#a; mutecall
slaughterlocked · 8 months
@mute-call liked for a starter! based off a wish list post & thrown at william because i love the idea of a steven & evan bond!
IT’S NOT THAT HE THINKS STEVEN IS HIDING ANYTHING FROM HIM. WELL, NOT EXACTLY. William has known the guy for years and Christ, he’s not sure Steven could keep a secret even if his life literally depended on it. (Then again, that’s harsh: he’s always had a negative opinion of everyone at Freddy’s minus Henry sometimes, he should be more generous. Steven has put up with a lot over the years.) He does like him, for the most part. Loyal, hardworking, keeps his nose out of business that doesn’t concern him. William couldn’t say that about a lot of employees. But there’s something new about Steven recently. Something he can’t pin down. Like Steven knows something, sees something in him that he’d previously not been privy to — and it’s driving him insane.
Well. More insane. Sanity is relative, some would say. Steven would probably agree. You have to be a bit of an oddball to maintain a position at Freddy’s.
A knock at his office door jolts him from his reverie and from his chair. Pushing to his feet automatically, calling, “come in,” because he knows who it is. Obviously. Asking Steven to come to meet with him had been his idea, and sure, he’ll play coy trying to get information from him, but William is determined to get to the bottom of whatever the hell is going on here.
“Steven, just the man I wanted to see.” A flashy smile, a nonchalant tone: William internally pats himself on the back for acting so covertly. “Come in, please. Can I get you tea? Coffee? The whole building is freezing today.” Good small talk. That’ll get his guard down.
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runelocked · 8 months
// 1. How does your muse describe their own identity? Do they use a different label or describe themselves differently depending on who's asking? 5. What was the moment your muse first realised (or began to realise) their gender roles didn't match up with who they were or wanted to be? 9. Talk about a key moment in your muse's journey towards becoming their more ideal self.
if asked ??? man. male. if asked under oath?? man. male. if asked at gunpoint? man. male. he hasn’t been able to admit out loud to himself that this isn’t true ( or at least not as concrete as it could be ). his identity as male is something he’s always been at odds with which causes him to present as masculine as he possibly can. it’s only in the future in the SB verse that he realizes there ARE other options and being GNC is like. a thing. it’s still nothing he’ll admit fully openly ( despite changing his pronouns on his badge ) , but suddenly his fears that he’s the odd one out ease a little. and he isn’t so against the idea of being seen as more androgynous. he even grows his hair out again ( he cut it short after elizabeth’s death ) ! still nothing he’ll voice aloud but it’s very much something he grows more relaxed about.
college probably. there’s always been a deep nagging sense of not being masculine or male enough reinforced by the people (mostly men) around him, but more than anything it’s at college he has this realization that he’ll . never be ‘masculine enough’ and that he will always be overcompensating slightly for his effeminacy. THIS ENDED UP SOUNDING REALLY SAD BUT it’s really more of a relief ? as well as a disappointment for him. as much as he wants people to perceive him as a stereotypical man, it’s far more of a problem because of how uncomfortable that identity actually is for him. when it comes to realizing he has an OPTION to be more gender neutral, it takes until his security breach verse when he gets a badge that has pronouns on it and sees other employees with different pronouns. immediately he goes furiously researching and staggers back into work next day, entirely sleep deprived, but triumphantly bearing a new badge that has he / they pronouns on it. sue me for pronoun projecting onto him !!
Growing his hair out in college. Before, he’d been forced to keep it incredibly short and neat: getting to grow it out and have autonomy over his own body is a big freeing moment. It’s not much, but he prides himself in his hair when it’s the length of his shoulders !! By his second year of college, he’s satisfied with his hair ( it’s finally a length he can tie up, if he wants ). It’s the most pleased he’s ever been with his appearance and the first time HE’S felt attractive ( regardless of logically knowing he’s good looking or not ) !
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mute-call · 9 months
@feralreason said: ❝ Oh, so you’ve finally come to face me in person, have you? ❞ (I'm super super shy but I want to interact dhfhjgj)
There are many possibilities implied by the question and by Mr. Miller's tone of voice. He doesn't sound happy, that's for sure, but beyond that...
Could he have been waiting for assistance?
Could he have anticipated the reason behind Phone Guy's visit? (As the only animatronic without a set stage area, it's become the designated 'bot for wandering around and "helpfully" reminding slacker employees that they're not on break.)
Could he be upset about something?
Uncertain and unable to guess, Phone Guy pauses his queued dialogue urging Mr. Miller to return to work, and instead goes with:
"Whoops, I didn't quite catch that. Please repeat your question loudly and clearly, or dial '1' for language options. Thank you!"
