#aQueue! (bless you)
lostatseattle · 3 years
closed starter → declan & millie ( @sgmwesters )
“i think i’m already done with schmoozing the fat cats for tonight.” as declan approached, he plucked two flutes of champagne from a passing waiter and held one out for millie to take. he was silently amazed by the effort most people had made tonight, but he was most in awe of millie. it showed when he looked at her. there was a certain shine in her eyes and a smile threatened to tug at his lips when he caught her eye. he held out the glass of champagne first before offering her his arm. “care to join me at the table?” 
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having recently talked to hope about the prospect of introducing millie officially to the kids, there was a certain nervousness to the action, but only because he was excited. given their own recent scare, the only thing he was certain about was that his life as it was right then... that was it for him. and he wanted her to be a part of it. 
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caspianseas · 4 years
castaway cove | closed for @danciingflame​
Nearly every welcome bonfire Concordia’s history boasted was one form of disaster or another, Caspian would argue, though he’d be sure to deny his own fault in the explosions. More often than not, his tempers crashed like angered waves and his rage would leave the night a ruin, shooting the absent barrier they’d all been celebrating immediately back upwards, ensuring the island wouldn’t see guests again for another five, twenty, fifty-something years. 
He would not be the cause of such commotion this time, he’d swore upon all the powers of the seas themselves — not even as he'd been forced to bite down on his tongue all night, swallowing a tang of metal each time he watched another kingdom’s sprites act amuck. His own hand in its creation those centuries ago be damned, he resented the island’s constitution for daring to forbid him, a being as old as the earth itself, from disciplining the stir-crazy sprites that spent the evening embarrassing their kind before the humans with childish antics. 
To quell the storm that brewed in his chest was never easy; even in the days that followed the bonfire, he could feel resentment towards the others bubbling just beneath the surface, daring to explode, daring to ruin his hopes of allowing a few more straggling humans in before he inevitably erupted once more. Decompressing with Ocean in the depths of Aqueus had its therapeutic properties most nights — but this, this was too delicate. She, too, bore the blessing and the curse of the monarch — and a set of moods to match his own. Any missteps even with her would raise the barrier all the same. Politics. It meant the only inhabitants of the island safe to speak freely with in times of tension and attempted self restraint were the lessers. Call it strange and beautiful, that it was one engulfed in flame that so often knew how to calm their waters. 
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They’d asked Phoenix to join them at Castaway Cove, just as the sun tucked itself away behind the Terran mountains for the evening, the beach lit in twilight by the bioluminescent teal of the cove, with a pit dug out on the shore for their guest to light them a fire, perhaps one that might turn into a dance. Surely, a swim in the cove whilst the fire siren danced on shore would keep their frenzied heart distracted enough to keep from warring with the others; if not, a swig from whatever was in the bottle they’d swiped from Charlie’s earlier that day might. “Thank you for joining me out here. With the excitement beginning to calm, I hoped you might help me at least try to do the same.” Sat in the sand, they poured from an unmarked glass bottle into a pair of glasses, offering one to Phoenix. “I don’t know who made it or what’s in it, but it won’t kill us,” they shrugged with a chuckle, daring to take their first sip. “I thought you and I might indulge in a more private toast tonight. It’s been.. how long, since you’ve met one of your old kind? I imagine it brings.. emotions.”
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
sorry im dumb how do i search stuff on here that u guys tagged protective steve
No worries! Everything we have is one the left side of the page under the library tag. 
From there you can search for certain character types, tropes, and timelines. 
But here’s the protectiveness tag! 
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"aqueue" god bless you
Thank you!! I’ve had it for years. It’s supposed to be like a sneeze
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caffeine-for-blood · 11 years
 in the Star Trek fandom, we are not fans. We are Star Trek, and I think that's beautiful.
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lostatseattle · 3 years
closed starter → bradley & juliette ( @sgmwesters )
"i don't know if you've changed your mind but i got them to make an espressotini," bradley announced as he approached from his trip to the bar, holding it out with a proud little smile on his face, having taken a long time to memorise her favoured drink. perhaps it was hindsight that helped. "if you hate it, i might be willing to give up my appletini. oh- your brother was asking about you, did you find him? he seems... nice?"
whilst bradley was aware that entangling his life with jules was a dangerous road to be going down, he couldn't help himself. there was something comforting about how familiar talking to her felt. everything about their dynamic had changed - navigating the balance between friendship and something more was where he might be falling short. a little part of him hoped that this meant they could get back on track. he was a man who believed in fate. they had to have ended up in the same place for a reason, right?"
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lostatseattle · 3 years
closed starter → thomas & diego ( @seattlites )
tommy was struggling to process what hallie had told him in the diner. finding out he had a son had thrown him for a loop. as if he wasn’t already dealing with enough, worrying about his family and friends, he had something more pressing to worry about - whether or not he wanted to be a part of this kid’s life. he knew it wasn’t a good way to be thinking, he knew the righteous thing would be to pull up his boot straps and get on with it. provide something, anything. but he just couldn’t get the thought out of his head... maybe the might just be better off without him in their lives? it had been two years already. two years that, as far as he knew, had been filled with nothing but love and happiness. what if he was to come along and throw all of that out of the window? he didn’t want to be responsible for messing up someone’s whole life. but maybe that was what he was destined for no matter what he did?
the poor reasoning made sense in his head, regardless of how his sister had tried to spin it. when he decided to talk to diego, he didn’t even think about the repercussions or everything that he had missed in the other man’s life. when he decided to tell him his honest feelings, he was being the same man that had left chicago. the bitter pessimist who couldn’t see past his own angst. “did i ever tell you about uh- a hallie?” they’d caught up on most of the last decade, but sometimes the details of his exes got fuzzy. “man, i can’t even remember her last name. she showed up here the other day. told me she thinks i’m her kid’s father?”
