#a straight man watches qaf in the year of our lord 2023
winderlylandchime · 9 months
Hello and happy new year, i hope you’re doing good and that you had a good NYE.
Here are just some highlights from what you’ve missed in the latest episodes of ‘My brother is an idiot’.
In case you wondered how we spent NYE, let me tell you that originally we were gonna go to a bar with our neighbor and socialize but she got sick, so my brother changed plans and made her watch 3x08. That’s right, he calculated when to watch the episode so that Britin reunion happened exactly at midnight. We entered 2024 with Lover’s spit, ngl it was both amazing and impressive. And the clock went midnight right as the song started/their iconic reunion happened and we all yelled ‘AYYYEEEE HAPPY NEW YEAAAAR’ He also showed her 3x14 and not to anyone’s surprise, the ending still makes him cry.
Also a very important update: THE CAST IS OFF!! He walked out of the office and literally put a fist into the air like a dumbass and then looked at THE ENTIRE WAITING ROOM, pointed to his fist and went ‘I’m back, baby!!’ And then to me ‘I almost put that Proud song on to play it so I could walk out all dramatic and put my fist in the air like in that movie.. But I’m too fucking traumatized by that song cause of the finale so just imagine it for the experience okay?’
Btw our dad is coming in on Wednesday so that he can spend some time with us and then go home with my brother. So naturally my brother has spent the last day and a half going through episodes to decide which ones to show him. I fear my dad might strangle him when he realizes he’s being tricked into watching qaf. But i am curious what his reaction is going to be and which episodes he picks.
And the most important thing that I actually thought will be avoided: about 2 days ago, I left him at 10.30 pm to go to sleep. He was reading fan fiction and at the same time watching fan videos of Gale and Randy which…okay, go off. Please try and guess what the fuck happened next because i can guarantee you, you’re gonna be wrong.
He came into my room and woke me up out of nowhere and i asked what’s up, thinking it’s some emergency. And i can see on my clock that it’s like 4.45 am and he’s crouching next to me, holding the laptop, turns it towards me to show me some random site while almost blinding me and then whisper yells at me ‘this Hal dude is or was a fucking prick! What the fuck did Gale and Randy ever do to him? And why the fuck did those two old dudes hate Randy?!’ And then he just got up and walked out (leaving the door open because of course) and just says to himself or me ‘they did nothing and he’s acting shadier than a fucking palm tree!’ I woke up the next day, genuinely sure that I dreamt that and I come to the living room and he’s in the same position as I left him in and he goes ‘oh this dude is lowkey annoying, i just read this post from a convention and he doesn’t know how to let other people talk, why did he answer a question about gays and his gay friends when Randy was asked as a gay man? And I didnt know those writers sucked so much, they looked like they got along at that gay panel but apparently they hated each other? By the way do they still do these conventions?’ All this was said to me in one long ass breath, right as i woke up. Felt like a fever dream ngl. He was practically bouncing off the walls because of how much coffee he drank because he stayed up all night reading up on Gale and Randy and anything qaf related he found. He even found old Gale interviews from The Advocate and later found out Gale was also in a motorcycle crash and he texted that to our mom saying that clearly that means they’re soulmates of some kind and she just replied ‘or that you’re both stupid <3’
He said that after he finished his fics, he started watching videos and then he went to check bts videos and interviews and he looked all that up and got war flashbacks because they just asked whatever they wanted in the old 00’s tabloid era. And that somehow lead to him finding a link to a fan forum or something and then he just spiraled. He said that when he saw Hal being shady, it was either wake me up and tell me OR wake up our parents..
oh and during this all nighter he also put together a playlist that he named ‘Bri Bri in a nut (ha) shell’ and it’s songs from the show that he thinks fit Brian best. So now he goes back and forth between the playlists depending on his mood and how much he misses Brian. I created a monster and you all helped me. Thank you very much
Dear sweet anon!
I am so sorry for the delay in responding. I haven't been on tumblr because the new stuff at my job is cutting into ALL MY PRECIOUS SCROLLING TIME.
(And fic writing, so sorry everyone!)
NGL I am high key impressed that he figured out how to time the episode so that Lover's Spit was playing when the clock struck midnight. That is some dedication. What time does one need to start the episode for that to happen?
Congratulation to your brother on getting the cast off! I'm so glad he can return to making the ally fist.
But oh nooooo, he has fallen down the rabbit hole of the bts and what has been shared and pieced together and what can be observed. But couldn't he have sent you a voice memo rather than waking you up?
I'm curious if he has any fic recommendations for the fandom? And, also, what is in his Bri Bri playlist?
I like your mom's response to your brother's belief that both him and Gale being in motorcycle accidents makes them soulmates. Maybe they could be soulmates for another reason. Your brother could kiss Randy, for instance.
I hope your 2024 is lovely so far! I can't wait to hear your dad's reaction to being ambushed with QAF.
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
Also my brother read your answers to his questions so I’m sending you his response and at this point I am putting in an application to be a stenographer since he uses me as one.
-You’re like a Tattoo and the clothes sharing fics are also my favorites. Well this new one might actually be my favorite and then these two as well. But that’s because older Brian? Sick. Nonbinary Gus? Fucking awesome. Older Justin? Love it.
-I fucking loved the first chapter too! Tell her that it was so cool to see Brian as a dad to an older Gus. All affectionate and cute and shit. But i also liked it cause you get the vibe from it that you can tell that Gus helped make Brian even better than he was. It makes sense in my head but i fucked with that big time. Wait hold up. So she basically sent a voice memo like me to someone about their awesome idea? I do that too! But that’s actually really fucking cool. Every time someone talks about when they got their cool idea’s it’s either shower, driving or while sleeping.
-Tell her thank you for the new song suggestions. I fucking love these two songs. (He immediately added them on his playlist) that second song really is a Brian song! Maybe I’ll have to make some exceptions for my Bri Bri playlist because this one should be on it.
-he also saw that the fics he was readin were written by the same person/your friend and he looked at me and went ‘same fucking person?! Tell them they fucking rock! That last fic they just finished had me giggling like a fucking dumbass! I was laying on the bed, kicking my feet like an idiot when I saw a new update came through’
And he was checking your blog and saw your WIP asks and he absolutely lost his shit. I didn’t even know about this so he for once showed me something. And yes, he felt superior. So this next part is about that:
-A DRAG QUEEN FIC?! JUSTIN AS A DRAG QUEEN?! Ooohhh shit, (our uncles name) would fucking love that! (For context: our uncle is a retired drag queen who met his hubby and then his hubby would help make him dresses.) I need her to write that whenever the fuck she can.
-wait fuck, i vibe with the teacher student idea. But like maybe a tutor Brian who used to teach at the college that Justin is at now instead or something like that. I mean Brian was obsessed with Justin having a good education and studying. HE EVEN HELPED HIM STUDY! I support this idea 1000% and about 900% of the reason is because Brian pushing for Justin’s education was hot. I believe in her to figure it out and make it good if she does it.
-if she does a prom fic from Brian’s point of view, i might have to call off work like I did for Iron Man. That shit would fucking hurt like a motherfucker.
So that was all he had to say. Because after that he just walked away while saying to himself ‘prom episode from Brian’s point of view..fuck man, I might not be strong enough for that’
Hey brother anon! You know you can make your own tumblr account (they’re free!) and contact me yourself. Your poor sister isn’t your secretary. <3
- I’m glad you like the older versions! Brian will always be beautiful but he won’t always be young.
