#now 2024 edition
winderlylandchime · 9 months
Hello and happy new year, i hope you’re doing good and that you had a good NYE.
Here are just some highlights from what you’ve missed in the latest episodes of ‘My brother is an idiot’.
In case you wondered how we spent NYE, let me tell you that originally we were gonna go to a bar with our neighbor and socialize but she got sick, so my brother changed plans and made her watch 3x08. That’s right, he calculated when to watch the episode so that Britin reunion happened exactly at midnight. We entered 2024 with Lover’s spit, ngl it was both amazing and impressive. And the clock went midnight right as the song started/their iconic reunion happened and we all yelled ‘AYYYEEEE HAPPY NEW YEAAAAR’ He also showed her 3x14 and not to anyone’s surprise, the ending still makes him cry.
Also a very important update: THE CAST IS OFF!! He walked out of the office and literally put a fist into the air like a dumbass and then looked at THE ENTIRE WAITING ROOM, pointed to his fist and went ‘I’m back, baby!!’ And then to me ‘I almost put that Proud song on to play it so I could walk out all dramatic and put my fist in the air like in that movie.. But I’m too fucking traumatized by that song cause of the finale so just imagine it for the experience okay?’
Btw our dad is coming in on Wednesday so that he can spend some time with us and then go home with my brother. So naturally my brother has spent the last day and a half going through episodes to decide which ones to show him. I fear my dad might strangle him when he realizes he’s being tricked into watching qaf. But i am curious what his reaction is going to be and which episodes he picks.
And the most important thing that I actually thought will be avoided: about 2 days ago, I left him at 10.30 pm to go to sleep. He was reading fan fiction and at the same time watching fan videos of Gale and Randy which…okay, go off. Please try and guess what the fuck happened next because i can guarantee you, you’re gonna be wrong.
He came into my room and woke me up out of nowhere and i asked what’s up, thinking it’s some emergency. And i can see on my clock that it’s like 4.45 am and he’s crouching next to me, holding the laptop, turns it towards me to show me some random site while almost blinding me and then whisper yells at me ‘this Hal dude is or was a fucking prick! What the fuck did Gale and Randy ever do to him? And why the fuck did those two old dudes hate Randy?!’ And then he just got up and walked out (leaving the door open because of course) and just says to himself or me ‘they did nothing and he’s acting shadier than a fucking palm tree!’ I woke up the next day, genuinely sure that I dreamt that and I come to the living room and he’s in the same position as I left him in and he goes ‘oh this dude is lowkey annoying, i just read this post from a convention and he doesn’t know how to let other people talk, why did he answer a question about gays and his gay friends when Randy was asked as a gay man? And I didnt know those writers sucked so much, they looked like they got along at that gay panel but apparently they hated each other? By the way do they still do these conventions?’ All this was said to me in one long ass breath, right as i woke up. Felt like a fever dream ngl. He was practically bouncing off the walls because of how much coffee he drank because he stayed up all night reading up on Gale and Randy and anything qaf related he found. He even found old Gale interviews from The Advocate and later found out Gale was also in a motorcycle crash and he texted that to our mom saying that clearly that means they’re soulmates of some kind and she just replied ‘or that you’re both stupid <3’
He said that after he finished his fics, he started watching videos and then he went to check bts videos and interviews and he looked all that up and got war flashbacks because they just asked whatever they wanted in the old 00’s tabloid era. And that somehow lead to him finding a link to a fan forum or something and then he just spiraled. He said that when he saw Hal being shady, it was either wake me up and tell me OR wake up our parents..
oh and during this all nighter he also put together a playlist that he named ‘Bri Bri in a nut (ha) shell’ and it’s songs from the show that he thinks fit Brian best. So now he goes back and forth between the playlists depending on his mood and how much he misses Brian. I created a monster and you all helped me. Thank you very much
Dear sweet anon!
I am so sorry for the delay in responding. I haven't been on tumblr because the new stuff at my job is cutting into ALL MY PRECIOUS SCROLLING TIME.
(And fic writing, so sorry everyone!)
