#a vernacular of file formats
Podcasting "How To Think About Scraping"
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On September 27, I'll be at Chevalier's Books in Los Angeles with Brian Merchant for a joint launch for my new book The Internet Con and his new book, Blood in the Machine. On October 2, I'll be in Boise to host an event with VE Schwab.
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This week on my podcast, I read my recent Medium column, "How To Think About Scraping: In privacy and labor fights, copyright is a clumsy tool at best," which proposes ways to retain the benefits of scraping without the privacy and labor harms that sometimes accompany it:
What are those benefits from scraping? Well, take computational linguistics, a relatively new discipline that is producing the first accounts of how informal language works. Historically, linguists overstudied written language (because it was easy to analyze) and underanalyzed speech (because you had to record speakers and then get grad students to transcribe their dialog).
The thing is, very few of us produce formal, written work, whereas we all engage in casual dialog. But then the internet came along, and for the first time, we had a species of mass-scale, informal dialog that also written, and which was born in machine-readable form.
This ushered in a new era in linguistic study, one that is enthusiastically analyzing and codifying the rules of informal speech, the spread of vernacular, and the regional, racial and class markers of different kinds of speech:
The people whose speech is scraped and analyzed this way are often unreachable (anonymous or pseudonymous) or impractical to reach (because there's millions of them). The linguists who study this speech will go through institutional review board approvals to make sure that as they produce aggregate accounts of speech, they don't compromise the privacy or integrity of their subjects.
Computational linguistics is an unalloyed good, and while the speakers whose words are scraped to produce the raw material that these scholars study, they probably wouldn't object, either.
But what about entities that explicitly object to being scraped? Sometimes, it's good to scrape them, too.
Since 1996, the Internet Archive has scraped every website it could find, storing snapshots of every page it found in a giant, searchable database called the Wayback Machine. Many of us have used the Wayback Machine to retrieve some long-deleted text, sound, image or video from the internet's memory hole.
For the most part, the Internet Archive limits its scraping to websites that permit it. The robots exclusion protocol (AKA robots.txt) makes it easy for webmasters to tell different kinds of crawlers whether or not they are welcome. If your site has a robots.txt file that tells the Archive's crawler to buzz off, it'll go elsewhere.
Since 2017, the Archive has started ignoring robots.txt files for news services; whether or not the news site wants to be crawled, the Archive crawls it and makes copies of the different versions of the articles the site publishes. That's because news sites – even the so-called "paper of record" – have a nasty habit of making sweeping edits to published material without noting it.
I'm not talking about fixing a typo or a formatting error: I'm talking about making a massive change to a piece, one that completely reverses its meaning, and pretending that it was that way all along:
This happens all the time, with major news sites from all around the world:
By scraping these sites and retaining the different versions of their article, the Archive both detects and prevents journalistic malpractice. This is canonical fair use, the kind of copying that almost always involves overriding the objections of the site's proprietor. Not all adversarial scraping is good, but this sure is.
There's an argument that scraping the news-sites without permission might piss them off, but it doesn't bring them any real harm. But even when scraping harms the scrapee, it is sometimes legitimate – and necessary.
Austrian technologist Mario Zechner used the API from country's super-concentrated grocery giants to prove that they were colluding to rig prices. By assembling a longitudinal data-set, Zechner exposed the raft of dirty tricks the grocers used to rip off the people of Austria.
From shrinkflation to deceptive price-cycling that disguised price hikes as discounts:
Zechner feared publishing his results at first. The companies whose thefts he'd discovered have enormous power and whole kennelsful of vicious attack-lawyers they can sic on him. But he eventually got the Austrian competition bureaucracy interested in his work, and they published a report that validated his claims and praised his work:
Emboldened, Zechner open-sourced his monitoring tool, and attracted developers from other countries. Soon, they were documenting ripoffs in Germany and Slovenia, too:
Zechner's on a roll, but the grocery cartel could shut him down with a keystroke, simply by blocking his API access. If they do, Zechner could switch to scraping their sites – but only if he can be protected from legal liability for nonconsensually scraping commercially sensitive data in a way that undermines the profits of a powerful corporation.
Zechner's work comes at a crucial time, as grocers around the world turn the screws on both their suppliers and their customers, disguising their greedflation as inflation. In Canada, the grocery cartel – led by the guillotine-friendly hereditary grocery monopolilst Galen Weston – pulled the most Les Mis-ass caper imaginable when they illegally conspired to rig the price of bread:
We should scrape all of these looting bastards, even though it will harm their economic interests. We should scrape them because it will harm their economic interests. Scrape 'em and scrape 'em and scrape 'em.
Now, it's one thing to scrape text for scholarly purposes, or for journalistic accountability, or to uncover criminal corporate conspiracies. But what about scraping to train a Large Language Model?
Yes, there are socially beneficial – even vital – uses for LLMs.
Take HRDAG's work on truth and reconciliation in Colombia. The Human Rights Data Analysis Group is a tiny nonprofit that makes an outsized contribution to human rights, by using statistical methods to reveal the full scope of the human rights crimes that take place in the shadows, from East Timor to Serbia, South Africa to the USA:
HRDAG's latest project is its most ambitious yet. Working with partner org Dejusticia, they've just released the largest data-set in human rights history:
What's in that dataset? It's a merger and analysis of more than 100 databases of killings, child soldier recruitments and other crimes during the Colombian civil war. Using a LLM, HRDAG was able to produce an analysis of each killing in each database, estimating the probability that it appeared in more than one database, and the probability that it was carried out by a right-wing militia, by government forces, or by FARC guerrillas.
This work forms the core of ongoing Colombian Truth and Reconciliation proceedings, and has been instrumental in demonstrating that the majority of war crimes were carried out by right-wing militias who operated with the direction and knowledge of the richest, most powerful people in the country. It also showed that the majority of child soldier recruitment was carried out by these CIA-backed, US-funded militias.
This is important work, and it was carried out at a scale and with a precision that would have been impossible without an LLM. As with all of HRDAG's work, this report and the subsequent testimony draw on cutting-edge statistical techniques and skilled science communication to bring technical rigor to some of the most important justice questions in our world.
LLMs need large bodies of text to train them – text that, inevitably, is scraped. Scraping to produce LLMs isn't intrinsically harmful, and neither are LLMs. Admittedly, nonprofits using LLMs to build war crimes databases do not justify even 0.0001% of the valuations that AI hypesters ascribe to the field, but that's their problem.
Scraping is good, sometimes – even when it's done against the wishes of the scraped, even when it harms their interests, and even when it's used to train an LLM.
Scraping to violate peoples' privacy is very bad. Take Clearview AI, the grifty, sleazy facial recognition company that scraped billions of photos in order to train a system that they sell to cops, corporations and authoritarian governments:
Likewise: scraping to alienate creative workers' labor is very bad. Creators' bosses are ferociously committed to firing us all and replacing us with "generative AI." Like all self-declared "job creators," they constantly fantasize about destroying all of our jobs. Like all capitalists, they hate capitalism, and dream of earning rents from owning things, not from doing things.