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kindreddraickin · 9 months
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mute-call asked: ❝ I know you can't tell, but I'm fingergunning you. ❞
❝ Ugh. ❞
[A defeated groan is her instinctive response; not only was she seeing ( and hearing! ) things now, but her mind was apparently so cursed that the figments of her imagination were finger-gunning at her. If anything, that SHOULD be proof that this self-proclaimed ghost might be real, but April would be a skeptic until the day she died. Maybe there was some deep, dark part of her psyche that would unironically finger-gun at people. Awful.]
❝ Good for you, I guess. ❞ [She reprimanded herself, yet again, for speaking to what was clearly some repressed version of her psyche. Maybe the night shift was getting to her a little too much. She could only hope that her friends would actually TELL her if she was acting "off" -- that hope was the only thing between her and a potential visit to the psych ward.]
❝ If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be able to do my job without being interrupted by you. Do you think you could shut up for, like, five seconds? ❞
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fazbearmismatch · 9 months
A Question For The Shadow
plotted starter for @mute-call
Jeremy had been doing relatively fine with the night shift. Holding his own and staying alive against all the animatronics with not a lot of confusion or fear up until the other night when he had seen something he’d never been told about prior.
Everything was going as he expected and by now Jeremy was so in tune with things that he hardly flinched when Toy Chica peeked from the vent or Withered Bonnie was right before the desk. He just put on the Freddy Head and waited until he knew they had left.
However around 5AM? Was it? When all the ‘withered’ gang were out of the parts & service. Jeremy pulled up the monitor and quickly went through the cams only to stop on parts & service when he saw Withered Freddy sitting against the wall. But that couldn’t be Freddy because he just saw the damn bear on another camera and he certainly didn’t just magically become a dark shade of purple. He’d been pretty shaken up for the remaining hour afterwards.
As much as he just wanted to forget what he saw and just carry on with being such a flawless and picture perfect nightwatch-man the image just wouldn’t leave his mind. He had to ask someone.
So here he was. Gently knocking on the door of his fellow employee’s office.
“Uhm. Mr.Bell? May I come in? I wish to ask a question or two but if you don’t have the time right now that’s alright!!”
The man nervously fiddled with his tie as he awaited an answer. He must seem a fool! Really! Having been such a great employee who hardly asked any questions yet suddenly now he has something to ask? Idiot.
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1-800-scaryphone · 9 months
@mute-call ❤’d! ( for callum! )
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❝ Some things are meant to be, so give me your best and leave the rest to me. ❞
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smilingcrittervamp · 7 months
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@mute-call asked: “What should we do now?”
The vampire holds up one of his plush children, a DogDay named Waggles, as he inspects him for injuries. The little one just pouts and squirms and whines in his grip. Once down, Nico lets Waggles plop down on top of his head and hold on, his little tail wagging a mile a minute.
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"Find you someplace safe to settle down and make your own. Home Sweet Home would be the best. CatNap won't bother you regardless of where you choose to stay though, I'll make sure of that."
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babydxhl · 9 months
@mute-call | starter call.
"Is this on some company credit card?"
She barely spares him a glance over her shoulder, exhaling a thin stream of cigarette smoke up towards the sky. The rooftop terrace was all but empty; the rest of the patrons had clustered back inside, shying away from the hazy coral skyline, the encroach of clouds marring one half of the horizon. A tiny string of garden lights had only just flicked on.
"You want to make some money, you should be back in there," she says after a beat. One hand cups the other elbow. The cigarette dangles between her index and middle fingers, the glowing tip just a little too close to the knuckle. Mary turns on her heel, squints at him, at the coming and goings of the bar. "Lion's den. For someone like you."
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supraxstcllas · 9 months
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@mute-call: “Dr. Quinn, this doesn't have to be hard.” // for Harley, potentially with my supers verse?
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" Why not? " the doctor in question asks, walking on her hands as she easily keeps pace with the other, " It's a lot you're askin' for, buddy. I don't do crime no more. " she says, quickly flipping back to her feet, " But if ya got the right stuff, I might be interested~! "
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greatsealed · 8 months
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mute-call asked: ❝ I'd actually be double-dead, which is the worst kind of dead. ❞ // ghost!steve??? death shenanigans ??? 👀
[A Shadow detected outside of Tartarus was always cause for alarm; they typically kept to the tower, but on a handful of occasions ( often for the purpose of feeding on humans ) they would escape. That, and there were special Shadows who appeared outside of Tartarus on full moons...but this appearance didn't follow that pattern. As such, Minato and the others were called to investigate.]
[To their collective surprise, the Shadow had wandered into an old, abandoned kids' pizzeria. The group had split up to find and execute the Shadow(s) accordingly...but Minato's investigation led him to a different entity.]
[The presence of a ghost in the Dark Hour probably shouldn't be a shock; after all, every living human being was trapped inside a coffin at the moment. But for Minato, who had lost so many of his loved ones...it was a haunting discovery. Was this place special or something...? He'd expect to have seen a good handful of ghosts by now if this was just...normal.]
[After recovering from his initial shock and explaining the situation to the ghost, Steven denied seeing anything, adding that he'd be "double-dead" if a Shadow got his hands on him...]
