#basically i HATE how directors are held up as the god of film when the reality is oftentimes
sodrippy · 2 years
Could you tell us more about why you hate auteur theory? (I don't really like it either, but I also don't know a lot of 'film nerds' and I'm curious about your thoughts)
hi id love to!
(if anyones not familiar, auteur theory is a film theory from the 50s/60s that posits the director as the central creative force behind a film)
i think i hate it a little less in its original form, where the director often was actually taking on other roles, most prominently as a writer, but even personally editing or shooting their film in some cases, because then they really DO have more creative control overall. plus it was in part a reaction to the commercialisation of film in the west, so in terms of putting creative control back in the hands of the actual creatives behind a film rather than bending to what studios think will make them money, i can get behind auteur theory.
over time though, the term has become so watered down that now it just means the director is god and everyone else is a thoughtless little cog in their machine, which is so disrespectful and so ANNOYING. like, you cannot call the director on some billion dollar movie an auteur bc they dont really do jack fucking shit actually. id say lots of smaller films can still fit into this theory, where an independent director is the one whos come up with the story concept themselves and helped to write the screenplay, and is heavily involved in the editing process and so on, but the bigger a project gets (in my experience) the less true 'control' the director has.
personally, the way i view it is, if the director didn't come up with the story or didn't co-write the screenplay, then they are nothing to me they are just some guy they're not the driving creative force.
as someone who's involved in film myself, the main reason that i hate auteur theory is that its really just so disrespectful to film crews (on set and post) and moreover disrespectful and dismissive of filmmaking as an art form. film is inherently a collaborative art, and even if some people argue 'yeah but the director is the one telling everyone what to do and how to do it' thats such a simplistic take on it. some directors are very specific about what they want, yes, of course, but a lot of times a director will give a brief on what they want, and the relevant department will create the specifics, or they'll say 'right we can do that, but this might be much better' or whatever. filmmaking is a very fluid process as well, and things change all the time, and i think if you think that the director is in charge of it all youre very unfamiliar with how it works. it makes me really cranky when i see people talk about when things go wrong or look bad in films and they immediately blame the dop or (so so SO common) the post production departments, as if its a huge failure on their part. like ok if directors are kings, why dont you blame them for the bad shit too? or do you only think theyre in control when magic happens?
lastly, because i am running late for work now, the whole auteur aura tbh just makes excuses for sloppy work. i just worked on a project with a notoriously Auteur style director, and from what i heard about how he works, being on set is fucking hell. oftentimes when you trust in a director's 'creative vision' you sacrifice discipline and scheduling and lots of other organization that is so crucial to getting a job done on time and with high quality results, bc youre basically just working at the whim of one guy who's more concerned about realizing a singular vision than they are with the practicalities of making a film.
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yoontaethings · 4 years
normal kind of love — jjk (1)
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pairing: jungkook x reader 
rating: explicit
word count: 2.5k
warnings: a lot of cussing and some teasing if you squint, but other than that none really (the warnings will come next chapter lmao)
you’re one half of hollywood’s on-screen it couple. the greatest chemistry known on-screen with the one and only, jeon jungkook, the bane of your existence.
a/n: this was supposed to be a longer chapter but i decided to split it in half to tease potential readers mwahaha btw this chapter is very very unedited, though i did postpone the upload because i had to remove some parts because i just thought the story didn’t need those bits anymore lol but the rest of this story i haven’t even read through yet, i just wrote and wrote and wrote so please excuse any errors (my tenses might also not be consistent but i’ll edit this soon)
taglist: @min-nicoleee @thisartemisnevermisses @ggukkieland @kokoandkookie @somelazysundays
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There was no way.
There was no way in hell they were pairing you up with him. Again.
You were confirmed to be cast as the female lead in the movie before any other characters were casted. They should have chosen a different male lead for this romance film. Heck, even Kim Taehyung, a friend of yours, received an offer for the role and you were certain he planned to take it. Unfortunately for you, even if Taehyung wanted the role, he couldn’t accept it because of scheduling conflict with another film he’s already working on.
Jeon Jungkook, an actor you starred alongside in “Dangerous Illusion”, was just confirmed as the male lead of your upcoming movie “Chosen for Pleasure”. The same man who seemed to make it his life goal to ruin you. After Jungkook was confirmed to play the male lead in your upcoming movie, fans on Twitter have been blowing up about it and made you two a trending topic worldwide. Elated fans mentioned you in their tweets expressing how happy they were to see you two again together. You wish you could say you felt the same.
The previous movie you worked on was a thriller/mystery. You played the part of Jungkook's wife in the film. The film was a blockbuster hit, as a result of the well-thought storyline, yet additionally because of its leads. Fans adored the chemistry between you and Jungkook, regardless of not having a lot of romantic scenes in the film. There were a lot of fans who wanted to see you two on-screen once more, this time, in a romance focused film. Looks like their wishes were coming true.
To add insult to injury, your impending film was going to be an adult romance. It required some steamy scenes that normally didn't trouble you because you were a true professional, yet absolutely irritates you now since you need to do them with Jeon Jungkook.
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The script reading was to be done today and your eyes opened an hour later than the time you set for your alarm because of the fucking snooze button. Seriously, why were snooze buttons even invented? They just allowed people to sleep through their alarms continuously.
Hand reaching for the phone on your nightstand, you knocked over a booklet that was over it. It was the script you spent hours reading to grab a sense of the character you were going to portray. Obviously, you already knew the basics about the part you were going to play, but knowing the entire story helped in portraying your character.
Your eyes squinted at the bright light of your phone that had the numbers 8:33 glaring at you, unlocking it to see a couple of texts and missed calls from your manager.
‘Are you awake yet?’
‘Please don’t tell me you forgot about the script reading today’
‘Ok I know you’re still asleep but just make sure you get ready on time, being late won’t do you and your image any favors’
‘I’ll pick you up at 9’
You rolled your eyes at his messages. You loved Hoseok and he was the best manager you could have been given from your agency, but he nagged too much. He was also your friend and his endless nags made you want to rip your eyeballs out sometimes because even when you’re supposed to unwind with him, he never forgets to remind you of your job.
‘I’m the fucking lead, Hobi, they’ll wait for me’
You slapped your phone back onto the nightstand and started going about with your morning routine. You didn’t have a lot of time, and even though you knew they would definitely wait for you, you hated being that bitch who made people wait so you took a quick shower and slapped on some sunscreen, powder, and finishing off with your go-to lipstick. You didn’t bother with makeup and dressing up. This was just going to be a script reading and sure, there were going to be photos taken but the thousands of dollars you’ve spent on facials and treatments already made sure your face was at least flawless despite the lack of effort.
Bringing only your phone, wallet and script, you exited your building and as usual, a shiny black van already awaited outside. Hoseok was leaning on it, scrolling through his phone when he sensed your presence and looked up.
“Oh, thank god you’re on time.” He exhaled in relief, pocketing his phone.
“I value sleep but you’re well aware I also value my career.”
Hoseok grinned. “Now there’s the y/n I know.” He then slid the van door open and you entered without another word.
The drive was pretty much uneventful, with you scrolling through your social media, seeing what fans have been tweeting about recently and with Hoseok humming along to the random pop music playing.
You longed for a distraction, something much more interesting than working your thumb throughout the drive because of the chasm that you were about to jump into when you arrived on set. You weren’t stupid enough to forget about the man who got the role of your romantic interest in the film. But you were wise enough to not let it haunt you for the past weeks. Now though, you can’t really avoid it anymore since you were supposed to be seeing him in person again after almost 2 years. You didn’t exactly leave on the best terms with Jungkook but who knows, maybe you’ll be able to act civil around each other.
At least you were sure you were going to act civil around him, already decided on taking the higher path. You’re not so sure about him, but fingers crossed he’ll at least be an adult about the situation and pretend he can stand being in the same room as you.
Soon enough, you were entering the room the script reading was to be held in. Bowing and greeting the actors and staff seated around the table as you passed by to get to the last vacant seat. You caught Jungkook’s eyes following your movements as you sat down. Luckily, he was seated across from you and it was easier to ignore his presence with the staff members greeting and coddling you.
As always, script reading began with actors introducing themselves and the role they’re going to play. As the female lead, you started off.
“Hello everyone. I’m y/n y/l/n and I’m going to take on the role of Yuri.” Hands clapped around you as you sat back down.
“Hello, I’m Jeon Jungkook and I’ll be playing Ryan.”
You didn’t bother clapping unlike the rest and avoided the eyes of the voice’s origin.
The script reading continued without a hitch– for the most part. The other cast members were very friendly, and laughter was exchanged during the read. The same couldn’t be said for you and Jungkook though.
When lines between your characters were exchanged, there was a weird tension in the room. It felt like everyone else were holding their breaths and waiting for either of you two explode and announce that you can’t do this film anymore. As dramatic as that would be, none of that happened. Instead, cheesy romantic lines sounded flat and bored from both you and Jungkook. The director made a tsk-ing sound whenever that happened.
“It’s always been you.” You read. The script said that Yuri and Ryan stared in adoration towards each other before Ryan uttered his next words.
“Marry me?” Jungkook asked.
You nodded your head as a wrap for the script reading. According to the script, there was supposed to be a kissing scene at the end, so you make ridiculous smooching noises. The cast burst into giggles before the director stood from his seat.
“…and that’s a wrap!” He clasped his hands together. “Hopefully when we start shooting things only look up from there.” He flitted his eyes between you and Jungkook.
Honestly, you wish that too but from yours and Jungkook’s history, you don’t really think that’s possible.
You were both professionals though and you’re sure you could at least count on him to make the on-screen romance feel real.
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“I’m sorry.” Hoseok said with pity in his eyes.
“Wha- but… why?” You asked, confused with what was happening.
Your part in the new film ‘The Notebook: Remake’ has apparently been withdrawn. As one of the rising stars in Hollywood, this was a really great opportunity for you. It’s one of the most anticipated films and accepting the offer of being the female lead in the movie was a no-brainer. Anyone who refuses that role is just stupid.
But now they were apparently taking it back.
Hoseok sighed. “There were too many scandals surrounding you recently. It doesn’t matter if they’re true or not, but you’ve been seen in hotels that Jeon Jungkook has been in too, and in everyone’s eyes you’re now secretly seeing him.”
“But we’ve never even been seen together in any of those photos. Don’t people know the word fucking coincidence?” Your brows furrowed, fists clenching at your sides. “And what does this have to do with my role in the film?”
“It seems they wanted someone with a ‘cleaner image’ and someone who’ll get the film to be a hit. Apparently, the romance won't be convincing if the female lead is dating someone in real life.”
You stared at Hoseok. He stared back waiting for a lash out, an angry outburst, anything really, but you remained silent, eyes unmoving. Soon enough, the dam doors burst open and the tears suddenly came streaming down your face. Hoseok exhaled and wrapped his arms around you.
“Hobi what did I do so wrong to deserve this?” you sobbed into his chest.
“Shh, it’s not your fault they’re all dumbasses. But you know the industry, y/n. We’ll find better films for you, okay?”
“Why is Jeon Jungkook such a thorn on my side? Why is he always ruining everything for me?”
“We can’t blame him, honey. He’s probably a victim in this too because of those damn rumor outlets.” Hoseok rubbed his hands along your back.
“But I’m getting the short end of the stick! The rumor is probably just feeding his bad boy persona!”
“Life’s unfair, y/n. Surely by now you’re aware of that. Just remember, karma’s going to bite them in the ass someday, okay? For now, do you want to call it a day and go home? I’ll drive you back and I’ll just report to the agency that you’re not feeling well.”
You nod your head, too listless to bother answering with words because there was only one thing on your mind right now.
Fuck Jeon Jungkook and his good looks. He just ruined the best opportunity for you. You were going to get him back for this. Like Hoseok said, karma’s going to bite him in the ass someday. And that karma was going to be you.
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You were supposed to be looking forward to filming one of your dream movies with your dream director. But all you felt was dread when you arrived on set. You promised yourself that you’d stay unaffected to Jeon Jungkook, but you couldn’t help the distaste for him to be left on your face while filming.
The scene you were shooting was when your characters first met and the first takes were a total disaster. You and Jungkook barely spared each other a glance, even when your character was supposed to be enticed by him, breaking down Yuri’s cold exterior. A break was called after the 6th take because the director was so frustrated that he looked like he was about to call the casting director and replace his two leads.
You sighed, not knowing what to do with yourself after the announcement of a break. Your feet led you to your dressing room, ready to pass out on the couch but before you could, someone barged in. Your head turned towards the door, expecting it to be your manager or the director or anyone really, just not the person who currently stood at the doorway.
“Can we talk?” Jungkook asked. Your eyes were suddenly drawn to his biceps which bulged from his shirt as he crossed his arms. The damn arms looked delicious. Too bad they belonged to someone you would never ever be attracted to.
“Sure.” You shrugged your shoulders. You were sure he came here to talk to you about filming and how to work out your indifferences and shit like that and honestly, you were so tired of hating him you’re ready to just go along with whatever. Hating someone actually takes a lot of effort, you realize.
Jungkook stepped towards you until he’s close enough that you had to tilt your head upwards to look at his eyes. His eyes locked on yours for a moment before his arms uncrossed and one of his hands landed on the wall behind you. He successfully caged you in with no way out. His lips part and your eyes are drawn to the movement, feeling his exhales on your nose. You swallowed nervously.
Good lord his breath smelled so good.
“Babe, I’m sure you’re just as thrilled as I am to be working with you again as you are with me, but let’s not mess this up okay? Let’s get this over with perfectly and quickly so we don’t have to deal with each other again after. Deal?” His eyebrows raised in question and you nodded dumbly, unable to form a coherent sentence with how close he was to you.
You felt a sudden rush of heat down there and was mentally cursing the man in front of you for how much he was affecting you. He tilted his head to the side and leaned in closer to your face as if he was about to kiss you then he suddenly stopped, his mouth forming a smirk, taunting you.
That smirk was all it took for you to snap back to reality. No, you were not going to let him take the upper hand here. A burst of confidence surged through you as you leaned closer to him too and allowed your lips to brush lightly against his cheek.
You pulled away, satisfied with how his lips drooped apparently not expecting that. You looked down and there it was, the tenting of his pants that brought a coy smile to your lips. Ha, take that.
You glanced back up at him, your fingers trailing over his thighs. “Aw, didn’t realize you saw me that way Jeon.” You abruptly pulled away and walked out of the room without another word, leaving him hard and defeated.
This is the beginning of his karma, you thought as you grinned to yourself.
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owo-shenanigans · 3 years
Hajime, Korekiyo and Ibuki with a fem reader who’s the ultimate love interest? Basically is really good at being the perfect soulmate both platonically and romantically? I feel like these three would be interesting!!!!
This is so interesting????? Wtf man. Gender ambiguous reader, though I did write this from the perspective of the perfect female love interest at times. It might come across as me dissing your idea and I promise I don't mean it in that way- I just took it in the most interesting way that I could. I loved writing these so, so much- I wouldn’t be opposed to writing more, honestly. If anyone needs a CW or TW on this, let me know please.
Hajime, Korekiyo, and Ibuki with an Ultimate Love Interest S/O
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You were scouted because one of the board members saw you and thought you were the cutest little thing he’d ever seen, and after the board investigated, they saw how everyone you meet can’t help but at least like you as a friend.
When you were told this, you were terrified. These creeps stalked you? For some stupid talent that no one can even quantify?! You were only 15, for god’s sake!
You… Don’t like practicing your ultimate. You try to stay away from the other ultimates, too. You don’t want to brainwash people! Or force them to be your friend!
Hajime came across you hiding in the library from the teacher attempting to make you go to your Talent Development class. He helped you keep a lookout, and, well, your relationship evolved from there.
Contrary to belief, Hajime doesn’t hate ultimates- he hates how the school feels like it only cares about the ultimates and not the reserve course students.
Your relationship develops slowly, and you only tell him your talent after a few months of friendship. How do they even tell you’re the Ultimate Love Interest? So many people have such different standards for their crush… 
You probably confess your feelings to him when they try to take him away for the Kamakura project. You just saw red- first they force you into a little box and pick at any part that isn’t pretty and lovable, and now they want to take one of your only friends away?! Absolutely not. Thankfully (or not), your talent was able to save him from the project- this had the potential to gather more data about your talent, after all, if you have a partner.
Hajime probably helps you study at online school, after you confided that the main course barely taught anything actually useful. What could the Ultimate Love Interest do after high school with no new knowledge and a worthless scrap of paper? The Ultimate Mechanic could open a shop, the Ultimate Nurse work in a hospital- what could you do, write blog posts advocating for deeper characters in dating sims?
You make him reevaluate his perspective on Hope’s Peak, for sure.
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You were a lab grown specimen- the brain baby senior project by a whole group of ultimates, directed by the school directors. Could they create a person who holds the ultimate talent of something so subjective as Love? The students were directed to make an artificial intelligence that could make anyone love it. They were directed to make a body that would make no one unhappy. They were directed to make a creature that no one could hate.
You were born.
From the moment you opened your softly colored eyes, you were consuming data from dozens of the top dating sims, romance novels, online websites- carefully vetted by your parents so as not to corrupt you. You downloaded the latest fashion trends and taught how to make everyone happy without being wishy washy. You were perfect.
Your parents graduated, and weren’t allowed to take you with them. You were dressed in a cute school uniform and directed to act as human as possible- if you were revealed as an AI, the directors would pull you from your classes.
You joined the 79th class, and made fast friends with every one of them. Kokichi liked you because you liked his jokes, Miu liked you because you never made fun of her, Himiko liked you because you defended her lazy personality… Everyone liked you.
A month into the school year, your classmate Korekiyo tapped you on the shoulder and asked to interview you.
He asked you dozens of questions about your talent, how it worked, why you were chosen and why others weren’t. It was stressful. But it was the first time anyone had cared about you, yourself, as a person, and not what you did for them. You were hooked.
You spoke to him every day, unable to help yourself. Korekiyo, for his part, was happy to talk to you. Your classmates grew jealous as you spent less time with them and more with Korekiyo. The directors were confused- had they programmed in the ability to love? Or the emotion of curiosity?
They held off taking you in to examine you- if worst came to worst and you weren’t gathering enough data, they could always pull you out and wipe your memories of him.
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You were human, yes, but sometimes you didn’t feel as if you were.
You were blessed with a beautiful, flawless face, and your body was one in a million. You were scouted to be an actor at the tender age of 12, and your life evolved into one of constant watch, constant judgement, constant etiquette classes and diets and everything to make you the darling of the media. You were quickly dubbed the cutest kid in film, which evolved into the Ultimate Love Interest before you hit the age of 14. Your life wasn’t your own. You weren’t allowed to consume anything that hadn’t been vetted for bad influences, you were severely punished for any words that weren’t kind and sweet.
You were a sweet dream living a nightmare. When the invitation to Hope’s Peak came in, you almost weren’t allowed to go- Hope’s Peak was notorious for not allowing outside influences in unless under strict supervision. What if you were corrupted?! You only managed to go because the paparazzi had seen the Hope’s Peak crest on your mail and raised a media storm about it, crying how the Ultimate Love Interest was attending the esteemed Hope’s Peak Academy.
Your manager was forced to let you go. But not without piling up the lessons even more, to make sure you wouldn’t be ruined.
Your first day at Hope’s Peak, you had a breakdown in your bedroom. Your schedule only had 4 things on the agenda- what were you supposed to do? Your purity would be ruined if you did anything wrong.
That was when Ibuki knocked softly on your door. You had never heard of her- you weren’t allowed to know of uncultured things such as rock music. She had heard you crying and offered to help if she could.
Ibuki became your emotional rock, and she helped you organize a schedule for yourself. Her peppy cheeriness was a stark contrast to your deep neuroticism. The rest of your class didn’t know your issues, but Ibuki helped you slowly look out from the walls that your media assigned talent had built around you.
When the photo of you laughing and smiling with Ibuki broke to the media, she helped you weather the storm that your fans sent, and barricaded your room from your manager when they stormed Hope’s Peak to get you out.
After a year at Hope’s Peak, you lost your talent of Ultimate Love Interest. And with it, you lost the cage that had trapped you within your own mind ever since you were 12.
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evco-productions · 2 years
What John Hughes Got WRONG About High School (Repost from Quora)
Today, I want to talk about John Hughes. Writer, director, and producer of such teen movie classics as Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. My favorite of those three is easily Ferris Bueller—partially because it doesn’t contain any of the negative points I’m going to cover in this episode.
I’m going to talk mostly if not entirely about The Breakfast Club, because it’s the best example of this controversial statement: John Hughes…not actually that great at telling high school stories. Pretty good sometimes, but not great.
What do we see when looking at The Breakfast Club? We see Hughes’s basic beliefs about high school and teenagers come to life. Essentially, his belief was this: there is a multitude of great social and class division among American youth.
Now, I think that by itself is true enough, at least to an extent, but the problem is the way this belief was presented in the movie. The characters in The Breakfast Club are completely black and white…so much so that it’s unintentionally hilarious. This is the nerd, this is the jock, they wouldn’t be caught dead together and that’s that.
I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up, that’s not how it was. Jocks said friendly words to geeks sometimes. Like anyone, they had days where they were in a good mood and felt like being nice for the sake of it. But Hughes seemed to believe this could never happen unless one or both parties had some reward to be gained from the interaction, such as Jake in Sixteen Candles and Allison in The Breakfast Club, who both hope to cross social barriers in order to win someone’s love. It’s particularly frustrating in Breakfast Club, because Allison has to drastically change her appearance for Emilio Estevez to be attracted to her.
It's as though Hughes held such a strong grudge against popular kids from his own teenage years that he hated the idea of anyone who looked like him getting along with someone who looked like them. So he wrote these characters as firm stereotypes, which led me personally to a corrupt approach to social situations for years. For most of junior high and high school, I considered myself “unpopular,” and I latched onto movies like Breakfast Club because I liked the idea that the geeks were the good guys, the underdogs, and all the jocks and cheerleaders were not-so-secretly evil. I’m sure that over the last thirty years, I’m not the only who adopted this mentality.
The fact is, it’s complete bullshit, and John Hughes was obviously a man who never got over a handful of bad encounters from his youth and poured all those unresolved feelings into a lot of his movies. He probably had good intentions, but in the end, he just encouraged the idea of social cliques. I went into high school assuming Breakfast Club was semi-close to reality and I was too naïve to be open-minded to any other interpretation of the high school experience.
