#brendan brisson one shot
equallyshaw · 2 years
california dreamin.
feat. jack hughes x oc social media edit.
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@makaylamurphy: how the convo went, Jacky🤍: let’s move to cali for off season. Me: AHHHH okay I get to pick where 😚. Jacky🤍: bet. Also, Jacky🤍: 🌊🏄‍♂️☀️🏝👙
899 likes, 76 comments.
Location: San Clemente, Orange County, California
@trevorzegras: welcome to the west coaaaaast🫶🏻
@makaylamuprhy: 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
@lhughes_6: can I visit?
@jachughes: no
@makaylamuprhy: yes !!! need some lukey in our lives !!
@alexturcotte: bet.
@jackhughes: 😎
@quinnhughes_: love this for m
@ellenblue6: me too!! Living her best life 💗
@makaylamurphy: yes!! Jack is just a bonus 😂
@nicohischier: those morning surf sessions were so good!
@brendanbrisson: thanks for bothering me AT 6 am !!!
@makaylamuprhy: 😌😌 you’re welcome bud! Keeping ya on your toes
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@jackhughes: making my girl happy one day, one hike, one surf and one açaí bowl at a time🤍
Tags: makaylamuprhy
Location: San Clemente, orange county, California
@makaylamuprhy: you made my dream come true!!!
@lhughes_6: jacks getting soft
@quinnhughes_ oh don’t we know
@brendanbrisson: thanks for the non stop visits 🫶🏻
@makaylamurphy: ahhhh yes my cali friend !!
@thomasbordeleau: *cali friend*
@trevorzegras: id be safe safe and warm
@quinnhughes_: if I was in la
@makaylamurphy: CALIFORNIA DREAMIN
@colecaufield: we need to delete The Beach Boys albums from her phone
@alexturcotte: say less
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astars-things · 4 months
omg i also miss team 100 so bad
could you write “You’re an idiot.” “But you love me.” with briss? 🫶🏻
brendan brisson x reader
It was a quiet Sunday afternoon, and Briss and I were lounging on the couch in my apartment, binge-watching our favorite show. It had been a year since we started dating, but we had kept our relationship under wraps. Briss’s career in the public eye demanded discretion, and I preferred the peace of anonymity.
He had his arm wrapped around me, and I was nestled comfortably against his chest, feeling the rhythmic rise and fall of his breathing. His phone buzzed incessantly on the coffee table, a reminder of the world outside our little bubble.
“Hey, let’s take a picture,” he said suddenly, holding up his phone.
“Right now?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. We were both in our cozy, slightly disheveled state — not exactly Instagram-ready.
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” he insisted, pulling me closer.
I sighed, giving in to his puppy dog eyes. He snapped a few selfies, capturing our relaxed happiness. He showed me the best one, a candid shot where we both looked genuinely content.
“Nice,” I admitted, smiling at the image.
Briss grinned, leaning in to kiss my forehead. “I’m going to keep this one,” he said, setting his phone aside and returning to our show.
An hour later, my phone buzzed. I glanced at the screen to see a text from my best friend, Liz: “OMG. Check Briss’s Insta story NOW!!!”
My heart skipped a beat as I grabbed my phone. Briss noticed the change in my demeanor and looked over. “What’s up?”
I didn’t respond, instead opening Instagram. My heart pounded as I navigated to his profile. There it was: the photo he had taken earlier, now prominently displayed on his story.
“Briss!” I exclaimed, my voice a mix of shock and exasperation. “You posted the picture!”
He looked at me, confusion evident in his eyes. “What? No, I didn’t.”
I turned the screen towards him, and his face drained of color. “Oh, shit. I didn’t mean to... I thought I was saving it, not posting it.”
“You’re an idiot,” I said, half-laughing despite my frustration.
“But you love me,” he replied, giving me a sheepish grin.
I rolled my eyes, unable to suppress a smile. “Yeah, I do. But now the whole world knows we’re dating.”
Briss took a deep breath, wrapping his arms around me. “Maybe it’s not such a bad thing,” he said softly. “We’ve been hiding for so long. It’s exhausting.”
I leaned into his embrace, my initial panic subsiding. He was right. The secrecy had been a burden, and maybe, just maybe, this accidental reveal could be a blessing in disguise.
“Okay,” I said finally, looking up at him. “Let’s do this.”
He kissed me gently, his lips warm against mine. “We’ll face it together.”
As the notifications and messages flooded in, we decided to address the situation head-on. Briss posted a follow-up story, confirming our relationship and expressing his happiness.
The response was overwhelmingly positive, with fans and friends alike offering their support and congratulations. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as the world embraced our love.
That evening, as we sat on the balcony, watching the sun set, I felt a sense of calm. Briss held my hand, our fingers intertwined.
“Here’s to many more years,” he said, raising an imaginary glass.
“To many more,” I echoed, feeling grateful for our accidental yet perfect reveal.
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mattybraps10 · 5 months
I Can See You | Brendan Brisson x Hughes!OC
Summary: Beer Pong and Lasting Connections.
Word Count: 786
By: M
Parts: part one | part two | part three | part four | part five
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“What do you want…” Brendan sighed, returning his head to his hands. “Dude, what’s up with you? You’re never like this, I don’t understand.” Quinn whispered, sitting beside Brendan and placing a comforting hand on his back.
“I just… I thought I was ready to see her again, I mean 3 years is a long time and… never mind.” He said, shaking his head.
Quinn just sat beside his friend, a confused look on his face as he tried to decipher the vague admission. He ran several scenarios through his head unable to comprehend the real reason for his behavior. It had never occurred to Quinn that someone would disregard their strict rules when it came to Phoebe. Before every teammate met her they were warned away and threatened with almost certain death (banishment from the Hughes household). Now that they were all adults, the rules had become more lenient, a testament to the trust in their friends. 
“I just don’t understand you Brendan. You guys were so close, and then… nothing.” Quinn said, standing up and walking toward the door.
“I know, I mean I don’t, not really. I just, I need a minute to think is all.” He said, leaning back on the couch, a tear falling from his left eye, a poetic reminder of the pain he’d caused for both Phoebe and himself.
“You know I’m here whenever you need anything.” Quinn reminded him softly, resigning himself to return to the ever-louder festivities outside.
“YOU CAN’T DO THAT!!!” Phoebe yelled, crossing around the table and tackling her youngest brother.
“GET OFF OF ME!??!” He screeched, batting his arms at her as if she were a wild animal attacking him.
Jack and Matty burst into laughter watching Phoebe take Luke to the ground. Luke had been slowly replacing cups when he felt the other team wasn’t looking, and Phoebe had caught him almost immediately.
“Oh my god! I leave for a second?!?! What happened???” Quinn sighed, walking through the sliding door.
“Luke cheated! He violated the sanctity of this sport!” Phoebe yelled, her arms in a loose, but secure, chokehold around Luke’s neck.
“Luke?” Quinn asked, clearly disappointed in his younger brother.
“Well I mean… Having Matty AND Phoebe together was basically cheating anyway I mean they literally haven’t missed a single shot?? How is that fair?” He pouted, knocking Phoebe off his back, and standing up.
“You guys are such children!” He responded, picking up the cups that had spilled during the commotion.
They all laughed as they cleaned up the spilled beer, stacking the cups for a later date. Matty and Phoebe had found themselves reaching for the same cup, laughing as their hands brushed. 
“Hey guys…” Brendan said, stepping onto the porch, effectively ruining the moment.
“Brendan.” Phoebe said curtly, a frown on her face.
“I’m sorry, I just… I really don’t know what came over me…” He sighed, dropping his heads into his hands once again.
“I- It’s fine Brendan, I know you didn’t mean anything…” Phoebe sighed, resigning herself to her ever-repeating fate. A life of chasing the man she knew she could never have, one she’d thought she’d left behind when she’d been with Matty. A faint glimmer of a different path, obscured by the leaves of a past love.
“Phoebe, why don’t we go inside and grab some hot chocolate, it’s getting kinda cold.” Matty said, placing a hand on her back as he steered her past Brendan and into the safety of the kitchen.
Matty began preparing the hot chocolate, asking Phoebe about school and life and the future. She felt herself opening up to him, her past with Brendan a distant memory with Matty’s presence. She was confused. Confused as to how she could feel so strongly about a man she’d just met. Confused as to why she still wanted Brendan, despite her earlier realization.
Matty finished the hot chocolate, taking a sip of his own as he offered Phoebe a mug. She grabbed the mug, wrapping her hands around the warmth. 
