#a silent bond of Christmas Food Thieves
cognitosclowns · 3 years
your food asks always make me so happy SO WHAT DO YOU THINK THE GANG (and your robot husbands) FAVORITE CHRISTMAS-TIME TREATS??
tw : food and baking mentions!! Also brief alcohol mention!!
Christmas was never that big?? Like Rand wasn't a great cook it was usually just,, going out to eat, if anything.
<3 she really likes chocolates though - like specifically chocolate truffles? She always buys herself one of those big La Suissa chocolate box-bags to munch <33
OH HER FAVORITE IS HAZELNUT CHOCOLATES <333 she'd probably adore Ferrero Rocher <3
plus then <333 his house smells like christmas, its fantastic <333 all the sugary goodness
if he had to pick, its gotta be a classic! Chocolate Chip Cookies <333 with these Big Chunks of dark + milk chocolate?? Like the cookies are MASSIVE and GOOEY and you feel full after eating like,, half of one BUT HE LOVES THEM <333
MOUSSE CAKE, MACARONS, JUST,, ALL BAKED GOODS. Wheat and Butter and Sugar can never go wrong <33
She loves super dense, fudge-y desserts?? Like cake so dense and fluffy and buttery that it feels like your mouth is being cemented shut.
she has a tradition of stopping by this,, Small Bakery near where she used to live and buying WAY TOO MUCH LMAO.
She goes in for one, maybe two things and gets distracted because,, who can say no to fresh baked eclairs that just popped out of the oven <3
<3333 her favorite is this,, Super Dense Cheesecake?? She can feel her arteries closing up, its decadent. She coats it in Raspberry Sauce and Ganache and has never looked happier.
<3333 you wouldn't guess it but he's very good at baking - as the youngest, he was too young for a long time to go out with his Siblings to their parties so instead he'd watch his mum cook!!
<3 usually its either pumpkin or sweet potato pie??? The farmers down the road always had them for cheap so his mum would snag a few for both christmas and halloween!!!
IF NOT THEN <333 yule log yule log he swears his mother used to put crack in there bc,, no matter what he does he can't make it taste the same as hers!!
he's also a sucker for cider <3 he purposefully stops by a local orchard to pick out apples and makes it himself!!!
TURKISH DELIGHTS <3333 some of his only happy memories of Christmas were when him and his siblings would make towers out of them while waiting for dinner to finish cooking <33
SO NOW HE JUST MUNCHES THEM DURING THE HOLIDAYS BC,, IT GIVES HIM THAT NICE COZY FEELING. No nuts or anything inside, just plain sugar-dusted Rosewater Turkish Delights <333
On that note he'd probably like any,, gummy candies. Like not specifically christmas but he'll absolutely be munching down on some Gummy Bears and Jellybeans during the holidays <33
I HC that he eats kinda like a Gelatinous Cube?? Like he just Shoves it into his orb hard enough and it,, pops through and disolves?? Not directly associated to this ask but,, Yknow lmao
<333 HARD CANDYYYYY. Especially like,,
this is one of the rare moments he'll swap into a human form to eat smth because,, the experience of shoving a bunch of Ribbon Hard Candy into his mouth and crunching is fantastic.
OH FUCK,, he'd totally love like,, Liquor Hard Candy?? <3333
I don't know why but he strikes me as a Mincemeat Tart kinda guy?? Its the only thing that he goes out of his way to get during the holidays <33
Alternatively if he's feeling super nostalgic and wants to wallow in self pity, he'll go to that Dinner him and Rand used to go to.
Back before Rand got hitched, that was their christmas tradition?? They usually worked through the holiday season to get a leg up on Other Shadow Organizations and stuff but,,, after everything was finished up?? They'd head to the diner and order a Massive Cherry Pie to celebrate a good year. (yes JR always footed the bill but its still one of his last good memories of Rand)
he says he ''''''DoESn'T LiKe cAnDY''''' but he's still gonna get caught sneaking mints from the Sweets Bowl <3
ITS,, Cold-Sugary?? The flavor of mint is just <33 he adores mint and Christmastime means he's completely surrounded by it.
I love the idea of him having a massive sweet tooth but being too Prideful to admit it, so he just,,, steals baked goods and candies from ppl at random intervals. Little bastard <3
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eurekahq1-blog · 6 years
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NAME: Arthur ‘ Art ’ Jedediah Norton.  DATE OF BIRTH: December 20th, 1994.  AGE: Seventeen. GRADE LEVEL: Junior. FACECLAIM: Alex Wolff. Alternatives: Nat Wolff.  PRONOUNS: He/him.
