#aakash singh raizada
arshisrabbave · 3 months
#Ipkknd: Arshi and the shared trauma
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Something that all Ipk fans/viewers can agree upon is the fact that both even though Arnav and Khushi had a very different life and they both have very different personalities the one thing they have in common is their trauma.
Both of them had to endure the same kind of trauma at young age of loosing their parents. However, despite of sharing the similar kind of trauma it shaped their personality in a very different way which makes them so different from one another.
Arnav Singh Raizada
If I have to be honest with my opinion I don’t think that Sheesh Mahal incident completely changed Arnav or made him a different person. I like to believe that Arnav was always less socially active and shy since he was a kid. Anjali evens tells Khushi during one of the episode that how even during his childhood Arnav didn’t like when someone showed him too much of love or affection, when we get flashback from Arnav’s childhood we can see that he is quite young so during then his mother was still alive.
Arnav not being open to affection maybe due to his father, his father himself never really cared about the affection other people showed him or never really showed any affection to his wife, which Arnav always saw in front of his eyes. Maybe, his mom tried to cover things up by showering tons of love on him and Anjali but Arnav must always have been a silent kid so even beside the curtain of love that his mom put on he could still see the truth.
Arnav was obviously devastated after his parents death, specially his mother’s death. But, what I like to believe made him to be rude, cold and arrogant was because of how his uncle behaved towards him and his Di. His Uncle who was his family was supposed to console him and give him the strength to resilience during his tough time but instead he throwed them out of the house so that he could have the Malik property and house to himself and his family.
Arnav who was just 14 during then and had recently lost his mom when he saw all this he said obviously started believing that out of everything money, wealth and power are the most important thing in life. That’s why probably from a young age Arnav was adamant about becoming successful
I don’t think Arnav struggled financially as a kid because obviously he and Anjali were taken in by Raizadas. And as Arnav mentioned in one episode that he attended Harvard so if Raizadas weren’t rich they wouldn’t have sent Arnav to study in Harvard.
But then again Arnav himself says during initial episode that how Manorama had to break her FD when he was establishing AR. This may sound a little illogical but I think the ancestral property that Raizadas had wasn’t really much and that too was spent on studies of Anjali,Arnav and Aakash.
I am sure Nani offered the little money they had to Arnav to start his business, but Arnav knew that if he wanted people to fear him and respect him, the money that comes to him must be earned by his hard work. His ancestral money wouldn’t have been able to do so.
So yeah, saying Arnav did struggle for success won’t be wrong
Khushi Kumari Gupta
Unlike Arnav she was quite young when her parents passed away maybe that’s why we never saw any of her flashbacks from her childhood cause she was too young.
Even though Khushi was taken in by Guptas after her parents died there’s a high possibility that not everything went smoothly. As she was just a child she most likely moved on and started living like a normal, happy child but there would always be that one person who would remind her that she doesn’t belong to them and they just did her a favour.
That person in Khushi’s life was obviously bua ji. Garima and Shashi always loved Khushi and considered her as their daughter. But it’s a high chance that bua ji didn’t like Khushi since the beginning (which can be seen in the initial episodes as well).
Whenever Khushi was little more happy or did something mischievous bua ji would always be there to remind her that how she is adopted and they did her a favour by taking her in. Those constant reminders stuck in Khushi’s head which lead her into believing that since Guptas did her a huge favour she must do everything they ask her to do even if she doesn’t want to do it.
Just like how she didn’t want to marry Shyam, maybe there were other things that she didn’t want to do but still did only because Guptas asked her to do it.
Khushi’s people pleasing behaviour has always been backfired at her instead. For instance, when she tried talking to Anjali about how she could think about her child and take care for herself or when she tried to convince Akash about how he should try to make things better between him and Payal. In both of the cases it backfired on her
So! We can see that even though Arnav and Khushi shared similar kind of trauma, it had different effect on them and it shaped the ultimate quality of their personality, because they had different situations
Arnav had no one around him when the tragedy struck, people turned their back on him. He earned everything he had on his own. Arnav Singh Raizada didn’t even care if his words or action hurt someone let alone him trying to make anyone happy wasn’t even in his bingo card ever. All he ever cared about was earning power and wealth which he did, he always knew that he didn’t owe anyone anything
Whereas Khushi did have people around her who rescued her and Ofcourse she was loved by them. But the constant reminder from those people to her about how they saved her from time and again ruined things for her, making her to be an ultimate people pleaser
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phati-sari · 3 years
Hello! How have you been? In the serial, its often mentioned that arnav has taken the responsibility of the whole family and takes decisions as the head of the family. I am assuming the raizadas were already wealthy before arnav became a billionaire. I wanted to ask did they really need to depend financially on arnav? Also, the position raizada family has in the society, is it solely because of arnav as he is a celebrity? Thank you so much!
I don't think they're financially dependent on Arnav in the way that you're suggesting. They live in his house and work in a company he seems to own, but Manorama was his first investor and Nani took him in when he was fourteen. I think it's a delicate balance of familial obligation and love, not necessarily financial dependence, that results in what we see in the serial.
Aakash and Mama are employed at AR because it's a family business, not because Arnav took pity on them. The company is often referred to as a family enterprise. Anjali, in particular, calls it "our" company. In all likelihood, everyone owns a part of AR Group. Arnav and Anjali likely hold controlling shares, with the rest being divided amongst the others. This would explain why it's called AR (for Anjali Raizada, because if it was named after Arnav it would be called ASR), and why Arnav arranges to have money deposited into her account (she draws income in the same way he does). The situation is not financial equality, but it's definitely not financial dependence in the way I think of it.
