#a story of an oc I designed p1
cow-stealin-gal · 11 months
A Lady in Waiting
Chapter 1
[something I should’ve written long ago]
I don’t know about you, but I think that some, if not all of us, want to be someone else. 
Especially in the realm of fantasy, where anyone could be as powerful as they could be.
But in this case, a fellow is about to discover a secret that few have been offered.
Probably because she grown tired of all of the rejection. Whoops.
Chapter 1
“What a day.”
“I really want to buy something to eat”
“But I already ate, so why do I feel like buying snacks?”
“I traveled through whole crowds to get a limited edition Bakugan. That was the whole reason why I came here all this way for nothin, was to buy a special toy.”
The complainer over here is Brendon Rivera.
A college student, aged 22.
He often complained about stuff that happened to him.
Like the time he dropped a card onto a puddle of water.
Or the time that he has to help out at work despite having no classes over the weekend.
Or the time that two buses passed by him.
[you absolute {beep-beep}, pieces of {beep}, {beep-beep}, I swear to lord I will {beep} {beep} {beeeeeep}.]
I’ll give him a pass for that. The bus system is a total mess.
Anyways, Brendon is walking around town moping about losing a toy that he didn’t need.
Until…he noticed a sign.
“Huh. That wasn’t there before.”
He takes a moment to read the sign.
Garage sale today. From 4/7 to 4/12.
Over on Gallon Road.
“Huh. A garage sale. Wonder if they have anything.”
This is where it began…ok maybe not.
It took Brendon five minutes to get there, mainly because he took his time walking.
But when he reached Gallon Road, he noticed a bunch of boxes, a couch, a few TVs, tables with several shirts, old big toys, shiny objects and oddly shaped objects.
When he got closer, he saw a collection of toy cars, remote control cars, gold chain necklaces, even more shirts of different colors.
He also found lamps, vases, plates, a dark green couch with a patch of worn out red, a brown coat rack behind a pile of boxes and paintings.
“Oh dang.”
Then one object in particular caught his attention.
Two necklaces.
A pearl necklace fit for a lady.
And a necklace with a strange looking design, holding an egg-shaped white gem surrounded by six red gems.
Brendon found himself drawn to the large pearl.
He was bending over to get a closer look.
He developed an urge to buy them.
So he looked up and said,
“How much for these two?”
An elderly woman came over and told him,
[I mean…I was going to blow $250 on a limited edition Bakugan…]
[Welp, at least mom might like the pearl necklace.]
Brendon handed over 6 $20 bills, a quarter, and a dime, where he received a penny in return.
[I still have some money left over…but I better save it]
“Thanks!” Said Brendon.
“No problem!” The elderly woman chimed.
Brendon walked away with two pretty necklaces. An action that would change his life forever.
Now it begins.
It was a relatively uneventful evening at home.
After Brendon showed his mother the two necklaces, she was awestruck by the fancy necklaces and thanked him for the pearl necklace. As for the necklace that she que 
Brendon helped with his sister’s homeworks (reluctantly I might add).
The family ate their dinner, took showers, and generally went to bed. However, Brendon decided to stay up a bit longer to check up on his necklace.
“Ok, let’s take a closer look.”
He picked up his necklace and studied it.
“Hmmm…oh dang…the white egg pearl is pretty big.”
“Like almost bigger than my thumb…”
“The shape of the gold looks like a fire fighter sign. There are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 rubies.”
“They’re also egg shaped.”
“It’s pretty heavy for a necklace, so I probably shouldn’t run with this.”
Brendon put on the necklace and looked into the mirror.
“I guess it’s nice.”
“I uh…”
Brendon doesn’t have any idea of what he bought.
Seriously, he has no fashion sense.
“I’ll keep it on for now. I might have an idea later on”
“Such as a plan for pumpkin spice latte.”
“Like how much pumpkin sauce should you use to keep it sweet but not too sweet.”
“There’s a coffee shop down the road, but it’s pretty expensive. But they do have croissants and pan dulce.”
“Man I could go for some pan dulce, maybe I can get some when I come back or such.”
“But I really don’t want to bump into Renaldo.”
“He’s rude.”