“Why don’t we watch a movie on the couch?” Phoebe asked, grabbing Matty’s hand and leading him to the living room, a gentle smile painting her face.
“Jackson” He said suddenly, a blush creeping onto his face as he sat beside Phoebe.
“Huh?” She asked, confused about his random comment.
“My middle name, it’s not Ingrid, it’s Jackson.” 
“Oh. I like that! Thanks for telling me.” She smiled, grabbing a blanket and draping it over them.
Even though his middle name was far from a secret, Matty found himself entranced by her thanks. She made it seem as if he’d shared a piece of himself with her, one she was proud to keep.
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bordysbae · 1 year
52. “i want this to be real, not fake anymore” with Brendan brisson ☺️
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“fake dating”
brendan brisson x f!reader
not proof read!!
wc: 1.0k
you and brendan met a little less than a year ago when he moved to vegas for hockey. you guys live in the same apartment complex, so it all started with the casual ‘morning!’ and ‘has the mailman come yet?’ type of greetings. thankfully, you both grew close over the first two months of brendan being in vegas, and now you two are closer than ever.
it’s strictly platonic though. especially since you see how many girls brendan invites over after going out clubbing. but it doesn’t bother you since you’re basically doing the same with other guys, but you can’t from having slight feelings for him. he’s exactly your type, he has brown fluffy hair, a nice build, he’s taller than you, a sweet smile, he’s funny, and the list goes on.
one day as brendan is sitting on your couch, watching a basketball game on television with you, he says something that catches you off guard.
“i need you to pretend to be my girlfriend,” he blurts out, making your eyes go wide.
“excuse me what?” you say, almost choking on air.
“i accidentally told my mom i have a girlfriend since she was pestering me, and my parents are coming to town next weekend for the game. so can you just pretend to be my girlfriend? i mean they already have an idea of who you are, so it wouldn’t be suspicious. all you need to do is sit with them at the game in my jersey, and have dinner with them for the couple of days that they’re in town,” brendan grins, trying to convince you to say yes.
“that’s all i have to do?”
“well, there is one more thing,” he says bashfully
“and that is…?”
“you need to spend the night at my apartment, for two nights in a row,” he chuckles awkwardly, afraid of what you’ll say.
“brendan brisson! i am not sharing a bed with you!” you exclaim
“cmon please! i’ll pay you if you really want me to. i just need my mom to hop off my ass about getting a girlfriend!” he pleads.
“fine, i’ll do it. you owe me fifty.”
“deal, thank you so much y/n!” he says, as he sits up off of the couch to hug you, but you shrug him off jokingly.
the weekend you’ve been dreading is finally here. you’re currently sat right by the ice next to brendan’s parents, in the brisson jersey you purchased in the gift shop only three days before this.
“go brendan honey!” his mom yells as he’s skating down the ice. he almost makes it in, but the shot gets blocked by calgary’s goalie. at first you don’t really care to yell out to brendan, but you realize it looks bad as his “girlfriend,” so you begin to do it despite the awkwardness you feel. but as soon as brendan is on the breakaway, skating closer and closer to the goal, the words “go bren, you got this babe!” flow smoothly out of your mouth like it’s something you’ve said a million times before.
as the little black puck goes straight into the goal, you immediately shoot out of your seat and start cheering as loud as possible. his mother turns to you with a big smile on her face, both of you incredibly proud of brendan. brendan is slammed into the glass by his teammates as a congratulations, coincidentally right in front of you and his parents. he turns around to face you guys, and gives you an extra big smile, and a look of ‘thank you for doing this.’
later that night you all go out for drinks and food. you and brendan are squished in the booth next to each other, sat across from his parents who are now asking you a multitude of personal questions.
“so, how did you and brendan meet again?” his father asks. all of these questions are slightly sticking up your anxiety, and brendan notices. out of the corner of his eyes he sees you picking at your fingers and bouncing your knee, so he gently takes your right hand in his left one, and places your guys’ entangled hands on your thigh.
the comfort of brendan touching you soothes your worries, and you’re able to answer the question with ease. “we met in the apartment complex! i live a few doors down from him, so we sort of saw each other a lot. one thing lead to another, and now we’re here!” you smile, looking over at brendan who’s already looking at you.
“aww that’s too cute! reminds me of us, and how we met!” his mom says, turning to her husband.
once you all finish dinner and drinks, you head back to brendan’s apartment. there’s the final period of one last game on television, so him and his father are watching that intently as you get to know his mother better. you’re tucked under brendan’s arm, sharing a blanket with him. before you even realize it, you’re dozing off. you’re awoken as brendan is placing you gently on his bed, pulling the covers above your body.
“mm, brendan thank you,” you groggily mumble out.
“of course y/n, goodnight,” he says as he turns off the bedroom light.
“where are you going?” you ask
“oh i’m gonna sleep on the floor”
“what?” you say, immediately sitting up to see that he’s made himself a little bed on the floor. you gasp at the sight, “are you crazy?! get into the bed! it’s cold, and this is your bed brendan!” you whisper yell at him, making him chuckle. he crawls into bed next to you, and you snuggle into the warmth radiating off of his bare body, but still being careful not to touch him.
“hey y/n?” he mutters, staring at the ceiling.
“yeah?” you say softly, turning on your other side to face him.
“i want this to be real, not fake anymore. i hate having to pretend when i know that i wish it wasn’t fake. i’ve wanted to ask you out for awhile now, but i never had the courage,” he admits, making your heart flutter.
“really? like this isn’t some sick joke?”
“yeah, why would it be a joke?”
“i don’t know brendan, but i feel the same way,” you admit shyly
“really? you do?” he asks softly, as he turns his head to look down at you.
“yup,” you smile, as brendan does the same. he pulls your closer into his body and gently kisses your lips. you’re both very tired, but still manage to enjoy the sweet and intimate moment. you both close your eyes to rest for the night, embracing each others warmth.
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darkeralmond · 2 years
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This is my navigation post where I have all the links to my posts on both here and on Wattpad where I write my full fanfictions.
This will not only help you find my works in a more organized manner, but it also helps me with advertising my works and boosting them.
* Means the post includes 18+ content such as…
- gore/violence
- smut
- intense swearing
- overal explicit content
+ Means that it is a story in progress or not started
Thank for reading my work I love you all ❤️
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wattpad: darker_almond
posting schedule: every other day!!
Hold Me Closer - Baylen Levine x OC
One Month - Ethan Edwards x OC
If I Could Fly - Luke Hughes x OC
Fortnight - Rutger McGroarty x OC
Repeat - Ethan Landry x OC * (Scream 6)
- All these posts are my original work with loose inspiration from either another fic or a movie/TV show. I take credit for the writing & visuals found in my fanfics.
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- Unlike the fanfics, I will divide these into specific categories instead of bundling them up since I write a lot of one shots that include fictional characters from TV Shows/Movies
posting schedule: monday-saturday @3:35 PM EST
Jeremiah Fisher
Pool Boy *
Hopper’s Cove *
Dark Red *
Conrad Fisher
Dead To Me *
Cam Cameron
First Time *
Black Lace Panties *
Luke Hughes
Dance With Me
More Than Friends *
Luca Fantilli
Beer Pong
Study Session *
Bathing Suit
Mark Estapa
Birthday Surprise *
Sparks Fly
Ethan Edwards
My Dirty Little Secret *
We Can Be Quiet *
Rutger Mcgroarty
Rebellious *
Not So Fake *
Mackie Samoskevich
5 Minutes *
Nolan Moyle
Strawberry Kiwi * pt. 2
Seamus Casey
Attention *
⊱┊ NHL
Brendan Brisson
Good Girl *
Trevor Zegras
New To Anaheim pt 2.
Owen Power
Stay, Stay, Stay
Jack Hughes
Plans & Rewards *
Macklin Celebrini
4th Of July
Beckett Sennecke
Dominance Over You *
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I want to produce content that makes others get inspired to write just like many writers have for me!
Tags include: #darker_almond, #apricot’s navigation #apricot’s fanfics, #apricot yaps, #apricot’s aus
Please! if you have any requests for either a fanfic idea or a one shot you would like me to write with one of your favorite character(s), let me know in my ‘requests’ tab .
Here’s for more information about request
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nicohischierz · 2 years
he shoots ... : ethan edwards
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you and ethan grew up in a small town outside of edmonton by the name grand prairie.
the two of you were next door neighbours and would always catch the other playing outside at the same time. a friendly smile passed between the two of you.
ethan would practice hockey whilst you practiced basketball. the sound of his stick against the puck and your ball against the backboard reverberated through the neighbourhood.
once you and ethan gained the confidence to talk to each other it was no strange sight to find the pair of you attached at the hip.
he’d be at everyone one of your basketball games and you’d be at all his hockey games. you’d take turns going to each others houses to do homework and then help the other practice.
however, your routine was put to an end when your father announced a new job opportunity in michigan as well as the call for your brother to play for the chicago steel of the ushl.
