#emmett carnegie
olivieblake · 7 years
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New Post:
Chapter 13: Abduction is Love [ AO3 ] | [ ff.net ]
“This is about more than forgiveness,” he told her. “I –”
He hesitated, uncertain how convincing he could be; he noted the impatient tapping of Nico’s fingers against his stiffly folded arms and determined that in this case, excess caution was unwise.
“I just need you to know that I love you, Hermione,” Draco pronounced firmly, and yanked her in close, kissing her as deeply and ferociously as he could manage.
His arms rose to block the motion of her hands as she slid a vial from his pocket, her fingers closing shakily around it. He deepened the kiss, gripping the back of her head with one hand as he covertly grasped her fingers with the other, and took the vial from her with careful, breathless precision.
And then – because nothing in life was ever certain, he reasoned, and if he were going to die, he’d prefer it be in the aftermath of something enjoyable – he kissed her a few moments longer.
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reviewae · 7 years
Disclaimer: any excerpts taken and posted here do not belong to me, only the reactions do. the excerpts belong to the great great olivieblake.
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Oh my god, so we’re starting with Dramione?! Yayayayayayayayayay!!!!!!(does a little tap-dance with sombrero dangling off of head.)
(Just so you know guys, I have already read this chapter roughly five times(I couldn’t control myself!) and all my reactions are not actual live reations, but roll with it.)
A whiff of something familiar that tickled his nose to consciousness; a faint hint of gardenias.Oh my god oh my god I know what that is..its Hermione’s perfume,right, from Clean and Marked!?
Hermione's perfume. See? I told ya.
"I wouldn't keep her very far," he commented, and Draco frowned, recognizing neither the man nor the intent behind his reference. Cause you’re not really into her yet, son. It takes time. But look what we got here: another Dramione shipper! Welcome to the fam son, your name?
"You're a motherfucking swine," Daisy snapped,  Yeah, tell him, girl!
"My father," Daisy interrupted, "has nothing to do with this." You poor, innocent child. *pats hair gently*
"Okay, listen up you little shitbag, I - mphhmhihm-" Ewww. Is it just me or does it look-sound like he’s kissed her. He’s most likely gagged her though.
Draco had once hoped himself that she would stop talking, he determined that a disconcerting form of wish-fulfillment. The snark levels of this guy, like honestly. He’s probably going to die but *gestures hands wildly* 
Draco caught the outline of a tattoo at the base of his throat, tucking the observation in the back of his mind for later. Okay, another guy from the mysterious infinity club. I’m going to save this info for later too.
Demonstration of what excessive snark levels make you:  "Sounds like breaking and entering," Draco commented in reply. "Though, considering you already have kidnapping checked off the list, I suppose that's nothing remarkable, is it?"
Draco Malfoy. They make you Draco Malfoy.
"I have surveillance charms set up in my office," she said tightly, not quite looking at Hermione. "I know you and Malfoy took my files, but I figured once you saw I wasn't covering anything up you'd simply return them. I thought it would be better to let you think you had me fooled," she exhaled, sighing out the irony, "so you'd figure out on your own that you could trust me." You little shit, Carnegie. You’re also kinda like Harry y’know. Just more, slytherin-ish.
Draco, again, felt a twinge of guilt at having once made the same assertion. I love how they keep coming back to this non-consequential piece of information.  
"You know," Draco ventured tangentially, "I have a tattoo myself." Yours is one heck of a tattoo son. Really..um, sophisticated. Also, I see what you’re doing there.
"I find that mine is rather telling," he offered wryly.No shit Sherlock.
"I'll tell you precisely who I am. I'm Nicholas Flamel, though I prefer to go by N-" What the fuck? That old shit’s dead. He was connected to that shiny red ruby then he died or something. Or was going to.
"You can't be Nicholas Flamel. He's - he's old," she protested, "and the Philosopher's Stone was destroyed, so - "   Same, sis, same.
and as I was saying, I prefer Nico. So You’re Nico!? Nice to meet you! Sorry to say this, but you’re kinda an asshole.
Nico's expression stiffened. That was a risky gamble. Let’s hope it works for your sake.
"Lady Revel," he repeated, his tongue darting angrily between his lips as if to rid himself of the taste. "I'll have to have a talk with Ignotus," Damn, she is already gone, man; nothing you do can ruin her further. and I kinda like her(totally cause she wants to mutilate umbridge) he murmured to himself, and behind Draco, he felt Hermione stiffen. Why did hermione stiffen? What does she know? Something’s up.
Draco elbowed her as sharply as possible, smacking the back of his head against hers for emphasis. When I said ‘physical affection’ I certainly did not mean this. Gentle with the goods, man.
"The attention," she croaked. "We theorized it was being done for attention. The reason for low-ranking officials is obviously access - they're easier to get to, first of all, and they don't have years of threats teaching them to watch their backs and safeguard their security, and - "
"Yes, yes," Nico said, flicking his wand again to silence her. "Attention, fine," he permitted, "but whose? That's no less opaque."
"But why on earth would anyone blame an organization whose entire purpose is predicated on secrecy?" Hermione pressed. "If these poisonings aren't being orchestrated by the Club, then who could be - " Wait, What the fuck? Two of them are tied up and the third is holding them hostage and they’re just talking to each other like they’re just solving any other case or something?
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"Are you nearly done?" Emmett demanded. "Emilia's going mad, I can't hold her off for much longer, and if she calls in Daisy's Aurors - " Okay, first of all, Fuck you Emmett, you heartless bastard. Second of all, thank god, emilia is not involved in this. that would have been just too much heartbreak for poor Daisy.
"Really," he added, shaking his head with what appeared to be wildly misplaced mirth, "what parent would?" Wait. What’s happening? Why’d he say that? is he going to kill him? oh my gosh he’s gonna kill him isn’t he?
"What murder?" Emmett asked, and Draco groaned.
"Worst last words ever,"Seriously Draco, I honestly don’t know what to do with you. he muttered as Daisy screamed, and behind him, Draco felt Hermione gasp, both of them watching Emmett Carnegie fall stiffly to the floor in the span of a breath. Eeek. Didnt see THAT coming. or maybe i did. either way, good riddance?
"I have a chocolate frog card of you, you bastard!" HAHAHAHAHA!! Of all the things she could have said, she says that?!!
"That's a man I paid to continue to be me as I focused my attention on other pursuits. “ Stunt double. Seems like even the best can’t hold their own.
"Hermione," Draco interrupted, clearing a rasp from his voice. "I have to tell you something. Before we die, I need you to know something," he pressed urgently, and turned as far as he was able, catching the sharp turn of her head. "I need you to know I'm - I'm so sorry," he exhaled. "Everything I said to you, everything I did, I need you to know how sorry I am, and - " Omg, is it happening? is he telling her he loves her? but he’s accepting his death so quickly? that’s not possible. that’s not the Draco I know. He’s upto something isn’t he? He’s buying time. ahuhhh...
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^^^Actual footage of Draco Malfoy. Sorry, Back to the story!
Draco was certain the compulsion to imagine his final words must have occurred at least once to Nicholas Flamel, a man who'd outlived his friends and family for centuries.
After all, even a man fixated on immortality must suffer mortal pitfalls.
"Surely you've thought about the things you would have done," Draco pressed. "Haven't you? The things you'd want to say, and how you'd want to say them." He paused, parsing his words carefully. "You can't tell me it's never crossed your mind." This little shit. He knows exactly what he’s doing and I love him!!!
