#a lil bit of ensemble
wandering-words · 1 year
8 - Sweater weather for Avanine :3
(I'm still answering asks, but I've been a bit slow in fulfilling them. Sorry!)
For this one, I imagine it being canon divergent from Festival, as in, Festival didn't happen lol.
Hope you enjoy! And thanks again @serendipitouscontaminant for the ask :)
Janine really needs to make a better habit of looking at the weather app. 
The leaves on the trees were barely trembling and the scrapes of the branches against the glass were light, as if beckoning Janine to go outside in her plaid pajama pants and oversized shirt from Tariq that she refused to get rid of. 
Janine decided to wear one of her characteristic sweaters, this one beige with little red flowers decorating the neckline, and brought another jacket layer just in case it got colder. 
She forgot that this jacket was so well loved that it barely had any of the lining in it anymore, making it not as effective as a top layer. 
Of course this was the morning the wind whipped against her face while she had car duty. 
Janine felt her teeth chattering as she wrapped her arms around herself, feeling the cold seeping into her skin through the layers of her sweater and jacket as the wind threw itself against the exposed skin of her face, every particle making Janine wince and her teeth chatter. It was hard to grate out a smile for each family at drop off when she felt as though her fingers and toes were going to freeze off. 
She’d grown up in Philadelphia, she didn’t understand how she wasn’t used to the cold after 25 years, but she was pretty sure that the wind had never been as cold as it was now. 
(Janine knew she should be cutting herself some slack: she’d been so stressed out with the prospect of Abbott turning charter that the last thing she thought about was weather. 
But she wanted to be strong. Needed to be strong.)
Later, the sun was shining weakly through the mass of gray clouds, and although Janine knew it was also her turn to watch the kids at recess, she didn’t think she was going to make it. 
Janine was stronger than that. 
The staff were practically falling apart from the stress of the prospect of Abbott turning charter, this was a way Janine could attribute. Maybe she was a little bit cold (she ignored the feeling of her fingers continuing to thaw from the cold of the morning’s strong wind), but she couldn’t shrug her load onto Barbara and Melissa again. 
She could see how Barbara’s shoulders seemed permanently tense, and usually a sly touch of Melissa’s hand over hers could help dispel some of that. But Melissa was quieter than usual, picking at her salad and forking it into her mouth aggressively, quickly, as if she was running out of time with every lunch period. 
If Barbara and Melissa were talking, it wasn’t in the staff room. 
Then Ava burst in, and Janine felt something flip in her stomach. The day really couldn’t get worse if she tried.
Ava frowned when she saw that Janine wasn’t outside with the kids. 
“Janine, what the hell are you doing in here?” 
Truth is, Janine had practically begged Ashley to watch the kids. 
Ashley had frowned as she looked Janine up and down. “Isn’t that your job today?” 
Then she noticed Janine’s fingers moving slower than usual and her teeth chattering. The wind had been so cold that it made the inside of the elementary school a bit chillier, since the heater had decided to die right before winter started, and Janine was cold again. Ashley sighed, as if it were the most inconvenient prospect ever, but then she took the lunch shift. 
“It’s cold.” That’s all Janine could get out before she felt her teeth chattering again. 
Ava’s frown grew deeper. 
“Come with me.”
Janine followed her quickly, her eyes wide, worried Ava would try to get her in trouble for switching with Ashley. Teachers were allowed to switch shifts for lunch duty, so Janine wasn’t sure why that couldn’t also apply to Ashley. Then again, Ava loved to target her, so Janine was sure that Ava could make up some excuse just so that it would go on her record. 
As they walked into Ava’s office, Janine was already rattling off apologies. “Listen, I’m sorry, I’ll take the shift back from Ashley…” 
Ava looked at her with a raised brow. “Girl, you’re shaking so much I thought you were having a seizure. That is not why you’re here.” She looked around, making sure that the camera crew was out of sight, and when she saw an empty hallway, her posture relaxed. 
She seemed to be digging around for something in one of her cabinets, and with each shuffle, Janine found herself bouncing on the balls of her feet and twisting her fingers together, growing more and more anxious. 