GPA: 1.3 — After sophomore year’s suicide attempt, Art hasn’t particularly excelled in his studies. It’s a miracle he hasn’t been expelled altogether, which is most likely due to the pity felt by his teachers.  EXTRACURRICULARS: Art has never participated in any extracurriculars and doesn’t plan to either.  DISCIPLINARY HISTORY: During freshmen year, he was often reprimanded for being late. A few times he’d been caught skipping class, though nothing major. After the incident shortly before Christmas break, however, he’s been on a tight leash. Not that he’s especially obedient. He’ll often cut class and smoke in his car during lunch. Nowadays he’s more careful about getting caught, though.  STUDENT SINCE: September 2003.
ITEMS ON PERSON: Two blunts hidden in the the lining of his jacket. His trusty lighter. Twelve dollars. His phone with its cracked front and back. A packet of baby carrots from last night’s McDonald’s trip. A Swiss army knife given to him by his father, hidden as well, but this time in his boot.   ITEMS IN OVERNIGHT BAG: Clothes and undergarments for the next day.  REASON FOR ATTENDANCE: Henry and himself had been caught high after lunch and promptly sent to the principle’s office where it was made clear it was either expulsion or this trip. 
His family has always been well off. Food always on the table and clean clothes always available, Art never had much to complain about. Loads had it worse. But never did he get along with his father. And never once did his mother seem to take notice. Art’s dad wasn’t abusive or anything, but he wasn't warm, either. He’s taken the boy on numerous hunting trips, often enough that Art vowed to never eat meat again. And he’s attempted to bond with him over sports which are played by his tormenters. Needless to say, neither activities have gone over well. His father stopped trying sometime ago. And once more, his mother doesn’t seem to notice. 
Before high school, his life wasn’t notable. He had few friends, if any, and he kept away for the most part. In fact, during their junior high graduation, it was noted that few of his classmates even knew his name. Of course, there’s always an exception. As a high-up executive, Jeb Norton worked with many successful entrepreneurs in Eureka, Xander Nichols’ father being one of them. A business deal gone sour and suddenly anonymity was no more. 
Wallflower gone target; sophomore year of high school changed everything. When his father was out of reach, Art Norton became Xander’s personal target for his parents’ minor inconvenience. Though, Art always suspected it had more to do with the money than his family’s reputation. Tormented from morning to afternoon, days on end, and eventually the boy had no other reaction than to snap. 
A couple of days before Christmas break, Arthur Norton brought a gun to school. And on December 17th, three days before his sixteenth birthday, he attempted suicide in the boy’s bathroom. But without practice, a gun was bound to miss and instead, hit him in the shoulder. He’s failed to live down this event since the day it happened, handed the unfortunate title of being a school shooter, and often dreams of an alternate reality where his attempt had been successful. 
He's always been a quiet kid, never had much of instinct to fight for or defend himself. To strangers, even family, he only speaks when spoken to. And even then, it’s hardly enough to carry a conversation. The only person who hears more than two words from Art’s mouth is his best friend, Henry. And more often than not, even she has to coax more valuable conversation out of him.
Art has been a vegetarian for nearly three years now. His parents have, of course, failed to notice as dinner is rarely eaten together. And when it is, Art fails to do more than poke at his food. School lunch isn’t acceptable, either. And he’ll often spend the break hotboxing his car with Henry, or swing by the McDonald’s drive-thru for their fries. It goes without saying that his diet is as poor as it can be. 
A big fan of horror movies, Art and Henry often spend their weekends bingeing the latest and the oldest. His favorite movie franchise is Friday the 13th and it might be the one thing in the world he finds worth defending. Art’s also got a soft spot for historical documentaries, though he keeps that to himself. 
HENRIETTA FAULKNER — Henry’s the only person Art’s ever been able to open himself up to. The two are thick as thieves and are rarely seen together. During the beginning of their friendship, Art even had a crush on the younger, though those butterflies soon faded upon learning of her more … interesting quirks. 
XANDER NICHOLS — Outside of school, the two had met many times, briefly. And though he used to hardly be a blip on Nichols’ map, it seems he now has a permanent bullseye on his back. Xander was lightly reprimanded for the bullying of a year ago, and seems to now avoid speaking to Arthur unless he has too. But that doesn’t erase the blind rage that Art’s faced with once he does. 
MARLEY SILVER — Marley was the poor freshman that found Art bleeding out in the school bathroom. Not only haven’t they spoken since December 17th, but they have actively avoided each other as well. And although he feels bad, it’s not enough to relive the events of that day. 