“Like the time that he sprayed me with water and I then slipped and fell from trying to catch him.”
“Or the time that he bumped me while I was dribbling the ball. Making me fall down.”
“Or the time that he put gum in my hair and I got in trouble for punching him.”
“Just unfair.”
That was years ago, Brendon.
“Like I’m just still mad over this.”
“Like I just don’t like him.”
“I hate him, honestly.”
“I hate his little goofy face.”
“I hate how he gets attention from everyone.”
“I hate how he gets away with shit.”
“I just don’t. Want. To. See. Him.”
He covers his mouth. And looks around.
“Oh shoot. I must’ve been pretty loud.”
“Sorry guys.”
He walks into the kitchen and looks at himself in the mirror.
“I honestly don’t like how I look like. I mean I’m messy. I stink. I’m generally the face of gross things…I wish I looked pretty. Like a dragon lady, with sexy clothes, a long tail, beautiful wings, and a voice that everyone goes ’Mama Mia’…”
Brendon snickers to himself.
Then he takes a deep breath.
“Besides, I’m always the “quiet one.” Like I have stuff I want to say as well. Like for example, I like leotards….shit no…anything except for what I draw.”
“Never mind, I’ll probably just never mention that at all.”
“I sound like a pervert.”
“Ignore the part about the dragon lady stuff…”
Brendon sighs.
Then he went to the kitchen to clean the table to make space to draw his character.
He set the sketchbook down, opened up to a blank page and picked up his pencil.
He then put on his headphones to listen to his playlist of random songs that he liked.
“Ok, time to draw Madeline.”
Brendon proceeded to draw his character.
He drew the figure (body), he drew an overall leotard shape, he marked where the gloves and thigh highs would end, then he hurriedly drew a tail with fins.
Brendon stopped for a moment…
He started thinking…
Then he made quick shapes for wings, then sketched the fingers, the horns, the hair…
Along the way, he made a few mistakes.
Then he erased them.
Then he drew them again, made a mistake and erased.
This was how he usually draws…
He sketches the long skirt. Gotta have cover, I suppose.
He sketches the top part…
A…boob window…and a choker…
Oh boy.
The gloves…they’re baggy around the shoulders and tight around the wrist…
And he gave her a…rose…on the waist…
And…oh my…he’s drawing a vine pattern around the skirt…
Anyways, Brendon’s eyes began to grow heavy. He stood up from his seat and began to yawn and stretch.
His piece remains as a sketch…
Smudges, furry lines, an overly simple face on top of a detailed body.
A front facing figure, hands that may not remain the same, multiple fabric folds.
Need I go on?
“Alright, that’s enough…” Brendon muttered.
He packed up his sketchbook.
Packed it into his backpack.
Brushed his teeth and tongue.
He hates the taste.
Then he went to bed.
OK…Now it begins.
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do-mkokoro · 9 months
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[ IkeVil OCs p1]
Some Ikemen Villains OCs that I drew for my friends! I had fun with intepreting their vibes from what was described and picking the palette for the girls in accordance to their mamas’ designs~ Also some of them have curses and special abilities of their own.
(Artist note is the info I got from reading their stories, not actual word for word description from their mamas!)
More brief info about them below.
1. Stacy Matthews (mama: Miko)
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-LI: Alfons Sylvatica
-Curse: The little mermaid - The little mermaid
-Artist note: She is a playful gal who likes cute things and is on a journey of healing after traumatic experiences, while being an occasional castle caretaker at Crown. I hope for the best in her story bc she’s been through a lot of emotional negligence and physical abuse from the past… She deserves all the love and care in the world. 🥲
2. Emily Morris (mama: Anna)
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-LI: Harrison Gray
-Curse: none (actually the rare attribute here 🤣)
-Artist note: A police officer who’s also the childhood friend of Harrison, seeking to pursue justice for her dear friend’s sake. She used to be timid and shy, but the pain of having to see the one she loves suffer had encouraged her to become braver, so she can finally be capable of protecting him. Also the one who inspired me to step into the ikevil OC hole haha!