The work these AI tools sucks, but that doesn't mean our bosses won't try to fire us and replace us with them. After all, prompting an LLM may produce bad screenplays, but at least the LLM doesn't give you lip when you order to it give you "ET, but the hero is a dog, and there's a love story in the second act and a big shootout in the climax." Studio execs already talk to screenwriters like they're LLMs.
That's true of art directors, newspaper owners, and all the other job-destroyers who can't believe that creative workers want to have a say in the work they do – and worse, get paid for it.
So how do we resolve these conundra? After all, the people who scrape in disgusting, depraved ways insist that we have to take the good with the bad. If you want accountability for newspaper sites, you have to tolerate facial recognition, too.
When critics of these companies repeat these claims, they are doing the companies' work for them. It's not true. There's no reason we couldn't permit scraping for one purpose and ban it for another.
The problem comes when you try to use copyright to manage this nuance. Copyright is a terrible tool for sorting out these uses; the limitations and exceptions to copyright (like fair use) are broad and varied, but so "fact intensive" that it's nearly impossible to say whether a use is or isn't fair before you've gone to court to defend it.
But copyright has become the de facto regulatory default for the internet. When I found someone impersonating me on a dating site and luring people out to dates, the site advised me to make a copyright claim over the profile photo – that was their only tool for dealing with this potentially dangerous behavior.
The reasons that copyright has become our default tool for solving every internet problem are complex and historically contingent, but one important point here is that copyright is alienable, which means you can bargain it away. For that reason, corporations love copyright, because it means that they can force people who have less power than the company to sign away their copyrights.
This is how we got to a place where, after 40 years of expanding copyright (scope, duration, penalties), we have an entertainment sector that's larger and more profitable than ever, even as creative workers' share of the revenues their copyrights generate has fallen, both proportionally and in real terms.
As Rebecca Giblin and I write in our book Chokepoint Capitalism, in a market with five giant publishers, four studios, three labels, two app platforms and one ebook/audiobook company, giving creative workers more copyright is like giving your bullied kid extra lunch money. The more money you give that kid, the more money the bullies will take:
Many creative workers are suing the AI companies for copyright infringement for scraping their data and using it to train a model. If those cases go to trial, it's likely the creators will lose. The questions of whether making temporary copies or subjecting them to mathematical analysis infringe copyright are well-settled:
I'm pretty sure that the lawyers who organized these cases know this, and they're betting that the AI companies did so much sleazy shit while scraping that they'll settle rather than go to court and have it all come out. Which is fine – I relish the thought of hundreds of millions in investor capital being transferred from these giant AI companies to creative workers. But it doesn't actually solve the problem.
Because if we do end up changing copyright law – or the daily practice of the copyright sector – to create exclusive rights over scraping and training, it's not going to get creators paid. If we give individual creators new rights to bargain with, we're just giving them new rights to bargain away. That's already happening: voice actors who record for video games are now required to start their sessions by stating that they assign the rights to use their voice to train a deepfake model:
But that doesn't mean we have to let the hyperconcentrated entertainment sector alienate creative workers from their labor. As the WGA has shown us, creative workers aren't just LLCs with MFAs, bargaining business-to-business with corporations – they're workers:
Workers get a better deal with labor law, not copyright law. Copyright law can augment certain labor disputes, but just as often, it benefits corporations, not workers:
Likewise, the problem with Clearview AI isn't that it infringes on photographers' copyrights. If I took a thousand pictures of you and sold them to Clearview AI to train its model, no copyright infringement would take place – and you'd still be screwed. Clearview has a privacy problem, not a copyright problem.
Giving us pseudocopyrights over our faces won't stop Clearview and its competitors from destroying our lives. Creating and enforcing a federal privacy law with a private right action will. It will put Clearview and all of its competitors out of business, instantly and forever:
AI companies say, "You can't use copyright to fix the problems with AI without creating a lot of collateral damage." They're right. But what they fail to mention is, "You can use labor law to ban certain uses of AI without creating that collateral damage."
Facial recognition companies say, "You can't use copyright to ban scraping without creating a lot of collateral damage." They're right too – but what they don't say is, "On the other hand, a privacy law would put us out of business and leave all the good scraping intact."
Taking entertainment companies and AI vendors and facial recognition creeps at their word is helping them. It's letting them divide and conquer people who value the beneficial elements and those who can't tolerate the harms. We can have the benefits without the harms. We just have to stop thinking about labor and privacy issues as individual matters and treat them as the collective endeavors they really are:
Here's a link to the podcast:
And here's a direct link to the MP3 (hosting courtesy of the Internet Archive; they'll host your stuff for free, forever):
And here's the RSS feed for my podcast:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: syvwlch (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Print_Scraper_(5856642549).jpg
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
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fckyeahnetart · 1 year
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Rosa Menkman
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pjstafford · 2 years
A Review of KEPLER by David Duchovny and Phillip Sevy (spoiler free)
KEPLER takes the reader on a journey to another planet through which we are allowed a distance to process the multitudes of crises and stress which overwhelm our daily thoughts back on our own planet. I ended the novel with tears streaming down my face and, yet, a hopeful view of a better tomorrow. This graphic novel provides a cathartic release we all need right now, a realistic framework of how to face each new day with determination and hope, and a thought-provoking cautionary tale.
David Duchovny, best-selling novelist and actor most known for playing Fox Mulder on the iconic science fiction/ horror series The X-Files, teams up with illustrator and writer Phillip Sevy to present the graphic science fiction novel KEPLER. The graphic novel is adapted from a television pilot David Duchovny wrote. Influenced by both The Planet of the Apes and the book Sapiens by Yuval Noral Harari, KEPLER is the name of a planet with three distinct species of hominids. Each species has its own specific physical and cultural characteristics. The graphic novel opens with the planet facing startling climate events due to the overuse of coal and other pollutant-heavy power sources. There is a race on to develop nuclear capability. The story is largely told from the point of view of a teenage girl with mixed parentage.
The action is fast-paced and the characters are quickly and successfully developed. I don't usually read comics. However, I found the illustrations much like seeing a movie frame by frame. The illustrations carried action, pathos, and nuance. As a novice to the media, I was surprised by how the layout worked so well to portray the pace of the story - when the action sped up and when the story slowed to allow the reader to realize key character developments.
It's hard to express criticism with a story that so effectively accomplished the three things mentioned in the first paragraph. However, certain elements of the story felt a little rushed. To equate it back to the movie analogy, it felt like a season of a television series was forced into a traditional hour-and-a-half movie format. As Phillip Sevy says in the afterword, the initial script page to comic page outline was 124 pages - too long apparently for a graphic novel- and about 30 pages were cut out. There is a love story that seems a little rushed, a startling character transition that wasn't foreshadowed enough, and not enough time spent on the dynamics of the relationship between the estranged parents of the teenage girl, West. If these were the elements that were cut, then it might have been better to go with a longer book or a more serialized approach.
