#a little adventure for my loves!
coastielaceispunk · 2 years
Another Frontier
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Francisco Morales x f!reader (no descriptions)
Word Count: 4.7K+ (back with a bang!)
Warnings: fluff city my loves, language, established relationship, husband Frankie, soft Frankie, Frankie is a menace, Alaska things, lots of kissing, a couple of “good girl”s, nothing graphic but allusions to sexy times.
Summary: Having some vacation days, you travel with your husband Frankie to Yakutat, Alaska, his favorite place ever. His new job takes him many places and this is the one he wants to share with you. The Last Frontier is scary but you have your strong man to protect you every step of the way.
A/N: Yes, Yakutat is a real Alaskan village. It's actually my favorite place! My job took me there many times and it’s a beautifully wild, untamed village of wonder. All of the pictures in this post are my own from Yakutat! Refer to the mood board for the actual lodge I have stayed in and path hiked. Every time I found myself in this village I would think to myself, “Frankie would love it here.” Special thanks to my wonderful beta @lowlights. I hope you all enjoy this little adventure to the tundra with our favorite rugged man, Frankie! 
Stale. The air is stale. The colors in the room are stale. How is it that even the lighting in this damn place is…stale? When Frankie wanted you to travel with him on his work trip to his favorite place, this is not what you had in mind. At all. You could not have even imagined this post-apocalyptic looking lodge if you tried. 
The lodge you currently find yourself in is located in Yakutat, Alaska. You should’ve done more research before agreeing to join him on this particular adventure. Not that you aren’t into the outdoors, you love to be in nature with your handsomely rugged husband, to watch him in his happy place, he kills all the creepy crawlies for you and keeps you warm, but…this is extreme. 
After an early military retirement, early as in he did his twenty years and got out at age 39, Frankie stuck with helicopters doing search and rescue, wildfire response, medical evacuations, you name it, everywhere you lived. His love for flying has brought you both many places but after so many years, it's time to leave it to the young bucks. Sweet man’s eyes are getting worse and you adore him in his thick framed glasses always, even though he hates to wear them. Like he's failing at something if he has them on. If anything he’s winning at the whole aging thing, damn him and his beautiful grays. 
Frankie could never fully give up helos, and you would never ask him to, so he found his calling in instructing. You get to live in one spot, finally, finding your way back to you and Frankie’s hometown. Pursuing your career where you want to be, Frankie gets to travel all over the nation training pilots and crews in helo search and rescue tactics. It’s the dream job he never knew he wanted. 
With an opening in your schedule he begged for you to tag along on this trip. His absolute favorite place to instruct.
“Mi amor, come on, you have the days, let me share this adventure with you this one time,” he pleaded, tangled around you laying in bed one morning last week. He nuzzled your cheekbone and ear, his forehead against your temple, you could feel the pinch of his eyebrows as he continued, “come on. C’mon, c’mon, c’mon pleeeease.”
You smiled up at the ceiling, traveling with him would be amazing, you wouldn’t have to miss him this time, like every other time, and you do have the off days, so you let out a long sigh followed by, “okay.”
Frankie squeezed you so tight in his excitement you swear your back cracked and then he leaped out of the bed rambling about everything you both will need to wash and pack for the trip to the Last Frontier. You watched his gleeful frenzy from the bed with the biggest smile.
You are not smiling anymore though. Your mouth is a worried straight line. Last Frontier…more like a forgotten frontier. This village right here is the land that time forgot. And this lodge. My goodness. You know it's cleaned sure, but it looks…weathered. 
Frankie is currently in the bathroom that is shared between two rooms. He will have to explain the etiquette for that later. He had to “hit the head” after the last long flight on the small eight passenger prop plane you arrived in. Frankie said he was so proud of how you took the flight with such grace, you did actually enjoy it. The flight was all beautiful mountains and glaciers. You enjoyed his praise too.
So, you are standing at the door alone taking in your surroundings. Yep, stale is still the word. Of course this is Frankie’s favorite place, there is barely anything in here. Bare minimum necessities, everything is simple and a shade of brown, more room for gear than anything, and there’s no tv or wifi. Off the grid, literally. Not complicated. Just a place to sleep after a hard day's work. With plumbing? Shit lets hope so, what does shared bathroom mean?
You place your pack down to inspect the rest of the room. Two full sized beds. How does his broad ass even sleep on these? Torn up carpets. Best to keep my shoes on in here. Crooked framed photographs of fish and ducks on one wall. Holy Alaska.  