The Raizada family has ancestral wealth like that of the Malik's, which is the source of their position in Delhi (and Lucknow) society. Nana was a Thakur (a landowner), they are wealthy independent of Arnav's company and the celebrity status that comes with it. All that land and money wouldn't have disappeared when Arnav started his company.
I think you've conflated Arnav's position in the household with his wealth. While he certainly can threaten to take away the comforts they're used to (as with Manorama), he's not treated as the head of the household because he's rich. It's his personality and the way he takes care of his family. He's their leader on both fronts (business and home) but that leadership isn't some kind of a dictatorship. Note that when Arnav felt he couldn't share a roof with Nani anymore, he elected to pack a bag and move out -- he didn't kick them out of Shantivan.
I think we view the situation in Shantivan very differently :)
Thanks for asking!
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dear-devi-maiyya · 5 years
DDM, please send me my own Arnavji, minus the yelling screaming and misunderstanding.
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kaahaani · 4 years
ArShi OS: An Exceptional Car Ride
Characters: Arnav x Khushi, other IPKKND characters are mentioned Genre: Smut Rating: Explicit [NSFW] Word Count: 6550
It is a truth universally acknowledged that once you start having great sex, it’s hard to go without it. Especially, when your once shy wife becomes comfortable with her sexuality and thrives off the power she gets by teasing you.
Arnav Singh Raizada was perhaps the most sexually frustrated individual at the party being held at Shantivan (obviously untrue, but he’s allowed to throw a pity party once in a while). The house was filled with guests – the bane of his existence at the moment - because NK was getting married, having found a woman that found his butchering of the Hindi language adorable and his personality loveable. Arnav was happy for his cousin; even though NK annoyed the hell out of him sometimes, Arnav knew that NK had a heart of gold and deserved all the happiness in the world. The wedding itself wasn’t the problem, rather, Arnav was unhappy with the fact that his beautiful wife had been running around everywhere for the past week. He was aggravated by the fact that he couldn’t even kiss his wife without being interrupted.
Every time he thought that he finally had a few minutes alone with her, someone burst in to interrupt them or called for her. His wife’s eyes would twinkle with mirth every time they got interrupted and she would peck his lips and tell him to be patient before she fixed herself and ran out the room at the speed of light. It really made him wonder how Shantivan functioned before Khushi, even the thought seemed impossible now.
Arnav was sure that she was rather enjoying torturing him like this, although Arnav acknowledged it wasn’t really her fault, but she was definitely laughing at his obvious frustration. He often wondered if it was payback for having teased her so much – especially about their suhaag raat. He recalled her running around everywhere, pretending to be busy – but the problem now was that she was actually busy.
Khushi worked way too hard throughout the day and by the end of the day he practically had to carry her up to their room and force her to sleep before she fainted from exhaustion. His wife loved planning weddings - being a part of the festivities and creating more work for herself with her elaborate schemes. It worried him so much that he had left strict instructions for Hari Prakash, who was to ensure that Khushi ate and took a break once in while when Arnav wasn’t around to make sure she took care of herself.
Even now Arnav’s eyes followed his wife as she ran through the crowds, she was either mingling with relatives and friends or being pulled aside by family members to discuss last minute glitches. She looked absolutely ethereal in a sheer pale gold saree, it was an AR Design from the line that was inspired by her. The saree was handcrafted and adorned with the gold dots and had heavy work on the pallu. She had paired it with the kundan set he had gifted her on their anniversary. Arnav had literally come to a standstill when he saw her, if Anjali had not walked in to go over some last minute details, the saree would have been laying on their bedroom floor. Alas, the world was unkind to Arnav Singh Raizada and he just had to admire from afar while business associates chattered in his ear.
For the second time in his life, Arnav envied NK – the first time had been during Aakash’s wedding when he had immediately hit it off with Khushi and now he was envious because NK got to be attached to the hip of the woman he was getting engaged to while he had to admire his wife from afar.
Arnav excused himself from (boring!) speculations about the stock market when he saw his wife struggling to pick up a box. To an outside observer the scene screamed meet-cute (apart from the fact that the two people meeting were already married). Khushi had managed to get the box off the table but it was clear that she had miscalculated and could not support the weight of it, leading to some interesting stumbling. Arnav breezed through the crowd and got to her just in time, exclaiming, “Careful Khushi!” as he put his hand under the box to support the weight of it. Khushi’s eyes widened before she let out a sigh of relief and smiled up at her husband tentatively waiting for the why aren’t you more careful-why couldn’t you ask for help tirade.
“Are you okay?” He asked as he took the box and placed it back on the table. She nodded with a smile, she loved hearing that particular phrase, tum theek ho, for some reason. “What the hell is in this box? And why do you need to carry it?!” He said, sounding quite exasperated. “Hari Prakash!” Arnav yelled.
“Arnav ji, I was just helping HP, the caterer delivered the mithai late – and all packed into one box so I thought-”
“So you thought you would take the opportunity to fall and break something, of course.”  
“I was not falling!”
“Really? Was that a new dance move then?” He asked, his eyebrow arched.
“Oh really?”
“Haan, really.”
“Shut up Khushi.”
Khushi’s mouth fell wide open before she snapped it close, her eyes narrowing and her face scrunching up – a tell tale sign that she was angry.
“Laad Governor! Listen, I am already quite annoyed with you, don’t upset me further!” Khushi said, stressing the word annoyed by saying it in English, a word she had heard her husband use often.