For those reading this review who are wondering about how the storytelling style of David Duchovny came across in this media, I refer you back to the first paragraph. David Duchovny is a master at showing the beautiful wonder of human resiliency in the midst of the greatest despair. Since the first six pages have already been publically previewed, I won't consider it a spoiler to mention that some narrative is in the form of West's journal entries. As Duchovny continues to explore his own interest in the forms of storytelling with this new media, his use of a storyteller narrative continues. Also, please note the F-bomb drop in the first six pages, The full use of the vernacular of the language is a characteristic of his work. Comedy exists but is not as prevalent in this work as in his other writing.
There is an element of the novel that does harken back to the topic of his unwritten doctorate dissertation - Magic and technology in modern fiction - for anyone who has heard him explain how technology can seem like magic and the morality distinction in magic as opposed to technology.
KEPLER is available now in comic stores and will be distributed more widely in bookstores and through Amazon in December.
A shout out here to Albuquerque's Astro-Zombies Comic Store who had the foresight to order one copy that I purchased.
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33bowls · 1 year
As haters, trolls, and click-baiters seem to be coming out of the wood-works, there are also many MQA supporters debunking the outrageous, chaotic, venomous vernacular of them.
There is nothing inherently controversial about a better way to do things. MQA is designed to co-exist with and enhance existing formats. MQA does not threaten the very existence of existing formats.
The spectacular, transparent sonics of MQA can be enjoyed, to varying degrees, by all; as MQA is backwards compatible, can be played on pretty well any currently available DAC, and does not require a specialized decoder to playback MQA encoded music files. Although to enjoy the full benefit, there are numerous MQA DACs available, at many price points.
Mediocrity is for the mediocre. It’s weird, in audio and music, there are often antagonistic generalizing armchair experts insisting on mediocrity for all.
For the armchair experts who know it all and must have a wall of platinum records and a shelf full of Grammys to show for their self proclaimed expertise about music and audio:
It’s about time and space.
Lossless is not just bit perfect digital representation of sampled bits.
MQA was developed based on the neuroscience of how we hear.
Edit addendum 2024:
While Tidal was at one time the choice for music streaming, it is under hew management who are basically, short sighted boneheads, and can no longer be recommended for new accounts.  There is a new, high resolution, streaming service built right from the ground up by some of the original Tidal staff, to be announced by Lenbrook. For now, Apple or even Amazon are choices for redbook CD quality streaming, but be aware the both of them do not really care about the music, as their music streaming services are basically loss leaders to keep customers in the Apple and Amazon ecosystems.
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holyjak · 2 years
GIFs Without the .gif: The Most Performant Image and Video Options Right Now | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
Multiple good options with pros & s. You can use <video> with options for autoplay, looping, muted. Use multiple source elements to offer alternatives to browser that do not support the latest and greatest format yet. There is also animated webp and avif and JS solutions.
Also a good overview of the current best image & video formats and their support.
Containers: MP4 (since 2001) is supported by all web browsers. WebM (since 2010) works in all browsers except for iOS Safari (which added supert for WebM audio in 2021 so perhaps video is coming too).
Codecs: H.264 works in all browsers. VP9 is supported by all the browsers that support WebM. The newer and best AV1 codec has been supported in Chrome since 2018 and Firefox since 2019. It has not yet shipped in Edge or Safari.
Images: WebP (which can be animated) is now twelve years old. The more modern AV1 Image File Format (AVIF), released in 2019, is the best image format for most use cases on the Web but it's support varies - eg. Firefox doesn't support animated avif yet.
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trustfed · 2 years
Chambers dictionary of etymology dude
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Īpplication to any male is recorded by 1966, U.S., originally in African-American vernacular. But he is convinced that a person caught in the act of wearing a white linen collar, and who looks as though he might have recently shaved or washed his face, must be a dude, true and proper. Not that he has ever seen the true prototype of a class that was erstwhile so numerous among us. Now, "tenderfoot" is not to be construed as the Western equivalent of that much evolved and more abused specimen of mankind, familiarly styled "dude." For even the Montana cowboy recognizes the latter. merely one of the spontaneous products of popular slang". "The term has no antecedent record, and is prob. The vogue word of 1883, originally used in reference to the devotees of the "aesthetic" craze, later applied to city slickers, especially Easterners vacationing in the West (as in dude ranch "ranch which entertains guests and tourists for pay," attested by 1921). It is so cool.1883, "fastidious man," New York City slang of unknown origin recent research suggests it is a shortening of Yankee Doodle, based on the song's notion of "foppish, over-fastidious male" (compare macaroni). Actually, this website provides many books with different title from different genre. You can also see and get many other books. However, you have to follow some steps recommended toget the online book. Actually, you can get the online book easily in the website. Reader can get the online book entitled Chambers Dictionary of Etymology From Chambers from this website. The reader also will be always ready with the best solution to solve theproblem.
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101now · 2 years
GIFs Without the .gif: The Most Performant Image and Video Options Right Now
GIFs Without the .gif: The Most Performant Image and Video Options Right Now
So you want an auto-playing looping video without sound? In popular vernacular this is the very meaning of the word GIF. The word has stuck around but the image format itself is ancient and obsolete. Twitter, for example, has a “GIF” button that actually inserts a <video> element with an MP4 file into your tweet — no .gif in sight. There are a beguiling amount of ways to achieve the same outcome…
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View On WordPress
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manonamora-if · 3 years
Meeting the Parents - Update 3
With adding 2 more endings, I ended up needing about a 1/3 more passages to make it fit more or less nicely. That added probably half more to double amount of variable to make this whole thing work.. And the re-writing ended up doubling the word count. So, this small project ended up being as big as a novella in terms of total word count... ahahaha... What have I done...
My twine file is not only a complete mess because of this, but also because I have decided to.....
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Translate the game in French. Yes... a non-gendered story... in a language that does not have a non-gender form that is readable. In French, the "base" form is the masculine one. There is not really an it or a singular they that is used commonly and included in grammar rules (French Wikipedia about this). Gender neutrality in writing and speaking in French is a very recent thing and not yet into the common vernacular or taught in school (I have left the French school system about 10 years ago already). It is also not standardized (the previous Wiki article counts 8 different pronouns for gender neutrality). So it is a bit hard to have gender-neutral stories in that language, in a way that is easily understandable by all.
