#aaaah cowburn i never knew you
Just so you're aware, it's spelled Cockburn, not Cowburn. Usually said more like Coh-burn, Jamie is just... Jamie. NEVER said Cock Burn, it's one of those British names that doesn't use all its letters.
Huh! I was very much not aware of that. :o (And also feel like Apple might have made more of an effort to get the name right in their own subtitles, because this just isn't fair on us poor ESL:ers.)
However, Cockburn - odd namn that it is - makes so much more sense than Cowburn because ever since I saw it spelled out in the last episode it's been driving me a little insane with how weird it is. Totally bought it, though, because they also have, like, Bumbercatch...
Thanks for pointing it out, nonny! I have learned a new thing!
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