NGL I am high key impressed that he figured out how to time the episode so that Lover's Spit was playing when the clock struck midnight. That is some dedication. What time does one need to start the episode for that to happen?
Congratulation to your brother on getting the cast off! I'm so glad he can return to making the ally fist.
But oh nooooo, he has fallen down the rabbit hole of the bts and what has been shared and pieced together and what can be observed. But couldn't he have sent you a voice memo rather than waking you up?
I'm curious if he has any fic recommendations for the fandom? And, also, what is in his Bri Bri playlist?
I like your mom's response to your brother's belief that both him and Gale being in motorcycle accidents makes them soulmates. Maybe they could be soulmates for another reason. Your brother could kiss Randy, for instance.
I hope your 2024 is lovely so far! I can't wait to hear your dad's reaction to being ambushed with QAF.
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hayden-christensen · 22 days
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Death doesn't discriminate Between the sinners And the saints It takes and it takes and it takes
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moonkhao · 5 months
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petewentzwombtattoo · 8 months
terfs and radfems love to say they advocate for trans men/mascs and then continuously misgender us, objectify us, send us death and rape threats, harrass us, call us delusional women (and when they want to sprinkle in a little homophobia, "confused lesbians"), tell us we're mutilating ourselves, spread fearmongering misinformation about bottom surgery (especially phalloplasty), make fun of trans men/mascs looks, make fun of feminine trans men/mascs, make fun of masculine trans men/mascs, make fun of androgynous trans men/mascs, call us gay men fetishizers, tell us to stay away from gay men, call us predatory in general, make us feel like we're not allowed to date anyone, if we're gay and t4t call us lesbians, and countless other horrific behaviours like who the hell do you think you're fooling?
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royalarchivist · 4 months
Quackity: I just didn't know you guys were tight like that, ok?
Pac: Very tight, super tight, like the most tight thing you can ever imagine. If you want, I can give you some really good examples, you know?
Quackity: Guess what– I don't think you guys are as tight as you say you are, and to me? That's a challenge. I'm gonna do a big QSMP event called "The Homewrecking challenge" just to see how many relationships I can fck up in just one day. The same way you guys organized Murder Mystery, I'm doing the Homewrecker challenge.
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Quackity vs. Pac: round 2!
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j00stkl31n · 3 months
Omg my poor hiccuping boy 😭😭
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pistachi0art · 9 months
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Freehoun Redraw 🧡💙
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hibiscera · 3 months
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It was about time I finally sat down and made proper visual reference and notes for my version of Killer Moth (Pre-"Mothening")... As we all know, he is my most specialest guy ever. Autistic gay trans men rule.🦋🤗
This ref sheet has been my focus the past few days, I'm excited to get it over with finally so I can focus on other character ref sheets LOL... 😭
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buglaur · 9 months
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fireworks show 🎆
material preview version is very cute also :)
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i struggled with the lighting on this one so badly, but it turned out alright in the end.
i actually started it last year for new years 2023 but never got around to finishing it, hence no progress pictures this time sadly lol. i do have a very low-res, first draft, test gif though
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stills 🥳
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0yorixu · 3 months
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i will never feel lonely ever again
happy birthday rui kamishiro from the hit game project sekai colorful stage featuring hatsune miku, you are my number 1 fav and kin and I will treasure you for a long time. Your ending will be a happy one.
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hayden-christensen · 5 months
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HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN Fan Expo Philadelphia | May 4, 2024
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sunflowermp4 · 4 months
good morning to trans girls and anti-fascists and monkey man fans worldwide <3
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moonkhao · 5 months
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#dunkjoong let's gooooo
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jackslocket · 4 months
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(inspired by @scdria's super awesome monaco poster)
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royalarchivist · 21 days
Pac: [Reading chat] "Pac paga servidor" [Laughs] Guys, I did pay! The server is paid! Guys, I paid for the server, I swear on everything, I paid for the server! I swear, I paid!
Every new SMP server has to have a few hiccups in the beginning, and Arkanis is no exception. (Poor Pac 😅)
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pharawee · 10 months
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—Do you believe in the existence of vampires? —I don't believe in something that cannot be proved.
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