As much as I think inclusive writing in any language is important, the current French inclusive writing is not easy to read or to format. Not only it can take you out of the reading flow, it has been shown to be detrimental to people with reading difficulties (vision, dyslexia, reading level...). Take the adjective Individuel:
masculine form: individuel
feminine form: individuelle
plural masculine: individuels
plural feminine: individuelles
inclusive form: individuel·le·s (yes, this is a dot)
Sooooo... For ease of reading, I am making 2 French versions: a masculine and feminine one. Readers can pick the one they prefer when thinking about their main character.
If someone wants to take a crack at the actual gender neutral version for French, please DM me.
If you also want to have it translated in any other language (I am not fluent enough in other ones), please DM me too!
I'll be more than happy to add it later on to the game, so it can reach more people!
It will take me a bit of time to have it completely done. I also don't want to upload too many updates on itch.io too often. So it will be delaying the update. Thank you for your patience!
Current Progress: 5/62 passages done
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ukdamo · 3 years
One of mine - after a visit to St Paul's Outside the Walls
The Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls is ancient: 3rd CE. It has been much modified yet it still retains the essential aspects of a properly Roman basilica – an apsidal space with an impressive four aisles, and transepts.
It is fronted by a porticoed garden and has adjacent cloisters for the monks who originally resided here.
As a space, I found it awesome: more affecting even than St Peter’s. Perhaps the timing was instrumental –
I went in the late evening: there were very few people inside, the lighting was subdued, the interior mosaics hinted at glory, the cavernous, architecturally austere and regular space dwarfed me. As I drank in the details, there were signs that something was afoot but I was more concerned to descend the well that sits immediately in front of the baldacchin'd Papal altar, and see Paul’s tomb. His sarcophagus sits, visible, behind a windowed recess.
As I returned to the nave, and looked past the great baldacchino, I could see lights ablaze in the apse. A file of Benedictine monks had assembled for evening prayer, One of their number was seated at a little pipe organ to underpin the plainsong. The rest of the basilica was dark. The columns in the nave were casting strong shadows. The alabaster windows were opaque and dull, save in the west. The space was subdued. The atmosphere was compelling.
We were few in number – maybe a dozen monks and a dozen of us. The liturgy was a sung Vespers in the vernacular, with two young cantors to lead the responses. It was odd, being there. Twenty-two years since I left the friars. Any sort of a service is a bit disconcerting for an atheist, more so when it reaches into places at once familiar and distant. Vespers, in a papal basilica, atop the tomb of St Paul, with Benedictine monks, scores kind of highly on the things to discombobulate Damian scale. But, essentially, it was alright. It’s not my stuff anymore but I’m alert to life’s complexities, to my own complexities, and human aspirations are not inaccessible to atheists! Sung vespers vocalises that as effectively as anything else might. Vespers doesn’t change its format of introit, hymn, psalms, readings, magnificat, intercessions, pater noster and dismissal. I could follow things happily enough and join in some responses. I even remembered the pater noster – words and melody. For 40 minutes, I was simultaneously disconcerted, soothed, elevated and affirmed.
When I left the basilica it was properly dark. Too late to access the portico and cloister, too dark to get any properly good photos of the exterior. But there was a still, small light I took away with me.
I couldn’t have planned, intended or effected a better, more serendipitous, way to pass my last evening in the city.
Amen to that.
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mediocremediaa · 4 years
‘How does Tumblr function as a digital community?’
Traditionally a digital community is defined as an internet community whose members interact with each other primarily via the internet. Members usually share common interests. For many users digital communities feel like home, other users being family or friends. This community is constantly moving, changing and allowing people from all backgrounds to connect (Microsoft, 2017). 
Unlike other social media platforms, Tumblr allows users to post a wide variety of content in different formats (text, photos, videos, audio, links). Tumblr functions as a digital community as they provide users all over the world with a safe space separate from economic, political or social agendas that would usually separate people in real life. They let users be anonymous, leaving them feeling safe and comfortable to express how they are feeling about what they are passionate about without the possibility of feeling attacked. There are always people with differing views, those who choose Tumblr to express their argument are able to separate themselves from real life, expressing their argument whilst also understanding differing views. 
Tumblr has created such a comfortable space for users to feel safe and welcomed in, leaving the platform open to different people, groups and cultures. People who identify with LGBTQI have found Tumblr to be a digital community where they can comfortably explore their identity, obtain support from fellow peers and users, including access sub-cultural information. Tumblr has grown as a digital community to expand, offering a particularly safe space for trans and the gender diverse, compared to digital communities like Facebook and Instagram. Facebook, although supporting trans people, is designed to be for a singular person of a singular identity which may be uncomfortable for trans users. Although, Tumblr has created a space where users don't have to conform to any gender or identity, if they do not choose to.
In an interview conducted by The International Journal of Communication interviewees noted ‘Tumblr granted them access to other people who shared experiences they could learn from and be affirmed by’ (Byron, P Robards, B Hanckel, B Vivienne, S Churchill, B 2018). Tumblr has become a place where feminist teenage girls can use blogs to engage in various forms of feminist activism. After carefully weighing issues like privacy, community and peer support as factors for which programs feminist users would pick to engage in, Tumblr was the choice of most, being most loved, versatile and comforting to express themselves in (Keller, J 2019). 
Tumblr has managed to get every aspect of their operations near perfect to create a comfortable digital community for anyone and everyone to get involved in, feeling comfortable, safe and valued. It is the perfect digital space.
Microsoft, 2017, What does digital community mean to you?, viewed 23 March 2021, <https://www.microsoftpartnercommunity.com/t5/Announcement-Discussions/What-Does-Digital-Community-Mean-to-You/m-p/3054?fbclid=IwAR0DDdMZysLoKFQyyPOSbyRIyWRebE0Q1a9cUHGfQgYPfDoi9cKHJbo95_k>.
Byron, P Robards, B Hanckel, B Vivienne, S Churchill, B 2018, “Hey, I’m Having These Experiences”: Tumblr Use and Young People’s Queer (Dis)connections, viewed 23 March 2021, <https://swinburne.instructure.com/courses/33896/files/12394108?wrap=1>.
Keller, J 2019, “Oh, She’s a Tumblr Feminist”: Exploring the Platform Vernacular of Girls’ Social Media Feminisms, viewed 23 March 2021, <https://swinburne.instructure.com/courses/33896/files/11227380/download?wrap=1>.
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service2 · 4 years
Rules to Get a Trademark
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In the event that you are utilizing a word, picture, verbalization, or plan to see your thing or keep up and survey it from other affiliations' things or relationship, by then you may as of now have a brand name. Regardless, basically having a brand name offers you to no insistence against encroachment. In the event that you need to guarantee your picture name against infringers (different affiliations that might be utilizing your picture name without your help, or that are utilizing a scratching that takes after such an extent that it might tangle your clients) you should pick your picture name with the sensible legitimate office.
Piece 1 Evaluating Whether You Need a Trademark
1.Know what a brand name is and isn't. A brand name is a particularly conceded progress, for example, a word, verbalization, picture, or configuration used to see and see your thing or relationship from those of others. find more info Service
•A alliance mark keeps an eye out for the source and nature of an assistance.
