#aah my plan’s been foiled
fairylwt · 10 months
in case you’re having a bad day, here’s nick nelson scrunching his nose
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fatherentropy · 1 year
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Because my tES roster has gotten large and complicated I thought I should make this and ramble a bit. And then tumblr ate my post so let's try to do this AGAIN but quicker because I started writing this at midnight and it's now 6 am SO!!
warning for child endangerment/death
Winter, Summer, Autumn and Spring are names given to girls kidnapped by this one man. There have been multiples of them but the last four are here. Winter was murdered before she could reclaim her name, Summer forgot hers and Spring...I just haven't named her. She's not that important outside Lily's story aah.
Lily is not coping well with anything going on in her life but is doing remarkably well for a girl who was orphaned at 11 and raised herself on the road. Largely because she's being personally supported by Sheogorath because she's his "Grand niece." Dedicated her life on Nirn to hunting Thalmor and Stormcloaks, blaming them for her parents' death.
Lulueith was raised by her mom in Valenwood but left to look for her dad after she passed from illness out of curiosity and nothing holding her where she grew up. She was disappointed because he's largely just a drunk content to drinking himself to death in peace. Just here to vibe now.
Part of Lulu's dad's angst is from Summer trying to kill him before abandoning him altogether. She was a very bad mom but she tried because she tries a lot of things seeing if it'll make her feel anything significant since growing up in constant fear has kind of fucked her brain up. She meant to destroy Tuveri's life specifically but her plan was foiled by Martin's kindness giving Tuveri the power to push her away. Fled Cyrodiil after Martin died because part of that seperation was Tuveri warning her that the next time he saw her he was going to kill her.
(I also drew Summer's line too dark but I think I'll keep this. I like it more than what I've been rolling with.)
Tuveri!! Is an Ashlander actually. His dad got sick and died and Tuveri was in the middle of making him a cairn when he got too close to the road and was pinched by the man and brought to Cyrodiil. Would have returned to Morrowind after escaping with the other two surviving girls but he kept dreaming of Cyrodiil and took that as a sign he had to stay. Thus him becoming HoK and then Sheogorath after that.
I have a lot of thoughts about Tuveri as Sheogorath but that's another rambly essay. To put it simply he's kind and caring to those who are "his" and malicious to those who aren't because that's typically the role they cast him and his in. Thus him targeting Ulfric and his scheme resulting in his son named both Martin (by Tuveri) and Yngve (by Ulfric).
Have a lot on Yngve's emotional state but not a lot of anything else just 'cause Todd willing I might plop him in the next game whenever tf that happens. (Y'know providing we don't go back the timeline/they don't add a super specific opening ala Fallout 4.)
detour to talk about Laury
He's named after the witch his parents managed to take down before they were murdered by the other three while trying to protect him. He was then raised by them to be Hermaeus' champion. Though large parts of that time is lost because his memory is swiss cheese between the alchemical shit he was forced to imbibe (Fun fact! Laury has taste only in one small part of his mouth) and depression.
There's math somewhere in the blank space of me trying to figure out Winter/Autumn's ages during Morrowind because I realized I could go the full nine yards and pull Laury into this weird mix above by doing this:
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Nerevarine as dad or grandad? I dunno yet but next time I try and play that game... yeehaw. That man is gonna have a bad time.
Also think it's very tragic of Winter's mom to look to Hermaeus for answers and become one of his biggest shill holes when he sponsored her daughter's kidnapper.
(technically still thinking about whether I should but I'll probably do it. You've heard rule of cool, have you heard of rule of sad?)
I have other ESO alts besides Yorick and Illya but I tend to delete them on a whim so! Hypothetically, Yorick is actually like 50ish% human so a(n indirect) descendant of his could be the man but that's a lot of centuries between. Do you know how many bretons you could fit in there? At what point does it stop mattering.
Illya is just a dragon priest that saw the writing on the wall and fucked off. Kept the mask and became a vampire because can you imagine dying? Couldn't be him. He is my Miraak expy and I love him even if I do nothing with him ever.
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
[Homare Arisugawa] Emotional Orange SSR — Backstage — Poolside Memory — Part 3
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Thank you Rina for the raws!
