#a; shackld
runelocked · 11 months
chief slowly walks into his office. "Um why do the animatronics smell like a matter baby?"
OH GOD, SHE’S CAUGHT HIM. It’s not the first time someone’s brought up the smell of the animatronics, but there’s an odd note in her voice that he’s sure means she knows. “ Matter baby? What do you mean ? ” Out of his seat, nervous, already stressed enough with the massive amount of money he’s just spent on cheese shipment. “ What the hell’s a matter baby ? ”
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slaughterlocked · 8 months
@shackld liked for a starter! it’s chief hours all day every day in this neighbourhood.
HE’S STRESS-TALKING. AT LEAST, THAT’S WHAT PEOPLE THINK. He’s always been a rambler, and most employees dismiss his long trains of thought as a result of the recent disappearances. Really, it’s just what he wants them to think. Let the world think he’s stressed and upset — it couldn’t be further from the truth. He’ll wring his hands and play the part of the grief-stricken owner with a tragic family history, but you won’t catch him saying shit that he doesn’t intend to.
All done to throw off suspicion. He can be likeable when necessary! Or if not likeable then at least he can seem like the least suspicious person around. Babbles at Chief before he lets her start her shift, pacing up and down and up and down her little security room: the clock hands read 23:28PM.
“So no, it’s not as if we expect anyone to break into the pizzeria in the middle of the night demanding answers, though there are conspiracy theorists out there crazy enough to think we’re hiding things.” He tries walking her through security protocol, deliberately vague and eccentric. After all, what’s another dead night guard, really? Just another name on the end of a very long list. “It won’t happen, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared. There’s an emergency glass panel at the front of the building. If you break it, you can grab the fire axe from inside. Or, well, I suppose it’s not a fire axe if it’s not being used for fire purposes. Just a regular axe, then. So! I hope that all makes sense.”
Flashes her a bright cheerful smile. Admittedly, the only thing he’s lying about is what he’s actually stressed about: he can’t very well deny that murdering kids in broad daylight is a very very difficult job. Dark circles ring his eyes, and when he turns back to her, pausing his pacing, he’s a little jittery. But his smile never wavers.
“Any questions?” If she remembers his half hour speech on everything to do with the night guard position, he’ll give her a damn pay rise himself.
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iiryoku · 4 months
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vonbirden · 3 months
hey Langley-oh no what's happening- 🚶🧎🐕‍🦺🐕
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❝ Then bark. ❞
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deathfavor · 2 months
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@shackld said: ❛ do you mind if i smoke? ❜ - serpent!
random assortment of sentence starters
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Serpent's lips part and then hesitate ; UNCERTAIN how she should be answering. Instead pink lips seem frozen and no words leave her as she stares at Chief in concern.
Yes, actually. That's not good for you! That is what Serpent's instincts scream at her to say. Chief already has enough injuries, her body has already endured enough pain and recovery and damage as it is. The last thing her body needs is to deal with weak lungs on top of everything else that she is recovering from. But what alternative can Serpent offer? Her Ambrosia won't give her dreamless one any sweet escape. It's simply a sweet drink to the both of them. It will fill no void and soothe no pain that they endure.
If it makes you happy. Isn't that her priority? Everyone's happiness? It isn't as if Chief is chainsmoking the cigarettes after all. She's never even seen Chief smoke although her heightened senses have caught the lingering ashy taste in the air around her before. ONE cigarette now shouldn't be bad. After the last two weeks, it was understandable Chief would want something to offer at least a bit of relaxation. Serpent saw how hard the higher ups were on her. If it makes Chief happy, that's all that should matter.
The truth is this. Serpent hates smoking. It leaves her feeling nauseous and weak, it causes a nasty cough to build up in her throat. Fire smoke was different than cigarette smoke ; she could handle that smoke for a while. But Serpent is also familiar with cigarette smoke. Clients have smoked despite her dislike of it, and back when she was on the dark web as a show, the underground sets for her livestreams often had the faintest traces of it. She's built something of a tolerance to it these days, but she still dislikes it. But she doesn't want to disappoint Chief, doesn't want to give Chief another reason to be off by herself, or be another source of stress. ( Except she is, isn't she? Even now she's still regarded as one of the most dangerous - the staff and most sinners don't like her. ) At least she's UPWIND from Chief, so the smoke should be blown away from her.
" I won't tell anyone. " Serpent finally answers, her voice shifting to her high-pitched performance voice when she offers a smile.
It's not the answer to the question Chief asked.
