#(sorry to young royals fans myself included)
randomjreader · 1 year
August 2023 is for the gays
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edvinception · 7 months
Where do you see fans asking for the event to be in other countries?/gen
I've seen a few comments about it not being inclusive, seeing as most of the young royal fans aren't swedish, but I think most of the outrage stems from the little promo so far. For s2, we had a couple interviews and cast shoots before the season aired. It's airing in less than 2 weeks and we got a 2 minute interview so far. Ofc you're going to have persons that overdo it but I think a little annoyance is valid.
I don't see people saying that but I see whining and complaining and bratty attitudes, on instagram, twitter and reddit. Never in my life have I experienced such entilement in a fandom and I was in the SPN fandom for a while.
Maybe this sounds harsh but I'm tired of this attitude in the fandom and no I do not feel sorry for the ones that cannot attend, myself included. I didn't feel sorry for myself when they did similar stuff in Stockholm previously. Like I said, I don't feel sorry for anyone about this. I really don't.
It's not a slap in the face to international fans. It's not them not caring about international fans. It's a fun event meant to celebrate the final season but yet again it's not enough for fans.
So because it isn't 100 percent inclusive it cannot happen? It has to cater to everyone or it's not fair? If I cannot go I'll be mad about it? Is this daycare?
I also don't agree that there has been little promo. We've gotten alot of content so far and they will have more press days this week. More content will come, both from Netflix and other media.
Again I realise that this sounds hard but this is how I feel about the fandom right now. I'm kinda over it.
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galactic-pirates · 11 months
💢: What was the first fandom you ever got into?
💔: Tell me a sad headcannon you have for James Watson.
Just found this! Sorry 😬
What was the first fandom I got into?
I always debate being honest when this question crops up because I was 11 and it was more wanting someone to be nice to me, than any actual personal passion for the show. Anyway! It was The Royal/Heartbeat. That’s been off the air for a long time now but Heartbeat was something of a British institution for 20 years or so. Set in the 1960’s, sort of a slice of life drama I guess. It was more “episode of the week” shenanigans than a pure soap.
When I went to high school I immediately found myself in the library. Friendless 11 year old. I started helping out with shelving books, checking them out etc. The librarian my first year was a very nice lady, sadly she left and her replacement… but that’s another story. Anyway there was a 15 year old who also volunteered and they were trying to write fanfic for The Royal. I think they might have been dyslexic because even though I was a lot younger I beta read for them. Then they wanted to make a fansite and I already knew how to code basic websites so I helped them with that, which led to being a mod on the forum, and eventually I started writing my own stories. I’m a writer and I wanted to be included so it follows.
The experience ended poorly. The forum got members and one of them ended up becoming a mod as well, and they didn’t like me. They were in their thirties I think and I can’t imagine treating an 11 year old like they did me, but I admit I likely didn’t help myself - I was 11 and so obviously not likely to make the best choices always.
I had moved on by then to other fan spaces on the internet. I had started writing for Without a Trace. I then discovered fanlistings and got really heavily into making little fansites. I did some graphic edits, a few music videos. Do people still do those? Set show clips to songs? I quit everything fandom-wise when I was 19. I didn’t start back up again until I was 25.
A sad headcanon for James Watson
I don’t know why but I have just always thought that his father died when he was a child. I don’t recall any basis for this in the show but it was the background I think I wrote in Choosing Fate. Once I have something that works I tend to keep it as a headcanon. Like thinking that originally Helen was given the source blood by an abnormal she helped one day. I can’t remember if I specified an age but I think it was maybe 6-8 years old. Old enough to have a few memories but young enough for the image of his father to be more idealistic dreams and impressions.
Thanks for the ask ❤️ sorry about the delay. It was hiding.
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thepremedthatwrites · 4 years
Isolated (pt. 2)
summary:  You had married Peter as an arrangement.  There was no love involved.  At least that’s what you thought but things can change.  While you may have been unsure of your feelings for the High King, you were certain of one thing: your loneliness.
I’m planning to make a third part as there are things I want to include for the conclusion that I couldn’t fit here.  Thank you for all the love the first part has received! 
part 1 | part 3
I woke up to a cold and empty bed.  I slowly lifted myself up, looking around the room to see that I was alone.  I got out of bed, last night’s events flashing through my mind.  Stupid.  Why did I think our relationship would differ after last night?  All that happened was me crying like a baby in front of the man I had married.  If anything, Peter must have pitied me.  I grimaced at the thought.
I took my time getting dressed, wanting to waste as much time as possible.  If I was lucky enough, the others would be gone by the time I went to get breakfast.  As I brushed my hair, a knock was heard from the door.  I slowly opened the door to reveal Lucy standing in the hall, a tray of fruits and pastries in her hand.  I hated that I had held my breath, hoping it would be Peter.  “Mind if I come in?”  she asked.
“Of course not,” I replied, trying to hide the disappointment from my face.  I watched in curiosity as the young Queen placed the tray of food onto my nightstand.
“I brought you some breakfast,” Lucy said, sensing my confusion.  “I had noticed you hadn’t been eating that much and I thought perhaps it may be easier if you ate here away from all of them.”  
“Thank you.”  I struggled to think of anything else to say.  We stood in silence for a moment before Lucy began to speak again.
“Peter talked to us this morning.”
“Did he?”
“Yes, he was practically fuming as he spoke.  He informed us that we should be ashamed of the way we had been treating you and that we had done nothing to make you feel welcome here.  I’m pretty sure he said we did the complete opposite actually.”  Dread filled me as I felt my heart drop to my stomach.  I never wanted Peter to confront the others.  I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I picked at a strawberry.  
“I didn’t,” I started.
“It’s alright (y/n),” Lucy said, cutting me off.  “He’s right.  We’ve been absolutely awful to you.”  I felt the warmth spread to my neck, my heart racing as I started to feel light-headed.  Lucy had continued to talk but I wasn’t listening anymore.  Were the others angry at me?  Did they think I sent Peter to tell them?  Or worse, what if they felt bad for me?  I felt my stomach turn at the thought.
“I think I may need to be alone right now,” I said, cutting Lucy off mid-sentence.  Lucy’s mouth snapped shut before she nodded.
“Of course.  I do hope to see you again soon.  Susan and I are going to the meadows to pick flowers at around noon if you would like to join.”
“Thank you,” I said.  Even to my own ears, my gratitude sounded forced.  Lucy nodded before scurrying to the door, softly closing it behind her.  I let out a groan before laying down on the bed.  Just when I thought things couldn’t get much worse.  First, Peter saw me at my lowest and now the entire castle knew.  My eyes opened to the sound of the door moving.  
Peter smiled at me as he entered the room.  I felt my chest become tight at the sight, although I was unsure of whether it was admiration or anger.  “Why did you do it,” I asked, my voice barely making it across the room.  The smile Peter had been wearing slowly fell.
“They had to know,” he said, sitting down next to me on the bed.  I propped myself up against the headboard.
“No, they didn’t.  I was perfectly fine with side glances and whispers about me behind my back.  But I can’t handle them knowing it gets to me.”
“If I didn’t tell them, they wouldn’t stop.”
“At least they wouldn’t pity me as well.”
“So you would rather they continued to harass you until your health deteriorated to the point we lose the baby?”
“Yes, Peter!” I said, my voice much louder than before.  “Now they’re going to hate me even more than before!”  Tears had started to well in my eyes.  I furiously blinked them away.
“They aren’t going to hate you,” he said, taking my hand into his.
“Just because you’re the High King doesn’t mean you can control how they feel about me.”
“But you can.”  I looked up, my (e/c) eyes meeting his blue ones.
“Talk to them.  Make them see what an amazing person you are.”
“What if they don’t want to.”
“I’m sure they will.”  My mind flashed back to Lucy’s offer.  Peter wiped away the single tear that rolled down my cheek.  “I believe in you (y/n).”
“Thank you,” I said, my voice a whisper.
“Now,” Peter said, his voice softer than I had ever heard it.  “Why don’t you eat your breakfast and I’ll tell you of the insane dream I had.”  I let out a small giggle as Peter leaned forward, grabbing the tray of food and propping it in front of me.  That morning was the first time I had felt like I belonged since I had entered the castle.  Peter and I conversed, laughed, and bonded more in those few hours than we had for the two years we had been married.  
A knock at the door made my story about my brothers and I sneaking into the kitchen come to a halt.  “Your Majesty?” a loud voice called from the other side of the wood.
“Yes?” Peter replied.  His soft and cheerful voice had been replaced with his lower and commanding voice.  The voice he used in diplomatic meetings and the throne room.
“Your meeting with Telmar is scheduled to start soon.”  Peter jumped out of bed as if just remembering.
“I’ll be right there!”  He turned to me, a small smile on his face.  “I hope we can continue this conversation later on.  It looks like my Kingly duties are calling me.”
“Of course,” I replied, getting up myself.  “I’m pretty sure I have plans with your sisters anyway.”  Peter’s smile grew at my words.  I almost didn’t realize what was happening until my lips were on his.  My surprise soon melted away and was replaced with pure joy.  I let my eyes close as I wrapped my arms around his neck.  Peter’s grip on me was strong but not overpowering, his lips softer than I could have imagined.  The last time we had kissed was at our wedding.     
We slowly pulled away from each other, a toothy grin on Peter’s face.  His face was slightly flushed, his blue eyes looking deeply into mine.  I knew I must have looked just as starstruck as I placed a hand on his cheek.  At that moment, I believed that perhaps we could have the perfect-picture marriage, filled with love and happiness.  “We should probably get going,” Peter whispered, his face only inches from mine.
“Yes,” I agreed.  I reluctantly left Peter’s arms.  He held the door open for me before we went our separate ways.  Him to his meeting and me to Susan and Lucy.
Lucy’s face lit up as she saw me approaching the garden.  “(Y/n)!” she exclaimed, almost running to meet me halfway.  “I’m so happy you made it!”
“Me too,” I replied, smiling back at her.  “I’m sorry about this morning.  I wasn’t in the best of moods.”
“It’s alright,” Lucy said as we made our way to Susan who was waiting near the gate.  “Peter’s the same way in the morning.”
“(Y/n),” Susan said, nodding at me.  
“Look, I’m sorry for the way I’ve been treating you.”  Her words seemed scripted, the flow a bit awkward and her posture stiff.
“It’s alright,” I replied, just as awkwardly.  
“C’mon, let’s go!”  Lucy said, grabbing both of our hands as we left the garden and made our way towards the meadow that sat behind the castle.  The meadow was absolutely gorgeous, a wide array of wildflowers decorating the grass, a small pond to the left of us.  The forest sat watching on the right, the sound of nature filling the air.
“Oh, these are absolutely beautiful!” I exclaimed as I picked a bright red flower.  Lucy and I searched for more red flowers together, Susan keeping more to herself by the pond.  I couldn’t help but watch her, wishing that we could get along as easily as Lucy and I.  Lucy must have noticed this.
“You know, purple flowers are Susan’s favorite.”  I looked at Lucy, her eyes glimmering as if telling me to do with that information as I will.  “I’m going to go talk to her.”  I nodded as I watched Lucy make her way to Susan.  My eyes scanned the grass before finding a patch of purple wildflowers.  I picked them before looking for some white ones to go with them.  Soon enough, I had a bouquet of purple and white flowers.  Lucy had wandered away from Susan, catching interest in something near the edge of the pond.
“Susan,” I said softly as I made my way to her side.  She turned to see me.  She flashed a small smile as I sat down next to her.  We were both facing the pond, watching Lucy.  “I picked these for you,”  I revealed the bouquet.  Her smile seemed to grow slightly at this as she took the flowers from my hand.
“Thank you,” she said, her voice softer than before.
“I know you aren’t the biggest fan of me,” I said, not daring to look directly at Susan and instead watched Lucy as she had started to dip her toes into the water. 
“It’s not that,” Susan said.  “Maria is my closest friend aside from my siblings.  She loved Peter with all that she was.”  I felt the familiar heavy feeling in my chest.  
“I know.  I feel horrible for taking Peter from Maria.”  Susan shook her head, turning to face me.
“That’s the thing.  It isn’t your fault.  It isn’t Peter’s fault.  It’s just the reality of being a royal I guess.  And that’s what infuriates me.”  She paused, twirling a purple flower.  “And I guess I took that anger out on you.”  I turned my head to her.  She was now studying the ground.  “It wasn’t right and when Peter scolded us this morning, it made me realize that.  And seeing you and Lucy getting along so well.  I guess I just let my frustration get the best of me.  And I’m sorry.”
I studied the girl next to me.  Her perfect posture, flawless hair, and beautiful features announced to the world that she was a queen.  But underneath that perfection lay another layer.  The layer that nervously played with the bouquet of flowers, that caused her eyebrows to net together in discomfort, that caused her eyes to dart nervously around, afraid to make direct eye contact with me.  That layer was the human part of her.  The part that made mistakes, the part that distinguished her from the gods above.  “I forgive you,” I said, my voice calmer than I had expected it to be.
The feeling of cold water being splashed onto my legs caused me to turn my attention to the pond.  Lucy let out a laugh before going to splash Susan.�� “Lucy!” Susan exclaimed, getting up.
Lucy splashed at us again, causing both of us to shriek.  I turned to Susan who was already looking at me.  “Susan, I think the only proper response to this is to fight back.”  A smile tugged at the corners of Susan’s lips.  It was the first genuine smile I had seen on her and it made her entire face glow with beauty.
“I agree.”  And with that, Susan and I rushed into the pond, a war of water and laughter ensuing.
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dollymadness · 3 years
Hello. Shoto falling in love with a villian (with tragic back-story). At first he's very bothered by his feelings but later on he finds out their story and he understands the villian's side however villian hates his father and wants to murder shoto to avenge his family who were abandoned by endeavor during a house fire.
Pro hero Shoto x villain NB reader
hey loml !! sorry, this took me too long
Villain quirk: Fierce Snake - they can shapeshift into a full fierce snake or only incorporate the animal senses (which includes venom, highly sensitive skin, improved chemosensory...) on their human form.
You can choose the particularity of the snake that suits better on the situation.
The drawback is the short time you have on the full form, or when you are using more then one sense.
You are the ambicious type, with a indeed charming nature. A person that woudn't hesitate on sacrificing everything and yourself to reach the main goal.
But you are sure such extreme attitude won't be needed at all, due to your clever and logic brain. One thing, out of all that you are sure, is to overanalyse each move, every little step is calculated.
Shoto is a highly rated pro hero, on his prefered area. He isn't the biggest fan of the front line, the battle and the caos. Instead, he choose to live in the shadows, working successively suceed stealth missions.
Todoroki is the best type of spy, he is polite, cool-headed and extremely smart. The man is even more effective than Hawks was, he is changing this behalf of the heroe society to be more straight to the point, functional.
However, is not always that easy to find the needed information. After all those years, the company decided to try again an old strategy.
"All i have to do is go there and say i want to join? Sir, with all the respect, but-" Even being the CEO, Shoto is always respectful with his co-workers, even giving them power and space to desagree with him and openly point it out.
"Sir, i'm telling you that this will work. If you want, i can show the presentation again, and all the points to prove it's the best change we have."
There were rumors that the villains are planning something big against the top heroes, however they can't get even a small clew. All the pre-existing methods had failed on them and the team suggested to Shoto to infilter, alike his precursor.
It's a big and, on Shotos concepition, dumb step to make. The villains woudn't feel on the same trick two times, would they? "So many time has passed since then..." His co-worker argument was valid too. "You can easily scape if it goes wrong." Obviously he can. He would be the number one if wasn't for his area of action.
He is scared, but doesn't let it show on his expression when he agree. After all the discuss, they get out of the company with a well thought plan, step by step.
On the other side, the delinquents were also working on their main scheme. They wanted a war, as the LOV once did, but they needed a strong weapon to realize such, they wanted something better than the nomus, maybe an item to potentialize their individualitys. Still, they didn't have a clear direction.
Mei is the big brain, the scientist. Is she an inventor from the heroes side? Yes. Does she give a single fuck to the motivation besides just creating insane "babys"? No.
And she isn't getting anywhere with her "basic creations", in their masters word. All the villains can do by now is mess with hero society as much as possible and wait to their weapon to come to life.
Shoto is getting his job done. He putted himself into the ghettos and patiently waited. "Hey, hey, hey! What do we have here?" The elastic masquerade man curls on the walls next to Sho. "How can i serve you, your majesty?" He sneers, while the hero keep his face emotionless.
Todoroki then explains his will to join the villains, with the excuse of the hate of his on father and all the abuse he did to him, that part was not enterely a lie. He even managed to split out that he never wanted to be a hero, only doing for parental pressure.
The criminal listened with boredom filling his face, taking Shoto inside.
"Oh, if it's not our royal highness! Tell your dad i said hi." The Mastermind proceeds to talk by the moment Shoto walks in.
"Hello, sir." He started politely, lowering his head to show respect. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but i came here to offer my help to your crew."
Again, he gave the same excuse he'd gave minutes ago.
"I see. But don't think that i'm going to accept a filthy rat like you that easily... those who don't learn with the history are complete fools. You know are i'm talking about, don't you?" His voice was so low, barely audible and it send shivers on Shotos spine.
"Yes, sir, but i'm willing to prove my worthy." Todoroki could hear his voice cracking, the moment isn't bringing good memories.
His father was the one who used to put him in such a humiliating position.
"You can start by begging. If you want it, you will do anything, is that correct?" He watches as Sho silently gets on his knees. "And stop with that 'sir' thing. 'Master' will do." A big smirk appears
"Yes, master." He was starting to feel disgusted by himself, but didn't back off. "Please, let me join this league. I'm begging, Master, please." Hate on the most pure form runs throught his veins while he stay still, looking to the ground as it is the most interesting thing on earth.
"Tsc. I don't know if that erection you getting me is enough. What do you think, Y/N?" You suddenly emerges from the back of the empty dark room and joins in.
"Give the guy a chance, if he is bad we can just cut his head off." You see Shoto fighting his urge to look up and see your face, and it steals a laugh of your part.
"As you seem like having so much fun with this worm here, now he is under your wing. Test him as much as you want and if he fucks everything up, i'll blame you. Understood?" The Mastermind now shows that he's harsh to his allies to.
"Understood!" The man walks away, letting you and Shoto solve this new problem you both got into.
"So... what do you'll like for me to call you, peasant?"
"Shoto is enough."
"Okay, call me Y/N, i don't need all this formality that Master likes... get up." you order and he hops up in a second.
"Endeavors son is under my wing... a bit ironic, don't you think?" laughing to yourself, he eyes you as you clingy around his shoulder.
"You know what? This is going to be fun..." You shift into a snake, curling up on his neck, as Todoroki jumps in fear.
"So, Shoto, how you're going to prove me that you aren't faking this shit?" You turn into human again, only to shift again on his arm. "Huh?" Again, and now he is getting used to it.
"I-i don't now, 'boss'. You are the one to tell me this, right?" You finally stop, feeling pure joy while the young man has fear all over his face, body tense and eyes about to jump off.
"Yes, darling, i am. Trust me, if this is a setup, you will regret." You threat biting his neck, laughing as you walk away.
You put Shoto in all possible kinds of difficult situations...
He had to share confidential information about his hero friends.
Let the villains take a building filled of civillians.
And he had to help on the secret missions all along. You would curl on his neck and move for the extension of his shoulder, just to remember him that all his moves are being watched.
Shoto is skillful, and it's not hard to notice. In a short amount of time, he is already a pro on the wickedness. Slowly turning himself into a cold-hearted villain, and doesn't seem to hate it.
"Sho!" You two were leaving another building, with some items that Hatsume required. "You think that's funny?"
You try to play mad, but end up laughing with him. Shoto had freezed you just to mess around, and is now using his quirk to creat a beard on your face.
"I do." He complains, moving away to have a good vision of the scene he created.
"Of course you do, bastard. Set me free now!"
"Or what?" He teases.
"You know i can do it by myself, but i'm giving you the chance to redeem before i kill you." The playful tone don't make it less ominous.
"Make me." As the words drop out his mouth, you shift into a snake and get out of the ice, shaped to your human form.
You crawl till him, turning back into your normal form and quickly choking him. "Now we are talking."
"Any last words before i make you regret?" Your nails are sinking on his soft skin.
"I was couting on it." He smiles.
There will be a part 2 soon !! :)
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nicolasnelson · 3 years
Yes, I love all your headcanons and would love to hear some more sometime, I always struggle coming up with my own but love hearing others and the way we all interrupt media. I also love how you’re a multi shipper, I feel like so many people get hung up on having only one and then get mad everyone when it doesn’t pan out or their isn’t as much content, being a multi shipper is just so much more fun and gives you so many different opportunities, especially in terms of content. As for tv shows, I really like Liv and Maddie (I know we talk about it a ton in the chat but it’s just so good and hearing Amanda talk about it especially), I’m a big fan of a lot of the animated projects just cause they’re something fun and easy to watch (with exceptions of course), really enjoying Sydney to the Max and will be devestated if it’s actually over, and I feel like if I say anything else I’ll be exposed. What about you what are some of your favorites outside of the owl house and andi mack (and also just in general because I love seeing your posts for other fandoms and am always looking for new stuff to watch)
Also! If you could be the special guest star that’s hyped up for like three weeks on a disney channel show, what show would it be and who would you play (yourself, or a specific character who leaves the scenes with a witty play on words making a joke about yourself)? - 🎄
Sorry this took me so long to answer! It's just been a really busy week for me. and they keep piling more stuff on us at work to be finished before the new year. 😭
Anyway, very excited to answer a new ask! This has been really fun and has definitely helped cheer me up and get my mind off work stress.
