#abbster’s special (divorced parents) edition
1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
closure - (b.brisson’s version)
summary - brendan signs for the nhl, and leaves his love behind, but he tries to give her some closure…..
type - blurb?? based on closure by tswift (lyrics italicized & bold) & (lower case intended)
warnings - none? a little sad but not much…. </3
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she’s not just a
wrinkle in your new life
he knew that it was going to come, and he didn’t want it to happen. y/n was the best thing that happened to him during his time playing for the university of michigan. he wasn’t looking for anyone, but that is the best type of love…. the ones that you don’t look for. walking into his life during the middle of the first semester of his freshman year (after the covid restrictions started to loosen up), she changed his life for the better. It took him a while to pursue her, as he wanted to party and not be tied down, but bords talked some sense into him since brendan wouldn’t shut up about her.
“go talk to her! I’m sick and tired of you saying all of these things about her, and then you won’t even try to ask her out!” bords told him as they walked into a shared class that they had with her.
“bords, she is too good for me, and when we sign to the nhl…. I don’t want to be tied down or crush a girl's heart before I leave.” brendan told his best friend seriously. but man, she was perfect, and all that he wanted.
thom just gave him a short look before the professor started class, he took out a pen & piece of paper and wrote: “you’ve got time, brisson. go for it”
brendan gave him a look and wrote: “fine, but if I get rejected….. I am blaming you!”
during his next class of the day, brendan sat next to the beautiful girl, he had shown up early and she took the seat next to him, smiling as she did. she was eating lucky charms cereal as a snack (and it was so cute) as she studied for the quiz. to make conversation, he quickly scanned her things, and then he saw her computer case, which prompted him to start talking to her.
“so uh— hockey and taylor swift? great combo.” brendan told her as they waited for class to start. he was terrified as he said that, hoping it would prompt a conversation rather than just being weird.
y/n looked up from her notes and started blushing. “yeah— they are my favorites. wait! you are brendan brisson, right?”
“yeah! nice to finally meet you, y/n.” he tells her, shaking her hand.
“CAN’T believe that you are complimenting my choices when you're the hockey star himself.” she tells him jokingly.
he smiles and replies “I am just an average guy with a big ego.”
“I don’t think you have a big ego, you’re a good player, I— uh- I watched team usa when you were on the team.” she told him, sheepishly, facing his direction and moving her computer.
he does the same, facing his body in front of hers in his chair, his knees touching hers. “oh realllyyyy.” he tells her singy song like as she blushed more.
“never said I was a fan of yours, brisson.” she told him snarkily back, hitting her knees against his.
“but you should be, we have a home game on friday and saturday. you should come!” he told her enthusiastically, and she blushes a little.
“oh-- I don't know briss, I don’t have any friends who like hockey and I don’t have any umich hockey merch. I’d look so out of place!” y/n nervously said, not making eye contact with brendan. the professor was about to start class, meaning he had limited time to try and convince her to go.
“I can let you borrow some of my merch, l/n, and my friends have some girlfriends that I think you know, like audrey?” he asked her softly since the professor started to quiet everyone down for the quiz.
y/n’s eyes lit up at that, and that’s when he knew that she’d say yes. she pulled out a bright yellow sticky note and wrote something quickly, since they couldn’t talk out loud at the moment because the quiz was about to start.
the note said in curly handwriting: “you win brisson. here is my number and I’ll see you at the game. or maybe after?”
xx - y/n
that started the friendship turned relationship of brendan & y/n. a year n a half later & y/n was the one thing in his life that made him feel love. feel the true love of someone who isn’t interested in him for his looks, or hockey. y/n was compassionate in her words and actions, supportive & loving of him and his passions. she was everything and more, but he knew that she couldn’t stay with him. she deserved better, so he decided to write a letter. vegas contacted him while they played minnesota before the games in allentown. he knew what he needed to do, as much as he wanted to live in his bubble at umich. so, when y/n came to pa, and watched him play….. he knew that he had to break it to her soon. she was just so happy for him, he could see her eyes brighten every time he scored, or when they won. she was ecstatic, she was the best he’d ever have. but he knew it wouldn’t last (but also knew that he would get her back soon, hopefully) so in boston, he had to let her know. he could have planned it out better, he could have fought for her, he could have made it work. but he knew, and even all the guys, especially owen told him…. she’d come back when the time was right. so, that night before the quarterfinal of the frozen four, he wrote her a letter.
