#a lil ehhh if im being honest
randomjreader · 1 year
August 2023 is for the gays
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laylawatermelon · 5 months
Please please read this and give it some love but I had an inkling of this feeling but never mentioned it cause I thought it was absurd.
Basically its a tweet of a reddit post (inception ik) basically of how Tim is basically rewriting the characters back to the way they were.
More below 👇🏾
Everyone's been mentioning how the characters have been more in character and the actors are happy and that makes sense.
He's been making them more in character than they ever were.
And with the Buddie situation (yes not everything is about them but i am a buddie fan who happened to find and grow to love this show because of it) it makes the most sense.
Now that Oliver mentioned the love story and everyone assumed it was the shooting and being in live it made the most sense.
Who else was he going to be falling in love woth at the time? It surely wasn't Taylor. Their romantic relationship was always doomed to fail and it was a great friendship they had (ehhh sideye for Bobby situation and Jonah eventually) that lasted if they weren't too persnally involved in each others lives.
She'd have been a perfect friend for him to gossip about the drama at the 118 (not work cause you know she'd make a story). That relationship wasn't going to work. He's too honest and she's too opportunisic.
If it hadn't been Jonah it'd be something else and he'd feel the same sense of betrayal (also Buck kissing Lucy was betrayal but that also felt a lil like assult cause she got him reallllly drunk and if the roles were reversed people wouldn't be that enthusiastic about it).
The only other love story that's been written logically as a will they won't they tragic and emotionally complex story is Buck and Eddie's.
Season 2 he replaced his love intrest! Like come on!
But in all seriousness, the Ana breakup and ll the vague dollow your heart is basically being rehashed.
I remember someone mentioning that Marisol is just another Ana (whoever you are if you see this send me hit I'll put it in here) and that's actually true.
Yay Marisol no last name haters your time has arrived cause it's official she's done!
There's no worry because we're getting a conclusion on the fact that was supposed to happen years ago.
She's not a permanent structure.
This storyline can go two ways.
One Buddie confirmed season 8.
Or two, Eddie realizes what his family could look like and its a single parent home with a support system from work (and Buck but we're gonna just gloss over that for now).
Meta linked above I just talked about Eddie and its coming to fruition (hire me abc im getting better at screenwriting!).
For the first one it's juicy storytelling.
For the other it makes sense as development for Eddie becoming comfortable with himself apart from his identity as a husband/widower, son, Catholic, and father.
He'll learn to bebhimself which he hadn't had the opportunity to do as he had fell into adulthood with his kid and then added on having a child with a disability that needs a lot of monetary support he ended up losing the chance to figure out who he is without all of that.
Even if it's not romantic (😔) it's great for him to realize he doesn't really need to be with anyone or fulfill a role he's not ready or willing to fill due to duty.
He can just be a father and work it iut that way.
Chris only wants his dad happy and I sense he knows his dad isn't happy at times or even worse he's not happy but is pretending so that his dad can be happy as he feels he has to give him that space/approval.
Chris is getting a storyline and he's always been observant so he'll most likely either explode in his feelings and tell his dad or tell him in a misunderstanding (he is getting to be a moody teen after all it's not going to be an adult reaction).
He's been close to death, heard his dad lose it and loat his mom. He's more mature than people give him credit for but the story hadn't included him much recently so we'll just have to see.
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9equals1 · 7 years
*just a warning I’ll probably be using caps and crying emojis a lot because I’m in honest to Christ shambles*
let’s just talk about our babies...
Minho was in there slaying, giving himself a nickname and still thanking Seungmin for helping him
Mama Minho
I’m using that
Mama Minho and papa Chan
Minho drew a snail and was being the meme of the bunch
Tbh I think it was because he knew the others had those heavy hearted cards and he was like
“Ehhh...lemme lighten the mood up a good bit”
I love Minho
I’m so whipped over them rn
If you want reblog and say what you think the letter said
I low key think it was Felix confessing his love. But that’s just my opinion
Tbh he was probably just saying how much he loved him and how he was thankful and it probably turned a little bit mushy cause
All those emotions
I live for them and their cuteness
They’ve gotten really attached to each other and it’s super adorable ☺️
Papa Chan truly lived up to his name because he did the smothering thing with jeongin after the lil bean read his note
I swear that is really Chan’s son
Fite me if you think not
Please don’t I don’t know how to fight that well
I mean he always is
All of them always are
Okay but as I was saying
Like he got so emotional and tbh I was surprised but then I realized that the card chan had given him must have meant more than the world to him
Cause didn’t they say Felix was the crybaby?