Frankie explained that there are no snakes or reptiles in Alaska but there are spiders and bears and wolverines and porcupines everywhere. Those are the ones you remember him mentioning anyways. He’s been rocketing information at you the whole way up here. His excitement was apparent. Most of the time you were distracted by his beauty when he talked about what he is passionate about. All darting expressive eyebrows, deep brown eyes, plush lips, and shining teeth. You zone out on his good looks often.
With critters in mind you approach the beds to inspect underneath. Like an uncomfortable child looking for monsters. Maybe Frankie should…nah fuck it you’re an adult. You kneel and lean forward to grab the bedding and pause. You rip the thick quilts up and hold your breath like you're going to find a damn moose under there. Nothing. More dirt and rocks and dust. 
Frankie steps out of the bathroom to find you searching under the second bed, “Uh, sweetheart, what are you doing?”
You sit back on your heels to look up at him standing by the bags, “I, um, was just checking,” you stand up in your place, “Frankie, my love, this place is…rough.”
He puts his hands on his hips and shifts his weight to one side, “not to your standards, princess?”
“Shut up. This place doesn’t meet a caveman’s standards!”
“Hey now,” he mocks offense and you both laugh.
“But seriously, are there bed bugs? I don’t know about sleeping in the beds,” you cringe.
Frankie starts to open the large duffle he brought, “Rule number one in Alaskan villages, always pack your own sleeping bag and blanket,” he spins back around with both items held up in his hands, the sleeping bag unfurling on cue with a flick of his wrist. 
“Ah. Smart, very smart,” you cross your arms to avoid the urge to touch anything as you continue to look around.
He walks towards you to place the safe sleeping items on the left bed, “Well, baby girl, I am…experienced,” he winks and wiggles his eyebrows at you. He’s such a dork and you swat him with a scoff to tell him so. Frankie huffs a laugh, you know he’s just trying to ease your nerves about the strange arrangement. 
“So, Mr. Experienced, what’s rule number two?”
Frankie’s face goes from playful to serious in an instant as he smoothes the sleeping bag out over the bed. “Rule number two in Alaskan villages…crack the door first to inspect outside before stepping out and keep your head on a swivel for bears, moose, and wolves. They are not friendly.”
You stare at him with wide eyes with your hands clenching your arms where they are crossed. Oh my fucking god he’s dead serious. 
He finally turns his head towards you after a moment realizing you hadn’t said anything, he sees your fearful state and leaps into your space to grab your shoulders to bring you into his chest.
“No, no, no, sweetheart, it's ok! I promise!” He peppers you with kisses and holds you tight, “I didn’t mean to scare you, it was a half joke. Besides, rule number three is that You will never leave my side or sight, okay?” Frankie pushes you back to look in your eyes, now softened within the safety of his sturdy arms.
“Yes, um, okay. Good,” you clear your throat and will away the residual fear of this wild place, “you’re going first everywhere as my bait that's for damn sure!” 
Frankie belly laughs with you as the lightness reenters the room. Almost brightening the whole space before your very eyes, everything will be just fine. Frankie has always got you.
“Alrighty,” he pulls away to put his jacket on, you already miss his warmth, “the sun doesn’t set around here until 10PM so I want to spend the remainder of our free time today somewhere magical. Get your day pack and your jacket, I will grab us some water, and we will stop by the general store before heading there. Sound good?”
“Forgot about the forever sun, hm, okay. Where here is magical?”
“You’ll see, sweetheart, let me show you what’s past all the dust and danger,” Frankie sends you a hopeful smile which you return then go about following his instructions. 
When you are ready to go, Frankie opens the door and commences with rule number two. He gives you the okay, no danger this time, and you follow him out the door. The damn thing doesn’t close properly so he has to help you pull it shut. It put up a good fight because even Frankie grunted to lock it.
“Alaska is hard,” you mock complain and he laughs.
Momentarily you relaxed and forgot your surroundings. Turning towards the beat up rental, Alaska roads are even rougher apparently, sensing a pattern between the cars and buildings here, you’re thinking to yourself as you round the car to get in the passenger side. Out of the corner of your eye you see something black as night and furry. You YELL.
“OH FUCK SAKE!” you cover your whole face when the animal comes into focus. A damn dog. 
Took you a second to notice that Frankie was already beside you with…his handgun out? That’s right he packed that. Also smart. Form of deterrence, nothing more, he told you while packing. He's giggling at you as he tucks the pistol into the back of his waistband…why is that hot? 