I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying my headcanons. I have so many and sometimes I manage to work them into fics, other times I just tell them to whoever will listen lol
Glad to hear you appreciate the multi shipper way. I just really enjoy seeing all the possibilities and playing "what if" scenarios with canon events. Yeah, I don't really get ship wars because most of the time I like both ships lol. Right? Multi shipping is so much fun! Give me all the content lol
Liv and Maddie is so good! I haven't watched much of Sydney to the Max, but the little bit I saw was really enjoyable. Definitely one I'm planning to watch all the way through.
(the rest is below the cut!)
some other disney channel faves:
liv and maddie
lizzie mcguire
kim possible
wizards of waverly place
diary of a future president (disney plus)
hsmtmts (disney plus)
non-disney channel faves:
young royals (a swedish show on netflix, cannot recommend this one enough, it's so good!)
shadow and bone
a discovery of witches (such an underrated series, more people should watch it!)
only murders in the building (did not expect to love this show as much as i did, but it's seriously so good and finally selena gomez on my screen again lol)
the witcher (i am so hyped for season 2!!)
merlin (obv i couldn't make this list without including this one lol)
buffy the vampire slayer
black sails (ahhh it's so good)
schitt's creek
star trek (really been enjoying picard and discovery!)
oh dang. this list is getting really long so i will stop there. if you want to see more, i've got them all on my tags page lol
and i see i have one more question to answer lol. ok, so it would have to be an animated show bc i do not want to see myself on tv. so we'll go with the owl house and i can play a quirky witch who knows secrets about emperor belos. eda and luz will of course need my help if they have any hope of defeating him. 💕
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Dont suppose you have a copy of the interview you could share?
For you, dear anon~
His Dark Materials: Andrew Scott on life after Fleabag and Sherlock
We’ve loved him as both Fleabag’s Hot Priest and Sherlock’s menacing Moriarty. Now, he’s back on our screens in the new series of His Dark Materials. Polly Vernon talks to our TV crush
Andrew Scott is mortified. The actor – formerly Moriarty to Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock, then the Hot Priest of Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s Fleabag, imminently Colonel John Parry in the BBC’s adaptation of Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials – arrives at the photographic studio, bang on the appointed hour, in a fawn cashmere cardigan with a fine gold chain around his neck, bemoaning “this terrible, terrible eye infection, which is making me so self-conscious. I’m so sorry. It isn’t that you’ve massively upset me before we’ve even started. It’s so annoying. But anyway…”
Scott, 44, is small, vivid, wiry and garrulously Irish, with a face that is not handsome so much as mesmerising, intense, sharply boned, symmetrical, startlingly expressive. Sequences of emotions so subtle and complicated that I can’t begin to identify or keep up with them ruffle his brow from moment to moment. And, yup, the whole thing is rather disrupted by his left eye. This is no light kiss of conjunctivitis. It’s a swollen, red, perma-weeping situation that engulfs the whole socket. Scott turns his face two thirds on to me, so the infection is largely hidden, which would probably help if we weren’t sitting in a brightly lit hair and make-up room with a massive, inescapable mirror fixed to one wall. “Oh God,” Scott says every time he catches sight of his reflection.
“Let’s be honest,” he says. “Let’s not skirt around the issue. It’s being overworked and…” Scott’s eye begins weeping. “Oh my goodness. I am so sorry. Really, really very sorry.”
Wanna wear my sunglasses, I ask, holding them out to him.
“That would be a bit more weird, wouldn’t it? I actually did think about that in the taxi, but I thought that would be some sort of weird and screwed Invisible Man-type thing. I mean, it couldn’t be worse. And then we have to go and get our photograph taken. It’ll be one of those pictures where, you know, those creepy pictures… Of people crying?”
That’s what Photoshop’s for, I say.
“Anyway. Let’s just ignore it.”
I wonder if it’s particularly hard to walk around with an eye infection at a point in time where you’re not merely famous, as Scott is – a star of stage, screen and Bond film, winner of multiple awards, including, as of barely two weeks ago, a Best Actor Olivier for Present Laughter at the Old Vic – but specifically famous for being sexy.
In 2019, Andrew Scott became synonymous with, well, sex. While playing a character technically known as the Priest, whom the general public instantly renamed the Hot Priest, the spiritual support turned transgressive love interest of Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s supremely popular Fleabag, Scott became a cypher for the nation’s more exotic desires. A deliciously contentious pin-up. Ground zero on an earnest social media debate about whether the Priest’s relationship with Fleabag should be considered abusive, power imbalanced, “problematic”. And that was just for starters.
The Priest’s sexual iconography extended far beyond the limits of the show, becoming the subject of internet memes and real-life merchandise (visit online retailer Etsy for your £12 Hot Priest mug emblazoned with an illustration of Scott in priest’s robes, alongside the word “kneel”, a reference to a pivotal moment between the show’s lead characters, which takes place in a confession box, the climax of which, assuming you haven’t already seen it, you could probably take a stab at). There was an unprecedented upsurge in young worshippers, and women started bombarding social media “influencer” the Rev Chris Lee of west London with nude photographs. There was much foetid fan fiction.
To be publicly defined by so much sex, as Scott still is, a year and a half after Fleabag concluded, and then to be encumbered by something as visibly unsexy as an eye infection, I can see how that might make a chap self-conscious.
Scott isn’t here to rake up all that old Hot Priest stuff, mind. He’s here to talk about the second series of His Dark Materials, a lush, expensive fantasy drama based on the Philip Pullman books, jewel in the crown of the BBC’s autumn schedule. The series was filmed through 2019 and the beginning of 2020 and had all but wrapped before lockdown. Good timing, as it turned out, because the extensive post-production processes, unlike shooting, could be completed in isolation.
Scott’s Colonel John Parry is an explorer, the missing father of the central character, 14-year-old Will Parry. He’s a man who slipped into a parallel universe some years earlier, acquired a “daemon” – an exterior animal-formed expression of his soul, a female osprey called Sayan Kötör, voiced with public-pleasing symmetry by Phoebe Waller-Bridge – and never found a way back to “our” world and his son. I speak as a fan of the books, which you might describe as a darker, existential response to Harry Potter, although honestly? They’re better than that. The show is great, a deft, rewarding interpretation, and Scott is an exciting prospect as Parry.
Did he jump at the part?
“I did, actually. It was definitely something I was into. We were doing a play and it seemed like a fun thing to do.” Scott is one of those who slips into the third person when speaking about himself in a professional capacity.
Had he read the books?
“Yeah,” he says. “I think they’re extraordinary. The truth, but told on a slant. I love the way Pullman tells children about spirituality or religion in such an extraordinary, intelligent way. He doesn’t speak down to them. He talks to children’s souls.”
Given that Pullman effectively kills off God through the course of the books and Scott’s a lapsed Irish Catholic who has suffered his share of shame on account of the church’s grip on his homeland (more on which shortly), I’d imagine Pullman’s books talked to Scott’s adult soul too.
Presumably, he didn’t have to audition. Presumably, he never has to. Too famous for auditions?
“No,” he says. “Although I’ve always thought auditioning is a pretty good thing to do.”
“Because you’re able to understand, ‘Oh, this is the vibe here.’ You think, when you’re an actor, you don’t have much choice, but I’ve always felt like auditioning is a good opportunity for you to go, ‘Oh well, I don’t much like you either. I think you’re dreadful!’ ”
I don’t care that you didn’t give me that part?
“Yeah.” Scott becomes playfully, theatrically defiant. “I don’t care!” He flicks aside an imaginary rejection with a churlish hand.
Will John Parry and His Dark Materials be enough to eliminate all residual overtones of Hot Priest sexiness from Scott? Maybe. He is a fine actor, no question, entirely transformed from role to role. I saw him play Paul, a narcissistic, fame-addled touring rock star, at the Royal Court in 2014 in Simon Stephens’ Birdland, back when his deeply sinister Moriarty weighed almost as heavily on Scott’s reputation as the Hot Priest does now. I’d watched him become someone else entirely on stage. “Oh, you saw that?” Scott says, pleased.
I quote, “Am I cancer?” at him, his defining line from the play, as evidence.
“Oh Jesus. Oh f***ing hell. Oh my. I’d forgotten that line. ‘Am I cancer?’ ”
The Hot Priest association hasn’t left him yet, which is why I find myself asking what it’s like to be the very definition of sexiness.
“You get invited to more parties.”
Better parties?
Better than during his Moriarty phase?
It must be fun to find yourself le dernier cri in sexy, according to the whole nation.
“Yeah, that’s fun,” he says. “I didn’t really like being associated with scary. It’s not what I’m interested in being, in life, being intimidating to people. It’s not part of my nature, whereas being sexy to people…”
That is part of his nature?
“Well, they’re very different things.”
They’re both about having power over people.
“I suppose they are, yes.”
So did Scott, bored of scaring people, say to Phoebe Waller-Bridge, writer and star of Fleabag and a long-term friend (they met in 2009 while starring in Roaring Trade at the Soho Theatre), “Write a role for me that will make everyone think I’m just really, really sexy now”?
“That’s such a good belt. Are they two ‘Gs’?”
Andrew Scott is not the easiest interview. He’s utterly charming. Really, just a delight. In between prostrating himself for the offence of his eye and apologising for not turning up the first time we were scheduled to meet (ten days earlier; a delayed Covid test result meant he couldn’t make it), he ensures I have a good time in his company. He is playful. He makes me laugh. His every utterance is delivered as a grand performance. (“Shhhh! Just… Shhhh!” he implores, placing a finger against his lips while expressing frustrations over the mindless jabber of social media, and he does it so powerfully, he compels me to be quiet, breathlessly to await delivery of his next line.) He finds elegant ways to flatter me. He laughs at my jokes and is terribly taken with my belt.
Yeah. For Gucci.
“Oh. Ha ha! I thought it was the Golden Globes. I love the Golden Globes. Ha ha!”
And of course, he’s Irish. Clichédly, melodiously Irish, which makes everything sound softer and jollier than it might otherwise.
As for the actual business of being interviewed, of answering straight questions with straight answers, finishing off sentences, offering more than a slip-slide of vagaries punctuated by vigorous hand gestures, none of which translates into print? He’d rather not.
He tells me, as he’s told other journalists before, this is because he’s interested in navigating the line between “privacy and secrecy”, then says he’s aware he’s sometimes “got away with secrecy under the guise and respectability of privacy”, as if signalling potential incoming slipperiness, which means I prepare to throw every trick in the book at him.
First up: amateur psychology.
Might Andrew Scott’s gayness be at the heart of his reluctance to speak more freely? Perhaps. This is no scoop. He’s been out for almost as long as he’s been famous. “I mean, as a civilian, I was quite young [when I came out], you know? But then, as a celebrity…”
He tails off, allows me to fill in the blanks. This is another of his evasion tactics. I can’t very well quote Scott on the presumptions I make about things he never quite says.
He had to have another coming out?
“Yes. And I have another one coming up.”
He has another coming out coming up?
So that will be, what? Tier 3 gayness?
“Tier 3, yeah.”
Scott grew up in Ireland at a time when it wasn’t legal to be gay, which could certainly seed an enduring reluctance towards carefree openness in a person. He invokes the concept of shame more regularly than the average interviewee. He was born in Dublin in 1976 to Nora, an art teacher, and Jim, who worked at an employment agency. He has one older sister, Sarah, and a younger one, Hannah.
He was shy, so started attending a children’s drama course.
Did that help?
“Yeah. Acting to me is not pretending to be someone else. It’s more like, this is who I actually am. The lie that tells the truth,” he says. I am none the wiser. He was clearly talented. He went from adverts to his first starring role in a film aged 17 (Korea, directed by Cathal Black), won a bursary to art school but took a place at Trinity College Dublin to study drama instead, and ditched that six months in to join Dublin’s Abbey Theatre. He’s been gainfully employed in the field ever since.
How Catholic was his upbringing?
“Well, there were Catholic priests in my life,” he says. “None of whom I wanted to have sex with.”
Does it amuse Scott to know he inspired a mass fetishising of priestly ranks? That in 2019, the Hot Priest would make, “Can you have sex with a Catholic priest?” one of the most googled terms of the year?
“Absolutely f***ing mental,” he says.
Homosexuality wasn’t legalised in Ireland until 1993, when Scott was 16.
“I always think, if I’d had a boyfriend then, which I definitely did not…”
He knew he was gay, though?
“No. No, no, no, no!”
Was he suppressing it or not thinking about it?
“I would say suppressing. Definitely suppressing. I don’t believe people just don’t think about it.”
An upbeat, cheesy jazz remix of something or other starts playing outside the room.
“Oooh, this is the soundtrack for this bit of the interview,” says Scott. He wiggles his shoulders to the music.
I switch to strict dominatrix interviewer mode. Focus, I say. You were about to tell me something good.
“Oh, shit, was I? OK. I think what’s really insidious is that people don’t ask you about sex or… People wouldn’t say, ‘Are you gay or are you [straight]?’ And the lack of directness is very damaging. They just didn’t go there.”
Does he think his family, friends, the people closest to him knew then that he was gay?
“No,” he says. “I don’t think they did know. Or maybe they have a suspicion, but they think, I want to be respectful, so I’m not going to ask about that. Then [when you do come out], people say, ‘Oh, I’m glad.’ You know? If you do talk about it. So I suppose what I feel now is, talking about sex or sexuality is important. Really important.”
Having said that, “There’s still getting rid of the shame. In a situation like this, 10 or 15 years ago, I would have been…” He fakes shock, horror. “Oh no! Polly’s just asked me about [he switches to a whisper] that.”
Scott will talk about his sex life only notionally. No specifics. For 15 years, between 2001 and 2016, he was in a relationship with the actor turned screenwriter Stephen Beresford (Scott starred in Beresford’s 2014 film Pride). Ever since, he’s refused to answer questions about his romantic life.
And he’s not going to talk about it now, I presume.
What if we talk about it opaquely?
Where does he see himself, domestically, in an ideal world? Married with kids whom he’ll, I dunno, adopt or have via surrogacy?
“I like it. It’s bold. Am I going to adopt or…?”
Get a surrogate?
“I definitely think that’s something I would be open to.”
Great, I say, with blatant sarcasm. Thanks. How specific.
“Ha! I’m sorry. OK. Have I got any children at the moment? No. How can I… [explain]? OK. I was with a friend of mine in Dublin…”
His partner?
“No, no, no. Not my partner. Ah ha. I see what you were…”
Teasing. Yes.
“Ha! Yes. So, I was with a friend in Dublin and we were walking around and he was looking at apartments and I was like, ‘What about this place here?’ You know? And he said, ‘No,’ and I said, ‘Why not?’ and he said, ‘I don’t live a heteronormative life, so I don’t want a heteronormative house.’ ”
What’s a heteronormative house?
“Two up, two down thing. He goes, ‘I can live in a loft or a weird space. I don’t need those things.’ He was so proud of it. He really owned it. I think where a lot of one’s pain comes from is when you go, ‘I should want that.’ And so, to answer your question opaquely, I have kids I adore. I love children, genuinely, and I had a very happy childhood. But I also feel, if I don’t have kids, that’s all right. I think I would’ve attached a lot of shame beforehand, with not living a particularly heteronormative life… Even with being gay, there’s a sort of way of being gay that’s acceptable. And I don’t feel that any more.”
He feels you can be unacceptably gay?
“Exactly. Exactly!”
I ask when shame shifted for him and Scott says it was when Ireland voted overwhelmingly in favour of same-sex marriage in the 2015 referendum, which felt, he says, “like acceptance, genuinely. And I remember going out to this gay bar in Dublin and this girl came up to me, this cool Dublin girl, and she said, ‘What are you doing here? You need to go down to, I don’t know, blah, blah, this bar in some park.’ She was saying, ‘This isn’t the right gay bar for you. This is some shit gig,’ when the fact I’m in a gay bar in Ireland [at all] is a miracle to me, and then some person with a half-shaved head is telling me, ‘No, you need to go somewhere cooler.’ ”
His left eye starts weeping again.
“I’m so happy about that,” he says. “Even though I’m crying.”
I ask Scott if he has a game plan when picking roles, if he plots his course from Sherlock villain to Bond quasi-villain (he played Max Denbigh in Spectre) to sex icon, and, if so, what next? “No. Jesus, no,” he says.
We talk about the totalitarianism of social media, which he isn’t on, and share a mutual despair over it. “I thought it was something one would associate with the right, but actually, now it’s [the left] that is very ‘you’re this’ or ‘you’re that’. I find that quite frightening. It actually makes me feel ferocious.”
Is he not worried about being cancelled, of somehow saying the “wrong” thing, according to Twitter sensitivities, then having a thousand voices mobilised against him, demanding his firing, in the style of JK Rowling?
“I’m not,” he says. “I refuse to be. A very intelligent person I was talking to recently was writing a book and he said, ‘I’m going to get a sensitivity expert to have a look. I don’t want to get cancelled.’ I found that frightening.”
Is he rich? “Rich is the absence of worry about money,” he says. He can’t remember the last time he worried about money.
That must be nice.
“Of course it f***ing is. I think it’s a miracle. I really do. I was working in a French theatre in London for nothing – none of us was working for anything – and I remember the artistic director of the theatre talking about the fact we weren’t earning any money as some sort of virtue. I remember feeling really annoyed about that, like this isn’t good.”
This leads to an inevitable conversation about how the arts are suffering with Covid, including a segue down the Fatima route, the much shared government advert that depicted a young ballerina and suggested she retrain in something called cyber. “Her name’s not even Fatima,” Scott rails. “I think she’s called Desire’e. From New York.”
I mean to ask him about his experience of filming The Pursuit of Love with Lily James and Dominic West, stars of their own recent off-screen micro-scandal in Rome, just in case he lets any scurrilous insight slip, but our time’s up and it’s not as if Scott has much form on offering up scurrilous insight anyway.
Still, I feel grateful to him for meeting me halfway on the other stuff. And so I say goodbye to Andrew Scott, the UK’s foremost gay heterosexual lapsed Catholic faux-priest lust icon with a troublesome eye infection.
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1-1snailxd-art · 5 years
Sanders Sides Oneshot - Babysitting
This is how you beat writers block - you draw and then find your will to write afterwards.   
Characters/relationships: Logan / Virgil (analogical), Patton / Roman (Royality), Kid Thomas
Warnings: none
Words: 1511
Summary: This came about from a post by @fanartfunart and seeing as I’m trying to learn how to draw people better, I decided to challenge myself with a drawing....that drawing then turned into a little fic. FYI, I know there is a lot wrong with Logan’s proportions in the picture (I can see it), but Thomas is cute so whatever.  
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"Don't be such a baby, Logan." Virgil huffed, following his partner into the kitchen. "It's a kid, not a freakin' nuclear bomb."
"I know that, but..." Logan kept his back to Virgil as he absentmindedly took ingredients for dinner out of the fridge and cupboards. "I don't know anything about babysitting a child."
Watching the cook’s shoulders slump at the admission, Virgil softened his tone and moved to lean on the counter next to Logan.
"What's to know, Lo? You give him some food, easy for you, and turn on the TV. Job done." Virgil sighed when Logan didn't look away from the bowl in front of him; hands floured as he prepared a pasta dough. "Look, I only need to be in the studio for an hour at most; then I'll come straight home. You can entertain 'til I get back, right?"
"Are you sure you can't stay?"
 The tone of Virgil's phone gave him his answer as the other man quickly excused himself to take the call. It wasn't that Logan didn't like children; he just didn't think he was good for children. Honestly, he questioned daily what Virgil saw in him; a pensive, workaholic wasn't that romantic and didn't scream partner material. Patton on the other hand was destined to be a parent; they'd wanted to be one since they were kids.
The pasta dough came into shape as Logan recalled the day Patton video called them to announce they had been approved for adoption now Roman had consistent work. He'd shared in their excitement but never fully understood it. Admittedly, Logan was still hurt that Patton had moved so far away to support Roman's career and their relationship took a hit from the distance.  
Setting the finished dough aside to rest, Logan washed his hands and turned to find the dejected Virgil walking back in.
 "Virgil? What's wrong?"
"I've gotta go, Lo. Shit's hit the fan with the computers at the studio and Nate's pissed."
"How bad is it?" Logan moved closer, knowing there would be no way out of this now and accepting that he would have to face Patton alone.
"Backups failing bad. I should have gone in earlier when it was just a glitch. It was stupid of me to ignore it and-fuck I'm gonna pay for it n-"
Logan tilted Virgil's chin back and placed a soft kiss on his lips to silence the worrier.