a letter to give her closure.
the way it all went down
if you’re reading this, that means umich’s time in the frozen four is over, win or lose… it was the best season; because I had you. I want to start this off by saying that I fucking love you to the ends of the universe and I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted to willingly leave you behind. I never planned on falling so hard for you, or falling in love with you. you mean everything and more to me, and that’s why I can’t have you anymore. vegas called me, and I’m signing as you read this. I hope you understand and don’t resent me for it, because I wanted my last full memories with you at umich, and not you pushing me to go to vegas, or yelling at me to stay (as much as I wanted to) but I wanted the memory to be the core thing to keep me going until I see you again. I’m doing this not only for myself, but for us, baby. this isn’t a break up letter, this is closure so we can start the next chapter of our lives, together, soon. I’m signing with the henderson ahl squad, but you know me, I’ll be in the nhl in a blink. I want you there by my side, you have such an impact on my life, y/n l/n. I love you and call me when you land if you don’t resent me too much, I’ll be on the other line, waiting for your call. whether it's right when you land, or weeks after. I want your answer to my closure, I want you with me in vegas.
xx - yours, brendan <3
yes I got your letter
yes I’m doing better
it hurt deep to know you
right to the bone
her heart broke in half on that plane. she wanted to be there for him, and couldn’t. she didn’t need his closure, but she was glad that he did. she was happy for him, and all she wanted was the semester to be over so she could go to vegas. but she knew that even though he didn’t act like it, he needed time, time to be alone without her for a while. now what does a while mean? could be days, could be weeks, could be months. she called him back a week later, and decided to tell him that they were more than just friends, but she wasn’t his girlfriend anymore until she could come to vegas. that was the deal she made with herself, and that was the deal he agreed to even though it hurt him right to the bone.
staying friends
would it iron out so nice
his ahl career was short lived, and he signed to the nhl on the last week before the playoffs, which vegas did not make. meaning brendan would go home, and y/n would fly back to nova scotia to visit her parents. it was a cruel summer, being spent apart from one another, but it was good, good as one could get without spending that time with the love of their life. cliche, but true.
guilty, guilty reaching across the sea
that you put between you and me
summer came and went, little to no contact because of their schedules, but the new season of life was coming up. brendan’s debut was coming soon, and y/n’s junior year. middle of september came, and the umich season started, as well as the talks for the new rookie on the golden knights to debut. brendan convinced his head coach to let him wait until they played a closer team to debut, but the closest he could get was boston. the fateful place of where he last played as a ncaa player, the last time he played in front of her. when y/n heard the news of his debut coming to boston, she told her professors to help get her caught up, and she left as fast as she could. luckily it was on a friday, and she made it in time; wearing the same outfit as the last time she was in that arena for the frozen four. he had no clue she was coming, and she didn’t tell anyone until she called bords (in bold)
“il est là, juste devant moi. je suis gelé thom.” (he is here, right in front of me, I am frozen thom.)
“hé, hé, ça va aller. laissez-le vous voir. allez à votre siège, ou au verre. s'il te plaît?” (hey, hey, it’s going to be okay. go to your seat, or to the glass, okay?)
“d'accord d'accord! je suis tellement nerveux thom. et s'il ne veut pas de moi ici ? ça fait tellement longtemps.” (alright alright! im so nervous thom. what if he doesn’t want me here? it’s been so long.)
“il te veut là-bas, il est perdu sans toi, ma chérie. fais-toi connaître, je te promets que tout ira bien.” (he wants you there, he is lost without you, darling. make yourself known to him, I promise it will be okay.)
“merci thom, au revoir.” (thank you thom, goodbye.)