“eddy. i don’t want to leave,” you whispered to him. ethan’s loud sniffles could be heard throughout your house. it was the last day before you and your family moved, all your things were packed up and you sat in an empty room. 
your mother had come into your room to tell the two of you that you were leaving soon. ethan grabbed hold of your hand and pulled you into his body, he clutched onto you afraid of letting you go. 
both of you had tears in your eyes as you embraced each other for the last time. “don’t forget me,” he whispered to you. 
“i would never forget you eddy,” you assured him. 
the two of you pulled away as you wiped the tears from his eyes. you took a pouch from your bag and handed it to ethan, the boy took the pouch from your hand and opened the bag. curious to see what was inside. 
“i love it,” ethan expressed. inside the pouch held one of your infamous hand made bracelets. one that ethan had been begging for ever since he saw you make them. he got some help putting it on and promised to never take it off. 
that was the last interaction you had with ethan edwards. 
now you were beginning your freshman year at the university of michigan. at first you thought you’d be scared to start the school year not really knowing anybody. but that bubble was crushed the second you walked onto campus. 
brendan brisson had dragged owen power with him as they waited for you and your family. your older brother greeted his two friends with hugs and engaged in conversation as you shot your mother a look. 
you did not want the two of them to interfere with anything. 
“look at little y/n/n all grown up,” brendan pretended to wipe a faux tear from his eye. 
you rolled your eyes at him and handed the box of decoration you were carrying into his arms. owen chuckled before giving you a hug and asking if you needed any assistance. 
although you didn’t like the fact that your brother had asked his friends to watch over you, you were happy they were here to help you move in as they searched for your dorm and showed you where they would be staying in case you needed them. 
when it was time to say goodbye to your parents, you shed a tear a little. they might’ve been half an hour away but this was the first time you would be away from them for so long. your brother on the other hand, just shook your hand and told you he’d visit whenever his team was in town to play. 
his team being the new jersey devils. 
when everyone was gone it everything hit you like a ton of bricks. you were at the university of michigan with the opportunity to play basketball. glancing to your side, you found the picture of you and ethan at one of your games, smiles wide as you displayed your medal proudly against your chest. 
you made it and you only hoped he did too. 
it had been almost two months before brendan showed up at your dorm room one fine morning. 
“the team and i are coming to watch your game so i need to know your jersey number,” he demanded. 
you rolled your eyes at the boy as he barged in without any warning. however, owen trailed behind the boy with someone else beside him. 
“dude, don’t you know how to knock? i could’ve been naked,” you asked the boy. 
brendan just shrugged and sat on your bed “nothing i haven’t seen before and look you’re fully clothed,” he pointed out. 
“do i even want to know why briss has seen you naked?” owen asked rhetorically.
you shook your head and turned your attention to the third guy who wandered into the room. “hi i’m y/n,”
the boy smiled up at you “i’m kent. i’ve heard a lot about you from owen,”. the comment made you blush slightly but brendan coughed turning your attention to him. 
“read the shirt brendan, i’m number 73. i’ve been wearing it my whole life so sto pestering me and i’ll see you at the game,” 
and he did see you at the game. brendan had managed to get tickets courtside for the whole team to see you. he’d also managed to get everyone to hold up posters he made for you. 
when you were playing it payed no significance to you but when coached sat you out after a bad fall you caught sight of the kid wearing a no. 73 hockey jersey. normally you would let that slide because anyone could wear the number. 
but when your eyes trailed down to his hands and you saw the familiar ribbon tied on his wrist your heart started beating faster. 
“look at our little mvp,” owen teased as you limped towards the group of hockey players. 
you handed owen your basketball shoes and sat on a stool putting your jewellery back on. you noticed your childhood friend was missing, along with a couple other members of the team. namely freshman. 
“mark, honestly anyone can have the no. 73. i didn’t reserve the number okay,” ethan was tired of his teammates constant pestering. 
the freshman had all gone to the bathroom, waiting to meet the basketball star owen and briss never shut up about. in all honesty, watching basketball made ethan a little sad as he remembered the weekends he spent cheering on his friend. 
ethan fiddled with the bracelet on his wrist as he waited for his teammates. “owen i swear to god if you drop me i will break all your sticks,” you threatened. 
“holy shit,” ethan swore. 
everyone looked at the boy with furrowed eyebrows. you looked up from owen’s head and smiled slowly, owen felt you nudge him and set you down. 
“eddy?” you asked looking at the boy. 
ethan nodded and ran towards you lifting you up in his arms. 
“we did it,” he whispered. 
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greazyfloz · 2 years
Context: Quinn and reader met back when the Hughes’ were living in Canada. . The families became friends fast but due to distance and busy life schedules they slowly distanced throughout the years. They were best friends and the reader only saw relationships with Quinn as platonic
Warning: Drinking
Word Count: 2.3k
I just graduated from the University and am currently driving to Michigan for a girls trip with some of my friends from school to celebrate. We rented a cabin on a small, quiet lake outside of Detroit to relax and drink. 
The little town we pulled into was cute and full of different little lakes. “I heard of this bar the locals go to party at night. We should definitely check that out!” I hear Kaila one of my friends say after turning down the music. “Where is it?” Brit asks. “It literally looks like it is so close to out cabin that we could probably walk there” Kaila answers. We all agree before continuing to admire the beautiful scenery of the lakes.
Farren pulls into the rocky driveway and yells out “We are here!”. We all cheer as Farren stops the car. “Ladies get yourselves ready, it is friday night and we are going to catch ourselves a little vaycay romance with a cute boat boy!”. We all giggled running off calling out dids on whichever room we all reached first before getting ready. 
I pull my makeup bag out of my suitcase and make my way to the bathroom to do my makeup. The rest of the girls have the same idea as they soon follow me into the bathroom as well. I go back to my room to pull out what I am going to wear to the bar tonight when I decide on jeans, high-waisted shorts that makes my bum look big and a tight white tee tucked in. I through my hair in a loose messy ponytail, since it is a small town/ lake town and I don’t want to go all out and just trying to fit the vibes. 
As I am getting changed I look outside to see the sun is starting to set. I quickly check my outfit in the mirror before making my way down the stairs to meet the girls in the kitchen. Farren, Brit and Kaila are all in the kitchen already ready for me. I smile “readyyy!!” I say to them as Brit runs over 2 shot glasses in hand. “Just in time, Here” she says before handing one of the shots. We all took a couple shots around the kitchen before walking down to the bar. 
We arrived to the bar and it had a good balance of people of all ages. “Ouu, there’s the bar!” Brit shrieks before grabbing Farren’s arm pulling her to the bar. Kaila and I laugh following the girls to the bar where we indulged in a couple more shots. The night went on in the small bar, and I was starting to get tired. I am guessing tomorrow we are going to be day drinking so I decided to head home a little early, I turn to the girls before saying “Alright, I think I am going to head back now, I am exhausted”, “Want we to come?” Farren stands, “No, no, stay have fun. The walk really isn’t far and it’s not that scary” I say giggling. 
As I push through the front door, to see a group of guys coming up the stairs to the entrance. I don’t really pay attention to them as a pass them until I heard a friendly “Y/N?” making me turn around to see a smiley Jack Hughes. “Oh my gosh, hi!” I say before giving him a big hug. To his side is Alex Turcotte and Brendan Brisson. I quickly say hi and give them both a side hug before pulling a way looking back to Jack. “How are ya?! What are you going here?”, “I am great! I’ve miss you guys! It has been way too long!! I’m just on a little summer getaway with some friends from school. How are you? How was hockey?”, “I’m great, good! I missed ya bugging me” Jack laughs, “We had a better season this year. Actually great season. Wait, you aren’t leaving are you?” he says, “Yeah, I am started to get tired and I am guessing I am going to have a long day tomorrow”, “Stay for a bit, I wanna catch up! Quinny and Josh are on their way too so you’ll get to see them too!”, I smile shaking my head “Sorry Jack, I am swamped” I say going in for another hug. “Well, how long are you here? You guys should come out on the boat with us tomorrow!”, “That sounds like fun! Text me and I will talk to the girls about it.”, “Will do”. Jack says before I wave to him and the boys before they enter the bar. 