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fearxtoxfreedom · 8 months
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IT HAD BEEN ONE HELL OF A YEAR. Summer had started with a well-earned vacation. Morgan was paying for the whole thing. Him, her, Jamaica, all the drinks she could ask for & hot bodies all around. (his words, not hers, but she did appreciate them) The rest of the team had taken their respective time off. Gideon hiding away in his cabin. Hotch spending time with the wife & kid. Reid doing GOD KNOWS WHAT. Probably something lame & nerdy. Like usual. & Chief, well honestly she didn't know the new recruit well enough to say what her hobbies involved at the time. (they'd gotten a bit closer now, but she still didn't know much. not even her goddamn name) Anyway, cut to the next morning. After she'd hooked up with some rando. (one of the hot bodies) & There she was, down the hall from a decapitated corpse, being FRAMED FOR MURDER. Arrested. Interrogated. & Eventually freed. Only to return home to find out her entire team was being tormented by some psycho saw-like killer who wanted to PLAY A GAME BY HIS RULES. Gideon decided to break the rules. Hotch decided to send her home because she was too tired. (even knowing this asshole had all their addresses) She fought him on it, he said it was an order, she obeyed, & just as she'd curled up on the couch, there he was. Shot her point-blank in the chest. & While she was laying on the ground, slowly dying, he dug his fingers deep into her gut to write the word RULES across her wall in her own blood. (thank god Hotch had cleaned that up while she was in the hospital)
Four months & a fresh haircut later & she was back to work. Just in time to get put on a case hunting down one of THE SICKEST BASTARDS. William Lee. Serial rapist who intentionally impregnated his victims. Guy gets off free. GUY TURNS UP DEAD. Hotch breathing down her back. He knows she did it. They all know. But no one can prove it. & Now she's having fucking tea in Chief's home. WHAT A FUCKING RIDE.
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"Yeah. Thanks." Spoken shortly. "You don't have any vodka to go in this, do you?" HALF-JOKING. She'd been drowning in the bottom of a bottle a lot lately. Never really helped. Didn't even know why she kept doing it. Maybe she was hoping it would FIX something. Or maybe she just enjoyed the brief moments when she blacked out & FORGOT. "Some music sounds nice." Small smile, dimples caving in cheeks & dark browns meeting those steely grays, "I've been meaning to ask. What's your name? Please tell me your parents don't hate you enough to have named you Chief."
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m-11o · 2 months
THERE'S ONLY SO MUCH. he's willingly to accept and swallow. he refused to allow anyone to place their boot on his throat. not again. he was better then that, better then anything he tried to miss. there's no excuse for that—- no repercussions for wanting. she was the only one willing to match his glares, allowing his complaints it pissed him off. left him feeling sour and scornful. the car's air was fighting, unable to win so long as the tension was deadset on suffocating it. an inhale and then another exhale he'd known this was a bad idea. oil that were his own paranoia douced upon him. stressed and angry.
arms length she was held. yet somehow even that left his mind array wishing for her. begging for @shackld to see him again. he needed her, needed companionship that blurred lines of their professional relationship. fbi was never his favorite department no matter what country or county he found himself waltzing through. hand on his arm to get his attention and he swats the digits away scowling again.
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“ what?! i heard what you said. what's the point in me staring you in the face. i got it. ” a huff as he'd turned toward window. obviously he were fearful, the one thing drawing them together coming to a close. but he wouldn't allow her to push him away, no he were faster. perfected the slight of hand, and before most people realized it he was already gone. something to reflect on. wonder and swear. a phantom, curse urban legend.
she doesn't reply and that peeks his interest, they're staring. daring the other to look away and mello was a sore loser. mouth opens to retort. to force their rift further apart from within the car overtaken by rain. ( CHIEF INQUIRED : " i know you go through life with your fists held tight. you see yourself as a fighter. well, i see myself as one too. this is how i fight.  " PROMPTED ♡. NOT ACCEPTING ) rendered silent, mouth agape as his chin falls to embrace his chest it seems. its loaded, explaining how she did fight. to keep their lives and paths interchangeable. azure almost glossy with tears before he forces the breaking of contact. hand laid casually over his chest as he frowns. together. forever. whatever.
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bravevolunteer · 3 months
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@shackld asked: “listen, asshole. i’m gonna carry you home whether you like it or not. you’re not in any condition to get there yourself.” (and then she attempts to carry him .... it does not go well)
"JUST— fucking stop, I'm fine," Michael snaps back, words sharp as he throws up the walls he's all too used to relying on, especially when she's seeing him like this. Lightheaded, dazed, exhausted. His situation is already too much to grapple with: all the difficulties getting used to the drastic change in environment, especially when he has absolutely no idea what to do with her kindness... it feels almost embarrassing to accept. Chief has seen him vulnerable enough already. When the majority of your family dies and your missing father is the suspected ( culprit, Michael knows ) serial killer, you recognize pity well, all Michael can do is cling to retaliation.