“j’taime!” ( love you!)
she walked down to the ice slowly, standing by the corner of the glass like she always did during his games, waiting for him to circle near her and touch his glove to the glass. it was a little pre warm up ritual that they did once they started dating, but really since the first game that she went to. so she waited, and then the lights dimmed, and she got her phone out to secretly record the rookie lap. he was graceful, and just like she remembered him. he was perfect, the lap was perfect. she put the phone down as the lights turned back on, and warm ups started. now, she waited to see if he saw her in the corner, the corner that haunted her memory.
he didn’t notice her at first, his mind was so consumed with not tripping and falling on the ice that he didn’t even look up to see the corner that she’d normally stand in, at every rink that she’d travel to for him. he wanted her there so bad, and was secretly hoping that she would be in that corner, and not back in michigan where she probably was. after his rookie lap, he went to the bench to tie his skates, check his tape…. and write y/n on the top of his handle tape. like he had done before every game, since he invited her. he always did it on the bench during it, so he could take that time to scan for her in the crowd, and that’s when she started to be in the corner. his eyes scanned the arena, and when he hit the corner she would stand in at every game (home or away), the arena went quiet, and his heart stopped.
standing there in the corner, holding up a “brendan brisson’s lucky charm” sign, with little hearts, his new number #24, and the lucky charm box cut out attached to the cute handwritten sign; was the love of his life, his y/n. she was wearing the same outfit as he last saw her in, in the same arena. she was stunning, and he fell in love with her all over again…….
she didn’t see him skate up to her at first, because she was scanning the room to see where he had gone. but her heart stopped when she locked eyes with him. the boy she fell in love with, the boy who would take her on ice cream dates and distract her from her homework, the party animal and best dancer around, the one that hurt her heart when he wanted closure…… was skating straight towards her.
the pair smiled at each other, and he touched his hand on the glass. she showed him the sign, and then made a “wait” motion with her free hand, and turned the sign around.
yes I got your letter
yes I’m doing better
but I don’t need your closure
when all I want is right in front of me
happy debut babe, j’taime <3
his heart soared, and he felt all of the emotions he could ever want to feel all at the same time. he drew a heart on the glass and skated away, with the biggest grin on his face.
that night he got his first nhl game, his first nhl goal / point, and the love of his life back. and he was so thankful that he could get closure, and now start a new chapter of his life, with the same girl on his side.
abbster’s taglist: @hockeyboysarehot @hockey-lover86 @hockey-lover-22 @erikports @pulpfixion @studsccsnackavoybambi @boeswhore @jamiedryzdale @owenpowersglasses @huggybug @pierrelucduboiis @calermakar08 @dylandukerr @the-stars-shine-above-us @dracoswhore007 @lwstuff @njdhischier & whoever else! (it wouldn’t load completely so sorry if I missed you <3)
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1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
wildest dreams - (t.bordeleau’s version)
summary - thom met her at a party, and can’t get her out of his head. he wanted to find her again, even if it was in his wildest dreams.
type - 3.4k wc, fic based on wildest dreams by tswift (lyrics are italicized & bold) some lyrics are changed, but you’ll understand.
warnings - 18+ themes, one night stand, catching feelings, longing for the love back, etc.
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for thomas bordeleau, one night stands aren’t supposed to mean anything…. but he met her and he can’t get it off his mind. he knew not to catch feelings, but he couldn’t help himself. she was perfect. everything and more, and he needed to find her again, even if it was in his wildest dreams……..
let’s get out of this town
drive out of the city, away from the crowds
I thought heaven can’t help me now
nothing last’s forever
“BRISS! I don’t want to go to this damn party man—“ thom whined as he was dragged to another party by briss. his luck at parties & social batteries at parties has gone downhill since the season started.
“thommm cmon!!! maybe you’ll get lucky tonight! just come with me and leave in like an hour if you don’t find anything.” briss told his best friend as he shoved him into the door.
“fine! but one hour, then I’m leaving.” thom grumbled as he searched to find a drink. he was dressed in one of his classy party outfits. decked out in red and black leather, with the tattoo on display, and glasses to hide his disgust in his eyes. he didn’t want to be here at all, as the game tonight completely wiped him out, but he had to stay here for an hour.