"Draco," Hermione said quietly, leaning her head back against his. "It's okay, I understand - " Hermione, child,I love you and all but please, shut up. 
"In the lining of my pocket," he whispered to her. "Any vial will - " Please tell me there’s a bomb in there.
Draco nodded hurriedly, gripping Hermione's waist as her fingers rose to place themselves against his chest, smoothing out against the fabric of his shirt.  Yaaaaaasss pull her closer boy! Get some babay!!!
"I'm sorry," he told her. "I hurt you, I insulted you, I misjudged you, and I'm fucking sorry for it. Before anything happens to either of us, I need to know you forgive me for everything I've done."  Is he being genuine? Please be genuinely sorry. Please.
"I just need you to know that I love you, Hermione," Draco pronounced firmly, and yanked her in close, kissing her as deeply and ferociously as he could manage.
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He deepened the kiss, gripping the back of her head with one hand as he covertly grasped her fingers with the other, and took the vial from her with careful, breathless precision.And then - because nothing in life was ever certain, he reasoned, and if he were going to die, he'd prefer it be in the aftermath of something enjoyable - he kissed her a few moments longer. He slid his tongue along the bottom swell of her lip and she shivered, drawing him closer. Her hands dropped to his hips, her fingers digging into the lip of his trousers, and  Oh my god, do i feel hot? is it hot in here? no only hot in there. oooff , when i said get some, you really took it to heart didn’t you?
"Ehem," Nico said, making a face. "I think you've said it."  Nico be like, “Meh. Straight, mortal people.”
Draco pulled away, dazed I totally understand boo.
"I'd rather not live to see Draco die, if that's alright with you." Gives me such Ride or Die deja vu feels.
There was a loud series of gasps, a shattering of glass, and then Draco looked up slowly, realizing that the many eyes of the party's guest had fallen on them; specifically, on the dead man clutched by his traumatized daughter, and then on Hermione and Draco, who clung to each other, breathing hard. Ooops?
Okay quick note, I’m skipping the rhys part cause unpopular opinion, I don’t like him. I mean, he’s decent and all but, Paws off Draco’s Hermione!! So yeah, y’know. Also he’s a side character, not veeerryy interested in him.Also, who’s gonna read that when you have dramione coming up? Yes, more DRAMIONE!!!YAAASSS!!! I’ll probably do this reaction later, in a small side note or something.
She reached out, catching his arm. Are they going to fuck?Please do!!!
"Malfoy," she began, and exhaled, uncertain how to proceed. "What you said back there, in Daisy's office - "
"It was a distraction," Draco supplied curtly. "Nothing to acknowledge. Shockingly," he drawled, kicking at the upturned corner of the rug, "I'm not actually in love with you." Sheeshh. Harsh.
"No, I meant about - " she faltered. "You said you were sorry." She’s not letting go that easy, isn’t she? God bless her.
"Of course I'm sorry," he said. "You know that." Awwww, he acknowledges it.Okay,that’s it, i am officially in love with this Draco.
"Until what?" he asked, stepping towards her. "Until it was almost too late? Until we were both about to die?" He paused again, staring at her. "Until I was holding you in my arms?" Woooh, from a zero to a hundred just like that. Man, he’s hot when he’s scary, and frank.
and he looked as though he might step closer, but then abruptly decided against it.  Nononononononnonono. Its just one little step. Just one little step, do it man.
She took the step he didn't. THANKYOU!!!!!
She reached out, brushing a strand of silvery-blond hair from his eyes, and swallowed hard. *chanting* KISS KISS KISS KISS!!!!
Behind them, the Floo suddenly burst into flames, Harry's head appearing in the fireplace. OKAY WHAT THE FUCK! HARRY? YOU FUCKING BASTARD!! YOU COULD’VE JUST WAITED 10 SECONDS COULDN’T YOU? YOU JUST HAD TO COCKBLOCK RIGHT NOW!? YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKER!! GET LOST!!! 
Roughly an hour later, That was not a cliffhanger, but it was also fucking worse!!! Now have to wait for like 3-4 more chapters of angsty eye-fucking and rhys-hermione before i get a glimpse  of pure unadulterated and uninterrupted Dramione (yes, I’m side-eyeing Harry.)  Well, that’s all for this chapter, make sure to reblog and follow.I make new reactions every sunday.(Though this came a little late ‘cause i had exams.) Also shoutout to @coyunnnnn for reblogging. Thanks for reading!!! 1402wisegirl, over and out.
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chaoticrebels · 2 years
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Name: Brian Aiden Kinney
Nickname: Bri
Birthday: May 21
Age: 20 - 35+
Sexuality: Gay
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Species: Human
Powers: None
Occupation: Chief Executive Officer(Kinnetik), Nightclub Owner(Babylon)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 174 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair color: Brunette
Piercings: None
Tattoos: He has the word resist tattooed on his middle finger
Scars: None
Faceclaim: Gale Harold
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Brian Kinney was born to Jack and Joan Kinney in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His family was Irish-Catholic, with his mother in particular being extremely devout and homophobic. Brian had an unstable childhood due to his father being an abusive alcoholic. Brian was physically abused by his father throughout his childhood and teenage years; it is unclear whether Jack was also abusive to Brian's older sister, Claire. During his high school years, Brian would escape the abuse in his home by staying with his best friend, Michael Novotny, whose mother, Debbie Novotny, ultimately began treating Brian like another son. After high school, Brian received a full scholarship to Carnegie Mellon, where he studied advertising. It is there that he meets another close friend, Lindsay Peterson, who shares an art history class with him.
Though Brian is open about his sexuality to Michael and Debbie and is highly sexually active during his teenage years, Brian only comes out to his parents when he is well into adulthood. Brian feels he does not owe anything to his parents and chose not to disclose his sexuality to them for so long because he has little to no relationship with them. However, he ultimately tells his father on his deathbed, and his mother accidentally finds out after seeing Justin Taylor in Brian's bedroom during a visit to his loft. Both parents' responses are overwhelmingly negative.
Brian's biggest fear is to lose his youth and beauty. His best friend, Michael, often reassures him that he will "always be young, and always be beautiful." Lindsay, a sister-like figure to Brian, sometimes fondly calls him 'Peter', in reference to Peter Pan, the boy who never grows old; he calls her 'Wendy' in return. Emmett Honeycutt's elderly boyfriend George Shickle before he dies describes Brian as "the love child of James Dean and Ayn Rand."
Despite Brian's seemingly uncaring and amoral nature, he is shown as loving his friends and will often make great sacrifices for them, even though he won't admit it. He plans a wedding for Lindsay and Melanie after theirs falls apart, and gives up his parental rights to his young son Gus, so that Melanie and Lindsay will reunite in the first season. He pushes Michael away, so that he will go back to his boyfriend. He helps his young lover Justin recover after a bashing at his senior prom, which Brian attended to please Justin. He gives up his job and money to beat the anti-gay candidate for mayor, Jim Stockwell, and is willing to give up his loft and nightclub to be with Justin.
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
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That full welter of emotions soars to the fore of her classic track ‘Mississippi Goddam’ from 1964, an anthem that she declared her first civil rights song. She performed it over groundbreaking three nights at the Carnegie Hall and these recordings were dubbed together to form the finished track that later appeared on the record Nina Simone in Concert.