Thank God for Dazed and Confused. I almost hate to call this movie a “teen” movie, because I see it more as a movie about the 1970s that happens to focus on teenagers, but regardless, this movie is what high school looks like. The quarterback can have friendly interactions with the geeks, both on and off school grounds, and receive no judgment about it from his friends. Maybe some of these kids aren’t close, but they are acquaintances or associates and this very optimistic movie suggests that that’s good enough for no bad blood to exist.
As much as I worshiped John Hughes for the first half of my teenage years, he was pretty easy to forget about once I realized he was kind of just a guy wallowing in self-pity for like four movies straight. Again, Ferris Bueller is the exception because the characters don’t really spend much time inside the high school and so there’s no opportunity for any of those exaggerated class divisions to be squeezed in. And I suppose Sixteen Candles is cartoonish enough, and division wasn’t the main focus of the film, but Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, and Some Kind of Wonderful are all ridiculous, and I don’t really like those three movies.
Why do I talk about this now? Well, I guess because I don’t want other people to let a movie affect their approach to life like I have in the past. It sounds lame when I spell it out like that, but that is what we do. Entertainment media is constantly fed to us even if we’re not looking for it, and you can’t just let it subconsciously influence your opinions, you need to be analyzing it so you can know if it’s trying to tell you something that isn’t actually true.
At least, it’d be a lot cooler if you did.
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taeslovehandles · 4 years
The commercial - Shortstory
It had been quite a while since Seokjin was able to enjoy his games freely. Play long into the night while trying to win against Yoongi and Jimin that had picked up Teamfight Tactics because of him.
The lockdown was annoying, mostly because the members couldn't see their fans at all, but it also meant more freetime. All the members were finally able to pick up hobbies and activities they hadn't been able to do with their fully packed schedules.
It was great and most of the group actually spend time with their families or meeting friends. Seokjin however played games. A lot of them. All day and all night. He had ordered takeout and drank lots of soda. Taehyung and Jungkook often came by to eat and play together and sometimes Hoseok would visit with cupcakes and new receipts for his Hyung to try.
The year went by quickly and with it came changes. Heavy changes. Sitting all day without exercising and constantly stuffing your face had it's toll. And it was showing.
-Knock Knock-
Nothing. Seokjin didn't hear ithe knock. He was too panicked finding jeans that still fit him.
A shirt landed on Namjoons face.
"Hyung what are you doing in here?!"
"Joonie...Joonie I'm having some issues okay? Look." He pulled his way too tight shirt up to reveal a proud and sagging belly with wide and thick love handles. But the most prominent feature was his wide bubblebutt. It was massive.
"This is a bigger problem that a simple 'Oh' Joonie. These were my fat jeans Joonie. My fat jeans won't go over my thighs!"
That was a problem. But Namjoon couldn't shake the thought away how unbelievably hot his Hyung looked like that. To his demise his reddened cheeks couldn't either.
"Uhm... That is an issue but... I actually came here to ask if you read the group chat for the new schedule?"
"No. As you may have noticed I got bigger problems right now." Massive problems.
Namjoon bit his lips. "Well..."
"What is it?" Seokjin tried once more to get his tight shirt over his belly. It didn't even cover half of it. Good god he really let himself go.
Namjoon rubbed the back of his head. "Well the news you're about to hear won't be good ones then."
"Just tell me already. It can't be worse than this." He gestured to his body as he slightly jumped up and down. Everything jiggled. God Namjoon was glad he was wearing wide sweatpants and a hoodie to cover his erection.
"Well. The company accepted a new agency and we are having a shooting tomorrow for a commercial clip."
"Oh." Now it was Seokjin that said it. His eyes widened as his brain slowly realized what that meant. "Oh my fucking god. This is..."
"Terribly bad. Shit. What am I supposed to do now Joonie!?" Seokjin truly panicked now. He had nothing to wear. How was he even. Fuck.
"They told us to wear suits for the shooting. That's all I know." Namjoons red cheeks were still pronounced on his face. He only eyed Seokjins rare like five times.
"Oh god. I can't wear my suit though?"
"Well-" And Namjoon hated himself for suggesting something that was obvious but he was literally drooling over Seokjins wide ass. "Maybe your suit still fits? You should try it. The fabric is more stretchy. You didn't gain that much." He did. Seokjin looked like a version that ate Seokjin. Each asscheek as big as one curled up Seokjin. No way was the man gonna fit in his old suit. But Namjoon couldn't help himself. He needed to see this.
"No I haven't tried them on yet. Let's see." Rummaging through his closet, Seokjin pulled his black suit out and held it over his body. "And you really think -that- still fits in there?" He grabbed part of his jiggly big butt.
"It might be a bit tight but it should fit." Why was Namjoon like that. It wouldn't fit. Not in a million years.
"Alright then let's try it. Nothing to lose."
A disaster. It had been a disaster. Not only did Seokjin rip the button of his pants but also ripped his entire shirt open at the seams. And if that hadn't been bad enough the poor man also ended up splitting his pants in the process of hunching over to pick up the popped button from the ground, presenting Namjoon with his wonderful underwear. An underwear that had also been too small revealing a big asscrack. Great.
"What am I supposed to do now Joonie?" Seokjins eyes looked teary. He was about to burst into tears.
"Hey shh. It's okay. I know a shop that basically lives off of situations like this."
"People getting too fat for their suits?"
Namjoon pinched Seokjins nose. "No dummy. People that need a custom tailord suit within 24h. I'll call them and we buy you a new one for tomorrow okay?"
Rubbing his nose Seokjin looked hopeful now. "Okay...Thank you Jonnie. You are a life saver."
The suit had been made with ease and Seokjin looked presentable for the shooting the next day. Namjoon had been nice enough to inform the other members about their Hyungs 'weight struggles' and asked them to be scincere as well as to not mention it around him or stare too much.
But it was hard not to stare. The man that entered the shooting was huge. Seokjin had really packed on the pounds this past year. So much that his butt had touched the door frame on both sides slightly. The members did not mentioned his weight gain nor did they stare. At least not when Seokjin was looking.
"Hey guys. Sooo does anyone know what this shooting is for? What commercial are we filming?" Seokjin asks curious but also a bit embarrassed. No one had said anything about his new figure yet. He was glad they didn't but he still felt out of place.
"Hyundai is revealing their new S Class and we will be the new ambassadors for them. It's a huge deal apparently." Yoongi answers.
"Oh. Okay. Cars. No that's. That's cool." Seokjin was starting to sweat. He hadn't sat in a car for a year and didn't know if he would even fit in one anymore.
"Do you know if we-"
"Alright guys. Please come over here and stand infront of the car. I want three of you sitting down and the other four standing around it please." The director yells from across the room.
Standing. Seokjin would definitely stand. He scooted next to Namjoon on the left side of the car to slightly lean against it. Somehow look cooler.
The director looked at them and took some test shots before directing them for multiple different shots. Some with everyone walking toward the camera. Some with units of two to three and Seokjin really thought he would be able to finish this without getting into any uncomfortable situations. He thought that too soon.
"Alright. I will be taking action unit shots now. I want Mr.Kim and Mr.Park for this one please. Just stand next to the car for now please."
Seokjin did as he was told until the director kept rubbing his beard. "Mhmm actually. Can Mr.Kim please sit inside the car and get out after Mr.Park says his line?"
"Sure." Oh god Oh god Oh god no why please. At first Seokjin kept calm. He opened the door and sat inside. Or more so let his heft pull him into the tiny seat. His belly was in the way and he couldn't close the door because of it but the director seemed to like the casual look of Seokjin only sitting halfway in it with his legs outside.
Jimin said his line and then it was over. Seokjin tried to get up and out of the seat but his butt wouldn't budge. He tried again. Nothing.
Jimin whispered. "What are you doing. Get up?"
"I can't." Seokjin whispered back. "I'm stuck." Oh this was a nightmare. How in the world was Seokjin supposed to get out of this with his pride in tact?
"Cut." The director glanced at Seokjin when he spoke more firmly. "Mr.Kim is there a problem?"
"Oh uhm. No. It's just." He laughed akwardly. "You see. I really like this car and I was thinking maybe I could just keep sitting in it for this tape?"
The director cocked his brow as he obviously looked the man up and down.
"I agree!" Jimin came to his rescue. "Wouldn't it be a more dynamic shot if Seokjin keeps sitting and me walking toward him as I say my line? That way the car would be more in the focus." Jimin you smart son of a bitch. Seokjin truly loved his members.
"Mhmm. Alright let's try it!" The director sat back on his chair and Jimin winked at Seokjin before leaving to get ready for his walking scene.
It was a blast. The scene looked good and right after Jimins and Seokjins shot they switched to another car color with Namjoon and Hoseok. This gave everyone else time to figure out how to get Seokjin out of that damn car.
"Wait don't pull on my suit! It's gonna rip!"
"Hyung we need to grab you somewhere though. " Taehyung pouts.
"Yah. Less talking more pushing." Yoongi had climbed onto the front seat and was pushing into Seokjins butt to somehow get him free.
"This isn't working." Jimin states.
"It would work if you'd help me push or pull him." Yoongi was out of breath. But not giving up.
God Seokjin just wanted to disappear into the ground and never come back out again. His members hands were everywhere on him. Squishing his fat without succeeding in getting him out. He had never felt so embarrassed.
It took them 15 minutes until they finally managed to pull him out of the car seat. Unfortunately Seokjin had somehow managed to press one side of his butt against the steering wheel and the hall was filled with a loud honk.
Whoever had been busy and not staring at the members did now. And Seokjin was standing there with his jacket open and a ridden up shirt that revealed his jiggly lover belly as well as wide hips poking out of his pants.
He stood there and laughed akwardly. He had to diet. He'd start tomorrow. Or maybe in a few days.
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myevilmouse · 4 years
Hello dear friend! I was wondering if you might be able to tell me what were George Lucas’s plans for Luke’s future after RotJ? We’ve now seen what the EU had in store and what Disney has done, but I was wondering what did Luke’s creator himself want to happen? I’ve tried looking it up, but there’s not much info I can find. Maybe you can enlighten me? Thank you ever so much! Your account brings me so much joy every single day💗 Take care and may the force be with you!
Hello dear anon!  Thank you for your very sweet note--it brings me joy to know that people find joy in my devotion 💗 💗 💗 
There are a few separate places where I have heard things about George's intentions for Luke post-ROTJ, so I will info dump a little.  I've read the Rinzler books and watched so many "Making Of" things that I may not be able to name all my sources, BUT here's what I consider the most important one and I promise I didn't make it up:  I read somewhere that Lawrence Kasdan (scriptwriter) wanted to kill someone in ROTJ, and the director was on board.  Kasdan wanted it to be Han Solo, and Lucas veto'd it, and so they were pushing for Lando to die nobly or something instead.  Marquand and Kasdan thought if one of the main heroes bit the dust, it would give a more high stakes and epic aspect to the films.  And Lucas was adamantly against it, and said something along the lines of "these characters have earned their happy ending" and forbade them to kill any of the good guys in ROTJ.  Thank god.
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The next clue we have of Lucas protecting Luke's happy ever after was when Del Rey was wanting to kill off a major character to sell their latest installment in the New Jedi Order book series, Vector Prime (1999).  They asked Lucas (who still had creative control at that point) if they could kill Luke.  His response was to provide a list of characters they could not kill.  Of course our Jedi was on that list.  As he had said before, the trio deserved their happy ending.  Sadly, Chewie wasn't on that list, and once again our medal-deprived Wookiee was given the short end (and in this case, lethal) end of the stick.  So they killed him in that book, much to the anger of fans all over.  *kicks EU for the injustice*  Apparently Lucas was OK with Chewbacca's demise, when the story editors double-checked to be super sure, as long as he went out "heroically," which he did, saving Han & Leia's youngest child by sacrificing himself.
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It should be noted that when George Lucas sold the rights to Lucasfilm to Disney, apparently he also threw in outlines for his envisioned sequel trilogy.  I have read somewhere that he was (unsurprisingly) very disappointed to find that Disney was basically throwing all his ideas out, and none were incorporated in TFA.  A shame, but it does seem that Lucas' plans for a sequel trilogy were going to be much more cerebral and meta than what most people would have expected.  While I would have been super happy with an Heir to the Empire film, Lucas has spoken about his dream for the sequels in this excerpt from James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction:
“[The next three Star Wars films] were going to get into a microbiotic world. But there’s this world of creatures that operate differently than we do. I call them the Whills. And the Whills are the ones who actually control the universe. They feed off the Force… If I’d held onto the company I could have done it, and then it would have been done. Of course, a lot of the fans would have hated it, just like they did Phantom Menace and everything, but at least the whole story from beginning to end would be told.”
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This makes sense, if you go look at the earliest drafts of Star Wars--the Journal of the Whills.  Lucas even had midichlorians in the back of his brain, since the beginning.  I can't imagine what those films would have looked like, but we can be confident Luke wouldn't have been given a character assassination ;)No one had so much love and life invested into Star Wars as George Lucas, so when TFA came out and he was reportedly disappointed (per Bob Iger's memoir), that wasn't unexpected.  Still lots of people felt his absence at the world premiere of TROS was a deliberate refutation of Disney's "canon", and I don't blame him one bit, not after TLJ, how could he trust them with Luke, his noble heroic creation and personal avatar?
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(probably what Mark’s face looked like after reading TLJ-script)^^
Mark Hamill has spoken in interviews about what he thinks Lucas wanted for Luke--notably training Leia in the sequel to ROTJ as a Jedi, that is one point, which would fit in just fine with the EU, the microbiotics, and Legends.  He also said Lucas wanted to kill Luke in the final film (Episode 9).  Not sure that is true, given the other evidence to the contrary, but it seems to me that if Lucas did want to "end" Luke's story with a death, he only trusted himself to do it correctly, otherwise he would have let Del Rey knock him off in the Legends-verse.
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(Mark and George discuss how Luke is never gonna give any Jedi up, never gonna let them down, never gonna run around and desert his friends!)
TL;DR  George Lucas wanted Luke to live happily ever after!!! 
And May the Force Be With You too, Anon, always.
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forever-your-soldat · 5 years
Worth It
Anon: “love your writing! can i request reader being in love with brie for years now and she’s been there for her in every relationship and heartbreak that she goes through but now that they’re both single, reader takes a chance ☺️“
Just to remind you, this is all fictional. I just made everything up.
Warning: mentions of homophobia
Word count: 3,318
Being an internet celebrity, Y/n thought that life might be just a bit easier for her. She started as a youtuber, creating covers and visiting random places before she started going on tours and the number of her fans skyrocketed over the years.
Her connections to people, along with her talents, became the door she needed before people from big industries started contacting her. She showed up in a few shows and movies before she gradually made a name for herself in acting. She still kept her channel updated, but it was never really the same anymore due to her schedules.
But that was how she met Brie. After they were both introduced to each other, the pair instantly hit it off and basically became attached to the hip. Brie was very much thrilled to have met Y/n after she watched some of her videos, stating that she was a fan and Y/n ended up laughing as she admitted that she was a fan of Brie’s.
Since then, they were texting and calling almost everyday.
Breaks on set? Either one of them would be on the phone if they weren’t together.
Free day? People would see them together in some restaurant, carnival, movie, or anywhere they had planned to hang out.
They told each other everything, talking about crushes, their jobs, everything.
But one thing Y/n has yet to tell her best friend was her sexuality and the fact that she had started to fall in love with her.
The first time she had started to feel differently was during one of their sleepovers. They were both just laying in bed, talking about the most random things and she found herself just watching the blonde as she rambled about her dreams.
At first, she shook it off, thinking that it was plain admiration toward the other, but as time passed by, she figured that it wasn’t the case.
The first time she realizes that she does, in fact, have a crush on Brie, was when the blonde went to surprise her while she was busy filming for a movie.
She was so surprised at the sudden appearance of her friend that she ended up feeling flustered and tumbled over her lines. The director dismissed it with a laugh, allowing them to take a break and Y/n walked up to her.
“What the hell are you doing here?” She asked and Brie gave her a small pout. “Aww, come on. Am I not allowed to see my best friend?” She teased and Y/n rolled her eyes as she finished drinking from her water bottle.
“A little heads up would have sufficed.” She stuck her tongue out and Brie laughed at her before hugging her tight. “I’m sorry. It’s just been a week but I really missed you.” She admitted and it was enough to make Y/n’s heart skip a beat.
“You are so clingy. I wonder how you even survive without me.”
“That’s the thing. I can’t because I need you.”
She ignored the way her heart fluttered and just laughed it off before she went back to do her work.
The first time Y/n realizes that she was in love was when Brie had introduced her to a man named Patrick. He seemed nice, but for some reason, it made Y/n’s stomach churn when she found out they were dating but she forced herself to be happy for her best friend.
“Come on, Y/n! I want you to meet someone.” Brie exclaimed as they weaved through the sea of people.
“I’m not going anywhere. What’s your hurry?” She laughed before they finally stopped and her eyes soon fell on the guy.
“This is my best friend, Y/n. Y/n, this is Patrick, my boyfriend.” As soon as the words escaped her mouth Y/n’s heart sank, but she was able to brush it off and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you!” She told him.
It took a while for her to adjust. Brie had started to spend less time with her a few weeks after that. Of course, she didn’t want to think about it, but then she had come to terms that it just wouldn’t happen.
Brie was straight, and Y/n had just fully accepted her sexuality, so she decides to take her time in exploring it.
But when her best friend came to her one night, face covered in tears, she didn’t hesitate in pulling her into her home and secured her into her arms, soothing her and letting her speak until she had nothing left to say.
By the end of the night, Brie had fallen asleep in Y/n’s embrace and she could only wonder when those feelings of hers would just go away.
As it turns out, it didn’t.
Even as years passed, Y/n had only grown deeper in love with the blonde and she’s terrified that it won’t ever go away. She watched as Brie went into relationships with all these guys. She would befriend them for the sake of her best friend.
But as soon as they break up, Y/n is gathering Brie into her arms, spending weeks and months to help pick up the pieces of her heart until Brie is back to herself and the cycle continues.
Only this time, it was different. Brie’s current boyfriend, Alex, had gone to Y/n for help and as soon as he asks, Y/n is stood frozen while the male explains his plans of marrying Brie.
“Do you think this will be okay?” He questioned her and Y/n had to take in a deep breath before she had plastered on her best smile and nodded. “I’m absolutely sure. She loves you a lot, and I can see that you do, too.”
Alex grinned widely at her before hugging her tight. “Thank you so much. I’m glad Brie has you as her best friend.” He told her before Y/n watched him leave her house and drive off.
It didn’t take that long before the whole world found out about their engagement and Y/n felt her heart break, but she held on, smiling as she went out in public, but crying as soon as she was in the safety of her own home.
It was a year after the engagement and Y/n turned back to her channel, smiling yet nervous as she took in a deep breath.
“How is everyone doing today?”
When the following day, her phone had been ringing endlessly and when she saw the messages on her phone, she saw the amount of people that have been talking about her latest video.
She was about to check it out, but there was an urgent knocking on her door and she wonders who it was, not expecting to have visitors. Quickly, she made herself seem presentable before the door opened and Brie came bursting in, eyes wide as she looked at her best friend.
“Brie? What are you do-”
“You’re gay?”
Y/n blinked dumbly at her and slowly nodded her head. “I, yeah. Why?” Even though she was internally panicking, she was calm on the outside, unsure with how the other would react.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Brie asked, sounding hurt as Y/n rubbed her head. “Well, you see, it isn’t really that easy.” She muttered with a sigh before Brie pulled her in a bone crushing hug.
“You could have told me, Y/n. But, god, I’m so proud of you.” She told her and Y/n smiled before hugging her back. “Thank you.” She whispered, and though she knew she could never have her the way she wanted, she was happy knowing that she had her as her best friend.
Though another year passed and Y/n was confused when Brie had asked her to come over. The text was plain and simple and it worried Y/n to no end that she almost ran out of the venue of her shoot when they were done just to get to the other.
As soon as she arrived, she was panting after running from her car and up the steps to Brie’s door. “I’m here!” She huffed, hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath that Brie ended up laughing when she pulled her inside.
“What’s the problem? Who do I have to beat up?” Y/n asked as she finally stood straight and Brie rolled her eyes at her dramatics before she gestured for her to sit down
“The wedding is off.”
Those four words caused Y/n to blink repeatedly at the blonde. She looked so calm and casual about it. Why though when she seemed so excited about it the two years prior?
“I’m sorry, what?” She asked incredulously and Brie bit her lip as she leaned back. “It’s just... I don’t know. Things were going great but then it started to become... forced?” It was more of a question and Y/n furrowed her brows. “Who called it off?” She asked carefully.
She didn’t even seem bothered by it as she spoke. “I did.”
Y/n ran her fingers through her hair, nodding as she tried to think of any possible reason for it when Brie suddenly spoke again. “He was insulting you. He kept telling me that he didn’t really want me to be too close to you anymore and even asked me if I was sure of inviting you to the wedding.”
Now that, she wasn’t expecting. Alex didn’t even seem to be the type and she thought that they had actually formed a nice friendship.
“I couldn’t just let him talk to you like that. We had a fight and then things just ended.” Brie went on and Y/n felt a bit bad. “You shouldn’t have done that, Brie.”
The blonde only stared at her in surprise. “What are you talking about?” She asked her and Y/n lifted her gaze from the ground. “Brie, you shouldn’t have called off the wedding. You guys were so happy.” She told her and the other scoffed.
“I’d rather use a photon blast on him if I could than to marry him. Y/n, I wouldn’t marry someone who talks about you like that!” Brie threw her hands in the air. “He was worried.” Y/n tried to say.
“He was narrow minded.” Brie shot back then shook her head. “I honestly couldn’t handle the way he would talk about you and everything else. So don’t try and convince me otherwise.” She stated and Y/n sighed in defeat before she shook her head. “Fine.”
And things were back to normal between them.
When Brie had to go and meet with the Avengers cast, she would often invite Y/n to come with her and they’d gotten closer. Sometimes people catch them and ask if they were together, but they were able to shoot those rumors down. Though Brie had gotten a bit upset because there were people that would be hating on Y/n simply because they think she’s stealing Brie from her boyfriends.