OSKAR MERCADO — He doesn’t know Oskar too well, and he doesn’t plan on getting to know him either. But as the more popular source of pot is exclusively reserved for the jocks and all their friends, Art has few alternatives. The majority of their interactions are silent trades in the school parking lot. 
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atlroleplay-blog · 7 years
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age: twenty seven
occupation: bodyguard
sexuality: heterosexual
gender: male
neighborhood: downtown
length of time in atlanta: six years
faceclaim: nico tortorella
trigger warnings: – death of a sibling, death of a parent, drugs
Mud covered boots, grass stained jeans, and laughter bubbling out of his chest as his mother hollered from that porch that dinner was ready. That was the childhood Dakota remembered on his family’s little farm in the heart of Blue Ridge, Georgia. Population: 1,300 citizens. Soiled youth, and mosquito bites. Growing up beneath the orders of a high strung, physically impaired army vet for a father, and a lovingly timid home-school teacher for a mother, Dakota and his older brother Michael, were no strangers to limitations. The family farm was one in need of much up keep, and while other kids were out playing at the park, most days the boys found themselves holding onto their imaginations to get through the scolding hot days in the field. The summers were their favorite, the heat being followed by rainstorms. And they jumped and skipped in puddles on days that the work had been long and their bodies were aching sore. Told themselves that the warm meal their mother had waiting for them at home would make the entire day worth it. And for many years it did. The boys were oddly comfortable with their balance of a father who only seemed to yell, and a mother whose warmth and love welcomed them home at the end of each day. And neither of them said a word when they saw their father knocking back beers as though it were his day job. 
However, as the years went on the house grew more timid. The boys age and the father’s bittiness beginning to cause more of an issue at the dinner table. While Dakota was more prone to spit out the dark truth of their father’s addiction, and slow destruction of the families lives, Michael sat in silence, picking at his food and trying to remain peaceful. The boys were now growing to be young men, teenagers with lanky limbs, and growing height. But the most that had changed was their understanding of how messed up everything was. And it was becoming very clear that they were very different. Their love for each other was the same, but their approach to their lives and how to handle their problems was entirely different. Dakota threw fits and slammed doors, Micheal put in headphones and tossed a football in the air, catching as it fell. Their mother often sat quiet in her bedroom closet, doing her best to muffle her tears. And each day their father’s liver grew weaker. So when the ambulance arrived, and their father was taken away in a black bag, Dakota hardly blinked. He could hear his mother screaming, and he could hear his brother crying–but he stood still. Eyes not removing themselves from the lights as they faded down the street. But liver failure was a thieve in the night, and everyone knew who was to blame for the arrival of death.
With the savings drained out from their father’s addiction, Dakota’s mother (with the help of his uncles), sold their family farm, and the beautifully twisted memories that came with them, and moved to a small townhouse in Savannah, Georgia. Upon this time it became clear that Dakota’s mother would have to maintain a real job, resulting in the boy’s having to attend public High School. Dakota was disgruntled by the idea. He was foreign to the idea of sharing the classroom with anyone other than his brother, and what did he know about being a city kid? Micheal, however, was enthralled by it. Eyes glinting as they passed the buildings lit up with city lights on the way to their new home. If only they knew how much it would change them. While Michael excelled in school, trying out for the football team and making varsity as a sophomore, Dakota fell behind in his classes, often time skipping to go sit in the his school’s HSTV room. Michael stuck to dates with prestigious girls, and Dakota–Dakota found himself locking eyes with a girl with a light brown pixie cut and a nose ring, smoking pot beneath the football field bleachers. Instantly their paths split in opposite ways. The core of their bond cracking and twisting until it shattered between them. Dakota blossoming into the southern boy with rough edges, and Michael being known as a parent’s wet dream. They shared the same blood, but their brother hood felt like a distant memory. Fading quicker with age.
When it was time for their senior year, the boys were welcomed with not one, but two surprises. Their mother’s most recent engagement to her—incredibly rich—boss, and boyfriend of 3 years…but the announcement that their family was moving to a new house, much bigger, and closer to the upper-side of Savannah. It was a shock to them both, but like most things, they handled their reactions quite differently. Dakota, as per usual, acting out. Michael, quietly leaving the house to go confide in his girlfriend. This move was harder on them than the last. And for a moment, the boys found the irony in the fact that they had finally agreed on something again. But their mother’s sudden knowledge of the boys’ unhappiness caused her to adjust her plans. She would marry–Martin—and they would move to a bigger home–but they would not move from their school district. The boys would finish out their senior years in the same school they’d grown in. This reveal was briefly celebrated by the boys,–they even laughed with each other, feeling open to the idea of a fresh start. It didn’t last. Senior year brought the same old habits. Once again, Michael went his way, and Dakota went his. Upon graduation, the boys stood silent beside each other, their tassels dangling in their eyes. And Micheal looked at Dakota, and Dakota looked at Michael, and for a moment they were just those two boys playing in the mud back in Blue Ridge, laughing. That too ended, and as they walked across the stage and into the arms of different friends, they knew their journey together was over.