"I apologise for my earlier attitude and clouded judgements. I will be fine this evening. You should go." Taking Virgil's hand, Logan walked him towards the door. "I will be fine until you or Patton return."
"Yeah, you will." he replied with a half-smile, before giving Logan a final kiss goodbye and heading out the door.
  The silence of the apartment was crushing as Logan threw himself onto the couch; sliding his glasses up off his face as he massaged his brow. It was all too much at once. First, he was just worried about seeing Patton and Roman again after years of dwindling contact; then they asked the couple to babysit while they went to the award ceremony that brought them to town; and now Logan would have to face it all alone. A knock at the door pulled Logan from his thoughts and he was quick to sit up and correct himself before answering it.
 "Hey Specs" Roman smiled from the entry; the pink backpack on his shoulder a harsh contrast to the black suit he wore. "It's great to see you again!"
"It's good to see you too, Roman. You are looking well considering the travel."
"Oh please," With a hand gesture Roman stepped into the apartment and put the apparently heavy bag down. "It would take more than a few hours on a plane to ruin this face."
"Indeed," Logan chuckled, turning just in time to see a pink blur heading towards him.
 "Uncle Logan!" Came a cheery voice as a body slammed into Logan and constricted his middle.
"Um...Thomas, I presume."
Logan looked up to see Patton beaming as they walked up the path in a simple blue gown. They looked so happy and lively that Logan forgot all his past grievances; it seemed Patton was happy and that was all that mattered.
"That's my Thomas," Patton giggled.
"It's good to see you again, Patton." Logan pulled a face as he looked down at the figure still holding his arms by his sides. "Your son is very... Huggie."
Roman and Patton both laughed, and Roman snapped a quick picture of the awkward man pinned by his son.
"Oh, I know. I trained him well, don't you think?"
"Indeed, Patton, but...um," Thomas giggled as Logan tried to lift his arms out of the vice grip around him. "How do I un-train him? I do need to work at some point this evening."
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"That will do, Thomas; give Uncle Lo some breathing room."
At Roman's word, Thomas let go and moved to his father's side. Logan's moment of reprieve was short lived as Patton replaced their son, pulling their old friend close and whispering in his ear.
"I really missed you, Logan."
"I..." For a moment, he was lost for words before mimicking the tight grip around his friend. "I missed you too."
  The group remained in the entry as Patton began rattling off things Thomas could and couldn't do. Though he listened intently, Logan's eyes kept shifting to the young boy in the pink jacket that lent against Roman; holding onto his father’s arms around his neck and smiling up at Logan.
".... And if you need anything, just call me and I'll come right back and-"
"Calm down, Pat." Roman interjected, "We're just going for a few hours. I'm sure Lo and Thomas will be fine."
"Right. You're right."
"I always am." "That's not true, Dad." Thomas turned to look up at his father in confusion. "We were late to the airport because you got the times wrong, and you brought the wrong chocolate milk last week, and you-"
"Alright, that's enough." Roman was quick to scoop the boy up and headed inside. "Let's get you set up, hey."
A smile crept across Logan's face as he watched them go.
"Is that a genuine smile I see, Logan?" It comforted Patton to see him looking so content, despite his obvious fear of being responsible for Thomas.
"I'm proud of you, Patton." Their eyes widened as Logan turned; his own shining in the sun light. "You made the family you always wanted." "Almost," they laughed. "It's just missing one thing." "Hm?" Brows furrowing in confusion, Logan wracked his brain for what Patton was talking about. "What could you possibly be missing?"
"Just an uncle to teach Thomas about computers and another to show him how to cook. Any idea on where I could find them?"
"I think I do, but they live pretty far away." "That's okay, we're moving anyway." "What?" Logan was genuinely shocked by the news, mouth left ajar as Roman came up from behind and place a hand on his shoulder.
"You ready to be a full-time uncle, Logan?"
 The question left Logan reeling. Three years ago, Patton left their teaching position to follow Roman's quest for recognition in music and theatre; leaving Logan and Virgil behind in the process. One year ago, they adopted Thomas and their contact became almost non-existent; so to be told they were returning to include him and Virgil in their family...was amazing.
 "I suppose I'll have to be."
This time, Logan initiated a group hug; wrapping an arm around each of his friends and briefly forgetting that they had somewhere to be and he had a job to do.
"Jeez Specs, Thomas rubbed off on you quickly." Roman joked; causing Logan to quickly step back and adjust his tie.  
"Ah, yes, sorry." Logan stumbled over his words, causing his friends to laugh at his sudden display of affection. "I got a little carried away." "It's okay, Lo." Patton assured, waving at the little figure that was poking his head over the couch inside. "But we should get going or we'll never leave."
"Right. Yes. Of Course."
 Logan watched as Patton blew a kiss to Thomas before heading down the front path with Roman. Once the car had pulled away, he shut the door and turned to the smiling figure kneeling on the couch, waiting patiently. Brown eyes looked expectantly at him and he thought about Patton's wish for uncles for their son.
 "So… Thomas. Have you ever made pasta before?" The boy shook his head and slipped off the couch as Logan held his hand out. "Perhaps it's time uncle Logan taught you then."
 When Virgil came home, he was shocked to find the apartment lit only by Steven Universe playing on the TV. Tiptoeing around the couch he was greeted to the scene of Logan fast asleep with Thomas laying on his chest. It didn't look comfortable at all, but Virgil had to admit it was an adorable thing to come home to.
Tags: @thequeensphinx
What else have I done:
The Shield to your Sword (WIP - A fantasy/magic au - Prinxiety (Royal Roman and orphan Virgil - they’ll admit to their love eventually), Virgil angst, non binary healer Logan, *spoiler* Patton, cursed Deceit and ridiculous Remus)
Libraries are for Meetings (ongoing WIP - Human/University au with Royality and developing Analogical. Slow burn and heavily focused on a grieving group of friends that Virgil slowly becomes a part of to better himself.)
And more....
Writing Master Post
Check out my other blog for random fandom reblogs and stuff @snail-giggles
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anne-white-star · 4 years
Au (Young) prince jon pertwee x reader
Warnings: non
Paring : (young) jon pertwee x reader
Words : 5,840
Im sorry its so long i lost track of wrighting please do excuse me for any spelling mistakes and if its written weird this was writing over the span of three weeks because i also had to do my job in between, but i hope you enjoy reading and please let me know what you think 😊💖
Notes : reader is invited to a court presatation because she turned 18 and is of noble blood after the court presentation she can go to royal/noble balls/parties to look for a suitable husband. (Debutante dress = is a court presatation dress in case you are wondering) i tried to make it as acurate as posseble But i make things up here and there. This Plays somewhere between the late 1890s and the early 1910s. Y/n her family is really kind to their friends, servants and other people of lower class.
Other info : (m/f/n) mother 's friend name.... (P/s/n) Personal servant name
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Y/n was sitting in the library of their mension reading when she heared her mother call her
"Y/n i have news for you" her mother walked in.
"What is it mother?" Asked y/n while placing her book that she was reading on the table
"I just got a letter from the Queen she invited us for the next up coming court presatation in the Buckingham palace"
"Oh really and what has it to do with me?"
"Wel now that you turned 18 you are oficialy of age now to look for a husband" her mother said smiling "And after the Court presentation you wil be able to go to royal parties, balls and banquets"
Y/n stood up "when is the presentation?'
"The ceremony begines around 2:00 thill 3:00 pm march 30th" awnserd her mother
"And what do i have to do now its februari 28th mother i have a whole month"
"Well" said her mother "we have to try Debutante dresses choose shoes and accessoires plus you need to practice."
"Practice what?"
"To precent yourself of course" said her mother
"Mother do i really have to"
"Yes dear you know your father and i exept the way you are but the Queen does not"
"Alright lets choose a dress first"
Y/n sighed "fine"
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(You can Choose one of the dresses above)
After a whole day of trying on dresses y/n finaly found the one including the shoes
"Mother is it alright that i go to bed im extremly tired" asked y/n
"Sure my dear good night" said her mom
"Good night mother" said y/n while walking up the stairs to her bedroom
While walking past her fathers studdy she saw him sitting there reading trough some papers.
"Hello father how was your day today?" She asked while walking in
"Oh hello y/n it was alright I got the news from your mother that you are invited to the court presatation"
"Yes indeed im kinda nervous" y/n said while twirling her fingers
"Oh nothing to worry about dear if you practice good you will be able to get trough it"
"Thanks father im going to bed now i have been fitting dresses the whole day im really tired now" she said while giving her father a kiss on the forehead
"Good night dear"
⊱ ────── {⋅. ❖ .⋅} ────── ⊰
The next morning y/n woke up early and prepared her self to get ready for breakfast
"Good morning y/n" said her mother
"Morning" she replied
"Did you sleep wel dear?"
"Yes i did" smiled y/n and sat at the head of the table and started to eat
"Ready to choose the right accessoires today y/n?"
"Oh yes mother im looking forward to it" she said smiling
After breakfast y/n And her mother went to her parents bedroom, her mother walked up to a big wooden closet and opend the doors On one of the shelves was a soft pink box, She grabed it and went to y/n.
"In this box are some accessoires that you can chose from, these wer worn by my mother and myself at our first court presatations" she grabed the white gloves out of the box and gave them to y/n
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Y/n looked in the box and saw a pearl choker a smal tiara a big diamond necklace and a hand fan plus veil with ostrich feathers.
"This is what i wore at the time" said her mother She set the box on the bed and grabed the chocker and put it around y/n's neck next she grabed the biger necklace "this bigger one wore my mother as wel and her mother before that" she clasped the necklace around y/n her neck as wel. Her mother smiled at y/n and looked in the full length mirror She grabed the tiara and placed it on her head
"you look so mutch like me when i wore that".
"when will i have to practes mother?".
"Next week dear"
⊱ ────── {⋅. ❖ .⋅} ────── ⊰
March 9th
Today y/n would go to practes her presatation a friend of her mother would come and help her.
When afternoon came around her mother brought her friend in
"y/n you remember (mother best friend name)"
"Oh yes i do"
"Oh Look at you, you look so mutch like your mother it was just like yesterday that i hold you for the first time" she gave y/n a big hug
"Shal we go and practice now?" Asked her mother
Everything was set up for the practice, two chairs a long big rug and there wer some servants of the house who wer there to help. Y/n wore a dress kinda similar to a debutant dress but it was for practice
"Alright y/n when you present yourself to the Queen you have to bow, how does it go you come trough that door you walk over to us and bow but not a normal bow you get really low your knee almost toutch the ground kiss your mother her hand after that while you get up gracefully you grab the train of your dress again and put it over the same arm like you had before you walked in and walk out of the room. We wil be practicing the up comming 2 weeks so that you wil do it correct" said the (m/f/n).
Y/n nodded "good". Y/n walked out of the room to the door one of her personal servants was waiting
"I bet that you wil do it good y/n" said (p/s/n) he/she smiled at her.
(P/s/n) grabed the court train from y/n her arm and placed it behind her, y/n stood up straight a fake bouqet of arteficial flowers in hand, she walked out of the room not to fast and not to slow, y/n walked to her mother grabed her hand and went in a bow she kisses her mothers hand then she let go and reached for her court train she tried to stand up But the lost balance and fell over.
"are you alright dear?" Asked her mother
"Oh yeah im alright how did i do for the first time?"
"That was pretty good for the first time you looked like a natural" said her (m/f/n)
"Should i try again?" Asked y/n
"Sure dear you did wel but you have to work on your balance" said her mother giving y/n a soft smile
Y/n tried over and over again to do it right but everytime she tried to stand up the fell over because she could not keep her balance y/n her mother stood up from her chair and walked over to her daughter
"Y/n are you alright" asked her mother
"Yes" said y/n while wiping her tears away "im just so disapointed in myself, i can't even do a simple thing like standing up gracefully"
(M/f/n) walked over "we just keep practcing we have two more weeks to go"
"Lets have some tea and take a break"
Y/n was about to stand up but fell down again "i have enough now!" She took off her heels and trew them to the other side of the room but while the heels wer thrown the heel of the left shoe broke off
(P/s/n) walked to get the shoe and turned around "look y/n i think this i why you kept falling over" she showed them the shoe
"Lucky enough are those shoes for practice" said (m/f/n)
"Yes indeed"
⊱ ────── {⋅. ❖ .⋅} ────── ⊰
March 30th
Finaly the day came of the court presatation y/n was dressed up in her gown and had her bouqet of flowers conciderd out of
White Lisianthus, White Gypsophila, White/Green Monte Casino Asters, Pink Hydrangea, Pink roses, pink astibe, dust miller.
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they wer absolutly beautyfull, she walked up to their cariage and sat down, her mother was also dressed up in a presatation gown.
"Are you ready for today y/n?"
"Yes mother" y/n smiled
They arived at the Buckingham palace, y/n got up and grabed her court train and got out her mother followed. there were many young man and ladys who were present and walked in trough the big doors her mother linked y/n her arm trough hers and followed the other people.
When they came in to a big hall women wer lined up and all the men went in to the drawing room of the palace, they lined up behind the other women y/n was kinda nervous and her mother saw that.
"Y/n are you alright dear?"
"Im just nervous mother"
Her mother smiled and squeesed y/n her hand "oh sweety its Alright take a deep breath"
About 30 minuts later it was y/n her turn a royal servant took the train from y/n her arm and placed it behind her, Their name was called out by one of the servants "may i present to you (y/m/n) and y/n (l/n)"
her mother went with her in to the drawing room nobel men,women and the king and queen wer ther y/n walked gracefully head held high steady steps her mother bowed and so did y/n, y/n grabed the hand of the Queen and kissed it and then let go, she grabbed the train of her dress placed it over her arm and stood up and walked out of the drawing room with her mother. Y/n let go of a breath and smiled "you did so wel sweetheart" her mother said to her.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ❖ .⋅} ────── ⊰
April 13th
About 2 weeks later they got an other invatation
"Y/n we got an other letter dear its for an invatation to a ball at Buckingham palace" said her mother
Her father sat in his chair reading the news paper "when is it (y/m/n)?"
"In a week she replied"
Y/n sat up straight "in a week? then i have to chose my accessoires" she stood up and walked up the stairs to her bedroom. Once in her bedroom she opend the closet and grabed a box with all kind of accessoires, tiara's, necklace's, wristbands, earings. And many more. Then she remembered the box she got for her 18th birthday. Y/n placed the box back in her clossed and grabbed the one she got for her birthday, she had not opend it yet because her mother had said that its for her first ball
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In the box was a pair of white shoes, a tiara/crown, a diamond necklace and a pearl choker with a pink quartz/diamond, a pair of diamond pearl earing, a diamond opal bracelet and a carnete de ball handfan.
Her mother walked in "you like it y/n?" She asked smiling softly while sitting next to her on the bed
"Oh its loveley" said y/n with tears in her eyes
"Tomorow we are going to fit dresses and you can choose whatever design of dress you like"
Y/n stood up and did a twirl oh "i can't wait for the ball" she grabbed her mothers hand and twirled her around as wel and started to giggle, her mother smiled and said "you just look so mutch like me when i got the invatation i was so exited and thats how i met your father",
"You met father at your first ball? Wow it sounds like a real fairytail" y/n had a dreamy look in her eyes.
The next day y/n and her mother went to fit dresses for the ball many girls war walking in and out of the store, they walked in and looked at the dresses they lined the walls all kind of colors purple, pink, yellow, blue and manny more. One of the workers of the shop walked up to them and asked "hello welkom to our shop how can i help you"
"Wel we are looking for a dress for my daughter She's going to her first ball"
"I see, follow me" said the employe
Hours went by and y/n just could not find the right dress when she walked in to an other room she saw other ball gowns, she walked back to her mother "mother i have seen some dresses in the other room can we please look at them?" Her mother nodded
After fitting more dresses y/n finaly found the perfect dress
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⊱ ────── {⋅. ❖ .⋅} ────── ⊰
April 20th
The day of the ball
Everybody was ready the cariage was waiting to take them to Buckingham palace y/n her parents were waiting for their daughter. Y/n was still getting ready with the help of (p/s/n). "You look absolutely beautyfull y/n" she placed the tiara on y/n her head
"Thank you (p/s/n)" smiled y/n she stood up and walked out of her bedroom " take the evening off you deserve it and thanks for helping (p/s/n)" y/n walked down the stairs out of the door, Y/n took her seat and the cariage went on its way.       
When they arived at the palace there wer many people just like at the court presatation she saw many other cariages. Y/n her parents got out of the cariage when they got out then her father hold out his hand and y/n grabed it helping her out she stood next to her father and he smiled "You look so mutch like your mother" y/n blushed "thank you father"
Her mother put her hand on y/n her shoulder "y/n remember the hand fan that was in the box" y/n nodded "Good wel when you have danced with a person you note their name on the hand fan in that case you wil know who is who"
After her mother was done explaining they went inside the palace they followed the music manny young men and women were on the ballroom floor dancing some wer drinking some wine on the side. Y/n followed her parents to a group of people who wer chatting with echoter. They introduced y/n to some of the males in the group her parents wer already deep in conversation that they din't see a man walking up to her he bowed to y/n and asked "may i have this dance madam?" Y/n replied "yes of course" he took her hand and leaded her to the ballroom floor
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He had brown curly hair blue eyes and a kind face he was wearing a suit with medals and golden trims
"Whats your name?" she asked
"My name is John Devon Roland de Perthuis de Laillevault but you can call me jon for short miss, but whats the name of this beautyfull women in front of me?" Jon asked smiling.
"My name is y/n l/n" she replied with a smile
"A beautyfull name for a beautyfull women"  
When they arived on the ball room floor the music started to play again he placed his right hand on her hip and the left on her shoulder. Y/n her left hand grabbed her skirt and her right hand grabbed jon's left hand, and they started to dance to the walz.
"You are really great at the walz miss y/n i never met someone who could dance as good as you"
"Oh thank you" blushes y/n
When the dance ended jon wished her goodbye but then she relised "wait!" she went after him
"Yes?" He turned around
"How Do you spell your full name?" She asked blushing
Jon laughed "shall i write it down for you?"
Y/n nodded and gave him her hand fan and pencil "will i see you again?" She asked
"Of course" he gave her the pencil and hand fan back,"see you later miss y/l/n" he said with a smile and he walked away.    
A few minutes later a man with blond hair and blue eyes walked up to her
"May i have this dance please?" He bowed
"Yes of course" she replied and put her hand in his.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ❖ .⋅} ────── ⊰
About a few hours later y/n had a few names on her hand fan wich included
Peter Malcolm Gordon Moffett, Thomas Stewart Baker, Percy James Patrick Kent-Smith, David John McDonald,
She walked back to her parents who wer standing on the side talking with some people
"Ah y/n there you are are you enjoying your self"  her father asked
"Yes im enjoying myself" she smiled  
"May i see your hand fan dear?"asked her mother
Y/n gave her the hand fan and her mother looked over the names then she saw a name of somone really important "y/n dear have you danced with John Devon Roland de Perthuis de Laillevault?" Her mother asked in a hussed tone
"Um is something wrong with that?"
"No not at all but do you know who that is?" Y/n shook her head "y/n he's a prince you have dance with one of the royals"
Sundenly it clicked she had danced with a royal, a prince non the less  
Her mother gave y/n back her hand fan " you can go and get something to drink dear" her mother smiled and turned back to the people who she was talking with
Y/n walked way to the table to get something to drink
"Miss y/l/n" she turned around hearing somone saying her last name, when she turned around there stood jon smiling at her "Hello" she said smiling sofly.
"going for a drink i see" jon also grabbed a glass from the table and took a sip
She nodded while looking around the ball room "I really do enjoy my first ball but my feet hurt from dancing" she giggled
Jon took the last sip from his wine glass "follow me i wanna show you something"
Y/n followed after jon up to the the grand stairs they went to the first floor to the east wing of the palace, jon hold open the door to the center room "we are here" y/n looked around the room "um jon i really don't want to be rude but i should not be here" she looked doen grabbing her skirt with one hand
Jon walked to the balcony doors And opend them, he than walked back over to y/n " why not? I mean im here im aloud to be here so are you" he grabed her hand sofly. She looked up and gave a soft smile. Jon grined and walked her over to the balcony "the sky is beautyfull tonight" jon said looking up, she followed his gaze to the sky and she lost her breath "its beautyfull", jon grabed a chair and set it down for y/n "please do sit down and rest your feet"  
     Y/n sat down and jon walked back in to get an other chair she took off her shoes and start to rub her feet "I think i have blisters on my feet" she said gigeling. Jon came back with the chair and sat down next to her "are you alright?" "Hmm yeah i am" she turned to face him "are you sure?". "Yeah but i don't think im going to dance for a month" y/n laughed and jon joined in. "I never met someone like you, you are not like most women i met at this ball and other parties". "Is that a good thing or?". "I mean it in a good way don't worry".