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lostatseattle · 3 years
closed starter → link & jo ( @aeipcthys )
having kept time as poorly as jo had predicted on the way back, the duo only just managed to pull up in front of the hotel about ten minutes later than they were supposed to. in a cheap suit, bought entirely last minute, link checked himself out in the mirror for all of ten seconds before climbing out of the car. “c’mon, we’ll miss the good food.” instead of volunteering to open her door, he leaned against the roof, watching to make sure she got out with little patience. it wasn’t because he was annoyed - far from it. in fact, he was practically buzzing with energy. he used to hate christmas. the busyness of it all, not being able to settle down anywhere for longer than five minutes because his parents wanted to see him. but in his adult life, he’d found things to cherish.
and discovered a deep rooted love for pecan pie was enough to keep him afloat. “you look great, i promise. now let’s go tell everybody how awesome we are so they- this is a money thing, right?” the details were fuzzy from hours of driving, he’d just been told they ought to be back sooner rather than later. 
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lostatseattle · 3 years
closed starter → delia & larissa ( @sgmwesters​ )
delia had known of larissa’s return for longer than she wanted to admit. if she told anyone that she knew, it was like confessing that she was hiding. she wasn’t hiding. being conveniently busy was more... strategic avoidance, which sounded a lot nicer in her mind. it was the guilt slowly eating away at her any time she saw something that even remotely reminded her of her ex that had led her downstairs. away from the safety of her desk, she found herself standing at the door of a break room. 
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she had stood outside looking through the window for slightly too long. there was no way she could get away with turning around and walking away - at least it was empty bar the one person she wanted needed to talk to. delia knocked lightly and offered an awkwardly polite smile. “is this a bad time?”
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lostatseattle · 4 years
closed starter / reyna + lilith ( @strengthbound )
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when sharing an elevator, reyna usually went with a polite nod or a brief smile if anything at all. it was slightly more awkward if the person that stepped onto an unoccupied elevator was a) also alone or b) someone that she had met before. she was just finishing her lunch on her way up when a familiar face appeared from behind the doors. inclined not to stay quiet considering lilith's standing with both her mentor and her ex-girlfriend, she smiled vaguely. "hi."
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lostatseattle · 4 years
closed starter / reyna + cameron ( @ofseattles​ )
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considering it was a friday night, reyna wasn't surprised to find that the bar was crowded. she debated whether or not to just leave, but when she turned around she noticed a chair by the bar. there was no harm in sticking around for a while. she'd rather a rowdy room filled with strangers than the empty silence of her apartment. "is this seat taken?" she asked the brunette. "not in that- is someone sitting here?"
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lostatseattle · 4 years
closed starter / eleanor + rebecca ( @seattlites )
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after being torn to shreds and forced to reflect about how her life revolved around everyone else, eleanor had taken to trying online dating. despite how she presented herself, she wasn't exactly the kind of person that opened herself up to the concept of love very easily. she was comfortable in her bubble. dipping her toe into the dating pool was already a failure when it was over thirty minutes after her date was supposed to show up to the bar and her message was remaining at undelivered... she got the message.
eleanor made the executive decision to switch her phone off and sat it down on the counter. she wasn't self-critical often, but it was difficult not to be under such circumstances. thankfully, the date had been arranged at a slightly classier bar/restaurant than the regular haunt that was joe's. she was just glad that she hadn't made reservations.
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lostatseattle · 4 years
closed starter / cristina + meredith ( @gaudiumtms​ )
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a night in was precisely what cristina needed - a night away from the research and work that was completely consuming her. she was reluctant to agree, but if anyone could force her not to use pointless excuses it was meredith. she sat down next to her friend with a drink in hand, "where have you been? i feel like i haven't seen you in forever. i've seen alex more than you."
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
based off other movies
not a huge update, just a few i found that i thought should be in the tag!
All Those Things You’ve Always Pined For by LavenderProse
“Steve Rogers. I haven’t thought about him in…God, at least ten years. Probably longer.“
“Who is he?” Sharon asks, and perches on the corner of his desk, hands folded in her lap. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Bucky clears his throat, tosses the sticky note onto the desk. “Steve was…my college boyfriend. We almost got married.”
It’s been fifteen years since Bucky Barnes left Steve Rogers standing in a New York airport and never saw him again. Those fifteen years have brought him wealth and stability; everything his lower middle class Brooklyn upbringing had not provided. He is happy. He doesn’t want for anything. He doesn’t need anything. That’s about to change.
For Who I've Not Yet Become by Kellyscams
Bucky Barnes -- powerful Wall Street tycoon -- has everything he needs. Money, good looks, a life in the fast lane. He's living on top of the world in a Park Avenue Penthouse in Manhattan, is the youngest vice president ever over at Stark Industries and might even be named Forbes Man of the Year -- again. Nothing can bring him down.
That is until Bucky has a strange encounter with a young man named Eli on Christmas Eve and wakes up Christmas morning married to his old college sweetheart, Steve Rogers.
With his entire world turned upside down, Bucky must find a way to navigate his way through marriage and fatherhood and suburbia. And maybe find the unique answer to the age old question... What if...?
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
I've noticed this before In the tags but what is aQueue (bless you!)? Thank you
it’s our queue tag! 
it means those posts were queued to be posted on the blog when we’re away :)
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