3. Sona Sibera (mama: Solona)
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-LI: William Rex
-Curse: The pied piper of Hamelin - The pied piper
-Artist note: On the outside, Sona is the reserved and composed musician (hehe) at the same theatre as Liam. But she can also carry out Crown’s missions in the most efficient manner possible without unnecessary losses. However, as composed as Sona is, if one strucked a nerve, she can become merciless and cruel as a person can be.
4. Maya Syn (mama: Sy)
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-LI: Liam Evans
-Curse: The snow queen - The snow queen
-Artist note: She is very adept at combat, and the curse of freezing her surroundings definitely maximizes the effectiveness of taking down opponents, even the guys at Crown aren’t a match. Despite the brute force and sheer power she has, Maya is fairly friendly and easy to make acquaintance with. That aspect made it hard to believe that she’s quite detached from almost all of her interpersonal connections.
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ichorblossoms · 8 months
I WOULD LIKE TO ASK QUESTION ABOUT OCS IN FACT 🤲 how was meeting yarrow for the first time like for grimm? and reverse? i love them and how tender they grow together so dearly
HELLO THANK YOU FOR THE ASK AND THANK YOU IN GENERAL EHEHEHEEEE they are eating at my brain all the time <3
OKAY so a vague timeline of honeybee's three main parts is here BUT there is a (not actually secret) part 0 that is how they first meet. i want to include it in the story but i'm concerned telling a story like this
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might get a little confusing for people so. we shall see
i DO have my reasons for wanting to tell it this way and also p0 is a single scene. but also i might combine it with p1 idk. it's a mess, i'm a mess
anyways at this point grimm is ~18 and still pretty freshly out of their whole "i was a bodyguard/scout for the people who destroyed everything i loved for several years because i fell in love [was manipulated by] the family's young heiress when i was vulnerable and also a child"* ordeal and now making a living for themself being an outlaw. it travels from town to town and takes on odd jobs, mostly recon stuff because it's very good at sneaking around. also having a robot dog designed to jam signals and camera feeds helps
*this is A Lot. i know it sounds edgy as fuck, but a consistent source of conflict in this universe is how people in power (those with a lot of money in this case) consistently fuck over everyone else and each other for the sake of more power/a perceived advantage/money and grimm is a victim of that to a more extreme degree than most
grimm takes a job that involves getting some sort of intel out of the offices of a medical clinic and gets caught halfway through. they can fight too, so they do get out, but not before sustaining a pretty bad injury to their jaw (originally this was going to be a gunshot, but after doing research i realize that hm sustaining a gunshot wound to the jaw usually requires reconstructive surgery that grimm would not have access to, so i think they were hit with something instead). on their way sneak-stumbling out, they happen across one of the interns in the stairwell, who sees them injured and bleeding and goes "stay right there i'll get something to help you!" because shit, why else are they working at a clinic if they aren't going to help people who are hurt
normally grimm wouldn't stay, fuck that, but it's dazed and possibly concussed, so it does. yarrow (who is about ~19) comes back with some bandages and painkillers, quickly does a quick patch job, and sends grimm off with a "i'm sorry this is all i can do" and grimm gets the fuck out of there
now yarrow isn't stupid, he knew that grimm wasn't supposed to be there, but if he can help, he will help, especially if someone's in pain. grimm wasn't anyone meaningful to them at that point, and i think that whole ordeal is something that occasionally crosses their mind in the next ~3 years before they cross paths again, but there weren't any severe consequences to their actions (if any, still dunno if they got caught) nor was their life really under threat, so it wasn't any more shocking than someone coming in to the clinic with a severe injury
ON the flip side though, grimm cannot stop thinking about this. it has encountered so little kindness in the previous ~6 years of its life that a total stranger helping them out is inconceivable. now, grimm will save its own hide first and foremost, so it doesn't stick around, but this whole incident leaves it with a sense of being indebted to yarrow, whose name they don't even know at that point. nothing it would go out of its way to act upon, but this "i owe my life to that stranger" thing it marvels at from time to time.