I didn’t see any tears from him
Speaking of Felix
He was all
“I’ll make this for changbin because even when he doesn’t have time he helps me with rapping”
Oh I’m soft
So soft
Soft to the touch
Jesus Christ seungmin is tall
I never really noticed
He is so cuteeeeee
lil babyyyyy
Hyunjin and that finger always make me sad yet proud cause I’ll always remember when changbin had to tell him to take his finger out his mouth
We got to see a lot of his selfies and omg they were cute
We got to see a LOOOTTTTT of photos and that made me happy ☺️☺️☺️
please jisung don’t overexhaust yourself because you have so much to do😭😭😭😭😭😭
like when he said seungmin had copied him his voice sounded like it has cracked or something like when people get sick
And I was like
Oh noo changbin don’t tell me you’re sick 😰😰😰😰
Guys I’m worried
woojin and his letter had me
Plus he had hooked his brother up lol
He had him all the good face stuff
Plus his letter was so touching and it egged on my crying
Thanks woojin ☺️
My soul hurts
He is the leader we all need
He is just so...
I love Chan like I would love to have him as a friend in real life because he cares so much about his family
Plus those jackets
When are they going on sale
How much can I sell my soul for to get one
I loved those jackets so much
Bro when that one tear dropped
Oh gosh
That one tear
He was trying his absolute best to not cry
Long story short
I’m worried about our boys
I’m proud of our boys
I’m excited for our boys
Golly gosh gee I’m a proud stan
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werewolfwilds · 6 years
i redid an ask meme that i had originally done ~3 years ago to see the comparison so for archiving purposes im putting it in a lil journal entry here ! i wanna start doing small journal entries again it was fun when i did that
new answers bolded
1) what images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?
my desktop bg is literally just…. a collage of kageyama manga screencaps a h a,,,, and my cellphone bg are drawings some gay drew me like 74724 years ago :v // my desktop rn is actually a background from one of the dmmd routes LMFAO..... idk which one it is but i’ve always liked those bg pics!! my cell lock screen is p5 art and my bg is leopika
2) have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
nooooope // nah
3) what was your last text message?
my phone is dead so i wouldnt be able to tell you lmfao i dont even remember // it was a gif from kelly lol
4) what do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
hopefully working a job i enjoy and making costumes and being happy!! // god i have no idea and it freaks me out... hopefully working,,
5) if you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?
hoommee ((or at katsucon tbh)) // at the beach with friends maybe
6) what was your coolest halloween costume?
a white cat probably lmao // i dont think ive ever had a particularly exciting halloween costume but one year i was sharpay from high school musical and i think i peaked then tbh
7) what was your favorite 90s show?
uhhhh….. i didnt really… start watching tv until like… the 2000′s so i really cant tell you man lol // spongebob started in 1999 does that coUNT,
8) who was your last kiss?
(answer redacted) // :/ someone should kiss me so i can change this answer lmao
9) have you ever been stood up?
nope //  nah
10) favorite ice cream flavor?
vanilla w/ vanilla oreos ok u need to underst a n d // this hasn’t changed i haven’t had this particular ice cream in a long time but i still stand by it
11) have you been to las vegas?
nahh // nope
12) your favorite pair of shoes?
idk i have these black ones i wear everywhere lol // i have a pair of white sneakers that i refuse to stop wearing now
13) honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?
i wouldnt even consider it. // no bc i’m not a piece of shit lmao?
14) what is your favorite fruit?
hmmm…. pineapple orrr…. strawberries but only if they’re the really good kind like they have to be perfect // pineapple!!
15) have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself  dating/having sex with? if possible?
….. ye s… yes. // in the past apparently so but thinking about it now nah lol
16) are you into hookups? short or long term relationships?
hookups arent my thing eh i prefer long term relationships altho i cant really say ive been in a “long” term relationship pffff // i don’t think hookups will ever be my thing, emotionally long term relationships are what i’m here for but i’m also a Very Impulsive Person so i cant tell you if this will stay a fact :’)
17) do you smoke? if so, what?
nope dont wanna // no thanks
18) what do you do to get over your anger?
usually talk to people or shout into word // i have to vent about it to someone probably a thousand times even months or years after it happens tbh
19) do you believe in god?
nahh // nah
20) does the person you’re in love with know it?
i aint in love with anyone rn so no? // i’m not in love with anyone.
21) favorite position?