The person to figure out about Y/n’s feelings for the blonde happened to be Robert. He saw them the first time Y/n appeared with Brie and he was quick to pick up on the way she acted around the actress.
“So, are you two together?” Y/n looked confused as she tilted her head at the man. “What?” He gave her a knowing look then tipped his head in Brie’s direction. The actress’ face turned a bright red and she cleared her throat. “Um, no. We’re just really close.” She told him.
Robert wasn’t all too convinced as he hummed thoughtfully. “Well, you both do look like a great couple. But I’m guessing you’re afraid with the whole “she’s straight” thinking?”
Y/n seemed surprised but she nodded in response before looking down at her hands. “She’s only ever seen me as her best friend. Even if she ever did start liking girls, I’m not exactly the person she would be dating.” She explained and he scoffed lightly. “You look like the best partner for her.”
“I’ve seen bits of you two in articles and pictures. You treat her better than any guy should treat his girlfriend. You’re always there and honestly, I think you’re soulmates based on the information I know about you both.” He chuckled that it made Y/n crack a smile.
“Thank you.” She told him and he patted her back. “It’s nothing. Just something I’ve learned before. Sometimes the love of your life won’t be your soulmate, and that’s okay because you’ll be in for something greater.”
Y/n felt a little bit better after that and she was able to breathe without worrying about her feelings for the other.
Brie was able to notice the change. Y/n was happier, calmer, than before and she found herself smiling whenever she saw the woman and would then walk over to her. And being Y/n, she would instantly wrap her arms around her waist and pull her against herself. Whenever they went out, they were always holding hands and it all just felt so natural for them.
Though along the way, Brie finds herself thinking more about the other actress and she’d catch herself smiling for no particular reason. Whenever Y/n would be gone for long periods of time, she would end up missing her and start pestering her for video calls.
At first, Y/n was’t sure how to take it. But eventually, she allowed herself to simply love Brie no matter the fact that they wouldn’t be together.
When Y/n finally came back from Asia, Brie was waiting excitedly for her at the airport. When she saw her, she was running and jumping into her arms, not at all minding the paparazzi and fans that had crowded around them.
“I missed you so much!” She exclaimed and Y/n had to laugh as she rubbed her back. “Yes, I know. You wouldn’t stop asking me when I’d be home.” She reminded her as Brie took her hand and they started walking out of the airport.
“I can’t help it. Not having you around for six months?” The blonde huffed and made the other roll her eyes. “You’re honestly helpless without me.”
“At least you know that I need you.”
Y/n would just smile at the familiar words and shake her head as they finally made their way to her house and Brie would constantly ask her about her time away, finding it amusing as Y/n would tell her all about the fun things she did.
Y/n freshened up when they got to her house and Brie waited for her in her room. She’s not been there for a long while so she was able to see the news things Y/n had in her room.
She smiled at the pictures that were on the wall. Y/n loved collecting pictures, books, and vinyls. She ended up with a shelf for those but the pictures were everywhere on the walls and bedside table.
Though she did stop as she saw a picture of the two of them and she giggled at the memory. It was during their first movie together. Both had fallen asleep while waiting for their turn to film and one of their friends took a picture of them cuddling together.
After that, she just started to relive all the times they spent together until she just sat on the bed, holding up the most recent picture that they had. It was during the Endgame premier. Robert wanted to take a picture of them, pretending like he was one of the photographers. But she never really got the chance to see the picture and she didn’t know that Y/n had a copy of it.
It was simple, just the two of them, smiling at each other. She lightly traced it with her index finger and she wonders what Y/n must have been thinking because her smile on that picture just made her look so content and happy.
“You know, it’s bad to snoop.” Y/n voice reached her ears, but she just kept staring at the picture. “Since when have I been one to be nice?” She countered playfully as she heard Y/n approach the bed then looked at the picture as well, instantly bringing a smile to her face when she did.
“You look really happy here.” Brie commented when Y/n laid next to her. “I’m always happy with you.” Y/n mumbled as she cocked a brow and Brie set the photo down before she laid next to Y/n and faced her.
“What are you thinking about that makes you happy?” She couldn’t help but ask and Y/n stared back at her with a small smile on her face. “Well, there’s always you.” She murmured and Brie smiled slightly. “What about me?”
Though she was scared of how this would end up, Y/n thought back on what Robert told her before she bit her lip and started to say what she’d kept locked up in her mind and heart for so long. “Well, I think you’re really stupid.” She chuckled, earning a playful slap on the arm.
“You’re horrible.” Brie giggled and Y/n just laughed before she shook her head.
“You’re honestly the best person I’ve ever met. You’re kind, caring, beautiful, and smart. You’ve been my best friend for all these years and  accepted me when I thought I would be shunned by the whole world.” She told her before licking her lips as she tried to think and Brie waited for her.
“You are at every high and low in my life and it terrifies me sometimes because it’s like I’m going to lose you one day.” She admitted. “But then again, it makes me happy, knowing you’re there for me when I need you. And with all that’s happened to us for all these years...”
She felt her heart start to race as she made up her mind. “You’ve made me unbelievably happy and just let me be comfortable as me. I’ve loved you so much and it just kept scaring me that once you find out, my fears are going to end up coming true.”
Brie was caught off guard by her confession. She didn’t really think that Y/n would have actually harbor feelings for her, but she did. And for some reason, hearing that caused her heart to skip a few beats.
“How long?” She whispered and Y/n looked her straight in the eyes. “When you told me about Patrick.” She answered firmly and Brie’s eyes softened before she lifted herself slightly, using her arm to support her head.
“Y/n that was...” Y/n smiled at her as she nodded her head. “I know.”
“And when Alex proposed...”
“I helped him.”
Hearing that made her feel bad all of a sudden. “If you did love me... then why?” That was the most vulnerable Brie has ever seen Y/n and she felt her eyes well up in tears.
“You loved him.” She said simply. “You were so happy together and you were both in love.” She murmured. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Y/n was quiet for a while, trying to think of what to say before she chuckled and looked at Brie with the most gentle gaze she’s ever seen.
“Because, I realized, you’re happiness will always be above mine.”
When she saw the tear that slipped from her eyes, Y/n lifted her hand and carefully wiped it away. And before she could pull back, Brie caught her hand and kept it there before she pressed their foreheads together.
“Alex was the love of my life.” She mumbled, her yes scanning Y/n’s. “But he turned into someone else that eventually I didn’t know him anymore.” She continued, squeezing Y/n’s hand before she released a shaky breath and Y/n remembers Robert’s words.
“Sometimes the love of your life isn’t going to be you soulmate.” She whispered and Brie smiled at her.
“I didn’t need the love of my life.” She told her.
“I needed my soulmate.”
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xtrashmammalstefx · 5 years
Ocean Eyes (Douglas Booth x Reader SMUT!)
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WARNINGS: Smut, cursing, mild trigger warning
You know sometimes it’s a good thing to have a friend who can be goofy to the point where he’s a dumbass; it just means he’s willing to do anything to put a smile on your face.
For me that friend is Kells. 
We basically grew up together. He knew me better than anyone else in the world, and honestly, I can’t picture my life without the doofus. We were each other’s first kiss (it was during a game of spin-the-bottle and frankly we didn’t want that moment to happen with anyone else) and first sexual experience (I didn’t trust anyone else with my virginity and thankfully he felt the same). 
We are as close as friends can get but nothing more. For us just being in each other's lives is enough. Especially when things get hard. 
Unfortunately, while we got to know each other physically and emotionally well we also got to know each other mentally. I helped get Kells through poverty, depression, stress, and drug use while he helped me through depression, and suicidal thoughts. We were fucked up and we bore witness to that too many times to count. 
So no matter how hard I tried to downplay my dark thoughts (because I hate worrying him when he has other stuff on his plate) I could never bullshit him.
Hence why I was on the set that fateful day.
I’d had a shit-tastic day a couple days before and that night he called me just as I was about to break down. 
“Hey Kells,” I said trying (and failing) to put on a happy voice.
“Uh oh I know that voice,” he said. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I said. You know like a fucking liar. “It’s just been a real long day. I’m exhausted.”
“Uh-huh, and what makes you think I’d buy that bullshit?” Dammit, I groaned internally.
I sighed and finally broke; tears erupting from my eyes. I told him everything. How I caught my boss with his grubby hands in my tip jar and how when I confronted him he said I could always earn my tips back and proceeded to grab me by my ass. I told him how I was close to losing my apartment because the rent is a bitch and a half to pay. I told him how I was tired of everything and just wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and never wake up. 
I blubbered and he, like the beautiful man he is, swooped in to save me.
“Okay here’s what’s gonna happen ‘cause I’m fuckin’ tired of this shit,” he began. “You’re gonna come to set tomorrow.”
“I have work genius,” I said.
“Yeah you do baby girl,” he said. “With me. Fuck waitressing, and fuck that piece of shit boss who’s lucky I ain’t there to beat his ass. You’re gonna come here and help me out on set, and when the time comes you’re gonna join me in the studio and on tour. You love music don’t you?”
“More than anything in the world but Kells…”
“No buts baby girl. Oh and Imma take care of your apartment,” he added.
“Honestly Kells you don’t have t⸺.”
“Yeah I fuckin’ do!” he said. “You’re my best friend Y/N, my homie for life. I fuckin’ love you y’ know? It’s not fair that after all the times you’ve taken care of me I haven’t done the same.”
“You’ve done plenty,” I said.
“Nah. Nah baby girl I haven’t. Now let me take care of you before I send Slim, Dub, and Rook down there to kidnap your ass,” he said. “I’m booking you a flight right now and your ass better be on it.”
He booked the flight and made me swear on my momma not to go back to that shitty ass diner again. I swore I wouldn’t and I didn’t. Mostly because I wasn’t lying when I said I was tired of everything.
Two days later I’m making my way to his trailer. I got in the night before and was still pretty jet-lagged but I fucking needed my dude. 
I knocked on the trailer door and an older man answered. One I recognized from years of obsessing over eighties rock and hair metal. 
“You must be Colson’s girl,” Tommy smiled.
“Y-yeah, well sort of...um…” I said oozing fangirliness. “I’m Y/N.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m Tommy Lee,” he said stepping aside to let me in.
“I know,” I said a little too enthusiastic.
“Man she pretty much has like every record yall ever made,” Kells said from his hair and make-up chair. 
“What? You do!” he said before he stood up and scooped me up in his arms. “I missed you baby girl.”
“I missed you too,” I said squeezing him back. He then let me go and stood a couple feet away. 
“So what do you think?”
“You look…” I gave him a once over. He had on a long dark wig and makeup which made him insanely glam. “Fuckin’ hot!”
“Dude you’re me of course you are,” Tommy said.
“I promise you once this movie is released there are going to be a lot more girl wanting your dick,” I added. 
Kells laughed. “I’m not so sure about that baby girl. Pretty sure if any of us is getting the honies it’s gonna be Doug.”
“Doug?” I asked.
“He’s playing Nikki,” Kells said.
“And he’s doing a fine job of putting the real man to shame,” Tommy said just as Nikki and a younger man decked out in Motley attire entered the trailer.
“Well fuck you too Tommy,” Nikki said.
“Relax dude you know I love you more,” Tommy said kissing Nikki’s cheek. 
“Yeah yeah,” said the dark wild-haired man. “I’m Nikki by the way.”
“I know,” I said again with a little too much enthusiasm. “I’m Y/N.”
“So you’re the one he never shuts up about,” Doug said. “Funny he never mentioned how perfectly stunning you are.”
Those words with that accent were just too fucking powerful. 
“Damn Doug that even turned me on,” Kells teased. 
“It’s-uh-nice to meet you, Doug,” I said. “Loved you in ‘Worried About the Boy’ by the way.”
“Oh-um-thank you,” he said. 
“Yeah baby girl wouldn’t stop drooling over you bro,” Kells said.
“KELLS!” I snapped at him.
“Just helping a homie out,” he said.
“You were pretty stunning as Boy George I’ll give him that,” I said.
“Nowhere near as stunning as you, I’m afraid. Pretty bird,” Doug said staring at me with his insanely hypnotic ocean eyes. No lie I could hear Billie Eilish singing in my head just looking at them.
“Okay, we get it you wanna fuck. You can stop flirting now,” Kells said.
“Shut up,” I snapped at him.
From that moment everything seemed to fall into place. 
The movie was filmed over the span of a couple months or so and Kells made damn sure I was there for every moment of it. Smooth talker even convinced the director to put me in as an extra during some of the scenes. I got along well with the rest of the cast and even had to contain the fangirl in me once again when I met Iwan (hey he may have been a massive dick but Ramsay was one dick I would gladly ride all throughout Winterfell). He was sweet about it though and quickly became one of my best friends. The same with Daniel.
As for Doug well...he was a different, more interesting story. 
He made it his goal to ensure I always had company. If I were on the sidelines handling Kells’s phone or looking over new song lyrics he came up with Doug (if he could) would come and sit by me. He would talk with me and smile at me making those ocean eyes of his shine to the point where I could hardly look away. If I was in a scene he would sneak a glance at me making me sneakily throw death glares at him so he’d know if he was close to fucking up a scene. We created this balance, this...harmony I guess you can say. Everything felt right when we were together, and I could only hope he could feel it too.
Hell, I even remembered what it was truly like to smile…
“Oh my god just tell him already baby girl,” Kells said one day. We were situated at a hotel and he was due to film the scene where Tommy runs around like a maniac wearing nothing but a leopard printed thong. Which he now wore under an open robe. 
“Tell him what Kells?” 
“Why you gotta bullshit me, babe? You know you can’t so why bother?”
“Remind me why I’m still friends with you?”
“Because you love me and your beautiful god-daughter too much to ever leave us,” he said. “And because we love you too much to let you go.” He then tucked a piece of his wig behind his ear. “That’s beside the point though. You are clearly fallin’ hard for Doug and he is clearly way into you.”
“Yeah...right,” I scoffed at the idea. Doug was a great guy, and perfect...far to perfect to get mixed up in…
“Yo, don’t even do that right now baby girl,” Kells said, elbows on his knees now. 
“Do what?”
“Belittle yourself like that,” he said. “That ain’t the Y/N I know. That bad bitch would never think so low of herself or deny herself what makes her happy. So why it gotta be like that?”
I sighed. “I just...I’m trying to spare us the pain I know is coming. I want to spare us the moment when he realizes I’m crazy and decides he doesn’t want that shit in his life and leaves. Is that so horrible? For me to spare us all that?”
“Yeah, it is. ‘Cause you’re not crazy,” Kells said.
“You of all people know that isn’t true,” I said.
“You’re not fucking crazy a’ight? And Doug...he would NEVER do something that fucked up,” Kells said. “Especially to you.”
“I thought the same about my ex’s,” I muttered.
“Yeah well, I told you they were dicks from the get-go. Doug though...he’s different. He loves you.”
“He is something gorgeous I ain’t gonna lie. Especially inside…”
“You see that’s why I love the idea of you two gettin’ together. That crazy beautiful smile on your face is outta this world,” Kells said smiling at me. 
“Fine I’ll have a little chat with him soon,” I said waving the proverbial white flag as we made our way out the door.
“Of course,” I said. “Do me a favor though?”
“Name it.”
“Next time you wanna have a serious talk with me how ‘bout you do it when you’re not wearing that,” I motioned at the thong. 
He laughed. “You know you love it.” He wiggled his hips while holding up the robe. 
“Careful there cowboy you’re close to having a ball slip,” I teased.
He shrugged. “Nothing you haven’t seen before.”
I rolled my eyes and followed him to where we were supposed to meet up with the rest of the cast. 
Doug greeted me first with a hug and kiss to the forehead. He held me still as I lost complete control and pecked him on the lips. He was shocked (in fact I’m pretty sure they all were) but kissed back gently. All around us the guys cheered and wolf-whistled (ten guesses as to who did the latter). 
Blushing I pulled back. “Damn that some good lipstick you have on. Shit didn’t smear at all.” 
“Who says I’m wearing lipstick? Maybe you just make my lips blush,” he said.
“Or maybe your make-up girl knows how to recognize the high-end stuff from the cheap Walgreens shit,” I laughed. 
It was like that for the rest of the day.
That night I had a hard ass time trying to sleep. I was so wired and my brain so awake and excited with thoughts of Doug. I decided maybe a walk around the hotel would help clear my head.
The guys and I had rooms on the same floor and from what I could tell they were all sound asleep. If there is a God may he watch over my angels tonight. I silently prayed as I made my way down the hall. When I reached Doug’s room though I stopped in my tracks. There were noises.
“Hey Y/N would you like to maybe accompany me to dinner sometime? No...no I sound like a twat. Y/N, my love, would you like to… No, too posh. Come on Doug you can do this. You were fucking Romeo for fuck's sake!.. ‘Sup Y/N. I was thinking maybe…” He groaned. “I sound like a bloody wanker. God this is impossible.”
I had to fight back a laugh. Like seriously I thought only high school guys in movies did this sort of thing. It was pretty sweet though I have to admit.
I knocked on the door just as he started trying another line. “Doug, you awake?”
He answered the door wearing nothing but boxers (it was a pretty hot and humid night in Georgia). “Hey-uh-what are you doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep. Mind if I hang here for a bit?”
“No, not at all,” he said stepping aside to let me in. “I was just-uh-.” He cleared off his copy of the script from the bed and sat down. “Practicing tomorrows scene.”
“Dude relax. There’s no need to be nervous around me,” I said leaning against a chest of drawers directly across from where he sat. “If anything I’m the one that should be nervous.”
“What? Why?”
“Because I know what it’s like,” I said nervously. “Watching someone you care about walk away and never come back because your issues were just too much for them.”
“I wouldn’t walk away from you,” he said. “I can’t…”
I sighed. “You know what I’m sorry. I, um, shouldn’t have unloaded all that on you,” I said. 
“No, I’m glad you did,” he said. “I love that you trust me enough to be able to talk with me about it. And I’d like it if you talked with me more.”
“Really?” My heart took off like Kells’s drums. Doug nodded looking up at me with his ocean eyes. My grandfather once told me that the sun reflects in the ocean and the ocean looks on because no one knows the sun better than he. That’s how I felt right then with Doug looking at me as though I were his sun. “Weird.”
“We’ve only known each other for a short time and yet it feels like you’re as much a part of me as I am of you.”
Doug blushed and looked down. “You’ll always be apart of me.”
I pushed off the drawers and stepped closer to him. I placed one hand on his shoulder and the other on his cheek lifting his face so he could look at me. I brushed my nose with his before connecting our lips. He kissed back wrapping an arm around me and pulling onto his lap. 
I grinded my heat against his covered length we continued to kiss and touch. Doug slowly moved his lips from my mouth to the skin of my neck. He kissed and sucked on it as his hands slid up my shirt. I pulled back and raised my arms so he could lift it off. He did and tossed it aside before bringing his lips to my breasts. 
“You’re so beautiful, love,” he said between kisses. “So beautiful.”
He hardened beneath me as I kept grinding. Eventually, after he kissed every inch of my breasts, he wrapped his arms around me, picked me up and placed me on the bed. 
He trailed kisses down my stomach until he grasped the waistband of my shorts. I lifted my hips a little and he pulled them off. He brought his mouth down to my heat sending a tingle up my spine. He kissed and sucked on me until I was practically writhing beneath him. “D-Doug I…”
My body tensed up and I released. Happy with the result he moved back up and brought his lips to mine. As we kissed I reached down and tugged at the waistband of his boxers. He knew what I wanted and helped slide them off, tossing them aside with my clothes. His length smacked my thigh, hard and thick. It made me hunger for him.
He grew nervous then. “I-uh-didn’t pack any condoms.”
“It’s okay,” I pecked him on the mouth. “I trust you.”
His body trembled as he reached down and lined himself up with my entrance. “I love you,” he muttered before pushing in. We both moaned loudly as he stretched me and filled me up.
“I love you too,” I whispered clinging to him as he gave me a moment to adjust. After a while, I gave him the okay to move. He did so gently. Thrusting as though he was afraid he would break me.
After a while, I was anything but gentle. When his thrusts picked up the pace a little the feeling was so intense I dug my nails into his back. He groaned but kept at it. My left hand then traveled downward not stopping until it grasped his perfectly round ass cheek. This caught him off guard and with a groaned he thrust right into my sweet spot.
I moaned so loud it was almost a scream and started feeling the tension build up again.
The tension grew and grew. My toes curled and I felt myself tighten around him. Suddenly it was like something inside me snapped. I moaned so loudly I hoped no one was awoken by it, as I covered Doug’s length in my juices. 
Doug’s thrusts became sloppy until with an equally loud, “FUCK! Uh, uh…” he painted the inside of me with his seed. His body trembled as he emptied himself inside me. 
Afterward, he collapsed beside me and enveloped me in his arms. 
I woke up the next morning sore and in bliss. Doug was beside me still slumbering with his arm draped over my stomach. I was about to nudge him awake when someone started knocking violently on the door.
“YO LOVEBIRDS WE’RE DUE AT THE POOL IN TEN!” Kells shouted from the other side of the door, arousing Doug from his sleep.
“YOU AND DOUG ARE LOUD AS FUCK! DO YOU KNOW THAT?!” Iwan shouted slightly annoyed. 
I cringed so hard as Doug chuckled beside me.
“SORRY!” Doug and I shouted back at the same time. 
“Jinx you owe me a shag,” Doug said getting on top of me.
“That’s not how it goes babe,” I laughed.
“I know,” he said kissing my swollen lips. “Still want a shag though.”
“Maybe later when they’re not spying on us,” I said.
“LATER SOUNDS GOOD!” Kells answered for Doug.
“Honestly I dunno how you survived all these years with him,” Doug said getting out of bed. 
“With great difficulty and weed,” I said following him to the bathroom. We took a quick shower, barely managing to not go for round two right then and there, and got dressed (Doug loaned me some clothes so I would have to double back to my room). Once we were ready we opened the door to reveal our three idiots waiting in the hall with stupid smiles plastered on their faces.
“Dude I’m only gonna say this once. She was and is my homie first. So if you hurt her I won’t hesitate to kill your ass,” Kells said staring down the much shorter Brit. “Deal?”
“Trust me if I hurt her I’ll kill my fucking self and spare you the trouble mate,” Doug said. 