Then Ava held out a dark turtleneck. Janine almost didn’t comprehend it, even when Ava was looking at her and then back at the sweater and then back at her. 
Ava was giving her a sweater?
Janine couldn't prevent her eyes from widening as she took the sweater from the taller woman quickly, as if Ava would revoke the garment the moment Janine latched onto it. 
It was soft, it was warm, and it smelled vaguely floral and musky. Like Ava. 
“Thank you,” Janine breathed, taking off her outer jacket and sliding the turtleneck over her beige sweater, sighing as she felt its warmth wrap around her. 
“Don’t mention it. I’m serious, or I’ll take it away and let you get hypothermia.” 
Ava was dead serious, her tone leaving no room for argument, but her eyes were soft. As if watching Janine’s small body drown in her sweater somehow made Ava fond of her. 
When Janine re-entered the staff room, beaming, Barbara and Melissa exchanged knowing looks while Jacob looked confusedly at Janine’s new sweater. 
“Wait, isn’t that Ava’s?” He asked, pointing towards Janine, and then his eyes got wide. 
“Pay up, Mr. C,” Melissa said with a smirk, holding her hand out smugly. Jacob huffed as he handed Melissa a $10 bill. 
“What… what did you bet on?” Janine asked confusedly, and Melissa sent her a cocky smirk. 
“I knew Ava liked ya, hon. And I knew the moment you came in shivering that she’d do something about it. Looks like I was right.” 
Jacob threw his hands up, defensive. “I didn’t think she liked any of us.” 
Mr. Johnson shook his head at Jacob’s loss, clicking his tongue disappointedly, while Gregory looked at Janine with his characteristic wide-eyed expression, a smile just forming on his lips. 
Janine used to feel something for that smile. She still did, a little. 
But when Ava walked in, the entire room going silent, Janine felt her stomach do the flip again. It was more powerful, made her feel more anxious and nauseous at the same time. When Ava looked at her with a nearly blank expression, her eyes still soft, Janine knew what she wanted.
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areeeee-k · 1 year
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(♀️) Youth
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crazyanthem · 5 months
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natsmagi · 2 years
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hit em with the style change when they least expect it to keep them on their toes
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
SHU REQUEST HO!! ily korka i will wait as long as this takes you needn't fret at all <3
Could you write Shu making an outfit for his partner? Maybe there's some miscommunication because Shu wants it to be a surprise, so his partner ends up wondering if something's wrong, and wondering just what Shu's keeping from them... With a cute fluffy ending where it's revealed all he was hiding was a new outfit as a gift for his beloved partner!
Sighs. Shu Itsuki. I'm just a tiny bit in love with him. Thank you for requesting and giving me an excuse to write him :') Also, @mayoiayasep, I remember you mentioned wanting to be tagged when I was talking ab wanting to write smth with a similar concept to this so <3
Word count: 1603 Summary: After weeks of not hearing from Shu, his partner grows worried that something may be wrong. But, upon finally getting a hold of him (by letting themself into his home), their expectations are flipped on their head as Shu hands them his gift. Warnings: it's implied Shu hasn't been eating properly </3 Notes: they/them pronouns, a singular use of (y/n), a hint of an angst as result of a misunderstanding, but with a happy, fluffy ending :>
Shu has been avoiding them for a while now. Them, his beloved muse, his significant other. The one he promised his loyalty and love to. Now, it was as if he’d forgotten of their existence. Worse, actually, he has been actively negating their existence by ignoring and avoiding them. And the people around them have noticed, and the people around them started whispering, and then they themselves noticed it, too. How could they not, hearing the other students pitying them so openly. “Did you hear?” they whispered, as if the object of their rumours wasn’t standing just a few steps in front of them. “It seems like Itsuki’s lost interest in them… They say it’s only a matter of time before they break up. If Itsuki doesn’t just ghost them!” Laughter. Venomous, hurtful laughter. Shu wouldn’t do that, they assured themself. He was… a lot of things, but he wasn’t the type to just ghost someone. They were sure he simply got engrossed in his work once more. They shook their head to free themself of the negative thoughts, deciding to visit Shu in the coming week. They’d bring him some food, check in on him. Hopefully, get the answer as to why he’s been avoiding them. It’s been long enough, and they’ve found themself sick of all the rumours that flew around them.