When I got home I took my makeup off and started getting ready for bed. I take my clothes out of my suitcase and get myself all set up for the weekend before my phone went off. The text read an address from Jack. I texted Jack back before going downstairs to grab a glass of water for bed. 
As I’m downstairs the girls all come in. “Oh your still up?” Kaila asks. “Yeah, was actually heading up right now, how was the rest of the night?”, “it was good! Who knew a small town had such cute boys” she replied, I smiled because I just know that she is going to love the activity proposal I have for tomorrow. “Speaking of boys, would you guys want to go out on a boat tomorrow? My friend Jack just messaged me his address and he said there is a bunch of them going out tomorrow.”, “Uhh yess. Y/N  found us boats and boys!” Brit yells out making us all laugh. “Wait, Jack. Like Hughes?” Farren adds. “Yes” I smile. The girls know about my friendship with the Hughes family because they saw on Instagram that I was followed by all three boys and their mother. “Well I am going to bed” I say before heading to my room”. 
[Quinn’s POV] 
I wake up to my alarm clock going off at 9:30. I get up, get ready for the day and head down to the kitchen to get something quick from the fridge before going down to the dock to set up the boat. The boys and I planned to go out on the boat again today. Last night Jack said he ran into some girl and asked if she and her friends could join as well. 
I am out washing the boat when the boys all come out and sit on the dock. “The girls are just getting here now. I just told them to walk around” Jack says. As I look up I see 4 girls coming around the house walking down to the dock. “Hey guys!” I hear a familiar voice yell out making me turn back around towards the girls, “Y/N?” I say as she is steps onto the dock. “Quinny!!” she yells out as she runs to give me a hug “Jack didn’t tell you I was coming? You look surprised to see me” she says, “No, he forgot to mention who was coming.” I say looking at her. 
I am shocked, I didn’t even know what to say to her. I don’t remember her being so beautiful. I mean she has always been pretty but I felt like I was seeing her for the first time. I watch her turn to interact with Josh giving him a hug before we all start to get on the boat. I set on the boat and turn to give a hand to Y/N. 
“Here let me help” I say to Y/N. She smiles and takes my hand before stepping down to get on the boat. As she is stepping down though the boat rocks making Y/N lose her balance resulting in her falling into my arms. She giggles before looking up at me “sorry”, “it’s okay, you good?” I ask, she replies with a smile and nod before taking a seat in the back of the boat beside one of her friends and Josh. 
We push off the dock and we went off into the lake. As I’m driving the boat around the lake I notice Y/N in my boat’s mirror taking off her shorts and button up top leaving her in just her bright pink bikini. I can’t help but keep looking back at her through the mirror. 
The day continued with water skiing, swimming in the middle of the lake, and just drinking out on the boat. I turned the boat around to head back to the lakehouse when Jack looked over to Y/N and the other girls to ask if they were staying for a bonfire. “Well, we were going to back to that bar we were at last night” one friend spoke up, “Nah this will be more fun I promise” Alex speaks up, “Yeah Y/N stay” I stay out gaining a weird look from Josh and Jack. “Sure” she replies making me smile.
When we get back they all head off up to the house except for Josh and I as we tied the boat up to the dock, “Sooooo, Y/N?” Josh starts, “What about her?” I ask. “You going to tell her how you feel?” Josh laughs. “I don’t know what you are talking about” I say as I step back on the boat to see if everything was cleaned out. “No Y/N stay please” Josh says in a mocking tone. I roll my eyes before I walk past him to the fire pit.
[Y/N Pov]
Today was weird. Earlier I fell getting on the boat having Quinn catch me, gave me butterflies. I have never gotten butterflies from Quinn before. Quinn hasn’t really talked to me all day, nor any of my friends. It seems like he is avoiding me because now I am at this fire pit by myself waiting for him watching all my friends from school mingle with Jack and all of his friends.
Finally Quinn and Josh walk up from the dock, so I stand up and go over to hand quinn the beer I grabbed for him when I grabbed myself one earlier. “Here” I smile handing Quinn the bottle, “Thanks” he smiles “Where is mine?” Josh pouts, “You know where they are” Quinn says. Josh leaves to go get a beer and Quinn looks at me “Well, my mom told me you graduated, congratulations!”, “Thanks” I smile at him but my smile quickly disappears when I ask “are you mad at me? Did I do something?”. “Of course not, why?”, “Quinn I haven’t seen you in 5 years and you really haven’t given me the time of day all day long. I was so excited to come and see you today and it hurts that someone I thought that would be just as excited to see me wasn’t” Quinn just looked at me, hurt in his eyes. He doesn’t say anything though. “Whatever, I’m going to find Jack” I say before leaving Quinn. 
The rest of the night I spent with Jack and Brit. Just drinking and trying to have a good time while I am here. “I will be right back. I have to pee” I say to Brit before walking towards the lake house. 
Once I finished up in the bathroom and start to walk down the hall I can hear a conversation down the hall. I wasn’t trying to evesdrop until I heard Quinn’s voice. He was explaining what happened between him and I outside. “So why won’t you talk to her?” josh questioned him “I mean it is pretty obvious… everyone on that boat, expect for you and Y/N know you have feelings for her”, “She is my best friend”, “why are you saying that like you are scared to lose her? You for real just hadn’t talked to her in years and your still alive”. ‘This day is so weird’ I think to myself. “I need a drink” Quinn says before going back outside. 
I turned around the corner before seeing Josh also looking at me. “Did you hear any of that?” Josh breaks the silence first. “Not on purpose” I lie, “Is that why Quinn has been acting weird? You think he wants to be more than just my friend?”, “I would say I think so, but I know so” Josh says before taking a sip of his beer. I, like Quinn, need a drink. 
After drabbing a drink, I head outside and find Quinn sitting with Brendan sipping his beer. I decide to walk past Quinn and Brendan before walking down to take a seat on the dock letting me legs dangle into the water. Immediately I felt the dock behind creak and a figure sit beside me. “Can I say something?” Quinn starts, “What?” I muttered back. “Actually, can you look at me please” Quinn says, I then tilt my head upwards looking beside me to Quinn that is already staring into my eyes. My heart begins to beat a little faster before Quinn puts his hand on the back of my neck pulling me in for a kiss and I let him. The kiss wasn’t long but definitely wasn’t short. 
When we broke apart Quinn begins “I fell in love with you the moment I saw you this morning”. Now I was the one that couldn’t speak. The kiss confirmed the butterflies I felt earlier in my stomach. “I’m sorry, I am an idiot” Quinn says standing up. “No wait” I say getting up to my feet. I grab his hand before saying “I am scared”, Quinn just looks at me with concern in his eyes that tell me to continue. “I overheard your conversation with Josh in the kitchen. And how he said that you haven’t talked to me in years and- I don’t know. I guess I am just thinking that seeing you again made me realize that I couldn’t live without again. I want you in my life but I-” I was cut off with Quinn’s lips again. Quinn pulls me in closer as the kiss becomes deeper. He pulls away “I think we found our way back to each other for a reason”.
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1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
closure - (b.brisson’s version)
summary - brendan signs for the nhl, and leaves his love behind, but he tries to give her some closure…..
type - blurb?? based on closure by tswift (lyrics italicized & bold) & (lower case intended)
warnings - none? a little sad but not much…. </3
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she’s not just a
wrinkle in your new life
he knew that it was going to come, and he didn’t want it to happen. y/n was the best thing that happened to him during his time playing for the university of michigan. he wasn’t looking for anyone, but that is the best type of love…. the ones that you don’t look for. walking into his life during the middle of the first semester of his freshman year (after the covid restrictions started to loosen up), she changed his life for the better. It took him a while to pursue her, as he wanted to party and not be tied down, but bords talked some sense into him since brendan wouldn’t shut up about her.
“go talk to her! I’m sick and tired of you saying all of these things about her, and then you won’t even try to ask her out!” bords told him as they walked into a shared class that they had with her.
“bords, she is too good for me, and when we sign to the nhl…. I don’t want to be tied down or crush a girl's heart before I leave.” brendan told his best friend seriously. but man, she was perfect, and all that he wanted.
thom just gave him a short look before the professor started class, he took out a pen & piece of paper and wrote: “you’ve got time, brisson. go for it”
brendan gave him a look and wrote: “fine, but if I get rejected….. I am blaming you!”
during his next class of the day, brendan sat next to the beautiful girl, he had shown up early and she took the seat next to him, smiling as she did. she was eating lucky charms cereal as a snack (and it was so cute) as she studied for the quiz. to make conversation, he quickly scanned her things, and then he saw her computer case, which prompted him to start talking to her.