Kells relaxed then and smiled. “Welcome to the family bro.”
I watched as the two loves of my life embraced forever sealing our bond as a family. 
And we were. We truly were.
Just me, my best friend, and my ocean eyed lover.
Together forever, no matter whatever.
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Psycho Analysis: Princess Ahmanet
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
Universal really shouldn’t have tried getting on the shared universe bandwagon, huh? The restarted attempt at the Dark Universe was a bomb, but if nothing else, it did give us one thing: the sexy, evil mummy Princess Ahmanet, a villain so cool she deserved a better movie. Of course, as much as I enjoy Ahmanet, and as decent as I think her movie is, I don’t think I truly get Ahmanet… So I decided to call in some help. For this Psycho Analysis, I have enlisted the aid of Ahmanet’s #1 fan and probably the only person on Earth who loves the 2017 attempt of The Mummy: my wife, @lilmissrantsypants!
She did basically all the work aside from this intro and some closing thoughts; the Actor, Motivation/Goals, Personality, and Final Fate sections are all her words, not mine. Of course, I’ll throw my two cents in at the end, but really, wouldn’t you rather hear a character summarized by their biggest fan than by someone who’s just a casual fan?
Actor: Sofia Boutella has been in a few films prior to The Mummy (2017), such as Kingsman: The Secret Service (her breakout role, really) and Star Trek Beyond, but this was her biggest role yet in my opinion. Boutella really enjoyed Ahmanet, which is obvious by her high praise of the character in interviews. She has said Ahmanet is “the definition of a feminist”, which I don’t know if I agree with necessarily since she’s not really doing anything beneficial to women, but I understand what she’s trying to say since previously, the character of the mummy has been played by a man. She also believes this because Ahmanet was denied the chance to be Pharaoh purely because she’s a female (which occurs when her father produces a male heir) and, rather than playing the victim, she takes things into her own hands. She says Ahmanet is “strong, powerful, and opinionated”.
She proved to The Mummy (2017) director Alex Kurtzmann she was perfect for the role through her performance as Gazelle in Kingsman. She showed compassion or anger purely through her eyes, which was a trait he wanted for Ahmanet. She also has the ability to move slowly and powerfully, which is similar to how ancient Egyptian royalty moved, which is something she likely learned as a dancer.
One fun fact I discovered while looking up how she feels about the character (which I knew, but needed a refresher on) is she’s 37. I honestly had no idea. I thought she was my age (28)! She looks so young in this role (and all roles, really). She’s truly a beautiful soul.
Motivation/Goals: Ahmanet’s motivation is set up pretty clearly in the beginning of the movie. She was to become Pharaoh to take her father’s place and was to be praised as a living god as his only heir. But he produced a son who, simply because he was born a male, would become Pharaoh instead. As it is narrated in the movie, “Ahmanet understood that power was not given. It had to be taken.” She makes a deal with Set, who is incorrectly named the Egyptian god of death (come on, really? Everyone knows the Egyptian god of death is Anubis), who basically gives her god powers and brands her with hieroglyphic tattoos from the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. To hold up her end of the bargain, Ahmanet must perform a ritual to bring Set into the body of a mortal. She attempts this after killing her father and her brother (and, honestly, probably her father’s lover/wife, even if that wasn’t shown). Since she was captured and buried alive, she never got to rule as Pharaoh. However, she still had her end of the bargain to hold up, which was mainly her motivation for the movie (as well as her main goal).
Strangely, she chooses Tom Cruise’s character, Nick Morton, as her Setepa-i (or “My Chosen”) and proceeds to mess with his head to get him to give in to her so she can perform the ritual and Set can enter his body. One minor goal she picks up along the way is to kill Jenny purely because Nick has the hots for her and because she keeps preventing the Egyptian queen from achieving her goal.
Personality: You know, I hate to say it, but Ahmanet doesn’t have much of a personality. This is probably because she’s so focused on achieving her goal. I’m sure when she was alive in ancient Egypt, she was a fascinating person, but we’ll never know what she truly is like. In the movie, we see a mix of character traits from her. One, and probably the most prominent, is how regal she is. Ahmanet doesn’t really run in this movie. She always walks with her head held high, even when Nick and Jenny are freaking out and running away. She’s always in control, and she makes this extremely obvious by simply walking everywhere. One of my favorite scenes that really shows her regality happens near the end of the movie. The undead skeletons of the Crusader knights let her into the underground dig site to retrieve the jewel from Set’s dagger. Even when her “people” are just skeletons she’s demanded to come “alive” and serve her, she still walks with purpose. Her head is held high and the expression on her face tells you she is queen and she knows it. It’s absolutely beautiful.
Another character trait is manipulation. This is purely done with Nick since he’s her chosen and she’s trying to sway him to her side. She’s got the ability to break out of any situation, but she still puts on the puppy dog eyes and tries to reason with him or guilt him into helping her. She’s often in his head, both before and after she escapes from her sarcophagus, showing him images where she’s actively seducing him. Probably my favorite part is when she’s bound in Prodigium’s headquarters. She’s fully capable of releasing herself, but as Nick is crossing a walkway to escape, she gives him the most innocent, pleading look you’ll ever see from Ahmanet. She probably would have gotten him to help her if the fire blocking Jenny’s way hadn’t simmered down. As soon as the two continue leaving after Jenny snaps Nick out of his trance, Ahmanet screams in anger and easily breaks herself free.
It’s really hard to write about her character since, like I said, she doesn’t have much of one, so these two character traits really are the most I can say about her. I suppose you could also say she’s selfish and narcissistic since she’s really not thinking of anyone but herself through the whole movie (even to the point where she rationalizes killing her newborn brother by saying, “They were different times”)..
Final Fate: I wonder what would have happened had Set managed to completely take over Nick’s mind and body, but that’s not what happened in The Mummy (2017) canon. If you’ve seen the movie, you’ll know Ahmanet achieved her goal (even if she wasn’t the one who actually did it). Nick battles with Set for control over his mind and ends up winning (thanks to Jenny mainly since he sees her dead body and remembers her telling him he’s a good man). He easily defeats Ahmanet since now he’s got all of Set’s powers and sucks the life from her just like she did every single person she killed (but slower so we can see her decompose). She ends up being buried in her sarcophagus again where she will, unfortunately, stay since Dark Universe has basically died yet again. RIP Ahmanet.
Best Scene: My wife shockingly didn’t pick these next two things out, so let me just say I’ve always liked the opening that details her origins, as well as the scene where she apes Imhotep and makes the giant cloud of debris; that shot was in a lot of the trailers, and her strutting with her arms outstretched really goes to show how she’s a villain who deserved way better than she got.
Best Quote: Basically any time she breathily utters “Setepa-i,” which Boutella makes uncomfortably hot. Frankly I’m not sure how Tom Cruise managed to resist that. Oh wait, that’s right! Tom Cruise is an idiot and terrible with women.
Final Thoughts & Score: While I’m doing the overall final thoughts, here is what my wife had to say:
“As hard as it was, I wrote this as fairly as I could without any personal bias. I absolutely love Ahmanet and I would have loved to see more of her in the movie, but Tom Cruise warped things around so he got all of the screen time and Sofia Boutella got hardly any. If I was giving the score, she’d have gotten a 8.5/10 (even though I want to give her a 10/10, not really having a personality really takes away from a perfect score).”
Generally speaking, I do agree. Ahmanet is a fascinating character on paper, and Sofia Boutella really manages to sell her with her performance, but she unfortunately has the misfortune of having to share the film with the egotistical manlet known as Tom Cruise. Cruise really did twist things around in this film so he could get more screentime, because as we all know, Tom Cruise is starved for starring roles in big budget movies and definitely needed the exposure compared to a woman who is best known for playing side characters. I mean, she’s only playing the title character, let’s cut out tons of stuff that could have expanded on her so we can see Tom Cruise run!
I’m very salty about it. I think there were good ideas for a film in here, particularly her being a female monster, which as of this writing is a bit of a novelty; aside from the Bride of Frankenstein, there aren’t really many notable female Universal monsters, or classical sort of horror monsters in general. If anyone else had been in Cruise’s role, I think Ahmanet could have been fully realized as there wouldn’t be a money-grubbing Scientologist jerking the director around. Sadly, as written, she is a bit half baked and underutilized despite being the titular monster, though thankfully Sofia Boutella is able to salvage what works and make Ahament at least moderately entertaining. I’d say she deserves a 7/10. I can’t stress enough that Boutella really carries the character even when there isn’t much there, but I can’t really justify much higher because her screen time is so limited and, like my wife says, she lacks a clear personality.
I’d never say this movie is as good as the Brendan Fraser Mummy movies, but I think it deserved a lot better, especially considering Boutella’s character being so much more engaging than the heroes. At the very least, she got a solid showing in the video game adaptation of the movie, The Mummy Demastered, which is a Metroidvania made by Shantae creator WayForward.  At the end of the day, Ahmanet is just an underutilized and underwritten villain carried by an actress giving it her all, and while there’s nothing wrong with that, she could have been so much better.
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versdan · 6 years
What Are You Waiting For? (Ben Hardy x Reader)
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request:  hi!! could you write ben x reader where she is joe’s younger sister and ben acts strange around her because he is in love with her since always (because she is also an actress and she did a really famous tv show) and then one day she does something and ben says out loud “i think i want to marry you” please !! thx
A/N: omg bless ur soul for this request. I hope y’all like this! Sorry for any typos! requests are open !!!
Being an actress meant you were busy. Working on movies, doing interveiws, press back and forth consumed up your life. It was a bliss moment when you realize you have a week off after doing press from a month straight for your TV show that had just premiered and was a huge success.
You’re in your hotel room, reading a book you haven’t been able to read for a while when you get a phone call from your brother Joe. You pick up the phone
“(Y/N)!” Joe said, basically screamed since there was some music playing in the background
“Hey Joey” you giggled “What’s up?” “Well, a little birdy had told me that you have a week off and what wouldn’t be better than to have you on set and spend time with you!” he said, excitedly 
You thought about it for a moment and you smiled “Okay sure, when can I come ov-” he cut you off immediately “Great! I’ll send you the address! Everyone is going to be so happy to see you especially a little someone” You can imagine him smirking when he finished the line
You laugh “yeah, yeah Joe, taunt me all you want about it. I’ll see you in a bit” 
“Okay, byeeeee!!” he said and he hung up
You sigh and put the phone down. Another thing about being an actress was having little time in you personal life. Your brother, Joe Mazzello, was also an incredible actor. Not only were you both each other’s biggest support systems, he also helped you get into acting and starting up. When you found out he got casted to be John Deacon for the new Queen biopic, you were insanely excited for him. He took you to meet the whole cast on the first day of shooting which was the Live Aid scene. You couldn’t help but catch the eye of a certain blonde during the scene. Ben Hardy.
You had always thought Ben was good looking and charming. It wasn’t odd when you two instantly clicked inbetween shooting the scenes, laughing about anything. All the other guys noticed the chemistry, especially Joe who gave you “the talk” about dating a guy and the birds and the bees to which you responded “Joe! You’re not my dad!” Ben had begun to develop a crush on you, even before he met you. He had seen the films you’ve been in and interviews, which only made him fall more for your sweet demeanor. It didn’t help when Joe talked about how incredible you were since it made the crush grow. Ben may or may not have fangirled internally (or fanboy-ed) when Joe said you were coming to view the guys do the Live Aid scene.
You got ready instantly once you received Joe’s text of the address. Walking out of your room, not before checking yourself in the mirror to make sure you looked good and then heading for the film set.
You arrived in 10 minutes to a building when you saw Joe outside waiting for you. He saw the cab pull up and smiled when you got out. “Joey!” You screamed rushing to hug him. He hugged you back tightly for a couple of seconds before pulling away. “Long time no see lil sis” he said as he ruffled your hair. You huffed and smacked his arm “you know I still hate that” “yeah yeah, come one let’s go inside”
You both walked inside to be greeted by Gwilym and Rami first. “(Y/N)!! It’s so good to see you!” Gwil said as he hugged you “likewise!” He pulled away so Rami could hug you “Darling, I missed you” he said as he hugged you. You laughed “I missed you too Rami, or should I say Freddie” he laughed as he pulled away. You looked behind Rami to see Ben standing there already staring at you. You smiled and walked over to him. “Hey” he said, just looking at you, up and down. “Hey” you said back, awkwardly and shyly under his gaze. “Come here” he said with open arms. You smiled, looking up at him and hugging him. Whenever you guys touched, it was like an electric shock went through your body and it was euphoric with a hint of butterflies coming to your stomach. You pulled away, faces close enough to feel his breath fanning yours. “JUST GET A ROOM ALREADY!” Joe yelled, making the other guys and crew around laugh. You snapped out of his gaze and turned around to flip Joe off
“Alright everyone! Places!” The director shouted as the boys went back into set but Ben stayed for a little bit. “Duty calls” he says smiling. “Go be a rockstar” you said, smiling back. He turned to walk away and got into his place for the scene.
Throughout filming, you couldn’t help but stare at Ben. His physic was something you adored but also his personality. Ben would catch you staring and every once in a while would shoot you a wink that would make you blush and look away.
You got up from your seat to walk around, seeing someone setting up the snack table. “Do you need any help?” You asked the assistant. He looked up at you, wide eyed and then snapped back “U-Uh yes that would be nice. Sorry I’m a huge fan” he stated. You giggled and smiled “awe thank you”. You helped him set out water bottles, plates and the food platters.
What you didn’t know was Ben was watching you the whole time. The director had called cut on the scene since one of the cameras had shut off, which would take a couple minutes to repair. While Ben watched you, he couldn’t help but realize how much he has fallen for you and didn’t think he could fall any further, but he did and is. Joe stood beside him, as he watched his sister help out with the table and conversing with the team. You laughed at one of their jokes and Ben sighed audibly that Joe heard. “You know I don’t know why you haven’t asked her out” Joe stated, still watching you but Ben tore his gaze away to look at Joe. “She probably doesn’t want someone like me or likes me” he said, looking back to you. You looked at Ben and smiled before going back to your conversation
“She actually does. I’m probably going to get killed for saying this but she likes you. A lot. Make your move now loverboy or someone else willllll” Joe said, dragging the ‘L’ and walking away. Ben looked at him with wide eyes, with this new information, he then looked back at you and smiled widely. He made his way over to you and said “Can I grab you for a minute?” You looked at him, nodding yes, saying excuse me to the group you were taking to
You walked out of the room into an empty hallway with Ben. “What’s up?” “I like you” he blurted out, staring at you. You stared at him with wide eyes and said “I like you too Ben” “No no I mean, I really like you. Almost like completely fallen in love with you. You’re just so caring and selfless which makes me fall for you more and you’re absolutely, positively stunning and-“ you cut him off but crashing your lips onto his, feeling the euphoria feeling you loved so much. He kissed back the with same amount of force, almost making you melt because of how good and right it felt.
You pulled away catching your breath. “God, I think I want to marry you” he said, opening his eyes and staring into your eyes as you held his face inbetween your hands. You smile widely and peck his lips. “Then what you waiting for?”
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ladyculebras · 5 years
1. This movie blames Rachel for EVERYTHING. This is the big main thing that bothers me throughout the film. Rachel is at fault, either directly or subtly, throughout the film.
First off, Rachel is the one who fears death so much she cannot bear to prepare her daughter for the possibility of Church dying, while the original actively had them trying to get Church fixed so he wouldn't wander around so much and thus, less likely to die. This wouldn't bother me so much, but LOUIS is the one who okay talking about death and wants to talk to Ellie about it and wants to not shield her from the truth that Church could die. This...ruins the whole narrative thrust. Louis is supposed to be fearful of death, shying away from exposing his family to it in any capacity, to the point where he avoid any kind of confrontation and causes the whole problem. Louis and his inability to handle death when it hits home is the whole POINT.
But furthermore, Rachel is the one who doesn't want to tell Ellie about Church dying! Louis WANTS to tell her but Rachel convinces him to tell her that Church ran away and tells him to go bury Church in secret. So inadvertently, it's all Rachel's fault. If Louis just talked to his daughter about death, and her dead cat, none of this would have happened. It completely removes accountability from Louis, when that is his whole tragic flaw.
Look this wouldn't bother me so much if Rachel were the main character instead. You want to make it her fault this happens, that's okay! But make her drive the story then! Don't do it as a way to absolve Louis of further responsibility!!!!!!
FURTHERMORE!!!! YES THERE'S MORE. After Ellie's death, Rachel is the one who decides to go away and leaves Louis behind...for reasons. Like yes I understand why she would want to get away from this awful place, but the movie completely cuts out the subplot of Rachel's parents hating Louis, so there is no reason for him not to go. But this also removes Louis actively conspiring to get Rachel to go away so he can go do a bad thing. It's a small thing but a really important thing that means Louis just doesn't come off as badly as he did in the original. The original movie is about grief but it's also about the folly of a man who is unable to let go or listen to anyone around him, and making terrible decisions that he hides from the female members of his family that ruins them all. It's so clearly obvious the male directors did not want Louis to look TOO BAD. Trying to remove accountability from Louis ruins the whole point and the tragedy as well. If Louis doesn't make these choices, if held held back from accepting death because his wife asked him too, how can this be his fault.
In the original, Rachel recounts her sister Zelda's death in a scene with Louis and explains that she wanted her to die and she felt awful for wanting that. Louis comforts her and tells her she did nothing wrong and her parents were awful for putting her through that. Then insists she takes a valium for her anxiety because LOLZ THE 80s AND CASUAL DRUG USE, MAN.
Here, she tells Louis the story but explains that she ACCIDENTALLY killed her sister, by forcing her sister--who can't get out of bed--to crawl to a dumbwaiter to get her food where she falls in, because Rachel was too scared.to go up to her and give her the food herself. Now, I don't have a problem with this, this doesn't make her a bad person in my eyes, but the change itself puts some responsibility on an EIGHT YEAR OLD KID for her sister's death in a way that the original movie and book didn't.
God I hate this change the most because I adored the original for going there with the themes of grief and exploring all the ugly messy emotions involved in grief and not just dead children but prolonged illness. And demonizing those emotions for a cheap shocking reveal at the end is not dark and mature storytelling, its childish.
3. Also holy shit this movie mishandled Zelda so badly. They have Zelda straight up threaten Rachel and say she hated her and she was going to end up just like her. Her NEVER GET OUT OF BED AGAIN line is an actual threat to her. It was a weird demonization of an ill woman, when the original was already sketching the line in its portrayal of meningitis, but this was so much worse. Those words are manifestations of Rachel's anxiety!!! THEY ARE NOT ACTUAL THREATS. IT'S JUST RACHEL THINKING HER SISTER MUST HATE HER.
The whole scene is played for weird jack in the box jump scares instead of the existential horror of watching your sister be ravaged by disease when you are too young to understand what that is.
4. Ellie is this weird perfect angel child, and it bothers me. In the original story, she's scared of the pet sematary at first. She has a great speech about how Church is her cat, not God's cat, he can't have him! She cries and storms off and throws tantrums and says SHIT. She is a regular kid, basically. In the book, she actively annoys Louis! Here, she's just...boringly perfect. Everyone loves her. She never gets angry. She never cries. She doesn't even seem upset when Church attacks her. Jud is enchanted by her, literally saying he is under her spell, WTF. This wouldn't be so bad in general, bad writing for a child but not necessarily awful, but it bothers me the most here because it's all set up for when Ellie dies and comes back as a total monster. Ellie cannot actually be her own character but a pedestaled symbol of a child for Louis to cry over, and for the audience to feel horrified by when she returns as a shell of herself. At least when the original did that with Gage, it made sense, because he is a TODDLER and they have no real personalities. We as a whole tend to over idealize babies and the only thing you can really do with Gage narratively is make him a symbol.
5. Speaking of Zombie Ellie, I wanted to be open to the whole Ellie dies and comes back thing! I hated the idea of it initially but I was hoping it'd be interesting. I liked the beginning, with Ellie being set up as fascinated and drawn to the pet semetary to begin with, and I was kinda hoping the movie would follow her pov instead. After all, I love a good monster girl story and I was really intrigued by the idea of Ellie being AWARE she's been reanimated, and angry about it, upset about it. But tbh, I think the movie in general seemed to go with the idea that Ellie is not Ellie at all but the wendigo, acting through her.
But it was BAD, partly because the actress was not good--not her fault she was given poor direction and shitty material and she's just a KID--but also partly because these dudes just don't know how to write women and don't know how to write girls and didn't really grant the reanimated Ellie any actual humanity or depth. She existed to torment those around her, like she was seeking revenge, rather than coming back wrong as something monstrous like child Gage in the original. She came off as a generic creepy girl child who was possessed.
HONESTLY just having Ellie speak was a terrible idea. I sort of get what they were going for, after all,in the book, undead Gage speaks and knows things he should not know, and Elie as an avatar of...the wendigo *TAKE A FUCKING SHOT* would do the same, I get that they were doing that. But oh god the batman voice they gave her and the terrible lines sounded so OFF. She would have been creepier if she didn't say anything or at least, spoke in a regular little girl voice. It would have been creepier if she was clearly not Ellie and Louis didn't care--they kept going so back and forth on Louis in these scenes, first he is scared of what he brought back and uncomfortable with her and yelling at her, but then he is all HUG YOUR DAUGHTER!!!!!!! GOD CAN HAVE HIS OWN CHILD!!!!! And then he is back to wanting to kill her. But honestly, I don't need the movie to have done things my way, just...not this. This was terribly executed. 
6. Speaking of, they were doing some weird...psychosexual Elektra complex with undead Ellie and Louis. First the shot with both of them in the bed together is mirrored earlier with a shot of both Rachel and Louis in bed together....okay then. I mean. That doesn't mean anything. Maybe I am just misinterpreting. But then Ellie is like SHE DOESNT WANT ME HERE AND I DON'T WANT MOMMY HERE (but she still...reanimates her...for reasons. Why. I don't understand).
Then Ellie attacks Jud and wears the face of his WIFE TO DO IT and torments him like that.
Why. Why would you do this. I hate these writers. These are the worst choices.
8. This movie legit single perfect tears Louis during Ellie's funeral. Are you kidding me. A single perfect tear. FOR REAL. THIS IS A MOVIE ABOUT GRIEF. 