“a hour, what can I find for an hour.” he thought to himself.
he looked around for a solid ten minutes, finding groups of his friends to talk to and mingle with, and then he moved to get another drink and found her.
but this is gonna take me down
he’s she’s so tall
and he’s handsome as hell
he’s so bad and he does it so well
she was possibly one of the prettiest people he had ever seen. she was glowing in that dark red dress, looking like a movie star. thom couldn’t take his eyes off of her, and she knew it. she felt someone’s eyes on her from across the room, and saw the thom bordeleau staring at her. she was from out of town, and was in town for a friend….. but she knew who he was. she decided to let him know that she could see his gaze, but slowly seducing him from the other side of the room. by the way she danced, the way she touched people, the way she slyly smirked at him from across the room. thom was impressed that she could affect people in that way, and captured his attention so damn quickly. his cup had almost broke three times because of her, he was gripping it so tight to restrain himself from walking over there and—-
“hi thom. enjoying the party, joli garçon?” she said as she took his cup and took a sip of it. (pretty boy) confidence, it drew him into her……
“of course I am, jolie femme. now what’s your name?” he asked her as she smiled into his cup. (pretty girl)
“y/n l/n.” she hummed, keeping eye contact as she took another sip of his drink.
“you’re not from around here, are you? a pretty girl who can speak some sort of french— not very common here.” he told her, scratching the nape of his neck as he waited for her to give his drink back.
“montréal est assez loin d’ann arbor..” she whispered to him and gave him his drink back. she started to back away, but his firm grip on her waist said otherwise. (montreal is pretty far away from ann arbor..)
“oh my god, were you sent from heaven, l/n?” thom asked her semi seriously as she laughed. oh that dreamy laugh.
“maybe I was bordeleau…. or I could take you there.” she said smartly, messing with her bracelet, which had angel wings as one of the charms. she tried to turn around to look around the room, but thom impulsively grabbed her hip.
“don’t go—“ he whispered in her ear as she shifts into his light, but longing hold on her hips.
she looks down to take in the details of him, like he was doing the same to her. the tattoo was on full display on her hip, which almost made her crumble. the glasses hid his handsome face, but not the expression on it. the “you’re now mine— don’t leave” expression.
he looks down to the details on her dark red dress, the heels she was wearing that made her legs look longer, all the way up to the gold chain on her neck which had the words “cet amour” on it. (this love.) he thought about that necklace but then was snapped out of his trance when she touched him again.
she looked down since he was semi-slumped against a counter, and she was almost towering over him because of it. her left hand made her way up to grab his glasses, taking them off his face and putting them on slowly.
I can see the end
as it begins
“sortons d'ici ouais? je déteste la foule…” she told him as he didn’t even think twice, moving his hand on her waist to wrapping the arm around her shoulder, leading her out of the party. (let’s get out of here yeah? I hate the crowds…)
leading and weaving her through the crowds, he didn’t even know or care of the stares that he was getting from his friends. after his nasty breakup from earlier this year, thom told all of his teammates/friends that he wasn’t going to pursue a girl again until he hit the nhl. but y/n was no girl…..
my one condition is
say you’ll remember me
thom was snapped out of his trance as his flight landed in san jose. it’s been almost three months since that night, and he had done everything that he thought he could to find her. but he was determined to find her. exiting the plane, seeing all of the sharks’ reps waiting for him on the private tarmac… was just eye opening. he made it. but he wanted her with him.
standing in a nice dress,
staring at the sunset babe,
now sitting in the limo on the way to his hotel 30 minutes away, he began to think back on their first night… it was naive of him to think that she would stay after the last night he had with her……. but that first night was an experience like no other. he had never had a girl make him feel the way that she did. emotionally or physically.
red lips and rosy cheeks
say you’ll see me again
even if it’s just in your
wildest dreams…….
“oh my god thom— don’t—“ she whined into him as he tore her dress almost in half.
“what- don’t what?” he said smirking as she opened her legs wider, causing him to spread them more.
“hurry up bordeleau. I’m impatient and you just ripped my favorite party dress.”
“oh you poor baby… how unfair.” he told her sarcastically, as he kissed the nape of her neck softly, and then working down to her collarbone.
“yeah! not fair at all—." y/n replied to him as she held back a small noise as he made his way back up her neck.
his her hands are in my hair
his clothes are her dress is in my room
and his her voice is a familiar sound…..
in doing so, she grabbed the bottom of his shirt and took it off, throwing it across the room. she could feel his smirk against her neck, so she pushed him back into the bed, he laughs and sits up…. patting his lap for her to crawl up to.
nothing last’s forever
“cmon— I know what you want.” he told her, as she looked down at his hand and back up to him.