College turned out to be Dakota’s greatest escape. It was by a shitty shot of luck, but he’d some how landed himself a place in Georgia Southern University. Michael, of course, got into the University of Georgia on a football scholarship but, Dakota was damn well happy with his choice of expensive school as well. His mother and step-father of course wouldn’t shut up about Michael to their haughty friends, but Michael would make up for that by happily butting in to remind everyone that he was going to one of the top-ranked party schools in the State. The shocked looks were his favorite part. Dakota carried those memories and faces with him as he drove his way to his home for the next four years. And he loved it. Unlike his previous school years, Dakota quickly became popular. Partially, because he sold weed to half of the upperclassman, but also due to his carefree personality. Dakota was like an animal let out of the cage. He could be himself, as fucked up as he was, and nobody was going to give him shit for it. The newfound freedom and companionship was what helped him to keep up with his school work. He loved his new life, and he wasn’t going to lose it on the means of failing grades. So he worked hard during the day, and partied at night, and found a girl to share the bed with as the moon grew full and low. And hardly went home. Sure, he’d attend the rare Christmas or Thanksgiving. But for the most part Dakota tended to stay near campus, whether by work or crashing on friends couches. Anything was better than returning home to be thrown in his brother’s shadow.
Four years flew by, and with the anxiety of graduation and having to leave his solitude, Dakota rushed to his roommate with the proposition of getting their own place after they graduated. His roommate was up to the idea, with one request—they get a place in his hometown—Atlanta, Georgia. Desperate to keep living his life on his own terms, Dakota agreed. And together, for the 3 last three weeks of school, the boys searched for their perfect place, prepared to announce their decision to move upon Graduation Day. Two days before they were set to throw their caps in the air, Dakota found the perfect place online in Downtown, Atlanta. And two days later, he was excited to announce his newest embarkment to his mother and step-dad over family dinner. But like most things in his life, he found his news to be tossed in the shadows, at the announcement of his brother’s engagement to his long-time girlfriend, and high school sweet heart. Dakota did what any courteous family member who was deciding to jump the nest was supposed to do–he smiled, congratulated, and expressed his happiness for the two. And then, when the dinner was long over and everyone in the house was asleep, he packed his bags and fled the home in the night, hopping into his roommates car, and watched the dirt fly behind the car as it sped off to Atlanta, Georgia.
Distance only continued to prove it’s ability to heal. The 6 years that followed Dakota’s fleeing were quiet, but whole. His mother stopped calling after the first year. His step-father left a message here and there after that. But his brother. His brother wrote him every month, for every year. Some telling of adventures that Michael wished Dakota was there for, and others, depicting the nightmares that made Michael thankful that he wasn’t. And each month, Dakota reluctantly responded. Telling him of his own struggles and bits of sunshine. His letters were much shorter, and reserved. But they were there. Because Michael’s were. Over time, something began to rebuild between them. A brotherhood long forgotten. And on the 2nd year, when Michael announced that his fiancé was expecting a child and he wanted Dakota to be there for that adventure, Dakota felt obligated to finally return home. He packed a bag and returned to Savannah, something he never thought he’d do again. A babies cry was the first thing he heard when he strolled into the hospital with nothing but his knapsack, and it fell to the ground as he rounded the corner and saw his older brother holding his niece. It was a reunion nobody saw coming. Nobody beside the two boys who walked towards each other, and embraced one another. His parents, although hesitant, soon embraced him too—welcoming him home.
From that point on things seemed as though they would finally get better. The baby girl, Adelaide–or “Addie”—as Dakota preferred, turned out to be the glue the family needed. Dakota still resided in Atlanta, but he visited home frequently. Making the 2 hour drive whenever he could to check in on his sister-in-law and Addie whenever his brother was sent back on tour. He did his best to make at least 2 Sunday dinners in the month. But even with this improvement, his parent’s still didn’t agree with his carefree lifestyle. Drugs, booze, parties, and random girls were known to be apart of his daily activities as a bartender at The Parole Office in Downtown, Atlanta. However, there wasn’t much Dakota cared to do about his parent’s lack of approval. His life was his life, and after all, he was only 25, he had a couple more years before he had to be anything close to his parent’s ideals. Things were better than they once were, and as far as Dakota was concerned that was the most anyone could ask for. And although his parents remained unhappy, they too would remain content with the middle ground they all currently stood on. It beat whatever they’d previously had to deal with.