………….. for w hat………. // oh honey lmfao... N/A
22) what’s your horoscope sign?
virgo/ox ovob // Virgo/sun, Aries/moon, Libra/rising and Cancer/midheaven
23) your fears?
literally everything i already named a few so ill name some others… ghh anything in… the ocean or lakes and stuff frightens me and i really dont know why bu tlike…. fish and crabs and jellyfish and seaweed cuz it’s evil and stu f f basically anything that’s not a mammal or turtles or penguins…. lo l im a baby // uncertainty is a big fear of mine and also people being mad at me lmao... as far as physical fears though i have debilitating fears of almost all insects/arachnids and lobsters/shrimp/crawfish :^)))))
24) how many pets do you have? what kind?
two cats and a dog!! // one cat one dog
25) what never fails to turn you on?
i dunno,,/////// // lol neck biting/kissing oof
26) your idea of a perfect first date?
im okay with mostly anything i just really like spending time with the person ; v ; // i’ve never really had an answer for this? thinking about dates has always made me so anxious for whatever reason but i’ll be happy to just spend time with them doing whatever honestly, i’m a super indecisive person aha
27) what is something most people don’t know about you?
i dont really know tbh lmfao // i’ve considered in the past looking into mental conditions (anxiety/bpd/etc) to see if i might have one or two but i never want to say anything about it because i don’t want to self-diagnose anything.
28) what makes you feel the happiest?
nice weather and nice conversations w/ best people u//v//u // nice weather and hanging out with people who are fun and easy to talk to
29) what store do you shop at most often?
does….. arda wigs count or… // does arda wigs still count bc mood lmao but truthfully now it’s probably target
30) how do you feel about oral? giving and/or receiving?
kkdkjsfkjkjfj??fsfj/// go for i t??? i have no problems with i t??? i dont think ill ever be willing to put a dick in my mouth though // these random sexual questions thrown in here are something aren’t they lmao. not going to disclose much but i will stand by the fact that i will not put a dick in my mouth lo l
31) do you believe in karma?
sometimes ye // i believe that people will eventually get what’s coming to them but i don’t believe in karma as a solid concept if that makes sense? like i don’t think it’s guaranteed
32) are you single?
yup yup // yeah it’s been wild lmao
33) do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?
i think being sincere is the best way to apologize– if you truly mean it the person will know. you dont need to buy your forgiveness. // the best way to apologize is just to apologize sincerely and change your behavior if it’s applicable.
34) are you a good swimmer?
ehh??? im ok i guess– i took swimming lessons as a kid but i havent done legit swimming ever since then lmao,, ive always been best at the backstroke tho yea // i mean i have the ability to swim but i’m not olympic-worthy or anything lmao
35) coffee or tea?
ehhh im not big on either tbh // chocolate milk and you can fight me
36) online shopping or shopping in person?
depends what your shopping for i guess?? online is more relaxed i guess // online probably because shopping in person Gives Me Anxiety
37) would you rather be older or younger than your current age?
ehhh im happy where i am tbh // older
38) cats or dogs?
do not make me choose // cats and dogs* there i fixed it for you
39) are you a competitive person?
ahaa,,,,, oh god yeah,, // OOF yeah
40) do you believe in aliens?
i believe there’s life on other planets somewhere?? so i guess?? // i believe in aliens in the sense that there’s no way we are the only living life forms in the universe but not in the science-fiction way you feel me
41) do you like dancing?
i do but i suck at it lmao // i do but i: A- suck, and B- have no stamina
42) what kind of music to you listen to?
nearly everything tbh // i’m not picky when it comes to music but imma be real w u. almost all of the music on my phone is kpop. seventeen is my favorite group along with astro, and i also enjoy super junior, shinee, red velvet, etc among so many others,,, im pretty wide spread !
43) what is your favorite cartoon character?
i will never be able to pick just one // i’ll literally never be able to answer this
44) where are you from?
philadelphia uvu // philly!
45) eat at home or eat out?
hmmm at home. // at home
46) how much more social are you when you’re drunk?
i never plan on being drunk tyvm // i’ve never consumed alcohol in my life and to be Quite Fucking Honest i want nothing to do with it
47) what was the last thing you bought for yourself?
bracelets ! ; u ; // uh... excluding food and music... earrings i think
48) why do you think your followers follow you?
uhhhhhhh lmfao i have no idea i think… a good amount are for my cosplays at least?? or id like to think so lmfao but i really dont know pfft // my followers have just accumulated and hung around over the years... i know i gained a good amount from my snk days as arlert-the-troops and then through my haikyuu phase, whether it was for my cosplay or other posts that i made... whenever someone follows me now im not entirely sure what its for but i appreciate everyone who’s stuck around!