•A brand name sees the source and nature of things.
•A affirmation scratching can be utilized to address the conceivable expansion of help (e.g., Phi Beta Kappa).
•A endorsement mark is utilized to recommend consistence with express guidelines (e.g., UL).
2.Identify the geographic level of security you need. Do you fundamentally sell your thing or relationship inside the area of Illinois, without any designs to make strategies to different zones? By then you will probably have to select your picture name with the space of Illinois, if utilizing all frameworks. Irrefutably, in the event that you want to sell your thing or association crosscountry, and perhaps for the most part, consider picking your picture name with the public government and certifiable new nations.
3.Register your scratching with the public power. The public power runs a concentrated brand name assertion office through the United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). You are not expected to choose your picture name with the PTO, in any case an especially choice gives unequivocal central center interests.
•Gives legitimate vulnerability of possession in an encroachment ensure (you should show you own the picture name in the event that you need to guarantee injury from somebody utilizing it without your consent).
•Provides public rebuke of your focal focus interests.
•Gives crosscountry need for conceivable course of action of later clients or openings for attestation of commensurate brands.
•Allows the USPTO to excuse applications from others for selection of etchings that are "confusingly essentially faint" to yours.
•You can record your cutting with the US Customs and Border Protection Service to forestall importation of encroaching new astounding.
•Allows you to utilize the ® picture on your thing or affiliations.
•Allows you to gain an encroachment development government court.
•Allows you to apply for brand name interest in far away nations.
4. Register your drawing with your state. This gives security inside your state's lines and you may get an encroachment activity state court or government court. You may utilize the image ™ for things and SM for relationship (notwithstanding not the public power ® picture), regardless of whether attempted any state.
•May award state-wide need for guaranteeing about of soon or affirmation of relative brands by others.
5.Consider utilizing your cutting without picking it. On the off chance that your scratching is solid and has never been utilized by others, it will be viewed as a brand name by ethics of your utilizing it as a compromise for quite a while.
You may graph TM after the word, explanation or plan without getting it picked. Regardless, on the off chance that you don't select your picture name with the USPTO, and it might be enforceable in state or government courts, it won't go with express rights, including:
•The choice to utilize the picked brand name logo.
•The capacity to seek after an authentic
encroachment improvement in government court.
•The decision to list your picture name in the PTO enlightening record, making it open by others.
Part - 2 Selecting a Mark – Avoiding Likelihood of Confusion
1.Search for existing etchings to design the probability of unrest with yours. Direct a pursuit on the PTO site to counterbalance your drawing with other picked stamps or pushing toward applications utilizing the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS). In like way perform clarification look on the web and in your state's picture name informational layout for close to checks and related thing and dares to guarantee your scratching won't be mistaken for different etchings that are not really chosen. The PTO won't choose your cutting in the event that it finds that in any occasion two etchings are so same and the things or affiliations they cover so related that clients would wrongly survey that they come from a near source.
2.Determine whether any current etchings take after yours. In the event that inscriptions sound the same (Apple and Appel), take after the other the same (a blue apple and a blue peach), have a near importance, in any case, when eliminated up (Apple and Pomme (French word for apple)), or set up a tantamount general relationship with people considering (Apple and Red Fruit), by then the etchings are basically tangled and the PTO will consider whether the thing and tries are other than related.
3. Format whether practically identical etchings cover related thing or affiliations. On the off chance that two etchings are close and the covered things or relationship of each are connected enough that customers would recollect that they came from a near source, by then the PTO will plainly foil your choice dependent on probability from getting issue. For instance, on the off chance that you endeavor to pick a brand name for 'Pomme' to cover PCs and other express gadgets, the PTO will no vulnerability pardon that application considering Apple's current picture names. Regardless, on the off chance that you need to pick 'Pomme' to cover a line of dishtowels, the PTO will clearly not guess that everyone would be astounded considering Apple's picture names.
Region 3 Selecting a Mark – Choosing the Strongest Mark Possible
1. Pick a solid cutting. The more grounded the drawing, the more clear it is to forestall its unapproved use by untouchables. Each bringing falls into at any rate one of the going with classes, recorded here all together from most grounded to routinely frail. Seek after the most grounded mark you can.
•Fanciful. A made word with no proposed importance, for example, picking the word 'Vingra' for something dress.
•Arbitrary. An ensured word with a clear significance, regardless of that is immaterial to the covered thing and attempts. The cutting 'Macintosh' for PC things falls into this referencing.
•Suggestive. A cutting that proposes characteristics or relationship with the things or relationship without undeniably depicting them, for example, 'Every little development thusly' for a game plan.
•Descriptive. A word or plan that undeniably portrays the things or relationship, for example, utilizing an image of an oat treat for a treat collusion. Clarifying etches are not all things consider registrable close by if they get quirk through clearing use in business for in any occasion five years.
•Generic. A nonexclusive scratching, for example, 'Vehicles' for a line of vehicles, is never registrable or enforceable against untouchables.
2 Make sure your drawing meets different cutoff focuses with respect to enlistment. The PTO may in like way pardon your application if your cutting can be made as one out of the going with classes.
•A last name or an individual's done name or proportionality.
•Geographically away from the explanation behind the things or affiliations.
•A discernment of another word that is nonexclusive or enlightening.
•Already a book or film title.
3.Analyze business explanations behind your specific picture name. Whether or not your picture name is registrable and enforceable, it won't be worth a whole lot to you if people with everything considered can't recall it, articulate it, spell it, or in the event that it proposes something disturbing or putting down in another vernacular (for instance, the brand name 'Chevy Nova' takes after 'Chevy No Va', which makes an interpretation of in Spanish to 'Chevy that doesn't go').
4. Enroll a brand name lawful advocate. A brand name genuine expert can help you pick a significant eliminating by playing the right undertakings, research the confused application measure, offer bearing on execution, and assertion you agree to all upkeep time targets. On the off chance that you choose to pick an authentic accomplice, endeavor to discover somebody with a lot of affiliation working with the PTO.
Space 4 Filing Your Trademark Application With the PTO
1. Story the PTO application on the web. The most clear approach to manage regulate oversee record an application is to utilize the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) on the PTO's site. You will be relied upon to give the going:
•Identity of brand name proprietor. This might be a business group or a person. The proprietor need not be a US inhabitant.
•Applicant name and address. All correspondence to and from the PTO will experience this individual, so ensure the individual is solid.
•Depiction of the scratching. This is a drawing of your cutting, suggested as one or the other a "standard character" drawing (one that contains just a picture, no letters or words) or a "bewildering outline" drawing (a changed arrangement of a word, which may join a strategy, logo, astounding lettering, or shadings).
