#a whole crew is running around doing damage control bc the director is off in their own world and their vision isnt even that good
sodrippy · 2 years
Could you tell us more about why you hate auteur theory? (I don't really like it either, but I also don't know a lot of 'film nerds' and I'm curious about your thoughts)
hi id love to!
(if anyones not familiar, auteur theory is a film theory from the 50s/60s that posits the director as the central creative force behind a film)
i think i hate it a little less in its original form, where the director often was actually taking on other roles, most prominently as a writer, but even personally editing or shooting their film in some cases, because then they really DO have more creative control overall. plus it was in part a reaction to the commercialisation of film in the west, so in terms of putting creative control back in the hands of the actual creatives behind a film rather than bending to what studios think will make them money, i can get behind auteur theory.
over time though, the term has become so watered down that now it just means the director is god and everyone else is a thoughtless little cog in their machine, which is so disrespectful and so ANNOYING. like, you cannot call the director on some billion dollar movie an auteur bc they dont really do jack fucking shit actually. id say lots of smaller films can still fit into this theory, where an independent director is the one whos come up with the story concept themselves and helped to write the screenplay, and is heavily involved in the editing process and so on, but the bigger a project gets (in my experience) the less true 'control' the director has.
personally, the way i view it is, if the director didn't come up with the story or didn't co-write the screenplay, then they are nothing to me they are just some guy they're not the driving creative force.
as someone who's involved in film myself, the main reason that i hate auteur theory is that its really just so disrespectful to film crews (on set and post) and moreover disrespectful and dismissive of filmmaking as an art form. film is inherently a collaborative art, and even if some people argue 'yeah but the director is the one telling everyone what to do and how to do it' thats such a simplistic take on it. some directors are very specific about what they want, yes, of course, but a lot of times a director will give a brief on what they want, and the relevant department will create the specifics, or they'll say 'right we can do that, but this might be much better' or whatever. filmmaking is a very fluid process as well, and things change all the time, and i think if you think that the director is in charge of it all youre very unfamiliar with how it works. it makes me really cranky when i see people talk about when things go wrong or look bad in films and they immediately blame the dop or (so so SO common) the post production departments, as if its a huge failure on their part. like ok if directors are kings, why dont you blame them for the bad shit too? or do you only think theyre in control when magic happens?
lastly, because i am running late for work now, the whole auteur aura tbh just makes excuses for sloppy work. i just worked on a project with a notoriously Auteur style director, and from what i heard about how he works, being on set is fucking hell. oftentimes when you trust in a director's 'creative vision' you sacrifice discipline and scheduling and lots of other organization that is so crucial to getting a job done on time and with high quality results, bc youre basically just working at the whim of one guy who's more concerned about realizing a singular vision than they are with the practicalities of making a film.
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wannawrite · 7 years
This Isn’t Part Of The Plot
Wanna One's Lai Guanlin X Reader TW: violence, emotional abuse Word count: 3430 
Fluff, mild angst • you and ( actor! ) Guanlin are filming a drama series together • fun fact: you two despise each other because of a scandal awhile back but c'mon pretending for the cameras bc you gotta get that cash amirite ;) • eventually...some unexpected things happen hurh hurh biAS BIAS BIAS ALERT WEE WOO I LOVE GUANLIN SO MUCH AND I MIGHT BE MEETING HIM NEXT MONTH HOLY SHIT anyways....thank youuuu for requesting this anon :) I hope you like it, sorry if it isn't what you wanted. Re-request if you want to! Also, we might be closing the request box really soon so do request before then, both admins will be extremely busy with school. Admin N iS woRKING HARD OKAY I PROMISE I WON'T DEPRIVE YOU GUYS OF HER SHE'LL BE OFF HIATUS VERY SOON I PROMISE - admin L _________ You swore that the bottle of nail polish you clamped down on was about to crack from the pressure, your force displayed by your whitening knuckles. The anger that bubbled within you threatened to spill, you didn't imagine your temper would explode through the roof at this time but it just seemed like a ticking time bomb. "Y/N! Y/N! Are you okay? Calm down," your manager - more like a best friend-, Nayoung said, running her hands through your hair in an attempt to soothe you. You two were very close, you had known her since your trainee days and she too felt your anger and frustration. "Listen, I'm not exactly happy about working with Guanlin and his manager either. Especially after all the trouble they caused us last year, it's very shocking CEO would insist on this. Please, for all our sakes, try to control your emotions on set. After that, I'll let you rant all you want." Nayoung massaged your shoulders and slowly plucked the nail polish out of your hands. The whole day, you had been sitting on in the dressing room ( refusing to leave in fear of bumping into Guanlin ) to be pampered in preparation for filming. Your lines were engrained in your head and every action was carefully calculated, whether you would be able to execute them with your fellow lead was another matter altogether. Lai Guanlin. You despised him. Well, you wouldn't have if he had kept his mouth shut and hadn't blabbered bullshit about you. Partially, it was your fault because you responded in a harsh manner but all the trouble and drama he had stirred up for you was worth it. What happened? 
