#closure blurb / fic
agendabymooner · 1 year
MASTERLIST by agendabymooner
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note: what i had done so far... i think?
a = angst g = general fic hc = hurt/comfort h = humour
s = smut (minors, dni) mc = mature content (minors, dni) f = fluff
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alex albon (aa23)
keeper, smau: polly berkshire has obscure interactions with her thirsty boyfriend and it's safe to say that they love each other.
fernando alonso (fa14)
the breakup and makeup series
time to rock and roll, fic: the first time beatrice staedtlander and fernando alonso had broken up. (hc)
heaven, smau: back in 2000s, fernando alonso and beatrice anastasia 'trish' staedtlander were every racing and wrestling fans' couple. years after, trish alonso became a mother and a wife... and the grid's crush of the season. fernando was certainly not happy so what's a better way to remind everyone that he was hers? (f, g, h)
from the ground up, smau: tino and tiago alonso were the twins that trish had given birth to at the age of 40, and everyone understood now why she didn't make it to the 2024 canadian gp. (f)
bonnie and the fame
maneater, smau: bonnie catherine sutton was carlos sainz's ex-girlfriend who returned to the f1 scene as a different woman. turns out, she's fernando alonso's fiancée (f)
ego, smau: never underestimate a woman's self-esteem, it might end up wounding you more than it would her.
jenson button (jb22)
the mr. darcy type, smau: much like the popular love interest, jenson should have known better than to say things that wouldn't impress a woman he grew interested in. OR ada abbott made sure that he worked hard for her time and attention. (f)
affection, blurb: in which, jenson learned that he should just say it without being a little too drunk.
pierre gasly (pg10)
newsflash, smau: ensley soleil doesn’t like playboys. too bad, pierre gasly’s down bad for her (attention and love). (f, g, h)
lowkey, smau: fans thought that pierre moved on from ensley four months after publicly declaring his (love?) for her. funnily enough... (f, g, h)
indigo, chatfic + smau: there's really no reason for pierre gasly to be jealous over some man that ensley wrote 'high school in jakarta' about. not when she wrote one or more songs about the frenchman. (f)
high school in jakarta, fic: meeting ensley’s close friends would also mean that he’d have to meet her high school sweetheart, who he believed he couldn’t compete against until ensley ensured that his two-day attendance wouldn’t be spoiled by some guy who couldn’t let go of some memories she couldn’t even remember. 
dancing with the devil, smau: ensley soleil doesn't care about what people are saying about her relationship with pierre especially now that she's married to him. (f)
do i make you nervous, blurb: lesson learned: just date her first rather than being friendly in the bed.
lewis hamilton (lh44)
stevie and lewis (hearth sister!ofc)
thick and thin, smau + fic: lewis should know better than underestimating her and her capabilities to yearn for him for years. (hc)
where the bad girls are (kpop idol!ofc)
lifted, smau: lewis is married to a kpop idol who happened to be one of the girls to shape the image of female groups in the korean pop community.
melody series (x ofc)
summary: with her sharp eyes focused on her audience, a burlesque performer who went under the name of melody returned to rythme romantique, an entertainment lounge which exclusively caters to the wealthiest people of monaco — or in this case, to the people with a status that are recognized by all. her three exclusive performances were meant to be a closure for her connections in the principality. still, a certain formula one driver saw it as an opportunity to reconnect with his former flame after two years of her absence. felicity vos learned that this was a rich man’s world and that he could do whatever he wanted, but she also realized that the agreement they settled on years ago was corrupted the moment he expressed his love for her. 
one, million dollar man: monaco was a world of glitz and glamour that she left two years ago. returning to the principality clearly was a huge mistake as she found herself talking to the man who swore to nothing but his love for her.
two, this is what makes us girls: "decorum isn't something you can buy with money or fame." or what did lewis really want from her and why did he show up on the second night of her performance?
charles leclerc (cl16)
of long lines and names, fic: five kids with (almost) five names under six years. OR the three pregnancies that charles had witnessed told him how motherhood and memories could come in two sets of twins and a boy that looked so much like him. (f)
the leclerc daycare, fic: before his last set of twins were born, charles had to watch his boys on his own (not exactly by himself when he's got esteban and pierre acting as his right hand men). (f)
lando norris (ln4)
london boy, smau: nicola 'cola' alessandro moved to britain and what's a better way to introduce yourself to england than taking a trip around with a certain mclaren driver? (f, g, h)
i think he knows, smau: grazia nichols published her debut novel based off formula one, and a fan could have sworn that the the book bf - nolan langford - was based off of lando's character as a driver altogether. (f, g, h)
honey, honey smau series (x ofc)
summary: hannah-sue ‘honey’ lewis is so much like her sideman brother with the exception of the fact that she didn’t watch formula one as much as she used to back when she had her crush on mercedes driver michael schumacher in 2010.
one, who tf is lando norris: she knows who she idolizes (and have a crush on; mason mount), she knows that she’s looking forward to getting the hell out of the university after two years of her masters degree program, and she knows that she doesn’t care about the formula one teams that aren't mercedes amg - she also knows she cares about mick schumacher.
esteban ocon (eo31)
the royal wildcard, smau: the british media's good at getting the juiciest details of gossip from the palace, but much to their dismay, princess albertine spencer followed the footsteps of her brother harry and had done an amazing job at hiding her marriage with a certain alpine driver for three months. (f, g, h)
the royal resemblance, smau: albertine ocon lived to give her estranged family something to talk about because of her physical appearance that could be confused with her mother's ghost. too bad, ditty ocon was born into the world with the same heart attack-inducing features.
sergio perez (sp11)
she's beauty, she's grace, smau: in which carmella ayala perez, the miss universe 2018 winner, tied the knot with checo after their five years of relationship and the birth of their second child.
oscar piastri (op81)
jollibee, madrid and all that romantic fiasco, smau: paloma san pedro is carlos sainz's cousin-in-law who also introduced oscar to his newly found filipino fast food chain addiction. safe to say that he bought a ticket last minute just so he can obsess over her, too.
kimi raikkonen (kr7)
stop the world i wanna get off with you, smau: vera 'coppa' coppola-raikkonen is the only one who can make the iceman talk a lot. she's also the only one who can make the chatty versions of him as their three older children (romania, rooney and johann-lauri) make their presence known to the racing community. (f, g, h)
daniel ricciardo (dr3)
rush series (x måneskin member!ofc)
read your diary, smau: it's 2021 and everyone thinks that lester and daniel are dating. lesson learned: never underestimate a fan's investigation skills. (g)
mamma mia, smau: an interview with jimmy fallon gives a brief idea of how lester and daniel came to be. (g)
mamma mia (again), smau: a youtube playlist was created to compile clips of danny talking way too much about his beloved girlfriend (f)
gossip, smau: everyone thinks lester's only here to be a formula one girlfriend with a bad reputation. it's not her fault she's confident. (mc, hc, h)
kool kids, smau: lester and daniel are going to new york to see a musical... while babysitting their "kid" (feat. lando norris) (g, h)
timezone, fic: lester wasn't normally like this, but she's more than willing to pay twice the price just to get to the next flight to where he wanted her: his arms, her home. (hc)
if not for you, smau: messages exchanged between lester and others as she takes care of the wolff children and an ex with the poorest decisions to have existed. (feat. lando norris, max verstappen, charles leclerc and characters from a story) (f, g, h)
baby said, smau: many tweets are posted that they don't often mean. their fans thought that his marriage proposal was one of them. (f, g, h)
supermodel, smau: how not to cry when you're talking about the man who'd give you the wedding that you dreamed of? (f, g, h)
rush series: wedding special
london bridge, smau: the alessandro-ricciardo wedding week is nothing of a peaceful week, and the monday only proved that thought right. (feat. f1 drivers) (f, h) - wedding special 1
fergalicious, smau: the grid singles need to touch some grass… or in lando’s case, go swimming. (feat. f1 drivers) (h) - wedding special 2
l'azienda di famiglia (e le donnole dell'isola), smau + fic: the alessandro family arrived and lando and george found themselves alone with two of the sisters. (feat. lando norris and george russell) (f, g) - wedding special 3
rush: mrs. ricciardo special
part of you, smau: mrs. lester ricciardo asks her followers what to get her husband for his 35th birthday. little did danny know, she’s already got one ready to surprise him (f, g)
when emma falls in love, smau: as her pregnancy progressed, lester ricciardo made sure that her sanity wouldn't go the other way as she posted a thread of journal entries talking about her pregnancy. (f, h)
slipping through my fingers, smau: beau ricciardo was his dad's carbon copy and his mom's little heartbreaker.
george russell (gr63)
his family and her lover, smau: eleanora 'nora' alessandro was more than happy for george's willingness to step up as her children's father regardless of how people poorly reacted on their relationship.
carlos sainz jr. (cs55)
ride home, smau: the ferrari driver accidentally outed himself as a married man, so mona magdalena sainz stepped in to say hi to his loyal fans. (f, g, h) (extra)
dear, smau: nobody loved each other more than magda and carlos sainz. OR a series of tweets in which magda and carlos never took each other seriously. (h)
mick schumacher (ms47)
she's everything... and he's just mick, smau: barbara 'barbie' blanco is the vettel family's foster child that gradually turned to kimi vettel's nanny and mick's crush? (f, g)
"besties", smau: everyone swore that mick and barbie are more than "babysitting pardners" (f)
who is kenough, smau: mick nearly took the piss from arthur leclerc after the posts that the monegasque had of barbie. too bad, mick was already hers before arthur could even try.
kenergy unfolded, fic: written version of who is kenough OR arthur leclerc was only scheming just so mick could do something about revealing his relationship with barbie.
lance stroll (ls18)
gotta be you, smau: bora mckinnon made her presence known in the paddock one year after lance broke up with her. now, they're all over the media because of his presence in her three birthday celebrations. the question still stands: are they getting back together?
yuki tsunoda (yt22)
line without a hook, smau: pia ellis misses her mystery bf that everyone thought to be her delusions. it turns out he's a formula one driver who definitely misses her too.
max verstappen (mv1)
to loathe and to love series (x ofc) (wip)
summary: there is a massive difference between the two words, but sylvie was more than willing to blur out the line if it means for her to spend some time with what others called her soulmate, max verstappen.
one, it’s time to go: sylvie attended a christmas party and couldn’t seem to do what she normally did on the paddock: avoid max (a)
two, closure: her memories haunted her so much that the red bull team principal thought of her to be incompetent, so it was only ideal of max to face the music too. (a)
three, goodnight n go: she wasn't sure what was more surprising: toto's presence on her graduation celebration or max's expensive graduation gifts. (f)
four, gorgeous: there's nothing more satisfying than seeing christian horner own up to his own mistake. that, and max's office-warming gift that he dropped off in sylvie's new on-site office.
