#a rug maybe. some fake plants. desk organisation
eggthew · 2 years
next couple of pays most money I have left over is gonna be dedicated to making my room Nice
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xddaengx · 4 years
Welcome Home: Surprise
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⚬ Pairings: Yoongi x Reader | Hoseok x Reader | Jimin x Reader
⚬ Genre:  Hybrid AU | Romance | OT7 AU (eventually) | Fluff | Angst |
⚬ Warnings: Mentions of Hybrid Fighting | Mentions of Nightmares | 
⚬ Word Count: 4.8k
⚬ Summary: You bought the old cottage not expecting much from it - you knew the old house was going to come with some abandoned furniture from the previous owners - but you didn’t expect the panther hybrid to be apart of the deal.
⚬ Author’s Note: I apologise for this part taking so long...Things just have gotten crazy with my shifts at work and I haven’t had a lot of time. Hopefully writing will become a bit smoother soon. If you would like to be added to the tag list just comment on this post - I hope you all enjoy. 
(You can find all parts of the series HERE)
“Jimin, stop throwing things from your window.” You shout up at the feline hybrid chucking the plastic wrapping out of his window as he rearranges the furniture in his bedroom to suit his preference - which seems to be cozy yet luxurious. Hobi had finished his room in two hours all his belonging unpacked and his bed set up with a fresh set of sheets - he smiles at you from the master bedroom, after insisting that he fix up your own bedroom wanting to surprise you with a make over.
“It’s what you deserve.” He had explained as Jimin nodded from his spot on the lounge. You had eventually given in - even giving Hobi some money to go buy some decorations and a can of paint. That’s how you sit out in your back garden watching the two hybrid bustle in the bedrooms - trying to make the large cottage as homey as possible.
You could see Hoseok’s tail wagging in fury as he rolls the paint on your walls - the colour splattered on his cheeks as he smiles waving a hand out the window every now and then before he continues to move around your room - it’s about lunch time when the two of them come down stairs - both covered in a sky blue paint, their stomachs growling for food. The three of you tuck into some sandwiches and salt and vinegar chips while you wait for the paint in your room to dry - eventually Jimin and Hoseok slink back up the stairs to finish the bedrooms leaving you to mull around the garden planning how you were going to fix it up.
“Maybe a vegetable garden there - oh and some daisies over there.” You whisper to yourself as you stroll around the back garden finding the spots overgrown with weeds and in need of desperate clean up. It’s not even twenty minutes after you grab your notebook beginning to jot down all the improvements you were planning on doing with your garden that Hoseok comes bounding down the stairs and out to where you sat a small table and set of chairs.
“I finished your room - I think you’re really going to like it.” He chides - his smile big enough to make you drop your notebook on the table and follow him eagerly up the stairs not sparing a thought the the loud thumb you hear from the roof - must be a cat.
“Oh, Hobi, It’s beautiful.” You coo, as you walk into your bedroom - the wall behind your bed painted a light blue, the rest of them a bright white - the bed sheets matching the colours almost exactly.
“I know you like to read - so Jimin and I looked up good chairs for reading…and obviously we had to go with white to match everything else.” Hobi says softly as he points towards the short backed chair he had placed in the corner - with a soft cushion, it definitely looked like the perfect spot for reading. He had placed a large fake plant behind the chair claiming ‘I wanted to add some colour’, before pointing out a few other things in the room.
“It was Jimin’s Idea to put the light behind your head board - he said it would make it easier for you to read on your bed, or do work at night time.” Hobi’s words draw the puffed feline into your room - who looks proud at his few additions to the room.
“We also thought you might want to keep your ratty old desk” Jimin adds pointing to the white, paint covered desk sitting in front of your window - the perfect spot for it honestly. You could see right out the window into the backyard, the yellow sunflowers tucked against the back fence in the centre of your vision.
“And lastly your new light…” Hoseok says directing your attention back to the hanging pendent light in the centre of your room. The light was decorated with glass flowers - the light reflecting the clear and blue colours of the glass - covering your room in the shadows of flowers.
“You guys…” You coo at the two of them. Turning away from them quickly trying your hardest not to cry at the effort they had put in to making the room a dream. Jimin seems to notice your discomfort immediately and grab your hand dragging you to look at his soon to be finished bedroom.
His bedroom was surprisingly bright - the large windows to the side of his bed lighting up the room and making it feel warm and cozy. Jimin had tried his best to put his bedsheets on himself but eventually admits that hoseok helped him put the white sheet on his bed - his pillows all mis matching as the feline couldn’t remember where he put all his bed stuff. You immediately take notice of the small teddy bear sitting on one of the pillows and take it in your hands looking at Jimin in surprise.
“What? Mr Flop always helped me through rough times.” He defends with a shy smile, watching as you grin back gently placing the teddy back on his pillow. “Oh, I bought this table the other day - I thought maybe you and me could have tea in here at night and play chess or something.” Jimin adds pointing to the small table with two chair sitting besides his bed - a small chess board already sitting on top.