9. A lot of the promo material before the movie came out made a big deal about staying truer to the book than the original and it being an adaptation of the book, not a remake of the movie. Sure, but they barely do anything with wendigo and I'm kinda glad, because the whole INDIAN BURIAL GROUND is a bad trope and King's depiction of the Wendigo is soooo wrong and misinformed and terrible but like..this movie didn't do anything with the mythology except name drop it.
10. I AM ACTUALLY MAD THEY MADE CHURCH EVIL. Like this is nitpicking I know but!  In the book, Church (and the reanimated dog) isn't actually evil, he's a zombie. Hes described as not quite how to be a cat anymore. And even in the movie, Church doesn't do anything sinister. He only attacks Louis and who could blame him, and he never hurts Ellie at all. She still sleeps with him in her bed. So I am honestly annoyed they had Church actively attack Ellie jklasfasda
11. Oh my god let's talk about Pascow. WHAT THE FUCK HAVE THEY DONE TO PASCOW. They completely neutered him and made him just a generic ghost, for the most part. Pascow is cheerful in the original, while also being creepy yet relatable. You can really emphasize with his sheer helplessness to stop the tragedy from unfolding. But none of that comes across here. Maybe they wanted to maintain the completely SERIOUS tone, but ultimately Pascow is supposed to be a soothing presence. He is there to remind people that death isn't evil and something that needs to be accepted. He isn't supposed to be there for jump scares, and then completely disappear for the most part.
12. Also the optics of casting a black man for Pascow , and then completely and grotesquely fucking up his face so bad his brains are exposed in his scenes...while Ellie also gets hit by a truck and she looks completely okay, like a perfect corpse angel is just. Gross and bad and racist and sexist ALL AT ONCE, AMAZING.
Like look, I don't WANT to see a mutilated gored up child, sure, but it's so shitty that both these characters get hit by trucks and the black man looks like....he got hit by a truck but the white child looks fine. She looks fine. Her head is stapled and her eyes are a little mismatched but fine.
13. THE EDITING IS SO BAD. It feels like they couldn't WAIT to get to the ending fast enough so scenes will literally smash cut to the next right in the middle of an action. There was a moment where Church is hissing and then it just CUTS immediately in the middle of hissing, he doesn't even get to finish hissing! Just cut to the next scene! There is no lingering on a moment to just process. Things just happen.
14. The story of Timothy, the person who was brought back one time, is just a footnote in this movie. It's barely relevant. That was a such a great creepy moment that underscored the whole movie and it's themes, and it's just gone.
15. Why is Jud so creepy. He literally looks at Louis and the family from a distance and ominously smokes a cigarette and he's so mysterious for no reason and even his first meeting with Ellie he yells at her and then is like WHAT, CAN'T YOU READ about the pet sematary sign. WHAT ARE THESE CHOICES. For a moment I thought Jud would be evil but no he's just weird and creepy for reasons? The movie sacrificed his and Louis' relationship to build one with him and Ellie, which is cute but also kinda bothers me because it's really to just make Ellie look like she is SO IMPORTANT TO JUD and that's why he tells Louis how to bring her cat back and it's…weird. Jud seems overinvested in the family and kids that aren't his rather than like,being friends with them all.
Jud is CHARMING. You fall in love with his kindly old man gentleman nature. He feels like everyone's grandpa. He is warm and delightful and it's such a shock and horror when he dies in such a brutal way. Trying to frame him in shadow with an ominous cigarette reduces the warmth of the character for no reason!
Furthermore, Jud's warmth is meant to obscure that he's ultimately rather weak himself, in character, just like Louis. He's not entirely at fault for the events but he cant help himself in telling Louis about burying church, rather than implying that the dark power is literally ensnaring him to make Louis do it jaksfsadfasdfa
17. Guys, you can't just turn on a fog machine on your set and say you're an atmospheric movie. HAVING FOG IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR GENUINE DREAD.
18. The ending is just bad. I REALLY WANTED TO LIKE zombie family but its filmed like for cheap shock, rather than genuine horror. I love dark endings, but it didn't feel like a tragedy the movie should be, it just felt like the hand of the writers were trying to do a different ending to say SEE THIS IS DIFFERENT! LOOK AT HOW DIFFERENT AND DARK WE ARE. I just...hate the whole framing. I love the idea of the whole family being reanimated but I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY. Ellie wanted to torture them like she is being tortured? That's a great concept but it's not really a thing in the movie. You can't tell if Zombie Rachel or Zombie Louis feel any kind of horror or torment at their own state, which undercuts the whole reanimation.
Ok in the interest of being fair, here are some things I liked.
1. I do genuinely love Ellie in this movie at the beginning. I liked the idea of her being drawn to the cemetery. I really liked the scene where Louis is giving her a bath and he sees the staples from the autopsy. I loved the bits when it was sort of suggested that even she didn't know why she was back and where she had gone and did not understand why she could feel the woods inside her. I wish we just expanded on that more.
2. Church. Church is great. Church is always great. Best cat, did no wrong. This movie did not kill the cat off for good, so that is a bonus.
3. There's a moment where Louis is trying to justify bring Ellie back to life and Rachel is just staring at him agog and horrified and Louis is wild eyed and shaking and it's the most terrifying moment in the movie for me. Not Ellie or the wendigo, but LOUIS, having completely lost it and not giving a shit that he has an undead monster daughter right now. SO GREAT. The movie undercuts it later by having him realize he ~needs to kill Ellie~ again and like...no, go full steam ahead with that.
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agentnico · 5 years
High Life (2019) Review
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No, not that kind of high-life you stoners!
Plot: Takes place beyond the solar system in a future that seems like the present. About a group of criminals who accept a mission in space to become the subjects of a human reproduction experiment. They find themselves in the most unimaginable situation after a storm of cosmic rays hit the ship.
The f*** did I just watch? I’m serious, this movie is one abstract big mind-boggling piece of I-don’t-even-know-what and you know WHAT? It’s bloody great. This is what cinema is about! Not handing you everything ready on a plate but instead a movie that respects its audience and expects you to make your own thoughts and conclusions. What does this film mean? I’m sure the director Claire Denis has a straight up answer but at the same time at the end of the day its up to each individual person’s interpretation. That’s the beauty of it. But that beauty comes with a price. With this film being as experimental and non-linear as it is, I can assume most people will hate this film. They’ll call it slow, boring, unnecessarily graphic and confusing and you know what, I can see why. This movie is not for everyone. It has a very specific audience demographic. If you are into films that take their time and don’t give you all the answers, in fact leaving you with more questions than anything else, High Life is for you. 
Taking inspiration from the likes of Tarkovsky, Roeg and Kubrick, Denis takes on us to one of the scariest places in existence - space. Just you in a spaceship surrounded by nothingness. Let’s add a bit more, you are surrounded by criminals and you’ve all been forcefully put here with the promise of shortening your prison sentence on Earth. Still not enough? Well how about the leader of this exhibition being a modern-day-witch who collects sperm from all the crew members and does strange tests on them. Okay then, fair enough, trying to make a baby, no harm no foul as they say. But wait, what if one doesn’t provide his sperm willingly? That is when she comes to you at night when you’re asleep drugged up on some strange pills, rides you till you fella down there does his due, then she crouches down to extrude the semen from her vagina, following which she races down the corridors of the spaceship to impregnate one of the sleeping female crew members. Basically double-rape right there. And why all this? Because Claire Denis, that’s why!! This movie is very messed up, I’ll tell ya that. To ‘ease’ matters, High Life’s story jumps all over the timeline. This makes sense for a ship that is, at least partially, devoted to the exploration of black holes. We begin in confusion: Robert Pattinson is alone on an.....WAIT! Hang on, I’ll stop right there. Man, this movie really makes your brain juices going, you just want to talk about it. But I don’t want to spoil anymore. Look, High Life is a very interesting film that is worth the time and attention if you’re willing to provide patience and focus. It is definitely a singular-watch kind of movie, as it is a journey you should experience, but not a lot. At times the movie does act more intelligent than it actually is, especially in certain scenes, but overall this is very provocative and risky film-making from someone who is not afraid to make something different. I’ll say that High Life never reaches the heights of any of Tarkovsky’s films (then again, who could?) but for a modern day science fiction tale it is quite remarkable to say the least. Also watch out for Pattinson’s electric performance, who, like Daniel Radcliffe, has successfully managed to throw off the shackles that held him to franchises about sparkling teen-vamps and moved on to more independent features. And thank god for that!
Overall score: 8/10
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A Overall Discussion About Godzilla: King of the Monsters 2019.
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It has been awhile since I wrote an original piece on my blog, and while I’ve stated this is mostly for my writing and anime fandom, I cannot help but include one of my other passions. That is of course the movies. One topic that has been going around the internet lately is the potential flop that is Godzilla:KOTM 2019. I will put it out there right now, that while this movie isn’t doing as good as I would like, I’m sure it will make its money back and I certainly don’t think it is a flop. But my main reason for writing this particular discussion is to clear the air about where this film stands. I’ve been hearing a lot of reviews both top critical and various Youtubers complain about this thing and my overall observation is a lot of them claim to ‘like’ Godzilla and yet clearly don’t understand a goddamn thing.
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A very similar thing happened with Detective Pikachu. Both movies not scoring that great on Rotten Tomatoes and overall critic/Youtuber reception being very mixed, yet the general audience seemed to enjoy both summer blockbusters. Both films suffered from a lot of ‘reviewers’ not doing even the smallest amount of research on source material before opening their big angry mouths and complaining why certain characters or concepts weren’t included.  
And example complaint on these films were:
Detective Pikachu: wHeRe Is TeAm RoCkeT?
Godzilla KOTM: wHy ArEn’T tHeRe OtHeR tOhO mOnStErS?
Yes these were real complaints.
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Now in all honesty, I know neither of these movies are masterpieces as in terms of depth of plot or character arcs. If I had to choose one, I would definitely say it terms of the human elements, Detective Pikachu was a much better film. So I am fully aware that these flicks are complete nostalgia pandering hunks of cheese. 
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And yet I still found myself enjoying both films to the point where I clapped at the end. The same way almost everyone and their grandmother did for the Avengers. So what is it about this hot garbage making so many people flock to the theaters multiple times to see them?
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It’s the simple fact that we have had these Japanese properties in our lives for several decades. Pokemon (1998) & Godzilla (1954). If anyone grew up on either of these or both (such as myself) then we know that as long as these Americanized films are a loads of fun, we can forgive the lazy messy plots. But perhaps that is why these movies aren’t what we all wish they could be...because they are created on American soil. 
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You see unfortunately, Hollywood has been in one of the most non-creative/reboot mayhem crisis I’ve ever witnessed. Big corporate studios have to pump out as many safe reboot/non original IPs as possible and it seems to have lost most it’s writing talent as well. If certain directors and producers aren’t behind a project, then the adapted movie (such those inspired by anime and other foreign film franchises) probably won’t have much substance. Not to mention Western filmmakers and our critics don’t seem to fully understand the culture shock of the growing popularity in these Japanese properties. Nor do they understand the appeal of these features, hence all the negative/angry reviews. We have seen this time and time again. And it is nothing new.
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Now let’s get back to Godzilla: KOTM. It was a fun ride no doubt. The CGI was incredible, and with certain recent Marvel and DC films, this is a mark a lot of those films miss. So thank Godzilla that our beloved kaijus and other effects looked gorgeous. The cinematography for the monsters was also done very well. There are plenty of moments where we truly understand the grand size of these creatures. Overall the fights were awesome and mind numbing. And the music, oh my god the scoring was incredible. Done by Bear McCreary, who did the recent God of War installation did our Kaiju King a great service. Paying homage to classic Godzilla themes was the perfect icing on the cake. So what was the big complaint? 
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Lol These dumbasses. The people in any robot/kaiju/creature feature seem to be the hardest thing directors cannot figure out no matter how hard they try. But let us admit that we as viewers are pretty hypocritical in this argument. On one hand we ask for a shit ton of monster brawls and on the other hand, we complain their are too many explosions and that the effect wears off after a while. We want human stories and then we complain that they are in the movie at all. Godzilla KOTM by no means has a good human story. Some moments with the military and Ken Watanabe were fine, but the idiots in the images above this movie did not need...like at all. I especially hated the father and mother figures. Like yeah Eleven (Milly Bobby Brown), I would run the fuck away too. I’m not excusing the writers for the shitty human plot, I’m just explaining as to why we still suffer from this problem. However, if you are a fan of the Godzilla franchise, you know for a majority of the films, the human plot is not much better than what we see here. Maybe that was Michael Dougherty’s point. He claimed that this was the ultimate film for Godzilla fans and quite frankly, maybe he is right.
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Aside from the very first film (Gojira 1954), the human elements of these films were always lack luster, silly, and even forced. Yet so many people are quick to judge our American filmmakers for ruining what ‘only the Japanese can do right’ and in all honesty I’ve never heard such a false statement. The image above is from one of my favorites, Godzilla 2000. Japan’s fuck you to the terrible 1998 film. But when watching this, did you really care about this guy, his daughter, and his dumbass girlfriend. Or the scientists and their anime-esque villain. The answer is probably no. In any of these kaiju films, very rarely do we ‘really’ care about the people. We just want to see the action. The plots are always, cliche, predictable, and stuffing in some bullshit environmental awareness message. Nukes are bad and people suck. But we love Godzilla (practically a walking nuke) anyway. 
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Godzilla KOTM, is the same shit we’ve seen before only with American styled editing and tropes. So lots of quick cuts and a focus on the family unit. But hey the special effects are so much better than anything we have seen previously. I don’t have to laugh when I see wires and crappy green screen, or using the same footage from a previous movie. Nope. All our favorite kaijus are in beautiful IMAX quality and are ready to wreck cities worldwide. This is the film fans asked for and we got it. Oh and before the next person complains that the Japanese can only do it better, here is what was done before this.
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We got Evangelion Goji with AIDs and CG Tree Goji with Ramen Noddles Ghidorah. While Shin Godzilla was a masterpiece over seas, if you didn’t understand the political subtext, then this film was an angsty destructive ride by a guy who can’t even finish his own art thesis of an anime. (I totally don’t have mixed feelings over Evangelion lol). I didn’t hate Shin Godzilla. It had its moments, but I didn’t think it held the same power of the film it was trying to emulate. Not to mention the CGI and sound design at points were just dreadful. As for the Netflix anime Godzilla trilogy...just wow. Aside from loving the physical design of this new Goji and his new powers, this story was worse than awful, it was downright boring. Even hardcore Godzilla fans had a hard time defending this mess of bad CG. With a promise of multiple featured kaiju and Mecha Godzilla, we get a hunk of nano metal and the only other kaiju actually featured looking like a pack of Maruchan coming down to like ...basically have a staring contest with Godzilla and then evaporate. What a fight for the ages...
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In conclusion, I’m not sure if and when either Japan or American will ever truly get it right. We may like certain aspects of one film but hate the rest of it and the cycle will continue on and on. But as far as KOTM goes, I’m happy it exists and hope it does well enough for Legendary to renew its licenses with Toho. I and many others just want Godzilla in the roster and to continue the legacy. Something for future generations of children and adults to enjoy the romping monsters and hear their iconic roars. We can’t let this current toxic and hating Internet culture bitch and complain about concepts and niche cultures it doesn’t fully understand. Like the anime community, the Godzilla fandom is a unique one and has a niche audience. But perhaps like what the Marvel movies have done for comic book fans, the exclusion will lessen over time and become more mainstream. But for now, Godzilla KOTM is meant for a particular group of people and it seems for that bunch, it has made them plenty happy. Myself included. 
So what are your thoughts on this movie and others like?
Feel free to share your comments, reblogs, and however else you would like to respond down below. 
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mattelektras · 6 years
GIRL HEY I LOVE YOU and your blog and just all your marvel thoughts and opinions and your recs tag WOW you got me into comics like THANK YOU AND YOUR SOUL and so i am so curious to know like what are your issues with mcu? like everything i want to know EVERYTHING, every little detail that's bothered you to the shitty casting to the whitewashing to the lack of development LET ME HEAR IT PLEASE
OH HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE. pretty much all of this excludes black panther and ragnarok. nothing but respect for my mcu
it took them literally 10 years and like 20 movies to have anyone that wasn't a white man lead a solo film. like. that is a LONG ASS TIME
not to mention the straight people EVERYWHERE until valkyrie who they didn't SHOW is bi. trust only tessa thompson and taika watiti. let that be the lesson here
and the women and people of colour they DID have in their movies were done incredibly dirty like rhodey (who could absolutely have held a solo movie following iron man 2. or even 1 like. they just slipped in that he’s become a superhero n didn't do anything with it like... really????????) gets shot in the fuckin spine by that piece of shit robot. sharon was set up so well and now doesn't exist. mcu nat i dont even know where to begin
mcu maximoffs/dr strange/iron fist. the whitewashing trifecta. they went for the hatrick and they nailed it. thanks i hate it 
but with the maximoffs specifically like. GOD theyre bad. wendy has gone from ‘moves things with her mind’ (not wanda’s actual powers but whatevs we’ll get to that bit) to literally being able to destroy an infinity stone. she’s everything mr whedon wants in a female character. and mcu pietro??? a weak bitch. pietro maximoff would die of spite before he sacrificed himself for clint fucking barton
so many of the movies dont line up with one another like PLEASE marvel directors watch each other’s movies. the russos basically turned up at taika watiti’s house and told him to go fuck himself 
or just... hire good directors.... the russos fooled everyone into thinking they were good with cap 2 but what the ever loving fuck was civil war and infinity war
stop with the war shit no one likes superheroes vs superheroes
this is petty and i KNOW movies dont have to follow the comics like. i know that and sometimes its a very good thing, but with marvel they wanna take parts from the comics, sometimes GOOD parts and they wanna fuck it all up and force it to fit into their shitty narrative. like. civil war for example.. had a PURPOSE in comics. it was a genuine grey area and, well written, it could've been a nuanced scenario about how different types of people might have benefited or suffered from it (re: mutants etc). in the mcu, civil war was uuuuuh wendy blew up some people and she used to be a nazi but we’re all gonna defend her because im steve rogers and i do what the fuck i like regardless of literally everything else. 
they based the mcu on the ultimates universe???? TAKE THE GOOD BITS THEN!!!! like take miles morales instead of just giving peter his life and his friends 
get better actors jesus christ. just. better as people would be a start. ms substitute asian johansson and mr Gun Rights pratt. perish
the chris x3 jokes really arent endearing either. some of em have gotta go
please hire someone with real eyes for your costume department!!!!!! say what you like about dc movies, but they all WORK together. their suits have the same tone/materials/overall look. the avengers look like a bunch of people who have never met before 
speaking of, i physically cannot buy the ‘friendship’ the avengers supposedly have. they dont talk!!!!!! there’s too many of them to actually get any solid team development!!! you want me to believe thor even knows hawkeye’s real name??? he doesn't!! and he doesn't give a shit either!!
if you're gonna do a romantic relationship......... fucking stick with it or actually end it. steve/sharon could have been SO GOOD but where has that gone. nat/hulk was hideous and thank god it died but WHERE has it gone. 
not to mention the fact that gamora has literally shown no interest towards peter but she loves him in infinity war somehow
peggy carter is really NOT THAT IMPORTANT!!!! people are still out here shittalking sharon, the LEADING CAP COMICS WOMAN, STEVE’S MAIN AND PRETTY MUCH SOLE LOVE INTEREST, because she's not peggy carter and she doesn't talk about girl power whilst wearing winged eyeliner. steve and peggy kissed once like if thats your standard for a life long relationship then im married to like 8 people i knew when i was 15
the general need marvel has to own all of their properties. homecoming was a good movie, but did we need it??? like really???? people have seen so many spider man movies but no one had seen a black panther or captain marvel movie and they both got shoved back to accommodate the 3rd peter parker ive seen in my lifetime
SPEAKING OF REPETITION.... snarky movies led by white men alongside a woman who is clearly more capable than they are but dont get any recognition for it are the same. the exact fucking same 
CAN POST CREDITS SCENES PLEASE DIE im not sitting around for 20 minutes waiting for something cool like a hint of a new hero only to see steve fucking rogers doing his ironing or some shit. if its not worth it, dont do it maybe 
the colour grading is ugly as sin. if it’s got some over saturated primary colours in it... its a marvel movie 
marvel movies are just.... straight up not funny at this point lmao like im not a 13 year old boy i dont find dick and whore jokes funny try again
‘it’ll kill you’ ‘only if i die’ ‘yes thats what killing you means’ is supposed to be funny and i get that but uuuuuh its just bad dialogue and there are so many lines like that. write a good fucking movie and then MAYBE you won't have to fill scenes with empty conversations to take up the time
fuck the mcu guardians of the galaxy, to put it finely. mcu peter is a dick and his altered back story makes him even more of a dick. drax isn't a dumbass, gamora would rather die than touch peter. mantis is a literal celestial goddess, not some old white dude’s sleep time therapist 
mostly what it comes down to with me though is that marvel literally does not have to make good movies. they can make any old shit and make literally millions of dollars. barely anyone gave a fuck about ant man or doctor strange, and if you didn't read comics, you likely wouldn't have even KNOWN who they were but everyone went to see them because they had marvel on the posters. and thats pretty much marvel’s entire deal. ALL they do is get credit for things they havent done 
oh and fuck vision too 
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rue-by-another-name · 7 years
“Love Me Do” - h.s. a.u. Part 6
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
You hated to admit it, but you missed the bar. You missed going outside of your flat, really, but you also knew you needed to get the editing done of the film. The first two days after you’d finished shooting, you and your studio sound guy Fred had gotten your lead actors into the booths to lib over their words cut out by the wind and other elements. That hadn’t taken as long, but it had also allowed you to look through all the footage and decide what needed to go.
Though you hadn’t seen Harry since then, five days and counting, you felt like you were living with him. You felt like you were living with all of your characters considering you stared at their faces 24/7.
But you were almost done. It had been a week and three days and you’d been working nonstop. You couldn’t quit now.
A knock on your door startled you and you called that it was open. Bea poked her head in and smiled, “Hey it’s time for your appointment. Harry’s out front.”
You groaned, “I don’t want to see his face anymore.”
Bea couldn’t help but laugh as she stepped aside for you to walk through the door. “You won’t have to for much longer! Good luck babe.”