When Simone heard of the appalling atrocities of the racially motivated murders of Emmett Till and Medgar Evers in Mississippi, as we all as the killing of four black children in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing, she set about a soulful entreaty that probed at the problem. Simone grabbed her notebook, sat at her piano and penned the song in an outpouring of grief that took no more than 20 minutes for her to write.
Her new Dutch label Philips Records were bold enough to put out the record but it wasn’t always well-received, in fact, it was seemingly banned by a lot of radio stations in the Southern states mentioned in the song. While some have posited that it was banned owing to the term ‘Goddam’ featuring in the title, the response of the stations suggests it was met with more vitriol than that. Many of the records disturbed to stations were sent back to Philips Records having been snapped in half.
However, despite this harsh treatment the defiant legacy of the song lived on. Simone would go on to perform the protest anthem at the Selma marches and eventually performed it on The Steve Allen Show. Now, the record resides in the Library of Congress as a mark of its historical importance. It is testimony to the title that Simone gave herself: “I am a rebel with a cause.”
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
But because the imaginary machine was always running, I felt I always ought to be working. Audiences like to be swept off their feet by a vigorous stream of words. When you're riding a Segway looks like a dork riding a Segway looks like a dork riding a Segway you're just standing there. And indeed, the growth in the first place. Though you can focus on different plans when talking to different types of investors, you should supplement these with intros you collect yourself. A startup that reaches ramen profitability may be more pain in your own company, like Wozniak did. All great cities were located on waterways, because cities made money by trade, and water was the only economical way to ship. There has been a lot written lately about the creative class.
Computer Science departments are said to be MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, and Carnegie-Mellon. My professor friends, when they're deciding where they'd like to work, just as you'd be careful to bend at the knees when picking up a heavy box. Since the goal of this rule is bigger than most people realize. But in fact you shouldn't. At a test that doesn't matter. Being a really good speaker is not merely orthogonal to having good ideas is an alarmingly small component of being a good speaker is increasingly a matter of implementing some brilliant initial idea. And at Y Combinator are from young founders making things they think other people will want.
I look at the other four languages. That's true in writing too of course, this algorithm automatically maximizes the revenue of the search engine. It seemed just amazing, as if the active ingredient of Silicon Valley were the office space. But I suspect it's the startup world is evolving away from their current model. I've tried to explain this to VC firms. For him, I now realize, this was supposed to be the kind of single-minded, almost obnoxiously elitist focus on hiring the smartest people that the big winners have had. Now that you can get asymptotically close to the sort of engagement you get when speaking ad lib. The large size of their investments makes them conservative. There doesn't seem any particular urgency to be profitable. The survival rate for startups is way less than fifty percent. A round, or leads for them. It won't get you a job, except perhaps as a classics professor, but it isn't true.
Thanks to Emmett Shear, Ryan Stanley, Geoff Ralston, many others, and Adora Cheung for reading a previous draft.
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vegaprose · 3 years
Gary Oldman Muses
Prince Vlad Sirius Black Norman Stansfield Jim Gordon Ivan Korshunov Drexl Spivey Carnegie Rosencrantz Father Solomon Jackie Flannery Arthur Dimmesdale Martin ( Track 29 ) Emmett Foley Ben Chase
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3/18 Book Deals
Hello and good morning, everyone! I hope you’re all hanging in there, whether you still have to physically go out to work (and if you’re working at grocery, pharmacy, etc.--my hat’s off to you, we are all so grateful; I don’t think you knew you were signing up for this!) or working at home, hanging out at home, whatever you’re doing. We’ve got this. It’s been a rough few days for me, but I’m trying to just keep plowing forward. I’m picking these book deals back up this week because I know money might be tight for a lot and a lot of you also have more time on your hands to read, so let there be books to read! Into the Drowning Deep is so good and a great way to take your mind off of things going on, and A Secret History of Witches is also a great book if you love witches and historical fiction. :) Have a great day, everyone! As always, if you ever need to chat or vent, feel free to reach out. :) 
Today’s Deals:
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Carnegie's Maid by Marie Benedict - https://amzn.to/3d97Qlz
The Black Prism by Brent Weeks - https://amzn.to/2UezEfX
Semiosis by Sue Burke - https://amzn.to/2ITBmhq
A Secret History of Witches by Louisa Morgan - https://amzn.to/3a0bWL7
Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant - https://amzn.to/2UeXkAU
The Throne of the Five Winds by S.C. Emmett - https://amzn.to/3a4d4Ny
All the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry - https://amzn.to/3b9RO9x
Rooms by Lauren Oliver - https://amzn.to/33q2Sg2
The Last Palace by Norman Eisen - https://amzn.to/2QoX2pM
One Night Gone by Tara Laskowski - https://amzn.to/2IV4MM9
The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell - https://amzn.to/3dbJNT6
The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett - https://amzn.to/3d9CpYm
NOTE:  I am categorizing these book deals posts under the tag #bookdeals, so if you don’t want to see them then just block that tag and you should be good. I am an Amazon affiliate in addition to a Book Depository affiliate and will receive a small (but very much needed!)  commission on any purchase made through these links.
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twistedstxrs · 2 years
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Name: Brian Aiden Kinney
Nickname: Bri
Alias: Kinney
Birthday: May 21
Age: 20 - 35+
Sexuality: Gay
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Species: Human
Powers: None
Occupation: Chief Executive Officer(Kinnetik), Nightclub Owner(Babylon)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 174 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair color: Brunette
Piercings: None
Tattoos: He has the word resist tattooed on his middle finger
Scars: None
Faceclaim: Gale Harold
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Brian Kinney was born to Jack and Joan Kinney in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His family was Irish-Catholic, with his mother in particular being extremely devout and homophobic. Brian had an unstable childhood due to his father being an abusive alcoholic. Brian was physically abused by his father throughout his childhood and teenage years; it is unclear whether Jack was also abusive to Brian's older sister, Claire. During his high school years, Brian would escape the abuse in his home by staying with his best friend, Michael Novotny, whose mother, Debbie Novotny, ultimately began treating Brian like another son. After high school, Brian received a full scholarship to Carnegie Mellon, where he studied advertising. It is there that he meets another close friend, Lindsay Peterson, who shares an art history class with him.
Though Brian is open about his sexuality to Michael and Debbie and is highly sexually active during his teenage years, Brian only comes out to his parents when he is well into adulthood. Brian feels he does not owe anything to his parents and chose not to disclose his sexuality to them for so long because he has little to no relationship with them. However, he ultimately tells his father on his deathbed, and his mother accidentally finds out after seeing Justin Taylor in Brian's bedroom during a visit to his loft. Both parents' responses are overwhelmingly negative.
Brian's biggest fear is to lose his youth and beauty. His best friend, Michael, often reassures him that he will "always be young, and always be beautiful." Lindsay, a sister-like figure to Brian, sometimes fondly calls him 'Peter', in reference to Peter Pan, the boy who never grows old; he calls her 'Wendy' in return. Emmett Honeycutt's elderly boyfriend George Shickle before he dies describes Brian as "the love child of James Dean and Ayn Rand."
Despite Brian's seemingly uncaring and amoral nature, he is shown as loving his friends and will often make great sacrifices for them, even though he won't admit it. He plans a wedding for Lindsay and Melanie after theirs falls apart, and gives up his parental rights to his young son Gus, so that Melanie and Lindsay will reunite in the first season. He pushes Michael away, so that he will go back to his boyfriend. He helps his young lover Justin recover after a bashing at his senior prom, which Brian attended to please Justin. He gives up his job and money to beat the anti-gay candidate for mayor, Jim Stockwell, and is willing to give up his loft and nightclub to be with Justin.