- It wasn’t a voice memo, it was voice to text into my docs which was… wild. First off. Why is the default spelling Bryan? And secondly all the um and ahs get picked up. Finally, the spelling of Kinnetik was a mess. I should have used a voice memo. That would have been easier.
- The second song was on a mix my now partner made for me when we were in our “do you like me like I like you” era. Literally every song on that mix was that obvious. They were also in their “I aim to be like Brian Kinney” era too. Because they had loved before and gotten their heart broken. So the song makes me think of both Brian and when they were all “no apologies, no regrets, monogamy is for breeders, never going to get married.”
- I’m glad you liked the WIP ideas! The drag queen idea came to me while I was listening to Randy’s podcast and learned he’s a drag race fan. As a drag race fan myself I couldn’t sleep on that knowledge. But this was when I was writing Tattoo. And then Fireflies seemed like an easier fic to write. Because Justin is going to go on all stars in the fic and you know I need to get those details right. All the challenges, the queens who will be there. It’s kind of going to be a crossover fic so that feels like a monumental undertaking. But I think I want to do it!
- the student teacher fic idea did come from conversations in fandom here on tumblr about yes the importance Brian places on education including and especially Justin’s. Education (imo) is where Brian and Michael’s paths really diverged and you can see how Brian going to college (maybe grad school too) changed his life from growing up working class to being the guy who has money and nice things and importantly freedom. We can dive into Jack asking Brian for handouts another time.
- so it’s not the prom from Brian’s pov, but 220. The last episode of season 2… when Justin chooses Ethan. You still might need to take the day off.
- don’t give me ideas like prom from Brian’s pov. That awakens something in me. Also an excuse to rewatch prom.
Brother anon, I have two assignments for you:
1. Start an ao3 account. I have an invite if you need one. There are so many fics out there for every fandom. Including ofc qaf.
2. Start a tumblr account. You’re going home and you can’t rely on your sister to keep us updated. There are some pretty gifs here for you to reblog and scream your opinions in the tags. I think people even like iron man here too.
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
Btw, dad’s reports to the chosen episodes are in and unfortunately (actually scratch that, fortunately) his reactions are way more calmer. We finished with our watch because my brother made us sit and watch the episodes all day. Not that I’m complaining but also I swear this is the most I’ve watched qaf in years. So the reports are in: 2x04: he absolutely loved the pride episode. He really loved the ending. He thought that this is where it starts to show even more that Brian cares about him a lot (keep in mind we skipped the 3rd ep so he didnt see the ‘you love him’ scene bc my brother has some flaws).
2x09: my dad was LIVID almost the whole episode. He almost died of second hand embarrassment because of Mikey. He loves Emmett even more. He fucking hated Brian’s mom. Did i mention he was livid? His only comment about the episode was ‘oh this explains a shit ton about Brian’ Highlight tho: the date night opening happens and my brother goes ‘oh…yeah this is sort of awkward for a family night’ for some reason neither of us thought this through. But the best part was my dad going ‘hey, dudes be fuckin’ while doing a shrug towards my brother.
3x08: he was very confused why we skipped so much, he was also confused about them breaking up. He absolutely loved that Justin decided to be a stalker but at least got a little better since the pilot. He really liked their reunion. And then after it was done, my brother went ‘okay now you gotta watch it again so it hits harder’ and then replayed the reunion scene.
3x09: his only reaction was ‘yeah it fucking is’ when Ben called it the most historic reunification since Germany. He is absolutely tired of Mikey though. And he really liked how in the end they have this open relationship that clearly both are aware of how it goes. If only he knew..
3x10: he is very confused over who stockwell is. My brother gave him zero hints cause ‘maybe if you picked up my calls last year, youd know.’ He likes that at the end when they put posters up together, you can tell that Brian has been a big influence on Justin as in he goes for what he wants but Justin is a huge influence on Brian as in ‘he helps him figure out how to get his head out of his ass’
3x11: he really fucking lived that scene in the GLC and he just went ‘oh they planned this shit together.’ He loved the scene with Debbie and Brian but he was also a bit upset about it cause he’s still mad at her from the beginning of S2. And he was absolutely obsessed with the scene where Stockwell finds them with the posters.
3x12: only takeaway: he really enjoyed the scenes with Justin, Brian and Hunter. He likes how Britin has their own little banter and inside jokes that in his opinion Brian doesn’t have with anyone else. When they had that hustler/100$ bit going on, he went ‘Michael would hate this cause he wouldn’t be able to join in on the joke’
3x13: he was so fucking delighted with that scene where Hunter asks Brian if he has a boyfriend. And the you fucked a murderer scene was again a big hit. And his love for Brian grows every episode.
3x14: Brian is now his favorite person alongside Justin. The last scene made my dad cry and my brother cried as well. My dad turned to him teary eyed and went ‘fuck’ and my brother went ‘i know right?’ And he loves Britin more and more.
4x07: he is completely heartbroken over Vic. He’s really sad about Brian’s cancer diagnosis. And he is absolutely horrified with Justin’s haircut. He was so fucking confused when he popped up on screen that he actually screamed. And my brother went ‘oh yeah i forgot, he got a haircut..rude, right?’ When that little office scene where Brian loses it and then comes back to hug Justin came up my dad declared that Brian is deep deep in love.
4x08: completely heartbroken over seen Brian is such a bad shape. He thought it was cute how Brian took him to school cause he missed him even tho he felt like shit. He thinks this is where Brian started to reconsider some stuff cause of cancer. And once again LIVID with Michael.
4x13: confused because where the fuck did Rage the movie come from. Annoyed because Brian and Justin could have little bike trip together. He really likes Brian being a stubborn little shit tho
4x14: he is absolutely obsessed with Brian. He loved that moment where Brian explains why the bike race is important to him and he cheered him on like he was watching a soccer game. And the last moment with Britin made him absolutely love them both so much. He was smiling the whole time and then went ‘it’s nice that he got his head out of his ass and finally allowed himself to be happy and in love’
And then after the episode ended, my brother turned off the tv and went ‘doesn’t it end nicely?’ And my dad goes ‘isnt there some proposal and another season’ and before he could even finish his question, my brother goes ‘absolutely not. It got canceled after season 4 so i guess we’ll never know how they wanted to end it. Sad.’ And then he just left the room. And my dad stared at me and went ‘but your mom said that the finale was’ and he couldn’t even finish before my brother yelled from the bedroom ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO’
I AM DYING at your dad’s reactions to the episodes. I adore that he loves Brian just as much as we all do.
“Dudes be fucking” is going to be my response to any pearl clutching about drag, queers, transes, etc that I see this year.
The Michael would hate this (everyone being in on the joke) observation is so right. Poor Mikey. But not really. Get a sense of humor that isn’t TUMS spelled backwards.
I am also glad that he appropriately appreciated the “fucked a murderer” scene.
He correctly dislikes the Pink Posse haircut. And realizes that Brian is in deep.
ALSO thank you. Someone should believe that the series ends at the end of S4. Brian asks Justin to move in. Period. End of show. “It’s nice he got his head out of his ass and finally allowed himself to be happy and in love” is correct. HAPPY ENDING. Done. Sorted.
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
I feel like I have to keep you updated for these last few days and 70% of that is because I unfortunately made you all aware of my brothers existence and the other 30% is because he bullies me into telling stuff to his new ‘homies’. But also soooo much happened that i immediately thought to myself ‘i know a few people that would like to hear all this’ and my brother shared the same thought. So I apologize in advance for any spam that will happen in the next few days but I will also try my best to put it all into one message.
