but how taf do you draw duck beaks front view?🥲
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like this i think
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patchw0rk-quilt · 2 months
I have a horrible confession to make :,(
I have a Reddit account.
I only made it to solve problems with my wonky computer tho. Like the people on that site are really good with electronic devices. I'll tell them that google is working super slowly and they'll tell me to write Hello 4 times on a google doc and it works for some reason.
I also kinda did it to make those little reddit guys because they're a lil' cute maybe.
anyway to take the attention off of that horrible confession. remember when me and M went to the fair? Yeah They have beef with someone. M HAS BEEF WITH SOMEONE!!!!!!!! :0 (Though I think we all have beef with her)
i was practically addicted to reddit for two years in middle school trust me youre not worse than me
and also i dont remember who m is could you please refresh my memory
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patchw0rk-quilt · 1 month
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This is evil cat reminding you of the horrors that shall befall you tomorrow <3
oh come on. not cool dudette
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patchw0rk-quilt · 9 months
The fucking chunky clam chowder icicle pop dora smarmy image is the featured image for the crashbox tag. What do you have to say for yourself /lh
haha that’s weird. anyways time to turn on my favorite show crashbox *turns it on but finds that the entire show has been replaced by a 30 minute slideshow edit of that clam chowder popsicle image to the song all the single ladies* oh fuck. oh shit. what the fuck
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patchw0rk-quilt · 2 months
Help I drew this on one of those magnet drawings thingys and how did it turn out decent?
(i was at the dentist a few days ago)
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Like teh eyes are wonky but you can't erase so huh?
you have a talent. im signing you up on the talent show so you can save the town
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patchw0rk-quilt · 3 months
I went back to TikTok to check someone's channel on PC and I just remembered an audio and I'm gonna recite it to you <3
I CANT anymore with people making fun of Jesus. I CANTTTT that song that... *Gulp* everybody has heard- the one- "hello Christ I'm boutta sin again" *sob* keeps coming up on my for you page *gasp* and I can't! JESUS DOES NOT DESERVE THIS! the fact that people think that song is good makes me SOO amgrey 😠. People are so lost, people ar- are making fun of him and- mocking him- and u- u- using him for likes and just STOP! he died on the cross for our sins. We were supposed to be on that cross! We were supposed to be crucified, but he loves us so much that he died for AHAWHL of us! (For all of us) He thought of YOU on that cross, and yet you STILL sing that blasphemous song! Ohhh ☹️ it makes me so sad that he died for us, and there's people singing that type of crap... Thinking it's OKAY?!? TO MAKE FUN OF HIM😧😧😧?!? but you can't make fun of- of- buddAEUH or MEUhummed or Allah? *Super butthurt about that* like?? And you can make fun of MY 🙋🏼‍♀️ Jesus??? No! I won't accept that! I pray for them. I pray that they repent and they delete that fu- .......... Gosh darn song, so that they learn that this is disrespectful to EVERYONE, because Jesus died for US and he loves us shouh much and you CAN'T sing that song! You can't! It's shouh wrong!!!!!
HELP i didn’t read that first part at first so i thought you became christian for a second
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patchw0rk-quilt · 3 months
I dont really like this holiday, but it is Holly day so yk.
Fly Holly Richards, fly. America forever Holly Richards.
happy birthday to holly richards from asidt and fuck america
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patchw0rk-quilt · 11 months
you need to get off the internet it's fucking your brain doggystyle
i know this is supposed to be anon hate but this is so funny to me. like what do you think you’re achieving by telling me that the internet is having gay sex with my brain
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patchw0rk-quilt · 1 year
i did not know how much i needed to hear transfem macho man until now thank you
FUCK YES!!!!!!!!
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patchw0rk-quilt · 7 months
me eating the hookers i killed
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can’t you guys just ask me how i’m doing
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patchw0rk-quilt · 7 months
oh also! i hope you're doing well!
thank you!! i took a break off tumblr a while back for personal reasons but im doing fine now :D
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patchw0rk-quilt · 1 year
Do you know where I could find proof or something like that about worth beyond a number scale being ableist? This is the first I'm hearing about this, so I just wanna be informed. (Hope you're having a good day btw!)
took me a while to find it but here’s this post where she lashes out against physically disabled people and thinks they have some kind of privilege just because theyre physically disabled
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patchw0rk-quilt · 11 months
Hey! Its ur neighborhood straight a student, Ocean O'Connell-Rosenburg here to ask you something!
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here’s a watermelon. no i’m not slicing it you’ll have to claw it open like a raccoon :D
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patchw0rk-quilt · 11 months
trick or treat. am i supposed to wati until howloween. you can save this for the 31st if you want *turns my candy bag into a bindle and noclips through the floor*
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