0 notes
unlimited-goldfish · 7 years
Hi! I saw your post about the flowers, I was wondering if you could do a brief explanation of the different personalities??
Hey there! Did you mean like the MBTI personalities? I’ll do my best!
ENTJ - Logical, decisive, strategic. Natural leaders. Probably your boss. Not always a dictator. See also: Bill Gates, Jim Carrey, Alexander Hamilton, Princess Leia (Star Wars)
INTJ - Theoretical, driven, systematic. Natural innovators. Probably your class valedictorian. Not always a nerd. See also: C.S. Lewis, Isaac Newton, Jane Austen, Bruce Wayne (Batman)
ESTJ - Analytical, efficient, straightforward. Natural organizers. Probably president of something. Not always a control freak. See also: Henry Ford, Michelle Obama, St. Paul, Frank Sinatra, Dwight Schrute (The Office)
ISTJ - Factual, thorough, steadfast. Natural problem solvers. Probably a math whiz. Not always antisocial. See also: Queen Elizabeth II, George Washington, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation)
ENFJ - Enthusiastic, loyal, sociable. Natural diplomats. Probably your mom. Not always psychic. See also: Martin Luther King Jr., Johnny Depp, Nelson Mandela, Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
INFJ - Insightful, compassionate, committed. Natural visionaries. Probably your fairy godmother. Not always impossibly rare. See also: Thomas Jefferson, Carrie Fisher, Adam Sandler, Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird)
ESFJ - Conscientious, sympathetic, responsive. Natural caregivers. Probably your teacher. Not always overly energetic. See also: Pope Francis, Andrew Carnegie, Anne Hathaway, Wendy Darling (Peter Pan)
ISFJ - Caring, practical, responsible. Natural nurturers. Probably the mom friend. Not always uber-traditional. See also: Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, Louisa May Alcott, Winnie the Pooh
ENTP - Clever, confident, outspoken. Natural questioners. Probably your local mad scientist. Not always a living meme. See also: Tom Hanks, Nikola Tesla, Alfred Hitchcock, Dr. Emmett Brown (Back to the Future)
INTP - Curious, speculative, original. Natural theorists. Probably extremely witty. Not always robotic/immune to feeling. See also: Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Meryl Streep, Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
ESTP - Observant, spontaneous, energetic. Natural doers. Probably athletic. Not always midlessly active. See also: Eddie Murphy, Winston Churchill, Lucille Ball, Merida (Brave)
ISTP - Adventurous, independent, adaptable. Natural craftsmen. Probably a lone wolf. Not always apathetic. See also: Tom Cruise, Steve Jobs, James Dean, Han Solo (Star Wars)
ENFP - Expressive, imaginative, gregarious. Natural communicators. Probably the quirky nerd that everyone loves. Not always the physical embodiment of sunshine. See also: Dr. Seuss, Robin Williams, Mark Twain, Genie (Aladdin)
INFP - Empathetic, harmonious, sensitive. Natural idealists. Probably a dreamer and a bookworm. Not always crying over everything. See also: William Shakespeare, Mr. Rogers, Helen Keller, Kermit the Frog (The Muppets)
ESFP - Vivacious, playful, easygoing. Natural entertainers. Probably an actor, comedian, etc. Not always 24/7 partying. See also: Marylin Monroe, Elvis Presley, Pablo Picasso, Penny Hofstadter (The Big Bang Theory)
ISFP - Peaceful, understanding, realistic. Natural composers. Probably a nature lover. Not always an artist. See also: Paul McCartney, Princess Diana, Rihanna, Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
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olivieblake · 7 years
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New Post:
Chapter 12: Real AF [ AO3 ] | [ ff.net ]
"It's 'rude'?" Draco echoed, scoffing. "Granger, we're fucking spies. I don't chat about the weather before I kill someone - "
"Shh," Hermione warned, glaring at him. "I just don't feel good about it, that's all."
"Well, marvelous," Draco said, as music and laughter continuously carried from the ballroom downstairs. "But we don't have much time, so save your crisis of confidence until after we're done, would you?"
"I just don't know if there's much logic in this," she pressed nervously. "Just because her family clearly has money and influence doesn't inherently make them more likely to be involved, does it? I mean, your family's rich and old, and--"
Draco spun on the stairs, whipping around to face her.
"Yes, they are," he agreed sharply, "and my father was the devoted follower of a villainous, amoral cult, and on a good day, I'm just an assassin."
Hermione sighed.
"Point taken," she permitted weakly.
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reviewae · 7 years
Disclaimer: any excerpts taken and posted her do not belong to me, only the reactions do. the excerpts belong to the great great olivieblake.
Okay so Today’s going to be a complete review so before we proceed let me just yell, SPOILER ALERT!!!!!
Okay I’m done, let’s go.
He could keep track, actually. As of that morning, Theo had sent him a name change form requesting the company be called The Deathly Hallows Are Real as Fuck and So Am I, which Harry, a consummate professional, asserted with confidence was not ideal to be offered aloud to the Minister of Magic. The deathly hallows are real AF and so Am I…like does he want to make it more obvious that its actually not? I’m even going to consider this a fanfic anymore. (Petition to make How To Win Real AF)
The dead," Kingsley murmured, scraping a hand over his cheeks, "have a comforting tendency to stay dead."
Harry grimaced. "So true," he lied. I see what you did there olivie, honey.
"Well, aside from news from Zabini, nothing much," Theo cheerfully replied. "Mostly just here to get on my knees and bl-" Theo, like seriously? Seriously? You really don’t have that filter between your brain and your mouth, do you? Or rather that filter between your dick and your mouth (Is there even a connection? I digress.)
"Not anymore, apparently," Theo said, shrugging. "I think the arrangement is part of the deal in exchange for Dionisia's continued patronage with regard to his mother's - " he coughed. "Opera."
Harry lifted a brow. "Opera?"
"Some people like the arts, Potter," Theo drawled, and Harry sighed. Uh oh. You’re not convincing anyone with that, honey.
"Ends, means, whatever. Justified."This is Theo Nott ladies and gentlemen. Ever the eloquent chap. (I’m pretty sure Draco would know exactly know what that saying was and then would proceed to drawl it out, sexily, slowly..umm sorry digressing!)
"Us," Harry repeated.
"I - " Theo began, bemused. "What?"
"You said whether he wants us to succeed," Harry said, tapping his fingers innocently against the desk. "I didn't realize you considered this a collective effort."
"Oh, fuck off, Potter," Theo retorted. "Fine. Whether he wants you to succeed, then - "
"No, no," Harry said, rising to his feet and walking around his desk, leaning back against it as he looked down at Theo with a grin. "Tell me again how we're an us, Nott."
He gloried in Theo's obvious stiffening. He really hasn’t lost the ability to hit the nail on the head has he? Obvious as fuck and still a fucking surprise. I love how olivie perfectly conveys the same harry that’s in the books, yet subtly changes him so much. Like he still is extremely perceptive at times, understanding too. His temper however is consistently absent. Less awkward too. Let’s get back.