so, when the two cross paths ~3 years later in a different clinic in a different city, grimm feels compelled to at least get yarrow out of there before shit goes down; they've graduated to working riskier jobs with teams of outlaws instead of alone, so it's very much a "you saved my life, i'll save yours back and get you out of here and we can part ways for good" situation. or, that's what grimm tells itself :)
bonus pt0 grimm and yarrow designs hehe
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2ofswords · 4 years
Dankovsky ^^
Oh dear! Strap yourselves in, we are going to be here for a while! Also another warning: There is a mention of suicide in “a headcanon about their future”. (Which is probably very telling of said headcanon… Also: There are spoilers!)
their biggest strength
I guess having academic knowledge is a cool thing, but honestly, I would go with determination and willpower. I mean… while it might not be the best or most healthy situation ever, staying alive while having the sandpest out of sheer spite and willpower is still a fucking achievement! I mean to a certain extend all healers share this drive, but for me the way the Bachelor’s determination works is fucking inspiring and just the thing that keeps him going. While being the one who is like not hunted for sport (most of the time) he gets dealt a fucking terrible hand when it comes to dealing with the sandpest (neither any menkhu rights nor any magic, not being allowed to acquire the necessary components or equipment for his area of expertise, being the most distrusted and getting the least information, oh and of course getting told to solve the situation in a specific and completely counterproductive way by multiple parties) and most of his successes come from going through with it despite that, and screaming at people who don’t want to listen. While it can become (or be seen as, depending on perspective and circumstances) rude and insensitive this mindset is what gets the plague acknowledged and at least some of the measures established as a result. His whole thing is seeing an impossible task and going for it anyways, his entire goal of defeating death has that vibe and while he might never live up to his own standards I think there are things to achieve and to get done along the way that are of great value. Also while it might come of as arrogant, I think the mindset of “Yes I can do this, I will make it” when going against great odds is actually very inspiring and useful. Also I think it sometimes gets confused with thinking one is better than other people or just above human limits, with… isn’t always the case and you can actually see in his own route how it is more of an “I need to do this so I will make it.” But I digress and before this ask completely turns into another “Daniil Dankovsky defence squad post” of mine, I will leave it at that and say, that I think the way he moves forward and tries to archive great things by sheer willpower and determination is commendable, inspiring and one of his greatest and most important character traits for me.
their greatest weakness
This is a hard one for me. Definitely not because there are no weaknesses, but more because a lot we see in the game is a bit situational and/or an amalgamation of different things that morph into one single shitfest that I cannot really find a word for. I have thought about using single-mindedness but I actually think it is inaccurate and a word used often for him that while coming close to what I want to say does give of a very different vibe than I am going for and there are definitely aspects, where he isn’t single minded at all and as I said: very situational. Sooo… I would like to introduce my favourite weakness to give a character (seriously like 80 percent of my OCs have this one): tunnel vision. Kind of a downside of determination but also alluding of the fact, that our dear Bachelor likes do dismiss peoples opinions if they don’t match up with his own. But I don’t really think this is because he is generally dismissive of everything (because he shows signs of interest even in the town and it’s culture when it is not interfering with his work and while I wouldn’t dare to say that his handling of the situation is a good one, I think it is largely enhanced of the whole plague thing going on and also of everything getting in his fucking way). Example: getting really weirdly pissed at Lara for telling him that there probably isn’t any (human) source for the disease is not really being “fuck you, I am better, you know nothing” and more “no. There is one, this is my goal so there has to be one”. You know… tunnel vision. Same with most of his rants about the town that are mostly like “why wont you give me the information I need in the terms I could use?” or “why the fuck can I not be an efficient doctor in this town?” It disregards the towns uniqueness in a way that is dangerous and bad for both parties, hinders his work, and damages the town. It can also lead to my first instinctually chosen word, single mindedness, because it leads to this disregard of others peoples opinions but I think it is more of a symptom and it doesn’t mean that he looks down on people all the time (oh, he definitely does sometimes but I would argue not as much as people are saying) but that he is so much in his own mind, that he doesn’t even think about considering! (Which is also bad but in a different way.) It also explains why I feel that most of his downsides are very situational: Because they are! They are a result of him setting himself certain goals and then being very very hard to change his way of looking at the specific problem. It can be helpful and is also kind of a part of his strength but at the same time are his own downfall. (I mean, just look at the letter of “a” and his complete and utter disregard of it! He has his standards and by god he will keep them no matter what anyone is saying.)