So first of all: MY BROTHER IS OFFICIALLY CLEARED UP TO GO HOME!! His tests all came back amazing so he is officially going back home on Sunday. Ngl the feeling is bittersweet because who is going to wake up half of the neighborhood with Sandstorm now and get stuck trying to climb a fence and force 50-60 year olds into watching qaf with him? And he’s taking the cat with him as well. Rude.
Anyway! I wish you guys could’ve seen him go into his lasy check up, he brought chocolates for everyone and got them each a card with personalized messages to say thanks for taking care of him. He was all happy and sweet, it was like a kid on Christmas. And then towards the end of the check up, one of the nurses was like ‘hey (his name), we actually wanted to give you a little something, to remember us by and also as a goodbye since you’re going home’ and they gave him a gift and guys, this shit was so freaking cute! They first got him some snacks he loves (he always came to the check ups with snacks and was offering them to all of the staff), but they also got him a penguin plushie (context: when he first came for the surgery, they told him to bring his pajamas from home since he will stay for a few days and he rolled up with two different penguin pajamas cause it’s his favorite animal..again this man is a grown 36 year old) And the plushie has the exact same scar on his chest/stomach as my brother does from his accident. And the surgeon goes ‘i made sure that they were identical, that way you’re no longer one of a kind’ because after the surgery when they showed him how it looked he was all high on meds and went ‘not gonna lie, this looks badass but fuck now i really am one of a kind and all alone.’ So the surgeon sewed the plushie to make it look the same. It was actually adorable as fuck! And my brother was all teary eyed about it. And then!!! the nurse goes ‘there’s one more thing inside and you have to check it now.’ And she explained that the nurse who knew about qaf (from when he ripped his stitches) is also a big part of this last gift. And it was a card and on the front it said ‘you’re cool but we really hope to never see you again’ (its kinda like a thing they say there bc it’s trauma department or whatever). Also sidenote: Did you guys know there’s a greeting/birthday card you can buy online that allows you to record a message and design the cover? So when you open it, it starts saying the message or whatever? Me neither. But apparently the nurses knew about it. So he opens the fucking card and Lover’s spit starts playing and all that is inside is a picture of Britin from the end of 3x14 where everyone is celebrating and they hug (Brian is like hugging Justin but he’s looking over him somewhere). And they go ‘you talked so much about that episode we figured it was fitting.’ And then they explained that the nurse who knew about the show helped them find the photos and everything and even fought them to make sure Lover’s spit is used since originally they wanted to put Cue The Pulse. And that nurse eventually won the “fight” because they remembered that my brother went on a whole speech when he watched 3x08 about the reunion scene. And my brother on the verge of tears goes ‘thank fuck cause this is way fucking cooler. No offense’ And that’s literally all there is in the card (well and all their signatures on the opposite side from the photo).
And then after the check up as we are leaving, the surgeon goes ‘well I think I can honestly say, that i will never ever have a patient like you ever again’ and my brother obviously took that as a compliment and went ‘well duuh, every other patient is boring compared to me’ and guys!!!! We were leaving, my brother is almost out the door, I’m already outside the office and the fucking surgeon goes ‘oh (his name), by the way, you were right. That proposal was ridiculous and the finale really did suck. In fact if it was up to me? I’d erase the entire last season.‘ and he’s like smirking at my brother and my brother (and me too ngl) is SHOCKED! And he starts stuttering and goes ‘you..you knew the show this whole time?’ And the doctor goes ‘don’t be ridiculous. I didn’t even know it existed but after your 3rd spiral over it, I had to check it out to see what the big deal was about it’ and then my brother was like ‘why didnt you say anything? We could’ve been buddies over it this whole time’ and the doctor walked up to the door and goes ‘Exactly’ and then he just slowly closed the door while waving to my brother and my brother was just standing outside the door not moving for so long, i had to drag him away. And he walked past the nurse and goes ‘he watched it!’ And the nurse goes ‘oh yeah, he came in one day and was like “you know that show (his name) is always talking about? Well my wife and i watched it and holy shit’
The whole car ride home, we were both in absolute shock. Him more but that’s because only one of us was giving full speeches and rundowns about episodes to the doctor. And as for the card? You know that scene in Easy A, where she keeps opening and closing the birthday card to hear the song? That’s what half of my Wednesday looked like.
Dear sweet anon and brother anon! I am so happy he’s cleared and discharged. That makes me so happy!
I am beyond surprised that the doctors and nurses all got him presents. Admittedly, any surgeries I’ve had have been done outpatient except for when I was 8 and 13, and with follow up only with my doctor so I don’t know what is common these days. But their presents! Those weren’t generic, we give these to all the patients, gifts. The penguin! With the matching scar! The card with the photo and Lover’s Spit! I’m dying.
And. The. Surgeon. Watched. Qaf. Like all 5 seasons. I am deceased. Ofc he didn’t tell your brother until the end. (Your poor brother has all these people doing things behind his back while he’s watching this show. He’s going to develop trust issues.) But he has all correct opinions.
Wait. As I’m typing this I realized. A trauma surgeon (if I understand correctly) watched prom and 201. He must have opinions about Justin’s injury and recovery. Wait. I have some questions. How comfortable does your brother feel calling up the surgeon and saying “so I’m tumblr famous and this rando girl who is equally obsessed with QAF wants to know what you think the long term effects of the bashing would be on Justin.”
I am just as shocked as both of you about this turn of events. What a way to start my Thursday.
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
Don’t even worry about responding to my messages. And I hope your work becomes at least a bit more peaceful so you get your precious scrolling time back. It really does suck to be an adult some times.
And if I remember correctly we started the episode directly at 11.15/16 pm. Because he went back to check how long the episode was and when the reunion happens. And it happens at 43,15 minute mark. So he just kind of tried to do the math and hope for the best and it worked out. Never before has he ever put this much of effort into something.
And yes, the rabbit hole of bts and certain drama has completely taken over his life. He is not a fan of Hal and is now fully convinced the guy was method acting the whole time and he is very upset that he was shady towards them and even tried to figure out what happened but realized that he can’t. So then he decided it maybe had something to do with paychecks and jealousy over that. He is now going through Randy’s podcast and I wish you guys were there to witness his reactions when he found out Randy is polyamorous. Literally walked into the room with a smile on his face and went ‘HE’S NOT FUCKING BORING! He’s actually kinda lowkey but not really like Justin.’ He came across some posts(?) about Randy and his dislike to the show years ago and he was very understanding but he got scared that maybe Randy is real life Ben/Mikey..aka boring. I wanna say that he officially ran out of fan forums to learn any bts drama but I’m not fully sure. So I’m just letting him spiral for now.
As for which fics he was reading/enjoying on the day of his big spiral: I only see daylight by kiranerysed, you know for me it’s always you, now i wake up at night & watch you breathe and you’re in love (true love) by ivysunna. I don’t know if there were any other ones but I’m 99% sure there were. But these were the ones he remembered in the morning when he was telling me about them.
And as for his Bri Bri playlist: it’s songs from the soundtrack that he believes best describe Brian in one way or another (he made me swear to tell you guys that this is a work in progress aka not fully finished yet) but these are some of them: Boys Keep Swinging, How Soon is Now?, Good Old Fashioned Loverboy, Infra Riot, Weapon, The One You Wanted, Brother Down, Unlovable by the smiths, Here nor there. And obviously Lover’s spit and Sandstorm. He has made this song so many people’s problem. He was obsessed with it back in the day so this for him is just nostalgia at this point. Anyway he is weirdly very proud of his playlist. Mind you once upon a time he created a playlist that still exists named ‘first date’ and it’s just Accidentally in Love like 50 times..