“It’s just a pooch,” the dog runs to him happily as he kneels down to give the large mutt a couple hard pats, “this good girl is here to protect us, yea? Yea she is, what a good girl.” 
The gun handling, good girl…this man. You shake your head, no, you have to stay alert out here. Frankie can’t be distracting you like that, goodness. 
“I really keyed you up with rule number two, I’m sorry, just stay alert and I am right here. I’ve got you, mi amor, I promise,” Frankie opens your car door and places his hand on your lower back to help you inside. You can’t handle this man, your protector…he's everything.
Once seated in the SUV he shuts the door with a slam because apparently all doors in Yakutat hate people. Has to be the harsh weather, you reason. You buckle up and turn to watch your tall, broad husband fit himself through the driver side door and into the seat. He stretches back and rolls his hips forward to situate. Oh God. The small swell of his soft tummy rests above the belt in his jeans as he settles. Fuck.
“What?” Frankie asks when he finds you staring at him, “You alright?”
“Hm? Hmhm. Yes. Fine.”
Frankie flashes you a smile, puts his seatbelt on, and starts the vehicle. You’ve turned back towards the cracked windshield when he reaches his right hand to look over his shoulder to back out of the dirt parking lot. You swear he’s doing all of this on purpose now, damn him. In your heart though you know this is all just Frankie being Frankie, he never has to do much of anything to get you all riled up for him. Large hand and fingertips lightly brushing past you, strong arm and shoulder supporting his turn, and then his long freckled neck on display. Again…fuck.
You start the journey to find magic with a stop at the village store, the only store, the store that was the grocery, clothing, hardware, appliance, and everything else you can think of store. Then with road snacks in hand, the SUV started down the road into the wilderness. It was instant, the transition from almost civilization to nothing but the outdoors. Chilling but beautiful.
Either side of the dusty gravel road is framed by tall evergreen trees. Acting as the two thick walls that prevent the human race from affecting the untouched nature any further. Sentinels for the pristine environment that is the Alaskan tundra. The seclusion and forced direction is eerie. You lean forward to place your camera in the dash to capture the beauty of the empty road. 
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“Incredible isn’t it?” Frankie states breaking the appreciative silence that fell over the bumpy ride. 
“Yes,” you breathe in awe of your surroundings, “this is magical, Frankie.”
He smiles at you and turns back towards the road ahead of him, “you’ve seen nothing yet, sweetheart.”
He says it with such hope and finality you couldn’t possibly think of what this surprise will be. You’ve already flown over snowy mountain tops, seen glaciers even with it being the middle of July, gasped at the clearest ocean waters you’ve ever seen, and watched him is his element. There’s more magic? You are starting to see why he wanted to share this place with you. Despite the unsettling lodge that somehow erased some of the awe. Hey, it’s a scary beautiful place. Some darkness and uneasiness within a stunning wild atmosphere. Oh. Now you are really seeing why this is Frankie’s favorite place.
He feels you staring at the side of his face again, “You ok? Really, tell me, is this all too much?” He reaches across to place his hand upon your jean covered thigh, rubbing his thumb back and forth in comfort he thinks you need.
You hadn’t even noticed how long you were looking, the time passing quickly while you were stuck within your thoughts, you cover his hand with yours and squeeze, “I am more than okay, Francisco, I promise. Just in awe of where we are…and of you.”
Frankie blushes, “Good. We are just about there, after we drive across a little rickety bridge then we are at the trailhead.”
“Right, sorry, it’s a very short hike to the magic.”
“Frankie…our definitions of short hike are very different!” 
He laughs as you shove his shoulder playfully, “It’s your definition! I swear!”
Both of your laughing fades as the SUV approaches the bridge. Oof Alaska, caring for your roadways must be real tough. Frankie retracts his hand so both are back on the wheel for full driving focus. Um, yep necessary, because these guardrails don’t look like they would help much. You brace yourself and he grunts as the shitty rental bounces over the first severe pothole…his poor back and also, damn him for sounding like that in broad daylight. Night light? What time is it? 
The bridge was so horrendous you barely noticed the rushing water beneath and at the other side is a small gravel turn around. The end of the road. Like, that's all the road of Yakutat, you’ve seen all of it already. Village life.
Frankie scans the area around the vehicle and you wait with bated breath. You don’t see anything but he's the trained one so you are going to follow his lead. You’d follow him anywhere, to the ends of the Earth, do anything he tells you. Ok, getting distracted again, pay attention this is actually scary. 