five, cinema: sylvie was left feeling unsure when she and max did things that friends normally wouldn't do after she was broken up with by another man. (hc, mc, s)
six, satellite: max verstappen might've avoided talking about what they had done before all of this, but he was certain he wouldn't get out of his way just to ignore her as he swore not to her one way or another ever again. (a, hc)
seven, mean: sylvie found herself with a million and a half pounds and winning against the boys who brought her racing career to an early end.
eight, long story short: they're friends, they said. they bought a house and adopted a dog together, they definitely did.
nine, mastermind: max wasn't going to admit that he was jealous. he wasn't going to tell her that he sabotaged her blind date, either. not that she didn't know.
ten, comfort crowd: ah yes, the first monday of may. when everyone speculated that sylvie was merely using him and when she finally admitted to missing him for the past four years.
eleven, matilda: they don't know much, maybe, but they know how they'll raise their children away from the toxicity that they grew up in, all thanks to their fathers who did nothing but set expectations. (hc)
extra: matilda volume two, smau: set years after the tltl series in which sylvie and max have the most adorable set of kids called emilia, lila and maximilian. (f)
to loathe and to love: extras (x ofc)
lost in japan, smau: just two lost souls (with a tour guide) travelling to japan to make up for the childhood they missed. (f)
sebastian vettel (sv5)
crazy rich wife, smau: everyone (some twitter account) wonders where the recently retired german driver had gone to after the 2022 season. thank god for bel vettel, his fans now know that he’s still alive and is being spoiled and pampered by his wife. (f, g)
sweet spoiled husband (+ son), smau: mick schumacher is a grown man that both bel and seb treat like their own child. (f, g)
sweet spoiled schatzi, smau: bel and seb introduce the newest addition to their little family, and mick seems to love kimi vettel as much as a godfather loves his godchild. (f)
sweet little similarities, smau: bel and everyone could tell that kimi vettel was becoming more like his father, sebastian's, carbon copy as days went on. (f, g, h)
sebastian and sons (and soufflés), fic: day in the life of a retired sebastian vettel, featuring his kids kimi and barbie (and a nervous mick). (f)
toto wolff
colour me your colour series (x ofc) (wip)
summary: tilly marie nearly loses faith in her passion as she refuses to listen to everyone who told her to quit. everyone but one. and it’s the man she met years ago at a racing event she didn’t want to attend. who would have thought that her father’s partial ownership of three brands could take her to the zone of Mercedes and meet the love of her life?
one, what a beautiful sight that was: it was 2006 and she wanted nothing but to finish her research paper. their curiosity led them to a fifteen minute conversation that they would need to continue eight years after. (g)
two, tilly marie wants to go to hell: it's 2014 and she attended the british gp as a communication liaison for red bull. she didn't know that the man she met years ago was the team principal of mercedes, the rival team that her best friend drives for. lewis hamilton was more than amused to see her flustered, if you were to ask him. (g)
three, juliet's hit list: how can one give the heart eyes? daniel and lewis found tilly and toto flirting behind the cameras and behind the press audience and decided to mess with them. (g)
four, fast lane but not the race weekend kind: daniel and lewis might as well be attending a sleepover if they keep asking tilly about her relationship with toto. (g)
five, how to romance and cry in the same day: tilly goes on a date with toto for the first time and learns about her father's intention to pass ownership to her. (a, f, g)
six, love on camera: tilly and toto have a bad habit of flirting not so subtly.
seven, age is just a number and love is just a shame: tilly, while she believed her mother was right about the age difference between her and a certain mercedes team principal, is sure that she isn't falling fast and hard for him.
colour me your colour: extras (x ofc)
the paddock's resident it girl, smau: besides from owning three of mercedes' competitors in the track and being the mercedes team principal's wife, she's also known as the cool girl of the paddock for her taste in fashion and husband. (f)
the paddock's lucky husband, smau: with him being spoon-fed with love from his children and wife, toto really couldn't ask for more. OR tilly wolff liked to talk about fashion but her family? she might as well write a whole book about them. (f)
the paddock's resident menace and the dame, smau: tilly wolff was presented with a damehood and her daughter tia, the girl who tends to act on her mischievous way (all thanks to toto), celebrated her 7th birthday during the silverstone gp week. fans recall her best moments in sky sports and media overall.
f1 drivers (general)
9 to 5 series (x characters) (spin-off of cmyc and rush)
summary: lorelei hester ‘lester’ alessandro is a bassist first and daniel ricciardo's partner second. but it seems like another role is added to her resume as she begins her weekend in baku as toto wolff’s children’s babysitter.
the original five and the playlist
one, baby names and text messages: lester receives a text message from an unknown number, only for her to offer max verstappen's seat to her boyfriend.
two, max's lowered iq and linkedin profiles: max tries to defend himself as he experiences the morning wrath of lester.
three, the most toto coded children: toto gets ready for the baku weekend by styling his daughter's hair and thinking that he could just stay at home and talk business with his kids.
four, papa, soren and tia's promise hug: lester's more worried that she'll mess up her duties and upset the father of the two wolff cubs.
five, the little weapons of destruction distraction: the first half of her babysitting day consisted of reading too much, learning the word 'accident' and daniel ricciardo being a bad influence on toto wolff's shy son.
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normspellsman · 6 months
masterlist ଘ♡𓏲﹒ॱ˖ ﹆
this is my new & improved masterlist page! links to my works will be posted on here as well as fic recommendations <3.
i really suck at summaries so whatever i put down as the little summary is not the entirety of it
♡ = fluff | ☹︎ = angst / no comfort | ✧ = comfort | ♢ = suggestive content | ♠︎ = other | ❦ = requested | ❀ = popular
here are my rules / my request info page! <3 (requests are closed!)
AVATAR (first film)
— none!
secret — ☹︎ | ♢
neteyam x fem!human!reader ➡︎ neteyam had a forbidden relationship with human!reader. but once he announces to the reader that is he arranged to be mated to another, their relationship comes to its inevitable end.
to the ends of pandora — ♡ | ☹︎ | ✧ | ❦
neteyam x fem!human!reader ➡︎ alternative ending / part two of the fic above! after months of being separated and ending on less than good terms, reader and neteyam are finally reunited.
this weight on my shoulders
she is mine + part two — ☹︎ | ♡ | ✧ | ♠︎
neteyam x fem!omatikaya!reader ➡︎ reader is with lo’ak and the rest of the sully children when they get caught by quaritch and his team. can neteyam make it in time to save reader?
this time, let me take care of you — ✧ | ♡ | ❦
neteyam x fem!human!reader ➡︎ reader is not happy with neteyam continuously putting himself on the line for his younger brother. she tends to his wounds while trying her best to be understanding.
neteyam & human!reader as besties! — ❦
deja vu + part two — ☹︎ | ✧
lo’ak x fem!tawkami!reader ➡︎ instead of seeking refuge within the metkayina clan, jake and his family seek it in the tawkami clan. due to this, it causes detrimental loss to the tawkami people and the potential downfall of lo’ak and reader’s relationship.
closure — ☹︎
lo’ak x sibling!reader ➡︎ following the death of reader, lo’ak finally visits the metkayina spirit tree and begins his journey of healing after a well needed trip down memory lane.
i believe you — ✧ | ♡ | ☹︎ | ❦
lo’ak x fem!older sister!reader ➡︎ after receiving a scolding from his parents about payakan, lo’ak is nowhere to be found. but no worries, reader always finds her littler brother and makes him feel better.
take me with her + part two — ☹︎ | ❀ | ♢ | ✧ | ♡ | ♠︎
lo’ak x fem!human!reader ➡︎ reader is taken along with spider by quaritch and his team. will lo’ak be able to get back his love? or will the time apart and their differences tear what they had apart?
from me to you
fem!navi!reader being lo’ak’s mother!
feels like we buried alive something that never died
Tuk (strictly platonic/familial)
time has moved forward but you’re still the same
forever + part two + part three + part four — ☹︎ | ♡ | ♢ | ✧
ao’nung x fem!sully!reader ➡︎ when lo’ak catches reader and ao’nung cuddled up together one night, he expresses his distaste towards their relationship and nearly ruins his relationship with his twin sister. will lo’ak and reader be able to make up or will this put a dent in their bond forever?
hard for — ♢ | ✧ | ♡
ao’nung x fem!sully!reader ➡︎ upon hearing a rumor about ao’nung one night when reader is out with tsireya and kiri, she confronts her boyfriend about his true intentions with her.
sports i think the metkayina trio + spider would play (modern au!)
Jake Sully
a lesson in pinky promises — ☹︎ | ✧ | ♡ | ❦
jake sully x fem!daughter!reader ➡︎ being the eldest sully child isn’t easy and the other clan kids make sure you know of your “alien blood” nearly every day. what happens when, after a bad beating, jake finds reader crying and trying to bandage herself up?
soft heart
Sully Family (familial/platonic)
can only hope — ☹︎
sully family x familial!reader ➡︎ instead of neteyam dying, it is reader who takes his place.
the sea gives & the sea takes — ☹︎
sully family x familial!reader ➡︎ it’s time for the sully family to say goodbye to their eldest child in respects of the metkayina way.
sports i think the sully children would do (modern!au)
Spider Socorro
a kiss, perhaps — ♡
spider socorro x fem!human!reader ➡︎ reader has explored every inch of the forest she called home. well, nearly every inch. spider knows that she hasn’t visited this one spot yet and plans to take her there as a surprise.
stay away from her
sports i think the metkayina trio + spider would play (modern au!)
Fic Recommendations! <3
anything by @teyamsatan !! she’s literally such a good writer & her works hit every time istg. more specifically tho, her cardigan saga/series. that shit fucked me up but also healed me & made me giggle + kick my feet at the same time. worth the read 100%
anything & everything by @peacelovepandora . love their works!! (night hunters is the first fic i read of theirs & it holds a special place in my heart 🥹)
+ more to be added as i’m revamping my page!
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yukipri · 2 years
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Finally got my copy of the latest Obi-Wan comic, #3!!
As you can see from the cover, it's got Cody + the 212th!
Spoilers beneath cut:
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"I still think of my Second-in-Command, CC-2224--whom I called "Commander Cody"--with great fondness. I miss him to this day. Even though he eventually tried to kill me. So it goes with my friends, it seems."
Comic is worth it for the above lines alone, in my humble opinion.
Also, new 212th boy just dropped!! He has a terrible haircut. I love him. Welcome, Airo!
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("AR-" hmm, is he the first official 212th ARC? Though he lacks the fancy gear ^ ^;)
That's all the images I'll share, please buy the comic if you can to support it! I got mine at my not-so-local comic shop online.