And so they stood, about three days later - three days of unanswered texts and missed calls later - by the front door of Shu's home. A bag hanging from the grove of their elbow, croissants fresh from that bakery they remembered Shu praising once in it, they knocked on the door. Only to receive no response. They shifted their weight from one foot to the other, gritting their teeth together. Truth be told, they were becoming quite frustrated with his behaviour. Nothing was wrong that they could tell, in fact, their relationship was only becoming stronger in the days preceding his disappearance. And then suddenly… he just goes radio-silent. They were worried, yes, but they wouldn't deny that they had feelings, too, and regardless of what Shu was going through, he was their boyfriend. Didn't they at least deserve an excuse? An explanation?
They’ve rung the bell twice by now. They called him once more - voicemail. They even called Mika at one point, who was about as helpful as Shu himself, only hanging up with sorries and, worst of all, telling them to just go home. That Shu was fine. But, being Shu's partner for as long as they were, they had a spare key. They didn't want to use it, knowing it was only given to them for emergencies, but for all they knew Shu was lying passed out on the floor and it might have been an emergency. They were worried, after all, even more so when that particular thought ran through their head.
"Shu! I've let myself in!" they said upon unlocking the door. Looking around, the home didn't seem to be in a disarray - that much. There was some settled dust on the shelves, and stale bread left out on the counter. No dishes in the sink. Either he was at least making sure he had something to eat off of, or he’s been neglecting to eat again. The dining room table was covered in papers, on which some seemingly unfinished sketches were hastily drawn. It looked like he was making something again, which made his partner breathe out in relief. Relief at knowing he was, after all, just engrossed in his work again. Relief that was soon replaced with an even stronger worry. They were thankful they came to check in on him, he was probably overworking himself if he hadn’t even the energy to answer their calls.
So, they went straight to his workroom. They knocked on it, still keeping their manners. “I know you’re in there, I can hear your machine,” they said upon getting no response. “Come on, it’s me! I’m giving you two minutes, and then I’m coming in.” “Non!” The first word they’ve heard from him in weeks. In what felt like years. His voice was hoarse, as if he hadn’t even spoken at all in those weeks. “Don’t come in yet! Give me ten- twenty more minutes and I’ll come out.” “Shu, I’m worried about you!” “Fifteen more minutes! Just wait in the-” a whispered curse, “... in the kitchen!”
And what else could they do? They’ve waited this much, fifteen more minutes won’t kill them. And if Shu collapses, well, they’ll at least hear it and be able to help. So, to pass the time faster, they tidied up the papers from the table, placing them all on one stack in the corner. And sneaking a peek at a few of them. It looked like a full outfit this time, quite the attractive one, too. They left the bag of croissants on the table, and proceeded to wait the remaining time. Soon enough, Shu stumbled out of the room, as if in a daze. The dark bags under his eyes told the entire story. “What date is it?” He asked. They took a glance at him, looking him over. His fingers were sloppily bandaged. “You’ve hurt yourself. Come on, I’ll properly bandage that for you.” He dodged their attempt at taking hold of his hand. “The date. What date is it, (y/n)?” Upon getting an answer (and a worried look from his partner who now knew just how badly he was out of it), he nodded. “Perfect. Perfect timing. Actually, scratch that. You were too early. Work on that.” He was rambling. “Work on what? Never mind. Sit down, when’s the last time you slept?” “Unimportant. Come with me.” “No. I’ve been so worried! At least eat first and-” “With me, now.”
He grabbed their wrist, pulling them over to the workroom. Truthfully, he wasn’t very strong, but they’ve decided to humour him just a little more. The sooner they comply, the sooner they can shove carbohydrates down his throat and forcefully tuck him in. “Fine, fine, stop pulling!” Immediately upon entering the workroom, he laid a bunch of cloth in their arms. A full outfit. Was this what he was working on? “Go put this on. I will turn around, rest assured.” “That’s not the problem… Surely, playing dress-up can wait until after you eat something?” “It’s not playing, darling, it’s a fitting. Go on. Call for me if you need my help.”