“Acha? What are you annoyed about Mrs. Raizada?” Arnav asked with a smirk, his voice deep and husky, as he gently grabbed her hand in his and pulled her to him with enough force to bring her right against him, essentially capturing her. Khushi’s breath hitched as his eyes strayed on her lips before he leaned in closer, her eyes closed in anticipation but he just ran his nose along her jaw.
“Khushi, you didn’t say why you are annoyed.” He murmured against her skin, his lips barely touching her but his breath hitting her neck and causing her to shiver. The room seemed to go silent for a moment and all she could hear was the sound of her own heart, the hair on the back of her neck stood erect and she gulped. She cursed her body for its reaction to him, wondering why she still reacted like this. Arnav moved away just a smidge, his eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips and back again, slowly, causing her breath to hitch. Arnav’s mind went blank for a second, just like it seemed to every time he was this close to her, he always meant to fluster her but her proximity never failed to leave him flustered as well – albeit he was a lot better than his wife at hiding how flustered he was.
“Uh – that-” Khushi started to answer but stopped short when his other hand, the one that wasn’t holding her wrist, started rubbing circles into her bare back.
“Hmmmm.” He hummed when Khushi stopped short, his thumb grazing the bottom of the back of her blouse.
“Y-y-you didn’t say anything about the saree.” She murmured as his finger slipped under the bottom of her blouse causing her back to arch towards him. Khushi had gotten used to her husband’s compliments and it was odd to not hear them.
“Ahhhh.” He realized, an impish smile growing on his face as he pulled his wife flush against him and leaned down so he could speak into her ear. He felt her stiffen as his lips grazed her outer ear, and he could feel the goosebumps erupt on the arm he was holding behind her back. “Well, Mrs. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada, you ran out of the room before I could even process how beautiful you look – if you had waited for another few seconds I would have let you know that you look like a goddess and we would have been very late to the engagement party.”  He whispered, his tone suggestive. “In fact, we can skip out right now, I don’t think people will notice.”
The mention of people effectively brought Khushi out of her trance, her wide eyes looked around the room – although they were in a secluded corner anyone could walk by. “Arnav ji, let me go.” She murmured trying to get away, alas her husband was a lot stronger than her and had no intention of letting her go at the moment. He pulled her even closer.
“Arnav ji, please.” She whispered putting her hands on his chest, but her voice was raspy and it seemed to ask him to come closer rather than move away. If Khushi was honest, she didn’t want him to let go, especially not after she put her hands on his chest and felt his heart hammering away under her hands.
Arnav shook his head lightly, placing a kiss on her nose. “Your nose is red.” He whispered huskily rubbing his nose against hers, his eyes closing as his forehead came to rest against hers. Khushi’s eyes closed on their own accord as she tried to regulate her breathing, it didn’t help though, because with every breath she inhaled his intoxicating scent, a scent she often sprayed on his pillow to fall asleep on nights when he wasn’t at home. Her knees were threatening to give out underneath her, if it wasn’t for the support of Arnav’s arms, she would have probably lost her balance.
She felt like she was ablaze even though their actions were seemingly innocent, he was just leaning his forehead against her but the fact that he was so close that she could feel their breaths mingling and the heat emanating from his body made it so sensual. She was about to speak but she let out a gasp when she felt one of his hands come up and caress her cheek softly, but with enough pressure that his touch left tingles in its wake. She felt him move back a bit and her eyes opened and met his, he was staring at her intently, his fingers caressing the lines of her face, he traced her cheek, and then her chin. She gulped when his eyes flickered down to her lips yet again, she could feel the air thicken around them as he slowly ran his thumb across her bottom lip, she let out an involuntary moan and his eyes grew wide before they flew to hers.
“Arnav-” She meant to say more, to remind him that there were people around, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was his name, and it sounded more like a moan than it did as the warning she wanted it to be. His hold on her didn’t loosen, he moved in even closer, something she thought wasn’t possible, his chest touched hers with every breath he took. Khushi had to hold back a groan because she could feel her nipples harden under her blouse with every breath and she could feel the familiar knot in her stomach tightening. She stifled a moan when his Adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped, his eyes locked with hers.
They were so engrossed in each other and failed to hear the footsteps heading towards them. “Oh, not again.” Aakash groaned as he turned the corner and saw his brother and sister-in-law. It was quite a scene, Khushi was pressed up against Arnav, her hands resting on his chest, one of his hands up the back of her blouse, and their faces were a mere few inches away. Khushi tried to push away from Arnav but he held her close and turned to Aakash.
“Did you need something Aakash?” He asked, his voice even, his eyebrow arched.
“Di is looking for Khushi ji.” Aakash said. “So if you’re done…” He smirked causing Arnav to narrow his eyes. “I’ll go.” Aakash said scurrying away.
“Hai Devi Maiyaa, this is so embarrassing.” Khushi murmured watching her Jija Ji scurry away.
“How so? You’re my wife, we’re not doing anything wrong -”
“You – ugh, let it be. Arnav Ji, let me go please.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” She said but it sounded more like a question.
“Can I interest you in a quickie?” He teased causing her to blush and throw her hand over his mouth to silence him.
“You’re – you’re so shameless! Someone is going to hear you!” She said. “Let go, please.”
“What do you want?” She asked narrowing her eyes at him.
“You know what I want.” He said, his voice dropping an octave.
Khushi smiled up at him, his hands dragging down his chest as she leaned up to kiss his cheek but her lips didn’t meet his cheek, rather her hand dragged over the crotch of his pants causing Arnav’s eyes to widen. His grip on her hand loosened every so slightly and Khushi was about to lean up to whisper in his ear when she caught sight of a cream saree. “Nani Ji!” Khushi exclaimed trying to push Arnav away.