“It looks wonderful Jimin. You did great.” You coo, patting the hybrid gently on his head as he lets out a small purr of contempt.
“I guess we should go see my room now.” Hoseok says quietly you and Jimin following closely behind the canine as he walks down the hall to the room right across from yours. His room was very simple - the walls staying the bright white it was when you had first arrives, with no more than a plant and a small night themed decoration hanging on his walls - as well as a painting he had found interesting when he went to the store. His bed was low to the ground - the canine being more comfortable, saying he didn’t feel as vulnerable - with the same grey and white sheets he had had when the two of you lived in your city apartment.
He had a few more minimal decorations around the room - like a small potted plant underneath the small window - and a small rug on the hardwood floors where he thought it would be good to sit and meditate.
“I didn’t really add much - cause I don’t spend much time in here anyway.” Hoseok said shyly as Jimin mumbled about the room being bland.
“I think it’s perfect Hobi - It’s a lot like you, organised and put together.” You say rubbing his back lightly as he seems to perk up a little bit - deciding it was going to be time to start cooking dinner.
The three of you had managed to unpack the kitchen and the living room quite quickly when you had first arrived - deciding those room were the most important before they were allowed to finish their own rooms.
You had Hobi had decided it would be best to make something simple for dinner - the three of you exhausted from your day of unpacking and moving.  With a quickly thrown together spaghetti bolognese - and the three of you scoffing it down in under twenty minutes - you were all ready to head off to bed.
Jimin had elected to sleep in his own room for the night - much to Hoseok delight - saying he wanted to experience waking up in the country side with his windows open for the first time. After bidding him goodnight - you and Hoseok trudge off to your bedroom, quickly getting changed into pyjamas before sliding under the new covers with a happy sigh.
Hoseok seems more than happy with your reaction - his arms wrapping tightly around your waist pulling you towards him - you head planted softly on his chest.
“Goodnight.” You squeak, the warmth and comfort of the hybrids chest lulling you to sleep quite quickly.
“Goodnight.” He mirrors pressing a short kiss to the tip of your nose before tucking your head under his chin, his breathing evening out quicker than you ever thought was possible - though you followed him to sleep town shortly after.
The loud rustling sounds had become more common over the past week you and your hybrids had spent at the new cottage. It was consistently in the middle of the night - the sound usually coming after the three of you had gone to bed for the night.
After the eighth night of hearing the rusting and clanging of the down stairs fridge - you give up on trying to sleep - sliding easily out of Hoseok’s grip, slipping on your fluffy slippers and a dressing gown - the countryside being a lot colder than you had expected - before making your ways down the stack of stairs slowing slightly as you see a small white light coming from the kitchen.
You round the corner into the kitchen stopping as the hybrid whips his head up from the bowl of cereal sitting in front of him on the bench - the door to the fridge sitting open illuminating the boy and his black sleek ears. The two of you stare at each other for another moments before the hybrid sighs picking up his bowl of cereal and moving to leave the kitchen.
“Wait…Who are you? How did you get in here?” You question the boy turning back towards you when he stops at the base of the stairs - his tail flicking behind him. He cocks his head to the side, watching you curiously as you tuck your hands under you arms waiting for him to answer.
“I’m Yoongi…Did they not tell you about me?” He asks you back quickly looking even more confused as you shake your head at his words.
“Tell me what?”
“What did the listing say when you bought this house?” He questions you - ignoring your own question.
“What do you mean?”
“The listing you saw - it said comes with some of the previous owners belongings, didn’t it?” The sleek hybrid asks you - moving away from his spot at the stairs, closer towards where you stand in the kitchen doorway.
“It did - but I just thought it meant some old furniture and stuff…” You respond - every decision you’ve ever made being questioned.
“Of course you did - that’s what the average person would think. The real estate decided that would be enough to let people know what they were getting into - but they’re also scum bags so… It’s no surprise they didn’t specify that I was apart of the deal.” Yoongi says as he moves past you placing his half eaten bowl of cereal on the bench before making his way back to the stairs.
“What’s your name by the way?” He asks stopping as he gets half way up the stairs - you manage to spit out your name quickly, the hybrid repeating it slowly his smile growing.
“See you around, then.”
You don’t know where the hybrid went after you managed to shake off your shock and follow him up the stairs. You slowly slip back into the bed next to Hoseok who just hums in content as he wraps his arms around you.
“Where’d you go?”
“Just to get some water.” You respond nuzzling your head closer to Hoseok’s chest, trying to forget about the honest hybrid you had just met down stairs.
Maybe it was just a fever dream?
Maybe he wasn’t real.
He was definitely real.
It had been two days since your late night meeting with the surprise hybrid - and both your canine and feline hybrids had figured out something was wrong.
The morning after your encounter you had walked into the kitchen to see Jimin sniffing around the bench and grimacing.
“Something wrong?” You asked as you watched the feline continue to smell the kitchen bench with distaste.