“so uh— hockey and taylor swift? great combo.” brendan told her as they waited for class to start. he was terrified as he said that, hoping it would prompt a conversation rather than just being weird.
y/n looked up from her notes and started blushing. “yeah— they are my favorites. wait! you are brendan brisson, right?”
“yeah! nice to finally meet you, y/n.” he tells her, shaking her hand.
“CAN’T believe that you are complimenting my choices when you're the hockey star himself.” she tells him jokingly.
he smiles and replies “I am just an average guy with a big ego.”
“I don’t think you have a big ego, you’re a good player, I— uh- I watched team usa when you were on the team.” she told him, sheepishly, facing his direction and moving her computer.
he does the same, facing his body in front of hers in his chair, his knees touching hers. “oh realllyyyy.” he tells her singy song like as she blushed more.
“never said I was a fan of yours, brisson.” she told him snarkily back, hitting her knees against his.
“but you should be, we have a home game on friday and saturday. you should come!” he told her enthusiastically, and she blushes a little.
“oh-- I don't know briss, I don’t have any friends who like hockey and I don’t have any umich hockey merch. I’d look so out of place!” y/n nervously said, not making eye contact with brendan. the professor was about to start class, meaning he had limited time to try and convince her to go.
“I can let you borrow some of my merch, l/n, and my friends have some girlfriends that I think you know, like audrey?” he asked her softly since the professor started to quiet everyone down for the quiz.
y/n’s eyes lit up at that, and that’s when he knew that she’d say yes. she pulled out a bright yellow sticky note and wrote something quickly, since they couldn’t talk out loud at the moment because the quiz was about to start.
the note said in curly handwriting: “you win brisson. here is my number and I’ll see you at the game. or maybe after?”
xx - y/n
that started the friendship turned relationship of brendan & y/n. a year n a half later & y/n was the one thing in his life that made him feel love. feel the true love of someone who isn’t interested in him for his looks, or hockey. y/n was compassionate in her words and actions, supportive & loving of him and his passions. she was everything and more, but he knew that she couldn’t stay with him. she deserved better, so he decided to write a letter. vegas contacted him while they played minnesota before the games in allentown. he knew what he needed to do, as much as he wanted to live in his bubble at umich. so, when y/n came to pa, and watched him play….. he knew that he had to break it to her soon. she was just so happy for him, he could see her eyes brighten every time he scored, or when they won. she was ecstatic, she was the best he’d ever have. but he knew it wouldn’t last (but also knew that he would get her back soon, hopefully) so in boston, he had to let her know. he could have planned it out better, he could have fought for her, he could have made it work. but he knew, and even all the guys, especially owen told him…. she’d come back when the time was right. so, that night before the quarterfinal of the frozen four, he wrote her a letter.
a letter to give her closure.
the way it all went down
if you’re reading this, that means umich’s time in the frozen four is over, win or lose… it was the best season; because I had you. I want to start this off by saying that I fucking love you to the ends of the universe and I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted to willingly leave you behind. I never planned on falling so hard for you, or falling in love with you. you mean everything and more to me, and that’s why I can’t have you anymore. vegas called me, and I’m signing as you read this. I hope you understand and don’t resent me for it, because I wanted my last full memories with you at umich, and not you pushing me to go to vegas, or yelling at me to stay (as much as I wanted to) but I wanted the memory to be the core thing to keep me going until I see you again. I’m doing this not only for myself, but for us, baby. this isn’t a break up letter, this is closure so we can start the next chapter of our lives, together, soon. I’m signing with the henderson ahl squad, but you know me, I’ll be in the nhl in a blink. I want you there by my side, you have such an impact on my life, y/n l/n. I love you and call me when you land if you don’t resent me too much, I’ll be on the other line, waiting for your call. whether it's right when you land, or weeks after. I want your answer to my closure, I want you with me in vegas.
xx - yours, brendan <3
yes I got your letter
yes I’m doing better
it hurt deep to know you
right to the bone
her heart broke in half on that plane. she wanted to be there for him, and couldn’t. she didn’t need his closure, but she was glad that he did. she was happy for him, and all she wanted was the semester to be over so she could go to vegas. but she knew that even though he didn’t act like it, he needed time, time to be alone without her for a while. now what does a while mean? could be days, could be weeks, could be months. she called him back a week later, and decided to tell him that they were more than just friends, but she wasn’t his girlfriend anymore until she could come to vegas. that was the deal she made with herself, and that was the deal he agreed to even though it hurt him right to the bone.
staying friends
would it iron out so nice
his ahl career was short lived, and he signed to the nhl on the last week before the playoffs, which vegas did not make. meaning brendan would go home, and y/n would fly back to nova scotia to visit her parents. it was a cruel summer, being spent apart from one another, but it was good, good as one could get without spending that time with the love of their life. cliche, but true.
guilty, guilty reaching across the sea
that you put between you and me
summer came and went, little to no contact because of their schedules, but the new season of life was coming up. brendan’s debut was coming soon, and y/n’s junior year. middle of september came, and the umich season started, as well as the talks for the new rookie on the golden knights to debut. brendan convinced his head coach to let him wait until they played a closer team to debut, but the closest he could get was boston. the fateful place of where he last played as a ncaa player, the last time he played in front of her. when y/n heard the news of his debut coming to boston, she told her professors to help get her caught up, and she left as fast as she could. luckily it was on a friday, and she made it in time; wearing the same outfit as the last time she was in that arena for the frozen four. he had no clue she was coming, and she didn’t tell anyone until she called bords (in bold)
“il est là, juste devant moi. je suis gelé thom.” (he is here, right in front of me, I am frozen thom.)
“hé, hé, ça va aller. laissez-le vous voir. allez à votre siège, ou au verre. s'il te plaît?” (hey, hey, it’s going to be okay. go to your seat, or to the glass, okay?)
“d'accord d'accord! je suis tellement nerveux thom. et s'il ne veut pas de moi ici ? ça fait tellement longtemps.” (alright alright! im so nervous thom. what if he doesn’t want me here? it’s been so long.)
“il te veut là-bas, il est perdu sans toi, ma chérie. fais-toi connaître, je te promets que tout ira bien.” (he wants you there, he is lost without you, darling. make yourself known to him, I promise it will be okay.)
“merci thom, au revoir.” (thank you thom, goodbye.)
“j’taime!” ( love you!)
she walked down to the ice slowly, standing by the corner of the glass like she always did during his games, waiting for him to circle near her and touch his glove to the glass. it was a little pre warm up ritual that they did once they started dating, but really since the first game that she went to. so she waited, and then the lights dimmed, and she got her phone out to secretly record the rookie lap. he was graceful, and just like she remembered him. he was perfect, the lap was perfect. she put the phone down as the lights turned back on, and warm ups started. now, she waited to see if he saw her in the corner, the corner that haunted her memory.
he didn’t notice her at first, his mind was so consumed with not tripping and falling on the ice that he didn’t even look up to see the corner that she’d normally stand in, at every rink that she’d travel to for him. he wanted her there so bad, and was secretly hoping that she would be in that corner, and not back in michigan where she probably was. after his rookie lap, he went to the bench to tie his skates, check his tape…. and write y/n on the top of his handle tape. like he had done before every game, since he invited her. he always did it on the bench during it, so he could take that time to scan for her in the crowd, and that’s when she started to be in the corner. his eyes scanned the arena, and when he hit the corner she would stand in at every game (home or away), the arena went quiet, and his heart stopped.
standing there in the corner, holding up a “brendan brisson’s lucky charm” sign, with little hearts, his new number #24, and the lucky charm box cut out attached to the cute handwritten sign; was the love of his life, his y/n. she was wearing the same outfit as he last saw her in, in the same arena. she was stunning, and he fell in love with her all over again…….
she didn’t see him skate up to her at first, because she was scanning the room to see where he had gone. but her heart stopped when she locked eyes with him. the boy she fell in love with, the boy who would take her on ice cream dates and distract her from her homework, the party animal and best dancer around, the one that hurt her heart when he wanted closure…… was skating straight towards her.
the pair smiled at each other, and he touched his hand on the glass. she showed him the sign, and then made a “wait” motion with her free hand, and turned the sign around.
yes I got your letter
yes I’m doing better
but I don’t need your closure
when all I want is right in front of me
happy debut babe, j’taime <3
his heart soared, and he felt all of the emotions he could ever want to feel all at the same time. he drew a heart on the glass and skated away, with the biggest grin on his face.
that night he got his first nhl game, his first nhl goal / point, and the love of his life back. and he was so thankful that he could get closure, and now start a new chapter of his life, with the same girl on his side.
abbster’s taglist: @hockeyboysarehot @hockey-lover86 @hockey-lover-22 @erikports @pulpfixion @studsccsnackavoybambi @boeswhore @jamiedryzdale @owenpowersglasses @huggybug @pierrelucduboiis @calermakar08 @dylandukerr @the-stars-shine-above-us @dracoswhore007 @lwstuff @njdhischier & whoever else! (it wouldn’t load completely so sorry if I missed you <3)
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huggybug · 2 years
drunk on you - mark estapa
word count: 2.5k words
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“You suck as a best friend, you know that?” You glare at your best friend through the mirror.