"Fuck off, Potter, you know perfectly well that's a lie I told to embarrass you," Theo said flatly, stretching up to his feet and wandering Harry's office, unapologetically making it his domain. "I'd never say something so uncouth if I actually meant it," he pressed, "would I?"
Disappointing, thought Harry, though he tried not to show it. I feel you, son. I’m disappointed too. For you. And for me, cause I don’t get to read blowjob smut. Meh.
"So this is all business, then?" So, you see, if this was Draco or Hermione, it would be all angst filled and dramatic with heartbreak music playing in the background. But, this is Theo Nott and Harry Potter, and Olivieblake. So I’m expecting a Blowjob.
"Oh, fuck no, I didn't say that," Theo replied neutrally, slouching down in Harry's chair and deftly unzipping his trousers. "Go on," he beckoned, winking at Harry and kicking back from the desk. "Give me a show, Auror Potter."
I fucking knew it.
Harry paused, deliberating."That's my desk," he reminded Theo.Theo raised his wand, flicking it lazily to lock Harry's office door."Not right now it isn't," he replied, unfazed, and Harry shook his head to conceal a smile. You adorable idiots. I wish you all the love and acceptance in the world, which is probably not what’s written for the both of you. But still, brb, sacrificing my left arm for you two. (who needs a left arm when you’re a right-hander who ships nottpott to the moon and back.)
Now moving on to the next scene.
Dionisia and her elder sister Sibyll came from a family long admired for its gift of Sight, though only her sister seemed to have inherited it. Okayyyy so she’s wacko divination professor’s younger sis. Interesting development.And it seems like all the sanity and tact that the elder one lost, the younger one has.
largely feelings of juvenile imposter syndrome, The Story Of My Life.
"You play a dangerous game, Miss Trelawney," he remarked quietly, and she smiled, catching something telling in the tormented lines of his face; as if he had said something similar before. She reminds me so much of Tom. Well, the original, canon Tom.Also, Dumbledore’s reaction to her ‘games’ reminds me so much of what he felt about Tom.
"Poor fools," Dionisia thought, tucking vial after vial into the vaults below the house's floorboards. Collecting their memories? Through Tears? 
a young man with raven-black hair and a youthful expression, one night in her twenty-fifth year; she had opened the door to her bedroom and found him sitting in her favorite chair beside the fireplace. He reminds me of how Tom is described, but considering this is olivie’s fic and that anything, anything can happen, I withhold judgement and speculation.(But what if it is one of the peverell’s brothers?)
"What do you want?" she interrupted, finding herself uncharacteristically bristled and impatient. Your Façade’s Breaking!!!! ABORT MISSION ABORT!!! PUSH HIM OUT!! HE’S TROUBLE!! (though you are too.)
"Who are you?" she demanded, and he turned, offering her a bow."I thought you'd never ask," he told her.His name was Ignotus Peverell, and he was her first of two terrible mistakes. So, just to clarify, this is the first brother right? The one hungry for power? The completely wack one who suggested ‘killing’ themselves? Also the evil, crazy, maniac?You know going back to the intro of the fic, which says, “Real heroes never quit. Real villians never die.”, is olivie trying to say that the real villians were the first two brothers? Or umbridge? Cause she’s featuring in one of the chapters. But then looking at the scenario, umbridge looks like a small-scale villain compared to these big shots.Okay, that’s too much foreshadowing, back to reading.Okay so I just looked it up, and it looks like ignotus is the youngest guy. Is he a maniac too? Gosh, I hope not.Oh okay, so this guy’s the third one, who’s doing the deed along with the eldest brother Antioch. Fucking obvious that the second one ended up rebelling first. Its always the quiet ones.
"Did Nico tell you that?" Dionisia asked skeptically, glancing askance. "Love is love, I would think, whether secrets are shared or not." Who the fuck is Nico? Please wait while I go and re-read the previous chapters to unearth this mystery.
Roughly an hour later,
Nope, Nada. This guy’s new.
"No," he agreed. "I suspect you've known for some time." He glanced at her. "But do you not feel the same?"She toyed with it for a moment; if she told him the truth, it could certainly cost her, but if she lied, she would subsequently possess a secret - and that, she suspected, would destroy her."I do," she said carefully, and he slid a hand around her cheek, kissing her with a gentle, almost-not-a-touch across her lips, drawing her closer in his arms. Okay so romance between the bad ranks. I really don’t feel anything cause I don’t ship them but oof that’s hot. But honestly, she’s an idiot. That guy’s bad news!!!!! 
"Who was it?" Dionisia demanded, and a tear slipped down the young girl's cheek."I don't know her name," the girl sniffed, "but she wore all pink, and looked like a - "She paused, hesitating."A what?" Dionisia pressed."A toad," the girl whispered. AHAHAHAHA!!!! Umbridge is here!!! And here I thought dionisia was a bigshot. Looks like queen bitch is here to fuck all systems up. False memories? How powerful is this bitch umbridge anyway??
"It does for your business," Dolores agreed, "but not for the illicit magic you employ, does it?" She paused, indulging an obnoxious hem-hem sound, and Dionisia implored herself not to strangle the woman on the spot, wishing instantly to divest her of her throat. The feeling’s the same. A decade and a half and my hate for this bitch remains unchanged. I wish I could rip out her throat and gut her like a fish. Too.
one in particular, she lamented furiously, who had yet to disappear. So I’m pretty sure umbridge is the villain who won’t fucking stay dead. But I honest to god don’t remember her dying in the books.
"The man in your past," Parvati said, "he's as present as ever. He stands as unwavering as death, and my vision is the same. Your happiness is as two sides of a coin," she said neutrally. "If you betray his secret, you will survive, but he will be destroyed. If you hold it sacred, you will die, but he will be enriched." Okay so she’s talking about Ignotus, and of course she’s going to keep his secret sacred, cause you do effing crazy things for love don’t you?
Change scene:                                                                                
"Come in, then," he said, turning back to his scribbled notes as she stepped through the flames, revealing herself to be wearing an emerald green blouse tucked into a pleated leather skirt and paired with narrow stiletto heels that were entirely too high for the occasion.
They were intriguing, certainly.
Well selected for the benefit of her legs. Like how how does he make the phrase “she looks Bomb AF” sound so bookish?
but with the way she was leaning, he was firmly distracted by the not-unpleasant view he'd been permitted of her legs. "Or, you know. See people often?" Her legs are really distracting aren’t they?
"Yes," he replied. "Always to satisfaction."
He watched her clear her throat, her lips parting slightly.
"Satisfaction?" she echoed. Ooooohhhhh, I can sure feel the slow burn. His innuendos are so obvious yet not obvious at all… I guess its always the quiet ones.
He nodded. "I'd hate to see someone depart my services unsatisfied," he said. "I certainly tailor my performance so that each party gets what they came for."
"Which is?" she asked.
He took a step towards her, watching her hold her breath.
She really did have quite lovely eyes, which traveled tentatively to his mouth.
"Fair and impartial judgment," he told her neutrally. "As per my Wizengamot oath of office."
Instantly, she deflated, a breath escaping sharply from her lips.
"Oh," she said, tearing her gaze away.
And now to my favourite part of the whole chapter, Dramione!!!!!!!
Draco, on the other hand, had clearly had other things in mind aside from dancing and small talk. This is more of an innenduo for us then Hermione and I hate that its just that. An innenduo. Why you no sexing her up?!!