“Haha Khushi, I am not falling for that.” He murmured about to lean down to kiss her when he heard a throat clear behind him. Arnav’s eyes widened comically as he let go of Khushi, it was quite difficult to surprise Arnav Singh Raizada but being caught canoodling with his wife by his grandmother of all people was definitely surprising.
“If you don’t have a problem with it, may I steal Khushi bititya away from you?” Nani said as he turned around, one of her eyebrows arched and a disapproving look on her face that did not intimidate anyone due to the fact that she was fighting a smile and failing.
“Of course.” Arnav said, calmly while his wife freaked out for the both of them. She followed Nani quietly turning to look at her husband who had the audacity to wink at her.
The best laid plans of Arnav Singh Raizada only go awry when they concern spending time with his wife. He had overheard his staff clamouring about the newest Salman Khan movie – he knew enough from Khushi to conclude that it was the second installment of the cop movie with the weird dance move. He knew that nothing would make his wife happier than to go see the movie but he wasn’t a fan of crowded movie theatres.
So, he did what any loving (and rich!) husband would do. He rented out a private screening room in the hottest theatre in town, it had opened recently and promised viewers a lavish and comfortable experience. They had couches instead of movie seats, and also housed a great restaurant on site.
He was relishing the opportunity to spend some time with his wife alone, but then Di had overheard him and came to the conclusion that Arnav wanted to take the family out – considering their cousins from Australia had also been wanting to see the movie. Arnav could not refuse, which is why he looked rather defeated as he walked into the theatre beside his wife after dinner.
Although he hadn’t told Khushi of his original plan, she understood her husband well enough to catch the general gist of what he was trying to do. Khushi let everyone settle into their respective couches and pulled her husband all the way to the back by the door, away from their family. Arnav arched his eyebrow at her in question but she just leaned up and kissed his cheek before sitting down on the grey couch, crossing her legs, pulling her husband right beside her and snuggling into his side.
Arnav smiled and pulled her closer as she grabbed the soft grey blanket provided and threw it over their legs. “Thank you.” She said quietly, her eyes shining with happiness as he looked down at her. She had been ecstatic when she learned that they were going to the movies, she didn’t think she’d have the chance to see this one in theatre considering all that was going on.
“You would totally leave me for Salman Khan, wouldn’t you?” He teased.
“Of course.” She laughed snuggling further into him but she pulled away when he stiffened, she looked up to see that he looked rather crestfallen. “Arnav Ji, you know I am joking! I would never-” She stopped short when a chuckle escaped him.
“You’re so easy to tease.” He said tapping her nose as the room darkened, Khushi made a hmph sound while lightly slapping his arm before cuddling into his side again pulling his hand into hers and holding it tightly.
“Laad Governor.” She whispered as everyone around them quietened.
“Always.” He whispered back as his wife’s attention as drawn to the screen.
Arnav genuinely tried to watch the movie – but he was bored within the first twenty minutes. As always, the story was predictable and he honestly felt that most Salman Khan movies were very similar. He looked down at his wife, her eyes were glued onto the screen, an excited smile on her face. She occasionally squeezed his hand, which was in hers and resting on his knee, when she was amused. At least one of them was enjoying the movie. Arnav’s eyes scanned the dark hall, illuminated by the screen. He caught sight of Payal and Aakash whispering to each other and his cousins throwing popcorn at the back of NK’s head. His Mami and Di had their eyes glued to the screen.
He looked back down at his wife when he felt her hand move from his knee to find her staring right back at him, her face flushed, his eyes flashed back at the screen but didn’t find anything that would elicit the pink tinge in her cheeks. He looked back down at her and arched his eyebrow. She shook her head and looked away, her face turning even redder, her breathing a bit louder than usual. Arnav watched his wife closely as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before moving her lips quickly as if she was talking to herself.
“What’s wrong, Khushi?” He whispered into her ear, she stiffened in his arm and shook her head again. Arnav’s fingers traced over her wrist, and noticed her gulp. “Khushi.” He murmured, his voice husky, as he pulled slightly on her chin so she would face him. “What’s wrong?” He asked imploringly while looking into her eyes.
Her eyes seemed unfocused and she took a deep breath again before tentatively answering him. “I was going to…try something, and then I couldn’t.” She murmured trying to pull away but he didn’t let her go.
“Try something?” He asked, his eyebrow furrowed in confusion. But she didn’t answer, she just blushed prettily and pulled her gaze away firmly.
Arnav Singh Raizada was great at collecting information and arriving at a possible conclusion – a skill honed by his years at AR. He thought back to what had brought his attention back to Khushi – her hand moving from his knee, particularly up his leg. And she was looking at him, her face was flushed, her breathing louder and her eyes unfocused. Arnav looked down at his wife again noticing that she was biting her bottom lip. That was the last clue he needed to arrive at his conclusion – his wife was turned on – he knew how to recognize the signs.
His lips pulled up in a smile as he realized what she was probably trying to do. His wife had come really far in being comfortable with her sexuality and sex in general – but there were still some things that she was hesitant about.
Arnav pulled his hands out of hers and placed it on her knee, under her kameez, he felt her stiffen again and look up at him. He looked right back at her as he slowly dragged his hand up her thigh, he was glad that she was sitting cross-legged on the sofa because it allowed him to easily move his hand from the front of her thigh to the inside. Her eyes widened as his fingers lightly traced over her womanhood over the cloth of her pajami.
“Is this what you were going to try?” He whispered into her ear as his finger moved up and down along her heat, slowly. She let out a small gasp that no one would hear over the blaring sound of the movie. She didn’t answer, he stilled his fingers. “Khushi, I asked you a question.” He murmured his voice husky, he felt and saw the shiver that ran through her as she nodded.