a headcanon about their childhood
Not a childhood one and only a pre-canon, but I think, he designed the coat he is wearing in Patho 2 himself. Or at least with like a friend who also creates fashion and either he went to the poor artist with a plan and that guy was like “are you sure..?” and Danko was like “Yes. This is exactly what I want” or the friend was also into weird fashion and they made this horrible thing their own little problem being like “fuck the clothing conventions, we are making everything asymmetric and… horrendous”. Either way it is a deliberate choice. (Also if the designer was up for the project it is the same one who made Andreys pants. ^^) To also have a childhood one: I think Daniil was one of those children who idolize their parents a lot and talk to others about how great they are. I also think he had a falling out with his father at some point, but they had a really good relationship in childhood.
a headcanon about their future (if they have one)
Tbh I have a massive amount of different ideas about the future and it depends on so many things. I absolutely can see him going back to the capital and getting executed and I also can see him seeing to his own death after a different character’s end (oh, old black train! You have tainted my heart with my own tears! Thank you Ned! ^^) In the second game I feel him staying in town a bit more, but in P1 there is really nothing that keeps him in the end. Though I love and follow every fucking story that lets him stay or get a better ending and in my head I also have a “goes into the capital and gets brainwashed and dragged into the inquisition” storyline. That one might be fun… But again I have so many varieties. If he stays I kind of enjoy the thought of giving him an administrative job and not letting him be a slightly shittier doctor then Artemy. Tbh he is more of a scientist and there’s just is no equipment in town even if we disregard the whole problem with him not being a menkhu (something that definitely doesn’t change after the Haruspex ending). So I like to either see him as taking the Kains job after they leave in Patho and either organizing the houses and/or becoming the next judge or picking up Saburov’s job and trying to govern the town. It depends on who lives and who dies and what the political landscape is like. (For example, which part of the town Khan and Capella will regulate, because he sure as hell cannot step into their shit!) I just think it fits him better and plays to his strengths a bit more. Gives him his own thing to do while he tries to re-establish his science things. And as someone who founded an entire lab, he probably has some expertise and it’s the aspect in town he most succeeded in. But yeah, it all strongly depends on game ending and how characters interact with him because he is pretty much broken by the end of it and needs some form of support or opportunity to find his bearings.
a small detail/scene that leaves a great impact
There are so many! And a lot of small lines that people already made great points about! ^^ I already talked about the “do you condemn me?” line so I will use a different one. Let’s go with “What does ‘erdem’ mean? ‘Arrogant fool’, maybe?” because I freaked out about this one in my second playthrough. I was so delighted by Danko showing interest in the steppe language in my first playthrough that I completely disregarded the “arrogant fool” part which… honestly shame on me, it’s now one of my favourite things! Because it is one of the very little moments where Danko actually shows self reflection and I think the reason is less that he doesn’t think of himself as said arrogant fool and more that he is normally not showing it but this little jab allows us to catch a glimpse. (Also I do not think that it only is “you are saying bad thinks about me, right” and more a moment of self-deprecation, just because the insult is way to precise and fitting to be randomly picked. If it would be, he would go with “city quack” or “outsider asshole” or something along these lines. More what is actually said and less concrete.) I already said that I think Daniil is psyching himself up a lot about being able to do things and telling himself again and again that he is in fact capable of all these things, but that also leads to the acknowledgement that one is indeed an arrogant fool. I think he is aware of not being pleasant and arrogant and while there are other sometimes more direct and sometimes more subtle ways this gets addressed (“I am not nice” in Patho one and generally how people talk about him in his own fever dream and are telling him what a piece of shit he is) but this one… also hits close to home because this joking kind of self-deprecation is just so familiar and common to me. It hits close to home while containing a pretty interesting piece of characterization.
their philosophy/worldview (or part of it) described in one neat little sentence
Urgh, I only put this in the meme to torture myself, didn’t I? Um… I really like his “If you bend your mind towards a challenge the skill will follow in your hands.” So I will just steal it from the man himself. It describes his emphasis on the mind as well as the importance of being focused (ha!) on a set goal and following it through. It also makes reaching goals and acquiring said things sound possible no matter what it is, and last but not least: it doesn’t really specify your ability but what kind of person you have to be but a state of mind you should be in. It is universal. And since I am really fascinated by his way of dismissing other people while still having a universal respect for human beings, I like to incorporate this aspect. ^^
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gay-jesus-probably · 7 years
This was honestly supposed to be a short Axel centric story to deconstruct the fandom idolisation of him and point out that yknow he’s literally the second most manipulative character apart from Xehanort, and he backstabs literally everybody he sides with at some point. He’s not a good guy. That’s why I love him, he’s such a piece of shit.