"I just don't know if there's much logic in this," she pressed nervously. "Just because her family clearly has money and influence doesn't inherently make them more likely to be involved, does it? I mean, your family's rich and old, and - "
Draco spun on the stairs, whipping around to face her.
"Yes, they are," he agreed sharply, "and my father was the devoted follower of a villainous, amoral cult, and on a good day, I'm just an assassin."
Hermione sighed.
"Point taken," she permitted weakly, and Draco allowed for a brief, arrogant smirk before gesturing back up the stairs. Point one to Draco. Also really impressed of how he so unfazed with his past. Or rather impressed with his façade.
In response, Hermione offered another resigned sigh, hurrying after him as he poked around in the bedrooms, glancing in and switching on the lights.
"What are we looking for?" she asked, and he shrugged.
"Well, nothing in particular," he said, throwing open the door to what appeared to be an airing cupboard, the sides of it lined with neatly-pressed sheets and towels. "Weird," he muttered, frowning as he stepped inside. "Is there another realm back here?" That’s probably her bedroom. Oh God, this whole section is an innuendo not being taken the right- er, wrong way.
Oh, you're early, Emilia Carnegie had sighed, kissing her daughter's cheek. Daisy, you know how I hate to pull back the veil. Don't slouch, Emmett, she murmured to her husband, nudging him as she spared Draco and Hermione a stiff, coldly alluring smile.
Yes, Daddy, Daisy agreed, giving him a hug. You know how Mom hates a show of weak posture.
Shows weak convictions, Emilia said firmly, and promptly let out a startling bell-like laugh. Anyway, what were we saying?
"True," Draco said, shuddering. "Where do women keep things, then?" Mmmmm…Emilia reminds me so much of Narcissa. Same alluring smile, same primness, same cutthroat sweetness.(let the record show that writer recognizes only fanfiction narcissa.)
"Wow," Hermione remarked, impressed.
"Well," Draco sniffed. "For the record, my mother had a far less whimsical palette and infinitely more taste."
"Please don't," Hermione muttered. "I need you to not get Oedipal on me right now, we're very busy - " I love how devoted draco is to Narcissa. #Forevermommysboy
I apologize, Mrs Carnegie," someone replied; an elf, by the sound of it. "Miss Daisy was only getting something from the wine cellar. I heard a scream just before the sound of something breaking, but by the time I apparated in - "
"Are you telling me my daughter is gone?" Emilia raged. Oh my god, is this umbridge’s work? Shit , what’s happening???
 "Sex," Draco said instantly PREACH!!! The answer to everything.
"My daughter's been taken," she said in a low voice, her blue eyes sparking with anger. "Were you with her?"
"No," Hermione said nervously. "We stepped out, to - "
"Definitely not have sex," Draco supplied. "Definitely something appropriate."
" - talk," Hermione finished, glaring at him. "We were, um. Getting some air, and - " You handsome idiot, Draco. You know exactly what you’re doing don’t you? Its almost like he’s actually telling them that they were doing the do. Which is essentially what he’s trying to do.
 "Of course," Draco assured Emilia, slipping an arm around Hermione's waist. At the unexpected motion, Hermione glanced around, realizing that several of the guests who were wandering the first floor had begun curiously watching them. She felt relieved, oddly, for Draco's ever-surprisingly keen perception. "Of course we can fetch Daisy's things for her," he said loudly, "right, sweetheart?"She feels relieved because he’s there!!! You know I think this is the first fic where draco’s much better at this sneaking thing than Hermione, like infinitely better, must be because he’s an assassin on his best days. I think this is also the first fanfic of olivie’s where you see why they were sorted into the houses they were.
"Does this silhouette look familiar to you?" he asked, and she frowned, uncertain. "It looks," he pressed, dropping his voice to a whisper, "a bit like the person is slouching." Oh my god, is that Emmett ????? NONONONO!!!! MISSION ABORT!!!! RUN! IT’S A TRAP!! IT’S A FUCKING TRAP!!!!!
"Who specifically do you serve?" Hermione pressed, but Draco shook his head, tightly gripping her arm.
NONONONONO!!!! JUST LEAVE FUCKERS!!!!                                
"We have to get out of here," NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!!
he hissed in her ear, moving to draw his wand, but at a small, throat-clearing cough from the doorway, they both froze in place.
"So sorry about this," called a deeply insincere Emmett Carnegie, "but I'm afraid I have to be certain I haven't sacrificed my daughter for nothing."  SHIT. OH GOD, YOU ARE IN SUCH DEEP SHIT. FUCK.
And then, before Hermione could speak, she caught the motion of the elf snapping his fingers, ridding her of consciousness as the floor rose up to swallow them whole. FUCKING OBVIOUSLY THEY HAD TO LOSE CONSCIOUSNESS. OH GOD THE CHAPTER’S DONE??? ON A CLIFFHANGER? NONONONO!!!!
An hour later,
Now that I am in stable condition, not completely stable of course but stable enough to speculate. I would just like to say, that chapter was mindblowing, like I can feel that these are all the small things that are going to come to a crescendo and be a complete fucked up mess.(in a good way). And that cliffhanger, I don’t know how I didn’t see that coming at all!!! Of course this is olivieblake’s fic, so if it doesn’t end in a cliffhanger then it’s a sin, so of course it has to end in a cliffhanger, but no! did I expect it? No.
Okay so reactions done. That was 1402wisegirl, over and out.
9 notes · View notes
reviewae · 7 years
H2W Reactions (SPOILER ALERT) Chapter 14:Hands On Approach
(Disclaimer: any excerpts taken and posted here do not belong to me, only the reactions do. All the excerpts belong to the great, great Olivieblake.
So I was going to do the reactions last Sunday itself but I saw olivie’s post that she would not be posting a chapter this week so, to help myself from succumbing into dramione withdrawal, I did the reactions a week late.
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"But that man is my father," Daisy reminded him bitterly. "And seeing as I've already told you who's responsible - "  I feel really bad for her, actually. They should have torture Emmett or something, not outright kill him. Daisy reminds me a lot of Harry too y’know.
"Miss Carnegie," President MacArthur sighed, "as relieved as I would be for any explanation absolving my own Head Auror from guilt, the story that someone kidnapped you from your home, restrained you in your own office, and then murdered a famously well-respected man for conceivably no reason is not one that anyone's going to believe. Particularly not if the party responsible was, as you claim - " he paused, grimacing, to pick up her report file. "Nicholas Flamel, the alchemist who was born in the fourteenth century," the president muttered, and Hermione winced at the obvious skepticism in his tone as he shook his head, displeased. "Surely even you know this is not a promising alibi, Miss Carnegie." Spoken like -every politician who’s gotten his hands tied- ever. Though now that you think about it, Nicholas Flamel being alive does sound far-fetched. The fact that these people don’t believe them obviously means that these kids definitely are going to stir up some shit on their own.
"Wait a minute," Hermione interrupted, but Harry, who had been standing with his hand curled warily his mouth, promptly yanked her back. Was she always this vocal? I mean, yeah she’s a Gryffindor and all...but she’s like too impulsive. Even Harry knows that he needs to stfu and back off. And honey Harry, I’m still mad at you. So watch it.
"President MacArthur," he attempted, stepping forward, "surely you've considered that these enchantments might have been tampered with. Having worked with Auror Carnegie extensively, I assure you that I can vouch for her character, and - " Honey, you’re no smooth talker either.I think you should let Draco talk. Actually, no. His sarcasm will blow the guy’s head up.