Harry was waiting in the car, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited for you. You were getting your stitches out today, and he was pretty sure he was far more excited than you were honestly. Though you had barely talked to him in the past week or so, he had worried constantly about whether or not you were cleaning your wound. It was all closed up now, but he still worried about it. He had texted you at least four times about it, and you’d left them all on read only to quickly send a thumbs up emoji.
Harry hated emojis.
He noticed you before you noticed him because you face was in your phone. Harry wasn’t exactly sure if he’d missed you, or missed the comfort that came with you. But the more he thought about it, he realized that your comfort was all a part of you, and so therefore he was missing you. He knew you’d been busy in the past week or so, Millie had told him you barely left your room with all the editing, and so he hadn’t been offended when you’d not answered some of his calls or texts. And, if he had to admit it, more people had been asking about you at the bar than he’d anticipated.
“Hello there,” Harry smiled as he leaned over to prop the door open for you. You gave him a soft smile, looking hesitant for a moment before slipping into the car. You felt a bit guilty and awkward around the lad, considering it had been a bit longer than usual since you’d talked to him, but none of that seemed to bother Harry as he smiled over at you.
“How’re you feeling?” he asked, grasping your hand and turning it over. The wrap you were wearing now was much lighter than the originals, and he could feel the bumps of the stitches under it as he ran his thumb over the side of your hand.
“Just fine,” you yawned, “A bit exhausted from all the editing going on, but happy to have it all over with soon.”
“I stil can’t believe you’re doing it all yourself,” Harry shook his head, “You’re basically the director, producer, and editor all in one.”
“That’s the point,” you sighed, “And hopefully I won’t have to do it ever again.”
You both made small talk for the rest of your drive. You asked Harry how the bar had been and he told you that Three Martini Bill said hi and that he missed you. This warmed your heart as you thought of the bar, a place that had captivated all your attention in the past couple of months.
“Niall doesn’t miss you though,” Harry said as you pulled up at the hospital.
“Oh he doesn’t?” you rolled your eyes, “I’m wounded.”
“I think he was nervous you were like, going to take over for me or something at some point. I let him basically drink for free and he knows you’re a stickler.”
“Damn right,” you smiled. Harry placed his hand on the small of your back as you made your way into the waiting room and signed in. No one told Harry he couldn’t come into the room with you, and so he just followed as a nurse showed you what room to sit in and you both waited for the doctor.
“I’ve missed you, by the way,” you decided to announce, swinging your legs back and forth on the table as Harry leaned against the wall across from you with his arms crossed. He raised his eyebrows and pushed himself off the wall, walking over to the little seat in the corner.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Just weird not being in the bar.”
“Ah,” Harry leaned back in his seat, “So you miss the bar then?”
“And you,” you confessed. You weren’t sure where you had expected this conversation to go. Maybe you’d hoped that Harry would admit he had missed you too, and you would have this weird serious talk, even though you were in a doctor’s office and would only be interrupted awkwardly by a doctor at some point.
Harry felt pride swell in his chest. He’d had girls miss him before, and it wasn’t something new. But yours was innocent, and you were a concerned friend, and this was something new to him completely. “Well –” Harry said before there was a knock on the door and Dr. Hanson poked his head in.
“Hey Y/N,” he smiled, “Long time, no see. How’re ya doing?”
“I’m good thank you,” you smiled, “How are you?”
“Just fine,” Dr. Hanson opened the door and stepped inside, “How are those stitches coming along?” he asked, sitting in his chair and wheeling over to take a look.
“We’ve been washing them far more than any other regular human probably,” Harry said, leaning in to get a look.
“They look really good. Your skin has come together nicely,” Dr. Hanson nodded.
“That’s something everyone wants to hear,” you mumbled, making Harry chuckle as you made eye contact for a moment.
“Alright, now you’re going to feel the slight tugging and it’s going to feel a bit weird, but it’ll be over rather quickly, okay?” Dr. Hanson nodded to you as he took your hand in his and grabbed whatever tools he needed.
“That’s fine,” Harry said, “Just look at me, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you grumbled, “Totally fine.”
“Just listen to me,” Harry shrugged, “Just focus on me.”
“Focus on what?” you snapped.
Harry took your other hand in his, linking your fingers together as he let out a long sigh. “Well, okay so my mum called me this morning and that was pretty exciting. She said that Elodie –”
“The youngest,” you cut in, as if to remind yourself.
“Yes,” Harry nodded, “She’s almost two. Well, she was screaming this morning about me not being there for Christmas, said that Santa would hate the family if we weren’t all together, and so my mum bought me a plane ticket to go home without even asking. So now I’m going home for the holidays apparently.”
“That’s nice,” you winced slightly, Harry reaching up and turning your face towards him before you could look at your hand.
“Sure is,” Harry nodded, “The twins are of course freaking out. I’m obviously their hero.”
“Obviously,” you nodded.
“So Suze and Tommy will probably have me outside constantly and we’ll be extremely active – they love wearing me down, or trying to at least. And then I’ll get to take Lilly to school for a couple days, which’ll be nice. It’s been a while.”
“You seem very excited,” you nodded, wincing again at the weird pulling sensation. God, you just wanted this over with.
“I am actually,” Harry realized, “Quite like spending the holidays with the family. Bar’s a nightmare during the holiday season so you might have to come back and work a couple shifts if you’re able. Are you going home?”
“I take the train home the day after the Student’s Guild,” you nodded, “My parents are extremely clingy.”
“So you’ve decided you’ll put your film in the Guild then?” Harry smiled, “That’s exciting. Are you excited?”
“Very,” you nodded.
“Okay,” Dr. Hanson said and you turned to see a stitch-free hand. You let out a sigh of relief and wiggled your fingers as if to check your hand was still able to function. You would have a weird scar along the side of your hand, but other than that you looked all set to go.
“Just make sure you’re washing your hands more often than usual for a couple weeks,” Dr. Hanson advised, “And I would keep it lightly wrapped for a couple days.”
“Thank you Doc,” Harry said, “Shall we?”
You followed Harry out the car feeling like a new woman. Though it was simply your hand, you hadn’t realized how frustrating it was to be injured or held back until you were. Ducking into the car, you wrapped your coat around you a bit tighter as Harry started it up.
“What I was going to say before we were so rudely interrupted,” Harry said as you made your way back to your flat.
“By the doctor? Who was going to tend to me?” you smirked.
“So rude,” Harry nodded, “I was going to say, I’m touched you’ve missed me. I’ve missed you too.” You bit your lip, trying to keep yourself from smiling too widely. “I know you’ve been busy and that you need to finish the film, so I’ve been trying my best to not be clingy.”
“Who would have thought,” you joked, “That out of the two of us, you would be the clingy one.”
“M’ not clingy,” Harry grumbled, “Just your friend.”
You smirked, “Okay then.”
Harry came up with you to your flat, where you made him lunch and allowed him to watch some of the footage you’d finished. He sat on your bed as you swiveled back and forth in your chair, both of you slurping on the chicken noodle soup you’d made earlier, as Harry groaned whenever he showed up on screen.
“It’s really good,” he nodded, sipping the remains of his soup before setting it aside. “It’s just weird seeing myself on screen – in a good way.”
“As opposed to what? A bad way?”
“Well, this looks amazing Y/N. You’ve done a great job!” Harry stood up and kissed the top of your head. “I’ve got to go. I need to get things ready tonight at the bar.”
You checked your watch, “Oh yeah, you’re about thirty minutes late.”
“You can come in whenever you want, by the way,” Harry noted, shrugging his jacket on as you followed him to the door. “People really miss ya there.”
“Yeah,” you sighed, “Well that time is done, I guess. End of an era.”
Harry pouted slightly, looking confused as he turned to you, “What do you mean?”
“Well,” you crossed your arms and shrugged slightly uncomfortable with the situation. “I mean … I’m done with the movie and I don’t really need the funding anymore.”
“Oh.” Harry didn’t say anything to this as he put his hands in his pocket and cleared his throat. “I uh … I guess I didn’t realize you weren’t coming back. Figured you were just taking time off, you know?”
“Yeah sorry that’s on me. I guess I didn’t make it clear,” you bit your lip. You felt guilty that you may have led Harry on in anyway, but at the same time you didn’t feel guilty considering you’d always known you would only be working in the bar for a short amount of time.
“Okay,” Harry sighed, “Well … I’ll be seeing you around then. Text me, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you said softly as Harry gave you one last soft smile before you closed the door. You groaned as you rested your forehead against the door for a second before making your way back to your room in order to get your film finished.
Within the next couple of weeks, you went over and over your film, fixing small things and cutting clips or adding things back in here and there. You started working on the film in places other than your bedroom, mostly because you couldn’t stand sitting at your desk anymore.
Harry stopped by a couple times, and he always brought coffee, or some sort of food, and even one time brought some alcohol to make drinks for you, Millie, and Bea as you took a break from editing.
“So is this a thing that will be happening from now on?” Bea asked, “You just stopping by whenever you so please?”
Harry leaned on the counter in front of the three of you girls, almost as if it was his own bar, and smirked at the girl between you and Millie. “Is that something you’d like Bea?”
“I’m just wondering if I need to move,” Bea grumbled, sipping on her drink as you chuckled and Millie rolled her eyes.
“Well if you’re going to bring drinks around on Wednesday nights then I’m all for it,” you said, raising your fruity drink in the air before taking a sip.
“I can start bringing Niall if you all need a cute guy to flirt with,” Harry suggested, “He’s my only hot friend.”
“You’re enough,” you said bluntly. “Niall would break all my dishes.”
“Also we’re your hot friends and we’re already here,” Millie shrugged.
The three of you laughed as Harry rolled his eyes and started mixing another drink.
The night continued and you went back to your film for a couple hours before coming back out in the kitchen for some water. It was pretty late, but Harry was still there as he cleaned up some of the glasses he’d been using.
“What are you still doing here?” you yawned, stretching up and reaching for one of the cleaned glasses from Harry’s hand. “It’s been like, two hours.”
“Millie and I were talking and she got a little …” Harry gestured to Millie’s tipsy side and you chuckled. It felt nice that you and Harry could talk like this, especially considering you knew there were still underlying feelings you were nursing for him. Hearing he’d been talking to Millie for a couple hours may have pinched at your heart, but you put it aside to be a good friend to him.
“So things are going pretty well for you two then?” you asked softly, leaning against the kitchen counter next to the sink Harry was at. You cradled your glass to your chest as you crossed your arms over yourself, almost as if to protect yourself from whatever Harry was about to tell you.
“We’re friends,” Harry nodded, “But, I mean, whatever you think is going on definitely isn’t,” he chuckled.
You were shocked to hear this, turning to face Harry fully as you gave him a confused look. “I thought you guys were like, a thing.”
“Why?” Harry smirked, “Because we made out once like four months ago and sometimes hang out?”
You didn’t know what to say to this, and under the one kitchen light over the island where the two of you stood, you suddenly felt so confused and misplaced. Harry could tell you were internally panicking, not meeting his eyes as you seemed to be trying to decompress what was going on. You’d been pushing your feelings for Harry back because you thought he and Millie had something going on, but now there was no reasoning for that, and you felt as though the flood gates were opening and you couldn’t keep it all in.
“Y/N?” Harry asked, leaning down slightly to meet your eyes. “What’s going on in there?” he asked, tapping your forehead with the spoon in his hand.
“I just … nothing,” you shook your head. “I’m just confused I guess. You guys seem really close.”
“We are,” Harry shrugged, “But I don’t know, not like we’re close. Just … we’re very similar so it’s easy for us to talk. We live similar lifestyles, I guess? I don’t know. It’s difficult to explain.”
“No I get it,” you nodded. “Glad you have each other.”
Harry shrugged, “I wouldn’t have her as a friend if you hadn’t come into the bar.” Harry gave you a soft smile. “Are you going back to finishing the film?”
“Yeah I’m almost done,” you cleared your throat, “Are you on your way out?”
Harry noticed that your skin was nearly glowing under this light, and considering how cold he was in his jumper and jeans, he could only imagine how cold you must be considering you were in nothing but a large t-shirt and shorts. He wanted to reach out and hug you close, but at the same time he wasn’t sure if that would be the smartest idea because he wasn’t sure how he was truly feeling. The more he hung out with you like this – in a quiet atmosphere where it was just you and him – he found himself being drawn to you more and more. You were so soft, and comfortable, and everything made sense with you.
He’d been so thrown off when you said you weren’t coming back to the bar. He figured you’d be coming back after you’d finished the film at some point next semester and you’d both pick up where you’d left off. But now he felt so alone behind the bar, where he used to feel at home, because you weren’t there with him.
At first he resented you for breaking his temple, but now he knew that he was glad you came in and broke it all up, because he was starting to romanticize being a bartender. But seeing everything you’d accomplished, and seeing how hard you were working, Harry knew he needed to stop hiding behind the bar and get out there with his auditions. So, in a way, he kind of owed it to you and his feelings of missing you.
You snapped in front of his face to bring Harry out of his mind as he cleared his throat. “Sorry, what?”
“I asked if you were heading out? Where’d you go there?”
“Just thinking,” Harry sighed, rubbing his hands down his face, “Yeah I’m on my way out.”
“I’ll walk you,” you squeezed his upper arm before setting your glass down and following him as he shrugged on his jacket and grabbed his things.
“Thanks for coming by,” you said, “The girls appreciated it. We’ve been holed up with the end of the semester coming.”
“I totally remember,” Harry smiled, “Glad to be of service.”
“And don’t worry about Bea. She can just be –”
“Protective,” you smirked. “She’ll come around, if, that is, you’re planning on sticking around?” You weren’t sure why you asked this, and you immediately regretting asking when you saw a bit of hurt filter across his face.
“Of course,” he nodded.
“Okay,” you breathed in relief, “Okay good.”
It was quiet for a moment before Harry leaned down and you reached up to hug him. However, as you pulled away, Harry kissed your cheek before clearing his throat and squeezing your hand once more before stepping out the door.
Harry had never kissed your cheek before, and you shook your head as you hated how much it through you off. You balled your hands into fists, angry at yourself for letting your guard down, before stomping back into your room to finish the film.
The first time you went into the bar after basically quitting your job, was to hand Harry an invitation to the Student’s Guild. The bar obviously looked the same, but you found yourself nervous as you stepped in.
Harry knew you were in there though the moment you stepped foot. Instantly, Three Martini Bill let out a loud cry. “Y/N!” he boomed, “So good to see ya!”
“Hi Bill,” you chuckled, “Lovely to see you as well. Loving the new patterned shirt.”
Harry watched as you made your way through the regulars, asking how they’d been doing and keeping them up to date on your project. Many of them knew about your film project, and had given you extra tips to help you out. Because of this, you’d promised them you’d have a screening in the bar after break.
Finally, your eyes met Harry and you smiled. “Hey you,” he said, tossing his rag over his shoulder. Instantly Harry was unsure of why he’d said that. Since when had he called you “you?” Did that seem flirtatious? He hated this newfound nervousness he’d suddenly started to feel around you. It wasn’t aggressive, but it was there, and Harry was starting to become more and more aware of it.
“Hey,” you chuckled, slightly concerned about the surprised look on Harry’s face. “I brought something for you.”
You handed him the envelope and smiled, “You’re obviously invited. The winner will be announced at the end.”
“What do you get when you win?” Harry asked, looking over the invitation.
“When I win?”
“Yeah you heard me,” Harry smirked.
“Well, the winner gets their next film sponsored by the school. It’s a pretty big deal,” you shrugged, “But there’s no promises how I’ll do.”
“You’ll win,” Harry nodded, “And I’ll cheer.”
You rolled your eyes, “Okay. Well, I’m going to head out and get some sleep. But there are your tickets.”
“Tickets?” Harry looked to see that there were two tickets in the envelope instead of just one.
“Well yeah,” you shrugged, “If you want to bring a date.”
The very thought made you want to punch yourself in the face. You hated that you had to keep pretending you didn’t feel the way you did for Harry, especially when you two were now so close and, as you hoped, honest with each other.
“Oh that won’t be necessary,” Harry chuckled, “Why would I bring a date to your big night?”
You weren’t sure what to say to this, and honestly you were a little off-put that Harry might be flirting with you. It’s what you wanted, but with it being so in your face so suddenly, you felt yourself sweating. The scared look you were giving Harry made him back peddle a little bit as he cleared his throat and placed the envelope near the register. “I’ll see you there then?”
“Yeah cool,” you nodded before rushing out.
“That was really smooth,” Niall said from his corner in the bar as Harry rolled his eyes.
“Shut up Niall.”
You tried not to think on this moment as Millie helped you into your dress two days later for the Students’ Guild. You sucked in a breath as Millie finished zipping it up and patted your shoulder. “You’re all good to go girl.”
Bea had curled your hair, and Millie had completed your makeup before you could even ask them. They were both very adamant about this being your night, and as you turned around they both gasped and clapped like proud parents.
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“You look stunning,” Bea nodded, “Absolutely stunning.”
“So proud,” Millie pretended to wipe away her tears.
“I need to ask you both something and I need you to be completely honest with me before I lose my confidence,” you said quickly, closing your eyes and biting your lip.
They both gave you concerned looks before you mumbled, “Millie, do you have something going on with Harry, because if you do then you have to tell me right now.”
Millie looked shocked for a moment before she and Bea shared a look. “Harry? No. No we definitely don’t!” she said, “We’re just friends.”
“Right right yeah I know that,” you wanted to run your hands through your hair but you remembered that it had been done nicely and you groaned. “And people say that all the time, but honestly Millie do you have feelings for him?”
“Do you like him?” Bea asked.
“Obviously I like him!” you cried, “You both know that.”
“You need to tell him,” Millie said, “If you feel that way for him, you two are close enough that you need to talk to him about it.”
You sighed and looked down at your clasped hands. “These things never work out for me,” you whispered, “I can’t risk a friendship after it’s taken me so long to build it.”
“You’ll never know until you tell him,” Bea said affectionately as she lifted your chin. “And if he’s a true friend, then you’ll talk it out and it’ll all work out, okay?”
“Just maybe not tonight,” Millie suggested, “Considering it’s … you know … your big night?”
“Right,” you sighed, “Yes right okay.”
This seemed like a good plan, that was, until you actually saw him at the Guild. He looked sharp and smart in his suit, and you stumbled slightly in nervousness. Millie and Bea caught you and it caught Harry’s attention.
He waved at you and you just stared back, suddenly shocked still. Immediately, Bea got in your face.
“Listen up you little shit,” she whispered, “You’re the director of the film that’s going to win this fucking fancy event you stuffed me into a dress for. You owned that shit. So if you don’t fucking pull it together I’m going to punch you so hard in the tit you’ll prematurely lactate or some shit. He’s just a boy, and he’s your friend, but your career comes first and I swear to every fucking god out there if you don’t walk in a goddamn straight line like the boss bitch you are, head held high, then I will make your life a living hell for the next semester. Do you understand me?”
You weren’t sure who you were more scared of – Bea’s rage or Harry’s face. But seeing Bea’s serious glare, you realized she was right. You needed to own it, regardless of how Harry felt for you or how you felt for Harry.
“He’s walking over here,” Millie sang under her breath in warning.
“Buck up bitch,” Bea seethed before she stepped aside and smiled, “Hi Harry. You look dashing.”
“That’s a compliment I’ll take,” Harry chuckled, “You ladies all look lovely. And, the lady of the hour,” Harry offered you his hand and you took it, clearing your throat as he pulled you in and kissed your cheek. Harry’s heart was beating so quickly, and the palms of his hands were definitely sweaty, but he persevered as he pulled away and gave you a soft smile. “You ready?”
“For everyone to see my film? No. To have to sit through my film for the last time after seeing it probably a thousand times? Yes.”
Harry offered you his arm on one side, offering the other to Millie as he walked between you two. “I’m excited for everyone to see me shirtless,” Harry suggested, “If that puts anyone at ease. Really hoping you edited my abs the way I asked.”
This made you laugh, your head falling back in laughter as you clutched Harry’s arm. The very touch of your fingers grasping his arm made Harry’s heart rate increase, and it didn’t help that you two were sitting together during the screening of your movie. You film was last, which you felt was overly dramatic, but you couldn’t help but feel anxious when you were introduced.
“It’s going to be fine,” Harry whispered, kissing your shoulder as you turned to look at him. One wild look to Harry made him know in that instant that he’d gone too far, and for a second he was scared he’d lost you. But instead, your face relaxed as you quickly leaned in, giving him a peck on the cheek as the lights dimmed. Harry was grateful for it too, because if the lights had been up then he would have been embarrassed by how red his face had become.
It didn’t take more than ten minutes into your film to know that you’d won. Your film was above and beyond everyone else’s, and Harry didn’t have a single doubt in his mind that you would be the champion in the end. The audience was completely engaged in your material and the story unfolding before them. There was one point, a comedic moment, where the audience was laughing quite hard and Harry could see you smiling proudly. He reached over in a moment of confidence, still completely unsure of what he was doing, and took your hand to squeeze it in reassurance.
You looked over at him, the smile never faltering from your face as you smiled at each other, fingers entwined in your lap, before you both looked back to the film in front of you.
You’d like to say you were surprised when they announced you as the winner, but in reality, you braced the stage with poise and elegance as you walked up to accept your award.
“Thank you to the judges who felt my obsession these past couple months was all worth it,” you smiled, thanking the panel of professors in front of you. “I wouldn’t be up here if I hadn’t stumbled into a bar late one Thursday evening completely out of my mind with exhaustion and met Harry, a sweet yet somewhat closed off bartender who knew I hated alcohol the moment he saw me and offered me pretzels instead. He offered me a job, so that I could fund my film, and in doing so I rewarded him with a role that I knew he would fit perfectly into. Everything after that fell into place, and I am eternally grateful for my friends who pushed me to pursue my passion, those who were crazy enough to follow me into production, my two roommates who definitely deserve an award of their own for putting up for me, and for Harry,” you looked at him where he sat, eyes dazzling, smile radiant, and for the first time you felt you were really seeing him.
He was really here for you, wholeheartedly, and he wasn’t hiding behind any façade of his carefree attitude, nor was he pretending he was too cool for the scene he was in. Instead, he was smiling, proudly, and red in the face with happiness.