“There’s just this really strange smell - it’s smells like mint and rain, it’s very different to you or Hoseok.” Jimin answers taking another long sniff before shaking his head in confusion. You sputter for a bit before managing to piece together a sentence.
“Maybe Hoseok is trying those weird juice mixtures he keeps seeing online.” Your excuse seems to appease Jimin’s curiosity as he nods lightly accepting your words and moving away from the spot besides the counter, pressing a small kiss on your check and he makes his way to his room - mumbling about hoseok’s drink making ability.
That night you had seen Yoongi sitting on the steps eating a sandwich - he smiled and shot you a small wave as you made your way to the kitchen grabbing yourself a glass of orange juice - but as you made your way back to your bedroom, the hybrid was gone - and an empty plate sat in his place.
You and Hoseok have been trying to fix the overgrown garden during the day as much as you can - but the afternoon after your second sighting of  Yoongi, Hoseok seems to be a little more alert than usual, his ears perking up every now and then - his gaze scanning the backyard for something.
“Can you hear that?” Hoseok asks as you try to pull the weeds away from the rose bush.
“Hear what?” You question back - stiffing as you spot Yoongi looking at you from the attic an entertained smile of his face.
“I can hear someone laughing and it’s not Jimin.” Hoseok says, pointing to the sleeping feline - who sits on the back steps in the sun - to prove his point.
“I can’t hear anyone laughing.” You mumble as you continue to look up at the man sitting on his window seal letting out small chuckles at the canines confusion. “Maybe we better end our gardening here for today.” You suggest trying to usher Hoseok inside before he looks up at the attic window.
You almost have him at the back door when he glances up making eye contact with Yoongi - who seems surprised he was found out. You don’t have any time to grab Hoseok before he’s bolting away from you and up the stairs no doubt trying to get to the intruder.
“Hobi…Wait… Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit.” You huff - stomping your way up the stairs behind Hoseok. “Hobi, Please don’t do anything stupid.” You yell as you finally make your way up the stairs and over to the ladder leading to the attic.
As you reach the top floor you look to the corner - Hoseok letting out low growls, as he back yoongi into the corner - yoongi returning the growls quietly.
“What’re you doing in my house?” Hoseok sneers at the feline - not even noticing your presence in the room. Yoongi doesn’t answer, just looking between you and the canine hybrid, his eyes pleading for you to step in.
“Hobi, step back now…” You say as you approach the canine hybrid - his tail sticking straight out behind him as he continues to watch the small man.
“Hoseok, I’m not going to ask you again…Come over here now.” You say a little more firmly, taking the hybrid by surprise. The canine turns to you his eyes wide, his tail tucking beneath his legs, his ear flattening on his head. He looks over to Yoongi once more before slowly making his way to your side, his hands tense on his sides.
“Hobi…Yoongi technically lives here too.” You begin to explain, Yoongi seeming to relax a little at the submissive expression the hybrid is showing. “He was left behind by the previous owners, and as I recently learned was apart of the deal when we bought the house.” You continue Hobi’s head sinking lower as he gaze stays on the floor.
“I’ve thought about it for a while - and he’s going to be staying here if he would like…It’s not like we can ask him to leave, it’s his house too.” You finish taking Hoseok hands in yours as you try to get him to look at you.
Hobi nods, looking down at your hands before pulling his out of yours. He looks over to the sleek hybrid, and then back to you before sighing and leaving the two of you alone in the attic. You stare at the empty spot where Hoseok had just stood before turning back to Yoongi with an apologetic smile.
“He’s not the best with surprises.” You begin, letting out a long sigh pushing your hair out of your face, “Why don’t you come join us for dinner tonight? We can all get to know each other a bit better.” You finish trying to muster a brighter smile but from Yoongi’s perspective you failed miserably.
“Sure…I’ll be there.” He says trying to ease a bit of your concern. He watches as you nod slowly before mulling another short apology and disappearing down the ladder back to the main portion of the house.
The four of you had sat down for dinner almost and hour ago and you think it’s safe to say it has been an absolute disaster.
“What kind of person just freeloads off the people who move in?” Hoseok shouts at the alarmed hybrid sitting across the table from the angry German shepherd.
“I think it’s a very clever idea.” Jimin adds into the conversation for the first time that night - seeming to enjoy Hoseok lack of control.
You decide to call it quits after Hoseok anger turns onto Jimin - the night obviously not going to pick up and the food going cold in the centre of the table. You apologise once again to Yoongi, not sure what else to say, but the sleek hybrid just waves your apology away.
“You shouldn’t be the one apologising…Frankly, you’ve been nothing but kind to me.” He says softly after the canine storms off to get ready for bed.
“Still… I feel like I could’ve made that go better.” You huff, looking over at Jimin who just shrugs his shoulders, still watching the other hybrid as if he’ll strike at any moment.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you two tomorrow.” Yoongi says with a smile before wandering his way upstairs, a warm plate of cookies in his hands.