Additional thoughts:
Overall I really enjoyed it! It was still obviously very Obi-Wan centric, I mean it's the Obi-Wan comic, but had armored!Obi-Wan and also a decent amount of the 212th + Cody. Less centered around the clones than I would have ideally wanted, but still more than expected! ^ ^;
Obi-Wan was drawn really beautifully! I could feel the love. I couldn't feel quite as much love for the clones alas ;_; (also, as much as I adore the cover, Cody my dude u do not look 20~22 max there buddy) Also Phase I helmets in comic but Phase II on cover, minor detail but hrng
One thing that makes me really sad is that the Obi-Wan narrator of this comic is ~20 years post ROTS, aka shortly before ANH. In this comic he isn't with Cody, and apparently still doesn't know about the chips/that the clones didn't want to betray him. Assuming this is canon, it effectively kills any chance of Cody showing up in Obi-Wan show S2.
Unless, of course, they decide to ignore this comic. I'm not sure how "canon" all the new comics/novels are, but I'm hoping that the stories within them won't completely dictate all future SW content, and that this story being Legends-ized is a possibility ;_;
I'm happy to see more Cody + 212th content, I don't want to seem grateful!! But, I still want to see at least part of the scrapped Obi-Wan script one day. It doesn't have to be that exact script! But a Cody + Obi-Wan reunion in some form, or at least closure for Obi-Wan in realizing the clones were victims not traitors.
#5 of this comic is apparently about Obi-Wan encountering a stormtrooper who reminds him of his clones. Maybe..?
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(idk but this blurb reads like a Codywan fic summary doesn't it ahhaha)
But if Obi-Wan does find Cody again immediately before ANH...like again, closure is the most important part. But admittedly that's less time together than I would have ideally liked ;_; We'll have to see!
Either way, it's a lovely comic that has Obi-Wan + Cody + 212th. Please check it out if you can!
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jenosbigtoe · 8 months
hii personally i’d be satisfied if the pt 2 for the jeno fic was just a blurb, not necessarily a whole other fic, maybe just for closure?
they’re married with 3 kids now: jeno jr (first born son), JJ (second born son which also stands for jeno jr), and jenovia (youngest daughter). they took your last name tho bc y’all thought it would be funny asl to mess with jaemin one last time (na jeno jr, na JJ, na jenovia)
the end <3
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double-j · 2 years
*stardust reblog challenge october masterlist*
[for all fics, check the stardust reblog challenge tag]
*reminder to please heed the author’s warnings on individual fics!*
TGM: jake hangman seresin fics: 
sugar daddy jake blurb & earned it & fine line p. 1 (from the look away universe which you need to read!) from @fuckyeahhangman​
aftershocks from @enchanting-eloquence​
grounded p. 1 & p. 2, p. 3, & p. 4 from @/enchanting-eloquence
party of two p. 2, & p. 3 from @wombtotombx​ 
daddy kink from @callsign-phoenix​ 
a little out of the ordinary p. 1 & p. 2 from @mayhem24-7forever​ 
slow burn p. 4, p. 5, p. 6, p. 7, p. 8, & epilogue from @ereardon​ 
the agreement & the first time & t-minus three weeks & tensions (from the best benefits) from @/writercole
can’t fight the feeling from @imjess-themess​ 
take it easy from @/oncasette
who did this to you? from @justfandomwritings​ 
out of the blue, clear sky p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, p. 4, & p. 5 from @theharddeck​ 
formal wear from @/topguncortez
i’ve been holdin’ out so long p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, & p. 4 from @steadfastconviction​
“is that my shirt?” and “use your words, baby” from @/seasonsbloom
pumpkins from @spidervee​ 
anyone but her from @/marvelandotherfandomimagines
perfect accident p. 1 & p. 2 from @roosterscock​ 
head on your chest, heart in your hands from @/jupitercomet
muddy trails from @/katcoquette
if the world was ending from @croimilis​ 
shut up and kiss me from @smile-child-13-writes​ 
epiphany, you can call me babe for the weekend, better man, just come home, & can’t breathe whenever you’re gone, i don’t start shit but i can tell you how it ends, autumn leaves and pumpkins, please?, & i don’t need your closure (better man universe) from @sweetlittlegingy​ 
name? from @midnightdevotion​ 
imagine me & you p. 0, p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, p. 4, p. 5, p. 6, & p. 7 from @thebirdandthebee​ 
gaston blurb (from the flyboy universe that you need to read!) from @kryptonitejelly​  
parking spots and matcha lattes from @withahappyrefrain​ 
halloween costume (from the icarus and the moon universe that you need to read!) from @/jupitercomet
“is that my shirt?” from @callsign-valley​ 
begging ft. professor jake from @/topguncortez
fair game from @/sunlightmurdock
stranded with your mortal enemy and other exaggerations from (cruel summer p. 2) from @/jupitercomet
stood up. picked up. from @lostdreamr-blog1​ 
a ghost playing hangman p. 9 from @/lostdreamr-blog1
girls on film from @/oncasette
praise kink from @/callsign-phoenix
proof of life from @/topguncortez
everything hurts and i’m dying from @/topguncortez
intoxicated from @/hederasgarden
home is where the heart is p. 9 from @/imjess-themess
if he wanted to he would from @footprintsinthesxnd​ 
oh, lover boy! from @unmistakablyunknown​ 
girl crush from @lgg5989​ 
de-instigating the instigator from @/jupitercomet 
secret family recipe from @justalonelyslytherin​ 
snacky snacks from @/writercole
if i was a worm from @/imjess-themess
make him wait p. 1, p. 2, & p. 3 from @powerfulruler​
professor seresin preview, & the professor p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, p. 4, p. 5, & p. 6 from @/topguncortez
scent marking blurb (from the echo or the answer universe) from @anniesocsandgeneralstore​ 
never knew (that i could fall so hard) from @softspiderling​ 
as it was p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, p. 4, p. 5, p. 6, p. 7, & p. 8 from @ereardon​ 
possessive jake blurb from @/kryptonitejelly
bikinis and tattoos & nightly interruptions (from the opposites attract universe that you need to binge i’m telling you) from @/topguncortez
the good, the bad, and the working on it prequel from @crazyk-imagine​
more hearts than mine p. 1 & p. 2 from @fandomxpreferences​ 
hanging on by a thread from @/topguncortez
sun-kissed from @ddejavvu​ 
if only you knew from @sunnysidevans​ 
operation apollo prologue, p. 1, p. 2, & p. 3 from @/sunlightmurdock
enough is enough from @/topguncortez
we used to be in love p. 4 from @honeypiehotchner​ 
less misery, more company from @seresinhangmanjake​ 
jukebox war from @/roosterforme
afterburn crosswinds & v.max from @top-hhun​ 
that don’t impress me much from @/imjess-themess
texas longhorns from @/lgg5989
this moment & safety blanket (from the only thing universe that you need to read!!!) from @/justfandomwritings
we picked a time like this to fall in love & haven’t felt like this my dear, since can’t remember when (1940s AU) from @/sweetlittlegingy
zipper p. 1 from @a-reader-and-a-writer-for-all​ 
silenced from @/wildbornsiren
lay all your love on me from @bussyslayer333​ 
same boat from @winchesterandpie​ 
signed away p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, & p. 4 from @/seresinhangmanjake 
erotic photos from @someplace-darker​ 
beep from @/princessmisery666
except for maybe you, and your simple smile from @/theharddeck
TGM: bradley rooster bradshaw fics:
evangeline (afterglow p. 3) & the red dress (p. 4) & the scent of lavender (p. 5) from @jupitercomet​ 
faking it p. 6 & p. 7 from @tongue-like-a-razor​ 
is it working for you? p. 10, p. 11, p. 12, p. 13, p. 14, p. 15, p. 16, p. 17 & p. 18 from @roosterforme​
a safe place to land p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, p. 4, & p. 5 from @thesewordsareallihavetogive​
my future in you p. 6, p. 7, p. 8, p. 9, & p. 10 from @sunlightmurdock​ 
hands of steel from @hotgirlmav​
ceasefire p. 2, p. 3, p. 4, & p. 5 from @/sunlightmurdock 
a little out of the ordinary from @topguncortez​
inconceivable from @rolycolysficrecs​ 
trouble in paradise p. 16 & p. 17 from @/sunlightmurdock
rooftop dreamin’ from @/katcoquette
the relationship experience p. 1 & p. 2 from @notroosterbradshaw​ 
nipple play from @/topguncortez
phone sex from @stranger-nightmare​ 
flightless bird p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, p. 4, & p. 4 from @thatlovinfeelin​ 
“i want you to kiss every inch of my body” from @seasonsbloom​ 
cum play from @lovelybucky1​ 
the secrets we keep p. 3 from @/roosterscock
the very noisy night from @/topguncortez
praise kink from @/wildbornsiren
a ghost from the past p. 1 & p. 2 from @a-reader-and-a-writer​ 
the way you shake and shiver from @/topguncortez
vampires from @siempre-bucky​ 
one for the history books p. 12 & p. 13 from @pisupsala​ 
‘cause no one breaks my heart like you sneak peak from @heartsofminds​ 
storm warning p. 3 & p. 4 from @hufflepuffprincesse​ 
safe with you from @/marvelandotherfandomimagines
you taste just like sundays (dripping off my tongue) from @/callsign-valley
a nice, big rooster from @/roosterforme
je te laisserai des mots p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, p. 4, p. 5, p. 6, p. 7, p. 8, p. 9, & p. 10 from @/jupitercomet 
ddlg w/ rooster from @/topguncortez
rooster waking you up from a nap from @/topguncortez
take it off from @/roosterforme
underneath it all from @/roosterforme
crash into you p. 4 from @knoxsunday​ 
no way out from @/topguncortez
nevermore p. 1, p. 2, & p. 3 from @cherrycola27​
the craftsman from @/roosterforme
superstar preview from @maggiedanikka​ 
a little present from @/roosterforme
meet the parents from @/roosterforme
here i go again from @/hotgirlmav
chaos p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, p. 4, p. 5, p. 6, & epilogue from @ohtobeleah​ 
i still want you from @/roosterforme
change your ticket from @/imjess-themess
a preview of the weekend from @/roosterforme
sounds ideal from @/roosterforme
benefits from @/roosterforme
are we still friends? p. 7 & p. 8 from @/perpetuelledaydreaming
cross my heart (hope to die) from @/softspiderling
home from @honeysimagines​ 
parting gift & cyrano from @/hotgirlmav
destined (to fail?) p. 1 from @bucky-barmes​ 
boys night in from @/roosterforme
i like your voice from @/roosterforme
meet you all the way p. 1 from @/top-hhun
have yourself a merry little rooster from @/roosterforme
five more minutes from @/roosterforme
flight risk p. 3 from @/hufflepuffprincesse
pushed to the limit from @/topguncortez
pick your battles, & p. 2 from @milkathedudz​ 
fight or flight from @/topguncortez
just desserts from @/roosterforme
TGM: robert bob floyd fics:
quit from @writercole​ 
dial tone from @oncasette​ 
i heard screaming from @/oncasette 
something out of a 90s rom com from @/3tabbiesandalab
the wedding date p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, p. 4, p. 5, & p. 6 from @/3tabbiesandalab