Translation under the cut
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Izumi: The sun's setting, so we should start getting ready soon.
Tasuku: Yeah.
Guy: Let's select our ingredients and head out to cook on the deck.
Homare: I have some preparations to make here, so I'll stay behind.
Izumi: (What does Homare-san plan to make...?)
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Tasuku: This should be good enough for the meat.
Tsumugi: That smells good.
Izumi: Are you making a cheese omelet on the griddle, Tsumugi-san?
Tsumugi: Yup. I don't know if it'll be any good, though...
Guy: Are you making tomato soup, Yukishiro?
Azuma: Yup, since it's going to be cold at night. What are you planning to make, Guy?
Guy: There was a lot of seafood, so I'm trying to make acqua pazza.
Tsumugi: Wow, that's amazing!
Hisoka: What are you making, Director?
Izumi: Look forward to it when I'm done!
Tasuku: Carrots, potatoes, onions, meat, spices... no matter how you look at it, it's curry.
Azuma: What about you, Hisoka? It doesn't look like you've been doing anything.
Hisoka: I'm making dessert.
Tasuku: So you're just toasting marshmallows...
Homare: Is the grill free?
Tsumugi: Are you roasting things in foil?
Homare: Hmhm, this is no ordinary foil roast!
[Choice 1: I look forward to it!]
Izumi: Hehe, I look forward to it!
Homare: Hold high hopes for its completion.
Izumi: Cooking together with everyone like this is fun, too.
Homare: Yes, this is going to become an important summer memory, too.
Izumi: We didn't really need to bring in a punishment game, though...
Homare: It's that thrill that gives you the motivation to do it. Keep up the good work with your cooking, Director-kun.
[Choice 1 end]
[Choice 2: What's inside it?]
Izumi: What's inside it?
Homare: To find out, hold high hopes for its completion.
Izumi: If it's gratin, it's probably seafood and mushrooms, right...?
Homare: Do you think I would use such ordinary ingredients?
Izumi: (I do expect Homare to put an interesting spin on things...)
Homare: Well, look forward to it.
[Choice 2 end]
Izumi: ... Amazing! There's so much good food!
Tasuku: It all looks so fancy lined up like this.
Azuma: Everything looks delicious.
Homare: Then, let's open my foil roast!
Tsumugi: That's...
Homare: It's gratin!
Guy: Making gratin in a foil roast is new.
Homare: There was a recipe for a gratin you can make at a BBQ in the travel magazine I received from the editorial department.
Homare: I tried to use that.
Izumi: How fashionable...!
Homare: Alright, alright, try eating it! It's so good you'll want to just jump into the pool.
Izumi: Thank you for the food!
Hisoka: ... Nom nom.
Homare: How is it?
Tsumugi: It's delicious... but the vegetables are only half cooked...
Homare: What!?
Hisoka: The onions are hard to eat.
Homare: I cut the vegetables the way I always do, though...
Guy: I think you used too much aluminum foil to cook them in.
Homare: Gh, what a tragedy...
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Izumi: Thank you for the meal. Aah, I'm really full!
Azuma: It got dark before we even realized it.
Tasuku: On that note, have we decided who placed last?
Guy: I was having so much fun I completely forgot to.
Izumi: Hm... Everything was delicious, but...
Tasuku: If I had to choose, I'd say Arisugawa's half-cooked gratin.
Homare: Mm...it's frustrating, but there's no other choice.
Tsumugi: So, what's the punishment game going to be?
Azuma: We always buy each other drinks, but it'd be boring if we did the same thing when we're all the way out here.
Tsumugi: Now that I think about it, we did have a punishment game after the games we played at the BBQ on our university trip.
Tasuku: Ah, we were at the beach back then...
Azuma: Huh, that sounds like a summer memory. So, what was the punishment game back then?
Izumi: (If they were at the beach, then could it be...)
Homare: ...?
Tasuku: ... Arisugawa, you don't have your phone with you, do you?
Homare: Yes, it's in the living room... Wait, are you going to-
Tasuku: Then, let's get on with the punishment game.
Homare: STOP—!
Homare: Gasp...!
Azuma: Hehe, so that really was it.
Tasuku: If it's a punishment game for summer, it's gotta be this.