“Thank you,” you said, only to him, but truly to the whole auditorium. Blinking out of your daze, you cleared your throat. “I’m excited to start work again next semester on the next installment in whatever comes to my mind,” you chuckled as the audience laughed, “But thank you for indulging in my tonight. Thank you!” you raised your trophy a bit before walking off the stage as the lights started to slowly come on and people congratulated you as you made your way towards the exit.
Millie was screaming and squealing when she saw you, “Our girl!” she cried, “Our director!”
“Our queen!” Bea made a joke of bowing down to you as you laughed and just accepted it.
“Gorgeous job love,” Harry said, coming in and giving you a hug as he held you close.
“So are there parts for all of us in your next film,” Millie tossed her hair dramatically over her shoulder, “A sequel, perhaps?”
“God knows I’m not talented enough to make an actual good sequel,” you chuckled, “I’ll see what I can do.”
“I’m going to go and use the restroom before we go out,” Bea said, “Anyone else?”
Millie shot her hand up before Bea grabbed her hand and dragged her away. Harry shook his head, chuckling under his breath before he shoved his hands in his pockets and turned to you. “I’m really proud of ya Y/N,” he smiled, “And thanks for the shout out.”
“I figured laying it on thick would show everyone how good of an actor you are, if the film wasn’t enough,” you pushed his arm playfully, “Maybe you’ll get some calls soon.”
“I hope you meant it thought,” Harry said, pulling his hand from his pocket and loosely grabbing your own as he playing with your fingers, “That you were happy you came into the bar.”
“I am,” you nodded, “I … I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you and you know that.”
“Same goes for you,” Harry shrugged, “I …” Harry hesitated for a moment as he gripped your hand a little tighter, stepping more into your personal space. “I have to tell you, Y/N, I admit this has all … everything that’s happened these past couple months, I didn’t think –”
“Y/N!” Millie cried excitedly. You and Harry stepped away from each other, and you hadn’t realized how close your lips were until you were stepping apart and Harry was letting go of your hand, shoving it back in his pocket.
“Millie,” you gave her a patient smile.
“Do you remember Chuck Crusnak? Super hot. He played that mermaid in the awful film before yours.”
“Super hot,” you nodded.
“He invited us to his penthouse if we wanted to party with him tonight,” she sang, shimmying as Bea came striding up.
“I’m calling Gav and telling him to meet us at Chuck’s,” she squealed, “I’ve never partied at a penthouse!”
Harry could see your tired and hesitant look as your two friends, bless their hearts, were doing a victory dance together that seemed to be prematurely choreographed.
“You don’t want to go out and party, do you?” he asked softly, leaning in to gage your reaction.
“I’m really tired,” you chuckled, “And I have to be at the train station so early tomorrow afternoon.”
“Do you maybe want to just come back to my place?” Harry bit his lip, “We can drink some wine, just relax and celebrate quietly or something?”
The idea of hanging out at Harry’s flat, alone with him, made your chest heave slowly with anticipation. “Sure,” you whispered, “That would be nice.”
You bid Millie and Bea a farewell, letting them know you weren’t up for Penthouse Parting, before saying you’d see them the following morning. Harry was waiting for you, offering you help with your coat before the two of you walked outside to his car.
The car ride was silent as Harry drove back to his place. The adrenaline from the film was still pulsing through you. The victory of the win had you feeling high as you watched the city night life speed past you. Harry’s fingertips felt tingly, and whenever he looked over at you, you were gripping your trophy tightly in your hands and looking out the window.
He wasn’t sure what he was feeling. Obviously, right off the bat he was feeling pride. He was so proud of you and everything you’d accomplished. But he also felt as though it wasn’t his place to feel proud of you. Sure, you two had been through quite a lot together and honestly, you were probably his first real female friend. But he also knew deep down that he’d doubted you for a bit there. He hadn’t had much to go on, of course, considering the only experience he had with you was you fumbling around in the bar. But the moment he saw you as a director he’d had no doubt in his mind that you were the best.
And now he knew for sure.
But he also was nervous because the bar felt empty. He’d worked there now for almost three years and had always felt at home there, but now it didn’t. Now, he whipped his head up whenever the bell went off at the door hoping it would be you, and it took him maybe a week to realize that, but now he knew that he was longing for you in friendship, but also maybe in something more? You’d caught him by surprise, and that was one thing Harry Styles hated – surprises.
“I’m pretty sure the whole world can hear my heartbeat right now,” you whispered, turning to Harry finally as he quickly looked from the road to you and the back.
“Yeah?” he asked, licking his lips and clearing his throat, “You feeling okay?”
“In a good way,” you nodded. You reached for his hand and rested it over your heart. You didn’t care at this point anymore, especially after that one moment. In fact, there were a couple moments now you could think on that you now drew your confidence from. After the constant friend factor had been taken from you and Harry, things in your mind had started to escalate quickly, and now Harry’s hand was over your heart as he felt it thumping like a freight train.
“Is that human?” Harry asked, his voice barely a whisper as your hands clasped over his against your chest. Your skin was sizzling under his touch, vibrating to the feel of his skin against yours through your dress.
You felt his hand push away and you went to let go but he turned his hand in yours, capturing your fingers between his as he looked to you for a moment as his hand enclosed around yours. Neither of you said anything as Harry held your hand on the armrest between you for the rest of the ride. You knew you were holding back a smile. You didn’t want to ruin anything, or overanalyze whatever was happening only to get let down. You and Harry were close friends – that was all this was. But there had been those hesitant cheek kisses, the familiar feeling of him brushing past you, and the moment right before Millie and Bea had interrupted you both. You wanted to know what he was going to say, but you were also afraid it wasn’t going to be what you wanted to hear.
Once in Harry’s flat, he motioned to the kitchen island, “You can place your award there so we can eat and see it,” he smirked, “I know you don’t want it out of your sight. I’ll get us some drinks.”
“Thank you,” you said quietly, biting your lip as you placed your trophy on the counter and faced towards the living room to avoid Harry’s gaze. You weren’t entirely sure why you were so nervous around him suddenly. Really, you knew why, but you didn’t want to admit it. You had spent so much time repressing your feelings and telling yourself you couldn’t feel anything for Harry because of certain factors. Those factors being that 1.) Harry would never like you back and 2.) Harry and Millie had a thing.
But Harry and Millie most definitely didn’t have a thing and there had then that split second where your world had seemed to fold in on itself back at the Guild with every step Harry had taken towards you, hand grasping yours tightly as his thumb had run over your scar.
You were torn from this moment as you heard the wine being poured and Harry tapped your arm, “White?”
You grasped the glass from him without looking, keeping your back to him as you whispered, “White’s fine. Thank you.”
Where were you going to go with this? Act as though nothing had happened? That it was normal for your friend to ask you to come back for drinks instead of everyone going out together? You knew Harry was craving friendship but …
Your heart rate spiked as you felt Harry’s fingertips softly grasp at your own. “Y/N,” he whispered behind you, but you didn’t want to turn around. Instead, you closed your eyes, listening to your breath as your chest felt it was going to burst.
Harry wasn’t sure what he was doing either. He was craving you, wanting to be close to you and be loved by you. He’d felt you pulling away a bit since the end of the movie, and he knew it was awful that he’d only realized it once you weren’t around. Sure, it had taken him a moment, but then he thought of your face when you’d told him you’d missed him at the doctor’s office, almost begging for him with your eyes for him to miss you too, and he felt his heart in his throat.
He rested his forehead against the back of your head, pressing his chest to your shoulder blades as he sucked in a breath seeing the goosebumps on your skin. His fingertips softly ran from your hand to your wrist, before he grasped your hips in his hands and just stood there, breathing with you as your hand came to hesitantly rest on his own.
You were shaking, and Harry felt the need to consume you completely as his fingers dug into the fabric of your dress, hoping to feel the heat of your skin beneath. You were obviously turned on, feeling Harry pressed so close to you, and with your slight movement you could tell Harry wasn’t far from being turned on either.
In one swift yank, Harry had you spun around and you weren’t even going to think as you reached up for his hair, digging your fingernails into his scalp as your teeth knocked together in an aggressive kiss. It wasn’t fancy in any way, and it was almost as if you both had an agenda of your own. Your lips weren’t really moving in sync, but they were touching and Harry’s fingers were digging into your hips as he pulled you impossibly close to him.
In fact, his hands were everywhere imaginable. Your hips to your rib cage before locking at the base of your neck and holding your head to his as you kissed. He had you pinned so tightly up against the kitchen island that all you could do was squeeze his arms and fist his shirt in your hands as you moaned.
Harry bit your bottom lip as you leg came up to wrap around his torso. You tilted your head back and let out a soft moan as Harry growled and lifted you up onto the countertop. He pulled you forward by your dress, yanking at the fabric as you felt your body latch onto his. Harry kissed from your lips to nipping at your jawline, digging his fingers into your flesh again as he sucked on your throat.
Your arms flailed out to grasp his back as he did so, your legs coming up to wrap around Harry tightly as he mumbled, “Up,” against your neck before lifting you. He carried you down the hall, face buried in your neck as he made his way to his room. Upon reaching his bedroom, he placed you down and you turned around immediately for him to unzip your dress. Stepping out of your shoes as he loosened you of the fabric, you turned to help Harry get his shirt off as he stepped out of his shoes while he walked forward, forcing you backwards until you hit the bed and fell onto your back.
Harry’s eyes never left your body as he unbuckled his belt and let his pants fall to the ground. Crawling up over you, your heart nearly gave out at the fact that Harry was hovering over you with flushed cheeks, swollen lips, and blown out eyes as he looked down at you against his sheets.
He wasn’t sure exactly what he was doing. He knew what he wanted to do, but he also didn’t know what boundaries were too far. This was you in his bed, not some random girl from the bar, and this was definitely a situation he never saw himself in with you.
Regardless, you whispered, “Harry …” and he was completely gone. He moaned at the sound of his name passing through your lips, leaning down and grinding against you as he moved his lips down to your breasts still enclosed in your bra.
Arching your back, you were sure you looked ridiculous as you attempted to unclasp it, only for Harry to swat your hands away so he could do the honor. Once your chest was bare to him, Harry’s eyes seemed to darken even more as he attached his lips to your left nipple and collected you in his arms.
He was on his knees, your bum on the bed in front of him as Harry pulled you onto his lap and continued to suck on your left breast. You were breathing so heavily you thought you might pass out as you slowly started grinding on the ever growing bulge in Harry’s boxers.
The moan you heard from Harry as your eyes closed in pleasure made you cry out as he bucked up against you, ministering the same attention he had to your left breast now on your right. “Shit,” Harry whispered, “Y/N …”
The sound of your name, your name and not anyone else’s, coming from Harry’s lips made you shudder as you lifted his head to look at you. His eyes were pleading, and you leaned down to kiss him now, sucking your way down the vein in his throat as he gripped your shoulders tightly.
He tossed you back on the bed, breathing heavily, and you reached down to remove your thong as Harry closed his eyes and looked up as if saying a silent prayer. He stood, and for a moment you thought he was going to leave as you panicked, but he simple grasped the elastic of his boxers and bit his lip, watching you closely as he pushed off his boxers and his erection sprung free.
You instantly felt a jolt of hatred tear through your body because of course Harry was well endowed. Of course he was gorgeous in the nude, and of course he was making his way over to you like Adonis or some shit. You felt your whole body seemed to shrink away from him as your body seemed to know what was about to happen, but you always wanted to just pounce before Harry maybe got a brain and decided this was a bad idea.
His finger hooked in the side of your thong before he was pulling it down your legs. He tossed it aside as he got up on his knees, looking down at you as you reached up and ran your hands down his muscular arms. He scooted forward a bit, running his hands up your legs to your knees before he spread them open, whimpering at the sight of you before him.
You were stunning, in a way Harry had never thought you could be to him as he noticed you there. There was just something so intimate about the fact that Harry not only knew what you looked like in bed, but what you looked like when you were about to eat your favorite meal, or when you weren’t feeling well, or when you were either tired or excited that made this experience all the more real for him. You were real.
“Fuck,” Harry hissed, seeing how ready you were for him as he ran a hand through his hair to get it out of his eyes.
“I don’t – I don’t want to mess around at all,” you whispered, the first full sentence you’d stated since coming into Harry’s flat, “I just want you.”
As tempting as that was, as much as Harry wanted to just plow right into you and sink into your warm, tight core, he also wanted to worship you. This was your night, and God only knew when the last time was you’d been with someone considering your wails of loneliness since the day he’d met you. The thought made him smile and he couldn’t stop himself as he smiled down at you.
“What?” you asked, breathing heavily as you pushed some hair from your forehead. “What?” you asked again as Harry didn’t answer.
Harry just continued to smile as he started moving down, kissing between your breasts and towards your stomach. He shimmied down a bit and looked up at you with a smile as you looked back at him, shocked, realizing what he was about to do.
“No wait Harry, you don’t ha – OH!” you cried, crying out as your one hand flew to pull at Harry’s hair and the other fisted the sheets. “Oh my God,” you moaned as Harry licked a bold stripe up your center and dove back in. His hands were holding you down, and for a moment Harry was a bit concerned for his safety as you nearly jammed your knee into his face.
“Jesus – Y/N!” he cried, looking up at you as he pushed your legs down, “Control yourself.”
“Don’t stop,” you challenged, head flying back as Harry continued to administer all the right moves you were hoping for. Your eyes were fluttered closed and you could feel your whole body tensing up as a warm glow started in the pit of your stomach. You felt just on the edge when Harry pulled away.
Looking down at him, you could feel yourself about to hyperventilate as Harry smiled at you. It was a smile you were so familiar with, and had come to rely on so much in the recent months. But now his face was glistening and red, and his smile meant so much more. Harry clambered back up onto his knees and you could see his chest was heaving as well.
You reached up as Harry clutched himself in his hand. He was swollen, and you could tell he was aching for you, but Harry swat your hand away as he pumped himself a couple times. “Not now,” he breathed, spreading his knees a bit as you whimpered, legs parted, and watched him prep himself a bit more.
“I just …” Harry trailed off as he reached over you, tearing the drawer of his bedside table over in search of condoms. In his moment of distraction, you reached for his dick and enclosed your hand around him, feeling the weight and width for yourself as Harry’s eyes bugged out of his head, his mouth gapping open as he shuddered over you and scrunched up his face.
“Y/N …” he warned, breathing into your neck as you pumped him slowly.
Finally, Harry was able to work through the murkiness of his brain to reach for the condom and tear himself away from you, shaking his head at you as he tore open the package and rolled the condom on. Leaning back down, Harry bit his lip, “Are you -?”
“Yes,” you breathed. You watched in awe as Harry once again parted your legs and gripped himself tightly. You sat up a bit, watching as Harry teased your entrance a bit with the head, looking up at you as he slowly pushed in.
“Oh!” you cried, eyes widening as Harry let go of his dick and reached out to catch you as your back arched back and he fell forward with you. He kept pushing forward, a small hum turning into a cry as he bottomed out and stayed there, faces so close your noses were bumping together as you reached up and softly stroked the side of Harry’s face. His eyes met yours as you looked up at him, almost worried, and he knew he was probably echoing the same reaction.
“I’m gonna –”
Harry shuddered as he pulled out to the very tip before slowly sliding back in. You whimpered, not used to this after being alone for so long, let alone someone the size of Harry. He felt so full, in a way that made you feel as though you were worth it – able to fit him so snugly. Harry couldn’t get over the sensation you gave him, all warm and secure, and his breath hitched as he thought of just wrecking you.
But he kept the slow pace, only for a couple more thrusts before your nails dug deeper into Harry’s back and you moaned, “Harry … more.”
To this, Harry didn’t hold back. His chest rumbled a bit as he picked up the pace, and you felt your breath quickening at the feeling of him pounding in and out of you. It was quiet in the flat, and so every detail was the sound of a loud bomb going off. Every breath that turned into the faintest of whimpers or moans was mixed with the sound of skin slapping together.
Once again it was as if Harry’s hands couldn’t stay still. He was reaching out all over you, as if attempting to check as if you were completely there. His hands were rough on your chest before his teeth nipped at your skin and he held onto your hips, pulling them off the bed as he rose to his knees and continued to thrust as hard as he could.
Shuffling back, you whined at the loss of contact before Harry was leaning down and gingerly lifting you up, “Come on,” he whispered, “Gonna feel good I promise.”
You moved as he suggested, turning onto your stomach as Harry pulled your bum up towards him and pressed back into you at this different angle. You cried out loudly, stuffing your face into the pillow and Harry panicked for a moment. Leaning down he pulled your hair from your face and asked through hurried breaths, “Are you okay? Are you okay?”
You merely nodded, reaching back and grasping Harry’s arm in confirmation as he nodded and whispered in a rush, “Okay. You’re amazing. You’re doing great,” before he kissed along your neck quickly and then straightened back up to hold your hips to his. This angle was everything you’d ever wanted as Harry continued to thrust up into you with as much force as he could, slamming into you repeatedly with no sign of stopping any time soon.
You however were starting to really give out a bit. Summoning all the strength you could, you pushed yourself up onto your knees and forearms, looking down to where Harry was moving in and out of you in curiosity. You let out a strangled moan as you watched Harry and could see him moving inside you, the imagine pushing you that much closer as your arms gave out and Harry gripped your hips harder.
“I – I’m – HaRRY,” you cried, whimpering and moaning a mess as Harry continued to thrust sharply into you. He was huffing, moaning with every thrust as he worked to get you over the brink.
“Let go baby,” Harry whispered, “Come on Y/N – shit!” he cried out as you let out a strangled yell, basically sobbing from the climax that hit you hard. Your body felt so heavy and weightless at the same time, buzzing all over and burning as you heard Harry yell out as he filled the condom, letting out one last groan before he was pulling out of you, breathing heavily as you sunk into the bed on your stomach, turning to face Harry as he fell onto his back.
You watched him pull off the condom, tossing it in the trash bin by his bed before he ran his fingers through his hair, attempting to catch his breath as you were too. Finally he turned to you and your eyes met – you on your stomach and Harry on his back – as he reached out slowly, tugging on your arm to pull you close.
Wiggling towards him, you felt the heat radiating off Harry’s body as you curled up next to him, your breathing syncing with his as he wrapped his arm around you and kissed your forehead. “Hi,” he whispered, making a small smile curl on your lips that Harry felt against his shoulder.
“Hi,” you whispered back. You were the only two in the flat, but you both felt the need to whisper, almost as if anything above that would cause this moment to break.
“I know we haven’t talked about this,” Harry whispered, taking his other hand to lift up your chin as you stared up at him. “But I really care about you and you make me feel super weird.”
“Super weird, huh?” you smirked.
“Yeah,” Harry nodded, “Like … I didn’t think to miss you, ya know? Because I just figured you would be around. But then you said you weren’t coming back to the bar and I guess I realized you were trying to get away from me?” Harry ran a hand down his face as you rested your hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat still beating rather rapidly.
“You’re such a good friend, and I started thinking about what would happen if we weren’t. What would happen if we stopped being friends and you were gonna graduate and I would just still be at the bar and you wouldn’t be around and I got really scared, because you’ve been pushing me to be better since we met. At first I think you were just a mess and that pushed me to kind of look after you and be responsible –”
“Gee thanks,” you rolled your eyes and went to move away but Harry groaned and tugged back at your arm, pulling your body back down to collapse to his.
“But,” he said, bopping your nose. You wrinkled it and he chuckled before leaning down to kiss your nose, “But then I realized why I was scared, and it was because I’d really come to rely on you and wanted to spend all my time with you if you weren’t going to be around.”
“So …” you furrowed your eyebrows as you turned onto your side to get a better look at Harry’s face, “Are you saying you like me then? I’m getting mixed signals here and you have to remember I’m the worst at emotions.”
“I’m saying you’re my best friend,” Harry confirmed, “And I feel like just being best friends would be a waste of both our times.”
Maybe it was the fact that this was the most romantic thing anyone had said to you, or maybe it was because your core was still throbbing and legs were tingling as Harry said it, but you smiled at Harry’s somewhat romantic gesture. This was probably the best Harry could do considering his lack of romantic empathy for relationships, and so you smiled at him as he smiled back, moving up to give Harry a soft and long kiss.
Harry couldn’t help smiling into the kiss as he rolled over so he was in between your legs again. He wasn’t tired at all, in fact, he was energized beyond belief. He’d never felt this connected to someone before, and though he knew his feelings might be growing stronger by the second, he didn’t want to jinx whatever it was the two of you had. You were looking for some Prince Charming, and Harry knew he wasn’t up to par with that kind of royalty.
But maybe you would still give him a shot. You’d been longing for someone anyway, and if just wearing his clothes a couple months ago might aid you in falling for him, then sex must have been on a whole other level.
“I admit,” you mumbled between kisses as you spoke against Harry’s swollen lips, “That I’ve always found you to be – oh,” you whimpered at the feeling of Harry sucking on your collarbone, “I’ve always found you attractive. You’re so ni –ice,” your breath hitched as Harry squeezed your breast and you arched your back into his body. “You’re kind and charming, and even though you’re out of my league, you still befriended me.”
“M’not out of your league,” Harry whispered, rocking against you as you gripped his back to keep him close. “M’right here, aren’t I? Right here touchin’ ya. Right here kissin’ ya. Right here holdin’ and lovin’ on ya. I’m right here,” Harry gave you a soft smile, “Right here with ya.”
You reached down for his cock, any exhaustion you’d been feeling previously now gone as you were throbbing to feel him again.
“No,” Harry shook his head and started to withdraw, “Can’t. Don’t have any –”
“I’m on,” you gasped as Harry nibbled at your jaw, “I’m on the pill, just –”
You rocked against Harry again and Harry moaned, closing his eyes and looking away from you. “We shouldn’t. We should, like, hydrate and something or, vegetables –”
“Vegetables?” you giggled, grasping Harry’s face in your hands as you turned him to look at you. “You want to talk about vegetables right now?”
“Y/N,” Harry whimpered, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. He didn’t hesitate now, slowly pressing into you as you opened your mouth wide to form an –o and Harry rested his face in the crook of your neck.
This was different from the hurried and hard first time the two of you had shared. This time was much different. Harry stayed impossibly close to you, his lips hardly leaving yours. You wouldn’t really classify this as kissing, but instead you would more breathing into each other’s mouths as you clutched his back, his shoulders, his arms. Harry kept a slow and steady rhythm as he thrust up into you with force, but rolling against you like waves against the rocks.