what the fuck was that!? p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, & p. 4 from @/3tabbiesandalab
anaconda from @/3tabbiesandalab
sweet home alabama from @/3tabbiesandalab
don’t turn away from @green-socks​ 
neighbors to lovers & p. 2 (love thy neighbor), & p. 3, & p. 4 from @hangmanapologist​ 
tomorrow’s tomorrow from @bippot
the accident p. 1 & p. 2 from @/a-reader-and-a-writer
what could go wrong? from @/topguncortez
frottage from @/wildbornsiren
one night from @/ereardon
tense from @/bippot 
cobalt eyes and sweet smiles from @/withahappyrefrain
washing machine heart from @chemistryread​ 
don’t touch my boots from @/thebirdandthebee
no one left behind from @/topguncortez
TGM: mickey fanboy garcia fics:
your fanboy from @princessmisery666​ 
sex toys from @wildbornsiren​ 
weak for your love from @/moonlight-prose
handprints from @/katcoquette
TGM: miscellaneous fics:
all you get from @/writercole (polysquad)
can you keep a secret? from @/writercole (just giggles among the squad)
almost there from @katcoquette​ (reuben payback fitch)
shibari from @/topguncortez (robert bob floyd x reader x jake hangman seresin)
nowhere to run from @/topguncortez (nick goose bradshaw)
slut from @evansrogerskitten​ (bradley rooster bradshaw x reader x jake hangman seresin)
unholy from @moonlight-prose​ (bradley rooster bradshaw x reader x jake hangman seresin)
night drive from @hederasgarden​ (bradley rooster bradshaw x reader x jake hangman seresin)
airtight from @/wildbornsiren (polysquad)
something in between p. 1 & p. 2 & p. 3 from @archivallyfound09​ (love triangle w/ bradley rooster bradshaw & jake hangman seresin)
overstimulation from @/wildbornsiren (reuben payback fitch)
ivy prologue, p. 1, & p. 2 from @perpetuelledaydreaming​ (love triangle w/ bradley rooster bradshaw and jake hangman seresin)
orgasm denial from @/wildbornsiren (jake hangman seresin x natasha phoenix trace)
patch me up from @/marvelandotherfandomimagines (natasha phoenix trace)
you don’t know how to keep your business clean from @coyotesamachado​ (jake hangman seresin x reader x natasha phoenix trace)
baby, it’s halloween (and we can be anything) from @laracrofted​ (giggles with the squad)
steer the course from @/chemicalalice (jake hangman seresin x reader x robert bob floyd)
hate sex from @/wildbornsiren (jake hangman seresin x natasha phoenix trace)
double penetration from @/wildbornsiren (jake hangman seresin x reader x bradley rooster bradshaw)
night at the hard deck from @/wildbornsiren (robert bob floyd x reader x jake hangman seresin)
NHL fics: 
fling p. 1 from @pucksalotguys​ (s.crosby)
to love again p. 3 from @/pucksalotguys (s.crosby)
illicit affairs from @typical-simplelove​ (m.tkachuk)
smut prompts 35 and 44 from @hoesforthecanes​ (a.svechnikov)
that which we are, we are p. 1 & p. 2 from @spine-buster​ (n.mackinnon)
to sail beyond the sunset p. 1 & p. 2 from @/spine-buster (s.crosby)
takin’ my time, let the world turn from @fallinallincurls​ (n.mackinnon)
a night in paris from @xsyntheticsensation​ (t.jost & j.compher)
one love, one kiss, one drink, one song, all you & forever to go from @raysofcrosby​ (t.jost)
you are the artist and i am the paint from @matthewtkachuk​ (q.hughes)
Outer Range/Rhett Abbott fics:
branded p. 1 & p. 2 from @3tabbiesandalab​
come in from the storm from @fknmoonmoon​ 
greatest love story from @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ 
the trouble with books from @/hederasgarden
i’ll be your fantasy from @/hederasgarden
sacred oasis from @wyn-n-tonic​ 
beautiful and shiny from @/wyn-n-tonic
if you can’t stand the heat from @/a-reader-and-a-writer
all grown up from @/sunlightmurdock
odds are stacked from @/sunlightmurdock
buckle bunny of sorts from @urtheoneiwant​ 
the wind from @twinklelilstarkey​ 
in stillness from @chemicalalice​ 
the littlest cowgirl and the mean old bull from @/mayhem24-7forever
by your side ch. 1 from @filmtv2022​ 
at the end of their rope from @/topguncortez
whiskey sour from @h0neyfire​ 
bingo: only three more to go!
Tumblr media
B1: secret identity B2: domesticity: courtesy of @/sweetlittlegingy B3: illness/injury: courtesy of @/sunlightmurdock​​
B4: time travel B5: enemies to lovers: courtesy of @/evansrogerskitten​​
I1: song fic: courtesy of @/feralforfrank​​ I2: secret relationship: courtesy of @/imjess-themess​​ I3: holiday fic I4: friends to lovers: courtesy of @/make-me-imagine​​ I5: mutual pining: courtesy of @/poetryinsilence​​
N1: found family: courtesy of @/nomtterwhere​ N2: slow burn: courtesy of @/callsign-valley​ N3: FREE SPACE N4: college au: courtesy of @/jupitercomet  N5: fix-it fic: courtesy of @/geniedocroe​
G1: x original character: courtesy of @/coyotesamachado​ G2: marriage of convenience: courtesy of @/callsign-phoenix​ G3: proposal/wedding: courtesy of @/softspiderling​ G4: huddle for warmth: courtesy of @/marvelandotherfandomimagines G5: fantasy au: courtesy of @/anniesocsandgeneralstore​
O1: modern au: courtesy of @/imjess-themess O2: women in stem: courtesy of @/knoxsunday​ O3: disabled character: courtesy of @/top-hhun O4: fighting/making up: courtesy of @/rolycolysficrecs O5: amnesia: courtesy of @/a-reader-and-a-writer (not technically amnesia but she has no memory of the last two years so i’m counting it!!!)
76 notes · View notes
poisxnyouth · 1 year
hs dave spoilers for all since i never finished fic and y’all deserve closure (literally if i had finished it it wouldve been a NOVEL with the word count i’m not even joking)
the plan was david and y/n were always going to end up together but it was never going to be easy. they were going to go through an abortion, and after high school but before la, he was going to propose to her. she was going to say no because he was leaving. heartbroken, he leaves, and after calls to no avail, he really just…leaves. and goes.
during this time that dave is in LA, y/n is going to school and playing college tennis in chicago. alex (y’all KNOW i love my boy alex) would still be in contact with y/n, and lowkey (highkey) be fuckbuddies on the side. alex, still friends with david, keeps it very under the table and never mentions y/n’s presence in his life to dave. he actually says he hardly is in touch. so why, then, is y/n upstairs in alex’s frat when david does a surprise visit? and why, then, is she scrambling to throw her clothes on? david (obviously) loses his shit
in retaliation is liza. but he can never truly drive the knife the same way because y/n doesn’t know liza like that. liza does NOT like y/n. there is obviously beef. alex and y/n start officially dating. like, quite seriously. get a place and all that. dave is teeming. he still feels this right to have y/n, and he feels led on by her.
it’s going as good as it could until david turns up single. suddenly with all this money and people around him. he sucks and fucks whatever looks at him and blushes whenever he says something. he gets too good at the routine of it and treats taking girls home like a game. (I have a whole blurb ab this)
Dave, hopping back and forth between chicago and la, also has a weirdly close relationship with y/n for seemingly hating her so much. but god, would he tell her how much he does. how much he hates her for what she did to him, but god, that he’d do anything to have her back. she tells him no, that she’s with alex, that a couple years have past, it’s time to get over it.
until dave’s la tricks start working on y/n too. it’s so subtle. the group hanging out at a bar and a hand grazes grabs maybe a hair too low. a different enough grip and squeeze that you know it’s not alex. and as soon as you notice it, it’s over. so quick. but it’s the drop of the eyes reading your entire response afterwards that pushes the envelope further. you look around for the one who’s supposed to be your other half, seeing him in the corner, haphazardly clinking a drink together with ilya. it’s too packed for anyone to notice, and before you’ve realized it, your prefrontal cortex failed you, because this was probably not a great choice.
but you don’t care either. because you’re telling him he has 5 minutes but you know it doesn���t matter. you’ve already done it.
so why not do it over and over and over again?……..says dumbass y/n. (Listen maybe this was just an Alex fanfic and I fooled y’all asses JK) but that’s exactly what happens. he finds a way to melt her and he knows she’s a little slutty sometimes. he has to use it to his advantage. every night they plan to all go out together, without fail, they manage to sneak away. he loves sex with her, and she loves risky sex. two different spectrums. she likes the rushed nature of it, the bending her over a sink and just taking her there, all clothes still on. y/n doesn’t love dave at this point. she thinks she does but nobody who loves their person would treat their partner like that. she loves the fact that he still wants her so badly that he’s willing to do xyz to get it. she loves that he’s willing to fuck her to claim her, sending her home with alex with his cum pooling in her underwear.
but one toe in the water at a time, right? fucking in secret is one thing. but he’d start to call at night, forgetting the time change, when it’s hard to mask who it is. the calls always varied from “send me nudes” to “come see me i need you here”. he would frequently tell y/n that doing what they do is tearing him apart. he wants the world to know you’re claimed and his. he does not feel guilty about the cheating because in his head, he was first anyway. to him, alex took you. you do have a guilty conscience about the cheating, but at a certain point, with enough pleading from dave, you would know that you love both of them very much.
ex. of one of these conversations: (1.8k words WARNING)
“I love you,” you say, lying in your defiled sheets as David sits up, moving to light a cigarette. His hair is messy and could be mistaken for bed head as he quickly runs his fingers through it, pushing the stray strands out of his eyes.
He scoffs as he flips his lighter open, eyeing the end of the tobacco before loudly snapping the kindling shut, flicking his wrist forward, “Fuck you. Shut up.”
“I’m serious,” you say lightly, sitting up and tugging up the sheets to your chest, fingers reaching to trace over his shoulder blades, “I do. You know I do.”
David shrugs off your caresses rudely, his words muffled as he speaks with the Red still between his lips, “You don’t. Just stop talking.”
“You left me,” you reply bitterly, hand on his shoulder, “You don’t get to complain. I’m still sleeping with you.”
“You’re still sleeping with me?” he responds, eyes trained forward. You watch a steady stream of smoke leave his lips and dissipate into thin air before he speaks again, “Like you have the fucking moral high ground here. You dumped me and then got with my best friend. Fuck you. I’m not having this conversation with you again.”
He’s tired; he got on a red eye from Los Angeles the night before and flew home to see you, not sleeping since the night before. All David wants is to go to sleep, but he refuses to sleep in a bed where he smells his best friend’s aftershave all over the pillows.