Y/n and jon chat for an other hour when y/n said "Jon what time is it?". "one moment" jon stood up went to look at the grand clock then she heared the chimes of big ben and she counted them "1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....6......7.....8....9...10...11....12 its mid night i should go my parents said we would leave at 12" y/n stood up and grabed her shoes and put them on "should i escort you to your carriage?". "Yeah sure" jon offered y/n her arm and walked her down the stairs people wer leaving and some wer wispering among them selfs while they saw the prince walk down the stairs with a women who they din't really know.
They walked outside to the carriage. "Y/n there you are" said her mother, she bowed down to jon "your highness" jon held up his hand "there is no need for that" he smiled. Jon looked at y/n her father "your daughter is quite a special one". "What did you do y/n?". "She did nothig wrong don't worry". "Let's go home its late and i bet that y/n is really tired". Y/n her mother climbed in to the carriage and then her father followed. "Wil we see echoter again?" Asked y/n "i know we wil" jon said smiling.
Y/n sat in the carriage as wel next to the carriage stood a big flower pot with red roses he plucked one and gave it to her. "Thank you" she smiled. "Until next time" He bowed. The carriage rode away jon waved after her and so did y/n. She sat back down once jon was out of sight. "So what did you two do?" Asked her father. " nothig we sat and talked". "But where did you go we could not see you anywere". "We went to the  center room i had to sit down because my feet hurt". "I see, wel you can take a rest tomorow" her mother smiled.
Once home y/n walked up the stairs to her bedroom and started to dress for bed after she was done she got under the blankets and fell asleep dreaming of jon.             
⊱ ────── {⋅. ❖ .⋅} ────── ⊰
A few weeks later..
Y/n was sitting outside in her back garden reading a book when she heared the sound of horses and the weels of a carriage then it stoped wich means it had stoped before their house then she heared her mother call "y/n would you see who that is dear?". "Yes of course!" Y/n placed her book aside and stood up she walked down the path next to the house wich was shaded by trees and bushes.
When y/n got to the front of the house there stood the carriage but not any carriage but the royal carriage. lackey opend the door and shouted "may i present to you his royal highness John Devon Roland de Perthuis de Laillevault!" After his name was anounced jon stepped out and looked around when then his eyes fell on y/n " hello y/n its great to see you again" he said while walking up to her. " jon what are you doing here? How did you find my adress?" She asked smiling "i had to ask my parents for your aderess" he said while rubing his neck. Y/n smiled and grabed his hand "come with me i'll show you the way to the garden" going down the same path jon had to duck to avoid the tree branches.
when they got in the back garden y/n her parents wer sitting drinking some tea "mother, father look who's here" her parents looked up "your highness" said her mother "please just call me jon" he said smiling "please do sit down" y/n her father gestured at a chair "I will get some more tea" y/n went inside. "So Jon tell us why are you here?". "Wel after the ball and a few weeks after that i could not take my mind of your daughter" y/n her mother smiled "I understand". "and i want to get to know her better and start a relationship". "What do you think y/m/n?". "I give my consent" she said smiling. "So do i" her husband said.
When y/n came back with the tea and sat down "y/n I have a question for you". "Yes what is it jon?". "I was wondering if we could start a relationship with echoter because i just haven't been abel to get you out of my mind". Y/n smiled and grabed his hand "I would love to" her parents smiled at them when they looked at jon and y/n sitting there they saw them self when they wer younger.
Jon stayed the night over at their house in the guest room wich was next to y/n's, jon was staring at the seling when he heared a knok on the bedroom door, jon got out of bed and walked to the door and opend it, there stood y/n in a night gown and a candel labra "hello" she smiled "hello y/n whats wrong?", "I could not sleep what about you?", "me neither i was just staring at nothing" he grined, "may i come in?", "yes sure". y/n walked in and put the candel labra on the bed side table and walked to the balcony doors And opend them
"I readed in the news paper that there would be shooting stars tonight" y/n walked outside to sit on the chairs who stood on the balcony, jon walked outside and sat down next to her. "Look!", jon looked up in shock at the sky but when he looked up he saw stars shooting trough the sky it was absolutly beautyfull, y/n was in aw Jon looked from the sky back at y/n she was absolutly beautyfull her eyes glinsterd like stars. About an hour y/n fell asleep, jon picked her up and braught her back to her own room he placed her in bed he blowed out the candels and went back to his own room and fell asleep on his bed   
The next day they all had breakfast with echoter "would you all mind comming back with me to Buckingham palace to meet my parents?" Jon asked "oh i would love to, can we please go?" "Yes sure dear" her mother smiled    
After breakfast y/n and her parents prepared them self to go back to Buckingham palace with jon, jon was waiting for them to get ready y/n was the one who was done first she walked down the stairs towarts jon he held his arm out to her and she took it a "I just can't wait to meet your parents" she said while leaning her head on his shoulder". a few minuts later y/n her parents also came from the stairs they walked outside to the carriage that was waiting for them the lackey opend the door and let them in jon held out his hand to help her in the carriage. She sat down and jon sat next to her and her parents went to sit opposite them.
After the carriage arived at Buckingham palace jon his parents wer waiting for them once they stept out they aproced jon's parents. "Father mother this is y/n y/l/n and these are her parents y/f/n and y/m/n" y/n her parents bowed and so did y/n. "Its so Nice to meet you" jon his mother said. "Its an honor to meet you your highness". "Oh no need to be so formal just call me Avice, this is my husband roland". " Its Nice to meet you" he kissed y/n her hand and did the same to her mother and shook her fathers hand. "please follow us to the white drawing room" they followed them and sat down on the coutch "our son has been talking a lot about you sinds the ball". "Only good things i hope" y/n giggled. Jon's mother smiled she knew that she's the perfect girl for her son.
After they talked jon and y/n went to the garden of the palace and went to take a walk "your parents are so Nice" smiled y/n while they walked past the lake y/n looked at the water when her eyes fell on something "jon look ducks" he followed her gaze "would you like to sit down?" y/n nodded jon took off his jacked and layed it on the ground "My lady" he said grinning "thank you" she giggled back. "Its so peacefull here" jon humed in respond.
That night everybody went to bed y/n went to her guest room that was located next to jon's while her parents bedroom was opposite of them. What they din't know was that when y/n and jon had been outside early that day they wer talking about the relationship of their children and that if they would get maried they would exept it because that they could get along so wel.
The next few months went like this And later on they would stay for a week at echoters house.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ❖ .⋅} ────── ⊰
Jon's parents decided to give a outside party at Buckingham palace it was warm outside and the sky was blue. A big picknick was prepared in the afternoon, people war enjoying them self music was playing some people wer dancing. Jon stood up "shal we go for a little walk?" He asked while holding his hand out for y/n to take "yes of course" she placed her hand in his jon helped her up, "its so Nice that your parents invited our family's" smilled y/n "wel i heared that there is someone who will make a big announcement" jon said. " Oh really? I dint know that do you know who the person is who's going to make the announcement?" Jon shook his head "no i don't know".
When they got back jon's father saw that he came back with y/n from the walk he tapt his wife on the shoulder "avice, think its the best moment now that jon makes the announcement" his wife nodded "i think he knows when to do it darling" jon came back they had they had a secret sign jon nodded to his father wich ment that he is ready roland stood up "dear ladies and gentlemen there is someone with is who would like to make an announcement" he gesures to his son. Jon "yes like my father said i would like to make an announcement" he turned to y/n "y/n the day sinds i met you on the night of the ball i knew we would go wel togetter, and with all those months that i have known you those wer the best months of my life And thats why i want to ask an important question" jon went down on his knee and pulled out a red velvet box with a ring "dear y/n l/n Do you want to be my wife?" Y/n had tears in her eyes and her hand over her mouth, everybody was looking at her waiting for the awnser. "YES! a milion times YES!" everybody started clapping and cheering. Y/n huged jon, he spun her around and hold her close.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ❖ .⋅} ────── ⊰
The day of the wedding
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Y/n woke up early to get prepared for her special day. taking A bath, fitting her dress, do her hair and make up, jon also prepared him self they could not see echoter thill the wedding. Y/n her mother in law walked up to her with a box "this is for you my dear" she handed her the box, y/n opend it in the box was a beautyfull tiara with diamonds and pearls "I wore this on my wedding day now i want you to have it" avice grabed the tiara and put it on y/n her head "so now you look like a real princess". "Oh before i forget" avice grabed an other box and handed y/n a piece of paper it readed "big congatulations to the new couple, here is my wedding gift to you, Greatings from the Queen of England" she opend the box and there was a diamond necklace with a diamond heart. "Its absolutly gorgeous" she clasped the necklace around her neck. 
Y/n her mother walked in "Oh sweetheart you look absolutely beautyfull", "thanks mother",  "we have two more hours thill the wedding". Y/n nodded and smiled "I can't believe im going to get maried" she cried happy tears Her mother huged her "Oh darling we are so proud of you our little girl".
Jon got in his cariage with his and y/n her father 30 minuts before y/n did and they left for Westminster Abbey. People wer standing on the side of the road waving at them. 30 minuts later y/n got in her own cariage together with her mother and mother in law, "im so nervous", " don't worry dear you wil get trough this". When they arived they went to a separate room 10 more minuts before the wedding started. Jon stood at the altar waiting for her with his parents next to them, people sat down in their chairs. There wer so many people friends, family, nobels and royals. Music started to play wich indicated that the wedding had started y/n took her father's arm and he walked her down the aisle. The music stoped when y/n stood at the altar
The priest spoke"Welcome friends, family and nobles today we have gathered to tie the knot between these two young lovers, John Devon Roland de Perthuis de Laillevault and (your full name)", please repeat after me.
"I, (Bride/Groom), take (you/thee) (Groom/Bride), to be my (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; and I promise to be faithful to you until death parts us."
"I, John Devon Roland de Perthuis de Laillevault, take (your full name), to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; and I promise to be faithful to you until death parts us."
He grabed the ring and put it on y/n her finger
"I, (your full name), take John Devon Roland de Perthuis de Laillevault, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; and I promise to be faithful to you until death parts us."
Y/n did the same and put the ring on jon his finger as wel
"Now that you both have committed yourselves to one another and to your Holy Union through the sacred vows that you have taken and by the giving and receiving of these rings, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride"
Jon kissed y/n and everybody stood up and clapped for the bride and groom, jon and y/n walked down the aisle the bells wer ringing sending the newly wedd couple on their way people outside wer cheering for them. Y/n and jon walked down the stairs to the carriage that was waiting for them.
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it was pulled by four white horses, they got in and sat down they rode away people linned the streets clapping and cheering flower peddals wer thrown it was absolutly beautyfull. Jon and y/n kissed as they rode back to the palace
⊱ ────── {⋅. ❖ .⋅} ────── ⊰
A few years later y/n and jon welcomed a beautyfull girl named Dariel de Perthuis de Laillevault and boy named sean de Perthuis de Laillevault in the world
And they lived happy ever after
The end
I hope you enjoyed reading im sorry its so long 😅
And please let me know what you thought about it thank you 😊🌹🌹      
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sabraeal · 5 years
Part of the Ascend (Series), inspired by @onedivinemisfit‘s Concubine AU
Written for the obiyuki kiss-a-thon, and massively, massively late. YET STILL JUST IN TIME. The prompt was Jealous Kiss
There’s an itch between his shoulder blades while Shirayuki talks with Miss Kiki, heads bent and voices low, one he knows won’t be satisfied with a scratch. It’s got nothing to do with the way his coat stretches over his shoulder, or the way his muscles long for a good spar, and everything to do with the fact that he doesn’t belong here.
Oh, Master might have given him a fancy title, and His Majesty might like dressing him up for these soirees, but none of that makes him one of them, a peer, and everyone knows it.
Sir Hisame smirks at him over the rim of his wine, angling himself closer to Kiki’s side. Obi frowns. Some more than others, it would seem. Doesn’t help that this monkey suit isn’t his, no matter how nice the tailoring. He’s not the sort of man who touches this much cloth-of-gold unless he’s stealing it.
He bites back a smile. Oh, to see the steward’s face when he learned that tidbit. The man wouldn’t put him in a room with so much silver, that’s for sure.
“I see.” Kiki settles back in her hips, mouth bent thoughtfully. “So you’re here to see Lord Eisetsu.” She flicks a wry look at him. “An unusual matter, indeed.”
Hisame hums beside her, wearing the sort of look a cat gets right before you smell the bird on its breath.
“Well now, Miss Kiki,” Obi drawls, “speaking of unusual matters...I’m sure the prince wasn’t invited, but that doesn’t explain the two of you.”
“When Lord Eisetsu visited Wirant to convey his regards, I was at home.” To his horror, Kiki exchanges a look with her...fiancé. “It seems he extended this invitation once he heard of our engagement.”
Once he suspected that Master had lost his long alliance with Seiran’s daughter, more like. “And are the Bergatts here?”
What a party of traitors that might make. Obi restrains himself from slanting a measuring look at the Vice Captain.
“They are not,” Kiki tells him, idly waving the fan in her hands. “Neither Lord Tsuruba nor Sir Tariga.”
“Even if they were invited, they wouldn’t attend,” Sir Hisame says, illustrating his most definitive quality: insinuating himself where he’s least wanted. “They are beyond the pale, so to speak. The only person who could publicly engage with them now is the prince himself.”
Not including the Bergatt staff, of course, or the pages that Tsuruba would be rubbing elbows with in Wirant. Funny how so little people seemed to count for personhood these days.
Obi knows better that to remark on it, not in this crowd. “That’s our young master for you,” he drawls, making a show of mulling over the Vice Captain’s words. “So majestic.”
Sir Hisame’s smile wears thin on his lips. “Quite.”
“And what about tonight?” His gaze cuts to Kiki, serious. “Has anything strange happened?”
“Hard to say.”
The last time a man spoke for Miss Kiki, she had laid him out on the dirt, standing over him with that calm smile of hers as she said, I know how to speak for myself. But the Vice Captain forges ahead, unmolested. A pity. “Although I will note, this is the first time since my debut that no young ladies have approached me.”
Obi knows that Kiki always fights her own battles, but maybe this once--
“Jokes aside.” Hisame’s expression shadows, growing sharp. “You should be aware that even though you have the power of the royals at your back, the fact that you are clustering at the edge of the floor is no doubt sowing seeds of suspicion around you.”
Obi stiffens, casting his gaze around the room. He’s annoyed to find that the Vice Captain’s observation is true; though the glances are surreptitious, tendered over champagne flutes or behind fluttering fans, nearly every lord and lady not occupied with the dance is watching them, watching-- her.
His wife.
“My lady--” he starts, reaching out a hand--
Only for it to be knocked aside by a shoulder. “On that note, Lady Shirayuki.” The serpent bares his fangs as he offers a hand. “Are you able to dance?”
Every line of Shirayuki grows tense, wary. They had met Hisame at a ball like this, years ago, when neither of them were worth more than a pithy comment about the prince’s new pets and an all-too knowing look he dragged up her body. His wife may be forgiving, but it seems she has not forgotten that particular encounter, not even for Miss Kiki’s entirely reformed fiancé.
Her hands curl into stiff fists at her side. “Pardon, my lord?”
“I thought we might emulate Their Majesties--” his hand slithers around hers, pale skin pressed to kid glove-- “and light up the floor with our majestic presence.”
He turns his back to them, ignoring Shirayuki’s stammered protests. “We’ll be back, Miss Kiki.”
And with only that, Sir Snake sweeps his wife out onto the floor, the skirt of her gown belling out behind her. She’s a vision beneath the lamplight, the chandeliers making the golden thread on her dress sparkle and shimmer, as if she were little more than a flame herself, guttering in the breeze.
She casts an alarmed glance over her shoulder, but it is not to beg him for help-- oh no, she spares it only for Miss Kiki, who waves her off with a bored expression. It seems Lady Seiran feels no particular proprietary sense over her snake of a fiancé.
He could stop this himself, of course; he’s her husband. He’d have every right to cut in, to demand this dance, but--
It would cause a scene, one that might make a lord think twice about entering into an already risky venture. Jealous husbands seldom made for easy negotiations. Especially with a man who already showed such enthusiasm for dressing the wife.
So instead, Obi grinds his teeth, watching a gloved hand slither about her waist, drawing her close. Too close. Leave it to a serpent like Luigis to steal a man’s wife for a waltz.
Sir Hisame lifts his chin, meeting his gaze over her shoulder, and-- and smirks.
Obi startles as a hand falls on his wrist. “Careful,” Kiki drawls softly, never taking her gaze from the pair, “that’s crystal.”
He eases his chokehold on the glass. “You’re not going to stop him?”
“He’s right.”
Obi nearly does a double take right there in the ballroom. Kiki Seiran, saying that this man had a point--
“You were drawing attention hovering at the edge of the room like that,” she continues, gaze fixed to where the dancers float across the floor, faint smile firmly in place. “Though I suppose the honeymoon might be over, after--”
“I just don’t like this,” he interjects, darting a pointed glance at the young boy between them. Ryuu’s not paying attention of course, only worrying the sleeves of his borrowed jacket as he eyes the crowd warily, as if someone might ask him to dance at any time. “It’s all a little...neat.”
Her gaze drags to his for a long moment. Sir Hisame, so recently embroiled in the Bergatt incident, now in the room of a man avoiding royal attention. She couldn’t miss the implication.
“He won’t do anything to her,” she says, looking back out to the floor. “It wouldn’t behoove him to lose his fiancée’s good graces so soon after he has won them, would it?”
He grunts into his wine. “Goodness, how highly you think of your betrothed.”
Her mouth hooks into a sharp smile. “He’s only slightly more likely to attempt something than you are.”
His jaw drops. “There’s a child here.”
Ryuu frowns. “I’m not a child, I’m fifteen.”
He has a point, but Obi knows exactly what he was doing at fifteen, and he wouldn’t discuss any of that in Ryuu’s hearing either.
Kiki’s brow arches, too amused. “Oh, is that the excuse you’re using now?”
Obi’s tempted to open his mouth, to inform her that she must have old information, for not only has Shirayuki been in his bed, but also--
Also, he knows the softness of her skin and the way she whines as his hands roam across it, how her breath goes shallow when he kisses at her thighs, the precise shape of her mouth as he licks between them, tasting the sweetness that lies there--
His breath huffs out harshly. He really shouldn’t be thinking of any of that right now. Not when he needs a clear head.
“In any case, he’s the safest partner in this ballroom tonight.” Kiki cuts her gaze toward him and Ryuu. “Present company excluded.”
“I’m not worried that he’s going to whisk her away,” he grumbles, taking another sip from his glass. His aching jaw can attest to how little Shirayuki has to complain. “I’m worried about the sort of poison he could spit in her ear.”
You might try searching a bed for your next assignment. It’s been years since the words were spoken, but they scald him still. That little prick of a clerk is clear in his mind, wielding gossip like a blade, trying to draw first blood. Too bad a clerk did not need his wit so sharp as a concubine in the harem; he’d think twice before trying to cross blades with Shirayuki again. But the Vice Captain...
Well, if his time at Sereg was any indication, Sir Hisame could wield more venom than one inconsequential clerk. And he had Shirayuki at the perfect distance to sink the knife in, with no one being none the wiser.
“Master Ryuu, Sir Obi.”
He doesn’t startle, but it’s a close thing; only the fact that he is here as a knight of the royal circle keeps his heels firmly planted to the parquet.
It does not seem to fool Lugilia’s steward. When he turns to face him, his smug smile is already in place. “Sorry to have kept you.”
He might be new to this whole knight thing, but he’s learned a thing or two from watching Master. Obi lets the apology hand in the air, getting heavy, stale, awkward.
Shou’s smile practically creaks from the weight of it. “He’s had many people keeping him occupied.”
Obi isn’t in the habit of pulling rank-- that’s a good way to get spit with your tea in the morning-- but standing here, dressed in this gaudy monkey suit at a party he’s been press-ganged into-- by proxy, no less--
Well, he’s quickly running out of fucks for this man’s tender feelings. “Meaning we can speak with him now?”
“Indeed.” He mislikes how amused the man sounds. “In fact, he’s already headed Lady Shirayuki’s way.”
“What?” Obi whips his gaze to the floor, but it’s too late, far too late. The band still plays, but the dancing has stopped, every guests’ eye drawn to where a young lord stands at the center of the floor, his arm outstretched--
Holding a flower. A rose, though its crimson petals pale compared to the hair of the woman he offers it to.
His glove creaks at his side. he’s an idiot, letting her leave his side. The steward had tried to separate them once before, back when he got them into these costumes, and Obi’d been wise to it then, but then he let that serpent just take her--
“Who is that?” A lady not far from his squints through the dancers. “That red-haired girl?”
To his other side, a man murmurs, “Does she know Lord Eisetsu?”
Shirayuki is no stranger to this sort of attention; her harem mask is well in place, smile welcoming and body open. But the rest of her is frozen, coiled for flight, like a vixen cornered in her den. And this particularly canny hound has no intention of letting her slip past.
“She must, she must,” laughs a woman, words pitched soft, “or at least, she will by the end of the night.”
“Oh?” It’s a man who answers, confused. “I thought she was already on someone’s arm tonight.”