“Rule number two is clear, let's go sweetheart, stay close,” he winks at you as he climbs out. First thing he does is stretch with his hands pressed into his lower back, a sliver of his skin showing and you forget how to use a door handle. As you struggle with the door you realize it's actually like the lodge door, thank god. Does he really make you that stupid? Well…yes. Frankie comes around to help you out as you laugh to yourself. 
“Alaska is haaarrrd,” he mocks you from earlier, chuckling, and you roll your eyes.
“Yea, yea, Alaskan doors hate me. Ok…” you throw your arms out, “magic me, Mr. Experienced!”
A devious look flashes across his features along with one that looks like surprise at your words, hm that did something, file that away for later when we are sharing his sleeping bag. 
“Careful what you wish for, baby girl,” Frankie abruptly pulls you close by your backpack strap to smash his lips to yours in a heated kiss that could melt an Alaskan glacier field. When he pulls away you are breathless, how are you going to hike now? He holds you close as he slams the shit out of the car door getting it to shut, with one strong arm, did it just get hotter out here? Shit.
“I am so happy you are here with me, mi amor, my favorite person in my favorite place is making my entire life right now.” You can feel the warmth of his words above you as he continues, “I am also happy no one else is out here currently so we can have all of the magic to ourselves. Let’s get down the trail, stay right behind me ok?”
“You got it, handsome,” you lean up to quickly kiss the patch of grays in his beard before he walks away towards the entrance of the forest. You follow behind as instructed trying to keep up with his long confident strides. 
The trail is absolutely incredible. The canopy of the trees creates a natural tunnel and the low moss and ferns give it a bright green, almost prehistoric vibe. Again, the only human touch being the trail, like the road, but somehow showing a little more care and maintenance. Starting to see the Alaskan priorities more clearly. 
Your tall, broad shouldered husband fills the whole space of the narrow path. His presence is natural. He’s comfortable and you can tell by the way he's walking, he is at ease completely. His gait opened, planting his feet heel to toe. On alert of course, but his spirit is still. In his element of the calm outdoors, Frankie is serene. Your eyes begin to water in the happiness of this realization. No matter what he is taking you to see, this right here is the magic. This man has worked through so many traumas, struggles, and hardships, he deserves whatever good in the world he can find. The world owes it to him. Frankie always shares with you that you are his peace, he is yours, but you are proud to see him find it in something else too. Just for him. And he wants to share it with you.
You go to wipe the one errant happy tear that slides down your cheek and slam directly into Frankies pack, “OOF! What is it…”
“Shh,” Frankie cuts you off as he throws his arm around your shoulders and takes you with him as he drops to one knee, “sorry, heard some rustling, trying to locate from where.”
Panic. All the panic hits you as you cover your mouth with both hands, your breathing suddenly way too loud in your own ears. He is scanning the woods calmly as your eyes are darting every which way. You are safe though because he is holding you so close. His even breaths start to calm you. That's when you see it.
“There?” You say as quietly as you can and point straight out into a small mossy clearing, something big, round and spiky.
“That’s my girl!” Frankie shouts lifting you up into a hug keeping an eye on the creature in the distance. “Good girl! Good eyes! Wow, look at that porcupine, it’s huge!” 
“Why are you being so loud?! Is it safe?” You are muffled in his chest with your hands on his sides, shaking a little bit because you’re still scared as shit and oh yea, you got a good girl. Shiver. 
“Yes! It’s safe because that big boy is in this area, meaning nothing else will be. He’s scary to other animals but harmless to us. What are you gonna name him?”
“You spotted him, eagle eye, you get to name him,” Frankie smiles down at you then turns to watch the animal waddle through the clearing. 
You also watch the gorgeous guy as a respectful trespasser to its home, its slow waddle is so cute, “I’ve got it!” Frankie turns to take in your sly smile, “Pope!”
Frankie cracks up, shaking you both with his deep laughter, “oh my god, I can’t wait to tell him that!”
“Let me get a picture,” you giggle at your cleverness and break away to get a good photo. Pope looks right at you as you call his name and it's the best wildlife photo you’ve ever taken.
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After a few minutes of watching the safe, wild animal from afar, Pope disappears and you continue your hike, Frankie promising it’s only a few more minutes. The hike is nearing his definition of short.
You can see an opening in the distance, is that water? You did cross a bridge so it’s probable. You don’t really notice when Frankie lets you take the lead as your curiosity takes over and you hike the rest of the way with him right behind. The constant tunnel of greenery gives way to a large rocky path. You have to look at your feet to be careful where you step, bigger pieces of granite and quartz leading to a short course gravel shore with subtly lapping water. When you're more sure of your steps, you look up.