“Well, it probably could’ve gone worse.” Jimin pipes up as you turn to look at him with a frown. “What?…They could’ve actually attacked each other.” He adds, and for the tenth time that night you sigh.
Its eleven thirty once you decide to head to bed. Walking into your dark room expecting to see the canine hybrid in your bed as per usual - only to see the white haired feline staring back at you, a book open in his lap.
“Is he really that mad?” You question Jimin as you slide off you jeans to pull on a pair of tracksuit pants - not bothering with changing your shirt.
“Seems like it…To be honest, I think he’s more hurt than anything.” Jimin begins, only continuing once you slide under the covers besides him. “You usually tell him everything - and this time you hid something quite big from him. He’s probably hurt because he thinks you don’t trust him.”
“You think? I just didn’t know what to do - to be honest Yoongi was as much of a surprise to me as he was to you guys, and I wanted to make sure what he was saying was true before I said anything.” You explain to Jimin who nods giving you a comforting smile, closing his book and throwing it on the bedside table.
“Why does everything have to be so hard?” You whine, as Jimin wraps his arms around you pulling you to lie down besides him, your head leaning on his arm.
“Oh, my poor baby…” He coos back at you, patting your head softly pressing a soft kiss on your forehead before tilting your head up to look at him. “He’s not going to be mad at you forever…trust me, it’s hard to go longer than a day without a good cuddle.” Jimin’s words coax a small chuckle out of you - as you lean up to press a small kiss on his cheek before rolling over in his arms, turning to face the door - hoping you would catch a glimpse of the canine before falling asleep.
Luck was just not on your side.
It’s been six days.
Six days since Hoseok has slept in your room.
And six days since Hoseok had even acknowledged you.
Apparently he had taken, you not telling him about Yoongi much harder than anyone thought he would.  Even Jimin had been surprised - expecting the canine hybrid to be sleeping in your bed the day after you initial fight.
But he was wrong…Hoseok had taken to sleeping in his clean, organised room. Only coming out to get food and water when he needed it - though you assumed he would also sneak out of his room for toilet breaks.
Jimin had decided he would temporarily take Hoseok’s spot in your bed, knowing having one of them beside you was what managed to keep the nightmares at bay.  Though the past few nights, even having Jimin’s tight grip around your waist wasn’t enough.
Every time you woke up - a scream ripping from your throat - you expected to see Hoseok waiting there. But only a confused sleek hybrid stood in your doorway, watching as Jimin tried to calm you down - to explain that no one was going to hurt you.
“I just need some fresh air.” You huff wiping your eyes as you turn to look at Jimin, giving his hands a tight squeeze before slipping out of the bed - wrapping your large dressing gown around your shoulder.
“Alright, well I’ll just wait here.” Jimin calls out, knowing you were probably already halfway down the stairs by now.
“Fuck.” You hiss as you swing open the backdoor letting the cold air hit your face and knock the remanence of the nightmare away. You pull out one of the chairs at the table slumping into it as you look up at the bright moon.
“Seems like things are getting a bit rough?” Yoongi’s voice was something of dreams - it was soft and deep and had all the potential to lure someone straight to the depth of the oceans. It was hard to turn and glare at him, when his voice relaxed every muscle in your body.
“Yeah…They’re not exactly going to plan.” You sigh, pushing your hair out of your face before turning and pulling the chair that sits besides you a little closer, patting it softly for Yoongi to take a seat. “Sorry about before…I haven’t had a nightmare that bad in a few months now.”
“Why are you apologising?” He questions taking a seat besides you, pulling his legs up to his chest as he watches you fiddle with the drawstrings on your jumper.  “You seem to apologise for a lot of things that aren’t your fault.” He adds.
“I think it’s just a habit…Something I got accustomed to doing to protect myself.” You murmur, noting the way Yoongi nods at your words before letting out a deep sigh.
“I’m sure I haven’t made things much easier for you. I feel like such a home-wrecker.” He chuckles and you join letting out a small laugh as you gaze raises up to one of the illuminated windows.
“You all seem really close.” Yoongi says pointing up at the window where you can just barely see Jimin peeking out to check on the two of you. You nod slowly, smiling at the feline who just returns it before disappearing back behind the curtains.  “I’ve never really had a family like yours before.” His words shock you a little bit - enough that you turn back towards him quickly, your eyes wide asking for an explanation.
“If you couldn’t already tell - I’m a rare type of hybrid, a black jaguar to be specific.” He begins taking in a deep breath before continuing. “The man that bought me forked out around six thousand - he needed a fighter. Someone who had enough genetic skill to win him some cash in the underground fighting centres…I was his most prized possession.” He stops again, seeming to think hard about his words.
“Before I started loosing…Once my ranking went down and we had to turn towards lower quality fight centres to make any money, but they were the ones were the police usually patrolled - he was arrested one night and I had no where else to go, so I came back here. He had to sell this place to make bail…and he managed to find a legal loophole, so here we are.”
“Oh, Yoongi…That’s awful.”