•Classes of thing and undertaki
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ctrlalt4 · 5 years
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Rosa Menkman is an artist and theorist who focuses on visual noise artifacts, resulting from accidents in both analog and digital media such as glitch, encoding and feedback artifacts. Rosa Menkman emphasizes the positive effects of these artifacts caused by a system error. One of her works that interested me is Vernacular. In this project, Menkman investigated the errors that digital technology makes when checking file formats. It consists of compressions, glitches, artifacts, and highlights; unexpected pixels. The file format symbol is a series of distorted self-portraits. By embedding errors in each image file, but choosing a different compression language for the photo, Menkman demonstrated invisible image compression languages. In my opinion, her project is changing the general understanding of the usual visual portrait. It helped me get to know glitch art better.
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jeanjauthor · 5 years
What is your style of writing.
That is a good question, and I’m honestly not sure how to answer it, as I’ve never really thought about it much...
If you mean the actual way my sentences & paragraphs are put together, I tend to like complex and compound sentences, so I’d say it’s high school reading level or above, but I also prefer a somewhat looser, more modern/relaxed vernacular than formal (JRR Tolkien, I ain’t).
In my anthology BEDTIME STORIES I actually switched up my writing style a few times.  “The Courtship of Wali Daad” is written in the style of an older fairy tale (well, they’re all fairy tales in that book, erotically revised, duh), but the language the characters use, the length of the sentences, and the pacing of the story are all cribbed from styles used in distant decades & centuries, with just enough modernity to make it relatable. 
in “The Golden Ball” on the other hand, it was more modern in how the characters spoke, but a shorter sentence structure than my usual.  In “Snow White And The Seven Dwarves,” it was pretty much my usual style for my romances set in the DestinyVerse, and “The Princess On The Glass Hill” was written in my style for my scifi, which is similar, but with fewer comedic points, a little more “serious” than my romances.  “Beauty & the Beast” was a combo of the to, since it definitely had its comedic elements.
As for paragraph lengths, I used to write horribly long paragraphs, but have since smacked myself around a few times, and try to break them up into shorter sizes that are much more manageable to read. 
I have strict rules for things like point-of-view that I follow (honestly, more than one POV in a story IS doable, IF you know what you’re doing when it comes to formatting & making clear who’s thinking what in each POV switch), and I’m a little old-school about insisting on the Oxford Comma, but that’s purely for clarity’s sake.
If you mean my method of writing, I usually get an idea, sketch up some notes on the characters and some vague plot points to hit along the way from start to finish, start writing, and somewhere in there, add to and edit and change and revise as I go along, according to whatever new ideas crop up, or plot holes I encounter that have to be patched.  I used to do a lot of this on sticky notes, but lately I’ve been using a .docx file format instead.  I’ll sometimes still whip out the sticky notes when I’m racing toward the end and need to fully plot out the last few chapters, because if you stick them to a sheet of paper, it’s easy to arrange & rearrange.  (And even then I may ignore some, add others, etc, as the story & characters demand.)
...One of the reasons why I don’t use sticky notes as much anymore is because I’m now in the “needs bifocals” stage of life, but I tried ‘em and can’t stand ‘em. It’s easier to just put on one pair of glasses, for the right focal distance for my computer screen, and do all my note-taking at the exact same readable distance as my writing.
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rosa-menkman · 5 years
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This Lexicon intends to offer an insight into the development of meaning in the aesthetics of distortion in Sci-Fi movies throughout the years, via an analysis of 1200 Sci-Fi Trailers. It will be released in tandem with a video essay.  Starting with trailers from 1978, I reviewed 30 trailers per year to obtain an insight into the development of noise artifacts in Sci-Fi from before the arrival of the home computer, to Sci-Fi adopting the contemporary aesthetics of our ubiquitous digital devices. My source for the trailers is the Internet Movie Database, where I accessed lists of the top-US Grossing Sci-Fi Titles per year. When watching these trailers I took screenshots whenever a distortion occured, and when possible interpreted them. Currently the database includes findings from research done into 630 trailers (1998-2018). Underneath this very short essay I offer my most interesting findings per year. When you click an image, you get access to the noise artifacts per year.    Glitch Art genre (2019)  Every file format consists of a language, or ‘dialect’, according to which it is encoded, often also refered to as a compression algorithm. When we break this organization of data, by for instance glitching or databending, a new utterance or visual expression appears, showcasing the otherwise obfuscated organizations of compression on the surface of the image. These newly emerged images are often directly dismissed as 'garbage' or 'noise artifacts’, but sometimes, the results of these noise artifacts can in fact reveal exciting, unexpected new forms of expression or ‘visual slang’. It is these modes of expression that artists have named the genre of Glitch Art. But, to call glitch a genre suggests it is intelligible and that it follows certain norms or rules. From its beginnings, glitch art used to exploit medium-reflexivity, to rhetorically question technologies ‘perfect’ use, conventions and expectations. However, paradoxically, over time glitch art has become standardized into a genre that also fulfills certain expectations (oa. to rhetorically question the medium). This reflexive approach inherent in the materiality of the glitch tends to, as Katherine Hayles would assert, re-conceptualize the glitches’ materiality into an interplay between its ‘physical characteristics and its signifying strategies’. But glitch genres perform their reflection on digital materiality not just on a technological level. To really understand a glitch, each level of this notion of (glitch) materiality should be studied: the text as a physical artifact, its conceptual content, and the interpretive activities of artists and audiences.  Distortions in Sci-Fi   Distortions prompt the spectator to engage not only with themes, but also with complex subcultural and meta-cultural narratives and gestures, presenting new analytical challenges. In the Glitch Moment(um) (Institute of Network Cultures, 2010) I wrote that every form of glitch, either breaking a flow, or designed to look like a break from a flow, will eventually become a new fashion. As the popularization and cultivation of the glitch genre has now spread widely, I believe it is important to track the development of these processes in specific case studies and create ‘a lexicon of distortions’. New, fresh research within the field of noise artifacts is necessary. In an attempt to expand on A Vernacular of File Formats, I propose a lexicon that deconstructs the meanings of noise artifacts; a handbook to navigate glitch clichés as employed specifically in the genre of Sci-Fi.  Sci-Fi relies on the literacy of the spectator (references to media technology texts, aesthetics and machinic processes) and their knowledge of more ‘conventional’ distortion or noise artifacts. Former disturbances have gained complex meaning beyond their technological value; with the help of popular culture, these effects have transformed into signifiers provoking affect. For example, analogue noise conjures up the sense of an eerie, invisible power entering the frame (a ghost), while blocky-artifacts often refer to time travelling or a data offense initiated by an Artificial Intelligence. Interlacing refers to an invisible camera, while camera interface esthetics (such as a viewfinders and tracking brackets or markers around a face) refer to observation technologies. Hackers still work in monochrome, green environments, while all holograms are made from phosphorous blue light. And when color channels distort, the protagonist is experiencing a loss of control. 