I think work will be easier... um after February? I have a lot of new admin tasks and new meeting tasks but the meetings should mostly be over by then.
Hal was method acting! That is certainly an interpretation.
RANDY IS POLYAM! I know! I always assumed he was boring too but he's not! He is a bit of a snob though. He is not an IRL Ben/Mikey though. Thank goodness. (Also based on the podcast, I think he used to put more effort into trying to be monogamous before realizing it's not his cup of tea. So maybe he is formerly boring.)
Also, I saw this on a walk the other day and thought of you, all the podcast devotees here, and your brother.
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All the fic you listed are by @kiranerysed ! They have two different AO3 accounts and I know how happy this will make them because they have been following your brother's journey since the start.
The way I almost died laughing about his "first date" playlist. It sounds like his playlist creation skills have advanced somewhat since then. But I swear I was crying from laughing so hard.
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
Hello! I was asked nicely (yes, he did make me say nicely so that youd know) to send you a message. He wants you to know that he forced (mhm you read that right) his best friends to read your Tattoo fic and the fireflies fic. And they all liked it but obviously didn’t get as overly invested as my brother. But he told me that they both really enjoyed how you wrote the older versions of Britin. They felt like even tho they had no prior knowledge (except what my brother has told them so basically unreliable) that the fic reads really well on its own and they felt like they understood the characters without knowing almost anything.
He has a lot of thoughts about the drag queens you picked. He read the list and went ‘not who i expected but damn now I’m even more curious how this is gonna go’ and he also sent me a text out of nowhere that said ‘YOOO TRIXIE POSTED A YOUTUBE VIDEO WITH BTS SECRETS FROM RUPAUL!! Tell my homie if she needs any research info about it!’
He also saw while he was showing his friends the messages and everything from you and your friends and myself (even I didn’t know this so now i feel shitty) that your sweet Emmett is having some issues and he asked me to send you some love from him and Brian. And I’m also sending you love. Brian the cat was with me for just a few months and I already feel like Rosa after she got that dog Arlo, so I can’t imagine what you guys are going through, I hope you and your partner are okay
Hello dear sweet anon!
Thank you for these kind words about my fics. It means a lot as a writer that they work even for someone who hasn’t seen the series. That’s such a lovely compliment. Thank you for passing it on.
I saw Trixie’s video come up as recommended! I’ll watch it for sure. Please tell your brother that I recommend the book Legendary Children (Fitzgerald & Marquez) for more inside scoop. I am waiting to read And Don’t Fuck It Up (Fernandez) because there is a 20 week hold at my library! (I also loved And The Category Is… [Tucker] which is more about the ball scene) If he wants to nerd out about drag race.
Friend, this message came in just as I was saying goodbye to my beloved Emmett. My spouse and I had to make the call that he was declining and no longer enjoying life. He had been diagnosed with diabetes last year in March and he did very well on insulin but in the last week stopped eating enough to be able to administer it. He was 16+ and the best little guy in the world. He loved my make up and when I would brush his face with my blush brush. He would curl up with his head in my bra cup. He also loved hummus. (Was he a basic white girl?) He and Kinney were best buds until Kinney passed and then he and Olivia were inseparable. I miss him so so much but I also know it was his time. Please ask your brother to give Brian a little extra love in memory of Emmett Honeycutt Theymomlastname-Shemomlastname
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(Emmett as a baby)
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
Some of my favorite things he said about/during the podcast: - he came inside and went ‘HE HAS A FUN PERSONALITY! I didn’t expect that for some reason. Why was that? I think we’d be friends. Be honest, do you think he would like me?’ - ‘he is in school to be a therapist?! So no more acting? Wait does he not do tv? What the fuck? *long silence* from 1 to 10 how fucked up would it be to go to him and pretend that my wife and i are having issues..*long silence again* yeah, pretty fucked up. But imagine you go to therapy and the guy who fucked guys on tv is there to help you. Amazing’ - *randy says he never had confidence to do stuff like lil nas x* ‘wait what? He was getting rimmed on live tv at that age and he’s saying he wasnt bold and confident? HOW’ (This is where i did ask him what he meant about that and his reply was ‘i was sure that he and Brian (lol he still doesnt know Gales name), were walking around like the hottest bitches in the city since I’m sure everyone wanted them. So i guess Brian actor was walking around like the hottest bitch by himself..unless if this insecurity cane later then they probably fucked around town together *does fingers guns*’ i cant wait for him to see how gale is irl -(jordan mentions that he had to sneak around to watch the pilot as a kid) ‘and here we are watching it on the big tv and talking to our parents about it. And they say the world hasn’t changed *makes a fist* RAINBOW’ - ‘he has a cat named Latrice! And you made fun of me for Brian *turns to the cat* thats called hypocrisy, Brian’ -randy/jordan says something about blackface episode ‘WHAT? That was a joke, right?…yeah, it was…can they talk more about the show tho, i have many questions. So many. Too many.’ -*Jordan mentions Brian* ‘AHHHHHHH HE SAID HIS NAME’ - ‘real talk. Do you think a person like Brian exists? With the fucking and all that? Is the actor like any of that? But like more normal about some stuff? Cause I was sure Justin dude was like Justin for some reason but apparently i was wrong’ - ‘wait Justin actor dude didn’t like to be recognized by his role of Justin? Well thats..I thought he would be all HELL YEAH!! I fake fuck Brian Kinney! But he had shame? I was sure everyone would be hyped up about them’ - ‘hold the fuck up. He had issues with the sex scenes? *he looks at me all worried* i thought they liked filming it? Maybe cause early 00s sex scene filming was bad? I was sure he was all confident while filming them since…ya know’ -when they talked about religion, he called mom to ask what the priest at our church (we’re not religious, our mom just woke us up one sunday and said we should check it out to see what the big fuss was) said to him bc he only remembered it was funny and the answer was ‘after you asked if you can come to a confessional (he asked as a joke btw) he said that even he doesn’t have enough time for you and would probably stop believing in God by the end of it. Why do you ask? That was not a proud moment as a mom for me, no matter how funny it was’ - *randy mentions he’s shy vs how he used to be outgoing* ‘he’s shy? cause of the show? Huh? I need 20 more podcasts where he talks about it because i just found myself with even more questions’ - ‘HE WAS IN A PLAY CALLED COCK?! HE DOES PLAYS? About cocks? *sits back and crosses his legs* good for him *silence and then* imagine it’s about roosters’ - *randy mentions that he feels like he’s not taken seriously in certain places bc of his education/career* ‘he gets it! Ive had arguments about this! I like this shit! I agree with this shit! I need more of this shit. Give me all of it. Does Brian have a podcast? I wanna hear him talk. Especially about the aftermath of the show. Actually I just wanna hear him talk’ (the Gale crush is for sure alive) The main take away from the podcast was that he wants to listen to it all and he is obsessed with Randy’s personality cause he thought Randy was more reserved and maybe like how he was in S3 with Ethan. He didn’t know how to explain it better but oh well.
I sent my cousin all this while he was listening because, shocker!! The discovery of Randy’s podcast a few months ago made it through some of my family. Now I’m really starting to feel like Regina in the hallway scene in Mean Girls.
YES! Randy has a fun personality!
So your brother is imagining going to Randy for therapy and I’m imagining running into Randy at a continuing education course. Somehow him becoming a therapist makes him much more accessible!
But yeah this is where your brother begins to lose the belief that all the actors loved being on QAF and are endlessly proud of their roles and want to be recognized for them. Not that I think Randy *isn’t* proud at all but he was the youngest and certainly not protected from pushy fans and invasive questions.