“oh really thomas? what do I want then…” she smirked as she watched him take of his (leather) pants, leaving him in just a pair of black boxers, which got y/n thinking thoughts…… on how his tattoos were extra dark, because of his boxer color. especially the hand tattoo that she had her eye on all night. he smirks at her, knowing exactly what she wants from him.
but this is getting good now
“c’mere cherie—“ he told her with some lust in his voice, causing her to almost pounce on him. (darling)
“I don’t want this night to end, thom…” she whispered as she inched her way onto his lap.
“oh baby— it’s just started— and who says it has to end?” he tells her coyly as he wraps the tattooed hand around her throat, gentle but with enough force to cause her to wiggle under his grasp. he could feel her heartbeat throughout her body, and the coldness from her necklace against his hot skin.
“good god—“ she halfway said under her breath as he moved closer.
waking up from his dream by the sound of a car honk, he was again pulled back to reality. the reality that the night had already happened, and he was trying his best to relive the memory, every chance that he could. but he was starting his new life now, and was about to start his nhl career. he secretly wished that she could be here for it, and also wished that the night never happened. even if he knew at that time that he would catch feelings for the mysterious y/n l/n…. he’d do it all over again, just to be around her, to feel her touch. oh it took him down, she was just so— goddess like that he couldn’t get her off of his mind for it felt like forever.
wildest dreams
wildest dreams
“don’t don’t —-“ she struggled underneath him as he brings her hips up.
the night truly didn’t want to end, because this was round 4 and both of them just wanted to keep going. secretly y/n didn’t want to leave, and not so secretly, thom wanted to keep her here with him.
“don’t give up on me now baby. cmon.” he praised her to keep going as everything started to grow louder or more aggressive..
the music of the party boomed through the room. the feelings of euphoria between the two of them, causing them to hold back their moans more.
the scratches that y/n was making on thom’s back were growing deeper, like his hold on her hips to bring them up higher. black spots filled her vision for god knows the number of times for her.
she had never had a man make her feel this way, and she was loving it. thom loved the way she was making him feel, and wanted to keep making her feel this way, until the morning if she would let him, so she didn’t have to leave. they connected instantly, and they both didn’t want to leave each other….but all good things have to come to an end.
you see me in hindsight
tangled up with you all night
burning it down
“THOM! jesus—“ she yelled at him as he pulled out to spread her legs farther apart to give her one last high, the best kind of high in his opinion… the one where he can feel and taste her at the same time.
he buried himself into her, roughly shoving three fingers in her, causing her to gasp. she could feel his fingers hit the spot, and she wanted to die happy right there. back and forth, his tongue hitting her just right, she could feel his smirk against her, so she clenches her legs around him, causing him to sink into her more.
“god don’t stop don’t stop—“ she told him as he increased the pace, causing her to hold his head down, playing with his hair to distract the fact that she was about to die by bords’ hands…. literally.
“FUC—“ she screamed as she hit her high, finishing as bords’ head shot up, silencing her scream by putting her hand on her mouth. they both laughed as it was over, and she lasted back down in the same position, but this time, in silence… they laid there, just holding the intimacy for just awhile longer. 5 rounds, many highs later, and the pair didn’t even want to move; they both caught feelings on the first damn night.
someday when you leave me
I bet these memories
follow you around
“thom? we’re ready for you.” one of the assistant coaches said as thom grabbed his stuff from the car, to walk into the arena. he had now played in the ahl for a few games, but was then called up to play the rest of the season. he just signed the papers for a 3 year entry contract, and now officially playing in tonight’s game in minnesota.
“wow.” he whispered to himself as he took a picture of the ice. it was gorgeous, and everything he dreamed of as a kid. no way that he was here right now, about to play in his first nhl game today. he wished that he had someone to share it with. someone that he would go home to and— but he really just wanted y/n. still searching for the mystery girl who got his heart, he kept trying to find her on every social media site. instagram, snapchat, twitter, hell…. even facebook. he was beginning to think that she was a figment of his wildest dreams… but he knew that she was real.
someday when you leave me
I bet these memories
“thom?” she asked him softly, stirring him to be fully awake.
“yeah hon.” he replied to her, as she looked up at him from his chest.
“you’ll remember me right?” she questioned, hoping that he’d say yes.
“of course, you’re the best I’ve ever—“ he stops in his tracks.