“Hm, and why did you stop?” He asked, using the heel of his palm to rub against her, her eyes closed at the feeling. He stilled when she didn’t answer again and looked at her expectantly.
“I was embarrassed.” She murmured, he moved his hand upwards and pulled on the elastic band of her pajami, his hand easily pulling it down slightly. He ran his fingers along her covered slit, he could feel the heat over the thin layer of her panties, and he let out a very low groan when he felt the wetness.
“Of what?” He murmured running his finger up and down her slit over and over again. She bit her lip to stop a moan and took a deep breath in before she answered.
“Of someone catching us…but mostly your reaction.” She mumbled, her eyes flickering to the screen where a loud dance number seemed to have started.
“Well Mrs. Raizada.” He whispered while pulling her panties to the side. “We’re sitting all the way at the back of a dark theatre, covered by a blanket so no one is going to catch us unless you scream.” Khushi bit her lip hard as his finger met her wetness without any barriers. “And my reaction would be pretty similar to what yours is now.” He added, biting her ear as he ran his nail over her clit. Khushi’s eyes closed as he teased her slowly. “Eyes on the screen Khushi, at least pretend to be interested.” He whispered into her ear as his finger moved down her slit and to her opening.
“Arnav.” She gasped as he slid a finger inside her, groaning quietly in her ear as he felt her wetness and warmth around him.
“Shhh, Khushi. You have to be quiet.” He whispered in her ear as he slowly moved his finger in and out. She bit her lip to stop a moan when he added a second finger, his thumb rubbing circles into her clit. He smiled as her back arched in frustration, he could tell that she wanted to move against his fingers so he would move faster but he deliberately went slow.
She gripped his upper arm tightly, and looked up at him pleadingly, moving her hips slightly as she bit down harshly on her bottom lip. “Eyes on the screen, Khushi.” He murmured as he sped up, his movements sharp and his fingers moving easily with how wet she was.  He picked up the pace of his fingers, sliding deeper and harder into her, he rubbed the nail of his thumb against her clit, the sharp sensation along with the rapid movement making her arch her back further as she gasped.
“Khushi.” He warned, slowing down so she didn’t scream.
“Arnav, please.” She mumbled.
“You have to quiet.” He murmured, the song had come to an end – and although the sound was still quite loud it would be a lot easier to pick up sounds between dialogues that it had been between the song. She nodded, closing her mouth and pressing her lips together as he resumed the movements. His fingers arched deep inside her, rubbing against the spot that always made her scream. She was fighting back the urge now but her body was writhing as she struggled to stay in her seat, her other hand grabbed the sofa cushion tightly.
“Maybe I should stop right now.” He murmured into her ear but continued thrusting his fingers into her. “So you can feel my pain too.” He added referring back to what he had dubbed the week from hell. He had to stifle his laughter as her head whipped up and her eyes met his, giving him an angry look. “Tuck your face into my shoulder.” He murmured when he felt her insides quivering, he sped up just a tad and he felt her convulse around his fingers. Her back arched and she moved her hips, pushing him deeper inside her as she bit his arm to keep quiet. He let out a soft groan at the feeling of her coming around his fingers, it had been too long.
Khushi’s body felt like jelly as she felt his fingers slide out of her, she had to hold back a groan at the loss of the fullness she felt. Her eyes met her husbands’ as he pulled his hand out of her pajami, fixing her clothes in the process. His eyes locked with hers and he licked his fingers clean. Khushi’s eyes widened and her cheeks flushed causing him to wink at her. He was thoroughly fascinated and amused by the duality of his wife’s behaviour – at times she would flush and seemed rather embarrassed by anything remotely sexual but at other times she was a seductress, pushing him onto their bed and having her way with him. He enjoyed both aspects of her, he really enjoyed it when she let herself go and acted on her desires without overthinking things though.
He could tell that her mind was working a mile a minute as the two of them just sat in their seats, their eyes locked, completely uninterested in the movie that was playing. He could see his own desire reflected in her eyes.
Khushi’s eyes trailed down her husband’s body, stopping at his crotch, his pants were tight enough for her to realize how turned on her husband was. Her eyes flashed back up to his and he arched his eyebrow at her. “Arnav ji, lets go.” She whispered.
“Where?” He asked surprised.
“Home.” She whispered.  
“But the movie?” He asked, surprised that she would even think of leaving a Salman Khan movie.
“I don’t care right now.” She murmured, her face turning even redder. If someone asked her what the movie was about she would only be able to recount the first 30 minutes anyways.
“Khushi-” Arnav was about to say something to her when the overhead lights all turned on, his eyes turned to the screen to see that it was the intermission.
Khushi’s eyes grew wide and turned towards the front of the room but everyone seemed to be preoccupied with their neighbours, discussing the movie. Anjali, who was sitting four rows ahead of them turned around to face them with a smile. But her smile fell quickly when she saw how red Khushi was and how tense her brother looked.
“Khushi ji, are you okay?” Anjali asked, concern dripping from her voice. Khushi opened her mouth to answer but nothing came out.
“She’s not feeling to well Di, I think I’ll take her home now.” Arnav suggested to Anjali while squeezing his wife’s hand.
“Of course. Would you like me to come with you?” Anjali asked but Arnav shook his head before the sentence had even ended.
“It’s all right Di, there is no reason for you to come with. I think Khushi is just tired with running around everywhere, I’ll take her home. Enjoy the movie and we’ll see you all later.” He said, his voice even. Khushi just nodded at her sister-in-law.
“Okay, Khushi ji, I hope you feel better soon. Get some rest.” Anjali said with a smile.