I love that your mom just woke up one Sunday and thought “wonder what’s happening with that church thing, let’s go check it out” Also your brother wanting to check out confessional is equivalent to me wanting to take communion when I went to mass with my grandparents (my mom is Jewish so I’m Jewish).
You are sowing the seeds of madness in your family and I can only encourage it…
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winderlylandchime · 6 months
I had to wait to reply to your last message and to write this one because I know that my brother still at times checks your blog to see if there are fic updates (i now told him about subscribing to fics).
Anyway the reason I had to wait is because yesterday (the 6th) was his birthday and we (as in me and our parents) got him the full seasons collections box set from ebay. Our cousin found one that was a pretty decent price so we all got it together for him. And I couldn’t tell you about it when you said we should do that because we already had it and it was hidden at my parents house!! But he also saw that message and sent it to me saying ‘YEAH! Why don’t you lil shits do that for me? I mean it IS your fault, I’m like this now’ And I will forever deny that I did this because all I did was show him qaf…he did mind maps and diy merch and tell everyone and their mom about it.. So this is all on him.
ANYWAY! I do have something to tell you though about his birthday. We’ve been laughing about it all day and the minute my cousin told me the story, I thought of all of you who watched this monster be brought to life.
Like i said his birthday was yesterday and he got blacked out drunk with his friends to celebrate it. And then they went to his house to continue because and i quote from a video i got sent ‘i might be 37 but the party doesn’t stop bitcheeeeesssss’ anyway I was suppose to be there but work had different plans, so our cousin who was the designated driver, made sure to send me updates throughout the day and according to him (and also a too short but amazing video he sent me), my dumb drunk brother made EVERYONE watch fan videos of Britin. And not on tv or like hey let me show you something on my laptop. Nope, he stood in the middle of the living room, holding his laptop while kinda stumbling and the fan videos were playing on it. Apparently most of them were too drunk to actually pay attention, including him but they kinda caught a few glimpses and words and every once in a while, my brother would shush them to say ‘hey! The pretty boy is talking’ and when he wash asked who’s the pretty boy, he would try to point at the pretty boy (both of them) and obviously the scenes were changing so he kept going ‘him, him, him’ while pointing all over the screen. And then he pointed to debbie and a friend went ‘that’s a woman’ and he responded with *putting his index finger up to like prove a point* ‘actually, that’s Debbie’. I wish you guys would be able to see my cousins reenactment of it because it was hilarious. However I was told that the way the night ended was that he went to his room to get his phone so that he can and I quote ‘I gotta read some shit to you guys, you’re gonna fuck with it because I fuck with it, understood?’ and then when he didnt come back, our cousin went to look for him and found him passed out on the bed, hugging Brian the cat and his phone. And I have no way to actually prove this since he only remembers bits and pieces but I genuinely think he was about to “read” one of the fics he’s been reading to them. Today when we were all on facetime and our cousin was telling him/us about everything he did (this was just the tip of the iceberg, he almost fell down the stairs again) his only response was ‘i have no memory of any of that but it does sound like me, doesn’t it?’
So even when absolutely blacked out drunk, Britin is still one of the main things he thinks about. And sorry (again) for a late reply, I’ve been buzzing with excitement about him getting the box set but couldn’t tell anyone since he does pay attention from time to time and unfortunately he is no longer drugged out of his mind on pain pills. In fact I was panicking that I accidentally mentioned it in the last message I sent until you responded. Talk about bad memory
Dear sweet anon! I hope your brother knows that you got him the DVDs before I suggested it. I just want to be sure you and your family get full credit. Also, hello Brother… how are you doing fellow Aries? (My birthday is next week) (I’ll be in Vegas to seeing RPDR Live and hopefully finish my drag au)
I am dying over the image of your brother, drunk and swaying. making everyone watch fan vids and trying to point out Brian. And I am dying over “That’s a woman” “Actually, that’s Debbie” like she defies gender.
I am also a little dead at the idea of him reading fic. Out. Loud. to his friends. I’m curious which fic it was.
I’m very glad he did not fall down the stairs while black out drunk. We need to keep your brother in one piece. Now.
Also, brother, if you’re reading - Hi!
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
I cannot believe that everyone can tell that my brother is dumb enough to actually think about making Randy his therapist. Even my neighbor when I told her went ‘oh he would totally be his client if he lived close by.’
Honestly I still can’t believe he is retiring. I’m very happy for him that he is doing something with his life that he believes will bring him joy and stability but fuck does it hurt a little. I think the trouble I’m having is because I’ve seen him on the show/interviews and now podcast so it’s very strange to imagine him being all serious and professional. Hopefully this doesn’t mean we will never see him again. But i hope he has a successful career and that he enjoys it while also helping people.
I feel like Gale probably has to do some normal-ish type of jobs but I feel like he would maybe go for theatre and either teach it or something to do with that. I mean i don’t even know what part of the country the guy lives in so I think that probably has a lot of say in what he’s doing with his career. I did tell my brother that IF anybody were to give us a proof of life for him it will probably be Robert for birthday posts.. Hopefully Robert gets my message from the universe and delivers us some proof of life.
And as for my brothers collection of purses: it’s not a very big collection, he only uses it for “special occasions” like two weeks ago when he went to a mechanic for his car or a doctor check up but i think he has like 5. Two of them i know are small sized black ones (enough only for a wallet/keys/phone) because he made me buy him one for his bday. And I know one of them is a screaming yellow color because ‘sometimes you need a pop of color’. But the reason he actually started using them was because 12-15ish years ago, his friends and him were going to Pride and none of them decided on an outfit that had pockets. So one day he was at a mall and he found a purse with a rainbow on it (i teased him that it was pride merch but he swears it was a sign from the universe) so he bought it for Pride so that him and his friends could put their wallets/keys inside. I wish i was joking when I say that the hetero himbos who went to pride just to accompany me, treated this accessory as if he was the biggest genius they ever met. My brother actually said to my mom ‘yooo why didn’t you tell me about this luxury? There’s so much space for stuff in here! I can even put snacks in here.’
As for the qaf dvds, one of our cousins actually does have them but he forgot about that and tbh I think she is waiting to tell him because she knows he would try to steal them. But I wouldn’t put it past him to actually succeed in finding them on ebay or something, he is stubborn enough.
The funny thing is, dear sweet anon, Randy would kind of be the perfect therapist for your brother since all his angst right now is about QAF and one of the few people with actual answers is Randy.
My biggest fear about Randy as a therapist is less than people have seen him naked and having very realistic simulated sex on Showtime and more that on the podcast he gave his opinions about pop culture and he's such a snob! I don't want my therapist to think less of me because I have brain rot for a TV show or I like a musical that's not (gasp!) Sondheim... and he totally gives that vibe on the pod.
I do think Gale lives in LA. Or at least that's what I last heard. Which means there's a million ways to make money that's entertainment industry adjacent.
I love that your brother and his hetero himbos accompanied you to Pride and brought a communal purse and then marveled at it. Without for a moment considering why their outfits didn't have pockets and why most women's clothing doesn't have pockets. And why purses are necessary at all. (TBH I carry a big mom bag because I have anxiety and what if I need... water, advil, a bandaid, a hairbrush, a protein bar, a change of clothes, etc while I'm out?)
I think the DVDs are definitely available on eBay! They might just cost an arm and a leg. Just typing that I feel like I'm dooming your brother to an accident involving his arm and/or leg. Tell him to be careful!
