anchoris-sailor · 1 month
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A robloxian disguise for Dusekkar! He calls himself "Dusk" while in disguise; a small-time author who travels the world in search of inspiration.
I imagine Dusekkar wants to write freely and publish something without having it tied to his god persona. So he invents this identity just for this need, at least at first. As time passed, his new identity was slowly built up with more traits, more connections, and slowly became a life of its own. Even though it seems counterproductive to its original purpose, Dusekkar views this identity as "vacation time" where he can relax and just live as someone who isn't him. Basically just a regular nobody.
As for Dusk himself, Dusekkar ended up taking aspects from his closest friends. The laid-back, altruistic part of him came from Scriptliss, while the more refined style of dressing was from Tess. He takes good care of his long hair as he's never had hair before, thus feeling the need to experiment. Dusekkar now knows all the braiding types in the world...
This is all based on my redesigned version of Dusekkar by the way, so he still technically has the eye scar, it's just that in his robloxian form, it's hidden. (Still can't see out of it though)The elements, paper and true, define him best. (Though tbh I don't even know why true is an element. In my version, the true element applies to anyone who feels their current self is who they truly are)
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asksprchars · 3 months
Disclaimer; not associated with the official spr team and this is for fun
don’t fight over character’s personality since it’s just headcannons
do suggest what needs to change on this post
(talking abt dusekkar)
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I’ll draw the others (Rozanda, Otempes, the others) when i have time but for now just ask for everyone and the full body is soon
also headcanon heights
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apocryphalantiithesis · 3 months
paper jammm
whiteboard stuffs!!!
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forgive my horrid hand writing 🪦and horrid hands
also first time showing my version of pre points woahj 🙀
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superpaperrobloxhcs · 3 months
antagon can bake cookies but only dussekar and protagonist are brave enough to eat them
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mewezzy · 2 months
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I posted this earlier but unfortunately it wasn't showing up correctly so here he is again
I really hate his outfit what is this man even wearing
Fur coat in the desert??
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elpro-delospros · 1 year
Holy crap
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Its the
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sforzandospire · 9 months
can u draw dusekkar,,,,
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casi-hir · 3 months
Tess with star / constellation shaped freckles my beloved headcanon from ekheum someone
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sometimes i could draw something without it being /sillies once in a blue moon and kinda want to learn how to consistently
also imagine the void star on his head pierces his head and it bleeds void mixed with red
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brainrot so hard i’m trying to learn how animating works so i can try make more random shitpost
pls send help what the hell is a good animating app on ios 😭😭😭😭🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
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insightonthestars · 7 months
tess goes to prison: the prequel : court edition
brought to you by distortionparadisetv
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Dusekkar Doodle
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I feel like Dusekkar and Cyalm would get along, idk. They're really alike.
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farewell-in-veil · 1 year
augshsgdhs spent too much energy on this /silly
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shadowlark-stuff · 11 months
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Since I’m thinking about writing a series / au fanfic (?) I might as well maybe draw a bunch of fellows ! Idk take some small notes on them since I want to share lore but don’t want to at the same time.
I already made him a more detailed reference. Tessliss is very much a thing though.
Tess Aract
First name Tess, last name Aract. Generally makes everyone call him by his full name since it’s more “professional”.
Adopted by and lived with Harmonians.
Was influenced/ Manipulated by the Void at a young age.
Void Tess / “King of Nothing”
The eventual result of Tess Aract being exposed to high amounts of void magic during the reopening of the Void Rift.
Generally has no memories of “past life”. Still gets deja vu and has a similar, albeit more temperamental personality
High ranking member of an organization. Haven’t named it yet.
Went to an academy with Tess where they were friends. The two went separate ways when Tess’s affiliation with “Dark Magic” was discovered.
Rather than having a plot book due to that thing being confusing and weird plot-wise, practices / uses creation magic, the ability to make something from nothing.
Very skilled wind mage! Has a dedication to making this obvious and known. He and his sister tend to have a magical rivalry. He seems(?) to be winning.
Was Tess Aract’s Apprentice for three days before the void mage got tired of his personality. Decided trying to have an apprentice just like Dusekkar wasn’t worth the trouble.
Idk I just wanted to draw one
Former Void Mage, now Voidite due to exposure to void. Like all Voidites, has very little memories of “past life”
Had a similar situation with Tess Aract to that between Ford Pines and Bill Cipher, 1x assisting Tess in his studies so the mage may one day reopen the Void Rift. They could’ve been considered “friends” at one point.
Got tired of Tess having a personal life and settling down with Scriptliss, deciding that if Tess wasn’t going to open the Rift, he’d simply force him to do it.
One of Two Voidites bound to the Void Amulet.
Sibling to Aristris and Apprentice to Dusekkar.