Kailey freezes, mascara wand wavering in the air. “How do I suck? I got you an invite to a party with hot guys”
“You invited me to third wheel you and Steve… not the same”
“Do you not like Steve? Is that the issue?” She asks and you roll your eyes, she knew that wasn’t the problem. Ever since they started dating, Steve had been around your dorm almost everyday and while it would normally be annoying, he was nice so you became friends with him instead.
“Who doesn’t like me?” You look to see none other than Steve walking into your dorm with a bottle of vodka.
“Nobody, we love you because you bring us alcohol” You grinned, snagging the bottle from his hands, busying yourself with pouring shots while the happy couple greets each other.
“She’s mad that she has to third wheel us tonight” Kailey explained, taking the shot from your hand and then passing the other one to Steve.
“I can get Briss to hang out tonight” He grinned and you rolled your eyes. Brendan Brisson was a residual pain in your side. He was one of Steve’s friends that you’ve actually met and ever since, he’s been trying to hang out with you; going as far as inviting himself along when the three of you would hang out.
“No thank you” You would rather be a third wheel all night before spending any time alone with Brendan.
“Well take some shots and suck it up because we gotta go”
The party was well underway by the time you got there. Steve ran off to the kitchen to get drinks while you and Kailey made your way into the house.
“Y/n!” You hear Kailey giggle when you feel an arm land on your shoulders.
“Hi Briss” You smile politely at the boy who was always happy to see you.
“I didn’t know you were coming tonight”
“Mhm Kails and Steve bullied me into coming” You ignore the cry from your best friend who was defending herself to Brendan.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you have a good time” He winks which makes you roll your eyes but smile anyways. As much as you didn’t love Brendan, you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t fun at parties.
“Did you see that girl Briss was with?” Mark asks Mackie who looks up to search the crowd for who he’s talking about.
“Yeah, she looks familiar but I don’t know who she is” Mackie shrugs.
“Can you go ask what their deal is” Mark looks back to where you and Brendan are sitting together on the couch.
“Why? You wanna talk to her?”
“Maybe” Mark huffs, taking a sip of his drink.
“Alright, give me five” Mackie grabs a beer and heads into the crowd, slowly inching his way towards you and Brendan.
“Briss!” Brendan’s story is interrupted when a guy plops down beside him, shaking the couch and almost making you spill your drink. He looks annoyed but you couldn’t have been more thankful for the interruption.
“I’m going to find Kailey, I’ll see you later Brendan” You smile at the new boy before patting Brendan’s leg and standing up, making your escape.
“Dude what’s up with that?” Mackie asks casually.
“Nothing” Brendan shrugs, “Just Y/n”
“Got it, well see you later” Mackie jumps up, determined to get back to the kitchen to find Mark but Luke’s calling him over for a game of beer pong and… well, Mark can wait.
Across the room, you’re weaving your way through everybody to get to the kitchen, knowing Kailey would’ve headed there to find Steve. Your suspicions are confirmed when you see them making out in the corner. You roll your eyes before moving on, setting your sights on the drinks. As you’re pouring yourself a drink, a body comes crashing into you from behind and then you feel two hands on your hips.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry” You turn around to see a wide eyed boy smiling gently down at you.
“You’re fine, don’t worry about it” Mark’s heart is pounding in his chest, he’s actually surprised you can’t hear it over the music pumping through the house. He was so busy waiting for Mackie to come back with a status report, he didn’t even notice the girl that Nolan shoved him into was you.
“I’m Mark” He blurts out, not the smoothest move but you smile and give him your name in return. “So… do you usually come to these? I haven’t seen you around”
“Not really, I was kinda dragged here tonight” You admit sheepishly.
“Oh yeah? You came with someone?” He asks cautiously, knowing the answer might very well be that you were invited by Brendan. It’s then that he realizes his hands are still on your hips, he flexes his fingers before pulling back entirely and you miss the warmth almost instantly.
He watches as your eyes flicker over his right shoulder and then you nod your head in that direction. “Yeah, the world’s grossest couple over there” You both laugh as you watch the terrible PDA but Mark turns back to you before he can get a good look at who it is.
“So they brought you and then have been doing that all night?” Mark asks, clearly amused.
“Mhm, shit friends right?”
“How about I’ll be your friend for the night then? I promise I won’t ditch you like they did”
“Hey, it’s better than me standing next to them while they do that all night” You cringe and Mark laughs.
“Okay yeah, you’ve got me there”
“But you can definitely be my friend tonight” You grin.
“Well come on, first rule of being my friend is you have to be way more drunk than this” Mark reaches over you and then somehow produces two shots, handing one over to you.
You grin, clinking the cups together before downing yours, watching Mark as he does the same. “I think we’ll be good friends Mark” You wink and Mark swears he dies a little.
Hours go by, Steve and Kailey are long forgotten because you’re too busy having fun with Mark. He stuck by your side all night, supplying drinks and snacks as per your request. You even got him out on the dance floor at one point.
The night was going perfectly for Mark. He initially just thought you were cute but after talking quite a bit, he discovered you have a lot in common, even down to sharing the same major.
“Hey, I know your friend!” Mark yells into your ear and you can guarantee the alcohol is hitting him just as hard as it’s hitting you.
“You know Kailey!” You ask excitedly.
“Huh? No. Steve, I know Steve”
“You know Steve?” You ask. It shouldn’t be that confusing because you know Steve is ‘popular’, plenty of people know him since he plays on the hockey team but for some reason you didn’t expect Mark to know him.
“Yeah, I play hockey with him” He explains and finally it all clicks.
“You’re a hockey player? You know Brendan?” You ask and Mark nods.
Steve comes into view, stealing your attention away from Mark. “Y/n! I’ve been looking everywhere for you, Kailey wants to leave, are you ready too?”
“Oh- yeah sure” You turn back to Mark, “Thanks for being my friend tonight, I’ll see you around yeah?”
“Yeah for sure” He says. You grin, leaning to plant a kiss on his cheek before running towards the front door where you can see Kailey sitting.
“Thanks for hanging with her tonight dude” Steve claps a hand on Mark’s shoulder who is still in shock from your quick kiss. “See you tomorrow”
“Steve. Steve-o. Stevie” Mark grins when he sees the guy he’s been waiting for all morning finally walk into the locker room for practice.
“Mark” Steve answers, completely straight faced. Mark does a quick glance around the room, making sure Briss isn’t there yet, just in case.
“What’s up with Y/n?”
“What about her?” Steve looks up from taping his stick with a raised eyebrow.
“Why haven’t you brought her to a party before?” His question piques the interest of Nolan and Matty who are sitting nearby in their own stalls.
“She’s usually pretty busy, hangs out with the football team a lot. Why?”
Mark shrugs. “She’s cool”
“Oh yeah? She was saying you guys were together all night” Steve smirked and Mark’s cheeks flamed.
“Yeah… anyway, can you give me her number?” Mark asks hopefully.
“Sorry bud, can’t do that”
“What? Why?”
“Because I promised Kailey I wouldn’t pimp her out to the boys, also if she wanted you to have her number, she would’ve given it to you” Nolan snorts from beside Steve.
“Dude you spent all night with this girl and didn’t get her number?” Matty asks, holding back a laugh and Mark glared at him.
“I… forgot. We were talking and the next thing I know, he’s dragging her away” Mark points accusingly at Steve who shakes his head.
“Kailey wanted to leave. Those two can’t be separated so Y/n had to come too” He explains. “Sorry Marky, maybe you can ask next time you see her”
Mark rolls his eyes and storms back to his stall.
“So… Mark Estapa?” Kailey raises her eyebrows at you which makes you laugh.
“He’s nice, really funny”
“And you wanna hook up with him” She supplied when you stopped talking. You let out a loud laugh.
“How does him being nice equal me wanting to hook up?” You ask, interested in hearing her answer.