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What is the Full Form of NEET? Know More About NEET UG 2019! from neet365.in
NEET 2019 (UG Medical Exam) is one of the toughest medical entrance examinations in India. National Eligibility cum Entrance Test is conducted by NTA for students who wish to get admission in undergraduate MBBS/BDS/Ayush Courses. Recently, Government of India has made NEET Exam mandatory to pursue medical classes in overseas and India. The NTA (National Testing Agency) will conduct NEET Exam annually. The evaluation will be run on 5th May 2019. Being the sole Medical Entrance Exam at All India Level, the rivalry at NEET examination has been improved by leaps and bounds. Statistically, 45 percent of students cannot decode the NEET Exam every year. Hence, they either prepare for the examination or drop the notion of being a medical student. You need strong motivation and right guidance to crack the examination in only attempt. Here, in Edunclewe provide you the best manual for NEET 2019 Exam to understand the exam in and out. In this guide, We're going to pay for the following details about NEET UG 2019 Exam: In the Quick Links Section, you can get the glimpses of information present in this website below. Please click the connection of your preferred information and proceed ahead.
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New changes in NEET 2019 In accordance with this statement, NEET Exam 2019 will be run by National Testing Agency (NTA). NTA will conduct this examination annually, on 05th May and the result will be announced on 5th June 2019 respectively. The registration will begin on 1st November 2018. Now students may choose the exam date, centre according to their convenience. There are not any changes in syllabus, query languages, formats, and penalties for the exam. What is the Full Form of NEET? Know More About NEET UG 2019! As mentioned in the introduction area, the medical entrance test is conducted for supplying candidates an opportunity to take admission in MBBS/BDS Courses in India's Top Medical Colleges. Most aspirants who aspire for this test, have a common question in their minds for example - What's NEET Exam Total Form? Can it be National Eligibility Entrance Test, National Eligibility and Entrance Test or National Eligibility cum Entrance Test? Well, there are a variety of variations of NEET Total Form on the internet. But the right one is National Eligibility cum Entrance Test. We expect, now your questions concerning the NEET Total Form are resolved. Let's move ahead to learn more about NEET Exam 2019. In 2018, 13.26 lakh candidates are competing for its 90,000 seats in MBBS and BDS institutes across India. This year NEET 2018 Exam was ran in 11 vernacular languages at 136 distinct cities. Based on the 2018 information, we have come up with some major facts and statistics connected to the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test. Please take a peek! NEET 2019 Notification & Latest News | Assessment Schedule Here, you can receive all the NEET 2019 Latest Updates & cool NEET News concerning the examination. NEET 2019 Information Brochure was released. Within this official article, many changes in examination facilities, eligibility criteria, important documents have been made. Check the official notice here.
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The NEET Notification will be enwrapped with the latest NEET Updates regarding date-sheet and calendar for followings - NEET 2019 Form Release Date NEET Date 2019 for Admit Card Release NEET 2019 Exam Date NEET Counselling 2019 Presents Mark the dates and kick-start your preparations. For more important dates together with the time sheet for Answer Key and Cutoff Marks Release, Counselling Procedures and a whole lot more info, please visit - NEET UG 2019 Notification. National Eligibility cum Entrance Test 2019 -- Have To Know Details Before you start your preparations, make sure you have enough knowledge about the top 3 research essentials and all these are - All these are 3 most important factors, which you cannot bypass while preparing for any exam. Below, we have produced brief information about all the 3 factors. Let us take a peek! The eligibility criteria are described with the Assistance of 5 key factors such as - NEET Eligibility Marks 2019 Required NEET Qualification Nationality & Citizenship NEET Attempt Limit Those candidates who fulfill the conditions under all the above factors can be qualified for the examination. To see the detailed instructions, please visit - NEET 2019 Eligibility Criteria. NEET Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme 2019 is as follows: The Entry Test shall consist of a single paper in all languages containing 180 objective type questions (four choices with single correct response ) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) to be answered in offline mode only. Assessment Schedule: 5th May 2019 Marking Scheme: 720 Marks Total For subjectwise marking weightage and period duration to try questions, please check the complete NEET 2019 Pattern here. NEET Syllabus 2019 PDF with Chapter Wise Marking Weightage Whilst kick-starting your test preparations, you must have the complete NEET 2019 Syllabus PDF beforehand. The NEET 2019 Official Website has made the complete syllabus accessible for your aspirants. But if you wish to stand out yourself at the right time of NEET 2019 Result declaration, make sure that your plans are smarter than others. For bettering out your preparations, Eduncle Pros have ready the list of Significant Chapters for NEET 2019 based on their marking weightage. Get the NTA NEET Syllabus 2019 PDF Downloaded for Free in Eduncle. Please see following blog to get the full NEET Syllabus for Biology, Chemistry & Physics. How to Prepare for NEET 2019? Turn Your Preparations Smarter! If you are worried about how could you be able to score NEET 2019 qualifying marks, then you don't need to be stressed anymore. Here at Eduncle, we have come up with some sure-shot success hacks & NEET Preparation tips to aid you in bettering the examination. So now, keep your worries aside and adhere to the NEET 2019 Preparation Tips to fill in your score bag with more NEET qualifying marks. Go for it! Step - 1: Obtain the detailed syllabus and listing out the vital topics for NEET 2019 Biology, Physics & Chemistry. Step - 2: Now, you can plan which topics you would be taking initially and which at last. For a better approach, attempt to start with the NEET Chemistry as it's the simpler, interesting and scoring topic. When you get in the flow of studying, you can easily proceed to the queued themes of NEET Biology and Physics. Step - 3: Before you begin your preparations, make sure you have the caliber NEET Study Material that fulfills all your learnings needs. To unlock the listing of Physics Books and get more reasonable options in Biology & Chemistry, please visit - List of Best NEET Books 2019. Step - 4: Plan a daily study schedule in which you have to save --7 hours for studies and 30 minutes or 1 hour for revision daily end. It's essential to execute daily revision so that you don't forget what you've studied the entire day. Self-Prepare that the Exam Notes to smoothen your learning & Upgrades. Step - 5: Avoid studying only 1 topic/subject for the day long. It may get dull for you. Choose 1 or two topics from every topic and cover them one by one in accordance with your strengths. Step - 6: Whenever you're done with an entire unit or chapter, start solving the NEET 2018 Question Papers and NEET Model Papers designed by Experts. Step - 7: After solving the question papers, don't forget to verify your answers from the NEET Answer Keys. No matter which issue paper you solve, evaluating your performance with the help of respective NTA NEET Official Answer Key is very important. Here, we've produced the list of AIPMT/ NEET Answer Key to ease your searches out. Solving Papers and then checking their right answers is the best way to rate your scores & functionality degree. If you want to try more refined strategies for practice purpose, please try the next step too. Step - 8: If you think you need to boost your speed up in addition to precision level, then you've got the perfect way to enhance yourself that would be to simply take NEET Online Test Series. The best time to take the online tests for your medical entrance test should be from April as then, you're going to be done with your preparations. We hope that these preparation tips can aid you in attaining success in the exam. Above, we provided only the glimpses of NEET Preparation Guide. Follow the link to get more guidance! NEET 2019 Application Form | Apply Online using NEET Login! To get yourself in the aggressive race of NEET Medical Exam, you have to make your first move by submitting the NEET 2019 Form Online. Any candidate who wishes to look to your National Eligibility cum Entrance Test has to make certain that he/she makes the successful entry on NEET Application Form 2019. Here, in the next guide of NEET Online Form 2019, we have mentioned the step-by-step process and significant instructions to fill the NEET UG 2019 Application Form suitably. As per the NEET Exam Form 2019 releasing date, the candidates are going to have the ability to submit their forms on 1st November 2018. Note - The NEET Exam Application Form 2019 Online may only be filed at the official website. NEET Admit Card 2019 No candidate will be allowed at the exam hall, if he/she doesn't take the NEET 2019 Admit Card.