49) how many hours do you sleep at night?
it’s never regular man // 6-9 (lol) hours is pretty normal for me
50) what worries you most about the future?
everything tbh // the future as a concept worries me lol
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lil-red-panda · 7 years
1-99 please
1) Sexuality? Hetero2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Itd probably be my friend Yvie3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. I dont have any books near me4) What do you think about most? Life probably5) What does your latest text message from someone else say? Here6) Do you sleep with or without clothes on? Some on 7) What's your strangest talent? I dont really have a strange talent thats im aware of at least8) Girls.... (finish the sentence); Boys.... (finish the sentence) Girls are great. Boys are cool too(?)9) Ever had a poem or song written about you? A poem10) When is the last time you played the air guitar?Probably Sunday night at work11) Do you have any strange phobias?Strange no.12) Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?I mean my septum is pierced 13) What's your religion?I think itd be Agnostic 14) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?Walking15) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?Behind16) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?Oh jeez, my music changes like the seasons its hard to pick17) What was the last lie you told? Uhhhh.. besides the general im okay i tend to avoid lying18) Do you believe in karma?Yes19) What does your URL mean?Its two nicknames I go by, Lil Red and Panda20) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?Im way to nice, and im not sure21) Who is your celebrity crush?Aubrey Plaza22) Have you ever gone skinny dipping?No23) How do you vent your anger?Cant say I get angry much but Id like my space if.24) Do you have a collection of anything?You can say I have a collection of mtg cards25) Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Video chatting26) Are you happy with the person you've become?Not yet but hopefully soon27) What's a sound you hate; sound you love?Nails on a chalkboard, would the snapchat notification count?28) What's your biggest "what if"?What if im misreading the entire situation.29) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Yes and yes 30) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.Tiny pillow, same tiny pillow31) Smell the air. What do you smell?Nothing32) What's the worst place you have ever been to?Ware33) Choose East Coast or West Coast?East34) Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?Theres so many this isnt fair35) To you, what is the meaning of life?To find happiness36) Define Art.Im not sure how37) Do you believe in luck?Yes38) What's the weather like right now?Cold and storm is coming in tomorrow night I think39) What time is it?1:21am40) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?Nope :c41) What was the last book you read?I started reading a small collection of Lovecraft but never finished it42) Do you like the smell of gasoline?My dad was a mechanic so i was used to it43) Do you have any nicknames?Yes lol44) What was the last movie you saw?I think Gaurdians 245) What's the worst injury you've ever had?My lip got split about an inch46) Have you ever caught a butterfly?No47) Do you have any obsessions right now?Awk48) What's your sexual orientation?Het49) Ever had a rumor spread about you?Not that i know of.50) Do you believe in magic?In a young girls heart51) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?Ehhh not really52) What is your astrological sign?Aquarius sun/Virgo moon53) Do you save money or spend it?Spend it because im horrible54) What's the last thing you purchased?Food?55) Love or lust?Love56) In a relationship?57) How many relationships have you had?258) Can you touch your nose with your tongue?No59) Where were you yesterday?Home60) Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?Nope61) Are you wearing socks right now?Yup62) What's your favorite animal?Panda63) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?I can sometimes make people laugh64) Where is your best friend?On the other side of this floating rock65) Spit or swallow?(;Oh my66) What is your heritage?Irish, English, French and Polish67) What were you doing last night at 12 AM?Probably watching Twitch68) What do you think is Satan's last name?I'd say Draghetti or Gaudio69) Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?😃70) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?I think so71) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?I save the damn dog72) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?Probably not right away, im not sure, and i dont think I would be73) You can only have one of these things; trust or love.Trust74) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?Last of the Real Ones75) What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?343476) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?Honestly, loyalty, reassurance lol77) How can I win your heart?Tbh its as easy as being nice to me sometimes 78) Can insanity bring on more creativity?Yes79) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?Could I say joininh tumblr?80) What size shoes do you wear?1281) What would you want to be written on your tombstone?Hmmm...hmmmm82) What is your favorite word?Fuck83) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.Love84) What is a saying you say a lot?Oh jeez85) What's the last song you listened to?It was an industrial techno-y song my friend had in his car86) Basic question; what's your favorite color/colors?Purple87) What is your current desktop picture?Its a picture of an Eevee and Pancham cuddling88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?I can think of a few..89) What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?If I say people will ask.90) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren't really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What do you do?Sit the curiously91) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?Flight92) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?No93) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?Meh94) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?Bruh.95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?🇨🇰96) Do you have any relatives in jail?Not that i know of97) Have you ever thrown up in the car?No98) Ever been on a plane?No99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?I would like to use this moment to say I love my best friend Yvie. I hope she knows how much she means to me.
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