With a hand that doesn’t shake, she accepts the rose.
“What does that matter?” snickers another guest. “A girl like that couldn’t do better than Eisetsu, and I’m sure her husband knows it!”
Obi shakes himself, loosening his fist. Let them talk. In a few months, all these old dogs will be saying her name like a new trick, this whole night forgotten like a bad dream.
Eisetsu looks up as she cradles the rose to her breast, meeting Obi’s gaze over her shoulder. He expects a nod, a polite acknowledgement of their connection, a tacit question about this approach--
But instead that horse-faced fuck smiles, smiles, like a man who’s already won, like she’s some sort of prize.
“Trust him,” Kiki murmurs, and for a moment he wants to ask her if she’s gone mad, if she can really tell him to trust the man who thinks Shirayuki is an object to be passed from man to man--
Until Hisame steps between them. Or rather, behind Shirayuki, his hand laid protectively over her shoulder, blocking Eisetsu’s gloat.
“He knows how to handle this sort of thing,” Kiki tells him, smoothing down his sleeve.
“I suppose he’d have to,” Obi mutters, “this is just the sort of move he loves to pull.”
Kiki’s mouth tugs into a smile. “Hush.”
Despite his timely help at Sereg, and the miraculous way he has wormed himself into Wistal’s good graces, Sir Snake could only be trusted as far as his leash. A length, Obi thinks, should only be long enough for him to hang himself with.
But he trusts Kiki, and if she thinks they can rely on slithering fiancé for this, well, he’ll--
Call her a fool, because there the fork-tongued little cuss is, fleeing away from the scene as Lord Eisetsu sweeps his wife from the ballroom.
“Son of a bitch,” he hisses. “That rat--”
“Obi, just wait. I’m sure--”
“Oh yes,” he shrugs off her grasp, stepping away, “looks like he clearly has it handled. You should marry him for that display alone.”
She casts him a warning look, arms folded tight against her chest. “Obi...”
“Ah, Sir Obi!” Hisame hails him with a raised hand as he weaves through the crowd, mouth quirked into a smirk. “Just in time. You should--”
Obi shoulders past him. “I don’t need to be told how to deal with my wife, sir.”
The snake’s mouth snaps shut, but there’s no time to enjoy his speechlessness, not when Eisetsu is nearly out the door, tugging a reluctant Shirayuki behind him.
“My lady,” he calls out, unclasping his cape. It slides easier than his others, he notes with no little annoyance. If he makes it through this, he’ll have to ask a man about some clasps.
Shirayuki spins on her heel, relief plain on her face. “Obi!”
He gives her a tight smile, just a bend of his lips. “My lady, you’ll be cold out there.”
With a flick of his wrist the cloak settles on her shoulders, smooth and even as if it had been hers to begin with, another part of her glittering ensemble. He takes a step closer, hands splaying out over her collar, feeling the way she trembles beneath them. “Please wear this.”
“Obi...” she breathes, heat fanning over his lips, and he lifts a hand, curling a smooth, kid-clad finger beneath her chin. Her mouth parts, just slightly, and--
Well, he knows an invitation when he sees one.
His lips brush hers, and that’s all he means it to be, a soft touch to let Eisetsu know that she was not some neglected noble wife, eager to let a more passionate man roll her, but--
But Shirayuki turns into him, clutching his tunic with her kitten claws, and whimpers.
This is, by all accounts, a formal occasion, a private soiree where the guest list has been scrupulously maintained to assure only the outcome most desirable for its host. Obi isn’t sure what they’ve done to earn their place among its honored press, what strange whim has seen them thrown into this kettle of conspirators, but whatever Eisetsu has planned, it can’t have involved a no-name knight and his wife sharing a passionate kiss in front of an utterly silent ballroom.
His arms cinches around her waist, drawing her tight against him. Her lips part on a gasp, leaving her soft, pliant, and it’s too much to ask him to behave when he remembers how she had looked in the lamplight of his bedroom, head thrown back in abandon as she chased the pleasure only his hands and tongue could give her.
His glove slips from her chin, the whole of his palm sliding along her cheek until he can tangle his fingers deep in the mass of her hair. It’s done up tight, a proper twist for a lady, but in his memory it’s loose, a shining sea of copper curling down the pale skin of her back, and he wants to lose himself it in it, in all of her.
It’s her that opens her mouth, that lets the tip of her tiny tongue dart out, insinuating itself between his lips, and oh, he should have done this sooner--
Someone coughs, awkward. Ah, right. They have an audience.
He steps away, taking in her flushed face, bruise lips, the way her hair has nearly come loose from its clip-- her clip, the one they’d bought only a day ago-- and it takes everything he has in him not to pull her back to him.
“Well.” He retreats another step; a safer distance with the way his blood is thrumming so headily beneath his flesh. “I’ll be waiting inside, my lady.”
She blinks, the heat banking in her eyes as she realizes that they are not alone, that only steps away is the man she needs convince of the Phostyrias’ usefulness. Which she can’t do if her mouth is occupied with his, unfortunately. “T-thank you, Obi.”
He turns to the lord, mouth curving into a satisfied smile as he takes in Eisetsu’s deflated posture. “I leave my wife in your care, Lord Eisetsu.”
The lord startles, giving him a wary, wide-eyed stare. “Yes. I’ll....be sure to get her back before she catches a chill.”
He lets his smile go sharp. “See to it you do.”
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teefa85 · 4 years
Before I do anything else, I want to post the second part of my two part fic series.  This time, from Hawkeye’s eyes on an all male team.  There is more dialogue from the game since there is more in game interaction in this configuration, but it still shows his feelings about things going on.  Along with some snark from Duran and a bit of adorable from Kevin...
           The tactical meeting dismissed, leaving Duran and his team to get ready for their trip back to Beiser.  There was worry that they might not be able to leave Palo, but thankfully Liza was able to inform them that ships were still going out.  Kevin had asked if they could swim instead of taking the boat but was overruled because neither Hawkeye nor Duran would be able to keep up!
           “Well, we should get supplies before we leave,” suggested Duran.
           Alma, the middle-aged woman who’d been at the meeting, stated, “Then come with me.  I’ll show you were we have some extra restoratives.  And don’t worry about paying us back…you are taking on this mission for our sake, after all…”
           “If we’re getting supplies, can I have something to eat?” questioned Kevin. “I’m hungry.”
           The two youths followed her out of the room, as did the few Amazons and the old man.  Leaving only Hawkeye and Riesz standing around.  He took her in for a moment, not knowing what to think.  What other royal princess would volunteer to go on a dangerous mission instead of delegating responsibility to one of her underlings? Not only that, but she was the Captain of the guard as well!  Something told him that it wasn’t just some ceremonial position they’d handed off to her…this girl had the look of someone who, despite her unassuming appearance, could kill a man with ease if needed!
           “Are you okay?” she asked, looking up.
           For a moment, Hawkeye stayed silent.  Then he closed the distance between them a little, looking her straight in the eyes. “I am sorry for all you are going through.  If I had been stronger, I might have been able to stop this before it got out of hand.”
           “Huh?” the confused girl replied.  “Whatever do you mean by that?”
           Taking a breath, Hawkeye told her, “I…come from Nevarl myself.  Ever since that witch, Isabella, joined us, she has been manipulating our leader for her own ends.  I tried to stop her, alongside my best friend…but we failed!  And I’m the only one of us who survived to keep fighting.”
           Riesz was taken back a little.  Sure, she had suspected the man to be one of the thieves when he’d been brought in. But while it would have been safer to lock him up in the jail, just in case, something told her that he was trustworthy.  Maybe it was the fact that he was traveling with people who were clearly not Nevarlans. Maybe it was the stories Alma had told her about the Pedda war, including mention of a Nevarlan deserter who had been one of her allies, telling her to give him a chance.  And yet, she was not expecting him to apologize, or to hear of outside influence starting the conflict.
           “I cannot forgive them for killing my father and abducting my brother,” she finally said.  “But I can tell you are sincere.  Please, do be careful on your journey…I do not want to see others hurt because they are trying to help me and my people.”
           Hawkeye thanked her, his mind trying to process everything.  This girl…she wasn’t like any royalty he’d ever heard of. All the stories told in Nevarl were of people who would use anyone they could with little care for their safety or security.  Of people who would bleed their citizens dry in order to have money for the sake of having money.  Yet despite only having just met her, Riesz truly felt like a person who cared for her people out of authentic responsibility, not merely something they claimed in order to get away with whatever they wanted.
           As he began to open his mouth, Duran came running in.  “Hawkeye!  We got the stuff we needed, and Kevin’s fully fed!  Let’s head out for Beiser!”
           The young thief turned with a sigh, telling Riesz, “Don’t worry, Princess! We’ll get you that info and reclaim your citadel before long!”
           “You know, you should call a princess ‘Your Highness,’ if you want to be polite!” Duran stated.
           “And you’re one to talk about politeness!” joked Hawkeye.  “Besides King Richard, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you act polite towards anyone!”
           Their playful argument continued as the pair left the room.  Riesz watched them leave, a smile crossing her face. She then grasped her hands in prayer, begging the Goddess of Mana to watch over the three travelers on their journey.  Not just for retaking Laurent…but wherever they roamed afterwards.
* * *
           A trio of ninja guarded the doorway to the highest point of Citadel Laurent. Before they even knew what was going on, the one in front felt a shuriken embed itself into his forehead! Down to the ground he went, his comrades following soon after to the strike of a sword and the claws of a fully transformed beastman!
           “And that’s a wrap for these idiots!” Duran exclaimed, sheathing his sword.
           Hawkeye added, “We’re getting close!  Isabella’s reign of terror over these people is almost over.”
           Duran nodded.  “Yeah. And we’ll definitely make sure to get her out of Nevarl once we’ve got the Mana Sword.  She may not be my true enemy, but I’m not gonna leave a friend’s home in danger!”
           Kevin rammed into the door in front of them, bursting it open.  Thankfully…nothing was broken, though Hawkeye did get a lie ready about it being damaged in a fight with the invaders if needed be.  He might believe Isabella’s actions were wrong and self-serving, but that didn’t mean that he should have to pay for damages to the citadel done by him and his friends!
           As Duran reached out to touch the Goddess Statue, a woman’s pained cry lit up the air! Hawkeye immediately rushed up the stairs to find Riesz, kneeling on the ground and with several bloody gashes on her body.  Bil and Ben stood over her, shuriken in their hands and ready to end it…
           “Riesz!” he called out, knives at the ready.  “Wait, Bil, Ben?  Stop! What are you doing!?”
           The two paid him no heed, as if they did not recognize Hawkeye at all! Instead, they ran further in, calling out for someone named “Belladonna.”  While Hawkeye didn’t know who that was, he had more important things to worry about.  Like making sure the injured woman in front of him didn’t bleed out.  He grabbed one of the Honey Elixirs that Alma had previously given them and had her drink.
           “…Th-thank you…  The enemy commandant is in that room over there.  I will…go…shortly,” she told him, struggling in an attempt at standing.
           Despite the pain clearly still shooting through her body, Riesz tried to pull herself up.  Only to collapse back on her knees.  Hawkeye could see the determination in her eyes, knowing that he’d probably act the same way under such circumstances.  Still, despite his usual reservations about royalty, he was not the type to let a young woman be put in needless danger.
           “Don’t be an idiot!” he snapped.  “You aren’t going anywhere with those wounds!  What would your subjects do if you didn’t make it back?  Wait here—we’ll take care of it, Your Highness.”
           He ignored Duran’s comment about how he was being all formal towards Riesz now. As well as the wolf whistle and comments about him being a player.  Instead, he kept his attention on the beautiful woman before him, her eyes still filled with equal parts determination and pain.  She spoke of her promise to avenge her father, something Hawkeye could understand all too well.  He would go through anything to avenge Eagle, and if he’d been in the same situation, someone else would have had to get him to stand down.  Meaning…he had to do that for her!
           Hawkeye looked Riesz straight in the eyes, a gentle expression on his face. “I’ve never been a fan of royalty, but I understand responsibility.  You can’t let down all those people who look up to you.”
           As he turned to leave, Riesz whispered his name in a gentle voice. Hawkeye could feel strength welling up inside of him.  He would do this…for Eagle, for Jessica, for Nevarl.  And so the girl in front of him could regain her home!  Sternly telling her to stay out of harm’s way, he rushed off!
* * *
           They were able to liberate Laurent and get the Nevarlan agents out of the citadel. Still, Isabella, no, Belladonna had gotten away.  Hawkeye didn’t know why she’d gone under an assumed name, nor had he ever heard of the “Dark Majesty” that she spoke of.  But he could tell that this man was bad news!  It looked like he had a tougher fight to reclaim Nevarl and avenge Eagle than he’d expected.
           Riesz thanked the group for their help in saving her home.  But noted that it would not bring her murdered father back. Hawkeye told her how his friends appeared to be under mind control—something he knew well that Belladonna was capable of, considering what she did to Eagle—and it was the same for all of Nevarl.
           “Belladonna…  She is the one who stole my father and my kingdom from me,” commented Riesz.  “She still has my brother!  I will never forgive her!”
           Hawkeye looked at her sadly, worried she would get in over her head again.  Or worse…she’d skewer Belladonna with her spear before he could finish his own job!  “Riesz, listen.  I know you want revenge, but if you destroy Belladonna now, an innocent girl’s life will be in danger.  Just give me a bit more time.  With the Sword of Mana, I know I can save Jessica!  That’s why we have to find it!”
           Whether out of guilt or worry, he knew not, Riesz looked at the floor. “This Jessica, is she…” But she stopped at those words.  “Never mind. I understand the situation.  Right now, my fellow countrymen and I need to focus on rebuilding my kingdom.”
           He thanked her for understanding and letting him take care of things.  Not paying any attention to the smirk Duran was throwing at Kevin.  Of course, when the knight mouthed, “I think she likes him!” to his friend, it was missed because Kevin didn’t realize he was trying to send a message!
* * *
           With the blessings of her soldiers, all knowing their captain wouldn’t sit and wait for others to rescue her brother, Riesz prepared to set out at the same time as Duran’s team.  Hawkeye did wish she would rest a little more, although he didn’t voice his concerns this time.  She did appear fully healed, after all, and he knew that if it were him, he’d have to be chained down to keep from going!
           ‘Funny…never thought I’d say I had something in common with a princess!’ he mused.
           “I will set out again to renew my search for my brother,” she informed them. “Thank you all for everything you have done.  May we meet again.”
           “Riesz, I wish…,” began Hawkeye.
           However, Riesz interrupted him as she put her hands up over her reddening face. “Uh, I-I must go now!  Take care, everyone.  Farewell.”
           With that, she ran off, leaving the trio standing in the citadel entryway. Hawkeye looked down for a moment, letting out a sigh.  He had wanted to echo her sentiment about seeing each other once more.  It would be a shame never to gaze upon such beauty again! Or maybe…
           “Hey, Hawkeye?” Kevin asked.  “Why did Riesz’s face look red?  Is she still hurt?”
           Before he could answer, Duran let out a little laugh, putting his arm atop Hawkeye’s shoulder.  “It’s simple! She’s obviously got a crush on him! What luck, having a cute princess want you!”
           The thief playfully pushed his friend away.  “Yeah, right!  I think I just knocked her off kilter!  She wasn’t expecting me to be so dashing.  It’s not like a princess would fall head over heels for someone from the nation that just torched hers!”
           “But you wouldn’t mind if she did?” questioned Duran.
           Hawkeye had no answer to that one…other than that it would be nice.  And expected to get teased mercilessly about it on the boat ride back to Beiser!
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 095
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Last time, Goku used the Spirit Bomb on Frieza and it totally worked!    Frieza’s dead forever.    Then Goku made a rainbow and said “Gay Rights”.
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The four heroes convene on a small island.   They’re all exhausted, and it’s a bittersweet moment because of all the Namekians who died before.   Still spirits are high, and it looks like all they have to do now is find Goku’s ship and head home.
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Buoyed by the news of Goku’s victory, the Z-Fighters on King Kai’s planet polish off the Ginyu Force by knocking them off the planet, causing them to fall into Hell.  
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Recoome tries to force his way back up, but there’s some sort of force field, so he’s trapped.  
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King Kai then reveals that he arranged for the dead Ginyus to be sent here so the boys would have some worthy foes to fight.    That seems kind of odd, but okay.
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Yeah, shots like this one are the only times I really get sore about the Orange Brick DVDs being letterboxed.    Sorry, Piccolo.
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Oh, hey, even Frieza’s shown up to help celebrate Goku’s big win over Frieza--OH SHIT!
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Frieza shoots a laser at Goku, and Piccolo shoves him out of the way and ends up taking the blast himself.   So we’ve officially reached the point where Piccolo is a good guy.    He was originally created to kill Goku, and now he’s sacrificing himself to save Goku.
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Goku tells Krillin and Gohan to run away while they still can, but Frieza isn’t having any of that.    Even he thought that Spirit Bomb would be the end of him, and that’s finally pissed him off enough that he’s done toying with these guys.   He uses some technique to levitate Krillin...
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...And then he makes Krillin explode. 
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Then Frieza turns his attention to Gohan.   
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Throughout all of this, Goku has barely moved.   He’s just been hunched over, twitching his clenched fists.    Then all this lightning starts up, and...
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Yeah, the most important moment in the entire franchise happens.  
I’m not sure what to say about this moment that hasn’t already been said.  It never gets stated in this episode, and the only time “Super Saiyan” is mentioned at all is in the title.   And yet, we all know what’s happened here.    It’s obvious.   Characters have been talking about Super Saiyans for the last thirty episodes.   No one knew exactly what a Super Saiyan was, or that it was a transformation you had to do to become one.    But now it’s as clear as day.   The tide has turned.  
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So why not Vegeta or Gohan?  In Vegeta’s case, I think the moral of that story speaks for itself.   He assumed that his royal bloodline and ruthless approach to fighting would guarentee his supremacy, but it only sealed his fate.   He molded himself into what he thought was the ultimate Saiyan warrior, but all he really did was turn himself into Frieza Lite.    Vegeta believed he represented the best and brightest things about his species and culture, but that was only because his people had become wicked and corrupt.   
By comparison Goku was the stone the builders rejected.   His society deemed him unworthy and tossed him into space.    Every Saiyan wrote him off as a low-class warrior, and he defied their expectations and surpassed all of them.    And he did it by embracing his feelings instead of casting them aside.   Goku is what’s right about the Saiyan people, and yet the things he values and cares about were completely odious to the Saiyan race.    Vegeta never had a Krillin that could be killed before his eyes and send him into a transformative rage.   Of  all Saiyans, that moment is only possible for Goku.   
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Gohan seemed like a possible fulfillment of the legend, since he’s been displaying uncommon bursts of strength throughout the series, and Goku’s transformation looks a lot like the sort of fits of anger Gohan’s been experiencing.     There was a gag in DBZ Abridged where Goku wonders why Gohan didn’t turn Super Saiyan in this episode, because all the same stuff was happening to both of them.   Here’s the difference: Gohan didn’t have a son in the line of fire.    
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I think this line gets overlooked a lot, because in the original Funimation dub, Linda Young doesn’t mention Gohan.    Instead she says “Pop goes the weasel”, as a final sendoff for Krillin.    It’s a good line, harsh and cruel and completely contemptuous of Krillin as a person who might have mattered to anyone.   So you have a whole generation of fans, including myself, who figured that Krillin’s death was what triggered Goku’s Super Saiyan transformation.   
And Krillin’s death does play a part.   I don’t want to diminish that.    But I think it’s telling that the very last thing that happens pre-transformation is Frieza threatening to kill Gohan next.   Goku’s still processing Krillin’s violent demise, and the next thing he hears is Frieza saying he’s going to do the same thing to his son.
Does that mean you have to be a parent to turn into a Super Saiyan?   Well, no, but it doesn’t hurt.   My point is that Goku is in a much deeper state of despair than Gohan at this moment.    He had been fighting Frieza this whole time, desperately trying to find some way to beat him.   The 20x Kaio-ken failed.   The Spirit Bomb failed.  There’s absolutely nothing he can do.    And he was so sure that he’d won.    Just a few minutes earlier, he was convinced that the battle was finally over.  To have that relief stripped away from him like that is just too horrible for words.   Yeah, Gohan went through the same thing, but he wasn’t the one fighting.    He was watching from the sidelines, trusting his father to save the day.    That’s the difference.   
So how exactly did this come about?     Why is there only one Super Saiyan every thousand years?   This time it’s Goku, fine, but why was it such a rare thing in the past?    I think DBZ provides its own answer to that question.    Look at all the battles where Goku survived by the skin of his teeth, only to come back even stronger.    Vegeta defined that as a trait of Saiyan biology.   I’ve heard it called “zenkai”, the ability to gain lots of power after a Saiyan recovers from the brink of death.    Think about how many times Goku and Vegeta had to experience that in order to get as strong as they did.    Lots of Saiyans did the same, but the thing about “near-death” is that it often leads to “actual death”.   Goku had to die to get strong enough to take on Vegeta, so it was just fortunate for him that he happened to be living on a planet with the means to resurrect him.    And he was lucky enough to get timely help from his son and his friends.    Without them, he probably would have lost to Vegeta, or died from his injuries.  