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❝ ...I guess. I can't say I've heard of a Shadow eating a ghost before, though. ❞ [In fairness, he and his team didn't know much about Shadows, anyway. Maybe spirits would have some nutritional value he didn't know about.] ❝ If you haven't seen anything, then I should probably move on. ❞
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dagdasgodslayer · 8 months
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mute-call asked: “You are not what has been done to you.”
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❝ Yeah, I -- I know. ❞
[But did he? Since getting a full grasp on his plight ( death, revival, being puppeteered by a bratty child ), he wondered how much of him had remained intact. He could still breathe, but it was more based on instinct, a desire to feel like he was normal. His heart no longer beat. His skin was ice cold and riddled with scars. He wasn't...human anymore. He couldn't call himself that.]
[So what was he? A monster? A vessel? A puppet? The question and its unresolved answer plagued him. What had been done to him had been done, but he wasn't the same. Would he ever be? And worse, a query he had yet to acknowledge...when Cassidy was done with him, what happened next? Would he just drop dead...?]
❝ Really, it's not that big of a deal. ❞ [Nanashi gave a weak laugh, lying through his teeth.] ❝ I'll get over it. I survived, it's over now. I won't sweat it. ❞
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runelocked · 8 months
"nobody got hurt. not a soul. very important to keep that in mind."
WILLIAM COUNTS TO TEN IN HIS MIND. THIS IS BECOMING AN INCREASINGLY COMMON PRACTICE THESE DAYS. When he gets to ten and realizes he’s still speechless, he generously counts to ten again, just to be on the safe side. “ Good, good. ” He manages. Though it’s falsely bright. His left eye twitches. Sure, Bonnie malfunctioning during a birthday party isn’t ideal, but William just might’ve found a little smug satisfaction if Bonnie had also whacked one of the whining children or complaining parents on his way to circuit failure. A man can only dream. Same amount of paperwork whether there’s injuries or not, after all ! “ Well, glad we managed to avoid injuries. That’s the last thing the company needs right now, I suppose. ” The children’s disappearances have been bad enough publicity . . .
And yet he eyes the door to the main pizzeria with an air of dread he can’t quite contain. He’s been neck deep in the Funtime project for hours now, and the idea of having to drag Bonnie away from the public eye and playing the charming pizzeria owner fills him with the urge to slam his head against a wall. Christ, he deserves a break.
“ Parents aren’t making a fuss about the ‘ party being ruined ’ or getting a refund, are they ? ” He checks warily, eyes darting back to Steven. Reluctantly gets to his feet, rolling his shoulders to relieve the tension. “ Give me some good news, at least. ”
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mute-call · 9 months
@five-or-so-missing-children || starter call for new interactions.
"Hello?" Steven calls out. His voice dissipates, soundless, reverberating throughout the building as something more like a thought than an actual noise.
He had seen something (or at least he thought he had). He knows it's not his replacement; "Mr. Schmidt" had been let go shortly after he had discovered Steven's body, and corporate had yet to reassign the position. So for now, it's just Bell.
...and the others.
"Hello, hello?" His voice is softer this time, gentle but a little desperate. He knows there are other spirits trapped here just like him, but they seem as hostile to him now that he's dead as they were when he was alive. It's understandable, in a way, but it's also frustrating. He might have failed to save them in the past, but they succeeded in enacting a gruesome revenge; can't they all just call it even?
There! That same flash of color as before. One of the children is peeking around the corner, and Steven starts to take a step forward before he stops. If he wants to make a connection with the other ghost, he needs to be smart about this. It's become painfully clear that they don't respond well to overbearing adults.
"Hey, it's--it's okay! I don't want to hurt you." He couldn't even if he tried. "I'm... like you. I know you're scared and angry, but I just want to talk. And tell you how... sorry... I am. That I couldn't help."
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fazbear-security · 9 months
❝ i was starting to worry you wouldn’t wake up … ❞ // for Mike!
╰┈➤ STARTER PROMPTS : Wound-Related Angst a set of generic starter prompts, all centered around wounds & caring for them !
The words barely registered in his mind as Mike blinked, slowly coming to terms with the facts that he was a) apparently on the floor, b) kind of cold and c) in pain. There was something sticky between his fingers, and his lungs felt like they were on fire-oh. Oh, right.
He had to breath.
"....!" Mike made an awkward gasping sound, then followed it with a whimper of pain as the motion jostled his ribs. "What happened...?" He managed to wheeze out. He felt like he'd been run over by a truck all over again. "Who...?"
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fazbearmismatch · 9 months
📱 //for phone dude or jeremy!
(( I love Phone Dude but PG & Jeremy are sooo silly.
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1-800-scaryphone · 9 months
@mute-call ❤’d! ( for norm! )
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❝ Alright, I feel MUCH less sorry after hearin' ya speak again. ❞
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