So, one fine day while Guanlin was carrying out a Livestream interview and you were out there minding your own business, breathing your own air. When asked the question "Guanlin, which rising star would you choose to collaborate with?", he replied with "Definitely Lin Zhaoxi of WannaWrite Entertainment." Your fellow actress in the same company who had debuted at roughly the same time. The damned interviewer posed another question... or exclamation rather "Not with Y/N? Y/N is becoming quite popular lately." Guanlin laughed and shook his head. "I'm sorry but please don't... associate? me with that kind of level acting. Y/N is good but she's just getting by with her pretty face. I can't say I support her fully." There was an outcry. For days, tabloids and entertainment platforms reported about this. Reporters and paparazzi swarmed both Cube Entertainment and WannaWrite Entertainment, pestering for statements from you or Guanlin. Honestly, it wasn't a big deal but since both of you were pictured together leaving a casting building, the world assumed you were on good terms and even dating. Me, with that imbecile! How could they! It was a random coincidence that the two of you exited at the same time but the pictures were taken and the rest was history. A few days later, acting on impulse and your hurricane of emotions you tweeted out. officiaY/N @laiguanlin01 thanks for the compliment. Weren't you only cast for your previous lead role because of your face too? You don't have much to say (icantbemeantohimimsorry) Of course, CEO L had hacked your Twitter and deleted the tweet and their publicist had tried her best to cover it but it was too late, the damage had been done. You thought it was sure to end there but surprisingly, Guanlin responded. laiguanlin01 @officialY/N wow petty much? Maybe if you paid this much attention to practicing you'd be better and wouldn't have to rely on your looks or popular friends. Grow up. You were furious beyond words but manager Nayoung banned you from the internet, afraid of your negative response. It was embarrassing, to say the least. However, time continues and that drama was left behind, you wanted to burn and bury it. You just never expected to be cast in for lead roles with Guanlin and even though you knew your management could withdraw you, they kept pushing you to do take the role. The alliance with Cube and WannaWrite had to form and prosper. Truthfully, you would do almost anything to repay your company. "Y/N? Are you ready? We must start shooting soon...." You snapped back to your senses at manager Nayoung's words. Sighing, you nodded reluctantly and prepared to step on set. Be professional. Be professional. Control yourself, Y/N. Show Guanlin what you are made of. Shakily, you stood up, mentally preparing for the moment. Yes, there were a few intimate scenes and you hoped that at least, he was a good kisser. Just think about the paycheck in your bank account. All is well. ... "Okay! Good! We got it! Cut!" You had never wanted to hear those words more than now. At first, Guanlin had greeted you with a simple 'hello' and the two of you did not interact during breaks, only speaking when absolutely necessary or when delivering lines. The scene of hugging ended, you quickly jumped apart and retreated to your stylist. You felt your face grow hot and palms sweat profusely. It was absolutely maddening to act romantic with someone whom you hated so much but, Guanlin was handsome and you would be lying if you said his looks hadn't attracted you. If only his rotten personality didn't ruin it, you thought bitterly, the makeup brush flicking across your cheek. You knew Guanlin wasn't a terrible person, he just had the wrong words and the wrong time, yet, you couldn't exactly see the best in him either. It was a checkmate. "You two did great! Anyone would believe it was a real romance!" The director praised, jumping up from his seat and excitedly hugging some members of the production crew. In the background, Guanlin smiled but shook his head. His gaze bore into your own and while his remained quite warm and friendly, yours narrowed and burned. He put his hands up in mock surrender which almost elicited a laugh out of you but you spun away and faced the other stylist before he could read your expression. Ugh! Get it together, Y/N! Do not let Lai Guanlin affect you. "Y/N! Y/N! To celebrate the start of shooting, the director wants to treat everyone for