“It wasn’t all bad - I just wish I was as lucky as Hoseok and Jimin…To find someone so kind. To be able to have a family.” Yoongi say, waving away your pity to little effect.
“Well, you’re always welcome to join our little family…Trust me, none of us had the easiest time finding our family.” You say reaching over to give the hybrids shoulder a gentle squeeze before you turn back to your illuminated bedroom window.
“You know what…I’m sick of this.” You grumble, giving Yoongi’s shoulder another squeeze and a quick goodnight before stomping your way back inside - right to the room besides yours.
With your courage at an all time and with frustration soaring through your veins you knock loudly on the door, not managing to wait more than five seconds to swing the door open -  a surprised hoseok looking at you from his bed.
“We need to talk.” You say, your voice faltering slightly as the courage seems to drain from you. Hoseok stares for a few seconds before nodding for you to continue - sitting forwards on his bed.
“Whatever this attitude that you have towards me and Yoongi needs to stop. I know that you’re upset that I didn’t tell you that he was here, but what was I supposed to do…I needed to make sure what he was saying was true - which it is - and even then I knew how you were going to react.” You pause for a moment trying to gage Hoseok’s reaction before continuing.
“He doesn’t have anywhere else to go, and frankly I stick by my decision. I’m an adult, Hobi and I understand I probably should’ve told you about it sooner, but if you can’t respect the decisions I make, then maybe we won’t be able to fix what happened.” Hoseok seems to jump up in surprise as you finish the sentence not expecting to hear what you had said.
“What’re you talking about?Why would you say something like that?”
“I don’t know…But I don’t know what else to do, Hobi. I can’t stand you hating me but at the same time I need to stand by my decisions.” You reply your courage completely out the window as Hoseok gets up from his spot in the best moving towards you hesitantly.
“I don’t hate you…” He sighs. “I know I shouldn’t have overreacted like I did, and I’m sorry.” You nod at his words not being able to look up from the edge of the mat in his room.
“But trust me…I could never hate you.” Hoseok adds, taking one step closer, his hands reaching forwards to lift your gaze to his - his eyes softly moving over your face.
“Can I kiss you?” His question takes you by surprise, but you nod quickly.
“Please do…Six days is far too long.” Hoseok doesn’t wait any longer to pull you closer, one of his hands still gently sitting on your cheek, the other gripping your hip as he attaches his lips to yours. His lips are soft and sweet moving gently against yours as he lets out a contempt sigh.
“Way, way too long.” He murmurs against you as the two of you take in a few deep breaths before continuing. Hoseok pulls away after what feels like hours, moving his second hand to your hip rubbing soft circles on the exposed skin.
“Does this mean I can come sleep in your room again?” Hoseok asks, letting out a breathy laugh as he leans his forehead against yours.
“I guess…but I think for tonight we should end things here. I’m sure Jimin is still waiting for me to go back to bed.” You mumble, removing your hands from where you had gripped the front of Hoseok’s shirt. He just nods, his hands slowly letting go of your hips as the two of your step apart.
“Wait…Just one more.” He says, stepping forwards planting a quick kiss on your lips before stepping away again.
“Goodnight, Hobi.”
TAG LIST: @littlewolfieposts​; @sana-b​; @purplelady85​; @btsxdoll​; @aloyssiac​; @pearylove​; @wickedblue34​
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franboos · 4 years
I don’t want to be your friend i want to kiss you neck
a vds college roommate fic
written by @gucciboner and me <3
word count: 1617
chapter one, part 3/3
chapter one, part 2
find the entire first chapter on a03
“Get off.” Lucas murmured, roughly trying to scrub the yellow paint off of his hands. One of the downsides of wanting to be an artist, his hands were constantly covered in either paint or pencil smudges.
He enjoyed his first week of school a lot. He met a lot of new people and all his teachers are very relaxed. This place is really going to feel like his second home, just like Sander told him.
He quickly fixes his hair in the mirror, it always gets messed up when he’s painting, before walking out of the bathroom. Sander send him a text when he was in class, asking him if he wanted to hang out at his apartment after school. Lucas said yes, he liked Sander, and wouldn’t mind getting to know him better.
Sander was waiting for him outside, leaning against the building.
“You ready to go?” He asks a soon as he sees Lucas.
Sander’s apartment isn’t far from the school, a 15-minute walk at least. They talk about their day for a bit and Lucas tells a story about the girl from his class who knocked over a supplies cart, breaking several glass jars and spilling paint water all over the classroom floor.
“I felt really bad for her, she almost started crying.”
They’re walking through a part of Antwerp that Lucas hasn’t seen yet and he makes a mental note that he really needs to drag Isa with him to explore the city this weekend. Maybe Jens could show them some cool spots, since he has lived in Antwerp his whole life. So has Friso but Lucas doesn’t like him as much.
“Robbe just texted me,” Sander says, shaking Lucas from his thoughts.
The infamous Robbe. Sander had told Lucas all about his boyfriend on the first day they met.
“He says he invited some of our friends over as well, is that okay?”