“Oh please, I know you” She waves her hand, dismissing your question.
“You’re ridiculous” You roll your eyes. “He was fun to hang out with but that’s all, I didn’t even give him my number”
“There’s your task for the next party then!”
“I never agreed to another one” You protest weakly.
“Shh, don’t worry about it babe”
The next weekend brought another hockey party, one you weren’t vehemently against attending. “Is she coming tonight?” Mark asked as he barged into the house where most of the guys already were, helping get everything ready for tonight.
“Hi Estapa, how are you” Blanks smiled from beside Steve and Nolan.
“Dude chill” Nolan laughed.
“I don’t know if she’s coming” Steve finally answered and Mark groaned.
“Can you just make sure she’s here?”
“I’ll ask Kailey” Steve sighed.
When you heard about the party, you agreed pretty easily. “Are you sure? You don’t have to come if you don’t want” Kailey said with a hint of a smirk on her face.
“No it’s fine, I’ll just check it out and if it’s lame, I’ll leave” You say nonchalantly. It wasn’t like you were dying to see Mark again… however you also weren’t avoiding it.
“You came!” You had barely made it in the front door when Mark spotted you.
“Hey, yeah I heard someone wanted me to be here” You grinned. Steve had texted Kailey earlier today, informing her that Mark was asking about you and it piqued your interest which then of course, led to you coming to the party.
“Oh hm wonder who that’d be” Mark’s face flushed which was terribly endearing to you. You didn’t say anything back, just grabbed his hand and dragged him through the party.
Once again, you spent the whole night with Mark, talking and drinking, really having the best time together. Eventually, the night did come to an end and once again, Steve was pulling you away to get you home.
“Do you want to leave now?” Steve asked and you looked between him and Mark hesitantly.
“I can get you home later if you want to stay” Mark says, squeezing your hand that you now realize he was still holding.
“Yeah I’ll stay” Steve nods, telling Mark to take care of you tonight before heading off, picking up Kailey before leaving the party.
You were so wrapped up in Mark you didn’t realize how fast time had gone by, the party was clearing out before you knew it and Mark was trying to pull you up from the couch.
“Don’t ruin the party!” Dylan cried from beside you which made you laugh at the face Mark pulled at his friend. You had hung out with the freshman tonight, they were a fun group and didn’t give you weird looks like some of the older guys on Mark’s team did.
“I told Steve I’d bring her home”
“Steve’s not my dad, I don’t have to go home” You say which makes Dylan and Luke agree with you.
“Well you’re not staying on Blanks’ floor so let’s go back to the dorms” Mark wasn’t taking no for an answer. He pulled you along with him and Eddy followed close behind. Luke and Dylan were running down the road ahead of you and suddenly, you loved this little group of boys you’d landed in.
“Hey, thanks for walking me back” You squeezed Mark’s hand which you apparently hadn’t let go of all night.
“Anytime, what else are friends for?” He winks and you laugh.
“Is that really all we are Marky? Friends?” You were teasing but there was still a question to be answered. You didn’t want to be just friends with Mark. You liked him, he was a nice guy and he certainly wasn’t bad to look at.
“I mean…” He wasn’t sure what to say. The guys had been bothering him all night about it. How he should make a move or at the very least make sure you know how he felt. Matty and Nolan had probably spent half their nights shooting him the look.
“We’re good Mark, I’m kidding” You smiled softly, not wanting this to be any more awkward.
“No I… would you want to go out sometime? Y’know, not to a party..?”
“Are you asking me out?” You ask, your smile growing wider when you see his cheeks turning pink. “I’d love to”
“Thank god” He lets out a sigh of relief which makes you laugh. “I think the guys would kick me off the team if you turned me down”
“Well we can’t have that can we” You grinned, pecking his cheek before running after Duker, leaving Mark behind as he watched you goof off with his friends and he realized that he could definitely get used to that.
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macknnons · 2 years
for the one word prompt thing - 1322 and the word is mouth :))
“Has Kent always been so, like— talkative? On the bench?”
“I don’t know. I never noticed it and they keep showing him chatting up with the guys on TV and it’s weird. I feel like I should have noticed that earlier.”
Owen can feel himself turn red when Brendan answers with a big booming laugh from the other side of his phone. “Oh, Big Dog.”
“No. Shut up, Briss. I know I shouldn’t have shared that with you.”
Brendan shakes his head before rearranging himself on his long chair, one arm thrown behind him. Owen guesses he must be on the patio of his Cali house, pool nearby ready to be jumped in. He kind of looks like an asshole with the smirk on his face but Owen can’t even be mad, he’s known Brendan for way too long for that. He knew what he was getting into when he called him to talk about Worlds.
“Easy, babe. It’s okay. You found out that your crush loves to run his mouth on the bench and now he also loves to celebrate with his tongue out so that’s something. It’s normal to freak out or maybe be a lil’ jealous.”
Owen is not freaking out. Owen is not being jealous. Owen doesn’t have a crush on Kent. Owen is feeling perfectly normal when he sees Kent’s obvious chemistry with Barzal and Batherson and Sillinger and— whatever.
“I mean,” Brendan continues when Owen has been too busy in his own thoughts to formulate an answer. “KJ’s mouth is truly something. You know the only reason I haven’t hit on him is because I love you so much for that.”
“The only reason you haven’t hit on KJ is because you’ve been too busy fucking around with Bordy so don’t come to give me lessons about feelings, Briss.”
Brendan’s hand immediately moves to his heart, the shot/touché movement so exaggerated in a very Briss manner.
Truthfully, Brendan is probably the only person Owen allows himself to be mean with but that’s what happens when Brendan Brisson happens to be the first person you told you thought you were gay and also the first person you kissed.
Owen will forever remember that moment in Chicago when Brendan climbed on his lap, held onto his head with both of his hands and kissed him square on the mouth.
(“Was that okay?” “Hm, maybe?” “Maybe? Oh my god, I didn’t turn you straight, did I?” “No, I— I’m pretty sure I can not be into you and still like boys, Briss.” “I mean, that’s gonna bruise my ego but yeah okay, for sure.”)
That had been a little awkward and very much a one-time only thing but it still got them closer and here they were now, pining over their stupid teammates together from different sides of the continent.
“Well, at least I already bought Thom his Montreal-LA ticket. Do you have plans to see Kent this summer? You should definitely get into that. Not gonna tell you what you should do next because you’re gonna murder me with your eyes through the lenses of your phone but, you know.”
Owen rolls his eyes. “Sure. Gotta go Briss, bye.”
Brendan will survive being hung up on. The boy needs to be bullied from time to time.
And Owen, he needs to sit in front of one particular text message thread and figure things out.
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send me a word + a pairing and I’ll write a little something.
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rutgersmcgroarty · 3 years
Since the draft is coming up I present to you the university of michigan 2021 draft trio:
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the umich draft trio consists of 3 players that played at the university of michigan this past season and are projected to go in the top 10. You've got the one i think everyone knows, owen power who is projected to go 1st overall, matty beniers who is projected to go 2nd overall and kent johnson who is projected to go 9th. they're my favourite players in the draft and really hope yall grow to like them as much as i do because they're amazing
Kent Johnson, #13:
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from port moody, bc
born October 12th 2002
played for the trail smokers eaters in the bchl before coming to umich
led the bchl in scoring with 101 points in 52 games. Was names to the first-team all-bchl. Was named canadian junior hockey league top forward of the year. Had a 46-point season as a rookie in 2018-19 and was named bchl all-rookie and interior division rookie of the year
one of the most entertaining players I've seen play at michigan and he has some amazing hands
by amazing hands, i mean that he does shit that i didnt even know existed
Finished second on the team in scoring with 27 points on 9 goals and 18 assists in 26 games. Ranked second in rookie scoring in the big ten, third in the nation rookie points per game
Started his collegiate career on a four-game point-scoring streak and had a four-assist game in his debut
was on the big ten all-freshman team, was a all-big ten honorable mention, and was nominated for the hobey baker
fun facts:
his brother kyle plays for yale
he can juggle a ball on his stick while standing on one foot
he has beautiful hair
looks scarily like someone from my math class
won the bronze medal at BC provincials he's 2nd year of peewee
a really big breakfast guy (his favourites are pancakes and crapes)
was a canucks fan, his favourite player rn is pettersson (the canucks pick 9th btw so there's a very high chance he goes there)
"at some points you cant coach him anymore" - mel pearson
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Matty Beniers, #10:
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from hingham, mass
born november 5th 2002
played at the ntdp before coming to umich.