dinner! You have to be there," Manager Nayoung informed in a hushed tone, taking your hands in hers. You let out a whine. I'm already an actress as my full-time job, how much more will I have to act like I can tolerate Lai Guan Lin! Nayoung sighed, she shot a sympathetic smile at you and petted the top of your head. "Don't worry, I can handle it if things get out of hand but please, just maintain this a little longer so we both keep our jobs." You cracked a smile at her lame joke and nodded although it was reluctant. But a part of you was curious, interested to find out what Lai Guanlin was really like. ... Thankfully, the dinner wasn't as awkward as you thought it would be. Guanlin kept to his crew and you to yours. Occasionally, the sides engaged in meaningless small talk. Guanlin even asked about your day and how his acting was. "Um, you d-did well. Good job, you worked hard," you improvised or rather, provided a textbook answer but Guanlin seemed pretty satisfied with your reply. He sent his adorable gummy smile your way and you nearly fainted right there and then. Guanlin was charming. However, some asshole had to bring up that huge scandal that happened. You panicked, looking across at Guanlin. He cleared his throat, sensing your discomfort. "Ahh, that. That was a very long time ago, I was being childish and immature about it. I acted rashly, I'm sorry Y/N, I never got a chance to apologise personally. I'm sorry," he piped, an upset look slipped onto his face. "I-it's fine. I was...rude to you as well. I apologise, let's put this behind us," you croaked, reaching for your glass of water. His sudden apology had you flustered. Wow, his acting had improved so much. I'm impressed, anyone would have bought that. Apology my ass. There was a pregnant pause before the entire table burst in applause and cheers. You turned beet red, bowing slightly to the crew members. "Yah! Make up properly, go and hug each other." A voice rang out and still, you had no clue who it was. You hesitated.... But Guanlin didn't. He stood up from his seat and waltzed over to your own. Forcing a smile on your face, you wrapped your arms around his muscular shoulders and pulled him close. He was a good hugger, he radiated off warmth and security. Bonus! Guanlin smelled like he stepped out of the Dior perfume section. Heavenly. Finally, he pulled away, a tiny bit to your dismay but before he returned to his seat, you pressed a quick peck to his cheek, making the 'apology' all the more believable. Manager Nayoung's excited squeals could be heard above all the noise. You smirked at Guanlin whose ears had turned red and could only smile shyly, scuffing his expensive leather shoes together. Unknown to you, his heart thudded inhumanely fast, peculiarly pleasant shivers ran down his spine. Not as awkward as you imagined it to be. ... The next few weeks of filming were blissful. Why? On the third day, Guanlin had broken into your dressing room and requested to talk. When all the stylists had left, he apologised profusely for the drama he had initiated. "Didn't we put it behind us on Sunday?" You had asked, puzzled. "I know! But I didn't want you to feel like it was just for the crowd, I'm truly sorry. I hope you believe me," he pleaded, genuinely apologetic. You ended the session with a hug before shooing him off to get ready, assuring him that all the drama was in the past. You knew Guanlin was growing on you and somehow, you didn't want to stop him. You were in a dilemma, your heart and head were telling you two extremes. Amiable Guanlin continued to make an appearance, he always smiled and greeted you whenever both of you bumped into each other and at times, he would venture to find you in case you needed help with running lines. You found yourself hanging out in one of the common rooms with him often, practicing scenes or even hanging out as...friends. You talked about how your day had been, about your friends and about each other's interests in general. It became very clear that at the end of two weeks, you were falling for Guanlin. You were joyful. But all good things must come to an end. ... The cold stung your cheeks, causing them to redden. You shuddered uncontrollably, legs shaking like jelly and teeth chattering. The night was still young according to your director despite it being 9 pm and pitch darkness should the production crew not have brought spotlights. It was ridiculous. Despite all these