“You’re petty and childish,” you frown, removing your touches as he shrugs them off again, “Get over yourself. Life goes on. We’re just one of those things that won’t ever go away.”
“And you and Alex are both selfish,” he replies, eyes rolling as he fiddles with his cigarette, “You do things just because they feel good for you. You love the drama.”
“How did we get here?” you ask, frustrated and ignoring him, “Every time we see each other, it feels like a fight.”
“Jesus, Y/N, it's not a fucking fight just because I get mad at you,” David shakes his head, “I’m always pissed off at you. I can’t forgive you for this shit.”
“Then why do you always come back?” you respond dumbly, scooting closer and pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
He closes his eyes and exhales, cigarette cherry inching closer to the filter before he leans over to your nightstand and stamps it out, pushing you away, “That’s not what this is. I’m leaving.”
“It is what this is,” you say, watching him slip his shirt over his head and tug his underwear and shorts on, “Where are you staying?”
David looks at you sideways over his shoulder as he perches himself on the edge of your king-size mattress, slipping his socks on, “Does it matter? Leave me alone. I don’t want to see you besides when I have to.”
“My parents want to see you,” you say, eyebrows scrunched together at his rudeness, “I don't know what about. I think they just miss you.”
“Tell Richard and Jess,” he sighs, tying his shoes, “that their daughter shouldn’t have dumped the only guy who’s ever going to be a good match for her. Tell them…”
He pauses, sighing, and you watch him roll his shoulders back slowly, sitting straight up, “I would love to see them again, but their daughter is a stupid bitch and doesn’t know when things are good.”
“Why are you being so fucking mean?” you ask as he stands, meeting his eyes while he stuffs his pockets with his belongings. “What has gotten into you? You don't feel bad that we do this on the side?”
“Fuck no! That son of a bitch took the one thing that's ever made me feel complete – why should I feel bad?” David’s raising his voice now, hands beginning to fly through the air, “It’s your problem, not mine. He had it fucking coming, anyway. Karma’s a bitch, but so are you.”
“You’re an asshole,” you say, eyes rolling, “Why do you insist on making me feel guilty for things that have always been your fault?”
David makes his way over to your side of the bed, grabbing your chin roughly, “Because it is the only way I know how to make you feel even an ounce of what I go through every morning when I wake up. You pulled the rug out from under me. Fuck you.”
You sigh defeatedly, flabbergasted by his self righteousness as he leans down and presses a kiss to your lips, “I’ll see you later tonight. We’ll do this again after everyone leaves.”
You nod as he steps away and grabs his belongings, quietly telling him, “I love you. Be safe.”
“Go to hell,” he shrugs his backpack over his shoulders, “Take care, sweetheart.”
David kisses you in the accessible stall of the women’s bathroom in a dingy bar, lips reeking of tequila and beer. His fingers dig into your thighs as he blindly sets you on the sink, slipping his touches north and tugging your underwear off.
“Quickly,” he says against your lips as you reach for his belt buckle, unfastening it hastily, “Faster.”
“Come over later,” you say, watching him stuff the lace into his pocket, “Please.”
“No,” he says simply, shoving his pants down his hips and placing his hand below your mouth. You spit in his palm before he jerks himself off a few times, lining himself up.
“Please,” you beg again, legs wrapping around his torso, “I wanna spend time with you.”
David’s breathlessly pulling at the neckline of your blouse and tugging your tits out, speaking, “I’m not going to your place.”
He slips himself inside and bottoms out, making a low noise of satisfaction, “Fuck yes.”
You make a higher pitched whine from your throat, “Let me come to your room.”
He grunts in response, hips speeding up, “Why should I?”
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, “Because we should hang out.”
“Aren’t we doing that right now?” David asks dumbly, moving to kiss you and tugging at your nipples.
You gasp into his mouth before shaking your head, “Everyone’s out there. It doesn't count. I want it to be just us.”
“You just want me to fuck you again,” he rolls his eyes, groaning deeply, “The Waldorf. Room 210.”
“You’re at the Waldorf?” you question, “Rich bastard.”
He doesn't reply, shoving up into you and wrapping a hand around your throat as he drops his face into your shoulder, breathing heavily. David makes it a quick fuck, both of you cumming in under five minutes before he's pulling out and stuffing his dick back into his pants.
“Can I get my panties back?”
“Get them later,” he says gruffly, unlocking the creaky stall and leaving you as you were, his cum dripping between your legs as you stand from the sink.
“I love you,” you say, back pressed to his chest in the bathtub of his hotel room, “I’m serious.”
He scoffs, eyes rolling before going quiet, arms wrapped around your waist, “Leave him.”
“What?” you say lightly, baffled.
“Leave him,” he repeats, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, “Please.”
“Are you serious?” he replies, resting his cheek on the edge of your shoulder, “I can't do this anymore, Y/N. It hurts. It’s not right.”
You sigh, pressing your weight backwards to scoot further into his damp skin, hands moving to cover his, “I thought you said you don’t feel bad about this.”
“I don't,” David says easily, shrugging slightly, “But it still hurts. If you love me, and if you respect Alex, you’ll leave him.”
“Stop it,” you say quietly, “Don’t say his name.”
“You have to know that we belong together,” he ignores you, not wanting to become angry at your words, “It’s been three years and we still-”
“I know, Dave,” you respond hesitantly, lacing your fingers together, “I know. I just...It feels like a lifetime ago. Things are different now.”
“You made them different, baby,” he says, trying to hide the hurt in his voice, “Things were going to be different, anyway…”
“I’m sorry, David,” you apologize earnestly before sighing and closing your eyes, not wanting to look at him, “I know I hurt you.”
“You didn’t,” he shakes his head, voice quiet, “You ruined me. I had a plan for us.”
“I know, and I’m sorry for that.” You don't want to talk about this subject anymore, not wanting the conversation to continue, but he does:
“We could’ve had kids together by now, Y/N,” he says, wanting to cry, “Like, for real this time. You’d still have that ring on your finger and we’d have a big house-”
“David…” you respond, unlacing your hands and turning onto your side, “We were so young. We still are.”
“You didn't even want to marry me,” he looks up at the ceiling, not meeting your gaze, “You won’t even leave him for me – I don’t know why I even think about it anymore.”
“I hate this so much,” he admits, voice wavering as he now starts crying, attempting to keep his composure, “We were so in love. What happened?”
You turn his head towards you, forcing him to meet your eyes, “We still are, Dave.”
He exhales, eyes wide, “Then leave him. Let’s get married. Come on. Nothing is stopping us. I can pay for anything. You know I’ll take care of you.”
“We can’t,” you shake your head, “I'm sorry.”
He sighs, closing his eyes and tilting his head back, “Why do you hate me? Why are you doing this to me?”
“No, I love you,” you reject, “It's just…”
“I don’t know why I tell you anything anymore,” he says quietly, “This is all I’ll ever get from you. I don’t know why I still expect to get what I want.”
“David,” you whisper, “You know that I’m yours. I wear you around my neck and your name’s on my ass, for God’s sake. You’re everywhere.”
“You broke your promise,” he shakes his head, frustrated and silently crying, “I’m still holding mine up. We promised to wait for each other if something happened-”
“That was so long ago, Davey, baby,” you say, “What do you want me to do? I release you from your promise. You don’t have to wait for me.”
“You’re my girl,” David says, eyes opening and wet hand coming to your cheek, “You go home to him still smelling like me. You’ll always be my girl, but...you just…don’t want to be.”
“I do-”
“Stop acting like you do,” he disagrees, wiping away his tears and sniffling, “I just wish I knew why. Why him?”
You go quiet, holding each other’s faces, “I don’t have an answer for you.”
He looks away, sighing heavily, “Bullshit. You like that he’s boring. You like that he’s not me.”
“That's not true. He loves me, and-”
“I love you, Y/N! Fuck,” he rolls his eyes and wipes at his cheeks again, “Even now. I'll wait forever if I have to.”
“Go on dates, Dave,” you offer, “Don’t wait around for me. We’ll be together again one day. Everything will line up how we want it to.”
“You think I don't go out?” David asks, scoffing slightly, “Trust me, I go out.”
He doesn't elaborate, pushing his weight into the side of the tub and closing his eyes once more. You rest your head on his chest and your arms wrap around each other, falling silent.
“I would fucking hate you if I could,” David says,
They would *EVENTUALLY* end up together but i am a slow burn and heartache kind of gal. Lmk if you want that nasty dave blurb or have any other questions i guess??? Not that this fic is that much relevant anymore. That’s pretty much the basics.
Thanks for reading if you did :^) i want to write more and better so i gotta get into some prompts and find a niche or something☺️ talk later friends🧡💫
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geckosquid · 7 months
Fanfic Q&A!
I have been tagged by @encyclopika
I must preface this with a lot of these are AO3 related, I haven’t actually posted anything on there. So I’m just going to answer what I can.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Pokémon mostly. I wrote a lot of hetalia stuff in the past, stuff for Jse and markiplier’s ego characters, some stuff for super smash bros ultimate, and for persona 5 more recently. It’s mainly for whatever gives me the brain worms at the time.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t actually know. Most of my stuff ends well because I like good endings.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That I’ve finished, probably the series of short little blurbs that I wrote to give me my Legends Arceus closure. The game didn’t do it, so I did it myself.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nah, not my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Sometimes. If I do they are usually pokemon related. Smash bros ultimate is just one big crossover in itself, so there’s that. When I was younger I wrote a lot of hetalia x pokemon crossover stuff.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I dunno. Not a huge shipper of things, but I like perfectworldshipping.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
A lot of my stuff is unfinished, because I write what’s in my brain and when I run out of steam that’s it. But I really want to try and finish the main one I started for Legends Arceus.
16. What are your writing strengths?
That’s hard to say. It’s hard to put a finger on just one thing. I feel like my writing is pretty mediocre.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The scenes leading up to the bigger scenes I want to write. I don’t know how to get to point A to point B.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic.
Can’t do it. Don’t want to fuck it up and disrespect the people who actually speak it. I don’t know enough about other languages to do it confidently.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
It’s always been Pokémon, honestly.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Probably some of the smash bros things. Those were always fun.
Im going to tag @browniefox @greentrickster and @septic-dr-schneep for this.