“that’s all I am to you— I get it.” she whispers softly, causing him to feel awful. he normally wouldn’t really care, but she was different.
“what I’m trying to say is… I’ve never felt this way. meaning I don’t know how to express to you how I feel. when I saw you across the room tonight, my heart jumped out of my chest. I— I like you a lot y/n.” thom said to her, and she about jumped out of his arms right then and there.
“the thomas bordeleau? has caught feelings for me? I’m not even from here and I know of you and your—“ she trails off waiting for bords to cut her off.
“don’t listen to it. unless it’s about hockey, because that’s true.” he laughs and she hits him across the chest.
“how are we going to do this, thom? because as much as I don’t want to be just some one night stand, I don’t want to stand in the way of your career.” she tells him seriously and he sits up, shifting them to both sit up.
“Je ne veux pas paraître fou, mais tu comptes plus pour moi que ça, mon amour.” he told her, kissing her softly as she stood up. (I don't mean to sound crazy, but you mean more to me than that, my love.)
“tu n'es qu'un peu fou, bordeleau. J'ai juste une condition .” she asked him as she pulled on her half ripped dress, and looked for her shoes. thom rolled over and got out of bed, grabbing a michigan sweatshirt for her to put on. she threw it on top of her ripped dress, to hide the rips, and sat down on the bed to put on her shoes. (you’re only a little crazy, bordeleau. I just have one condition..)
“anything.” he said, looking up at her.
“say you’ll remember me. maybe in a nice dress? staring at a sunset, it’s my favorite. I always have red lips and rosy cheeks, flushed. but my condition is that even if I never find you again, say you’ll see me again, even if it’s just pretend. or I’ll find you again, but I hope to see you in my wildest dreams, bordeleau.” she tells him, and kisses him one last time before walking away. he was stuck, and looked around to figure out how he let her out of his grasp so quickly. he saw on his bedside table that her necklace was still there.
“Y/n!!” he yells after her, running out the door of the house, standing on the porch.
she was gone, and all he had was his wildest dreams to find her again….. so he thought.
it was now debut night for thomas in the xcel energy center in st.paul, mn….. 1,844 km away from montreal, where he truly wanted to be right now. he was so damn nervous, and nothing could calm his nerves down. the only thing keeping him from running away to the locker room to puke is the slim chance that y/n could be watching on the tv in montreal. little did he know that she was here, not knowing that thom would be there. she was invited by her sister, who was dating tyson jost. they had been dating for a few years, and recently moved to minnesota, and y/n’s sister knew of thom from y/n….. it was perfect.
“and now making his rookie lap, is #23 THOMAS BORDELEAU!!” the announcer said and y/n’s heart stopped.
he was here, and he made it big time. she kept up with him in these past three long months, and knew of his defeat in the ncaa championship, him signing to the ahl….. but she didn’t realize that he would be called up during THIS game. she was ecstatic for him. she was seated at center ice with her sister, so she knew that she may get noticed by him…. but if not, she was going to find a way to see him after.
the rookie lap goes good for thom, all was going well, almost too well. he sat down to switch his stick before the game, and looks up to try and find his parents in the section that he told them that they would be at….. and in scanning the crowds….. he found her. she was wearing all black, with a vintage red jacket on, and a silver diamond chain around her neck. she was stunning, and truly looked like she was straight out of his wildest dreams.
he played his heart out, for his family, and friends watching……. along with a certain girl that he couldn’t take his mind off of. he didn’t dare to look over at her, knowing it would screw up his game. but he knew he had to find her after.
“oh my boy! you played so so good.” his mom told him after he went down to the locker room.
“you played great, son.” his dad also told him and patted him on the shoulder.
“merci beaucoup..” he whispered to them, almost dying from the overload of emotions that he was feeling.
“we will meet you for breakfast tomorrow, thommy.” his mom told him as he kissed his cheek, and he told them goodbye before he went into the locker room.
on the other side of the arena…….
“Y/n! so help me god, you better walk your happy little ass over to those locker rooms and wait for him.” her sister told her as y/n stood with her to wait for tyson.
“but I’m scared! what if he doesn’t want to see meeeee.” she whined as her sister pushed her into the direction of the visitor locker rooms.
“GO! tys & I will meet you out front. who knows? maybe we will meet bordsy.” her sister teased as y/n gave up and walked away.