Likewise, Vegeta probably would have died in that battle, except for the fact that Goku let him leave, and Frieza’s men treated his wounds.   Then he got beat up by Zarbon, and Zarbon treated his wounds because he needed information from him.   Then Goku gave him a senzu bean, despite the fact that they were enemies.    Then Dende healed Vegeta because Piccolo and the others convinced him to do it.   
When you stop to think about it, you begin to realize how these zenkai moments are more and more improbable.    The only reason Goku was able to challenge Frieza was because Captain Ginyu switched bodies with him, which allowed Vegeta to beat up Goku rather easily.     Then Vegeta turned around and healed Goku, because he would need his help later against Frieza.    There may have been other Saiyans like Goku in history, but very few of them would have ever gotten such a lucky break like that.    Most of them would probably end up dying, or they’d never get beaten so badly in the first place. 
I think that’s why Raditz had such a low power level.    It’s not that Raditz was a weakling or a failure.   It’s more likely that he just never got in a situation where he lost a battle, so he never benefited from the zenkai boost he would have gained from recovering.   What was he supposed to do?   Wander into a war zone and let himself get hurt, then hope one of his allies would rescue him?   That’s insane, and yet that’s what Goku managed to do his whole life.    That’s why Raditz was so frightened of Goku’s willingness to eat a Special Beam Cannon.     Goku was ready to die to win that battle, and that willingness to do whatever it takes was what set him apart.    
I don’t recall my reaction to seeing this episode for the first time.    I think maybe I had already seen it coming, since there was some blonde Goku merch floating around already, so I knew something was coming, and Goku needed to pull some kind of rabbit out of his hat to beat Frieza after ten episodes of getting beaten down.     I remember thinking the yellow hair looked bad, and I preferred Goku the way he was.   But when I finally saw the story behind the yellow hair, and realized what it meant, I quickly came to appreciate it.   I was 22, by the way, just in case anyone picturing me in little kid pajamas or something.   
So yeah, that’s it.    And it also closes out the second phase of the Frieza saga.    From here on, Frieza’s trapped in Super Goku Town.   And it all goes downhill from there...
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nanigma · 5 years
Leon Fanbook Translation: Special Interview
Link to the Takumi Fanbook
Famous Lines
Leon&Kamui + Words of Love
Daily Routine + Cooking Showdown
Fashion Check
Dream Change
Only two more updates to go. It’s hard to believe that I am almost finished with this. And it didn’t take me half as long as I feared to translate this. Probably because of a distinct lack of Odin speech..
Meanwhile I’ve finally gotten another part-time job, so that’s helped me feel better about my situation and I can focus on this project more than I did before. It’ll be a while before my first payment, so it would still be really nice if you could help me out a little until then. Here’s a link to my Ko-fi account. Thank you to the generous people who have helped me so far!
- All the photos on this post were taken by the lovely @zaziki7
My comments are in italics
I’ll be using Japanese names
Pages 36-37
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Special Interview/ Leon
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An interview sprung on the younger prince of Nohr! Listen to what this one young man keeps inside his heart!
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Anna: Good day to you, fans of Leon!! I am Anna, the traveling merchant! Today we've successfully gotten a hold of a Prince Leon from right after the conclusion of the „Invisible Kingdom“ Arc, and will now confront him with some rapid fire questions!! (In English) Don't miss it!!
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Topic 1 – About being Nohrian Royalty
Anna: Prince Leon, thank you for your time. It must be tough being recognized by everyone every single day. You do have a lot of fans after all.
Leon: A member of the Nohrian royal family must never embarass themselves, be firm of mind, and always remember to present themselves with grace. However, I sometimes end up wearing my clothes inside out for some reason. I really should be more careful... By the way, have we met somewhere before... ?
Topic 2 – About Kamui
Anna: So, what do you think of Kamui precisely? Also, if Kamui were below you in age, would you rather have them as a younger brother or sister?
Leon: They do have their talents, but I guess no matter how old they get, they are so unreliable it always makes me want to help them out. It seems I just can't leave them on their own. As for if Kamui were younger than me, I'd prefer to have them as a younger sister. A younger brother would likely mean more competition, you see.
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Topic 3 – About his siblings
Anna: I see... So you would prefer another little sister. Well, how do you feel about your older brother and sister?
Leon: In many ways, Marx is the strongest man in Nohr. It shows in how he embodies the ideal of the Nohrian crown prince, his skill with the sword...  how as an older brother, he shows a special kindness only to his siblings. However, there are ways in which he can be just too stubborn. Although we are currently amicable with each other, his unbending nature has caused us to quarrel in the past, to the point he even hit me once.
This refers to the Drama CDs
Anna: Ehh! Prince Marx might have just made himself the enemy of 50 million Leon fans around the whole world.
Leon: As you may know, in the whole kingdom of Nohr, Camilla's beauty and the depth of her affection is unmatched. The way she coldly dispatches of her enemies is also more than befitting of Nohrian royalty. Although it seems she doesn't pay much attention, she has actually been focusing on me quite a bit... Her offer to share a bath has been troubling for me though.
Leon, your siscon tendencies are showing.
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Anna: Mhm mhm... //Taking a bath with Camilla... Now that's some good material.// So how about your younger sister, Elise?
Leon: I'll just say this here, but I feel like she's a great help in a lot different ways. This isn't just me, all of us siblings have come to truly rely on her. I just wish she would stop tackling me with all her strength whenever we met. *laughs*  I also want her to stop drumming her fists against my back so relentlessly. It actually hurts a lot...
Topic 4 – About parent-child relations
Anna: You won't like this question, but what about your father, King Garon, and also... your mother?
Leon: My father used to be a kind man. I still remember him keeping me company during study time or letting me ride on his shoulders. Having him pat my head with his huge hand is something I used to love. He may have become an entirely different person since that incident in the past, but I would still like to meet and be able to talk to the father from my childhood just one more time.
Tagging @agoddamn here because we’ve recently discussed the extent of Leon’s memorys of the real Garon. Still a bit vague, but it seems he already had an education/training (the kanji could mean both) going before Garon died, though with his mom being so ambitious he may have started quite young still.
Leon: As far as my mother is concerned, I don't have any special memories. That woman only ever thought of me as a tool that would bind her to the king, so I couldn't bring myself to love her either. … Is that enough?
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Anna: Th- Thank you. A- Anyway, your son also seems to be rather... how to put this? Quirky... //Oh jeez! I brough up another topic he hates!!//
Leon: This is about Foleo, I see. At first I also mistook his intentions, but it turns out he is simply sticking to his own personal aesthetic. Just knowing about his convictions, I can honestly say I'm fine with it. Someday though he'll have to make a decision regarding the calling passed down through his blood, what it means to be Nohrian royalty at it’s core. … When the time comes, I hope his courage will help him make the right choice.
Not sure I like how “mistook his intentions” is phrased... What other intentions could Foleo have had that wouldn’t have been okay in Leon’s eyes? 
Topic 5- About himself
Anna: What do you think about being called cold-blooded? If you could give your own estimation of yourself, what would it be?
Leon: Although I'm not about to point out specific things I like about myself, I can say that I do have confidence in myself. Otherwise I wouldn't be fit to be royalty. That means even when I am sometimes insecure, I at least have to seem confident. My flaws are in those areas I don't have sufficent knowledge of. It's not that I ever neglect my studies, but I am fully aware it's still not entirely good enough.  
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Topic 6 – About taste in women
Anna: I am pretty sure I am asking this in the name of all your female fans, but could you share what you like in a girl? Let's give an example! You like, say, the open-minded type, or...
Leon: Well, I have never experienced a mother's love. But when it comes to choosing a partner, it's wrong to say I only long for someone to give me the love my mother never did, so I want to name a another criteria. Let's see, I'd say I like strength, but I mean that as being intelligent. Not just someone who is well-studied, but one who doesn't let their guard down around an enemy, who is able to accurately assess any given situation. That's the kind of intelligence I like.
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Takumi: Huh, it's strange seeing you two together.
Anna: Ah, it's the Prince who loves the Southern Islands! … Er, rather the Prince of Hoshido, Lord Takumi!
Leon: Prince Takumi? I thought you were staying in the southern islands right now.
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think this is the first time (or one of the few times) Leon has used the ending zo (ぞ) to a sentence in Japanese. Usually his style of speech is already pretty casual and „boyish“ in the anime-sense (it doesn't work exactly like that in real life), with him ending many sentences in „da“ (だ). It's makes it sound a bit harder.. ぞ can be seen as a step up in that, really „decisive“ sounding. It's something you would only use with friends or people of lower social standing, but we can guess which one he means here.~
Takumi: …? What are you two on about?
Leon: Speaking of, thank you for sending me that miso supply the other day. I am grateful for it.
Anna: Lord Leon actually ended up cooking the soup for himself. Suprisingly though...
Leon: That's right. I understand what I like best after all. This time I decided to try putting some tomatoes in it.
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Takumi: T- Tomatoes!? You put tomatoes in miso soup!?  Please stop joking. This is why you are Nohr's tomato prince...
Leon: Who are you calling tomato prince!? I think it's terrible how you Hoshidans always cling to your old traditions.
Anna: Uh.. Haha. Looks like I got between them~!
Again, sorry for the small images in places. I have tried finding a fix for it, but no luck. At least it’s not most pictures again like last time. Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
The next update will include all the poll results, and as you could see with the Takumi translation... that’s huge. I overestimated how long it would take me this time, but I can safely say the next one will be a long one. Hope you look forward to it.
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of If It’s For My Daughter I’d Defeat the Demon Lord
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How…?! *stares at the title*
Am I watching one of those Isekais that are everywhere nowadays? Oh, no I’m not. Then this must be one hell of a light novel for it to have this long of a title name. Yeah, like a lot of other folks, I got intrigued by the title. Actually, my first thought was if Maes Hughes from Full Metal Alchemist died his usual death and instead of staying dead, he went to another world and must defeat a demon lord in order to go back to be with his beloved daughter. Medea…what the flying hell was that? Come on, tell me I’m not the only one who thought that! The story is about a young male named Dale who happens to be a skilled adventurer. During one of his outings, he comes across a young girl. But this young girl is not like a regular human girl. As she has horns on her head, she’s known as a devil. But one of her horns is chipped which means she committed some sort of crime. But just look at this little girl!
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Her only crime is looking so adorable! I mean come on, look at her. What crimes could she have possibly committed? Regardless, Dale just couldn’t leave her alone in the forest. By the looks of it, the girl’s father might have died protecting her so she’s all by herself. So Dale takes in the girl (who is named Latina). And now they’re living upstairs to a bar headed by Dale’s friends, Kenneth and Rita. Now being a sudden single parent is not going to be easy for Dale. For starters, Latina can only speak the language of devils. And secondly, what’ll happen if her devil side emerges or if certain groups find her offensive?! Well Dale is going to tackle this head on! Because for Latina, he would do anything, even defeat a demon lord! BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: As of the moment, Crunchyroll has streamed this. And seeing as this now officially has an English dub, it’s safe to say Crunchyroll has licensed it. As of today (11/24/2019), only two episodes are out. So far I have no issues with the dub. As for the sub, this is my first time listening to Latina’s seiyuu. And Dale…holy crap, this is a first in a long time! Nobuhiko Okamoto is playing someone who’s not a screaming psychopath! Here’s what you might recognize these folks from. JAPANESE CAST: *Dale is played by Nobuhiko Okamoto (known for Gladion on Pokemon SM, Accelerator on Index, Karma on Assassination Classroom, Rin on Blue Exorcist, Ryou on Food Wars, Usui on Maid-sama, and Bakugou on My Hero Academia) *Latina is played by Kanon Takao ENGLISH CAST: *Dale is played by Brandon Winckler (known for Eugeo on SAO: Alicization) *Latina is played by Ryan Bartley (known for Ram on Re:Zero, Gilda on The Promised Neverland, Mika on Love Live, Nina on Berserk 2016, and Rei on Evangelion [redub]) DISLIKED CHARACTER: Um…whoever caused Latina to be horribly depressed!
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We’re supposed to protect this little girl’s smile. Devil or not, Latina caused pain to nobody! She did not need to have that psycho teacher chastise her in front of her classmates and cause her to almost commit suicide.
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SHIPPING: I can’t say that there’s really anything ship-worthy here. I mean, there’s Latina’s classmate Rudy who seems to get all blushy around her. But they’re children, it’s cute. It almost reminds me of Hiro and Kisa from Fruits Basket. But I don’t think there’s anything else for me to mention here for…
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…The love of God, please don’t do this! Yeah, we see this cute father/daughter relationship between Dale and Latina that many of us fear that this sweet little relationship is going to turn into something more…and go down a rather disgusting route. Obviously, this shouldn’t be taboo. Latina is NOT Dale’s real daughter, he just merely adopted her and took her in. It’s just that after the manga ending to Usagi Drop, many folks such as myself look at Dale and Latina and think, “For the love of God Dale, do not marry your devil daughter!” And now I’m just gonna look at some spoilers to hopefully debunk that horrible image in my head that is escalating into the anime version of Woody Allen and Soon-Yi.
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He did it. Fuck. This cute anime is ruined. Dale x Latina. I’m a hard NO on that. ENDING: Halfway into the series, Dale and Latina go on a journey to Dale’s hometown to gather a few supplies and give Latina an opportunity to meet his parents, grandmother, and other family members. Several of the episodes, we get to see Latina at her utmost cutest hanging with doggy hybrids, wearing cute outfits, and learning many new things. After a few months away, Latina and Dale return to their home. And aside from Rita on the verge of giving birth, everything seems to be the same. Latina seems to have grown a lot during her trip. I sure hope the final episode wraps things up nicely…Eh!
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In the final episode, Dale is visited by another traveler (and his ex), Helmine. Up to this point, we’ve only seen her in one episode and approximately 2 seconds in the opening theme. So she must be up to no good. Actually, she wants Dale to go with her on a mission to the royal capital (which we will not see because it’s the final episode). And then we get this dilemma that Latina notices, breast-size. Because Slutty McBigTits here makes Latina feel inferior. This is why we get a pouting face from Latina for some of the episode. I do give this moment some credit as we learn a little something about Latina’s mother because up to this moment we only know something about her father figure before he died. However, Latina’s mother is only brought up because Latina feels inferior knowing her mother has a petite frame and fears she’s going to be flat as an ironing board when she grows up. And then thinks that Dale has a thing for women like Busty McFlauntsItAll. Well it all gets resolved with some cute moment between Dale and Latina. Latina will be there waiting for Dale to return and Dale will be happy as hell to just hug his sweet Latina. So Dale leaves with Titty-Titty Bang-Bang (sorry, I had to get one more out)! We then see some random moments while Dale is away including some doggy hybrids coming to visit Latina and Rita going into labor and giving birth to…I don’t know what she had, I just know her baby came out healthy and happy. And we close with Dale coming home and Latina greeting him. This anime was just…okay. When I heard about this anime, I seriously wasn’t expecting a story like this. For one thing, I thought there would be more action, particularly involving a demon lord. I mean, the words “Demon Lord” are in the title. You’d think we get something like that happening! Like in the final two episodes we learn that there’s really a demon lord out there and he was the reason why he killed Latina’s father and banished her. In fact, we only hear about demon lords once in a while and then we stuff that to the side for more cutesy moments between Dale and his adopted devil daughter.
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In fact, we rarely get any dramatic moments happening that much. The fourth episode however felt like a turning point in the show. And because of the dramatic moments surrounding Latina with her devil heritage, I thought there was going to be a major shift to more dramatic situations after Latina broke off her remaining horn and almost bled to death. Instead we are treated to more cutesy moments in another episode of, “My Little Demon Daughter Can’t Be This Cute”. Don’t get me wrong, there were some pretty serious moments like when Latina learns of human mortality compared to devils due to devils having twice the life-span of humans. But nothing as chilling as when a teacher called out Latina for being a devil and scaring the shit out of her.
I would say watch this anime just to see cute little devil girl, Latina. But 2019 has given us a boat-load of cute anime lolitas to fawn over like Filo and Raphtalia from Shield Hero, that fox Senko-san, and then absolute fan-favorite Nezuko from Demon Slayer. Yeah, Latina is probably bottom of that list now! For what it’s worth, it was an okay show. Not my favorite, but good to watch a cutesy devil girl. And an actual anime where Nobuhiko Okamoto is not a screaming hygena!
If you want to watch this anime, Crunchyroll has all 12 episodes available for streaming. The dub is slowly coming out Sunday mornings.
Reviews coming soon:
*Little Witch Academia
*Pokemon: Sun & Moon
They're coming. They're coming. I'm a lazy-ass. But they're still coming soon.
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ill-skillsgard · 6 years
Dirty Demons, Part 1 - Axel Cluney/Zeitgeist
Title: Dirty Demons
Description: It's nice to have a companion on the road to total self-destruction - a continuation of Sweet Demons
Warning: 18+ for sex/language/violence/drugs/kinks of all sorts etc.
A/N: You should definitely read Sweet before Dirty! 