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
And so that I don’t forget, he has been asking more about the cast and these are some of his latest questions about the cast that he texted me yesterday in a span of half an hour one after the other (before i could even answer one of them he changed the topic to talk about Brian meeting Brian the cat): -Are they all still friends? Please say yes or I will cry. -Do they still act? I want to see Brian act in something again. -they’re all gay, right? -was Justin actor guy actually 17?! -Do you think I could do event planning like Emmett? - Did anyone date anyone during the filming? I feel like there’s no way to not catch at least a crush doing all that. I mean i did nothing but watch and look at me. -how did people react to Brian Kinney and Justin? Were they all happy and in love like me? -Where is the dude that plays Brian now? -Do they still talk about the show today? And if not how much do i have to pay them for it because I have several questions. -What do you think are some stuff they hated doing? Or what season they hated? Come on they probably hinted! Tell me. -How were people towards them? This was 2000, so how did people act towards Brian the actor and Justin the actor? Were they nice to them? Please say yes, I don’t want to be sad or angry -have any of them been shady about the cast or the show? Come one spill! -Is Justin actor guy anywhere around still, filming stuff or anything? I wanna see -Are they all married with kids now? -do you think if I walked up to Brian actor dude and did the bend and snap like my girl Elle, that I could maybe stand a chance with him? -No, seriously where is the Brian actor guy?
And this was just yesterday. He still doesn’t know their real names because at the beginning, i was a little worried he’d google them or something while high of his pain meds and accidentally spoil himself. There was a lot more questions like 2 days ago where he asked who dated who (i think because he thinks gale is gay irl that that means randy and gale…yeah) he also wanted to know Gale’s filmography and if there’s any interviews by randy and gale because he wants to learn about them. He will be more crushed than us about the fact that both of them avoid the real world like the plague. We’re at least used to it by now.
He’s getting awfully curious about the cast! I think he’s going to have a strong reaction to learning Gale is straight. And to learning that we get like 1 proof of life photo of him a year. I think he’s going to deep dive into Randy’s podcast and be very disappointed that the only mention of QAF is crumbs. How much would he have to pay them to talk about the show together now? I mean. There are a few people here on tumblr who ask the same thing every day.
I love that he has moved beyond canon fanfiction to fully writing RPF in his head…
There’s not a ton out there but there is enough to spend a few months diving into all the bts stuff and con panels and interviews. This is going to be your life for a while…
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
Hi! I hope you’re doing well and that your trip is good and fun. But holy shit, i hope you and your partner manage to stay covid free! I’m sending some healing thoughts to your SIL since covid absolutely sucks!
Also a few things i do have to say because you need to know (most of them i was told to tell you guys): we went to the doctor yesterday and he was proudly wearing his new shirt. Everyone found it hilarious and accurate portrayal of him/his year. And then he told the whole office (2 doctors and 3 nurses) that he is now famous on the internet because i told bunch of people about him watching the show. And the doctor who is in charge of his case (the guy who did the surgery lol), looked at me, pointed at him and slowly went ‘you made him other people’s problem?’ And my brother proudly said ‘Yes, she did! *realized what was said* heeeeey, i can be quite a delight, just ask the people on the no porn site’ (yes, that is how he told them about tumblr). And my brother wanted me to let you all know that his cast has to stay on for another week, so he is very sad about that BUT the big news that he immediately looked at me (in the office in front of them btw) and went ‘you gotta tell my new homies about this’ was that in two weeks he has his final check up with his surgeon bc he wants to do all tests one last time and then if all is good which they believe will be, he can officially go home and back to his whatever tf normal life is for him. So looks like I’m losing my two roommates soon. Shit will be boring ngl.
Then the other more important thing! My brother had your blog opened on his tag, but i guess he went to check out the rest of the blog because he walked in this morning and went ‘did you fucking know that they write stories?! About Brian and Blondie? WHAT IS THIS? AND THERES SO MANY FUCKING COOL GIFS TOO. LIKE SHIT TON OF THEM! I saw one where Gale was talking in that interview about Prom and Blondie from that panel and then there were gifs from the episode and behind the scenes with it! That had to take for fucking ever! Do people just make them all the time? See? when *puts out one hand* Fandom and *puts out the other hand* love, come together *puts his hands together* beautiful things come to life.’
So he is currently going through your ao3/bookmarks but i did tell him to read your other fics before the new one.. Btw he didn’t move from the couch for a few hours after he discovered it. His favorites so far are: we didn’t know we could reach the stars (he thought that one was a very accurate portrayal of what Brian and Justin would be like if the writers didnt ruin it), clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them (he really enjoyed that one btw. He especially thought the ‘not the first boy to jerk off to thoughts of Brian in this bed’ was clever as fuck and literally went ‘ooohhh shit’ when he read it)
and Youre like a tattoo (he gasped when he realized the plot and went ‘ITS REVERSED!’). And when he finally made it to your new fic he fucking lost it (he had a tiny report on it)
I did show him your replies from previous messages and here’s the message from the guy himself (read this as if youre listening to a very caffeinated person pacing up and down, for accurate pov): I was a breath of fresh air for them? Fucking hell, so this fandom is in like a hibernation, huh? I’m fucked, aren’t I? Well anyway, thank you stranger for very sweet words. I fuck with this person! I think we’d be friends. I FUCKING LOVE LITTLE EDIE! Me and (his best friends name) always quote the ‘It was quite the scandal actually. It was in all the magazines at the time’ in Jinx’s voice whenever some random shit is asked. Them and their spouse sound like they’re fucking fun to be around. Wait you gotta tell them I read the stories they wrote, i’m still reading other people’s shit, i have a lot to catch up to. But that one that isn’t done yet is fucking brilliant. I mean they all are but I read that one twice! I had to watch the reunion episode from season 3 because it made me all nostalgic when they got back together. It’s exactly how I’d like the show to be. Its nice to read and go mhm thats my bri bri, unlike in the show where it was not my bri but an imposter. I also very much fuck with older Brian who has a beard and glasses. Because he looked pretty as fuck in that little comic con video. I’m excited to see how they end it and i really really hope that they had fun writing these stories because i had a lot of fun reading them. Anyway, tell them, they’re fucking cool, their stories are fucking dope, i also really liked that one about them sharing their clothes AND THE ONE WHERE BLONDIE WAS THE SUGAR DADDY! I fucking told you that will happen..i was just wrong as to where. And im glad to see that the *lifts his cast* ally, is catching on.
PS, we both got all ‘awwww’ and a little emotional ngl, when we read your response how you’ve been thinking of us while writing. And just so you know we spent all day today discussing your fics (when he got to the cliffhanger, he went ‘i am once again being teased just like with the love confession’) and some other fics from other creators that he read and enjoyed. The man is in awe. Every time he’d read a new chapter/fic he goes ‘this is the best thing ive read’ over and over.
Hello hello hello dear sweet anon and brother anon!
Thank you for your well wishes. My SIL tested negative this morning so we are officially in the clear (and can abandon our masks). I think we did a good job being responsible within the circumstances. Luckily, my SIL’s symptoms never got bad and the cold I arrived with (was it a cold or an intense allergic reaction to cleaning my apartment and kicking up all that dust?) never evolved into anything more unpleasant.
I love that we’re not the people on the “no porn site.” And we do all think he’s delightful. I’m glad he’s recovering well and can soon live independently from you but I imagine life will be a lot quieter and less chaotic without him and feline BriBri.
Yes! Gifs allow us to relive every moment of the series, draw parallels etc. Let’s give a hand to @sophsun1 who is basically carrying the fandom on her back with her beautiful gifs.