Lucas shrugs. “The more the merrier.”
“They’re kind of idiots though, I’m warning you.” He says, making Lucas laugh.
“I have a lot of experience with idiotic friends, so I think I’m gonna be just fine.”
Sanders stops in front of a relatively small apartment complex. “here we are,” He takes his set of keys out of his pocket and unlocks the door. Once the door is closed again Sander leads them up the stairs. The apartment is on the third floor, which are more stairs than Lucas would have liked to climb, he’s embarrassed by the fact that he’s slightly out of breath when they reach the correct floor.
Sander unlocks the front door for them “After you,” he smiles. As soon as Lucas steps into the narrow hallway he can hear loud voices coming from somewhere inside the apartment.
“You’re home,” at the end of the hall a head pops out of the doorframe.
The guy, Robbe, Lucas assumes, because Sander beams at the sight of him, steps into the hallway and greets Sander by wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. So definitely Robbe then.
Lucas stands there, awkwardly, looking anywhere but the two of them.
“And you must be Lucas?” Robbe asks, once he pulls away from Sander. “I’m Robbe.” He stretches his hand out to Lucas.
“Yeah, I figured,” He laughs and shakes Robbe’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Sander has told me a lot about you.”
Robbe’s cheeks turn slightly pink and Sander presses a kiss to his temple.
“Positive stuff I hope…” Robbe says, shyly looking down.
“Of course baby, always.”
Robbe looks back up and gives Sander another lingering kiss but he doesn’t get the change to deepen it since Sander starts talking again.
“Let’s go meet the rest shall we?” Sander claps his hands together and turns around, walking through the doorway that Robbe appeared out of earlier. Lucas and Robbe trail behind him.
The living room is slightly messy, In the left corner stands a small desk that is covered in what seems to be some of Sanders drawings. The windowsill is covered in plants, a few vaguely turning light brown. A big light blue rug covers almost the whole floor. And a big L shaped grey couch stands in the middle of the room, facing a tv, with a matching chair next to it. This definitely looks a lot more organised than his student residence.
“Everyone, meet Lucas,”  Sander excitedly announces to the three guys sitting on the couch playing video games, too focused on whatever game they’re playing, to lookup.
Lucas immediately recognizes one of them as Jens.
“Wait,” Jens says, rapidly pushing the buttons on the controller, “too busy killing Aaron.”
“What the fuck,” Lucas is taken aback by the fact that his super cute roommate is sitting on Sanders couch, so he mumbles it more to himself than anyone else but Jens hears him anyway and looks up, the surprise also clear on his face when he sees Lucas.
They look at each other for a few seconds, not saying anything, until Jens shakes his head slightly. “What are you doing here?” He pauses the video game, earning a groan from one of the other guys.
“Wait you two know each other?” Sander asks from where he’s standing next to Lucas.
“Yeah,” Lucas says, never breaking eye-contact with Jens. “We’re roommates.”
Sander laughs, “what a coincidence.” He plops down on the couch, tugging Robbe along with him.
After Lucas sits down as well, across from everyone in the chair,  the other two guys introduce themself as Aaron and Moyo. They talk for a while and Lucas finds out that Robbe and Jens have been friends the longest out of all of them. They tell Lucas all about their youtube channel, about the time Moyo and Aaron pranked Jens by faking that Aaron was under hypnosis and making him steal a handbag. Lucas laughed and Jens pouted adorably at him. According to Robbe, their best video was the one where he and Moyo tested their makeup skills on Jens. When Lucas asked to see it, Jens was quick to say no because “it was really really bad.”
Their whole friendship dynamic reminds Lucas a lot of his with Jayden and Kes.
“So Lucas,” Moyo shifts on the couch, turning all his attention to Lucas. “Is there a girl back in Utrecht?”
“If not, we can totally hook you up with some hot ones,” Aaron grins sheepishly. “Oh maybe Noor,” He hits Moyo on the arm excitedly.
Lucas lets out a snort, “That’s alright Aaron, girls aren’t really my thing.”
He watches the confusion take over Aaron’s face. It takes him a few seconds before he understands what Lucas means. “Oh,” he says with widened eyes, “we can totally help you find hot guys as well.” He looks around at his friends. “I’m sure Sander and Robbe know some.”
“Dude,” Moyo groans, shaking his head.
Robbe, who is basically sitting in Sanders lap at this point, just rolls his eyes at Aarons comment.
“Do you have a boyfriend then?” Jens, who has been quiet ever since Moyo’s question, asks while he clenches his jaw, his attention fully on Lucas.
“Nope, I’m very single,” Lucas says while looking Jens straight in the eye.
Jens tries to casually nod and he gives him a small “Ah okay”, but Lucas sees some of the tension from Jens face disappear. Did he just care if Lucas has a boyfriend or not?
No, he must be seeing things. Jens was just curious. That’s all.
“So, beside from Sander and Robbe, are any of you dating?”