his u18 season he was second on the team in scoring with 41 points (18 goals, 23 assists) in 44 games. Scored 23 points in 42 games in his first year with the ntdp in 2018-19. Got called up his u17 year and won bronze at the 2019 IIHF U18 Men's World Championship
he was the youngest player on the us world junior team and world championship team this year
this year he had 24 points (10 goals, 14 assists) in 24 games - 3rd in the league in freshmen scoring and 4th nationally. he scored Michigan's first goal of the season and started his career on a four-game point streak
was on the big ten all-freshman team and was a all-big ten honorable mention. was also on the college hockey news all-rookie team.
like to skate circles around ppl
fun facts:
he’s a really good singer
was supposed to go to harvard but transferred to michigan last minute when the ivy league cancelled it's season
he has a super cute dog named bella
his sister goes to cornell, and his dad played football there
his mom performed on broadway (which is how he learned to sing)
says that "he needs to work on his goal scoring mentality" (matthew you lead the team in scoring i think your goal scoring mentality is fine)
very smiley and bubbly
very very smart (pre-med major)
doesn't chirp very much (not surprised matty is way too nice to do that)
his mom moved to michigan with him when he went to the ntdp
his coach made him sing in front of his whole ntdp team at the beginning their u17 year (he sang the jersey boys)
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Owen Power, #22:
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from mississauga, ontario
born november 22nd 2002
played for the chicago steel in the ushl before coming to umich
in the 2019-20 season he was the USHL defenseman of the year and he led the league's defensemen in scoring with 40 points. he was named to the ushl first-team all-star, the ushl All-Rookie Team in 2018-19 with 28 points in 58 games.
"kid canada," youngest player to ever play for canada at the world championships
at 6'5, 214 lb he is, as tsn like to say "a big boy"
was a preseason all-big ten honourable mention, was fourth in the big ten in defenseman scoring, seventh in the big ten in freshman scoring, 2nd in the nation in freshman defenseman points per game and had a three-point (2 goals) game in his collegiate debut (as a defenceman).
was on the all-big ten second team, was a unanimous selection on the big ten all-freshman team, was a finalist for big ten freshmen of the year, was nominated for the hobey baker, was college hockey news rookie of the year, and was on the college hockey news all-rookie team
is supposed to go first overall
he has an absolute rocket of a shot, a really good stickhandler, and a really good skater
fun facts:
used to play lacrosse during the summer when he was younger, won a national championship
he likes to play basketball, so here's a video of him and the rest of the umich team playing (he airballed it and it was vv funny)
sports management major but dosent know exactly what it is
celebrity crush is selena gomez
his nickname is the big dog
was supposed to go to the ojhl but chose to go play in the ushl when the steel drafted him
takes his chicken wings with barbecue and nothing else
prefer doing school online
the first thing he wants to do next season is watch a football game at the big house
his favourite player to watch right is victor hedman (he also thinks that hedman is the best defenceman in the world rn)
had a rink in his backyard and that's how he fell in love with hockey
he would pretend to be crosby while on that backyard rink (owen arent you supposed to be a defenceman lmao)
not a big tv/movie guy, he mostly just watch's sports during his downtime (why am i not surprised)
he like to golf but is "not very good" (his handicap is a 10 which is appenrently good so)
if he weren't a hockey player he would be a lacross player
lebron is the athlete he dislikes the most
he doesn't say (chirp) much on the ice (once again i am not surprised lmao)
if matty and him got the chance to play each other at worlds (they didn't cause matty was scratched the first time and injured the 2nd) someone would have gotten whacked in the leg/foot but nobody would have really said anything
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basically Michigan could very easily have 2 players picked in the top 5 and 3 players picked in the top 10. and if you haven't realised how special that class is, they also have thomas bordeleau and brendan brisson in it, which means that they're soon gonna have 4 first rounders in one class, and 6 nhl draft picks. (for context a lot of teams don't even have 6 drafted players on the entire roster)
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sportsrepo · 3 years
U-M Falters Late in Overtime Loss to No. 14 Notre Dame
U-M Falters Late in Overtime Loss to No. 14 Notre Dame
Story Links Next Game: Notre Dame 11/20/2021 | 8:00 PM B1G+ » Erik Portillo made 36 saves, a new single-game best, on 39 shots faced. » Matty Beniers tallied one goal and one assist to notch his fifth consecutive multi-point game. » Brendan Brisson also scored and chipped in an assist for a two-point game. Site: Ann Arbor, Mich. (Yost Ice Arena)Score: #14 Notre Dame 3, #1 Michigan 2…
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huggybug · 2 years
-trevor anon
bren time😻
as much as you wanted to hate having thomas as a brother, you knew you couldn’t. he was the sweetest sibling, and you two never fought. you could always leave it to jade to get in a fight with him. now, the reason you wanted to hate thomas for being your brother, was a simple reason. he had banned his teammates from dating you, which proved to be an issues when you met them and they were all extremely attractive. the most attractive? of course it had to be his best friend, brendan brisson. you knew that it would absolutely never happen, so you pushed that attraction deep down until you almost forgot it even existed. it all came back to though, when you traveled to michigan to watch thomas. it was the first game of the season, and you promised him you would come watch. your parents were going to book you a hotel, but thomas shot that down immediately and said you could stay in his room at the house he was staying at. you hung out with the guys a lot, slowly remembering your attraction towards your brother’s best friend. when it came time for the game, you suddenly freaked out because you had somehow forgotten your michigan hockey sweatshirt you had planned on wearing. or maybe you forgot it on purpose, hoping brendan would let you borrow his. it turned out well, because he did. he saw you freaking out, talking to yourself about, “what do i wear??” he took that as a sign and handed you one of his michigan sweatshirts, motioning for you to put it on. “thanks.” “no problem. can’t have our biggest fan not looking like they support us.” you smiled, thanking him again, before shooting him out the door. “you can’t be late, come on!” thomas gave you a weird look as you walked out the door, but you thought nothing of it. you watched them all play, but you were fascinated by brendan. what made you so fascinated? you didn’t know, but you liked it. later that night, thomas had gone to bed, and brendan sent you a message on insta telling you to sneak into his room, and you happily did so, still wearing his sweatshirt. as soon as you made it in his room, he pushed you up against the wall, him shirtless and breathing heavy. “you know, it took everything in me not you take you right there when you put my sweatshirt on. you look so hot with my name on your back, telling everyone you’re mine.” he let go of you and you pushed off the wall, looking at yourself in the mirror. of course his sweatshirt has his name on it. “you know, i’m still wearing your sweatshirt, so why don’t you take me right here, right now?” “thomas is gonna kill me. fuck it.” he grabbed you, kissing you hungrily, as if it’s the only opportunity he’d ever have to.” he stopped abruptly, as if he had something on his mind. “take the sweatshirt off.” you took it off, and he groaned when you had nothing on under. he stood up and grabbed something and handed it to you to put on. his jersey. you slipped it on and took your shorts off, your bare ass showing through the jersey. “god damnit. why do you have to be so hot?” he grabbed you, slipping his hands under the jersey to grip your boobs. “i need you, bren.” “flip over.” you flipped over and laid on your stomach with your ass in the air. you knew what he wanted. he wanted to fuck you while he could see his name on your back. so he knows you belong to him. he took his pants off and slipped a condom on. “ready.” “hell yes.” he slammed into you, causing you to let out a moan, before quickly covering your mouth. he found spots you never even knew existed, pounding into them like there was no tomorrow. he knew when you were close, as he could feel your walls clenching around him. “you can come, baby.” the simple pet name sent you over the edge, having to bite your hand to keep yourself under control. he came slowly after you, groaning. “that was amazing, baby.” “fuck. what are we gonna do about my brother?” “he’ll know eventually, baby. he’ll see the hickeys i’m gonna leave on your neck and see how good i treat you.” “i should probably get back before he realizes i’m gone.” “yeah, you should.”
oh my god
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sportsrepo · 3 years
Blankenburg Plays OT Hero for Michigan in Win at No. 17 Western Michigan
Blankenburg Plays OT Hero for Michigan in Win at No. 17 Western Michigan
Story Links Next Game: Wisconsin 10/28/2021 | 7:00 PM Big Ten Network » Nick Blankenburg scored his first career game-winning goal in overtime. » Brendan Brisson tallied his team-leading sixth goal of the season in the first period. » Erik Portillo stopped a penalty shot in the second period, one of his career-high 33 saves. Site: Kalamazoo, Mich. (Lawson Ice Arena)Score: #1 Michigan 3, #17…
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