Dakota remembers the last good day. It was Addie’s 4th birthday, and his brother by chance had been able to make it home. They’d all stood around as she blew out her candles, and Michael and Dakota held her on their shoulders as she was the princess of the party. But near the end of the festivities it began to rain, and the boys rushed everyone inside as they hurried back out to get the rest of the food and chairs. Their boots got covered in mud and their jeans found grass stains on them, and laughter bubbled through their chests. Just like old times. And they clapped each other on the back as they held each other up to get back inside. They’d come a long way, and it was only going up from there…Or so they thought. One week after Addie’s 4th birthday, on the way to dropping Michael off at his base, he and his wife were killed in a head on collision. Dakota’s parents had been watching Addie at the time. Dakota was tending the bar. He got the call at 3:30am. From the night club he drove the two hours to Savannah, skidding to a stop in his parents driveway and running up the stairs–not stopping until he found himself jolting to a halt in front of Addie, crying and red-faced. 
The world grew dark that day under harsh thunderstorm, and Dakota believed that the sky was crying too. And when it was informed upon the reading of the will that Michael and his wife wished to leave Addie with Dakota should anything happen to them, the walls in the house collapsed. His mother stood appalled, and his step-father stood shaking his head, and everyone began yelling in the small wood patented room. For once Dakota sat silent, drowning out the noise with the sound of his heart breaking. And when it got to be too much he stormed out, telling them they could have Addie if they wanted. Hell, what did he know about raising a kid? He loved Addie, but it was all too much and he couldn’t handle it. He just couldn’t. But after days of contemplation, and growing guilt inside his heart at not completing his brother’s final request, he decided he would. And with his heart pounding in his chest and the signed papers from the court, he walked straight into his parent’s house, picked up Addie, did his best to ignore the parental glares, and walked out.
A year later things have yet to settle between Dakota and his parents. Now 5, Addie has grown accustomed to life with Dakota in Atlanta, their bond growing stronger as the days pass on. She keeps him sane, and he keeps the memory of her parents alive. But still, Dakota’s parents insist to open a case with the Family Courts. They don’t see Dakota as fit to raise Addie, and for the first time the arguments over the phone have gained a lawyer. Desperate not to lose Addie, and to buy himself more time to prove to his parents that he is capable of raising her, Dakota quit his job at The Parole Office and got himself a job working as a security guard for Scarlett Lacroix, an uprising actress whose pay might just get him out of the mess his parents have put him in. Upon his interview, he’d been wary of the job, afraid that perhaps being apart of a starlet’s world was not the best choice for his case. But upon noting the pay and hearing of the actress’ recent loss, he sympathized, and figured it was as good as a gig as any. Now he’s just focusing on getting he and Addie into a better home. He’s moved them into a nicer condo in Downtown with the help of his first check from Ms. Lacroix, but he still has a long way to go before he can make Addie and his brother proud. 
loyal, amiable, diligent
stoic, destructive, impulsive
Dakota comes from a bartending background, as well as sold drugs in the past and in addition has always been the rowdier of the two Aren brothers. Therefore, you can always expect him to be the life of the party. He has toned down a lot since the addition of Addie to his responsibilities, but he still will be the one to offer you a couple of good laughs, and even better drinks if ever at an event/social gathering. Just before he landed the security job, he was still selling pot on the side to make ends meet. He never did it around Addie, typically selling in the back alley of The Parole Office during his lunch breaks, and kept his stash hidden in an old safe in the break room of the nightclub.  
Dakota has lived in Blue Ridge (0-13yrs), Savannah (13-18yrs), Statesboro(18-21yrs), and Atlanta (21-27yrs) Georgia throughout his lifetime. Therefore, he knows a lot of people from a lot of different areas. Savannah, Statesboro, and Atlanta are where he probably would have had more solidified relationships that he would still have in his late 20s due to him being much older when he resided in those areas. 
Dakota works out frequently, and could very easily take someone down if need be. Also due to his born bred Southern Background, and both his brother and birth father’s involvement with the army, he’s very educated on guns. At the gun range he’s known to be a very good shot. Which is why he figured security would more than likely be a successful job for him to take on. 
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