“I doubt she’s getting any rest.” Arnav mumbled under his breath causing Khushi to elbow him conspicuously as she got up off the sofa, “Walk in front of me.” Arnav whispered causing Khushi’s blush to deepen when she realized the reason for the request. She walked in front of her husband as they exited the theatre quickly hoping to avoid the rest of the family.
“I can’t believe you left a Salman Khan movie.” Arnav teased to break the silence as they walked towards the car.  The parking lot was silent and dark considering the last shows for the day were running and everyone was inside.
“I can’t believe you did that with our family in the same room.” She said looking over her shoulder, although she wasn’t really protesting inside thinking about it now made her wonder what possessed her. Maybe it was the dark theatre and the proximity of her husband.
“It was your idea wifey, and you weren’t exactly complaining.” He teased as they approached the car.
Khushi turned around as soon as she reached the car, she was going to say something but before she could even open her mouth her husband had her pinned against the passenger side of the car. Khushi let out a small moan at the feel of his body pressed into her, she could feel his hardness against her stomach and just like that the hesitancy that had cropped up disappeared all together.
Arnav leaned down and took her lips in a frenzied kiss, his hands trailing down his wife’s body and resting at her waist, pulling her flush against him. Her hands found their way around his shoulder and her fingers tangled into the short hair at the base of his neck, scratching and pulling. He bit her bottom lip roughly causing her to moan and open her mouth to him, and she felt herself melt into him like always. Her hands pulled him closer, their teeth clashing together at her impatience. She slowly gyrated her hips against his, feeling his hardness and causing him to groan against her mouth.
“You’re killing me. Home.” He whispered pulling away slowly. Khushi felt her breath hitch at the look in his eyes, she just nodded as he opened her door and motioned for her to get in. She heard the groan that was probably not meant for her ears as he closed her door and walked around the car to the driver’s side.
Khushi’s eyes stayed on her husband as he drove, and his eyes stayed on the road in order to not kill them before they got home. Khushi was an expert at reading Arnav Singh Raizada – and at the moment he was very frustrated, his hands were gripping the steering wheel too tightly, he changed the gear with more force than needed and he didn’t hit the breaks smoothly. He was definitely going over the speed limit but the roads were thankfully not too busy.
“Stop staring at me Khushi.” He murmured as he changed lanes to overtake a smaller car.
“You stare at me all the time.” She retorted, and it was true, she could always feel his eyes following her around a room. The past week had been almost unbearable because every time she turned around he had that come hither look in his eyes that she found hard to resist.
“You’re distracting me.” He said.
“Really, I thought the Arnav Singh Raizada was immune to distractions.” She teased placing her hand on his thigh close to his crotch. The car swerved sharply to the left for a moment and Khushi let out a giggle. “I guess not then.” She laughed.
“Behave Khushi.” He chastised her, finally looking over at her. She had a smile on her face and a mischievous look in her eyes. He knew that Khushi derived immense pleasure and satisfaction from throwing him off guard and teasing him. She had claimed that she was rather impressed by the power she had over ASR.
Her fingers continued to stroke his thighs over his black slacks, slowly, in circles. “Khushi.” He warned again.
“I didn’t say anything before.” She murmured running her hands further up his thigh running her hands over the zipper of his slacks. Arnav took a deep breath in as he felt Khushi unzip his pants and reach inside his pants to grasp him, slowly running her hand up and down the hard flesh. “Slow down.” She murmured when he steadily increased the speed of the car, his foot pressing down on the pedal.
“That’s enough.” Arnav murmured as he pulled off the main road and onto a smaller road.
“You’re going the wrong way.” Khushi murmured, her hand stopping its slow up and down movement and moving away.
“Am I?” He murmured as he turned onto another road, and Khushi’s eyes lit up in recognition. He was going to the Raizada cottage, the one where his mother had planted the elaborate rose garden.
“I thought we were going home.” Khushi replied as the car pulled onto the unpaved road that led to the house. He pressed the breaks abruptly as soon as the house appeared in front of them and put the car in park.
“I can’t do this at home, can I?” He said turning to her and unbuckling her belt while pushing his seat as far back as it would go. He caught her lips with his teeth before kissing her, his head slanting as he thrust his tongue along hers pulling her up off her seat and onto his lap in the process. It wasn’t as smooth as expected and Khushi let out a moan, of pain, as her leg hit the gear shift.
“Sorry, are you okay?” He murmured against her lips as she settled into his lap. She nodded as her hands went around his shoulders, locking behind the driver’s seat. His hands came to rest at the bottom of her back.
“Mhmm.” Khushi responded while taking his bottom lip between her teeth and biting down gently. Her hand slipped down the front of his body to grasp his hardness again as her tongue dueled with his, meeting him thrust for thrust.  
Her lips broke off from his but didn’t leave his skin, she trailed kisses down his stubbly cheek and then his neck, tracing the muscles of his neck with her tongue and running her teeth over his Adam’s apple causing him to groan as her hands moved up and down his cock, her touch soft yet firm.
His own hands worked their way up to the zipper at the back of her kameez, unzipping it all the way to the bottom of her spine. He pushed her away from her a little to grasp the shirt and throw it over her head onto the dashboard, leaving her clad in a pale pink bra which thankfully opened at the front. It met the same fate as her shirt and landed on the dashboard.  
Khushi’s hand left his cock to unbutton his pants, and pull his shirt out, she frantically unbuttoned the shirt before moving her hands along his abs and up his chest and to his shoulders to slide the shirt off, he moved up slightly so the shirt fell behind him, her hands grasped it and threw it onto the backseat.