“okay, okay. everything will be okay.” she told herself as she walked into the visitor side area a few minutes later. she was looking down at her phone to make sure that she was going the right way, when she bumped into a player.
“hi I’m so sorry—“ she told the player without looking up.
“I’d bump into you anytime.” the player said, and she recognized his voice from anywhere. she looks up to see him, and smiles so big.
“thomas.” she says softly and she launches into his arms.
“hi baby, I guess this is my wildest dream now, because you’re here.” he told her as she nuzzled into his hold.
“three months too long, but you remembered.” she told him, hugging him tighter.
“told you that I’d never forget you, ma cherie.” he told her, spinning her around. (darling) “and I still have your necklace.” he continued, making her laugh.
abbster’s taglist: @hockeyboysarehot @hockey-lover86 @hockey-lover-22 @erikports @pulpfixion @owenpowersglasses @mattsboldyy @pierrelucduboiis @juliasahoshughes @calermakar08 @studsccsnackavoybambi @boeswhore @jamiedryzdale @here-for-bords @bordsybebe @dracoswhore007 @bordyluv @njdhischier @lwstuff @oskarlidblom @dylandukerr @the-stars-shine-above-us
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1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
reputation - m.estapa
requested insta edit of mark & y/n soft launching their relationship by using rep tswift lyrics! I used mainstream ones so people could kinda know (even though I wanted harder lyrics lol) but I hope you enjoy! it is for my 300+ special <3
(all photos are not mine & the storyline is fiction)
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liked by @markestapa, @edwards.73, @brendanbrisson & others
yourusername - dress by taylor swift > 🖤☁️🤍🌅
tagged @/ none
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brendanbrisson - y/n, you’re a STUNNA🤩
markestapa - lucky man 😮‍💨
thombordeleau - ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
lhughes_06 - best friend 😩
dylanduke25 - yes our swiftie queen 👸🏻
erikportillo - 🤩🤩
audreyoconnor - both of those dresses are stunning n/n!! also….. you have “the” glow!! 😍
edwards.73 - ^^ AUDREY WHAT 🤨
yourusername - she is hinting at the “boy” glow 🥰
mackie.samo - WHAT IS A BOY GLOW?! ^ @yourusername
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liked by @lhughes_06, @dylanduke25, @mackie.samo & others
markestapa - stay here, honey, I don’t want to share….. ‘cause I like you 🤍
tagged @/ mylove
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dylanduke25 - why keep her a secret, marky?
lhughes_06 - I’ve been around y/n too long not to know that those are tswift lyrics (delicate, tswift)
markestapa - my girl would like you for that comment @lhughes_06 ^
markestapa - a magician never reveals his secrets 🎩❤️‍🩹
yourusername - she’s got you down bad if she tells you tswift lyrics / if you use them ❤️‍🔥
mbeniers10 - can confirm that statement ^
owenpower_ - back to classics + rep tswift?!
yourusername - BOYS KNOW THIS STUFF?! ^ @owenpower_
owenpower_ - no we have just been around our favorite girl for so so long 🤭 #y/nisourbiggestfan
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liked by @markestapa, @audreyoconnor, @mackie.samo & others
yourusername - ridin’ in a getaway car 🚨
(he put the bear’s bowtie in my hair <33)
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markestapa - sirens in the beat of your heart 🖤
dylanduke25 - @markestapa is putting his new girl’s tswift knowledge to work
lhughes_06 - no way 🫠
audreyoconnor - SO SWEET 😭❤️‍🔥
edwards.73 - $200 for
brendanbrisson - $200 against (sorry marky)
mbeniers10 - $100 for
kentjohnson.13 - no bets from me, but just good luck ✨#gomark&y/n ✨
mackie.samo - CALLED IT
edwards.73 - HEY! we are waiting for conformation still!!! ^^ 😋
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liked by @markestapa, @edwards.73, @owenpower_ & others
yourusername - all eyes on you, my magician….. ? (where did you go) ❤️‍🩹
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markestapa - back against the wall??
dylanduke25 - it’s a blank space, y/n 🤨
lhughes_06 - wrong song @dylanduke25 ^. trippin when you call (so it goes, tswift)
kentjohnson.13 - BRISS, it’s lyrics….. maybe for you it’s riddles 😀
owenpower_ - we listen to our y/n/n’s wonderful taste in music 🤩 idk about her taste in guys yet….. #200onmark!