And it’s turned into a very complicated AU with two kind-of-but-not-really OC’s because I refuse to deal with the clusterfuck that is Xion’s canon, so I’ve just made her a normal Nobody but that means I need to give her an Other, so Nio (pronounced neo) is now a character and she’s basically Xion but with a firm sense of identity and a lot less Issues, and I needed Xemnas to appear but I also wanted a nice not possessed Terra to be involved so now someones gotta get A. possessed by Xehanort B. resist it enough to make Xehanort lose his memories or some shit once in the body C. follow along with the whole Radiant Gardens destruction turn into Nobody thing and D. still look like Terranort because I like his design. So i accidentally ended up giving Terra a twin brother that gets possessed and is presumed dead with Xehanort but psyche bitches he’s still kicking. him being xehanort. the brother, Caelum, is also still there, but not doing so great. I named his Caelum because the wayfinder trio have latin as their naming theme and i figured terra’s twin should have a name opposite to earth and Caelum loosely translates to sky, so that’s good enough for me.
Xion’s other has been named Nio because Ion is just cutting off the X, no self respecting parent would name their child Oni, if I called her Oin i’d be picturing a dwarf in my head the whole time, and Ino reminds me of Naruto so that shits not gonna fly. Damn you three letters to work with. I’m not happy with Nio but it sounds cute so good enough????
I also managed to accidentally do some justice by Kairi and Namine, because in the extensive set up of the AU the wayfinder trio made it through BBS (mostly) fine, and Ven’s healing coma whatever the fuck was short, so once he recovered he was like hey theres these kids that have the keyblade we should go train them and eraqus was like lmao your problem now kids i’m retired so the trio went to destiny islands and found Sora, Riku, Kairi, and Namine, because I also refuse to deal with the fuckery of Namine’s canon so she gets to be a real person too. Sora obviously gets trained by Ven because the sunshine children should stick together and like they were heart buddies, they’re basically brothers already, you’re not talking them out of it. Riku gets trained by Aqua, because I personally headcanon Riku as being more magically inclined, and let’s be real here he’s also the only one with any chance of being the Real Adult of the group, and Aqua will both relate to that and help Riku mature into the leader thing for realsies. Kairi and Namine get trained by Terra, because while the physical abilities are important, so is the apprentices mental state, and Namine and Kairi both tend to hang back and let Sora and Riku handle everything, and just generally are more timid, plus Namine has wicked bad anxiety. So Terra teaches the girls to be these badass mighty warriors with giant ass keyblades because fuck that flowery bullshit, Riku is the mage and self appointed Team Dad, and Sora is the wonderful ray of sunshine that he is and goes for a bit of everything. Sora took the shield, Riku took the staff, Namine and Kairi took the sword. The Nio is found having taught herself how to summon a keyblade, and they’re like aw shit thats awesome which one did you choose and shes like lmao the staff why and they’re like aight sounds like Aqua’s problem, because Xion kind of needs to be good at magic considering for like a third of Days all she can do is cast magic, so she’d better be good at it.
As for how Roxas and Xion are around if this is so hardcore AU and Sora and Nio are running around.... eh, spoilers.
Look, the first part is Axel centric, and thats what counts.
so far looking at five parts, each one a ridiculously long single chapter. P1 is the initial ‘short story’ haha nevermind, P2 is the aftermath and kind of a bastardisation of Days, P3 is the aftermath of THAT and kind of the bastardisation of KH2, P4 is the ‘how the fuck did we get here’ episode, that is literally what the outline says, and is the bastardisation of BBS, and P5 is the finale, and the bastardisation of 3D.
why do i do these things to myself. whyyyyyy.
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