I am absolutely floored by his reaction to my fics. Thank you so much for passing along the kind words he had. I’m glad he like the 5+1 clothes sharing fic (I have such a soft spot for it), and We Didn’t Know We Could Reach the Stars is such an overlooked fic (I forget I wrote it!). AND of course Tattoo was my beloved fic this year.
The fandom isn’t in hibernation so much as it is small and basically zero new content has been released in eons and so it is a small fandom with nowhere near the works produced that large currently or recently active fandoms have (tbh those fandoms intimidate me - I will read GO fic but joining a discord or writing fic in there? so scary!).
“It was quite the scandal really…” is the other quote I say to my spouse on hair wash / hair turban days! I like to think we *are* fun to be around. Especially if quote RPDR S5 is your idea of fun. Then we’re a blast!
I do have fun writing fics. I bitch and moan and complain, but I love writing them and getting to put them out into the world. I’m even more excited to write and post the last chapter of Fireflies now that I know your brother has read it. And I’m delighted to hear that he thinks I kept his beloved BriBri in character (if we ignore WTF happened to his character in S5).
I’m honestly a little bit emotional from your PS. I write fics because I love to write them but hearing that you’re sitting around discussing them? I love writing them but I do want an audience (otherwise I wouldn’t publish them) and there are fics out there that I feel that way about (written by other people) so for my fics to be that to someone… just, I need a moment and a tissue.
*makes fist* ally
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
I really love the fact that you had a cat named Kinney. He sounds like he was such a cutie. So far Brian the cat has been constantly around my brother. He sleeps with him, he cuddles with him, he lays in his lap while he’s outside, they are literally joined by the hip. The other day we were talking to two of our neighbors and he started telling them that he has a cat now named Brian and when they asked why Brian, he explained it’s after qaf Brian Kinney and the woman only a little judgmentally goes ‘you named a cat after a tv character?’ And my brother looked at her shocked and went ‘it’s the same as how you named him *points to their newborn baby*’ and the woman looked at him and went ‘he’s named after my dead father’ and this idiot goes ‘To-may-to, to-mah-to’
So the fun embarrassing “what the fuck” things never stop with this guy no matter where we are or who he talks to.
Ahhhh!!! All my cats are named after TV characters so I too would be offended by the judgment. We had Kinney (RIP) and then he was joined by Emmett and then Olivia (after Olivia Benson on SVU). My cats are named after real people: Evelyn Hooker (psychologist who was instrumental in getting homosexuality removed as a mental illness diagnosis) (yes I am a nerd) and Harvey Milk (the assassinated activist).
Here’s Kinney
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and Emmett
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
3/3‘I pray for the day that i no longer hear violin music. Brian don’t give him your money, he isn’t worth it. Oh I don’t think he’s bullshiting him here about wanting him to be successful. We *points to brian and himself* arent trying to win anyone back! YES YOU DO WANT HIM! *ethan says that nazi line* OH FUCK YOU ETHAN..you know Brian actually makes sense here. Every person has survival instincts and we all in that moment when we have to decide, pick whatever keeps us alive. SO SHUSH! Oh Brian is right right! IF he was smart he would find a way, unfortunately he isn’t. If that was Brian he would do it only if it affected him alone, that’s where him and Ethan differ. Now Brian? He would find some loophole for sure. But he also wouldn’t hide for long, i mean he didn’t waste a second with that baldy. Or he would make one of his performances have gay orgy in the back…yeah. So i get what he’s saying, do your shit, get rich and make it to a point where nobody can pretend that you being gay is the reason why your career shouldn’t exist. That way YOU make the rules and you have the upper hand. I mean we had Ricky and George Michael and Lance and Elton and Rosie O’donnell and that guy from Prison Break and WE CANT FORGET ABOUT MY BOY ELLIOT! poor guy had to do it twice! (ELLIOT PAGE!!! I had no clue that that was his boy) BUT! The difference is! Ethan has *almost gags* Justin. If he was single go for it, do whatever. But forcing someone else into a closet for you? Fuck you. Thats not what Bri Bri meant, so him saying this noble line to the kazoo fucker is a little different in ways. Ya know? I mean my blondie almost died cause he was out. So that line makes sense for Brian and his life but Ethan? Nah, fuck him. But please do go on a tour somewhere far away and play music for people who want to hear it which btw *points to a paused brian and then himself* not us. NOW THAT is how you walk away from a dramatic park scene not whatever ethan was doing before’ He is now fully jamming out to Barbie Girl. ‘Second OD? Oh Ben is ODing for sure! AND HERES BEN! Foreshadowing!!’ ‘WE DONT WANT THAT FUCKER ELECTED! BRIAN WAKE UP! OH NO he’s going after Babylon. BRIAN THATS YOUR HOME’ He just groaned on top of his lungs at the sight of Ethan ‘Oh how the mighty have fallen. Justin i know someone who can afford expensive shit that you love without a problem. HE SIGNED THE DEAL DIDNT HE?! No matter what happens? OH HE IS A SLIMY LIL SHIT! (justin says why would anything happen?) Because I’ve been praying on your guys’ downfall since like 8 episodes ago. *pauses tv* see, justin. When brian had dumb shit to tell you, he would just tell you. He wouldnt give you some romantic shit to trick you and then drop the bomb. Just saying! HE SAID THE LINE! OH JUSTIN WE BOTH KNOW WHERE HE HEARD IT (he is smiling like a kid in a candy store) ARE THEY GONNA BREAK UP?! Adventure? Secret? No dude youre not asking him, youre literally shoving him into a closet.. Justin no, youre smarter than this! THIS IS NOT WHAT I WAS PLANNING! And im sure neither was Bri Bri’ ‘oh no this wannabe mayor fucker is going after Babylon. Oh Bri Bri won’t like that! (Mike sees Ben) OH MY GOD! dude. You are taking this a little to easy. So boring’ and now we are ending it on Britin again ‘JUSTIN IS BACK IN THE CLUB! Why is he wearing turtleneck sweater all of the sudden? Oh he is looking for his man Bri Bri! I CANT STAND VIOLIN MUSIC EITHER BRIAN! FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT!(brian says the sacrifice career line)oh…oh this is a callback to Vermont isn’t it? Justin wanted him to basically forget about his job when he was almost fired over a trip. Brian is right tho. That’s not love. You can’t be with someone and make them sacrifice their life or dreams or whatever because sooner or later they will hate you for it. But damn it, i was hoping they would slowly become besties and then fuck…did you see how Brian watched him when he left but he was getting head? JUST ADMIT THAT YOU LOVE HIM!’ And now he is pissed off that he can’t watch more because he is fully convinced that they break up in 3x06
He no longer wants to hear violin music? OH MY GOD DOES HE HAVE A TREAT WAITING FOR HIM because Bri Bri feels exactly the same way.
His blondie almost died because he was out. Our guy and Daphne are on exactly the same page.
I never made the connection between the VT trip and Ethan’s contract. Interesting! I don’t disagree.
If Ethan had turned down the contract because HE didn’t want to be in the closet, that would have worked. But he was going to sacrifice his career for Justin and resent him and Justin would have felt guilty and let Ethan resent him.
I am so excited for your brother’s reaction to the break up… I’m almost giddy.