"Let me guess," Draco ventured, his tone effortlessly dry. "The files are missing." Fucking obviously. This, is turning into a fucking nightmare of an investigation. But I really wanna see daisy go rogue. And Draco and Hermione to help her. But that would be too cliché so I am assuming not.
"Auror Potter, you may have rid the world of Voldemort, but that feat alone doesn't elevate your word beyond suspicion," President MacArthur cut in, his voice clipped. Finally a person who doesn’t worship the ground he walks on. No offense, but the guy’s right. Harry may have saved them all, but that doesn’t mean his word’s god. I’m pretty sure Harry’s feeling disgruntled and his brain’s going, “Touché.”
"I still don't know why you're here, Miss Granger, but believe me, this brings me no pleasure," he said flatly. “and that is only the case because Auror Potter has arrived - completely uninvited," he added drily, This guy is  so no-nonsense types, he reminds me of Professor Mcgonagall, but he’s also getting on my nerves.
"Aubrey's already submitted an addendum to his initial reports, saying - "He trailed off, and Daisy clenched a fist."Saying what?" she demanded, and the president grimaced."Expressing doubt," he offered, clearing his throat. "In your - "He stopped again, and Daisy's mouth tightened, furious."In my leadership?" she prompted angrily, and the president shook his head."In your innocence," he admitted, flinching apprehensively, and Daisy's eyes widened, opening and closing her mouth on a disbelieving lack of defense until Harry stepped forward to place his hand on her shoulder, his expression grim. Okay, this fucker Aubrey needs to be put into his place. Does he not know not to bring playground rivalries to the big leagues. Motherfucker. (I have adopted Daisy Carnegie cause she’s got two no good parents who have featured for barely 2 scenes in the entire duration of this fic and my sunshine and flowers needs someone to look over her.)
"Why we were - " She stopped, blinking, as she realized she'd forgotten altogether that their presence had been inexplicably erased. "Oh, my god -Like seriously gurl? You are a fucking war heroine. Pay some damn attention instead of just calling out other people’s bullshit.(I’m sorry, I’m just pms-ing and its horrible and there’s no hot chocolate and Hermione’s just getting on my nerves!!!)
"Anybody from all of time! What if nobody's dead?" she pressed frantically, tearing back and forth across the marble of the chamber floor. "What if literally nobody has ever died, ever, and anyone we know, including my - my granny," she sputtered, "is out there trying to murder us?!" Okay I’m pretty sure this is just the hormones speaking. Dang it, should’ve made Harry wait before he barged in. Now all the sexual frustration is making her brain short-circuit.
"How can you joke?" she demanded, and then let out another harsh cry of frustration, resting her forehead brusquely against his shoulder this time and beginning to wonder if either crying or vomiting would help. "I just - " she stammered. "Everything is - it's just so - "  Okay the only thing I am paying attention to is the fact they have initiated physical contact and Houston we DON’T have a problem so just go go go!!!
"You can't fix everything that's broken, Granger," Draco told her, shaking his head. "Don't you know that by now?"  Ha. I’m pretty sure she’s going to take that as a metaphor for him. Him accepting that, I am not so sure about it.
"Does everything have to be a metaphor?" he demanded. "No, Granger, I'm just saying you can't fix everything. Some things just can't be fixed.""But you mean you," she said. "Right?""No," he growled. "I'm fine, Granger - ""No, actually, you're not," she retorted, scowling at him. "You're doing terribly. You're a mess." Called it. Does this lead to angry sex? Please please please *crosses fingers, sacrifices goats and right hand, joins a cult*
"No. No," he said forcefully, staring down at her. "I told you I was sorry. I meant that. I'm sorry. I'm fucking sorry about everything that I was, to you and to the rest of the world. I'm fucking sorry, Granger," he repeated, his voice mechanical and stiff, "but what good does that do me?""Malfoy," she sighed, "let's not do this, okay? I shouldn't have said anything.""No, you shouldn't have," he agreed, "but you did, so we're doing it. We're doing this right now," he half-shouted, "because you started it!" Sigh. My trash babies. Normally I would have been waiting to barge in and break up this fight but this is just gonna build up the sexual tension to a crescendo and then we’ll be having hot, hot, sex. Well, they’ll be.
"No, this isn't about me! STOP MAKING EVERYTHING ABOUT ME!""DON'T YELL AT ME!""STOP TRYING TO FIX ME!" he roared, taking another step towards her. Okay guys I am getting a little worried. Is nobody else gonna stop them? Damn harry where are you when you need to be?
She didn't hit him. No, don’t tell me. Is it happening?!!! I am not ready for this!!! My body’s not ready for this, my brain’s not ready for this, my hormones are not ready for this!!!
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She kissed him, yanking him towards her and falling back against the railing as he half-choked on something breathless, stumbling against her and biting down on her lip as he let out a gasp of surprise. He caught himself, holding his breath, and pulled away, dazed.
I literally have no words for this. Just..
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So she yanked the zipper down.  GET SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not posting the rest ‘cause, hey! ya nasty!?
I am, supposed to be kid-friendly, though i have already cursed like a sailor, so, still, no smut. Though imma read this again. and again.
I hate to go forward, but the show must go on, so scene change.
the man's formerly handsome face now mangled beyond recognition. Yes! you deserve it you fucking bastard. Now enjoy eternity with that rubber bag for a face.
they should really call you Herpo the Oblivious, I remember hearing about this Herpo the oblivious somewhere though i don’t remember exactly where. Just a sec..
Roughly 3 secs later,
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Oooohhh... This bitch was the one who hatched a basilisk.
Herpo the oblivious does have a better ring than Herpo the foul don’t you think?
Okay,okay, moving on...
he replied, as Herpo and Ignotus exchanged an impatient glance. It is soo clear that antioch bitch wears the pants in this club. He’s almost like another Voldemort, maybe with more finesse.
"already knew what the lemniscate was, and - " Okay, back up! What the fuck is lemniscate?
Roughly 50 seconds later (’cause i spelt it wrong)...
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It’s the infinity symbol!! That’s his tattoo? Or is it what’s carved into the victim’s bodies? Honestly, I feel so confused.
"Not just that. They were expecting the lemniscate," What does he mean by expecting? Like they knew they would find the tattoo or what? It didn’t seem like that to me actually. Meh, whatever.  
"Yes," Ignotus said. "It's a complex potion, though, and paired with a fairly ruthless incantation. It may take a while."  That’s my trash kid’s handiwork. Honestly, I am so proud of him. I think this is the only fic in which I am invariably on Draco’s side no matter how asshole-y he’s being.
"Couldn't he be responsible for the Warlock poisonings?" Herpo asked, and Antioch shook his head. Wait. So these guys, are seemingly innocent. So now we have ruled out the ministry of magic, the MAUSCA, Draco,Hermione, Daisy, Emmett, Dionisia, and the Infinity Club. Who the fuck is left?
Shit, I forgot about Umbridge. Of course it has to be her. Okay too much foreshadowing. Moving on..
"Yes, definitely. But a matter of days ago it was published in the Daily Prophet that he's now an event planner for the Ministry," Antioch said wryly. "Evidently he and Granger are consultants."Herpo scoffed. "A cover, surely," he asserted. "But for what?" You know, the way they say it, it actually sounds ridiculous. I wonder how everyone’s bought the farce.