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mengyao · 1 year
4 and 16!! :)
4: Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
from the letter to nmj in the last chapter of foowd:
I hope you would wish me well. I want to believe that you do, even if what I’ve become is unintelligible to you. All I can hope is that I will succeed in making myself unintelligible for reasons besides doing things that appall you. I still have some good qualities. Some of which you used to bully me about lacking! I’m certainly wiser than I was. More patient, too. I have developed somewhat of a sense of responsibility, and am much more independent and capable. But all of that has been true for years. The newer things… let’s just say that there are fields inside of myself I thought I salted, where things have taken root nonetheless.
this letter was some of the earliest stuff i wrote in the fic, because it was grafted from a scene cut from an earlier (canon era) fic, but it wasn't in letter format then, and it of course shifted a lot to fit this specific story. this paragraph was written much later.
even though this isn't how story structure works, i kind of consider that fic as having three "climaxes"... one being the flop proposal/sangcheng breakup, one being the eleventh-hour sangcheng makeup, but in between them is the part where nhs writes the letters... this one feels like the real climax of the fic in some ways. not in terms of tension but like. emotional weightiness rating????? nhs just could not have gone on to say "fuck it, i want to be with the person i love even if it means i can't fake my death and go into the self-imposed exile for the rest of my days that is the only way i've been able to conceptualize/justify quitting my job and taking the L permanently on the person i was supposed to be," if she hadn't come to some degree of peace with the fact that she'll never know what nmj would have made of these choices. if it feels like a betrayal of family/sect/etc, that all gets symbolically fixed into grief and guilt about specifically nmj, and that's the real barrier here--not anyone else in the world at large, really. but it felt like a very delicate needle to thread because i emphatically didn't want nhs' arc re: her family/nmj to come across like "realizing that your family sucks and having a victorious fuck-you-guys-i'm-out moment," because that would be severely out of character and also the nies' problem is not Bad People but intergenerational dysfunction and reverberating tragedy. so "i love you and always wanted to make you proud and am having to accept the risk that i wouldn't, because i have to believe that you loved me and wanted me to be happy more than you wanted me to be the person i should have been"--not specific to gender but everything else, of course--was the point i needed nhs to reach. which ig i decided was going to happen when she woke up at 5am to write some emotionally raw lettermail a few hours after breaking up with the guy she's actively in love with and then having a total meltdown about it.
the story having an epistolary motif was partly because i'd early on thought that the idea of sangcheng doing ye olde racy texting was funny and charming, but also i knew that the fic was not going to work unless there were opportunities for huaisang's real thoughts and feelings to occasionally surface through the tides of bullshit, and that was easier to do through in-universe writing than either dialogue or pov narration. and i couldn't come up with a less clunky way to get some overt closure/finality over the nmj stuff, but needed to, because it was like such a looming but intangible part of the story.
so anyway. um i made myself cry typing up this blurb about my own fanfiction which goes to show why i'm so proud of this bit in particular... because regardless of whether it worked for anyone else, it has consistently gotten me very emotional to think about/work on so i'm getting what EYE wanted out of it!!!!
16: Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
lots of things, actually…
it's not that "writing an unreliable narrator/POV character" is new to me but something i'm messing around with on beefleaf #2 aka The Big One is shi qingxuan (who is the POV character) like… being a very active presence in the story As A Story. you know this post?
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like that.
who's the audience? shi wudu? he xuan? both/neither? us? who knows!!!!! we'll see if that sensibility makes it into the final product but i'm enjoying playing around with it for now. it compels me because sqx, unlike most characters people think of as "unreliable narrators," is not manipulative in a meaningful way. they're not TRYING to lie to you. it's just... you know. hard to look things in the face sometimes, right?
the other thing that sticks out is that i've got not one but two wips at the moment that deal with sexual violence in some way, which i've shied away from in the past because of worrying that people would be weird about it, but i feel strongly that these are at least, like, the kernels of good ideas? we'll see how they fare in my execution lol. but also, like, xie lian's character arc is, among other things, About Sexual Autonomy And Violence in a blatant and textual manner so this doesn't feel particularly outre in comparison (they're both beefleaf but you know. operating in the same ballpark. shi qingxuan and he xuan both have certain obvious parallelismssnhdsm with xie lian so it's all In Conversation imo.)
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cassyapper · 10 months
1 3 and 8 for the ask meme <33
ask game
do you prefer writing one-shots or multichapter fics?
oneshots normally! i like both reading and writing them the most. this is actually why it took me so long to get around to writing wwm/ta: i knew i wanted it to span all across part 4 so it wouldnt due for it to just be a oneshot, but i was intimidated lol. im glad i branched out though!
3. describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
it depends what im writing! for longer stuff i tend to get the idea and let it pressure cook in my head for a while before hitting the ground running. i try to write a scene near the beginning but i dont actually write the Very beginning scene for a while if that makes sense. like that's not the first thing i write. i often write littler blurbs of scenes that take place all across the fic before truly starting in chronological order and going from point a to b (sometimes i need to go to point a.5 to get to a to get to b but yknow)
as for shorter stuff, basically most of them have started as jsut tumblr posts but then they got a little long and i was like yknow what im just gonna write it in actual narrative format LOL. i usually write these in three days or less
8. do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
im not sure if this is talking about writing or reading but i think either way my answer is Lightly the end. if a story cannot stick its landing it ruins everything about the middle and beginning for me, no matter how good that middle and beginning was (looking at you jojolion...). likewise if the beginning and middle are mediocre but the end is really good (many movies have gotten me like this), then i come out being like man that was so good. i think it's cause the ending is kinda like... a statement of the art's thesis, it provides closure*, it just. yeah. so i prefer endings. i hope to write a good ending
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (15-21 Jan 2023)
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😊 Slow Change (thesurefireway) - 66K, steddie canon divergent - Eddie's life and his relationship with Steve after his 5-month stint in jail before the innocent verdict in his trial
😊 The Crime at Black Dudley (Albert Campion Mystery #1) (Margery Allingham, author; David Thorpe, narrator) - In a cozy/golden age mystery mood and she's the Queen of Crime I have read least. I wish there were more of hers on audiobook
😊 The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson) - read via Jekyll & Hyde Weekly
🥰 Call My Number (and Call Me Yours) (novacorpsrecruit) - 53K, Steddie AU - both single dads, EMT!Steve & dispatcher!Eddie - very cute
😊 The Case of the Canterfell Codicil (Anty Boisjoly Mysteries #1) (PJ Fitzsimmons, author; Tim Bruce, narrator) - So straight in the blurb for this book it says "The Case of the Canterfell Codicil is a classic, cosy, locked-room mystery written in the style of an homage to PG Wodehouse. The result, for those familiar with Wodehouse or Jerome K Jerome and Ruth Rendell or Dorothy L Sayers, is either an inexcusable offence to several beloved canons, or a hilarious, fast-paced, manor house murder mystery." It's a fairly mediocre imitation to be honest but not so terrible as to be unreadable, and it raced along nicely; ultimately I found it entertaining enough. Given the length and the price (free), I can see myself reading a few more, esp when I get into that 'i'm out of podcasts and books i really want but need something for the love of fuck' place.
😊 The King's Delight (Tales of Lilleforth Book 1) (Sarah Honey) - a light & fluffy, very mildly kinky fantasy romance
💖💖 +357K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
The Long Dark Bath-Time of the Soul (spqr) - Knives out universe: Benoit Blanc/Phillip, 7K - a hilarious possible backstory for phillip's wealth
help to make the season bright (its_tortle) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 20K - fluffy & warm seasonal fic
The future's open wide (rainbow_nerds) - Stranger Things: Steddie, 4.7K - a lovely little fic with some closure for tommy hagan
Nothing Hurts (Like Your Mouth) (AidaRonan) - Stranger Things: Steddie, 4.1K - werewolf steve & vamp eddie - some extremely hot monsterfucking. I love a prehensile tail!
Not Fade Away (A Cover) (dorcas_gustine) - Stranger Things: Steddie, 37K - great characterizations, great story, fucking HILARIOUS
Hallmark-Adjacent (Moorishflower) - The Sandman: Dreamling, 25K - a fun, modern AU with each of them as the jilted guy in a hallmark movie, having glorious sex and a soulmate connection on a train and then some hallmark-y moments of their own
the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it's you (greatunironic) - Stranger Things: Steddie, 34K - reread of this amazing & formative-for-the-fandom fic; still amazing
Made with Love (and Yarn) (SolarMorrigan) - Stranger Things: Steddie, 10K - super cute & fluffy, expressing love thru textile crafts
Leverage: Redemption - s2, e10-12
Hot Ones - Viola Davis Gives a Master Class While Eating Spicy Wings
Hot Ones - Cate Blanchett Pretends No One's Watching While Eating
Hot Ones - Zoe Saldaña Gets Scorched By Spicy Wings
Desert Island Discs - Steven Spielberg, director
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Green Mill Jazz Club
Off Menu - Ep 72: Michael McKean
Renegades: Born in the USA - Money & the American Dream
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Songs of Ice with the Places Team
Vibe Check - Mutha Needs To Arrive and Set the Table
Strange Customs - Brandon Kyle Goodman | The Paper
Switched on Pop - SZA's Endless Melody
99% Invisible #521 - A Sea of Yellow
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Cementerio Municipal José María Azael Franco Guerrero
Nude On The Moon: The B-52's Anthology
Carly Rae Jepsen
Lowrider Oldies
My Mix #3
Late Night Blues
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
⭐star⭐ for 'Invietable'? The three chap slowburn with cisco x hartley?
Inevitable was the second of two fics in the Closure series. I wrote both fics as part of the Hartmon Bingo event from 2020, though Inevitable was a bit of a surprise fic to me.
I wrote Closure first as a stand alone fic about Cisco seeking out Hartley post season one after deciding Hartley deserved to know the truth about Harrison Wells and that the man who'd hurt was really dead. Things don't go well for Cisco and when he checks out the wrong building he falls through a rotted floor to the basement below. Hartley hears Cisco in trouble, since Cisco was off by just one building, and rescues him. The two of them meet up later at a coffee shop and Cisco is able to finally talk to Hartley as he'd originally intended.
One of the people who commented on Closure wanted to know where things went from there between Cisco and Hartley and it turned out that I did too. But I also wanted to know what led to Cisco seeking out Hartley in the first place.
I actually wrote the blurb first. It was intended to be a place holder - and it was where I got the name of the fic from - but I ended up liking it so much that not only did it stick around when I was finally ready to post the fic... but I ended up incorporating it into the fic itself at the end.
Initially, it was only going to be two chapters. But it got away from me a bit and I ended up writing enough that it split into three chapters more naturally than two. Though it ended up working out better thematically that way. The first chapter became centered around the the video messages Eobard left behind. Not just Barry's but messages left for Cisco, Caitlin, and Hartley too. Cisco's message became the catalyst for the events of Closure, Caitlin and Barry's messages led to their group meeting with Eobard's lawyers and Cisco volunteering to give Hartley his message... and Hartley's message gave Cisco greater insight into who Hartley used to be and how much Hartley was still hurting over Eobard's bad choices.
The second chapter became about rebuilding. Cisco and Hartley rebuild their relationship up from the new foundation built by their improved interactions from the first chapter and the story Closure. Hartley in particular starts learning to rebuild his ability to trust in others, starting with his interactions with Cisco. Together they also work on rebuilding STAR Labs; arranging to have the building repaired, adding more security to protect Team Flash, and taking the initial steps towards building back of the work force to restart STAR Labs as a research facility.