“Surprisingly enough, only Aaron,” Moyo says, “but that is just because I haven’t found someone I really like. I could get any girl I want you know.”
Jens scoffs, “yeah sure dude, are you confusing real life with your dreams?”
Moyo looks annoyed but the other boys start laughing.
“Are you guys just living with the two of you or with more people?” Moyo asks pointing to Lucas and Jens.
“You want to know if we live with any girls, Moyo?” Lucas says, “you could just have asked politely.”  
Sander, who sits next to Lucas, gives him a fist bump while laughing.
“No, I’m genuinely interested.”  Although he doesn’t sound so convincing.
“We live with two other guys and two other girls, who one of them is my best friend. They are all pretty cool, so that’s chill.”
Moyo tries to casually nod without looking interested in getting to know any of those girls.
“Well moyo, if I were you I would do something with this information as soon as possible, because Jens already got hit on,” Lucas says while first looking at Moyo but then switching his gaze to Jens.
“Ugh, Luc. I don’t like her okay.” His eyes stare so deep in Lucas his eyes, like he is really trying to make clear that he would never do anything with her.
It is silent for a second. Lucas sees Robbe and Sander looking at each other while exchanging non existing words. He can’t figure out what their trying to tell each other, must be some weird boyfriend telepathie.
Moyo breaks the tension. “So, you guys should really show us your place one day!”
“Yeah, but we should first make the living room at least look a bit more presentable.”
“I agree with you on that,” Jens says with a laugh.
The boys kept talking for a while but then started gaming again. Lucas could get along quit good with the boys. He did not just meet Sander his friends, but also Jens’. And for some reason, it felt important that he liked jens friends, and that they liked him.
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sophygurl · 5 years
okay so I saw your fox way post (which i realise is from like 5 months ago so i'm sorry if it's not in your main interests anymore) and I wanted to know what you think would be some good descriptors for the organised comfy chaos that is their house. bc i love the idea of a house of miss-matched over stuffed sofas and everything everywhere that doesn't understand the concept of minimalism but I can't find anything online that looks like what I imagine. Thoughts?
omg so The Raven Cycle in general, and Fox Way in particular, is never out of my main interests so thank you for this!! I actually have a Bunch of other metas that I’ve kinda collected notes for and one of them is actual physical descriptions of 300 Fox Way? 
I feel bad because I’ve already promised @sparkly-things metas about Maura and Gray next up ages ago, but hopefully they won’t mind? And I happen to have a lil energy and time today, so here goes with every physical description of the house that I’ve collected during re-reads (may have missed stuff). 
This got long, and is perhaps not even what you were looking for, but I hope it helps you and/or others looking for descriptions of the house! 
Blue describes the architecture of the house, simply, as weird in TRB. In TDT she expands on that, saying it “was two houses knitted together, and neither structure had been a palace to begin with. Narrow hallways leaned eagerly toward one another.” I’m not sure if she means this literally, as in two small houses on nearby lots got made into one building somehow, or just that the way the house is built just makes it feel that way? 
She goes on to talk about a “stray toilet gurgling somewhere” - since we know there is only the one bathroom is she talking about that or does this language mean there is maybe another toilet connected somewhere, like in a basement? Then “the wood floors were as buckled as the sidewalk out front.” Some of the walls were painted in vivid purples and blues, and some had decades old wallpaper (in the same rooms or in different rooms?). “Faded black and white photographs hung beside Klimt prints and old metal scissors. The entire decor was a victim of too much thrift-shopping and too many strong personalities.”
Gansey describes the house as being “cramped with extraneous people and whimsical objects. It hummed with conversation, music, telephones, old appliances.” Malory calls the house “lovely” and seems to appreciate just how many walls there are. 
At one point, it’s said that 300 Fox Way is one mile away from Monmouth Manufacturing. 
The exterior is a “little bright blue house”. There is a hand painted sign that reads “PSYCHIC” and then “By appointment only”. When turned around, the sign reads “CLOSED COME BACK SOON!” I’m not sure if there is a porch, but there is a porch light referred to when opening the front door, so that’s a good guess. There is a front step, so it’s not a ground level entrance to the front of the house the way it seems to be in the back. 
Outside in the backyard - there’s Blue’s large Beech tree, which shades the entire backyard with it’s “beautiful, perfectly symmetrical canopy” that kept out all but the heaviest of rains. There is a high wooden fence covered with honeysuckle that blocked out neighboring lights and the canopy of the tree blocked out the moonlight.
Right off the sliding glass door in the kitchen, there’s a cracked brick patio leading into the yard itself. There are chairs arranged on the patio.
In the kitchen, above the table, is the chandelier described as a “badly designed stained-glass creation” (also described as “the fake Tiffany lamp”) - the one they have difficulty changing the bulbs in. The process of changing the bulbs took at least three hands and was generally left until all the bulbs had burned out - so consider that the kitchen would have different levels of light depending on how far along in this process they might be. The kitchen counters seem always to be cluttered with mugs, teas being made and packaged, essential oils, flowers, pots boiling, etc. There is also a cabinet filled with glasses, either in the kitchen, or close enough to the kitchen for them to rattle when one gets down off of the kitchen table. 