 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Through my visor, I could see the sky melt from light blue to indigo and orange and then fall deeply into a captivating shade of dark purple. Pinholes from the stars began to soak through with every mile I put behind me. The sun sank into the sandy mountains taking all of the light with it. I blasted my high beam light to fan out over the road before me when it got too dark for me to see out of my visor. I looked down and saw my fuel was getting concerningly low. My hands were numb, my stomach was growling and my eyes were aching to shut. I only had a few more kilometers to go before I made it to my next destination. Once telephone posts started popping up I knew I was drawing nearer. The odd house appeared around the road bends and soon an aura of white incandescence from the nearing town grew larger on the horizon. The last place I had stopped at gave me a lead to follow and I had wasted no time in jumping on my bike and ripping down a highway that would take me further South. So far, my wild goose chase had taken me to nearly every corner of the country and every time I consulted with someone that I was told would have answers I was sent back the way I came. The clubhouse I pulled up to was almost an exact replica of every other clubhouse I had been to within the last month. It was a rectangular structure with blacked out windows, rows of choppers and a few flashy little crotch-rockets parked out front. Club crests were painted on every surface possible, including the front double doors. Squawking eagles entangled with hissing cobras in a battle royale, the boldface namesake flying on banners, broken arrows with red flights and chipped arrowheads; the crest of the Dirty Four Thousand Motorcycle Club. When I walked through the front doors almost every single pair of eyes set on me immediately. My cut and patches were enough confirmation that I belonged there and when I saw a stool open up at the bar I quickly took the seat and nodded at the female bartender who had nodded at me first. "Wow, little lady. You're far from home," she remarked. "That amount is true," I agreed. "What're you having tonight?" "Whiskey, please. I wouldn't mind something to eat if you have it," I said. "Well, Buddy is our wannabe-chef but, to be honest, he doesn't make anything even half stomachable. But I can probably rustle you up something if you don't mind the wait." I shook my head solemnly, "I have nowhere to be." "And I assume you want to talk to Roy? He should be down any minute." "Thanks very much." The bartender poured me a deep measure of whiskey into a cup and slid it over the bar to me. She was pretty, as most barmaids were but this one's looks were punctuated by a right eye that had seen the meat of someone's fist and recently. I grimaced when she turned away and looked around the bar as if I would find the motherfucker that hit her. I know it was wrong of me to assume but it was all too common for me to meet the women behind the motor clubs that marveled over me having my own bike, my own shop and essentially and rightfully, my own MC. I wasn't some old rider's bitch or even a Waxer Wife. I was my own woman and most people knew that I had the power to sick a thousand bikers on whoever crossed me wrong. It made me feel bad for the bartender that she probably didn't know the dynamism that was to not be tied down to what was essentially a servant's post. But not everyone was born the heir to one of the most famous motorcycle clubs in the Western hemisphere. It felt bitter to think of it that way and tasted even worse when I had to say it. My intention had been to fall so far off the grid that people stopped remembering me as Al's daughter; heir to the Motor City Sweet Demons Motorcycle Club and began forgetting me. However, life had a funny way of turning around and delivering a blow to the face harder than what the bartender was probably used to. I never wanted to wear a cut. Hell, I didn't want to even be a patch-holder but it came with the territory and had afforded me some luxuries that maybe I wouldn't have had on the road without them. One had but to look at my top rocker and see where I was from. The number thirteen was stitched so boldly into my jacket that people passing by in their cars and trucks honked at me and waved. Respect was given without initiation from men double my age and people generally tended to stay the fuck away from me unless I approached them. It was a gift and a curse; the title that my father had left to me. I was a superhero and a demon. Feared and revered as he liked to put it. I thought it was all kinds of stupid. I wasn't packing heat or anything and if somebody wanted to fight me he or she very well could and the chances of them winning would depend on their stature. But it all came down to the pull I had with other charters and fellow clubs. I could call a dozen numbers and have somebody permanently silenced within a week if I chose. Luckily, nothing had ever come down to that. No, I mostly kept to myself as I always had and interacted with people only when necessary. I hated the questions; the non-stop interviews and spotlights people pushed on me had started to wear me down already and I had only been on the road for a couple of months. Everywhere I went people asked about my dad or the Sweet Demons or the club or the shop. I had the same answers for them all. But when Roy, the President of the Dirty Four Thousand came stomping down the stairs I straightened my spine with respect and raised my glass to him when he spotted me. Roy was one of the scariest human beings on the surface of the planet. His right eye sported a crooked blueish-grey scar through the iris and that only added to his overall permanent look of displeasure. He had a long peppery beard reaching down to his barrel of a chest that separated into two neatly woven braids and a bald headful of tattoos that coiled around his head like a witch's blackened fingers. He stood nearly seven feet tall and weighed as much as five of me easily. When he smiled one could see flashes of two gold incisors which he had a gruesome story for involving two men, a rusty icepick and a little too much whiskey. He had told the story once back at home on a Thirteenth and I had been much too young to be subjected to it. "Angel, daughter of Al, heiress to the Motor City Sweet Demons title of President!" Roy boomed. "Hello, Roy." I greeted him plainly. His bold introduction drew everyone's attention to me once again and then a murmur of whispers floated up from covered mouths. I hated that. Being talked about was not something I was particularly fond of but again... It came with the territory. "Last time I saw you, you were playing in a sandbox with your toys. Now, look at you! All grown up with a club of your own!" He exclaimed. "Legally it is mine but you sort of have to be there to run it," I stated. "It don't matter. Blood is blood and... I am so sorry to hear about Big Al. His passing has left a mark in all of us. We all paid our respects when the news came around," Roy condoled. "Thanks, Roy. I appreciate it. Dad's riding the highways of Hell, no doubt." "He was a good man. A great man. Head on him as sharp as a pin. What a pioneer," Roy shook his large tattooed head. "I'm sure he would say the same about you," I continued. "Let's have a drink in his honor. Stella, another drink for Angel and give me the same," he snapped his immense fingers at the bartender. "Certainly," she smiled and nodded. "Now, what brings the heiress of the Motor City Sweet Demons through my doors today? You sure have wandered off," he said in a fatherly way that really did remind me of my dad. "I'm looking for somebody," I said before sipping my drink. "Who might that be?" I set my drink down on the bar and turned the glass a couple times until I was satisfied with its placement. This was the part I hated the most. "I'm looking for my mom." Roy drew back only slightly, "Shit, Angel. Your mom? Huh... God, I don't think I've seen her since... Fuck. It's been a few years." "I was told if I needed anybody found that I should come to you. I know it's a long shot and honestly, I don't even know if she's still alive. I haven't seen the bitch in over fifteen years." "Nobody dies without me hearing about it," Roy assured me. "I guess that's why you're the man!" I said and tipped glasses with him. "I can dig around, see what comes up but you may not like what I find or don't find." His tone was laced with the warning that I had heard a hundred times over. "Honestly Roy, it's not going to break my heart. I have no expectations. I just need to find her if I can." Roy looked into his glass and sloshed the remaining mouthful of whiskey around before dumping it down his throat. "Sometimes people don't want to be found though, kid." I nodded because I knew he was absolutely right. "That's why I came to the leader of the Four Thousand. They say four thousand men have eight thousand eyes." "Give or take!" Roy winked at me with his scarred eye. We laughed together as our drinks were replenished. I was already starting to feel a little woozy since I hadn't eaten all day. The timing of my stomach growling was met by Stella the bartender bringing me out a basket of fries and a sandwich skewered together with a toothpick and topped with an olive. I politely thanked her and started shoving fries into my face to quell the whining of my whiskey-filled stomach. "How long have you been on the road for, kid?" "Weeks now." "Who's running the club back home?" He asked. "Braun is. You remember him, don't you? The lanky, funny-looking guy that used to hang around. Landed an apprenticeship with my Dad," I explained. "I remember the kid. You trust your club to him?" I sighed, "it still doesn't feel like mine, y'know? It will always be my dad's club. But... I do trust Braun. His loyalty is unshakeable." "As long as business is being taken care of." "One hundred percent." Roy and I tipped glasses once more and he downed the rest of his whiskey while I gingerly sipped mine. "Well, kiddo. There's a suite upstairs that you're welcome to. Stella will give you the key. It's the last door down the hallway. Tomorrow we'll get to work looking for your ma." "Thanks, Roy. You're not as bad as you look," I teased. "That's what they say," he shifted his immense weight off the barstool and patted me on the back. As tired as I was, I was in no rush to take the room key and go upstairs. I finished my fries, which in my neglect had gone cold. More whiskey was offered to me but I declined as I was already starting to feel the effects of both glasses I had shared with Roy. There were riders and club members that recognized the Motor City rocker on the back of my vest and had come up to me to offer more condolences in regards to my father. The longer I stayed on that bar stool the more depressed I started to feel and that was when I decided to call it a night. I was sick of being reminded of my Dad and I was tired of remembering why I was on my journey to begin with. I stepped out of the club's swinging double doors with the huge eagle and snake crest on it to get my bag from out of my custom leather pannier. The air was fresh despite the exhaust fumes from all of the bikes coming in and out and I exhaled heavily as I locked up my bags and pocketed my keys. The road was making me weary and even just gazing down the stretch of highway in front of me made me hesitant to get back on it. My father would be proud of me, though. That's all that mattered. If he could see me on the road riding my own custom chopper that I had built myself, it would have brought a tear to his eye. That was the only thing driving me to do what I was doing. The room that had been offered to me was exactly the way one might assume the room of a motorcycle clubhouse to look like. The walls had been painted black and above the double bed was a stolen roadsign that had gray donut-shaped holes blown into it- the results of multiple gunshots. There was a cheap simple lamp, a small tube television atop an empty wooden dresser with brass handles and a small desk and matching chair. Not only that but the walls were pinned with posters of bikini models that had no business being on the motorcycles they were bent over. I wasn't bothered by the choice of décor as I had seen the interior of more motorcycle clubs than I had of real homes. it would have been more appalling had I walked in to find a modern interior design. I inched open the wooden dresser and dumped my bag in haphazardly with no real regard of what was mixed in with what. I had a couple of clean shirts and two pairs of jeans that regularly cycled back and forth as my riding attire. The only bras that I had were pilled and had seen better days. I had a few pairs of comfortable underwear that I had brought with me; nothing fancy or lacey. While on the road you had to make sure your clothes were practical and not riding up your ass. To be honest, all of my clothes could have withstood a wash but I hadn't thought to ask if the club came equipped with a washer and dryer. Wedged into the bottom of my bag were two towels that I pulled out and brought into the bathroom only after having locked the room door. I didn't want to risk a drunk biker stumbling in and stealing the bed that I had been loaned. Not that I had any qualms with sleeping on a floor but my aching back and tense shoulders needed a soft surface for the night. That and a hot shower. There was nothing available in the way of shampoo and conditioner but there was a half-used bar of soap with what I hoped and prayed it was just a black beard hair stuck in the center of it. I silently patted myself on the back for thinking to bring all of my own toiletries. It was another thing one could assume wouldn't be widely available in the rooms of a club and I had planned well ahead in anticipation of that. The shower wasn't in the cleanest condition it could be in but when I took off my clothes and stepped under the hot running water I didn't much care if the bottom of the plastic shower curtain had spots of mold on it. Soapy scum stains clouded the faucet and there was a distinct smell of bleach that bubbled up from the drain- strange because it didn't look like anything had been cleaned recently. I closed my eyes and let the hard water beat me between the shoulder blades and soak through my greasy hair that head stayed matted down from being underneath a helmet for hours and hours. It felt so good to run my fingernails over my itchy scalp and dredge up the dirt that had no doubt collected there. I relished the scent of my shampoo as I worked it through my strands, feeling instantly better when I stepped back underneath the showerhead to rinse it out. I pooled a dollop of conditioner in my cupped palm and ran it through my hair as well, leaving it there to help smooth out some of the tangles that had formed from neglect. The walls of the club must have been thin because I could hear a ruckus erupting from down the hall. Knocking on doors, the loud voices of people yelling in protest. At one point it sounded like someone had launched a bowling ball down the hall and it had struck the door of the room I occupied. I shrugged it off, attributing it all to that obnoxiously carefree biker lifestyle that I had reluctantly been roped into. I stayed in the heat of the shower for as long as I could until my fingers and the bottoms of my feet started wrinkling and then some. I was impressed the water hadn't started to run cold and by the time I turned the faucet off with a rusty squeal of resistance and stepped out onto the cool tile floor. The entire room was steamy and I could hardly see in front of me. I opened the bathroom door just an inch to start letting some of the steam out and so I could make use of the mirror to see just how heavy the bags under my eyes had gotten. One of my towels I used to wrap up my hair and the other I swaddled around my body before I squeezed a generous amount of toothpaste on my well-used toothbrush. I closed my eyes and scrubbed away at my teeth, relishing the feeling of taking the strain of my corneas. I couldn't recall a time that I had ever been so desperate to hit the sack in a bed that didn't belong to me. Usually, when faced with the option of sleeping in a strange place, I opted to stay up for as long as I could due to the many anxieties that came with laying your body down on a mattress with a questionable history. That night I didn't care at all and actually looked forward to the moment I could get off my feet and sleep for more than a few hours. But my life had a really fucking good way of throwing me detrimental curve-balls. I had gathered up all of my toiletries and stashed them away in a little travel bag I had since college and took my hair out of the towel so it could begin to air dry. The steam of my shower had mostly escaped and I could breathe deeply through my nose again. I left all of my things on the counter of the bathroom and stepped out into the cooler air of the dank bedroom. "Hello, Angel." An unearthly yelp ripped from my throat as I was greeted by a voice that slid out as smoothly as it did abruptly. As soon as my brain registered where the voice had come from I felt my heart clench like a fist in my chest. A wash of adrenaline flooded and I felt a warm buzz in my cheeks from the result of the scare that had been put into me. My arms shot up to cross over my chest even though I was covered with a towel. I could feel my feet go numb as I gazed upon a face I hadn't seen in over two years; a face I had convinced myself that I would never see again. Sitting on the edge of the bed, a cocky grin on, with the faded purple bruising of a former black-eye and more shitty tattoos than the last time I saw him was Axel fucking Cluney. "How the flying fuck did you-? W-what are you doing here? Get the fuck out!" Axel stood up and I was immediately reminded of his height and the squareness of his broad shoulders. His arms still dangled somewhat awkwardly despite the cocksureness he had in his clothing taste and the way he held his chin up. He spread those long arms, palms up as if questioning why I wasn't bounding into them or something. "What? You're not happy to see me?" "No! Get the FUCK out! Who are you? Who the fuck do you think you are!?" "Hey, hey, come on now. Do you know how long I rode to find you? Fuck! You would think it might be easy to find a sexy little firecracker riding around on a fucking bubblegum pink bike, but it isn't!" He laughed. "You're fucking dead to me. Leave. Now." "Angel-" "Stop calling me that!" "Well, that's your name, isn't it?" "I just had a funeral for the only person who was ever allowed to call me that and you weren't the fuck there, you fucking prick!" Axel held up his hands, shrinking back so his hipbones shifted forward. He was wearing one of his shirts that weren't real shirts. I could see all the way up his ribs to his armpits. He still had on his riding gloves. When I gazed down his body I remarked his black jeans and green boots. Stupid green boots. "Ange- Angelica-" "Don't even say my name at all! Just... Go back from wherever it was you came." "You're not even letting me speak-" "'Cause I don't want to hear your voice! I don't want to see you at all!" "Listen to me... I have a very good reason why I didn't come back- couldn't come back," he claimed. "You missed his funeral. Me? I couldn't give a fuck that you didn't come back for me but you missed his send-off. Everyone was there. Everyone. All the Demons were there except you and when I asked Max about you he refused to say anything!" "Max didn't know where I was anyway. Nobody did. Fuck, I don't even hardly remember the last two years myself." "Must be nice!" "No!" Axel defended. "It wasn't fucking nice! Okay? That's what I'm trying to tell you! Where I was... I couldn't go anywhere. I couldn't leave. I had to be where I was. Trust me, when I heard about your Dad I... I fucking died a little inside. I am so sorry that I missed his send-off. You have to understand... If I could have been there, I would have. If I could have come to see you I would have! God, I fucking missed you." I was starting to shiver from my nerves combined with the air cooling my exposed skin. He could see the way the hair on my arms stood up and he sighed. "Sorry for breaking in like this. I guess I could have knocked." My laugh came out as a blurt and I looked over at the door that he had somehow picked open. "What if I had been sleeping? Have you just been busting down doors looking for me?" I asked him. He scratched the back of his head before running his hands over the stubble on his jawline and chin, "yeah, pretty much. When I got to the Port I walked into your house and got to see little Braun!" "Oh." "Yeah. That went exactly how I'm sure you're imagining it." Braun had on numerous occasions told me how much he absolutely loathed Axel and how he was glad that he hadn't come back for any of the Friday the Thirteenth rallies. Even after my dad's funeral, Braun brought up the fact that not exactly all of the Sweet Demons had made it to the celebration of life and that anyone that was a true friend would have been there no matter what. Again, I knew he was happy that Axel hadn't made his grand appearance then. It seemed that the more my hopes of seeing Axel again diminished, the stronger Braun's feelings got for me. Although he knew that I would never be interested in him, he still harbored some dashed optimism that one day I would come around and start to warm up to him and with Axel seemingly permanently out of the picture, he acted as though it were an inevitability. The faith he had in it was astonishing, I had to give him that. "How did that go?" I pried. "He was half in the bag when I pulled up. Started yelling at me about how if you had been there, you would have told him to hit me for you. So he tried to take a swing at me. I had to remind him about what happened last time he tried to fight me." I clutched the damp towel around my body and felt a shiver rattle up my spinal column again. "Yeah, well, I guess you do have an unfair advantage over everyone." "Not everyone," he told me. "I think the fact that you spew black acid from your throat kind of puts you in a league of your own." Axel shook his head at me. "No... Angel... Angelica, sorry. You don't even know half of what the fuck exists out there. I didn't know until I was there." I scoffed, "well, isn't that nice that you got to travel the world?" "It was only South America." "You didn't tan well." "I know. I wasn't allowed in the sun. I had to live in a fucking barn almost. Couldn't go anywhere at all." I shifted my weight back and forth on my bare feet. I eyed the bed behind him and the lingering thought of how badly I had wanted to go to sleep rang a tiny bell in my head. "Why?" I asked with a tired sigh. "Why don't you get in your PJs and I'll tell you more about it." "You're being quite presumptuous. I guess you didn't spend any time in a barn to help fix your arrogance." "No," Axel said with a smirk. "If anything, it's only gotten worse." I tried not to smirk back at him but it was hard when I noticed his eyes wandering down to my chest over and over again until he gave up and settled for staring at me blatantly. "Why didn't you call or anything? You didn't even send postcards like you said you would," I said quietly. He took two steps closer to me and reached out to touch my shoulders before realizing his gloves were still on. I watched as he peeled them off his enormous hands and wadded them away into the back pocket of his jeans. "I wanted to. There weren't any phones where I went and they made me get rid of all my stuff. Well... They made me temporarily surrender all belongings. No phone, no nothing." "Who are they?" I pressed him. "I'll tell you all about that shit after you get into some clothes!" He exclaimed. "Oh... Axel, telling me to put on clothes? What did they do to you down there?" I joked. Axel took another long step in my direction as he cast out a look that had desire written all over it in the form of his lips curling into an evil little grin, complete with those dimples and green eyes flashing. "Pardon my niceties but I figured now wasn't the best time to let on that I've been thinking about ripping that towel away from you. Fuck... I mean, I wanted to go into that bathroom while you were showering just to catch you naked but... Well, everyone has seen Psycho and I figured freaking you out this way would be less cruel." "Thanks, I really appreciate that. Good thing you settled for picking the fucking lock and waiting for me on the bed like a creep." "It was either that or like I said." "You couldn't have just knocked on the door like a sane person would?" "Where's the fun in that?" He got so close to me I could practically feel his breath fanning over my face. I took a step back from him though. "I'm going to get changed." "Would you... Fuck. Would you mind if I just hopped in that shower real quick too? I'm afraid to admit how long it has been since I've seen clean water." He was smeared with dirt and motor oil. Black smudges like chevrons climbed up his long arms and his hair was greased back involuntarily. The strange thing was, he didn't smell unpleasant. The scent coming off of him reminded me of a time when my dad was still alive. His familiar scent filled me with shadows of the past like us standing in my bedroom staring at each other the weekend we first met. "Go ahead, I guess. You're going to do what you want anyway." "Thanks. Won't be long," he said. I took the opportunity to change into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts that I had been wearing to bed for years. Exhausted yawns kept coming up from the back of my throat and before Axel stepped out of the bathroom with my pink towel wrapped around his waist, I was already under the covers and leaning up against the faux leather headboard with the fuzzy black Harley Davidson blanket pulled up over my lap. I watched as he made his way over to a backpack he had left in the corner of the room. He pulled out a pair of sweatpants and watched me out of the corner of his eye watching him unravel the towel from around his hips. Axel had put on a little bit of weight and he had no unease about being naked in front of me. His body was lean with muscle and I caught a glimpse of his manhood before he stuck his feet into the legs of his sweatpants and pulled them up over his thighs and hips. Truth be told, even with the bruising around his eye and the addition of more tattoos on his pale white skin, he was looking better than I recalled. I remembered how he had been so skinny that I could see his ribs shifting when he breathed but now he looked fattened up like wherever he went had at least fed him well. "What are you staring at?" He asked as he approached the foot of the bed. I was eye-level with his crotch and the way his grey sweatpants clung to his hips left little to be imagined, not that I needed a reminder of what he looked like naked. His cock made an appearance in the form of a thick outline beneath the fabric and I prickled when I remembered just how big he was when he was when he was fully erect. It was difficult to admit to myself the heartbreaking disappointment I had silently suffered the first year that Axel didn't show up on the Thirteenth. I had gotten myself so psyched to see him pull up in front of my house on his acid green bike. The months that went by I had occupied myself with thoughts of him as I worked with my Dad to get my own bike on the road. I wanted to show Axel all the hard work I had poured into it because of him but when he never brought up the tail of the demon procession, I felt my excitement fade into confusion and plunge into gripping sadness. He never showed up and my plans to have the best Friday the Thirteenth weekend were torn to shreds. My heartstrings were mangled. I couldn't bring myself to leave my room and when I had had enough of waiting I asked Max why he wasn't there. The response I got from the President of the Sweet Demons was less than satisfactory. I was told to forget about him and just have a nice time to which I agreed but secretly I knew that I would be doing no such thing. Not with him missing. "Angel... You just going to sit there staring at my dick?" Shaking my head, I looked up at him and tried to hide a smile. "I... Sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm tired." "So am I." Without a further exchange of words, Axel turned off the lamp and crawled into the bed beside me to get under the same covers I was using. I followed his lead and laid down too. There was about a foot of space between us that remained untouched for a couple