#a whole slew of hawkworths
olivieblake · 7 years
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Chapter 13: Abduction is Love [ AO3 ] | [ ff.net ]
“This is about more than forgiveness,” he told her. “I –”
He hesitated, uncertain how convincing he could be; he noted the impatient tapping of Nico’s fingers against his stiffly folded arms and determined that in this case, excess caution was unwise.
“I just need you to know that I love you, Hermione,” Draco pronounced firmly, and yanked her in close, kissing her as deeply and ferociously as he could manage.
His arms rose to block the motion of her hands as she slid a vial from his pocket, her fingers closing shakily around it. He deepened the kiss, gripping the back of her head with one hand as he covertly grasped her fingers with the other, and took the vial from her with careful, breathless precision.
And then – because nothing in life was ever certain, he reasoned, and if he were going to die, he’d prefer it be in the aftermath of something enjoyable – he kissed her a few moments longer.
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