Hisoka: ... I'm glad that wasn't me.
Izumi: Homare-san, are you okay?
Homare: I am. Good grief... Could you lend me a hand?
Tasuku: Here, take my—
Tasuku: Whoa!?
Tasuku: You—.
Homare: Hmhm, I acted well, didn't I?
Tsumugi: Ahaha, Tasuku got soaked, too.
Tasuku: You're getting in here, too.
Tsumugi: What!?
Azuma: Hehe, you're all so immature.
Tsumugi: That was mean, Tasuku—!
Azuma: Whoa—
Tsumugi: Ah-!? Sorry, Azuma-san!
Azuma: ... So tonight's a free-for-all.
Guy: ...Hey- Yukishiro!
Azuma: You're supposed to be waterproof, right?
Homare: And the last one left is Hisoka-kun.
Hisoka: ... I don't wanna get in with you guys.
Tasuku: I don't care what you want. Take this!
Izumi: (... I should run. Now.)
Homare: Where are you going, Director-kun?
Izumi: Huh? No, I was just...
Homare: You wanted to make some unforgettable summer memories, too, right?
Izumi: W- wait- wait a minute—
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Thank you for your dissection of The Boys – I'm really enjoying it and it's made me want to go back and rewatch the first two seasons. Without giving anything away, my experience with the show has been that it overturned my expectations so often that by the end of season three I had stopped trying to think about the way the story would go. Good luck with continuing to avoid spoilers, it is much better when you don't know what's coming!
Aah thank you!! I'm mostly unspoiled other than some things about Maeve, and recently I've seen some stuff about Solder Boy (inevitably...) so I mostly really don't know what's going to happen, although I can see the patterns. It's a good show because it makes you go "oh! There it is!" even if you didn't really know that "it" would be, but it makes sense for it to happen.
I'm gonna make one prediction actually (okay it's something that came to my mind earlier) - with Edgar highlighting recently that Vought's product is not superheroes, but compound V, and being worried about the formula being figured out by someone else - I'm sure someone else will figure out the formula. Who do we know that are drug experts? Frenchie and his work friends. They also have Kimiko whose blood they could study or something. It's possible that Annie and Hughie's plans to get their hands on some compound V could keep being foiled, so they decide to try a completely different approach.
Don't tell me if I'm right or wrong!! I'll see for myself XD
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lemongogo · 4 years
i'm going thru ur bnha tag n i'm sorry but that anon that said they'd prefer shigaraki to stay dead just made me laugh so HARD 😂 can you imagine the main antagonist dying in THAT of an anticlimactic way?? it would be so unbelievably funny n also terrible writing to build up his character only to kill him like that 😂 and that's the story of how deku became the no 1 hero :)
JDBSFDJKSBF YEAH????? how would suddenly killing off a character you’ve worked so hard to develop make any more sense than allowing him to act as the mc’s proper foil
its evident the series intends to place equal emphasis on both shigaraki and midoriya’s roles and how they compare/contrast one another. and while that’s not to say this isn’t “”midoriyas story””, shigaraki plays an integral role in providing new perspectives that simply cant be achieved w a sole focus on the heroes alone. its why we have such wonderful plots like the mla arc
so to?? say he deserves to stay dead?? before he’s even served his purpose ??(though i’d argue no death for shigaraki would be written well) baffles me . i cant imagine wanting 2 read  a series where theres no justifiable threat . imagine midoriya and his like, what, 6 quirks having no actual opposition. you cant even put afo on the same playing field because they are two radically different characters. it just doesn’t work on a narrative scale u know? to me at least. i like seeing competition between characters who are more alike than they are different. and shigaraki is right there !! always has been since the very beginning !! and continues to be through his quirk acquisition power-up 
and ogojg my God. i want to see shigaraki just destroy shit . the disappointment of him Actually dying from this before he was ever able to utilize his newfound power would be SO DFGNDKFJLGDFKG??DFDGDG? whats the point !! whats the point in hyping up this moment So much if all u plan to do is throw it away . AAH i dont understand it ,
maybe its jst me but the story would be so boring without shigaraki.if hes ever gone for good im-
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& thats not to mention the problems it would create in writing shigaraki into all of this abuse/torture without any opportunity for relief/healing
! stan shigaraki ! ✌️
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your-kpopmama · 5 years
Always Remember, I Love You - ksj
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[BTS Valentine’s Masterlist ] - 2019
An: It’s just smut guys...im sorry
“A-are you sure this is okay?” Jin looked nervously around his boyfriends room. Namjoon chuckled and laid his hands on his boyfriend’s hips before backing him up slowly.