His hands slid up to her breasts, cupping the weight in his hands and squeezing lightly as she moved to start kissing and biting down his exposed upper body, her hands running over the indents and bulges of his upper body. Her hands wrap around his dick again, this time with more pressure causing him to instinctively lean into her touch.
He let out a moan and feels her smile against his chest, she loved the heavy weight and heat of him in her palm. She moved back slightly, meeting his eyes and revelling at his slackened jaw. She could feel the painful throbbing between her own legs return despite her earlier orgasm.
“Fuck Khushi.” He let out a loud moan when she traced his slit with the pad of her thumb. “Stop.” He groaned.
A couple of months ago Khushi would have let go of him and flushed red, thinking she did something wrong. But now she knew that it wasn’t that she was doing things wrong, she was doing them too right - he had taught her exactly how to touch her by whispering instructions in her ear in their dark room.
“Lean back.” Arnav murmured as he tried to pull her pants down. It was a struggle considering that she was straddling him.
“Ahhh!” Khushi screamed in shock when she leaned back too much and the horn let out a blare. The two of them paused for a second before laughter filled the car. Khushi wiggled back to the passenger side seat again with a chuckle and wiggled out of her pajami and panties as Arnav pushed his pants and boxers down.
“Come here.” He murmured pulling her back to straddle him, her knees resting on either side of the narrow seat. He pulled her flush against him, running his length along her slit. They both let out a moan at the feeling, she was definitely ready for him.
Arnav grabbed his dick with one hand and lined himself up with her entrance allowing her to slowly sink onto him. Khushi let out a loud moan as she felt him enter her until he was fully sheathed inside her. Khushi’s eyes opened and met his, he watched her intently, her mouth was wide open and she looked rather satisfied.
“It’s been way too long.” Arnav murmured, his forehead resting against hers as his hands moved to her hips, digging into the skin, and helping her move on top of him. They quickly established a steady rhythm, the car filled with sounds of loud moans and quiet sighs as they moved against each other. Their lips found each other’s between moans and their hands travelled and grasped naked skin.
Arnav pulled on a lever to the side of his seat, reclining it back even further. Khushi moaned in appreciation as her hands came to rest on his chest, she pushed against him to move herself on top of him. Arnav groaned watching his cock slip in and out of his wife. His hands grasped her hips again as he helped her move faster on top of him, he watched as her breasts swayed and leaned up to take a peak into his mouth, biting down on her nipple softly.
“Arnavvvvvvvvv.” She moaned. “More.”
Arnav’s arms tightened around her waist, holding her as he moved with her increasing the pace and causing Khushi to let out little whimpers with each hard thrust of his hips against hers. Her whimpers grew louder and he let out a groan as her walls started clenching around him. She fell forward, burying her face into the crook of his neck, letting out a loud moan at the change of angle. She bit his shoulder as she felt the coil in her stomach snap and her orgasm rushed through her as he pulsed inside her.
“I can’t…I can’t breathe.” Khushi whispered seconds later, pulling back panting, her eyes locked on Arnav’s. Arnav grinned at her watching her eyes flutter shut, she looked beautiful – her face flushed, her hair a mess, and her lipstick smeared across her chin.
"You better catch your breath then Mrs. Raizada because we’re not done yet.” He whispered.
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lovingbirds25 · 5 years
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#Repost @teamsarun • • • • • • Throwback article posted by Filmibeat today... Taklu trying to keep the Sarun name & fandom alive via old articles! Sanaya Irani Feels Weird When People Say She & Barun Share Sizzling ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Sanaya Irani & Barun Sobti are most loved on-screen jodis, thanks to the show Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon. The actors played the role of Khushi Kumari Gupta and Arnav Singh Raizada in the show. The crackling chemistry of the couple was loved by their fans, who nicknamed them as 'Arshi' & 'Sarun'. Ever since the show went off-air, their fans have been eagerly waiting for them to be seen together on-screen. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In a (throwback) interview to India-forums, when Sanaya was asked the secret behind their sizzling chemistry, the actress had a funny reply! Barun Sobti Sanaya Irani Are Different On and Off-screen Sanaya told the entertainment portal that she and Barun are completely different both on and off-screen. She added that she feels weird when people talk about her and Barun's sizzling chemistry. Sanaya Says… The actress said, "It is really weird when people say sizzling chemistry between us (laughs)! Like the other day, one of the other actors' who plays Aakash, Barun's brother in the show, said, "You both are the most amazing actors I've ever met," because we are just very different off-screen from what we are on-screen." ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ‘We Are Good Actors’ She further added, "The way we are off-screen, you could never imagine Barun & me pulling off such passionate scenes on screen. It's weird and I don't know how to explain it but I truly believe that we are good actors!" ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Link: https://www.filmibeat.com/television/news/2019/sanaya-irani-feels-weird-when-people-say-she-barun-share-sizzling-chemistry/articlecontent-pf298471-289060.html?utm_medium=Desktop&utm_source=FB-EN&utm_campaign=Left_Include ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #Sarun #BarunSobti #SanayaIrani #IssPyaarKoKyaNaamDoon #IPKKND #IssPyaarKoKyaNaamDoonEkJashn #arshi #arnavsinghraizada #khushikumariguptasinghraizada #SarunHamesha #RabbaVe #barunsanaya #GodBlessSarun #SarunKiKahan https://www.instagram.com/p/B1rOtPKJarw/?igshid=1brjwu7u7srp4
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phati-sari · 3 years
Hello PS. Hope you are in good health. I loved Tau - ji. I wished you could write more on it. I have a confusion and would like your opinion about it. In ep 386, Arnav is in tears when Akash and payal are leaving, don't you think it's a lil out of character? How do you interpret this?