A few minutes later, they were both situated in the dimly lit workroom, standing in front of a wall-length mirror that, frankly, could have been cleaner. “Stand up straight,” Shu mumbled, patting down their waist and pulling on the cloth here and there to straighten it out. “Give me your hand.” He took hold of the sleeves, folding them inwards a few times, shaking his head, and unfolding them again. The sleeves were a perfect length. He walked a circle around them, his piercing gaze boring holes into every part and detail of their body. But it seemed like everything was just right, and not even he, ever the perfectionist, had any complaints. Once more, he stood behind them, this time kneeling to check the hems. Once more - “Perfect. Exactly as I envisioned it.” And he finally sighed out. 
Shu stood up, patting down their shoulders for one last time. He let his hands trail down their arms, and back up, before he gently took hold of their shoulders. And they caught his eyes in the mirror. He held their gaze. “I told you to stand up straight. You’re wearing the Itsuki Shu’s work. Wear it proudly.” They took a moment to properly take those words in. They were wearing an outfit made especially for them by Shu. They marvelled at their reflection for a moment. The outfit truly looked perfect, not to mention it was tailored exactly to their tastes. Shu must have been quite the listener, even if he acted uninterested so often, there was not a single detail that wasn’t precisely to their tastes. From the silhouette to the colours, nothing was less than perfect. And as they stood there in awe, Shu’s hands started travelling once more. Down their back, and around their waist, he wrapped them into a hug, one rather uncharacteristic. He must have truly been tired. He buried his face into the crook of their neck, as if hiding, before whispering into their skin, “I’m taking you out for dinner… Tomorrow. Make sure you wear this.” “Tomorrow? Did you make this for-” “Our anniversary, yes. I’m… not proud of the fact that I made you worry. I can assure you I will try my best that it doesn’t happen again. But I won’t apologise for wanting to keep your gift a surprise.” “Fine. Thank you.” They placed their hands on top of Shu’s, who was still keeping his wrapped around their waist. Well, right up until that moment. He retracted his hands the moment theirs touched him, as if he was burnt by the contact. “The… The clothes will get creased.” He came up with an excuse quickly, but the words did little to hide his reddening face. He coughed, stepping back and putting some distance between them. 
“You mentioned you brought food, is that right? I could eat… As long as you agree to keep me company.” “Of course. Come on, I bought your favourites.” “Thank you…” And though he merely mumbled it, too proud to say out loud, they heard it anyway: the smallest of apologies for having worried them.
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ramonaofmanyfandoms · 9 months
some sleepy cuddles~
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starw4rdsky · 1 year
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The meteor sure had an impact ermmm
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enka11 · 2 years
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branco aira cause i haven’t drawn in a while also cause its getting cold
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wildwoof · 7 months
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koga main moments in rock roar mv ♡
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crashkeyes · 2 years
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transparent enstars bow for any of your transparent enstars bow needs
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me and my priestnun!tatsumayo obsession
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This isn't an incorrect post but I felt like yall had to see this bs in the new eve mv
Gay people on my Enstars? More likely then you think
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asbestieos · 2 years
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im not strong enough to finish this phone doodle but powerpuff girls z ra*bits.. ok?
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katsuhiras · 2 years
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black-haired Ibara with brown eyes
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chibi-jinchou · 2 years
ahhh hiii, could i req blue 2A for leo please? 🥰 (and if you want me to write you something in return, pls let me know! i love your art so much!)
adjsjnabdn youuuuu— (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
i wanna cry— i never plucked up the courage to say it but your writings are so good!! they really got me through tough times. i can’t thank you enough!! ( ;∀;)
astrelle’s emoji expression meme:
[color: blue] [row: 2] [column: A]
[character: leo tsukinaga]
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vilatile · 2 years
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hands you a mayo hands you a mayo
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