This wasn’t just sex, and at one point each of you realized that as Harry bit his lip and seemed to be holding back tears it felt so good. You came much faster than you’d anticipated, and as you were squirming beneath him, Harry felt himself release. You were blinding to him in this moment, so tired and exhausted but shining as you looked up at him and carted your fingers through his hair.
“You should go shower,” Harry said softly after you’d been lying in bed together for around a half an hour. You nodded, a cute yawn leaving your mouth as you sat up and stretched. Harry just looked at you, sitting in his bed naked, the sheets wrapped around your hips as you looked back down at him.
“What?” you asked, cocking your head to the side in curiosity.
“Nothing,” Harry smirked, “Just … never thought this – never thought we would be in this situation.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at this as you got up and looked for your clothes. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Harry sat up and rested against the headboard. “Just … I don’t know. You snuck up on me in a way I wasn’t expecting.”
“What were you expecting then?” You were genuinely curious to know, but the romantic part of you was screaming to just shut up and accept that Harry was here with you now.
“I don’t know,” Harry shrugged, “But I like where we’re at now, don’t you?”
You clutched your clothes to your chest, suddenly feeling very naked in front of someone you’d now been quite intimate with extensively. “Yeah,” you gave him a soft smile. “I’m happy.”
The shower felt good on your body, but it weighed on your thoughts. It gave you too much time to think as you let the hot water scald your body. This was what you’d wanted, and you now knew there was no reason to keep yourself from what you were feeling. You’d already established to yourself in totally honesty that whatever feelings you now had for Harry were genuine and not of the make believe circumstances that had led you to have an interest in him. You knew Harry now, personally, and as a friend. This was a friend to lovers situation, and those always went well.
Plus, you thought, he’d called you baby.
Stepping out of the shower and back into Harry’s room, he was waiting for you in his boxers at the foot of the bed. It was adorable, how he’d waited for you as a puppy waits for their master to return home. In his hands he had a large t-shirt and another pair of boxers. “I know you were against wearing my clothes before,” he noted, “But I figured …”
“Thank you,” you smiled and leaned down to kiss him as you took the clothes. You summoned the strength of every leading lady in every romcom you’d seen and let the towel fall to the floor as you shimmied into the boxers Harry had given you. You smirked as Harry watched you, chewing on his lip as you shrugged the shirt over your bare chest.
“You need to be stopped,” Harry chuckled, standing up and pressing his lips to yours harshly. “I’m going to shower. There’s water on the bedside table.”
This, you told yourself, was why you’d fallen for Harry. He was kind, sweet, and thoughtful. He was caring, and he was your best friend honestly. Crawling into bed on the new sheets Harry had so kindly made up for the two of you while you were in the shower, you sipped the water and laid waiting for Harry to return. It wasn’t long before Harry was walking back into his room running a towel through his hair while another one hung dangerously low on his hips.
“Are you tired?” he asked, “Don’t you have to be at the train station tomorrow morning?”
“Afternoon,” you nodded, “Bea said she’d take me.”
“I can take you,” Harry suggested.
You blinked as he awaited your response, tossing his towel before tugging on some boxers himself. He stretched up, yawning as he crawled into bed beside you. This was all so surreal, and you wanted to cry at how boyish and handsome he was smiling up at you with a closed mouth smile as he laid on his tummy and looked up at you.
“Okay,” you said, not wanting to ruin this happy bubble.
“Okay then,” Harry nodded, “Lovely. I’ll set an alarm.”
Harry pulled you close immediately after he’d turned off the lights, and instinctively you melted into him. Technically, this was the closest you and Harry had been ever as your bodies were so close to one another and you were staring him down.
He didn’t say anything, almost looked at you in awe as you reached up and ran your fingertips down his face, tracing his features, and, when you got to his lips, he took your hand in his and kissed the palm of your hand. “I like this,” he admitted, “Just me and you here by ourselves.”
“Is it going to change?” you asked.
“Change how?”
“When we leave this flat and this bubble?”
Harry was quiet for a moment before he said, “Probably.”
“Well, we won’t be alone anymore. Everyone will want to know what we are and it’ll be kind of annoying. We’ll have to hold hands in public and people will coo over us. PDA is a nightmare.”
You didn’t mind PDA. You weren’t the biggest fan of it, but you appreciated seeing couples every once in a while share affectionate and simple moments. That’s what you wanted with Harry, but you were now too nervous to ask if he found it annoying.
“I like this though,” Harry repeated, “I like that it’s just us.”
“Yeah,” you whispered, “Me too.”
“You’re my best friend,” Harry whispered honestly.
He fell asleep quite quickly after that. He drifted off so simply and you weren’t sure what to do. A boy had never fallen asleep on you before, they’d always left after sex for one-night stands. But now you were in this bed with Harry and he liked being alone with you.
It all felt surreal, and suddenly you felt very claustrophobic and hot. Harry had confessed he had some sort of feelings for you, but he also considered you his best friend. What if that wasn’t enough for you? What if this all fell to shit and once again you were left with the burning sensation that you would never truly find the person who loved you more than anything. You wanted someone’s world to stop when you walked into the room, and you knew you deserved it now too.
What if that wasn’t Harry?
It took you three hours to leave. It was two in the morning when you finally did, calling Bea from Harry’s kitchen and whispered, “I need you to pick me up.”
“I need you to pick me up. I’m at Harry’s.”
“Can he drive you? I’m a bit tipsy.”
“He’s asleep.”
Bea was quiet for a moment. “What happened?”
“I just …” you sniffled and nibbled on your thumb. “Is anyone okay to drive?”
“I’ll wake up Gav.”
You waited for twenty two minutes and sixteen seconds before you saw Bea’s car outside Harry’s flat. Making sure you had everything, you slipped out the door, running in nothing but Harry’s shirt and boxers in bare feet with all your clothes, heels, and trophy in your hands.
Gav was in the front with both Millie and Bea in the back waiting for you as you slipped in between them.
“What happened?” Bea asked immediately.
“I am a little drunk,” Millie grumbled, “But it has worn off mostly so we promise to hear you.”
You didn’t have to say much as you shrunk into your seat, your lip jutting out a bit as you felt tears form in your eyes. “It’s just all happening so fast,” you whispered, “I don’t think I’m ready.”
You’d pined after a relationship for so long, and in the past five or so months it had been Harry who had been just out of reach. But now, with Harry very in reach and interested, the world had opened up in a way you never thought it ever could. You’d gotten what you thought you wanted, and now your heart felt it was going to explode. You loved Harry, and you knew it deep down, but coming to grips with it was scary considering it was the first time you’d ever truly loved someone, and now he was asleep in his bed thinking his best friend was going to be there when he woke up.
I think that’s the longest part of any one shot I’ve ever written but ... what’s a girl to do, ya know? Hope this sucker punches right in the feels. One more part to go! Love love love you all dearly! 
Part 7 HERE.
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ouatimaginesnetwork · 7 years
“Dream Come True” Chapter 12
Hey guys! Here’s the next chapter, super angsty. Enjoy! 
~Hannah Banana :)
It’s been two weeks since Robbie left and you miss him like crazy. You talk everyday on the phone but this time Robbie texted you, he seemed stressed. “Hey (y/n), we need to talk. Can I call you?” His text makes you panic, and almost immediately your mind jumps to different conclusions. Your hands shake as you hit the call button. “(Y/n), I was just about to call you,” his voice comes through the phone. “Robbie what’s wrong? You seem stressed. And worried,” you reply back in a strained voice. “Well, this is a bit awkward, but I don’t want you to worry. It’s just, my ex-girlfriend, you know Jade, well she was cast as my characters love interest,” Robbie groans through the phone. Your breath catches in your throat and you feel as if your world comes crashing down. “(Y/n), god, please say something. Anything,” he pleads from the other end. You take a deep breath and say, “Robbie, what does this mean? For us? Why are you telling me this?” He launches into a full blown explanation, “(Y/n) I don’t know how it happened. I think she did it on purpose, but I asked the director to fire her already, I even threatened to leave, but he won’t do it. I’m so sorry (y/n), god I’m just sorry. But it won’t change anything, it won’t, I haven’t loved her for a long time. I love you and only you. I swear. I’ll leave if you want me too, but I promise, nothing would ever come of it, no matter what she tries.” You listen closely and when he’s finished you reply, “Robbie, Robbie it’s okay, I believe you. I’m just glad that it doesn’t change anything for us. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I trust you Robbie, I just wish these 2 months would go by faster.” “(Y/n), you are seriously the best girlfriend ever. I miss you too, I want you to come visit. Will you, will you come visit me this weekend?” he asks. “Of course I will, I’ll book a flight now." After a pause while searching for flights you say, “Alright there’s one on Friday at 11. I could take off work and come then?” “It sounds great, god I cannot wait to see you,” Robbie replies. You sigh into the phone and say, “Me too. I have to go now, I love you Robbie.” “I love you too, (y/n),” he hangs up the phone. You immediately begin packing.
Friday afternoon, Vancouver airport
You frantically search around, looking for Robbie. You spy his emerald green eyes through the crowd and run up to him. “Robbie!” you grin like a little kid and throw yourself around him. He catches you in his arms and chuckles, “Gee someone sure missed me.” You lift your head up from his shoulder and plant a kiss on his lips, the first you exchanged in two weeks. You pull back breathlessly and say, "I missed you.” “I missed you too,” he pulls you closer. People bustle around you, and Robbie lifts your suitcase, leading you out of the door.
About 20 minutes later you arrive on set, Robbie again apologizing profusely that he had to work. “Robbie it’s okay, I’m excited to watch,” you assure him. Pretty soon you find yourself sitting in Robbie’s chair, watching him film a new scene.  In this particular scene, Robbie’s character was being tortured, and it was hard for you to watch. Every fake lash, you winced. As soon as the director yells cut, he walks over to you and you meet him half way. “Are you okay? It all looked so real,” you gasp. Robbie chuckles and hugs you. “I’m fine darling, really. There’s no need to worry,” he tells you. You sigh and say, “Oh alright. Any more filming today?” “Nope. I’m all yours babe,” he shakes his head. You smile and say, “Great! I can’t wait to spend some quality time with you.” “Me too,” he agrees. The two of you stroll hand in hand, about to leave the set when the dreaded ex-girlfriend walks up to you. “Oh so this must be the new girlfriend. Hi I’m Jade, so nice to meet you,” she smiles, but you can tell that it’s very fake. “Nice to meet you too,” you fake smile back. “Well, here’s the call sheet for tomorrow Robbie, see you then,” she hands the call sheet to him and her hand lingers on him, leaving you very uncomfortable. Robbie, however, doesn’t seem to notice. After a beat her hand is gone and you and Robbie are wandering off set, towards your hotel.
Back in your hotel, Robbie basically throws himself on you, but you pull away. “Darling, whatever is the matter?” he looks at you. “Nothing, it’s just that Jade. I don’t know she rubbed me the wrong way, I mean she basically held your hand,” you admit your true feelings. Robbie shakes his head profusely and says, “I swear to you nothing is going on. She’s moved on, and obviously so have I.” You take a deep breath and say, “Alright, I guess. I’m sorry, you’re right.” “You don’t have to worry (y/n),” Robbie assures you again. “I’m not,” you tell him. His lips find his way back to yours and his sweet tongue enters your mouth. You sit in Robbie’s lap, kissing him passionately, but you can't shake the thought in the back of your head, that something’s going on between them.
The next morning you roll over and open your eyes to find Robbie gone. You sit up and hear the shower running. 5 minutes later Robbie emerges, fully clothed and ready for the day. “Ready?” he asks you. “Hardly,” you laugh and gesture to your pajamas. “Well hurry up darling, I’ve got to be on set at 9,” he tells you.
40 minutes later you and Robbie find yourself on set, as he gets ready for the next scene. “What’s the next scene about?” you ask one of the producers. “It’s the scene where Jade’s character reveals her feelings for Robbie,” he replies. You swallow the lump in your throat as the panic begins to rise up within you. All too soon the director yells action and your eyes watch in horror as the scene before you unfolds. Jade hardly looks like she's acting when she says, “Tommy, I can’t hide my feelings for you any longer. I love you, Tommy.” Robbie reacts by pulling her into a deeply intimate kiss, placing his hands on her cheeks in the same way he does to you. Red hot jealousy strikes through you. “I love you too,” Robbie says. It sends a dagger into your heart and your eyes are swimming as the scene ends with the two of them walking off hand in hand. Before the director can yell cut, you run off to the bathroom, tears pouring down your face. Every part of you wants Robbie to come after you, but he doesn’t.
1 hour later you step out of the bathroom, tears dried, no evidence of your meltdown on your face. Robbie sees you, smiles, and waves you over. “Where were you?” he questions. “Oh just went for a walk,” you lie. “Well I’m glad you’re here now,” Robbie pulls you into him and you stand there under his arm, while the director goes over the next scene with them. Your mind wanders back to the scene and you look over to see Jade smirking nastily at you. As soon as the director finishes you decide you can’t be there anymore and turn to tell Robbie. “Robbie, I don’t feel well, I’m going to go back to the hotel okay?” He turns to you worried and says, “(Y/n) are you sure you’re okay? You’re acting strange.” “I’m fine, I just need to lie down,” you tell him and head off for the hotel. Robbie stares after you in confusion, you didn’t even kiss him before you left the set. It wasn’t like you to not be affectionate. Jade immediately comes up to him and says, “Geez what’s her problem. Come on Rob, let's grab some lunch before the next shoot.” Robbie flinches at the use of her old pet name for him. Perhaps you had a point. He shrugs and follows her aimlessly.
Back at the hotel you collapse on your bed in tears and begin to babble to yourself. “I’m not crazy, you can’t act that way right? He has to love her, that’s the only explanation,” you sob in the empty room. You peel yourself out of your clothes and throw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. Your hair is thrown into a messy bun and you take your makeup off. The tantrum made you sleepy, but you still continue to sob, leaving a redness in your eyes and on your cheeks. Finally, sweet slumber takes over and your eyes droop shut.
Robbie’s pov
He hated that he was such a wimp. He didn’t even bother correcting her when she called him Rob, and he followed her to lunch. All through out the meal his mind kept saying, “What are you doing? You’re going to ruin the only good thing in your life. Get out of here!” “Robbie are you listening to me?” Jade pulls him out of his daze. “What, no sorry, what’d you say?” Robbie replies. “I was just saying (y/n) was acting weird today, don't you think?" Jade says. “Well, I suppose she was, in fact I think I better go back and check on her. I’m sorry,” Robbie gets up and leaves. Jade stands up and stares at him walking away, wondering what he saw in that way too weird girl.
Regular pov
You’re still fast asleep, and as a result, you don’t hear Robbie enter the room. He walks over to your form lying on the bed, and immediately notices the redness around your eyes. “God, (y/n), what am I doing wrong?” he wonders aloud. Robbie slips off his socks and shoes and rolls into bed next to you, snaking his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He doesn’t fall asleep, rather, worries run through his head about what upset you and what he could do to fix it.
An hour later, you roll over and see Robbie next to you. “Robbie,” you whisper. In response he shoots up and says, “(Y/n), you’re awake! What’s wrong, I know you’ve been crying.” You sigh and turn away, saying, “Nothing’s wrong Robbie, everything’s fine.” He yanks your hand into his and begs, “(Y/n), please talk to me!" “Alright fine!” you shout back. “I just I couldn’t watch that scene today, you with her. It was so embarrassing because it was so clear you still had feelings for her, and she does to! So if you want to be with her, then that’s fine, just let me go. But for god’s sake don’t leave me hanging,” you cry. He stares at you in disbelief and furiously runs his hands through his hair. “(Y/n), god, why can’t you see, I have only eyes for you! I swear it! You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, I would be lost without you,” angry tears roll down his cheeks. You continue to cry and say, “Then how come I feel this way?” “I don’t know,” he replies softly, “I don’t know, but I realized you might have been right about Jade. We went to lunch today and”- you cut him off. “You went to lunch with her? Robbie can’t you see that’s why I’m so paranoid? She wants you back. She wants me out of the picture.” “You may be right about that,” Robbie finds himself admitting. That response confirms all of your fears and you get up and begin to pace the room. “Robbie I think I should go. I don't think it was a good idea for me to come visit this weekend,” you say as you begin gathering your clothes. Robbie stops you and pulls the suitcase out of your hands. “(Y/n), what are you saying? Please don’t go we need to talk about this,” he begs. You turn to him and take a breath, “What is there to talk about, I shouldn’t be here, it’s humiliating, Robbie.” He angrily pounds his fist against the wall and says, “Christ, why can’t you understand, you’re the only one I love. I’ve never connected with anyone like you before. You were meant for me, I love you.” You plop down on the bed, and pause, lost in thought. “Robbie why are you with me? I’m being insanely jealous, and crazy clingy, so why do you like me?” you murmur. He stares at you in shock and kneels down next to you. “Are you kidding? (Y/n) I thank god every day that I met you. I don’t normally believe in meant to be, but you made me believe in that. I believe you came into my life for a reason, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you go this easily. Besides, you have a right to be jealous, that girl is insane, and she’s nothing compared to you. (Y/n) I’m sorry, but nothing is going on between us. We’re just acting. Even if she does want me back, it doesn’t mean she gets me now does it?” he turns to you. You lightly chuckle and say, “No, I suppose it doesn’t. Robbie I’m sorry I’m such a loon. I didn’t mean to screw this visit up. And now I have to leave tomorrow and we’ve barely gotten any quality time together.” “You’re not a loon darling, you have every right to be skeptical of her, believe me. Lucky for you I don’t have to film tomorrow so we can do whatever you like,” he smiles at you. You almost immediately jump on top of him and begin passionately kissing him. Your hands roam up and down his bare back underneath his shirt, taking him by surprise. Robbie’s fingers stay wound in your hair, he knew you were uncomfortable with roaming hands. But not this time, after 5 minutes you finally decide to take matters into your own hands and move his hands from your hair to your stomach. Robbie pulls back and stares at you in surprise. “Are you sure?” he asks breathlessly. You nod. That’s all it takes for Robbie to push your shirt right up over your head and his lips to move right to your collarbone. His left hand begins to pull your bra strap down and he bites the top of your chest, making you moan. His tongue explores your midriff, sending shock waves down your spine. “Robbie,” you gasp, clutching his hair. He smirks up at you and his mouth moves lower and lower, closer to your center. Your body shakes as he pushes your underwear aside and begins to pleasure you. “Robbie god, that feels so good,” your voice quivers. Robbie hums in response into you, making you whimper and bit your lip. Before you know it, the waves of ecstasy hit you. When your pleasure subsides, Robbie gets up and lays on his back next to you on the bed. He lays his head on your bare chest and you move your hands to run through his hair. The two of you lay there, breathing in sync with each other. “Robbie I’m sorry,” you whisper. He bends his head to look back at you and says, “(Y/n), you don’t have to be sorry for anything, stop apologizing.” You nod and continue to run your fingers through his hair. He lays his head back down and murmurs, “God you are so beautiful.” The comment makes you smile and you begin to drift off into a hazy sleep. Robbie follows suit.
The next morning you wake up late to find your position changed. Robbie laid sideways across the bed, and your head was in his lap, arms wrapped around his legs. Robbie picks his head up and looks down at you. “Morning sunshine,” he chuckles. You playfully roll your eyes and sit up in his lap. “What should we do today?” you rub your eyes sleepily. "Hmmm, I’m not sure, maybe we could go out for lunch?” he suggests. “That sounds lovely, I brought a nice outfit. I can’t believe I have to leave tonight,” you whine. He laughs and says, “I don’t want you to leave either, but I’m already almost a third of the way done shooting. I’ll be back home before you know it.” You make a puppy dog face and pull yourself out of bed, walking over to your suitcase. You pull out a strapless, yellow floral sundress and light pink flats. You hop in the shower and quickly rinse off. When you emerge in the white towel, Robbie laughs to himself. “What?” you smirk at him. He laughs again and says, “Well, you remember that one night when I stayed over because it was really late? It was before we were dating.” You nod and Robbie continues, “Well, I saw you slip out of the shower in a very similar white towel and that’s the first time I realized how much I really cared about you.” You tease him and say, “Wow what a perv, checking me out and not telling me.” Robbie chuckles and kisses your forehead as he walks past you into the bathroom. When he emerges he sees your beautiful summer outfit and smiles. You look darling,” he brushes your curls behind your ear and wraps his arms around your waist. You smile to yourself and say, “Where are we headed?” “I know this great sushi restaurant from when I was hear for season 3 of Once. We’ll take an uber,” he responds.
10 minutes later the two of you are in the back of an uber headed towards the restaurant. When you arrive, you find yourself back in your normal routine with Robbie, joking and laughing  and enjoying each other’s company. All too soon the meal comes to an end and you announce that you should probably head back to the hotel to pack up. Pretty soon you find yourself driving up to the drop off at the Vancouver airport. Robbie tells the driver he’ll get out with you, because he wants to talk to you. Robbie helps you to check your luggage and the two of you sit down in a Starbucks inside the airport. “I really just wanted to come in to make sure your okay. If you want me to come back to LA at any time, I will, I’ll be on the next flight out. Don’t hesitate, and please don’t push me out again, tell me what’s going on, I care about you and you mean the world to me. Please just talk to me,” he takes your hand in his. “Will you promise me that, please?” he pleads. “I promise, I’m sorry I’m not the best at communicating. I’ve never  really been in a long term relationship,” you admit. “I’ve never been in a relationship that meant this much to me,” he replies. “I’m gonna miss you,” you say, deciding to continue to be honest. “I’ll miss you too (y/n), so much,” he kisses your hand. You sadly glance at your watch and say, “It’s time for me to go.” Robbie sighs and stands up, walking you to your gate. People were already boarding and you turn to Robbie, a tear in your eye. “Robbie I love you,” you hug him fiercely. He wraps his arms around you and holds you close, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “I love you too (y/n). Call me when you get home,” he tells you. You nod and a tear slips down your face. “Darling please don't cry. I’ll be home before you know it,” he says wiping the tear away from your cheek. “I’ll try,” you nervously half laugh, half cry. Robbie smiles and says, “See you soon gorgeous.” You smile back and say, “See ya.” You make yourself turn away from Robbie and board the plane. Robbie watches you walk away and sadness overtakes him.
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