His protests hit a brick wall of stubbornness, though, as Chief fully ignores him to try and pick him up. "Hey— WAIT, hold o-" Michael... doesn't make it easier on her, instinctively trying to maneuver his way out the moment she grabs onto him. To Chief's credit, she does manage it for a few moments... before they both topple to the ground.
Michael groans, pressing a hand to the side of his head ( really, that just made him feel worse ) before just... giving up! Giving up in the form of flopping backwards, fully down now. "And you are in the condition to get me there, huh?" He can't help but retort, though it is... more lighthearted now, audibly holding back a laugh.
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voxmilia · 4 months
lipperkilly popperpettle
I refuse to spoil things for you when you're still mid freshman year bestie but I love this misspelling of her name, you'll fit right in with the memes
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runelocked · 11 months
mister afton bb can i get a pay raise <3 <3 <3
“Unfortunately, due to company policy, Fazbear Entertainment are unable to provide employees with an increase in salary until the six month period has passed.” He kind of sounds like he’s being possessed by the corporate spirit of the pizzeria chain itself with the accent he takes on. Flashy white toothed smile, customer service voice fixed firmly in place. “ We regret to inform any new staff that this includes asking for raises, taking tips, free uniforms and team tools, and also PTO. ”
Yeah, no, they do not have the funds to give any kind of raise. . . . Well, actually, they absolutely do have the funds, but it would mean docking the substantial amount of money he gets from the company, and he won’t have that !
“ It’s important to note that discussing pay between employees could lead to potential disciplinary action for creating a negative work environment. Fazbear Entertainment would like to wish you a long and happy time in employment. ”
Yes, this is from the seven hour long set of company tapes. Yes, he has most of it memorised. Mainly because he’s heard it so often, but also because being able to quote it at dissatisfied employees really just brightens his day.
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vonbirden · 4 months
@shackld ; STARTER CALL.
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❝ Hey Chief, you know how you were totally useless that last mission without me to come save your ass? I figured you'd be super willing to give me some money. ❞ As if she wouldn't of saved Chief on reflex alone, but that really wasn't the point --- nor does she care to admit that. ❝ Thank you soo much. ❞ because she expects to be given it without question. Where did the money she'd already ask for go? Who cares.
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deathfavor · 2 months
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@shackld said: ❛ working together again, it’s just like old times. ❜ - earl!
random assortment of sentence starters
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" Does that mean I should expect for there to be a step in a future plan involving faking another kidnapping of you again, Chief? " Sarcasm lays heavily within the Legion's Advisor's voice. One real, one fake. At this point, Chief and being kidnapped were practically synonyms. " Kidnapping is not my particular choice of action, but you're going to cause quite the shift in my perception if you keep this up. "
He tilts his head to the side as if in thought, though the sharp gleam revealed he was far from actually pondering - it was dramatic pause and little more, like a parent being silent as they stare at a child awaiting punishment. It's a moment for Chief to understand what Horo has experienced under her brother's guidance. " Or maybe not. I hear just about anyone seems to be capable of kidnapping you these days. "
Granted, it had been DURING one such instance that Earl had been able to escape the MBCC before he could be shackled, making his way back to the ruins of Syndicate and helping to stabilize the Legion in Zoya's absence. He wasn't her, but he was a pillar that helped unite the remains an bring a more stable peace in the conflict zone.
His arms remain folded behind his back, careful to avoid touching her or being within distance of any sudden movement ; his usual grim expression rests on his face with only a faint trace of the suffering he's endured since the Black Ring incident. But there is a faint, if subtle upwards movement at the corner of his mouth as he regards her for a moment.
" You need to be careful, Chief. You have many people looking towards you, like those two who always follow you. And Horo. " His eyes lift to glance towards Hella and Hecate in the distance before dropping back to Chief. " You have my word ; Legion will back you in this plan as much as we can. "
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preyrage · 5 months
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damagecompilation · 6 months
at this point i cannot tell you what my main type is. i have so many dog coded bitches. so many protag bitches. so many questionable women bitches. I HAVE SUB-GENRES OF TYPES.
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tavwrote · 1 year
Send in 💗 for me to use a love meter to check the compatibility of our muses. But focallette
image [ 88% ]
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'you guys would rather spend a lifetime with each other than face all the ages of this world alone'... that much is true, at least. he couldn't even imagine a world without her in it. although, that mere 88% is less than satisfactory... if it isn't 100%, it must be incorrect.
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voxmilia · 7 months
u know i have to say mr jojo de la guerra
Blorbos as D20 quotes
Oh you mean the boy Ever?
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Also some bonus Chiefs for you, my love
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