"Really, Ignotus?" he asked dubiously, the air between them turning glacially cold. "So now, suddenly, you don't see why we don't just get rid of everyone who presents a problem, do you?"   Oooooh. Bad blood between the ranks. you know it would be such a fuck all if Ignotus (Is he the youngest one. God knows.) teams up with Cadmus and together they screw over the eldest one (I think he’s Antioch? Well, he does look like the bossiest bitch out of the three so he must be. )
trailing off pointedly, and Herpo sighed."Can't you kill her yourself?" Herpo asked. "In case you've forgotten, I'm severely decaffeinated." God, this is so damn relatable. No murders today till I have had my coffee with cream and sugar. #Relatable
This is because while Dolores was not a pretty girl, she was a clever girl, a ruthless girl, and though her mother lamented her only daughter's failures - preferring instead her handsome but powerless son, the squib who was born with her own amber eyes and porcelain skin - Dolores decided her mother was just another pretty girl to be easily bypassed in the end. Ellen Cracknell was only a muggle, after all, and hardly anything was beautiful beneath the surface. Dolores, blessed with magic in her veins, ultimately found that it was her mother who was quite displeasing to her, and not the other way around. Okay, do i qualify as a heartless bitch for sympathising with her? I mean she’s still a complete bitch who i would love to see die slowly and painfull, but dang, does olivie paint her good. Making her this victim to gender discrimination and societal judgement has instantly made her appealing. And umbridge is not a pureblood? Okay, that’s kind of off.
Better to be lethal than lovely, she thought, watching her pretty mother shatter in crystalline shards across the kitchen floor, the pieces glinting in the midday sun. Shit. Oh my god that’s so cold I’m pretty sure even elsa’s bothered by her.(Get it? “The cold doesn’t bother me anyway”? Okay, I apologize, that was bad.)
Better still to be deadly than dead. Okay this is gonna be my new catchphrase. See me sport this on my original blog cause dang those are some smooth lines. Olivie you lethal dose of cyanide.
It was funny, really, that she and the Dark Lord never met. She always suspected they'd be quite good friends, or at least kindred spirits; but then, as they say, one should never meet one's idols. Hers, for example, disappointed her by ending up dead. Hahahahahahah...this is such  fuckall moment. I always assumed that they had met. But this is priceless. Honestly this is proof that umbridge was the real threat. Voldemort is the playground bully, and umbridge is the principal.(Our school’s principal was a fucking tyrant.)
A pity she hadn't seen Harry Potter coming. Seriously? He waved banners screaming,”This guy’s evil!!! this guy’s a death eater!!!!” so on and so forth. He was literally a poster-child and you didn’t eliminate him when you had the chance? I guess they always underestimate the small ones.
Dionisia made a face. "Amazing that you're willing to trust an idiotic man with a gambling addiction," she murmured, "rather than - ""Rather than the woman I've blackmailed into servitude?" Dolores prompted, tutting impatiently. "Strangely, I find I'm inclined to question your motives." She’s so snarky, I love it!!! I hate her still, cause you can never stop hating Dolores Umbridge. It’s like olivie had all this snark inside her but theo nott isn’t enough to release it though, so she’s made all her other characters equally snarky.
"But I've seen enough organized crime in my lifetime to know they will always opt to clean up the little messes until it becomes too large to ignore. I would not expect them to seek you out at this stage, as I've said before - or at any stage, really," she murmured, "unless you manage to hit them where it hurts."  So its umbridge behind all the killings? I don’t get her motive though. Just to get their attention she’s doing all this? Its kinda far-fetched don’t ya think? And where will it hurt for the infinity club? They don’t really have a home do they?
"It must be undeniable that the British Ministry is under siege."  Oh shit. Umbridge is going to strike again. They are so screwed.
"There's someone here," she eventually managed, visibly uneasy, but Dolores only shrugged. Shit, Herpo’s here. she’s really going to die isn’t she? That’s a shame. I actually was starting to like the ignotus and dionisia pairing.
For Dolores had never been a pretty girl, nor a very lucky one, but she was certainly a resilient one, and there had never been any doubt that she was a hard one to break. She had not been born ordinary, and she trusted that her future held a return to freedom, to power, to greatness, and - at long last - to the long-deserved humbling of Harry Potter. *snorts* good luck with that. Anymore humble, and harry would be as humble as he is rich.
Okay scene change. Yaaaayyy its Dramione!!!!!
Internally, he sighed.They had to -Touch. That never occurred to you when you were f***ing each others lights out.
He glanced down at her, instantly regretting it as the memory of her face (the way her eyes had fluttered shut, the way her lips had parted, the way she sounded the way she felt the way she tasted, everything everything everything and the constant echoes of oh god and yes there and holy fucking shit you feel so—) flooded through him in a rush without restraint, his entire body going rigid.  That’s hot and they are definitely going to have regret sex later. call it a gut instinct but they are. *Fanning self*
To say that the aftermath of what had happened between them had been awkward would be tragically unfunny; a laughable understatement. I couldn't put it in better words. my trash kids are really useless. Like seriously, they had sex in an f-ing corridor and then they worry about touching each other? Obviously both of them were thinking with their downstairs brains till now.
He grimaced.She obviously didn't want to touch him.If he had been waiting for a sign, that was clearly it. You idiot boy, don’t jump to conclusions. She wants to touch-oh do much more than just touch you again, you just need to glow a little slower than a bullet train at wanting to attempt their escapade again.
"Yes," she snapped. "A thoughtless mistake.""We should have known better," he said. "After all, we barely get along." escalating..."I wouldn't have done it if I weren't so tired," she told him briskly, giving him a hard, sweeping glance. "You - " she sputtered. "You're - " EsCaLaTiNg..."Yes," he drawled. "And I am thoroughly opposed to you as well."Good!" she half-shouted. "I'm glad we're on the same page. This was a mistake, I regret it completely, let's just both put it behind us and - "  The foot in the mouth syndrome raises its ugly head."Oh, you regret it, Granger?" he echoed, bristling. ‘
How Dramione foreplay:
"Do you think I've just been mooning about, longing for this to happen?"She opened her mouth, furious, and then snapped it shut."God, you're such an arse," she growled, the words slipping through her teeth. "I can't believe I ever let you near me.""Oh, is this you putting it behind you?" he prompted sarcastically. "Thank goodness, and here I was so worried you'd overthink it and be a nuisance - ""Oh, so I'm a nuisance now?" she retorted. "You're the one that's completely - "
Like this ^^^^^.
He paused, facetiously holding his hand to his ear and waiting, and then laughed. This is most definitely Antioch.
"You both look awfully flushed," he commented, smirking, and then discarded the thought, shrugging  Well they first fucked, then they fought...
"Are you alright?" he asked, reaching for her, and she nodded, stumbling forward and gripping his arm Awwwwwwww their first instinct is to reach for each other that’s so cute!!!!
Okay so where I am from its now 3 o'clock in the morning and i haven’t slept all night, so i’m just gonna just go crash now.But before I go...
Here is the noteworthy moment of the week:
“And the rest of the world clearly cares more about Dramione," she added, gagging at the utterly ridiculous diminutive on the newspaper's cover, You’ll take some time honey, but you’ll get there. Shifting from romione to dramione is kinda hard, but worth it.
Okay so that’s it and i don’t have the energy to do anything except for crash. I’ll meet you on the next sunday.
1402wisegirl over and out.
(Links to the fic are: [FF] [AO3])
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