Also in the kitchen - the door to the pantry that Artemus takes up residence in. 
You can see to the front hall and the base of the stairs from the kitchen, and there’s a main hallway that connects from the kitchen, which is at the back of the house, to the front of the house where the front door is, and so I imagine that the stairs are right there in that front hall area. I also believe there is only the one set of stairs connecting the two floors. The staircase has a railing with a knob on it. In the hallway, there is a table with a clock on it. 
The reading room can easily be gotten to from both the kitchen and the front hall, so I imagine it’s off to the other side of the stairs perhaps and maybe there’s a door from the hall and another to the back from the kitchen? There do seem to be multiple doors into the room, and since Adam describes it as a room meant to be a dining room, that makes sense to me. The doors are sometimes closed, so it’s not one of those rooms that is just separated off by archways or whatever.
Anyway, it is described as containing “the candles, the potted plants, the incense burners, the elaborate dining room chandelier, the rustic table that dominated the room, the lace curtains, and finally ... a framed photograph of Steve Martin.” Maura seems proud of that photograph, and makes sure to tell Whelk that it’s signed. It’s also described as having mismatched furniture, with an armchair at the head of the table.There’s a framed photograph of a standing stone on the wall. Also, apparently, there’s a phone in the reading room. There are blinds over the windows. 
There’s also a living room, which I’m thinking is further into the house, because you can’t see the front hall/door from there. There is a fuzzy mint green love seat, and a blue striped chair, and a wicker bench in front of the window. There’s also a couch. I’m also guessing this is where the TV is, unless there is a separate TV room as well, somewhere on the downstairs level? 
There is only one bathroom, and it’s upstairs. There’s a full bathtub. 
The upstairs phone, the one dedicated to the psychic phone line Orla had put in, is in the Phone/Sewing/Cat room, which has green gingham wallpaper and is “full of a multitude of odds and ends”. I’m not sure if the long purple silk Calla does her aerial yoga in is always there, or of Calla sets it up before she does it each time? There are bins of sewing materials, a chair with a pillow on it, and I’m guessing this is the room with the sewing table in it? 
Blue had repurposed canvas trees glued to her bedroom walls, decorated with collaged and found-paper leaves. There was a card table shoved against her twin mattress with reading materials on it, and a nightstand with a dim green lamp. Her closet door was covered with glued dried flowers. She had a ceiling fan that was hung with colored feathers and lace, also leaves. And she had copied a poem on her ceiling. There was a bird painted on one wall with a talk bubble that read “WORMS FOR ALL”. A shelf cluttered with buttons and scissors. A rotating fan in the corner. Blue’s room is adjacent to the Phone/Sewing/Cat room.
Maura has her own room, which is next door to the Phone/Sewing/Cat room. Calla describes it as being chaotic and messy and filled with too much shit. 
Calla and Jimi share a bedroom. It is my considered opinion that they also share a bed, but this is never mentioned or alluded to. We do know that on Calla’s dresser is kept the three statues of Oya, Oshun, and Yemaya, the Yoruban goddesses.
Persephone’s bedroom was at the end of the hall upstairs, past the Phone/Sewing/Cat room and bathroom, and the door to her room was painted red. She had a desk with a Victorian desk chair, and a “high, elderly twin bed”. There was a shaggy rug. 
Presumably Orla has a bedroom somewhere up there and if there are other residents of the house (see the post referred to in this ask for why I wonder about that possibility), then perhaps there are also other bedrooms??
The attic is accessible from the second floor with a door that leads to the stairs that lead up to it. This door is at the very end of the hall, probably past Persephone’s room. A single light bulb lit the attic and it didn’t reach the stairs, so that was a dark stairway. Once up there, there are numerous slanting roof lines which means this is one of those houses with lots of angles and not just one flat or arched roof. There’s also unfinished wood floorboards and areas patched with plywood. There’s a porthole window (along with other windows apparently?), the leads out to the mismatched roof angles outside. Before Neeve moved in, there was nothing up there because Maura was against collecting things. 
When Calla and Blue go up to investigate once Neeve’s been living there, they find a mattress covered with throw rugs on the floor; lots of candles, bowls, and glasses cluttered together, bright painter’s tape making patterns between those objects, a half-burned plant stalk on a plate dusted with ashes, and in one of the narrow dormers - two full-length footed mirrors facing one another. Also a statue of a woman with eyes in her belly, a black leather mask with a large pointed beak, a red mask that matched it, a switch made of three sticks tied together with a red ribbon, and a little cloth bag with asafetida tied into it.
After they clear out Neeve’s things and it becomes Gwenllian’s room, the mirrors are still there, and the mattress, but it becomes cluttered with her own mess of things, also including candles and half-burnt plants.
So that’s what I got! LMK if you have more questions. I love this house and the people who live in so very much. Thanks for asking about it! 
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