jinnielovebot · 7 years
hello~ so, I just started learning how to gif but the quality is reallu bad? like I downloaded the video at 1080p but the gif appears like a 360p even after I've smart sharpened it.. how do you make your gifs so clear?
honestly i don’t think my gifs are clear at all LOL but what i normally do is just download, color, and sharpen? actually most of the time i dn’t even sharpen it because i get lazy asdjashdk
when you make the gif, does it look fine in ps and then becomes bad quality once you upload it to tumblr? because some other gif makers including me have been having that problem too where their gif just drops in quality once they upload it! so maybe it’s not a problem with your gif but probably with tumblr?? ;; 
im srry i can’t help you a lot because i’ve only been giffing for a little while so im not as good as a lot of other gif makers 😭😭 but if it helps, i usually try to keep the gifs between 20-35 frames and color it so that it looks more defined?? kinda like faux sharpening LOL hopefully this helped at least a little bit!!
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