of minutes until one of us decided to sack up and close it. Axel shifted towards me and touched my hip. "The only thing I want more than sleep right now is that pussy," he whispered. "God, I've been thinking about putting my cock in that tight little slit for so long but I can't possibly do you the way I want to right now. Not yet." "You so boldly assume I'm going to just lay back and let you fuck me again after all this time?" "Yes. Not right now but... Yes. You will. When we wake up in the morning I promise you that I'm going to fuck you and you're going to let it happen. Not only that but you're going to like it." Axel did not know how to beat around the bush. He said what he meant and it had turned out to be true. By the time morning rolled around, after a solid five hours of sleep, I woke up feeling needier than I ever had before in my life and he was right there for me to curl into. I reached down and ran my flattened palm over the crotch of his sweatpants and looked down to watch him harden. His eyes were closed but he moaned all the same and smiled, "see? I told you." Admitting to myself that I missed him tasted bad in my throat so I never said it out loud. However, it was as true as it always had been. I was so happy to open my eyes and see him laying there beside me. It was the first time I truly felt safe on my journey across the country. Axel rolled over onto his back and quietly enjoyed the feeling of me palming his cock through his pants. He pushed down the blanket so he could look down and watch me stroke his shaft over the fabric. It elated me each second he grew harder, his breath cutting shorter, abdomen clenching and flexing. "Oh, fuck, mommy. Yes. Love it when you touch me and get me all hard," he purred. "Mm-hmm, I know you do, dirty boy." "Yes, I'm so dirty. I think about my mommy touching me all the time. Oh, fuck," he stared down his body as I pulled the front of his sweatpants away so I could grip his shaft completely. "Yeah... Touch me. Play with that filthy boy cock." I hummed as a thrill of arousal bubbled in my chest and careened down my torso to explode between my legs. Axel turned his face to me and begged a kiss and without a moment of hesitation I gladly pressed my lips to his. In the back of my mind, I had so many questions but I chose to ignore them in those heated moments. Kissing him tasted good and the moment his tongue touched mine I reveled in the sweetness of his saliva. My grip tightened around his cock and he flinched away with a soft gasp, settling back down once I began massaging up and down the length of it, paying special attention to the ridge of the head before dropping down to lightly squeeze his balls. "Oh! I'm a fucking bad boy, mommy. Oh my GOD, am I a bad boy." Axel shook his head like he was coming out of a trance and quickly flipped onto his side to face me. His hand dove into my shorts, seeking out the best place for him to rest the tip of his index finger on and once he found it I groaned. He gasped as if he had found something that he had hidden away long ago and had just unearthed again. "Oh my," He purred, dragging the tip of his finger down to dip into my warmth. "Did I ever miss this gorgeous little pussy." He took his hand out of my underwear only so he could push my shorts down my hips. I helped him along the way by kicking them off and letting my knees fall apart so he had better access to me. His eyes went wandering and he also pulled the blanket back so he could turn his gaze softly between my legs. "Fuck... Can I just? Mmm, let me, please? I want to say hello." I nodded my head and soon he was shuffling down the bed, lifting one of my legs up so he could duck under it and get really close to my opening. The way he stared at my pussy before gently rubbing over it with his thumb was enough to make my spine curl. His green eyes landed back on my face and he smiled before letting his tongue loll out of his mouth to lick tantalizingly slow from my wettened hole to my clit and back down again. The hot breath that aerated from his mouth only added to the joyous sensation. "My God, you taste sweet. Looks so good too. Oh, mommy... Did you miss me? Did you miss me the way I missed you?" Axel began lapping at me feverishly, alternating between that and gently sucking at the part of me responsible for allowing this all to happen in the first place. I knew that I shouldn't have let him win me over so easily but I couldn't deny myself the pleasure of having his face between my legs again. Especially when he looked up at me with feigned innocence and had no real idea of what he was doing to me internally. It was all so very devious, the way he could seduce me but I'm sure he would have said the same about me. Not once did I pause and think about the past when he had made it a big deal that he wouldn't go anywhere near me with his mouth unless I begged him too. I couldn't help but wonder what inside of him had changed. Why did he suddenly have no inhibitions when it came to the unknown curse that had been bestowed on him? Whatever had happened, I was happy that he had gained solace from the self-consciousness I had known him to have. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to watch him flick his tongue over my pussy lips and suck gentle little circles over my clit with those luscious lips of his. The more I moaned the more finesse he put into eating me out. He hooked his thumbs under my knees and pushed me back so I could see exactly what he was doing. "Oh yeah, you like watching me eat that pussy, don't you, mommy? Mmm, feels so good, doesn't it? How would you like it if I just pushed my whole fucking tongue inside of that wet little cunt? Huh? You think you would like that too?" I nodded vigorously and sighed when he forced himself inside of me to clean up all the juice he was helping make. The only time he pulled away was to drop a long string of spit onto my clit before smacking it firmly using the tips of his four fingers. He smiled as I squealed and continued spanking me, moving down my thighs and even pushing me further back so he could smack my ass. "Fuck, baby! You get my cock so fucking hard," He pulled the waistband of his sweatpants further down and proved that he was, indeed, hard enough to stand at attention before he inched up to me. "I want inside that pussy, please." "Yes, bad boy. Give me that cock." The intrusion was as girthy and fulfilling as I had remembered. Axel had no shortcomings when it came to what was between his legs and as he spread me apart with every inch of his length I couldn't help but arch and moan. Every ridge of his cock I could feel pumping and pulsing with blood. His eyes rolled hard and when he looked back down at me he smiled, "I'm gonna fucking wreck this cunt." Axel snapped his hips into me once with brute force and the headboard came off the wall and slammed back into it with the motion. After the first thrust, he started to laugh a little. He dipped down low and kissed me again as his rocking started to pick up speed. It wasn't long before he lifted me up and tossed me onto my stomach, pressing his hand down on my back so that I would arch up for him. "Look at this sweet pussy just making a big fucking mess for me. Oh, God. All that gorgeous pussy juice, just for me." He angled into me harshly and soon laid his torso over my back so he could hang onto my hair and whisper in my ear. "Last time I checked, you liked getting filled up with cum. Don't tell me that's changed at all, has it?" "No!" "Good, because guess what? I'm going to fill that cunt up so full of my cum you're gonna feel it leaking out of you for days. Yeah. That's right, mommy. You excited?" "Do it, baby. Come inside of me." He squeezed me in his arms tight and never moved from his position over top of me. "Tell me. Come on. Help me come. Tell me how much you want all my dirty boy cum." I twisted my head around so I could kiss him and bite his bottom lip. "Go on, baby. Blow that fucking load inside for me. Right inside mommy's pussy. You can do it." Once again, Axel wasn't satisfied with the position and lifted me up, swapping our places so that I was on top of him. He nodded happily as I tossed my hair over my shoulder and pushed myself up with my palms on his chest. "I want to watch you fuck my cock. Come on, do it for me." From the position, I could see all of the ways his expression changed from helpless, to controlling, to frantic. He reached up and clamped onto my breasts, giving one a little smack as I rode him. The slick sounds of his cock jamming into me mixed with the vibrations of him moaning filled the room and became the soundtrack to my life. Looking down at Axel beneath me, lips glistening with moisture and eyes rolling in pleasure, it felt like something I had dreamed about in recent times; an image I conjured for myself to fill the void that he left when he didn't come back. "Spit in my mouth," Axel hissed. "Hit me. Hit me in the face, baby. Come on... Do it. Slap me." I sucked up all the saliva I could muster from the corners of my mouth and let it fall from my pursed lips, onto his eager tongue. He gripped one of my wrists and rose it to his face and forced me to slap him until I started doing it by myself. "Yes, hit me! Fucking slap me hard. I'm so bad, you know I deserve it!" His aggression transferred onto me and I arced my elbow up and slapped him across the face as hard as I could and when the blow landed I felt a distinct twinge in his whole body. His eyes all but disappeared for a moment before rolling back down to stare up at me again. "Oh, FUCK! I missed you. I missed you, mommy. I missed when you used to ride my cock and let me come inside of you." "I'm here, baby." "Help me come. Please. Fuck me." I didn't need the encouragements but the way filth poured from his mouth was heady and caused me all sorts of emotions that I didn't know I was capable of. I was elated to see him and to know that he wasn't a dead body in a foreign land. We had only spent a weekend together and that was it. It wasn't like we were long-lost lovers yet I couldn't help but feel like I had lost him anyway. Seeing his gorgeous, beat up face again brought back a memory of when I had no real worries. Since my life had gone to shit, our reunion felt like a blessing I didn't know I needed until he was tilting up from the bed, taking my body with him as I coaxed him to come. The first time, he came with a kind of drama that was mostly reserved for the end of an X-rated film. There was no way that if anyone else was occupying the top floor of the clubhouse that they didn't hear Axel coming violently. He acted as if he had never come in his life and all of his built-up fluids came crashing through a floodgate. It was a string of non-stop cries for his mommy and moans that sounded like the sweetest melody ever written. His heavy panting came next and I rose and fell on his body as he convulsed and tried to catch his breath. The time it took for him to cool down was scarce and it wasn't long until he was staring back up at me with evil thoughts dancing around in his head. He pulled me down onto him and flipped me onto the bed, pulling his still-leaking cock out of me so he could admire his seed dribbling out of my pussy. "Mm. Mm-hmm. That's where my cum belongs. Right up in that nice little warm cunt. I hope you're on the pill because I just dumped a truckload of babies inside of you, sweetheart." I smirked at him, "don't you think it's a little late to be bringing that up?" Axel shrugged his bare shoulders carelessly and said, "Oops?" We laid in the bed a little while longer just breathing and letting our hearts settle. He began to stroke my skin with kindness and love in his eyes and it was strange to feel that kind of emotion directed at me and have it not bother me. "I really did miss you, you know that? I wanted to see you. I did." "I missed you too. I thought I would never see you again," I admitted. He sighed, "what would you have done?" "What do you mean?" "I mean," he reiterated. "What would you have done if I had never come back?" Blind-sided by his question, I withdrew from his touch, "I don't... I don't know. I don't want to think about that." Axel smiled, satisfied with my answer and pulled me closer to him so he could stroke his fingers through my hair. "Fuck, I missed you, Angel. And I miss everyone else. I miss the guys. I miss... Civilization." "Where did you go?" I pressed him. "It's really hard to explain," he dismissed. "No, no. No, no, no! Don't do this again," I warned. "Don't do that!" "Do what?" "Don't withhold the truth from me when I ask you about things. If you're going to be like that then I don't want this." "This? What do you mean?" I withdrew from him further, a glare heavy on my brow. "Us. I don't want to be involved if you're just going to play the whole mystery-card game. I'm done with that." "Angel... Just... be quiet. I will tell you about everything, I promise. But not right now. Come on... I'm starving. Let's get on our bikes and go get something to eat. We have time. Nothing but time." I inched back into his arms but not without a hint of skepticism. He was right, after all. We did have nothing but time or at least, I did. I had dedicated my life to the long, hard road and expelled all responsibility I had or upheaved it onto others so I could do what I set out to do. It was in my blood to act selfishly.
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sungggyu · 6 years
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“신흥무관학교” / “iron mask” / “barnum” fan accounts
just a little over a week ago, i returned home from yet another korea trip in this year alone - this time to watch not only sunggyu but also dongwoo and woohyun’s musicals! so now that i’m back, i’ll be sharing a fan account of their musicals as i’ve done before with other performances i’ve attended ´・ᴗ・`
for those who are interested, i’ll put up a plot summary for sunggyu and dongwoo’s musicals in the next few days in a separate post!
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sunggyu: shinheung military academy
16th september 2018 1430
18th september 2018 1500
18th september 2018 2000
19th september 2018 2000
sunggyu’s musical was the very first musical i watched, not just in the course of this trip but also the very first in my entire life. in other words, i have never ever been to a musical before this!! being able to experience a musical for the very first time through watching one of sunggyu’s therefore felt like somewhat of an honor, in a way?
before talking about the musical though, i just want to add that i saw sunggyu’s family…….. on the very day of my first show……………. like, what are the odds!!!!!!!!!! i had only just taken a photo of my ticket with sunggyu’s character banner at the side and turned around to walk to the seats at the back when a really familiar lady walked past me. i was still trying to recall where i’d seen that face before when not even a moment later, a squirming yoonhoo (sunggyu’s nephew) came into view and that’s when it clicked in my head.. she was sunggyu’s sister (இ﹏இ`。) i was so shocked that according to my friend, i froze on the spot LOL. after a few moments though, i finally got myself together and we went to the seats at the side as we originally intended. we caught a few more glimpses of his family a bit later and honestly they were just like any other ordinary family with a baby haha. yoonhoo kept throwing an empty bottle on the ground when he played with his dad but when he played with his grandpa, he kept tugging at grandpa’s clothes! eventually, when we went into the theatre, sunggyu’s parents stayed outside watching the baby while his sister and brother-in-law entered the theatre. after the musical, when we were leaving and making our way to woohyun’s musical venue, we walked past sunggyu’s mother carrying yoonhoo again near the theatre’s lobby. it seemed like baby-sitting duty was over for her so she’ll be watching the evening show with her husband while sunggyu’s sister and brother-in-law took over the baby-sitting role ahaha. it was such an unexpected but pleasant encounter! (´·` )♡
what was really funny though (sorry sunggyu), was that yoonhoo looked so happy the entire day yet as soon as he saw his uncle....
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moving on to sunggyu’s musical “shinheung military academy”, it’s a state-produced musical to commerate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the korean army. with this in mind, i was a little wary that the musical may be full of state propaganda and therefore, potentially lacking/subpar compared to those produced by privately owned production companies. as it turns out, however, the musical went above and beyond my expectations. it was most definitely not subpar and it was not just average either! it was so good that it exceeded all of my expectations ;-; imo the plot of the musical was brought out even better due to the A-list actors they recruited (ji changwook, kang haneul)..? seeing those two actors live in action had been a really incredible experience as well. both ji changwook and kang haneul really surprised me with how well they sang and it was not until days later that i found out they both actually made their debut in the musical theater.. which explains…
sunggyu plays ji cheongcheon, a korean general who was trained in the japanese imperial military academy before defecting to guide and lead the guerilla forces behind the korean independence movement under japanese colonial rule. to be really honest, sunggyu doesn’t have a very huge role and doesn’t appear much in the musical. he may be listed as one of the “main” casts alongside ji changwook and kang haneul but personally, i feel that this is very much just an honorary title? what’s interesting to note is that sunggyu’s character is one of the few, if not the only, character that is based on a real life war hero. i think sunggyu mentioned that he felt really honoured and awed to be playing an actual war hero, and he was so intrigued he spent lots of time reading up on the man’s biography.
in the first part of the musical, sunggyu only appears very briefly to sing one verse in the first song and in one of the next few songs. probably due to the character he is playing, he runs a lot, which was honestly a pretty refreshing sight lol. every time he makes an appearance, he’s basically running onto stage before running off stage again after singing his lines. he has one solo song in the first part of the musical, complete with a long sword dance and i have to say it was so!! hot!!! especially in that military uniform of his? wow. at the end of the song, he runs off stage with a torchlight, down the left aisle in the audience seats before turning and making his exit from the right side of the theatre’s door. he appears more in the second part of the musical, complete with lots of fighting moves due to the thickening of the plot. he does roundhouse kicks and punches here and there, taking down all the enemies with ease depsite being surrounded and outnumbered by them. (i know this is just a fictional plot but just picture that.. super hot)
there are times when many of the cast members sing together for an ensemble piece and in times like this, i would say you can hear pretty distinctively that sunggyu takes the notes that are an octave higher than most other cast members ;-; i checked with a few of my friends who watched the musical as well and most of them thought that the high note sounded like him too! other giveaways include the extra quivering of his lip, the subtle movement of him opening his mouth wider the very same time the high note comes on.. and many more haha. but honestly i do think it sounds a lot like sunggyu too. my boy :’)
personally, as much as i enjoyed the musicals, the part i always looked forward to the most was the curtain call at the end of the musicals because that’s when actor!gyu goes away and natural!gyu comes back :-( when he makes his appearance, he climbs up this huge stage prop and stands at the top, beaming for a short moment before making his way down to stage center to take a bow, do a salute and greet the audiences. he does so in a very sunggyu-like manner (aka in all the glory of his natural cuteness), fists half hidden in his big coat, waving frantically and excitedly in every direction all with a really precious and genuine smile on his face ;-; after all the cast members have greeted the audiences and taken a final bow together, they returned to the center of the stage as the curtain draws. it was always during these short-lived moments that sunggyu does the most adorable actions!! on the first show and the last show i went to, he shot cute little fingerhearts to audiences in every direction (ಥ﹏ಥ) on the evening show on the 16th of september which i missed due to woohyun’s musical, he even did a little dance according to my friend who watched it (T⌓T)
i must add that it was also really heartwarming to witness sunggyu’s interactions with his new friends! in one song where kang haneul’s character dusts off sunggyu’s shoulders as part of the performance, i personally witnessed sunggyu wiggling his brows at kang haneul hahaha. during the curtain call in the final show i watched, sunggyu was doing thumbs up to all the actors around him and subsequently, ji changwook turned around and patted him on his cheeks.. he is just so loved wherever he goes ´·ᴗ·`♡
my friends who have watched sunggyu’s musicals have always told me how one could see that he genuinely enjoys doing musicals and now that i’ve finally seen it for myself, i can’t help but to agree, it seems like the stage is truly where he belongs ♡_♡
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dongwoo: iron mask
19th september 2018 1600
dongwoo’s musical “iron mask” was set in paris, france in the 1600s and it was really interesting to say the least! i must admit that i spoiled myself beforehand by looking up the plot but then again if i hadn’t, i doubt i would’ve understood much of the musical considering how weak my korean language skills are :/
after watching dongwoo’s musical, i personally felt that his singing in there wasn’t his best ever yet, but i think this has more to do with how musicals demand much more than just simply singing a song. it requires (emotional) acting, which dongwoo portrayed REALLY well, and i would say his acting makes up for it a lot. that said, his singing was still pretty damn good even though it didn’t seem to be the best i’ve heard from him. it was a bit shakier in the first half of the musical but once intermission was over and we moved to the second half, it stabilised a lot more ♡ when curtain call rolled around, i realised dongwoo must’ve been really nervous earlier because many of the older cast members were all patting him on his head, his back, ruffling his hair and just babying him. from an outsider’s perspective, those seemed to be acts of encouragement, praise and comfort.. which was why i think dongwoo must’ve been nervous before.. not to mention the fact that it was his first ever show for this musical.
expanding on dongwoo’s performance in the musical, i must say that he was an amazing actor. he’s such a wasted talent (πーπ) dongwoo played double characters in this musical - his role was both the elder and younger twin born to the parisian royal family in the 1600s. basically, the elder twin, louis, was the king whereas the younger twin, philip, who had been kept away from the public eye ever since he was young, was as good as a prisoner to the extent he’s unfamiliar with all the royal ettiquete that his elder brother has long been acquainted with. simply put, louis was a huge ass of a person and a king and philip, his complete opposite, was kind and gentle, albeit clumsy. the musical showcased dongwoo’s ability as an actor due to the huge contrast in the characters of both brothers he was portraying. dongwoo could leave the stage laughing his head off as a deranged (and somewhat psychopathic) louis after he had some man killed just so he could have their lover all to himself as his queen but within a minute, when the scene changes, he’ll be back on stage as weak and clumsy philip, who apologises to everyone for the slightest things he couldn’t have had control over anyway. dongwoo did such a great job in portraying each twin so cleanly without any overlap or confusion which is why i say he acted so well ;-; with enlistment coming round the corner for dongwoo, i doubt that he’ll have time to be doing anymore musicals, especially if we consider how there had been mentions of his solo as well. but if there’s a chance in the post-enlistment future, however, i’ll definitely be looking forward to his potential projects!
woohyun: barnum - the greatest showman
16th september 2018 1830
truthfully, i remembered the least from woohyun’s musical because i was feeling a little under the weather on the day i went to see his musical :-( that and the fact that it’s one of the earlier shows i watched compared to the other dongwoo and sunggyu shows.. but from the bit i do remember, he sang (really well, obviously) in a lot of lower range notes which was kinda refreshing considering how he’s usually in charge of a lot of high notes in infinite songs! if my ears didn’t fail me, the usual reminder to audiences to turn off their phones and that recordings of any form were prohibited was announced through a voice recording made by woohyun? hahaha. as soon as that ended, he appeared on stage right away and started the first song.
i would like to make a note that there was so much bromance going on between woohyun’s character (amos scudder) and the lead actor who played p.t. barnum and it was so adorable. the lead actor was easily taller than woohyun since woohyun is not the biggest man so during the many scenes where barnum grabs and hugs amos in joy, the lead actor literally lifted tiny woohyun off his feet in a tight hug and it was soooooo cute (ಥ﹏ಥ) there was another scene where the lead actor (i’ll just call him barnum from now) and woohyun ventured into the audience seats on the ground floor as part of the scene where they were pooling funds. at one point, after collecting enough “funds” (which were really just fan letters in envelopes), barnum said “i’ll give you amos” and then pushed woohyun into the crowd. the screams!! were so loud!!! woohyun was man-handled easily and i don’t know how else to say it but it was just so cute ugh. woohyun is smol, we get it, no need for the constant reminder (⋟﹏⋞) these aside, there were also the scenes of barnum and woohyun almost kissing (on the lips lol) and barnum slapping woohyun’s butt so yeah that’s about it for their bromance.
miscellanous notes from the musical:
there was this part at the start where barnum said amos was good-looking so woohyun made a flower pose
woohyun did a cartwheel
woohyun’s character got angry a lot and shouted so much it was lowkey 🔥
woohyun danced to ‘tell me’
after the show, we went to catch woohyun at his post-show greeting with fans at the lobby of the venue. it took some time before he appeared but when he finally showed up, he talked for quite some time and it was so sweet even though i understood close to nothing. other than the fact that inspirits are 너만이’s mom(s) from now on ;-) when he left the venue, fans lined the pedestrian walkway to send him off in the driveway and at one point he was so close to me i was so !!!#$%%#^@!$@! HE WAS SO BEAUTIFUL.. that perfect face barely 2 metres away from me.. i had an internal breakdown seeing this beautiful man that up-close..
there was some talk going on later that night on twitter about a fan who allegedly grabbed his hand from the open car window and kissed it but personally i doubt it happened. after looking at the photos i realised said fan was actually the one right next to me and in the fancam i managed to film, there was no kissing going on. it was probably the photo angle in the initial photo that spread. if there was anything awful about that send-off, however, it was all those fans who ran after his car when it drove out of the driveway just because it stopped at a traffic light outside. that was really something.. which i hope will never happen again in the future :-/
all in all, this had been a really great trip! even though i got to see sunggyu’s solo concerts in the previous trip (featuring these two as well), this trip just felt so much better overall in that i was able to see each of my faves performing on a different kind of stage. oh, and did i mention our chance encounter with hoya at his brother’s restaurant too? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) as i’ve said, this trip was truly 10/10.
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