“Why wouldn’t it be okay? This is my room.” Namjoon whispered against Jin’s neck as he trailed kisses up and down his jaw.
“Well I mean, your parents are home. We’re here visiting. Won’t they be suspicious when we don’t come back down right away?” Jin tried to reason, but was finding it harder and harder to care with every kiss Namjoon lays on him.
“We are grown adults, Jin. My parents are probably more than aware of what we are doing and will probably leave the house.” Namjoon pulled Jins hips flush against his own, clear evidence from both men, that this was gonna happen no matter what, “just give in, baby. Relax. Let me take care of you.” Namjoon whispered.
Sucking in a deep breath, Jin steadied his nerves and gave in to how good he was already feeling, just from his boyfriend’s kisses. It wasn’t often the two got to be together. Jin works a lot, nights mostly and Namjoon has a very demanding medical career. He’s always at the hospital. Maybe once a month the two of them get to spend a whole day together, and it’s usually sleeping comfortably in one another’s arms.
He didn’t want to waste today by worrying about something so silly.
Jin wrapped his arms around Namjoon’s shoulders, pulling him in for a soft kiss. Smiling against his boyfriends lips, Namjoon bent down slightly before wrapping his hands around his boyfriends thighs, hoisting him up. Jin quickly wrapped his legs around Namjoon’s waist as he threaded his fingers through his soft blonde hair.
Walking forward, Namjoon placed his knee at the end of the bed, gently laying Jin down on his back, smiling as he admired how handsome his boyfriend was.
Not handsome, Namjoon corrected himself, breathtaking.
“What?” Jin giggled, tracing his fingertips along Namjoon’s jaw.
“Just admiring the view.” He answered with a sly smile, “I love you, Seokjin.”
Jin felt himself melting in his boyfriend’s embrace at the words, “I love you, too, Joonie.”
Namjoon leaned down and kissed Jin while the two made quick work of removing various articles of clothing. Soft giggles shared between them as a shirt got stuck, underwear wrapped up in legs, a stubborn sock wouldn’t come off.
The two felt like this was the first time all over again. The nervousness, the clumsy hands; Jin and Namjoon couldn’t be more in love.
Namjoon sat back on his heels, reaching across the bed to his overnight bag on the floor, pulling a small bottle of lube and a condom out, “planned ahead?” Jin asked chuckling.
“I was just overly hopeful.” Namjoon admitted while he squeezed some of the lube onto his fingers, coating them. “You ready?”
Jin nodded as Namjoon settled back between his legs, fingers already pushing against his hole. Seokjin gasped softly as Namjoon pushed one finger in, pumping it in and out creating a slow friction Jin hadn’t realized he had been missing.
Namjoon slid in a second finger once he was sure Jin was ready. He watched with hungry eyes and Jin started to slowly come undone beneath him. Making a scissoring motion with his fingers, stretching his boyfriend, Namjoon grabbed hold of his cock, and began to slide his hand up and down to the rhythm he had set inside of Jin.
“J-joon. That’s enough. I’m ready.” Jin mewled.
“Are you sure? Baby, it’s been a while..I don’t want to hurt you.” Namjoon cooed softly.
“I’m sure.” Jin reafirrmed with a nod.
Namjoon slowly removed his fingers and Jin whined involuntarily at the loss of contact he craved so much. Picking up the foil packet off the bed beside him, Namjoon ripped it open and rolled it on with precision. Using the remaining lube on his fingers, he rubbed it on the condom before adding a little extra for Jin’s sake.
He leaned down and kissed his boyfriend gently, slowly, as he pushed himself inside. Jin grabbed onto Namjoon’s shoulders tightly, the stretch being far more than the two fingers that were inside of him previously. He bit the inside of his cheek while Namjoon pushed in further and further until he bottomed out.