And the third chapter continues on the theme of rebuilding from the second chapter, but starts showing the pay off. Hartley takes a chance on trusting Barry and Caitlin with parts of his personal life because of how much he's come to trust Cisco and winds up becoming friends with them and even tentatively joining with Team Flash at the end. Hartley's able to not only get himself into better circumstances, but he successfully passes his good fortune on to others, protecting and improving the homes of the people he'd been living with throughout the fic. STAR Labs starts interviewing scientists to continue rebuilding it's reputation. Hartley's trust in Cisco is returned when Cisco opens up about his burgeoning powers. And the two of them decide to pursue the attraction that's developed between them.
Breaking up the fic into three chapters also worked really well with the prompt for the bingo too as they stepped away from being enemies and rivals to become business partners, then friends, and finally choosing to become lovers.
Once the fic was done, I was pretty satisfied with where I left it. While Cisco does have his vision, I wanted to leave it ambiguous as to what it represented. In part so that I wouldn't try to figure out where the future would lead for these versions of the characters; I felt like I was leaving them all in a really good place and wanted to let things wrap up there.
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hotchs-bitch · 2 years
okay okay i’m loving the Breaking Up Slowly blurb 💕💕 and i don’t want you to Not leave me in suspense etc etc but! 🥺🥺 these two have got me So Sad. 😭😭 breaking my damn heart sad and i just need to know if there’s a chance of relief? 🥺💛 maybe not hope for them, per se, but at least relief from the heart crushing ouch. like a moment with jack? 🥺 or a sweet understanding glance or. something. 🥺 i just want ‘em to be near the realm of okay, even if they’re not fully living in there together. 😔🥺💕
(absolutely excellent job at writing emotionally crushing angst by the way. oof 😥)
Thank you anon!!!!! There’s not much I can say without spoiling part 3, so I’ll just say this:
I think that no matter what expectations you go into this fic with, or what you hope to see, everyone will walk away at least slightly satisfied. At least, that’s what I’m aiming for!!! Turning the original fic into a series means to me that there has to be some sense of closure, in one way or another
I appreciate your interest in what has quickly (see: over 10 months) become my favourite series and some of my favourite pieces that I’ve written❤️❤️ it means so much to me!
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shellshocklove · 10 months
Bruh I will not forget had me SOBBINGGGGG I am heart broken. I need closure or something. Do what you want to do, but I wanted to request post-end blurb where like maybe Y/n actually works towards moving on but with the help of Rhys (having just a slight bit of hope for that relationship kept me from breaking at the end). Maybe Y/n opens up to him about her past with Tom. And he’s like “fuck the monarchy” and she’s like “I did look where it got me?” Idk I want her to have a happy ending even if it’s a bittersweet one. Where she allows herself to find happiness elsewhere, even if it means not forgetting him completely. (But at least put up boundaries so Tom doesn’t just enter her life when he pleases anymore).
OR something related to the flowers where Rhys is staying close to her in the hospital and when they’re delivered (by John), the word travels to Tom that he was there and he takes it as like a final sign to leave the past alone (assuming she’s moved on) and he’s all sad and shit, BUT SHE’S finding the happiness she deserves.
But again it’s your story if it goes against the ending you envisioned totally okay too😭❤️❤️ love the series.
hi! thank you so much for reading! really! thank you so much!! <3
i decided that the last blurb is the ending- so i won't write anymore for them... but your post-blurb thoughts are very much in tow with what i think happened after the last blurb. i really think y/n and rhys will get together at some point. i'm not sure it would happen right away. she's just had the miscarriage and she's grieving that along with the royal baby news. i don't think she'll ever tell anyone about her relationship with tom tho- not even rhys. maybe she has photos and memorabilia of their relationship tucked away in a shoebox in the basement or something, but i don't think anyone will ever know. she has too much respect for tom i think (him as a person, not the monarchy).
i don't think tom will ever know y/n moved on (if she ever really did), or what happened after she disappeared. he was very lost and depressed at the end, and as much as it might hurt i think the baby will give him some purpose. him and gen will never be together together, but at least they have the baby, and he loves his child!
the fic is bittersweet! there will always be a what if with them, but the last song on the fic playlist is no hard feelings by wolf alice for a reason. the songs lyrics reflect how i both envisioned them to feel at the end:
the threads that kept us together, were already wearing thin / would we ever have tied the knot, well how long is a piece of string? / and for everything that ends something else must begin / no hard feelings, honey, and we both will take the win
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websterss · 11 months
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𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒: ‣ Always | Part 2 ✻ @xreaderbooksreads​​​​ ‣ Attention, Please @finelinevogue​​   ‣ Fearless Mates @k-daydreams​​​ ​​‣ Ooops Mating Bond @reverie-verse​​ ​​‣ Prized Possession ✻ @angelshadowsinger​​ ​​‣ Shadows of Destiny | Part 2 @reiincarnatiion​​ ​​​​‣ Wake Up Call ✻ @florence-end​​​​ ‣ Winter’s Frost | Part 2 ℠✻ @sapphenaa​​
@acourtofwhatthefuck​​​​​​ ‣ Comfort ℠ ✻ ‣ Coming Home ℠ ✻ ‣ Bluebird | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI ‣ Practice On Me | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 ℠✻ 
@acotarTaylorsVersion (only on wattpad) ‣ Shadows Whisper || A Court of Death Sequel ℠ ✻
@theostrophywife​ ‣ Baby Fever ‣ Honeybun ‣ Rain Clouds ‣ Stars In Your Eyes   ‣ Unholy ℠ ‣ Wake Me Up   
@azsazz​​​​​ ‣ Daddy!Az Fic Order ‣ Divine Darkness ‣ Here’s to Tradition ‣ Horrors of Hewn City ‣ Ringside ‣ The Games We Play | Part 2 ‣ The Nature of Things ‣ You Keep Me Sharp and Test My Worth in Blood | Blurb | Blurb 2 
@azrielhours​​​​​ ‣ Company of Phantoms ‣ I Want you To Rest​ ‣ Kiss Thief ‣ Pawn for Pawn | Homesick/Lovesick ✻ ‣ Shackles and Release ✻ ‣ Soft Spot ℠ ‣ Stolen Away   ‣ Waiting On A Ghost ‣ Wounded ✻  
@bubbles-for-all-of-us​​​​​ ‣ Can You Love Me Most? | Part 2 ✻ ‣ Gonna Hold You ✻ ‣ Hear The Lonely Cry Out ‣ I'll Give You Wings So You Can Fly ‣ In the Middle of The Night ✻ ‣ Little drop of your love✻ ‣ Out of Reasons To Love You ✻   ‣ Pretty Like The Wind ✻  
@cosmic-whispers​​ ‣ Control ✻
@danikamariewrites​​​​​ ‣ Caution ‣ Diamonds and Pearls ‣ I Just Feel You ‣ My Side of The Bed ‣ Shell     ‣ Sixth Sense  
@daycourtofficial​​​ ‣ Prophesize Me ‣ Solstice Celebrations ‣ We’re Bumping Booties, Having Us a Ball ✻  
@draemgal​​​​ ‣ Best Buds ‣ Dad!Azriel headcanons ‣ Midnights ‣ Spit in My Face ✻ 
@fieldofdaisiies​​​​​ ‣ Just A Little Bit of Your Heart ✻
@historiaxvanserra​​ ‣ Unreal, Unearthed ✻  
@illyrian-dreamer​​​ ‣ Changing Shadows ℠✻ ‣ Spin The Bottle ✻
@jeannineee​​​​ ‣ Closure | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 ℠✻ 
@ladylokilaufeyson5​​​​ ‣ Never Yours | Evasively Yours Part 2 | Always Yours Part 3 ✻ ‣ A Little Helping Hand
@lalacliffthorne​​​ ‣ I Really Don’t Think Now’s The Best Time ‣ Idiot ​℠✻ ‣ Ride Home
@leafsandstarlight​ ‣ A Call in the Night ✻ ‣ Forced Revelations  
@moonlightazriel​​​ ‣ Forget me Not | Part 2 ℠✻ ‣ Secret ✻ ‣ The family we choose  
@parkerslatte​​​​ ‣ Drawn To You ‣ Strings That Binds Us | Part 2 
@readychilledwine​​​​​ ‣ Daddy!Azriel x Pregnant!Reader Drabble ‣ Bound By Fate | Part 2 | Part 3 ℠✻   ‣ Losing Forever ✻  
@thelov3lybookworm​​​​​​ ​​‣ Don’t Grieve ✻ ​​‣ Excited ​​‣ Happy Birthdays ✻ ​​‣ With Her ✻ ‣ I Didn't Ask For This | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 ✻
@throneofsapphics​​​ ​​‣ Girl’s Night 
@serpentandlily​​​​ ​​‣ Mystique
@violet-shadows​​​​​ ‣ Grounded | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4​​ ‣ I Knew It The First Night That I Saw You | Part 2 ‣ Low on Hope | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 ✻ ‣ Moving On | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 ‣ Retribution | Part 2 | Part 3 ✻ ‣ Speaking of Forgiveness | Part 2 | Part 3 ✻ ‣ Wish Things Were Different | Part 2 | Part 3 ✻ ‣ What Are We Waiting For? | Part 2 | Part 3 ℠✻ ‣ Careful ‣ Scary Stories ‣ These Hands ‣ Take Care ✻
@writingsbychlo​​​ ‣ Avoidance   ‣ Be Yours ‣ By Moonlight ‣ Cupcake ‣ Gossip ‣ Head in The Stars ‣ Sweet Like Sugar ‣ Under Violet Skies ℠ 
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@bubbles-for-all-of-us​​​​​ ‣ Wildflower Series
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𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒: ‣ Home To Us @writingsbychlo​
@readychilledwine​​​​ ‣ Broken | Part 2 | Part 3 ✻
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blueskrugs · 2 years
5, 6, 20, 27, 28!<3
goodness that's a lot of questions lol
5. How many wips do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
officially? none 🙈 since I finished closure last week, I haven't really had the time or motivation to get started on anything new yet. however, I still have a handful of blurbs from last spring (I haven't forgotten them!!), eight swift fics planned (until the new album comes out lol) and a handful of other works that sit in my google drive, collecting dust. i'll put a cut at the end with names of everyone I've got some sort of wip for!!
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
this is from one of the swift fics, something i started a very long time ago (and I think it'll be the one I focus on next)
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20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
canon, i guess? I feel like there's not a whole lot of AU writing in hockeyblr, but i always stuck to canon when I wrote for other fandoms.
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
I have been told I'm very good at making readers feel emotions.