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
3/3 ‘BRI BRI!! He’s quoting the movie, is that his favorite? i do that too with First Wives Club!! *randomly starts quoting it* I had guests! Who Guns N roses?! We should watch that. Its one of my favorite movi-ITS JUSTIN!! why is Justin here? Poor Bria- FOR A CHANGE? Fuck you Justin, that’s rude. See?! That comment even hurt Brian’s feelings. Why did he feel like he has to say he’s alone? HMMM. Why Brian? Why did you have to make it clear that no one else is here but you two? CANT ACCEPT WH- FUCK ME SIDEWAYS AND CALL IT PARKOUR BRIAN PAID HIS TUITION! HE STILL PAID FOR IT?! FOR A NEW SCHOOL YEAR? EVEN THO THEY BROKE UP AND HE CHEATED! HE STILL PAID THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS? I wouldn’t give him a penny. WAIT LET ME CALM DOWN…okay, I’m calm. doesn’t Justin still owe him for stealing his credit card? This dude is in more debt by 20 than every other American. A DEAL IS A DEAL. He cares about him even now. He wants his to do good! He wants hi-HE HAS RAGE, HE PACKED HIS COMPUTER?! That he paid for?! I AM SO NOT CHILL! FUCK BEING CHILL! CHILL IS IN MY REARVIEW MIRROR so let me get this hetero *turns to paused Brian on tv* once again, sorry, so 1) he paid for his tuition ahead of time just cause he knew he cant afford it 2) he packed his computer that he bought cause he knows he needs it and 3) he mentioned rage.. and all those little shits swear he doesn’t care, i mean sure he hides it but can you blame him? He was raised in a house that was on fire with parents that purposely threw gasoline on it. So obviously he would hide the glass of water that would keep him alive (i swear i didnt move a single muscle while he talked) dont give me that look! Everything makes sense in here *points several times to his head and accidentally pokes himself in the eye* ow..you didn’t see that.’ ‘I am still confused about Emmett and Ted. I really like them as friends and i don’t want this to ruin it but if they stay cool like they were before, i will love it. But please stop the lover thing’ ‘OH OH OH PLEASE TELL ME THAT THE CELLO FUCKER FINDS OUT BRIAN IS STILL PAYING!!! Please make me happ- Oh justin and Mike, is it weird that i kind of like Michael this episode..I can’t remember if he pissed me off or not, so i guess he’s cool right now, oh he’s here for the money. Get that money!….why is JT playing a trumpet? wait I focused on the wrong thing, he listened to Brian! Brian said ONE thing and Justin went “yup. On it boss” A DEAL IS A DEAL THATS WHAT BRIAN SAID! HE LISTENED! oh brian looks bad. He literally looks like he’s going to overdose. Is he gonna drop on the ground? He looks bad. And people look at this *waves to brian* and say he’s fine? I swear the only reason they thinks so is cause they have never actually seen this man be fine. So they think THAT is his fine. I need to go get some air, i am very upset about this’ He then proceeded to go outside and dragged a chair in the middle of the yard where he then ended up falling asleep. I would call it progress but at this point I know better.
I love the First Wives Club “I have feelings…I’m an actress, I have all of them!”
FUCK ME SIDEWAYS AND CALL IN PARKOUR - I’m going to propose to your brother before this is done.
A DEAL IS A DEAL - so fucking romantic. Sorry Mr. “I don’t Do Romance” Kinney.
“He was raised in a house that was on fire with parents that purposefully threw gasoline on it. So obviously he would hide the glass of water that would keep him alive.”
“He was raised in a house that was on fire with parents that purposefully threw gasoline on it. So obviously he would hide the glass of water that would keep him alive.”
Guys, gals, non-binary pals - standing ovation for Brother Anon. HE GETS IT. He gets our beloved Brian. Our trauma onion. He honestly gets him better than the writer who penned the email explaining the shit show that was S5 gets him ( @sophsun1 linked to it ) HE IS ONE OF US.
Wait I focused on the wrong thing - a deal is a deal that’s what Brian said! He listened! Brian is not done raising this kid.
“And people look at this *waves to Brian* and say he’s fine? I swear the only reason they think so is cause they have never actually seen this man be fine. So they think THAT is his fine.”
I am once again saying that your brother gets him better than the writers of the fucking show.
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
I also forgot to say thank you for that playlist you linked yesterday, i got afraid that it would maybe spoil stuff for him somehow so I ended up showing him the site that’s archived now with all the songs from the show. I did tell him he’s not allowed to look after s2 though. And he made himself a playlist with all of his favorite songs so far. Take a guess how I found out that he made himself a playlist? If your guess was: because he BLASTED Sandstorm at 5. 30 in the morning and woke me up while yelling at me ‘this is how it all started!!!!’ Congratulations, you are a winner! If you want, your prize can be a 36 year old dumbass/himbo.
I only realized afterwards that the playlist would give stuff away. I am so sorry for your early morning alarm clock. I do have four rescue animal pets, I guess I could adopt a fifth if needed.
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
I take back what I said yesterday while I still obviously feel bad about him for when he will find out about the finale (after all: been there and still not over it) I take back about feeling bad for showing him the show. He was in a horrible mood this morning. And i mean horrible. He drank 3 coffees to try and cheer himself up. And he was already smoking outside when I woke up (which in a way should’ve been a sign for me but I’m dumb). And he was all snappy and sarcastic and just overall annoying. So I left him alone and then while I was on a break from work, he barged into my office and went ‘I HAD A HORRIBLE DREAM. HORRIBLE! So if you felt the earth shift and shake in any way, that was my fault because I dropped the *makes a fist* ally ball HEAVILY. I apologize to your entire gang of gays, hope you guys can forgive me’ and then he just left. And when I finally got around to ask him…y’all. i am officially done with this man. He dreamt (his actual word was night terror bc of course he had to be dramatic) that Britin broke up and Justin left to some other state to be all artsy (I actually had to bite my lip here to keep a poker face ngl) and Brian was working on making Kinnetik larger and more successful and he already had a company in LA and chicago and he was working on NYC (or something like that). And then he stopped and looked at me, put his hands in his hair making it all crazy (please imagine sitting down, drinking coffee and a grown man in a Team Brian shirt losing his mind) and then he just yelled ‘YEAAAAARSSSSS!’ And then he left the room and immediately came back and went ‘years went by! YEARS! As in plural! As in more than ONE! Before they saw each other again! YEAAAAARSSSSSS’ and then he left the room again. So after begging him to yell me more it turns out the dream (sorry, night terror) was that years went by since Britin saw each other after they broke up and then randomly Brian bumped into Justin in a random bar in some other city (he thinks NY or LA but isnt sure) and when he saw Justin, he was all sad and broken and shocked (think 2x01 bar scene). And when Justin finally spotted him he was also freaked out. And then according to him someone pushed past Brian to get to Justin and this person kissed him and when he turned around it was….Ethan.
Ngl I was on the edge of the seat waiting for him to continue his dream fanfic but he just looked at me and went ‘IVE BEEN UP SINCE 5.30 AM!(i found him at 9) I woke up so fucking fast when I saw that fucking banjo player, i felt like someone electrocuted me’ And then he spent all day while I was working talking to my neighbor and telling her about the dream and the show, asking what she thinks the dream could mean (as in if he is psychic (his actual words)) and genuinely asking her ‘if she thinks, if he went back to sleep and tried really really really hard, that if he could continue where he left off to fix it.’ This man is having a full meltdown over a fanfiction he made up while sleeping. Keep in mind, that I actually don’t think he knows about fanfiction or at least doesn’t fully know what it is. And yet here he is being a full time writer in his sleep. (Also i am sending you updates for 4x09 and 4x10 as we speak)
Dear sweet anon… not only is your brother dreaming fanfiction but he’s dreaming a plot eerily similar to my exes-to-lovers fic. Also he kind of dreamt (sorry night terrored) the finale…? Kind of.
I also love that he thinks this dream (sorry, night terror) makes him a bad ally. Like dreaming about queer people breaking up is not actually homophobic?
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