factors, the show must go on. You continued to deliver your best. It also helped that Guanlin kept your heart in a fuzzy mess by telling you all his lame jokes and stories in between takes. Your heart was warmed by his sweet laughter, it sounded like music to your ears. "Okay! Wonderful! It's a wrap for today, everyone start packing up!" The shooting site had been tossed into a frenzy, the crew was so frantic to keep the equipment no one noticed you and Guanlin slipping away from your dressing tents. You couldn't stop the giggles from the adrenaline rush, sneaking away from your manager and staffs was a huge thing for you, plus it made you feel like you were actually living a normal teenager life. "Hey, I heard there's a really nice milk tea shop nearby. Want any?" Guanlin suggested, he pouted when he saw hesitation flicker across your face. "C'mon! It'll be fine, we'll be back before anyone notices. Besides, I got one of the staffs to cover for us. It's okay, live a little, Y/N." Sighing, you agreed. Guanlin smiled and grabbed your hand, causing just about a billion sparks to light up. It felt like there was an entire zoo in your stomach. He didn't seem to realise you two were walking hand in hand towards the shop. The street was pretty deserted as this was a housing estate and it was late at night, no one would have caught both of you in this promising position. "Do... you want me to wait outside while you order? You know, shops have cameras and... confusion will arise if we step in hand in hand," Guanlin muttered, a sense of discontent in his voice. You let go of his hand just as the shop came into view. Before you entered, you sent him a shaky smile, gesturing for him to pull up his black face mask to hide his identity better. You adjusted your own baseball cap to fit tighter. It was useless. You had to force yourself not to gasp, not to hold your breath when you saw who the worker was. Your ex-boyfriend. The ex-boyfriend you broke up with before your debut because you caught him cheating on you with another girl. The ex who had tormented you emotionally, who haunted your nightmares with his malicious words. The one who always told you that you were never good enough for him, that your acting was never going to take your anywhere. It took all your willpower to not burst out crying or run out of the store. You tried your best to avoid his slimy gaze. "Y/N?" Too late. "It's you, isn't it! Awww, the big time actress! I guess I was wrong, your acting did get you places. Do you have a boyfriend now? Let's get back together." How dare he!  Your anger was slowly but surely building up inside. Your mouth ran dry, no words could be said. "Ahh, speechless? I know right! Yah, remember all the good times you had together? Don't you miss them?" He taunted. "You mean the times you left me hanging? Stood me up on dates? Insulted me in front of all your friends? Told me you loved and cherished me but made out with Jasmine an hour later? Yeah, I sure do miss those times!" You yelled, infuriated by his words. "Don't try and act that you didn't know I was hurt, you told me to wait for you while you went out clubbing with like twenty different girls! I've had enough of your games." "Yah! So you think now that you have scored a job or two you can come and accuse me of such ways! Do you know how much I sacrificed for you? I did all I could, I was the best boyfriend!" He leaned over the counter and set a hand on your shoulder. It made cold shivers travel all over your body, goose bumps appearing. His touch wasn't comforting like Guanlin's, it was cold and controlling. You hated it. "Get your hands off me! You have no right to say anything to me!" You managed to shrug him off and turned to leave but he grabbed your wrist at the last moment and tugged harshly. You tripped, he shoved your shoulder hard and you fell to the ground with a thud. "You bitch!" He sneered. Crack! The sound resonated throughout the entire store. A red handprint visible on your cheek which you cradled, jaw open in shock. The tears that you tried so hard to hold back now flowed freely. The door burst open. "Y/N! You hit her! How could you!" It was Guanlin. Honestly, you didn't want a fight to start because of this. You had enough. You wanted nothing more than to return home. Guanlin raised his fist to punch your ex-boyfriend but you caught his arm and whimpered, pleading with him not to. Your ex-was in shock, but he recovered