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Being the very important document, admit cards are compulsory for all of the aspirants to take from the exam hall. To restrict the candidates with no admit card of NEET 2019, input into the examination hall, official government have made some strict rules for the same. There'll be a NEET UG 2019 Admit Card verification round in the entrance gate of the examination hall. If any candidate has been found with no NEET 2019 Hall Ticket, he'd be lost from the list of candidates and will not be allowed to provide the examination. So, be sure that you have your NEET Admit Card 2019 downloaded and you take it to the test hall. Click the above link to check out the Step-by-step process of downloading the NEET Hall Ticket. The most bizarre moment of your exam journey is if your NTA NEET 2019 Result declares. You proceed through two feelings in precisely the exact same time - Hopefulness and Nervousness. This season, approximately 7 lakh students passed after the announcement of the NEET Result 2018. More than 46% candidates needed to face the failure! In accordance with the forecast, the NEET Result 2019 Date and Time will be declared in June first week. The moment the NEET Official Website launch any other notification, we'll upgrade you via our blogs. NEET Counselling 2019 Dates & Registration Procedure Here comes the final and final phase of your aggressive journey of National Eligibility cum Entrance Test! After getting the score card, students may go ahead for NEET Counselling Registration 2019. The counseling will be held in 3 rounds -- First, Second & Third or Final Round. According to the qualifying marks for NEET 2019 Seats, they'll be allotted their seats in all the 3 rounds. If any candidate gets the seat allotted in the initial round of NEET UG Counselling 2019, he/she can either accept the chair or use for the next round. And those who don't get any NEET 2019 Seats in the first round, will be eligible for the next round. The exact same process would be followed in each level of counselling 2019 until the entire Government Chairs in NEET 2019 are filled. Thereafter, candidates will probably be allocated the seats depending on the NEET Counselling for Private Colleges. Things to do if you do not get any Seat after Counselling? This past year, complete 7,14,562 students qualified in the exam. Dependent on the seat matrix of 2019 semester, approx. 90,000 students could enter the health care schools and rest 5 Lakh students needed to seek for other options. Some of those candidates must be giving the test this year too. But apart from National Eligibility cum Entrance Test, there are lots of such choices which can assist you in attaining your dreams to get into the medical field. Some of them are listed below - Clinical Research Pharmacy Courses Nutritionist Food Science & Technology Medical Laboratory's Worker 6. Nursing Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Life Science Researcher 9. Teaching Anthropologist Apart from doing, MBBS or BDS, you can go for following classes - - You will find 50+ Courses that you may opt to pursue B.Sc. in. Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) - You can become a Homeopathic Doctor Following This degree. Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc) - After pursuing this level, it is possible to become the surgeon of animals. Animal Husbandry (AH) - Become a specialist in animal science following this degree. Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (BUMS) - Become a Doctor/Hakim in Unani Medical Field. Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) - You are able to proceed with your livelihood for a Physiotherapist after doing this course. Bachelor of Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology (BASLP) - You are able to opt various job options after pursuing this level. Some of the popular job posts are -- Pathologist, Audiologist, Audiometry Technician, Clinical Supervisor etc.. Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT) - With this level, you get a chance to treat physically, mentally, morally, and emotionally challenged individuals. Considering the aforementioned amounts, there are many career choices for you in the event that you do not meet the NEET. Go for these amounts and choose your career based on your job expectations and future objectives.
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ukdamo · 2 years
One of mine - an excerpt from Rome Vignettes I wrote when I visited the city for the first time. 
  The Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls is ancient: 3rd CE. It has been much modified yet it still retains the essential aspects of a properly Roman basilica – an apsidal space with an impressive four aisles, and transepts.
It is fronted by a portico’d garden and has adjacent cloisters for the monks who originally resided here.
  As a space, I found it awesome: more affecting even than St Peter’s. Perhaps the timing was instrumental –
I went in the late evening: there were very few people inside, the lighting was subdued, the interior mosaics hinted at glory, the cavernous, architecturally austere and regular space dwarfed me. As I drank in the details, there were signs that something was afoot but I was more concerned to descend the well that sits immediately in front of the baldachin’d Papal altar, and see Paul’s tomb. His sarcophagus sits, visible, behind a window’d recess.
  As I returned to the nave, and looked past the great baldachino, I could see lights ablaze in the apse. A file of Benedictine monks had assembled for evening prayer, One of their number was seated at a little pipe organ to underpin the plainsong. The rest of the basilica was dark. The columns in the nave were casting strong shadows. The alabaster windows were opaque and dull, save in the west. The space was subdued. The atmosphere was compelling.
  We were few in number – maybe a dozen monks and a dozen of us. The liturgy was a sung Vespers in the vernacular, with two young cantors to lead the responses. It was odd, being there. Twenty-two years since I left the friars. Any sort of a service is a bit disconcerting for an atheist, more so when it reaches into places at once familiar and distant. Vespers, in a papal basilica, atop the tomb of St Paul, with Benedictine monks, scores kind of highly on the things to discombobulate Damian scale. But, essentially, it was alright. It’s not my stuff anymore but I’m alert to life’s complexities, to my own complexities, and human aspirations are not inaccessible to atheists! Sung vespers vocalises that as effectively as anything else might. Vespers doesn’t change its format of introit, hymn, psalms, readings, magnificat, intercessions, pater noster and dismissal. I could follow things happily enough and join in some responses. I even remembered the pater noster – words and melody. For 40 minutes, I was simultaneously disconcerted, soothed, elevated and affirmed.
  When I left the basilica it was properly dark. Too late to access the portico and cloister, too dark to get any properly good photos of the exterior. But there was a still,  small light I took away with me.
  I couldn’t have planned, intended or effected a better, more serendipitous, way to pass my last evening in the city.
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