28. What area of writing do you want to improve in?
dialogue!! sometimes words come naturally to me, sometimes I feel like I'm having to force the characters to say things but I can't figure out another way to do it
fanfiction writing asks :)
in no particular order:
***was planned for a player I no longer write for lol
another parayko
and for blurbs:
two for sammy blais
and one I have listed as "dealer's choice" lol
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1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
closure - (b.brisson’s version)
summary - brendan signs for the nhl, and leaves his love behind, but he tries to give her some closure…..
type - blurb?? based on closure by tswift (lyrics italicized & bold) & (lower case intended)
warnings - none? a little sad but not much…. </3
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she’s not just a
wrinkle in your new life
he knew that it was going to come, and he didn’t want it to happen. y/n was the best thing that happened to him during his time playing for the university of michigan. he wasn’t looking for anyone, but that is the best type of love…. the ones that you don’t look for. walking into his life during the middle of the first semester of his freshman year (after the covid restrictions started to loosen up), she changed his life for the better. It took him a while to pursue her, as he wanted to party and not be tied down, but bords talked some sense into him since brendan wouldn’t shut up about her.
“go talk to her! I’m sick and tired of you saying all of these things about her, and then you won’t even try to ask her out!” bords told him as they walked into a shared class that they had with her.
“bords, she is too good for me, and when we sign to the nhl…. I don’t want to be tied down or crush a girl's heart before I leave.” brendan told his best friend seriously. but man, she was perfect, and all that he wanted.
thom just gave him a short look before the professor started class, he took out a pen & piece of paper and wrote: “you’ve got time, brisson. go for it”
brendan gave him a look and wrote: “fine, but if I get rejected….. I am blaming you!”
during his next class of the day, brendan sat next to the beautiful girl, he had shown up early and she took the seat next to him, smiling as she did. she was eating lucky charms cereal as a snack (and it was so cute) as she studied for the quiz. to make conversation, he quickly scanned her things, and then he saw her computer case, which prompted him to start talking to her.
“so uh— hockey and taylor swift? great combo.” brendan told her as they waited for class to start. he was terrified as he said that, hoping it would prompt a conversation rather than just being weird.
y/n looked up from her notes and started blushing. “yeah— they are my favorites. wait! you are brendan brisson, right?”
“yeah! nice to finally meet you, y/n.” he tells her, shaking her hand.
“CAN’T believe that you are complimenting my choices when you're the hockey star himself.” she tells him jokingly.
he smiles and replies “I am just an average guy with a big ego.”
“I don’t think you have a big ego, you’re a good player, I— uh- I watched team usa when you were on the team.” she told him, sheepishly, facing his direction and moving her computer.
he does the same, facing his body in front of hers in his chair, his knees touching hers. “oh realllyyyy.” he tells her singy song like as she blushed more.
“never said I was a fan of yours, brisson.” she told him snarkily back, hitting her knees against his.
“but you should be, we have a home game on friday and saturday. you should come!” he told her enthusiastically, and she blushes a little.
“oh-- I don't know briss, I don’t have any friends who like hockey and I don’t have any umich hockey merch. I’d look so out of place!” y/n nervously said, not making eye contact with brendan. the professor was about to start class, meaning he had limited time to try and convince her to go.
“I can let you borrow some of my merch, l/n, and my friends have some girlfriends that I think you know, like audrey?” he asked her softly since the professor started to quiet everyone down for the quiz.
y/n’s eyes lit up at that, and that’s when he knew that she’d say yes. she pulled out a bright yellow sticky note and wrote something quickly, since they couldn’t talk out loud at the moment because the quiz was about to start.
the note said in curly handwriting: “you win brisson. here is my number and I’ll see you at the game. or maybe after?”
xx - y/n
that started the friendship turned relationship of brendan & y/n. a year n a half later & y/n was the one thing in his life that made him feel love. feel the true love of someone who isn’t interested in him for his looks, or hockey. y/n was compassionate in her words and actions, supportive & loving of him and his passions. she was everything and more, but he knew that she couldn’t stay with him. she deserved better, so he decided to write a letter. vegas contacted him while they played minnesota before the games in allentown. he knew what he needed to do, as much as he wanted to live in his bubble at umich. so, when y/n came to pa, and watched him play….. he knew that he had to break it to her soon. she was just so happy for him, he could see her eyes brighten every time he scored, or when they won. she was ecstatic, she was the best he’d ever have. but he knew it wouldn’t last (but also knew that he would get her back soon, hopefully) so in boston, he had to let her know. he could have planned it out better, he could have fought for her, he could have made it work. but he knew, and even all the guys, especially owen told him…. she’d come back when the time was right. so, that night before the quarterfinal of the frozen four, he wrote her a letter.
a letter to give her closure.
the way it all went down
if you’re reading this, that means umich’s time in the frozen four is over, win or lose… it was the best season; because I had you. I want to start this off by saying that I fucking love you to the ends of the universe and I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted to willingly leave you behind. I never planned on falling so hard for you, or falling in love with you. you mean everything and more to me, and that’s why I can’t have you anymore. vegas called me, and I’m signing as you read this. I hope you understand and don’t resent me for it, because I wanted my last full memories with you at umich, and not you pushing me to go to vegas, or yelling at me to stay (as much as I wanted to) but I wanted the memory to be the core thing to keep me going until I see you again. I’m doing this not only for myself, but for us, baby. this isn’t a break up letter, this is closure so we can start the next chapter of our lives, together, soon. I’m signing with the henderson ahl squad, but you know me, I’ll be in the nhl in a blink. I want you there by my side, you have such an impact on my life, y/n l/n. I love you and call me when you land if you don’t resent me too much, I’ll be on the other line, waiting for your call. whether it's right when you land, or weeks after. I want your answer to my closure, I want you with me in vegas.
xx - yours, brendan <3
yes I got your letter
yes I’m doing better
it hurt deep to know you
right to the bone
her heart broke in half on that plane. she wanted to be there for him, and couldn’t. she didn’t need his closure, but she was glad that he did. she was happy for him, and all she wanted was the semester to be over so she could go to vegas. but she knew that even though he didn’t act like it, he needed time, time to be alone without her for a while. now what does a while mean? could be days, could be weeks, could be months. she called him back a week later, and decided to tell him that they were more than just friends, but she wasn’t his girlfriend anymore until she could come to vegas. that was the deal she made with herself, and that was the deal he agreed to even though it hurt him right to the bone.
staying friends
would it iron out so nice
his ahl career was short lived, and he signed to the nhl on the last week before the playoffs, which vegas did not make. meaning brendan would go home, and y/n would fly back to nova scotia to visit her parents. it was a cruel summer, being spent apart from one another, but it was good, good as one could get without spending that time with the love of their life. cliche, but true.
guilty, guilty reaching across the sea
that you put between you and me
summer came and went, little to no contact because of their schedules, but the new season of life was coming up. brendan’s debut was coming soon, and y/n’s junior year. middle of september came, and the umich season started, as well as the talks for the new rookie on the golden knights to debut. brendan convinced his head coach to let him wait until they played a closer team to debut, but the closest he could get was boston. the fateful place of where he last played as a ncaa player, the last time he played in front of her. when y/n heard the news of his debut coming to boston, she told her professors to help get her caught up, and she left as fast as she could. luckily it was on a friday, and she made it in time; wearing the same outfit as the last time she was in that arena for the frozen four. he had no clue she was coming, and she didn’t tell anyone until she called bords (in bold)
“il est là, juste devant moi. je suis gelé thom.” (he is here, right in front of me, I am frozen thom.)
“hé, hé, ça va aller. laissez-le vous voir. allez à votre siège, ou au verre. s'il te plaît?” (hey, hey, it’s going to be okay. go to your seat, or to the glass, okay?)
“d'accord d'accord! je suis tellement nerveux thom. et s'il ne veut pas de moi ici ? ça fait tellement longtemps.” (alright alright! im so nervous thom. what if he doesn’t want me here? it’s been so long.)
“il te veut là-bas, il est perdu sans toi, ma chérie. fais-toi connaître, je te promets que tout ira bien.” (he wants you there, he is lost without you, darling. make yourself known to him, I promise it will be okay.)
“merci thom, au revoir.” (thank you thom, goodbye.)
“j’taime!” ( love you!)
she walked down to the ice slowly, standing by the corner of the glass like she always did during his games, waiting for him to circle near her and touch his glove to the glass. it was a little pre warm up ritual that they did once they started dating, but really since the first game that she went to. so she waited, and then the lights dimmed, and she got her phone out to secretly record the rookie lap. he was graceful, and just like she remembered him. he was perfect, the lap was perfect. she put the phone down as the lights turned back on, and warm ups started. now, she waited to see if he saw her in the corner, the corner that haunted her memory.
he didn’t notice her at first, his mind was so consumed with not tripping and falling on the ice that he didn’t even look up to see the corner that she’d normally stand in, at every rink that she’d travel to for him. he wanted her there so bad, and was secretly hoping that she would be in that corner, and not back in michigan where she probably was. after his rookie lap, he went to the bench to tie his skates, check his tape…. and write y/n on the top of his handle tape. like he had done before every game, since he invited her. he always did it on the bench during it, so he could take that time to scan for her in the crowd, and that’s when she started to be in the corner. his eyes scanned the arena, and when he hit the corner she would stand in at every game (home or away), the arena went quiet, and his heart stopped.
standing there in the corner, holding up a “brendan brisson’s lucky charm” sign, with little hearts, his new number #24, and the lucky charm box cut out attached to the cute handwritten sign; was the love of his life, his y/n. she was wearing the same outfit as he last saw her in, in the same arena. she was stunning, and he fell in love with her all over again…….
she didn’t see him skate up to her at first, because she was scanning the room to see where he had gone. but her heart stopped when she locked eyes with him. the boy she fell in love with, the boy who would take her on ice cream dates and distract her from her homework, the party animal and best dancer around, the one that hurt her heart when he wanted closure…… was skating straight towards her.
the pair smiled at each other, and he touched his hand on the glass. she showed him the sign, and then made a “wait” motion with her free hand, and turned the sign around.
yes I got your letter
yes I’m doing better
but I don’t need your closure
when all I want is right in front of me
happy debut babe, j’taime <3
his heart soared, and he felt all of the emotions he could ever want to feel all at the same time. he drew a heart on the glass and skated away, with the biggest grin on his face.
that night he got his first nhl game, his first nhl goal / point, and the love of his life back. and he was so thankful that he could get closure, and now start a new chapter of his life, with the same girl on his side.
abbster’s taglist: @hockeyboysarehot @hockey-lover86 @hockey-lover-22 @erikports @pulpfixion @studsccsnackavoybambi @boeswhore @jamiedryzdale @owenpowersglasses @huggybug @pierrelucduboiis @calermakar08 @dylandukerr @the-stars-shine-above-us @dracoswhore007 @lwstuff @njdhischier & whoever else! (it wouldn’t load completely so sorry if I missed you <3)
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