Focuses on Dimensional magic, oddly enough having made dimensional scissors. Everyone is impressed by this.
I just felt like drawing one due to having drawn a Crevon.
2x / “Harvey”
The second Voidite within the Void Amulet. It and 1x don’t seem to get along that well, often ignoring each other.
A bit less aggressive than the typical Voidite. Was dubbed Harvey by Scriptliss in an attempt to make it feel more welcome and seen, which actually worked. 1x was given a name was well, but refused to respond to it and insisted on simply being 1x.
If there’s any questions feel free to ask ‘em since it usually just helps me develop things.
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asksprchars · 2 months
its ok guys you can do this i belive in you (also have you tried going into other portals maybe if you go down deep enough you can find him)
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hi board hru blink blink
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apocryphalantiithesis · 4 months
Wicked ahh /HC??/au/theory??/ Idfk
Kind of an add up to my other post about dusekkar WHAT IF they went on the mission n whatever, once they got their wishes granted, tess got the void star ,making tess better (and more powerful) at void magic with his studies and stuff and dusk did some sketchy stuff with the plot book to the other gods (ahem kill ahem) to make his 'better version' of the world, maybe making tess and script be like "well ok that's. not the rightest thing to do.." so dusekkar knowing the power tess was learning and knowing scriptliss was most likely to side with tess rather than him, he starts manipulating script into checking less and less on tess making him fully descend into the void .when he could've survived or smth if script was there
[ I don't remember it really well but reference to that one dialogue where script and dusk are talking where script says "we could've checked up on him!! " or something like that and dusk just says "I thought he'd be fine on his own." ]
So after Tess's descend , he gets possessed by 1x or something happens that gets him locked up in banland and then pr2 where scripts locked up as well and dusekkar aware of all that, if not directly making it happen with the plot book or simply not doing anything while being aware. Like why wouldn't he save his 2 besties???? He literally couldn't have gotten the plot book without them ?? Like bro just doesn't care ??
[ this because in another dialogue scriptliss tells dusk "you knew I was locked up didn't you?" And dusekkar just plays dumb and says " I didn't fully know the situation 🥺) KNOWING DAMN WELL he was aware of the whole situation.and he did all that on purpose. ]
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superpaperrobloxhcs · 27 days
dusskear scriptliss and tess deserve to be happy and go on silly fake quests together and make a whole map and riddle about going to like the grocery store or just taking walks.
also scriptliss will sometimes randomly pick tess up, drop him next to dussekar no matter what hes doing, and just chill with both of them :3 (sprhc admin im coping so hard right now 😭)
50% of the headcanons here are people coping abt these 3
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spiderh0rse · 1 year
Take a puddle of a person. The world was not always a book, nor its residents words. Put your liquid away from your very element vulnerable reality. A friend of yours keeps a vat of ink in his pocket.
A direct siphon opened as wide as can be. Fall into this place not built for you with the help of something that was. Where are you? This land is impossible and so, so fragile. You are an element. This is paper. Water damaged world. Stained world? Does what you touch exist if it is paper and you are a stain?
An impossibility caged and still roaming free, talking to anyone who finds where it watches from. Is that another person under that projection? How can you contain something that by its nature eats through everything? It's safe to be near. It disappears some day.
Reality is stolen and you cannot tell a difference.
Pilfer from god and announce that it's been done. Parade your prize from so far away no one cares. Everything and everyone is yours. Now some care. It's been fun. Reality is a book and you are a barely contained blaze. It's a miracle. Remake the world as always wondered but now no retribution is wrought? This was always the outcome.
portion of the narrative or a person? product nonetheless. speak to an old enemy-complete stranger. a fate averted by? conscripted. then perhaps literally conscripted? ever observant, ever passive. were you needed? Movement and listening is all there is. You understand everything-nothing. You are ill-suited to this place, with all your polygons. They are too polite to point it out-unable to notice. You meet god again-for the first time. He knows who you are but does not know you. Someone you have never met is the most important person here and that is never good. No one you know has impacted this situation positively. Action has only lead to suffering. You do not act. Someone else does. Action, action, action, death, death, death. You watch everything burn. You don't know if you understand. You are the everyman. The Everyman. All is well but the dead are still gone. You watch.
out of the loop, oldest in appearance youngest in all that matters. this makes perfect sense. your world is falling apart. metaphorically. every action take to fix this problem seems to worsen it. a scar long since healed over is torn open, worse than before. Infection held back by equal infection. Hailed for the prior debriding of this wound. It was not too much at the time. It is uncommon to be squeamish, now. An old foe, still someone known, doesn't care for anything anymore. Clad in medical wear yet again, this foe is found twisted against everything he is. A whim taken too far. your world is falling apart. Literally.
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