#a rarher sexist character
maybeamiles · 3 months
Thinking about trans Zoro angst...
Trans Zoro who comes out at such an early age that none of his peers know he was born a girl- and he wants to keep it that way.
Trans Zoro who hears Kuina's speech about puberty and weakness and womanhood and challenges it, partially because he wants to prove her wrong, but partially because she reminded him of what's going to happen to him in a few years, and maybe he wants to prove that he's different from her, that he's not going to become a weak woman.
Trans Zoro who sees Kuina die and promises that he'll be strong for her.
Trans Zoro who grows up learning that women are weak and fragile and never gets a chance to see those ideas disproved.
Trans Zoro who is taught that men don't cry. That men are strong. That men don't die to silly things like falling down the stairs. That men must protect the women they love even at the cost at their own health.
Trans Zoro growing up terrified of what might happen if anyone found out he was trans. Terrified of losing his place in the dojo. Terrified of being seen only as a weak woman.
Trans Zoro who tells Chopper that "real men don't cry" because he doesn't cry and he's a real man. The fact he doesn't cry proves it.
Trans Zoro whose dysphoria hits harder every time he loses a fight.
Trans Zoro who overcompensates for his dysphoria by falling into the patterns of toxic masculinity he was raised with. Who tries to be the kind of man his sexist teachers would be proud of.
Trans Zoro who refuses medical treatment because he doesn't want anyone else to look at his body.
Trans Zoro who is "found out" after his fight with Mihawk.
Trans Zoro who is shocked to discover that nobody sees him as weak because he was born a woman. Who only needs to shout "I'm a man" to go back to being seen as one.
Trans Zoro who learned that men have to be strong, but is slowly learning that it's okay for them to be weak too.
Trans Zoro who is learning that he can be whatever kind of man he wants, his teachers be dammned.
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