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liked by @edwards.73, @kentjohnson.13, @owenpower_ & others
markestapa - and I’m just gonna call you, mine ☁️
tagged @/ yourusername
comments disabled
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liked by @markestapa, lhughes_06, @dylanduke25 & others
yourusername - I want to wear his intial on a chain ‘round my neck, chain ‘round my neck…… not because he owns me, but because he truly knows me
#nowitslatenovember #holdingmybreath
tagged @/ markestapa
comments disabled
abbster’s taglist: @hockeyboysarehot @hockey-lover86 @hockey-lover-22 @pulpfixion @bellaguarneri @dracoswhore007 @owenpowersglasses @calermakar08 @oskarlidblom @owenpwr @thedukes-56-5 @lwstuff @pierrelucduboiis @the-stars-shine-above-us @boeswhore @jamiedryzdale @juliasahoshughes @njdhischier @studsccsnackavoybambi
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1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
PINNED UNTIL 4/17/2022 !!!
here is my navigation page so it can be pinned as well!
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hi hi :)
so I hit 330 followers today after hitting 300 just a day or two ago !! so I decided that I was going to do a special (and stick to it) so, on top of the wips that I am doing, I will be taking requests of all types:
• headcannons (little bullet points or paragraph)
• fics
• blurbs
• insta edits
of your favorite player or players associated with any taylor swift or harry styles songs (or lyrics), because they are my divorced parents!!!
now before you request, please be aware that fics (and or blurbs depending) do take MORE time than h.c’s or edits do!
also, this special will also be associated with my umich tswift series! so if you request a umich boy or boys, the work will be listed on the umich tswift page after it’s posted (that is pinned on my navigation)
• I also will be making a separate page for my navigation for this special which will be named “abbster’s follower special (divorced parents edition)” so you can find these works on there in the future!!!
please when you send in, say that it is for the follower special!
requests for this special will end on april 17th, 2022 at midnight!
thank you guys so much and I can’t wait to hear your asks! I will be posting some (non related to the special) wips through out the week while I look and start planning your requests!
tagging some mutuals and friends! @owenpwr @studsccsnackavoybambi @owenpowpow @owenpowersglasses @oskarlidblom @jamiedryzdale @hockeyboysarehot @pulpfixion @gigglyparker @bbrissonn @bitchinbarzal
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1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
okay like I’m too excited and trying to finish it right now
but here’s a preview of the newest special fic!!
(it isn’t fully edited yet, so some of this will be italicized in the final draft)
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1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
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hi hi!!
requests regarding my special are (and have been) CLOSED!!
will be starting to post soon!! I have been working hard on your asks! <33
just want to say thank you so much for sending in !! 🫶🏻
can’t wait to share these with you !!💞💘💖
everything will be under the main tag below “abbster’s special (divorced parents) edition” that will be accessible once I make a page for it on my navigation!!
also, thank you for 360. 378 389!! I love you guys <33
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1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
okay guys
I’m almost at 400 which is CRAZY because I haven’t even got a chance to post any for my 300+ special!!!
but I’m working very hard on them and want to post them through out next week! (it’s prom weekend this weekend so I won’t be able to post much content)
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1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
so like I’m always listening to taylor swift and it makes me so sad that I can’t post anything inspired by tswift until Monday!! so keep sending in because I get inspired by tswift EVERY SINGLE DAY and I’m so excited to post some of your asks for my special!!
also, remember that it can also be for harry styles’ music too!!!!!!!
midnight on april 17th is when request will close for the special! please label that it is for the special! <3
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1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
blurb almost fic out tonight :)
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1-800-iluvhockey · 3 years
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My requests and inbox are ALWAYS open, unless I specify! <3
fic list
h.c list
blurb list
little things
S P E C I A L S & S E R I E S
Umich Tswift series list
300 + follower special (divorced parents edition) list
ducks vs dal highlights (behind the bench edition) 4/29/22
abbster’s personal file(s)
anon night things
• bold means both nhl & college hockey :-)
• italics mean just umich ;)
line through it just means I haven’t made any / been requested it yet <33
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