“You okay, baby?” Namjoon asked, caressing Jin’s cheek softly.
Jin leaned his head into his boyfriends gentle hand and kissed his palm, “I’m okay.”
Placing a kiss on Jin’s head, Namjoon moved his hips, with a slow and shallow pace. Jin moaned as he gripped Namjoon’s arms tightly, sending Namjoon’s heart into a frenzy.
He loved Jin so much, anyone with eyes could see that. He wondered often if Jin could see it between the long work hours and moments like this absent from their lives. He planned to show him just exactly how much he loved him, he never wanted Jin to doubt the love between them.
Sliding his arms under his moaning boyfriend, Namjoon raised Jin until he was straddling his lap, still thrusting slow and shallow. Jin’s eyes widened in surprise before he realized Namjoon’s intentions.
Lazily Jin wrapped his arms around Namjoon and held tight. Namjoon’s long fingers found hold on Jin’s waist as he thrusted upwards at a quicker pace, this position keeping Namjoon nestled deep within Jin.
Jin’s head dropped back with a moan of ecstacy, but Namjoon was quick to gently grab his chin and pull his head back, locking eyes with his boyfriend of five years. “N-no.” Namjoon grunted, “look at me, baby boy. Eyes on me.”
Jin felt a heat spread straight through his abdomen at Namjoon’s words. Nodding wordlessly, Jin did as he asked.
Namjoon let a lazy grin spread across his face watching Jin come undone on his lap. Each thrust pulled a not so subtle moan or whimper from Jin’s lips. The sound of flesh smacking into flesh danced around the room, mixing with the beautiful sounds Jin was making.
Holding tight to his waist once again, Namjoon held Jin in place as he picked up the pace once more. A particular thrust sent Jin into a spiral. Hands grasping desperately at Namjoon’s shoulders, nails raking down his back. “A-ah, right there Joonie, fuck, right there.”
Doing as he was told, Namjoon made sure to hit the right spot every time, Jin’s moaning and whimpering even louder than before. “Fuck, fuck, fuuuck!” Jin called out.
“I thought that’s w-what we were doin’” Namjoon groaned out cheekily, earning a small laugh from Jin in the process.
“Fuck, Joonie. I think I’m gonnna cum.” Jin breathed, clinging to his boyfriend for dear life.
Namjoon reached between them and took Jin’s cock in his hand, pumping it to the rhythm of his thrusts. It didn’t take more than a few strokes to send Seokjin over the edge. He cried out Namjoon’s name as he spilled himself into his boyfriend’s relentless hand. His eyes never leaving the younger’s.
“Shit, I’m close too.” Namjoon’s strained voice came.
Taking Namjoon’s round cheeks into his hands, he kissed his lips softly, “c’mon baby..” he moaned. Overstimulation starting to kick in from Namjoon’s constant thrusting.
Jin could feel how sloppy Namjoon’s rhythm was becoming, it wouldn’t take much more for him to finish. “Jin, aah, Jin, fuck!” Namjoon cried out as his release came, filling up the condom.
He grabbed Jin tightly and pulled his lips to his own, kissing his boyfriend over and over again. “I love you, Jin. Fuck I love you so much. You have no idea how much I love you.”
Jin leaned his head back and saw fresh tears sitting in the corner of Namjoon’s eyes. “Baby, Whats wrong?” He asked wiping them away with the pads of his thumbs.
“I don’t say it enough. I love you. I hate having to spend all this time away from one another. It hurts, Jinnie. I don’t want you to think I don’t love you.” Namjoon confessed.
“I never thought that.” Jin soothed, “I know how much you love me. The best part of all of this Joonie is that we can see each other once a month and still know that, and still feel the love.”
Namjoon nodded weakly and kissed Jin once more before the two separated. “Let’s get cleaned up.” Namjoon suggested getting off the bed.
Dropping the condom in the trash bin in the corner of the room, Namjoon turned back towards Jin to see him sleeping soundly on the bed. He chuckled to himself and made his way back to the bed. Climbing in behind Jin, he hugged him tight against his chest before covering the two up and kissing the back of Jin’s head.
“Always remember...I love you.”
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