Fucking MAGIC.
All you can do is open your mouth to gasp, but no sound comes out. Standing stalk still with hands by your side you marvel at the majesty of what you are standing in.
From the gray rocky shore you take in the crystal clear lake that is filled with snow white and chilly blue floating icebergs of all shapes and sizes. What’s even more magical is the absence of any noise. The silence is all encompassing. Beyond the lake are the largest and barest mountains you’ve seen yet. The high night sun coloring them in purplish grays and highlighting their snowy peaks. They protect the silence of this valley lake filled with moving ice. The air is still and cool. Goosebumps. Refreshing after the trek out here. All that is heard is your heartbeat and it starts to sync with the rise and fall of the floating, pulsing, changing ice on the water. It is, in fact, pure magic.
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You realize you are crying and it is just your body’s reaction to the scenery. You aren’t sad or happy, you are even. That’s when you turn to face Frankie who has been letting you take it in on your own. He is already looking at you. Your crying eyes meeting his own watery ones. 
“Francisco…” you finally speak after who knows how long, “I have no words.”
Frankie finally approaches you, the sound of his footfalls upon the rocks cutting sharply through the silence, he takes your pack off your shoulders to place with his on the shore and pulls your back flush with his chest. Both facing the magic. With his warm arms around the top of your chest he hugs you close, resting his chin on the top of your ball cap. Your hands hold onto his forearms as you lean into him further. 
After a few more silent moments together, Frankie speaks quietly, “I wanted to bring you here for a specific reason, besides just liking my favorite place more, my love.”
The emotion in his voice causes you to turn around in his arms, looking up at him, quietly waiting for him to continue.
“Your reaction to seeing this place, same reaction I had when I found it,” Frankie swallows what seems to be a lump in his throat matching his glistening eyes, “this is exactly how I felt the first time I saw you all those years ago. Comfortably still. At ease. Silent. Calm.”
Now you are full on sobbing as you take his face into your hands and jump up to kiss him desperately. Frankie swallows your cries with his soft lips as you both murmur I love you’s into each other's breaths. The action causes both of your ballcaps to fall to the ground, never breaking the silence around you. 
As the deep kiss continues, you both pour all of your emotions into it and that's when Frankie’s legs give out, sliding you both down into the pebble shore to kneel directly in front of the other, arms around waists, hands grasping shirts, his tummy pressing into yours. Crying gasps turn into heated pants as you climb into his lap to straddle his narrow hips. Frankie starts kissing down your cheeks and neck, licking away your tears. Your arms fall around his shoulders and your fingertips find his curls to pull his lips back up to yours. He whimpers into your mouth and you quiet him with your tongue, making both of his hands drag up your torso, your arms, up your neck to spread his large hands over either side of your face. Frankie holds you still with his fingers in your hair to lick even further into your mouth as he tilts his head. Now you are the one breaking through the silence with a moan that is not appropriate for the pristine environment you are in. 
Suddenly, a thunderous sound makes you jump within Frankies arms and yelp. He laughs breathlessly holding you close to his chest. “It’s okay, gorgeous.”
“What the hell was that?” 
Frankie taps your thigh and maneuvers you to turn and sit between his legs facing the lake again. Damn you almost forgot where you were. When did we get down here? Frankie leans you back again and points out across the lake.
“See over there, between those two big ass mountains?” You nod your head smiling as he continues, loud as hell because he's excited and can’t control his voice in the quiet. “That sound was the glacier calving. That’s where all the chunks of ice come from and float out onto the lake to later melt small enough to flow down the river.” You’re following his finger, biting your lip as he explains the path. Oh there’s more. “The bluer the ice is, the newer it is because it turns white the longer it sits out exposed to the sunlight.”
“That’s incredible, baby, thank you for showing me all of this. I am so happy I could come with you.” You feel him smile into the crown of your head at your words. You could listen to him all day. 
After an appropriate amount of time of appreciative silence, admiring the magic within each other’s arms on the cool rocky shore, you finally stand. Frankie stays sitting, legs sprawled out in front of him as he watches you take some pictures of the scenery. It is breathtaking to be here.
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Frankie brings your pack to where you are crouched touching the clear, chilly water, “hey beautiful, are you ready to head back?”
You let out a long yawn as you stand and give him a nod as he helps you situate your straps over your shoulders. It has been a long day and he's got an early morning. Frankie scoops your ball cap back on your head and gives you a quick kiss before leaving the most magical place ever. You both turn around at the entrance to the trail to take it all in one more time. 