quickly. "Yah! Who do you think you are? She's my girlfriend, I can do whatever to her." ( no you fcking can't please get this mindset out it's fcking wrong and I hate it ) Guanlin really wasn't having it. He shoved your ex-boyfriend harshly in the chest. "That's wrong. Y/N is a person, not an object. You can't play with her like that. You're sick, I'm calling security on you. We're leaving." But before he could, the ex kicked him in the stomach. It was like he expected Guanlin to be affected by that. Guanlin just chuckled, sinisterly. "You don't mess with people like that." He didn't stall, he punched the other guy in the nose, blood started to flow. Then, he focussed his attention on you. When it was clear you were too traumatised to even stand, he scooped you up and stormed out of the shop. ... "I'm so sorry. I'm so so so so so sorry," Guanlin apologised. "Hell, my sorries can't even fix this. It was all my fault, Y/N. I should have never suggested this. I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He looked like he was about to cry as well. "That was my ex....he may have said many horrid things to me but never once did he hit me...." That caused Guanlin to tighten his grip on you. "I'm so sorry, I-I really should have never made you leave...." His perfect face had tears running down. "It's-it's o-okay. You didn't know anything, it is not your fault. Don't be like this," you stammered, your own emotions were in a mess. "If I didn't suggest it, you wouldn't have been hurt! It's all my fault!" He shrieked in panic. "It's my fault you got hit!" "It isn't! It really isn't!" You insisted. "What are we going to do about all the rumours though?" "Y/N! Priorities! You just got injured because of me, we need to get you to the hospital!" The sense of urgency rising in his tone. "Yah, Guanlin-ah. I'm okay. I'm stronger than that. But the whole world will think we're dating after this incident, what will we do?" Guanlin shrugged, he blinked back tears. "Well, I won't deny rumours that I want to be true." What? "...no way. You? Want to date? Me?" "Y/N, this isn't the time to be talking-" "Yes! Yes! I will date you!" "No, we need to get you to the hospital. I'm sorry you got hit, I will make sure that never happens again. Let me call security." You waited for his call with the security to end. "They're going to catch him. Y/N, it's all my fault. I'm so so so sorry-" You cut him off by pressing your lips to his. They were plush and velvety, he had kissable lips. At first, he was frozen in shock but after awhile, he began to kiss back with passion. When you broke apart, there was a dazed look in his eyes. "Woah...." The tips of his ears turned red, his face grew hot. "Y/N, I caused you so much misery. Why would you like me? I hate myself for this. Why can't you hate me too? Life would be so much easier," he said, almost absent-mindedly. "Because I like you," you blurted out. "Let's date." "But-" "Guanlin, you care too much. My ex was an asshole, to you too. Yes, he hit me. Yes, no one should abuse anyone, which is why we reported him anyway. Yes, it may take time for me to recover but I hope you can wait for me. I'm sorry I'm a mess," you confessed, blushing. Guanlin's eyes grew as large as saucers. "No! No! Don't apologise. And...if it's you, I'll wait for you. I want to help you recover. I want to be there for you. It must be tough to deal with this." You beamed, tears nearly flowing again. Thank you." "It's what any potential lover would do. Let me know when you're ready for a relationship again, we'll take it as slow as you need it to be. I hate to rush things anyway," he admitted and really, you couldn't ask for anyone more perfect. The walk back was silent after that but really, you communicated in other ways without using words. Guanlin was wonderful, who had scripted this part of the story? It was almost too good to be true. guys, abusive relationships shouldn't be romanticised. It's horrible and mentally tormenting. Please don't go through with one. Leave it immediately. I feel like I kind of romanticised it a bit here and I hate it so much. Please give me feedback and I will gladly take this down if it's too much. Abuse is never okay or something to be taken lightly. If this offends anyone, it will be removed immediately. This was hard for me to write and I truly apologise if is triggering. Let me know, I will take it down.
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