I’m okay, thanks! I’m glad you liked the OS :) Thanks for reading it!!
Nope, I don’t think it’s out of character at all and I’m a little confused by this question (it reads to me like ~real men don’t cry~ which I find a little discomforting). Arnav and Aakash are extremely close, Aakash knows his Bhai in a way that even Anjali doesn’t. It might be a short-term trip to the US, but given what’d happened over the last 18 months I think it’s fair that everyone got emotional.
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phati-sari · 4 years
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Best of Aakash and Anjali (1/??)
Next year, a gift like this won’t be enough. I want someone who smiles, is shy and just a little nervous ... Payal-ji.
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dear-devi-maiyya · 6 years
DDM, I always skipped payash scenes, unless arshi/khushi/arnav present in the scenes. I always felt they're super boring compared to arshi. I know I'm mean by being completely biased towards them.
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phati-sari · 4 years
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Best of Aakash and Payal (1/??)
Okay, from today I’ll call you Payal. But you have to call me Aakash.
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phati-sari · 4 years
Helo PS hope u r doing great. If manorama mami was from poor background then how come her nephew NK is from Australia and her niece Bubbly studies in high tech boarding school. It might sound silly but please clarify for me. Thanks in advance!
Life isn't static. It’s not like Payal and Khushi look poor after marriage either :)
Manorama says she was a servant before marrying Mahendra. She says she was poor once and the household (Nani) has never let her forget it.
The financial circumstances she’s talking about are more than 25 years in the past. Masala Mama had all that time to get good jobs and save and NK’s mother had all that time to marry and move to Australia and make her life there. Plus, Mami once sold her jewellery so Arnav would have the start up funds for his business. Who's to say she didn't do similar things for her family?
Babli is an orphan. Her schooling is most likely paid for by Mama and Mami, or perhaps Aakash, or maybe even by NK’s parents (though they’d probably just take her to Australia). The bond she shares with Aakash always makes me think that he’s her legal guardian.
I mean, poor people don’t always remain poor. Financial circumstances change all the time. A quarter of a century later, I expect the Guptas wouldn’t seem poor either: their expenses would’ve lessened because Khushi and Payal no longer live with them and they’d have Arnav and Aakash to support them.
It happens in the opposite direction too. Arnav’s Chacha managed to squander the ancestral wealth in less than fourteen years -- taking it from what it was when Arnav’s parents were alive to being so indebted that Arnav was able to buy it back.
Thanks for asking :)
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phati-sari · 4 years
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Best of Aakash and Bhai (1/??)
Bhai, do you know what this reminds me of? Do you remember our summer holidays when I was in 8th Standard? There was glue all over my bed. I was stuck there all day.
Why are you telling me? I didn’t do it!
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phati-sari · 4 years
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Aakash and Mohan with Khushi bhabhi
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phati-sari · 4 years
Fun fact #25
While the women in Shantivan don’t seem to share wardrobes except in cases of emergency, the men treat them as communal assets. Aakash’s wardrobe in particular is pillaged regularly. 
The shirt Aakash wore for Anjali and Shyam’s third wedding anniversary was worn by Arnav on the day of Payal and Aakash’s haldi.
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The kurta he wore on his Sangeet was re-used by Shyam for his fourth wedding anniversary (and final reveal):
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And of course, Arnav borrowed his white shirt when Khushi replaced his wardrobe:
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phati-sari · 4 years
Hi ! Do you think that akash charecter was a little annoying during that anjali trying to aboat her baby track ? Means he kept on shouting payal and was behaving cold with her and got easily manipulated by manorama and what all the mean thing like he said to payal like " behave like a daughter in law of this house not like khushi sister " or " khushi ,khushi , khushi cant you understand di pain . Blahlala blahhh and all and he even stopped respecting khushi and called her khushi instead Thanks
Nope, though it sounds like your mind is made up! I’ve spoken about Aakash’s character arc here and his relationship with Payal here, here and here. You might also be interested in this post.
If you’re new here, you might want to start at the frequently asked questions, the greatest hits, and also have a look through the taglist. These links will only work in the browser but they’re a really good place to start because a lot has happened here over the years!
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phati-sari · 4 years
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Best of Aakash and Bhai (2/??)
You know who’s arriving today, don’t you?
What’s the date today? Oh God, I forgot!
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phati-sari · 4 years
Hi PS. Hope you are doing amazing. I went through the pride and prejudice references on your blog. Do you think Payal and Aakash resemble Jane and Bingley? What do you think? Take care. Thank you.
Yes, but like all the similarities I see between them, I see it in the reuse of tropes rather than a direct retelling. You’re asking about The Beta Couple. 
In storytelling, the Beta Couple are usually present as foils to the Alpha Couple (often the leads). This means that while the Alpha Couple has a tumultuous relationship (usually Opposites Attract or some other trope), the Beta Couple has an easier journey to romance.
One of the most interesting similarities between IPKKND and Pride and Prejudice, however, is their use of the Beta Couple. Payal and Aakash, and Jane and Bingley, are only the Beta Couple for the audience. Internally, they’re the Alpha Couple -- everyone wanted them to get together and were surprised (to the point of disbelief) about the Alpha Couple getting together.
(Arshi’s elopement complicates this, as does the lead up to Payash’s wedding where Anjali and Nani are obviously shipping them, but this is why I always say that the similarities are about the tropes, not necessarily the story.)
Other famous Beta Couples include Faramir and Éowyn, basically everyone in the Cullen family, and Finnick and Annie.
Thanks for asking!! Hope that helped :)
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