#aaron o nare
spartacuzz-blog · 3 months
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hey.. spr fans
Come get your slop
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insightonthestars · 9 months
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and aaron
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who's next
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asksprchars · 6 months
can we see Aaron o nare? How is he doing??
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(( so sorry for same face syndrome 😭😭😭 ))
(( i would say it looked like scriptliss with diff outfits and it would not be wrong technically ))
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casi-hir · 6 months
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have aaron because i feel bad he looked the same as everyone else
no i hate hands grr
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peculiar-shardscape · 3 months
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curious as to if anyone even remembers this stupid joke we made back in like… 2019. hi
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theothergueck · 6 months
hey @peculiar-shardscape take this drawing of two evil sillys interacting
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skelieology · 3 months
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⁉️ Postman making lil’ postman art? In 2024? Remarkable❗️
Postman & Aaron O’ Nare dialogue snippet under the tab 👍
Aaron O’ Nare: “Oh I love surprises, let me see!”
Postman: “Oh woah- hey!”
Aaron: “‘And there, sat ever so cutely on top of an envelope like a puppy in a tea cup, was’ -my friend- ‘Postman, being held by a much larger Postman. This tiny one that caught the bigger Postman’s gaze was somewhere around the size of a stamp.’ What a neat little surprise! Oh I do wonder how this little guys story will unfold…”
Postman: “Me too. Since you’re so good at stating the obvious though, do you mind telling me what he’s doing in my mailbag?”
Aaron: “That, I cannot answer. I do find it unfair however that the creator gave you a mini version of yourself but not me. Don’t I look so marketable with my shiny green tie and hat?”
Postman: “… I seriously don���t see what’s so cool about my wall that you have to stop and wink at it whenever you make a witty joke, but if it keeps you in the post office longer, then flirt with it all you’d like.”
Aaron: “It’s quite an enjoyable activity actually! I wouldn’t suggest you do the same though, the little you leaped away out the window while you took your eyes off him.”
Postman: “Sure ma- Sorry what was that last part? … Are you kidding the little guy was right here!”
Aaron: “Better go look for hiiiiim. Who knows, he might be eaten by boxhawks!”
Postman: “What?!”
Aaron: “It’s time to live up to your card description! I’ll see you there.
‘And Aaron disappears before Postman could say another word’.”
Postman: Sigh… “If only being a town hero was a part of my pay.”
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drawingpad-studios · 4 months
I'mma be honest, figuring out the replacement names for the SPR cast is kinda fun. So here's some more names, now of some of the missing kids (sense Wiscara and Aristris are canonical siblings, they'll have the same surname/last name, but their middle names will contain the other part of their original name. Same with Boxdria since I see her and Otempus' relationship be a father/daughter-like friendship in other AUs and the original universe):
Wiscara- Windy Clara Storm
Aristris- Arin Travis Storm
Aaron O' Nare- Aadam A' Nale
Postman- Porter Man
Base Cleph- Bart Clone
Tretone- Trent Town
Antagon- Anthony Gordon
Boxdria- Bonnie Drea Putts
Tucker- Tuck Erickson
Pink I- Pippa Ives
Rozanda- Rozie Andrews
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idioticsnow · 1 year
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Aaron o nare!!!(I love him sm)
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moughtbeun · 3 years
Dialectal Luke (Appalachian English)
¹ Gin plinny a body's undertuik ta wraat down a ordly count o the ee-vyints as have bin fułfeelt among ussins, ² jist so as 'ey war a-handed on ta ussins bah thim hew frum the begyinnin war ah-wyitnisses an sarvints o the wurd, ³ Ah tew cuncluded, atter investygatin everthang kerefuł-laak frum the vary furstest, fur ta wraat a ordly count fur ye, Mister Thee-o-phillus, ⁴ So as ye maht cuid knowe the honisty cuncernin the thangs boutn which ye've bin a-larned.
⁵ Indurin them days o Kang Herod o Judea, they've a praist as całt Zechariah, hew belonged ta the praistly order o Abijah. His ole wummern war kin ta Aaron, an her name war Elizabeth. ⁶ The both o thim war raashiss afore God, livin thout faułt owin ta ał the laws and regulashins o the Lawd. ⁷ But they had nare youngins, fur Elizabeth war barren, an the both war a-gittin olde.
⁸ Wunst whin hey war a praist afore God an his sekshin war a-dewty, ⁹ he war chosen bah lot, owin ta the custom o the praisthuid, fur ta inter the sanctuary o the Lawd an offer up incense. ¹⁰ Now, indurin the incense offerin, the hoal sembly o the folks war a-prayin oussaad. ¹¹ Thin thar peered ta hyim a angel o the Lawd, a-standin ta the raat saad o the altar o incense. ¹² Whin Zechariah seyn im, hey war turrifaad; an feyr owerwheylmed hyim. ¹³ But the angel says ta hyim, "Donh bey afeyred, Zechariah, fer yer prayer war heern. Yer ole wummern Elizabeth wele beyr ye a boi, an ye'll call im John. ¹⁴ Yinz'll bey the injoiinest folk eyr, an minny'll rijoice at his burth, ¹⁵ Fur hey'll bey greyt yin the saat o the Lawd. Hey's oblaage ta neyr drank waan an no sich thang laak whaat laatnin; eyvin afore his burth hey'll bey feelt yith the Holey Speerit. ¹⁶ Hey'll turn many a folk o Israel ta the Lawd theyuns's God. ¹⁷ Yith the speerit an paur o Elijaw, hey'll go afore Hyim, fur ta turn the harts o parints ta their childern, an the inrewly ta the wizdim o the raashiss, fur ta make fitten a folk prepared fur the Lord." ¹⁸ An Zechariah says ta the angel, "How'll Ah knowe as this be so? Fur Aa'm a ole maen, an mah ole wummern's a-gittin old." ¹⁹ The angel riplaad, "Aa'm Gabriel. Ah stan yin the presince o God, an Aa've byin sint fur ta spake ta ye an fur ta brang ye this here guid news. ²⁰ But now, fur ye didn't go bah mah wurds, which'll bey fułfeelt yin their taam, ye'll bey saalint, inable ta spake, till the day these here thangs happin."
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spartacuzz-blog · 3 months
Why does Aaron look so traumatized what happened 😥
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this is honestly not bcuz hes traumatized
i think hes just a wide eyed guy (with eyebags bcuz he dont sleep for shit. he just watches people sleep)
the hat made him look a little menacing but if you tjink abt it, some rando watching and narrating you is a little menacing
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peculiar-shardscape · 2 years
So a friend got me into ponytown recently...
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theothergueck · 9 months
@drawingpad-studios ty for the inspo (i couldn't hold it in anymore)
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Btw funny lore fact, cure 49 is liquid happiness (which comes from the mental assistance department Roblox myth) that was made to make you experience Every single happy memory you've had in your life at the same time, its side effects include making your skin grey, making you depressed and giving you temporary dementia, cure 49 is also what mindwalkers feed off of, aka happy memories (and is also one of the inspirations of spider robot base cleph, and the fact i assumed he was a robot spider)
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theothergueck · 11 months
i like to think that most guidals and aarons from different universes hate eachother, anyways here is lobestar guidal and as thin as paper aaron communication
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drawingpad-studios · 10 months
Alright. It's that time of the year
If it's a tie, I'll draw whoever is in the tie.
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