“Back to the stale lodge I guess, farewell magic!” You wave at the iceberg lake and Frankie giggles, taking your hand to start hiking back to the rental. 
“It’s not that bad, sweetheart.”
“Francisco…we are about to share a sleeping bag on top of a full size bed.” You deadpan stepping over a tree root trying to keep up with him.
“Ohh, we’re sharing are we?” Frankie raises his eyebrow and you realize you’ve given yourself away.
You shoot him the same raised eyebrow, “you can’t make out like that with me in the most magical place ever and not expect me to want more! You’ve been making me burn all day for you, lover,” you stop him and press your hands to his chest grasping his shirt, “my confident, capable, intelligent, protective, strong…Mr. Experienced.”
Frankie licks his bottom lip and shudders at the way you husk out the last few words. He pulls you against him and you can feel his want.
“Come now, my good girl, let's go make our own magic.”
When you arrive back at the lodge safe and sound it doesn’t seem so scary anymore. Frankie brings light to anything and everything in your life. His very own magic.
Another A/N: I want to apologize for my absence and lack of posting fics. Last year was a rough year of insane change and moving. This year my goal is to be more present! Just saying, there is lots more to come and I am excited to share it with all of you <3
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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HOT, SINGLE, UNSTUDIED SPONGES. 3000 NAUTICAL MILES AWAY. Come sail the distance and read Tiger Tiger!
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Dorian Pavus, present age
Over a period of 10 years I imagine Dorian to have collected quite the library.
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lilybug-02 · 4 months
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Bug Catcher Methods
Bug Fact: Bees have their ears located on their front legs!
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classical-bluess · 4 months
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Can you tell which parts are my favorite
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jojolightningfingers · 8 months
i truly truly will never stop being tickled by how law's braincell count just plummets into the negatives whenever he's around luffy and kid SPECIFICALLY at the same time. like if it's one or the other he copes more or less just fine. kid's a shit-starter but he's predictable and easy (and fun) to rile up. luffy runs on baffling logic but he's fundamentally easy to get along with so long as you maintain your zen and understand that he usually doesn't MEAN to get under anybody's skin. separately they aggravate law in different ways. but when they're together kid's penchant for starting dickswinging contests (or inability to not take the bait of one) collides with luffy unhesitatingly answering with a one-up that no sane person would conceive of and what the hell is law supposed to do against THAT fuckin wombo combo. get left behind and called a bitch for it? not goddamn LIKELY!!
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originalartblog · 6 months
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(tiny) Dazai propaganda
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junewild · 3 months
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beastwhimsy · 1 year
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disasterkars · 1 year
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a2zillustration · 8 months
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Buddy we literally JUST read a scroll about hubris AND you were just inspired about something called "Don't let history repeat itself," that 10 wis stat is really coming through.
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lilybug-02 · 3 months
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Some Familiar Faces.
Bug Fact: The smallest species of insect discovered is the Fairyfly. These wasps measure no more than 1 mm across! (about the size of this dot . )
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fatedroses · 6 days
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Two former military elites taking merc jobs perform absolutely hellish battle tactics together.
#ffxiv#digital art#zenos yae galvus#estinien wyrmblood#adventurer zenos#I will always adore this duo conceptually#because like- socially theyre that aragorn-geralt brooding in a corner of a tavern meme#but in combat they are absolutely terrifying#the azure dragoon and the super soldier legatus are here to fuck up a poachers day#aka zenos is about to crossmap someone's airship cause he knows estinien cant make himself jump that far#why have him try to jump when he can just Olympic-level javelin toss this man#also guys#my dudes#all this time I've been working on adven!zenos being a tank#I... have realized I just write him like a warrior who isnt carrying a weapon- sturdy unkillableness and countering and all#I am only a little bit of a dumbass but orogeny just seems to live in my head rent free#it also gave me the terrifying concept of- after spending time with the scions and after the ultimatum-#of him trying to learn more about dynamis- and zenos being zenos starts learning eventually how to harness it#local calm apathetic man can berserk on command because he's a lot angrier/more expressive inwardly than most people expect#depending on how I look into it- it might be how he fuels most of his shinryu transformations but I'll have to work on it more#but ANYWAYS#I love the thought of these two hunting and working together#and estinien being tossed being turned into a tactic#especially with proper form#this is something ive wanted to draw for a very long time and im very happy I actually have the skill to do so now
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